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Shuguli Padilla
Kerly Paola
Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE
Unidad de Educaci坦n a Distancia
 My family is small. We are five people in my family:
my mom, my dad, my sister ,my brother and me. We
live in Quito in the La Chorrera sector for 20
years. My family is united and happy.
My brothers and I study.My parents work.
 My name is Kerly Paola Shuguli
Padilla. I was born on August 27th,
2000 in Quito. I study at the
University of the Fuerzas Armadas.
I am small, happy, friendly,
responsible and sensitive. I love
making friends and I love gummies.
 My mother's name is Myriam
Jacqueline Padilla Caisatasig, and she
is Ecuadorian. She was born on May
26th, 1980 in Latacunga and moved to
Quito when she was 18 years old. She is
a cleaning assistant. She is very funny,
short, crazy and very sociable. Her is
my favorite person in this world.
 My father's name is
Juan Patricio Shuguli Iza, and he is
Ecuadorian. He was born on July
20th, 1975 in Quito. He is
Carpenter. He is tall, serious and
love football. He likes to talk a lot
and he also likes to play with my
 My sister's name is Mayerly Nicolet
Shuguli Padilla but she likes to be called
Nicky, and she's Ecuadorian. She was
born on November 15th, 2001 in Quito.
She is studying at the University of the
Fuerzas Armadas in the career Initial
Education. She is very intelligent, short,
persevering and loves chocolates.
 He is my little brother. Him name is
John Maykel Shuguli Padilla, but
everybody calls him Maykel. He was
born on September 22nd, 2014 in
Quito. He is five years old. He is
funny and friendly. I love him, and I
help him a lot with her homework.
I'm so proud of him.

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A2.Shuguli.Kerly.English Breakthrought A.2

  • 1. Surname: Shuguli Padilla Name: Kerly Paola Subject: ENGLISH BREAKTHROUGHT A.2 NRC: 8691 Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE Unidad de Educaci坦n a Distancia
  • 2. MY FAMILY My family is small. We are five people in my family: my mom, my dad, my sister ,my brother and me. We live in Quito in the La Chorrera sector for 20 years. My family is united and happy.
  • 3. My brothers and I study.My parents work.
  • 4. MY DESCRIPTION My name is Kerly Paola Shuguli Padilla. I was born on August 27th, 2000 in Quito. I study at the University of the Fuerzas Armadas. I am small, happy, friendly, responsible and sensitive. I love making friends and I love gummies.
  • 5. MOTHER My mother's name is Myriam Jacqueline Padilla Caisatasig, and she is Ecuadorian. She was born on May 26th, 1980 in Latacunga and moved to Quito when she was 18 years old. She is a cleaning assistant. She is very funny, short, crazy and very sociable. Her is my favorite person in this world.
  • 6. FATHER My father's name is Juan Patricio Shuguli Iza, and he is Ecuadorian. He was born on July 20th, 1975 in Quito. He is Carpenter. He is tall, serious and love football. He likes to talk a lot and he also likes to play with my brother.
  • 7. SISTER My sister's name is Mayerly Nicolet Shuguli Padilla but she likes to be called Nicky, and she's Ecuadorian. She was born on November 15th, 2001 in Quito. She is studying at the University of the Fuerzas Armadas in the career Initial Education. She is very intelligent, short, persevering and loves chocolates.
  • 8. BROTHER He is my little brother. Him name is John Maykel Shuguli Padilla, but everybody calls him Maykel. He was born on September 22nd, 2014 in Quito. He is five years old. He is funny and friendly. I love him, and I help him a lot with her homework. I'm so proud of him.