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A a r o n D a m o n e G o o d i n g
***Security Clearance: SECRET (OPM) ***
OCONUS professional with outstanding experience in the 鍖eld of Human Resources, Logistics, Supply, Inventory, Shipping,
Receiving and Warehousing. Excels at coordinating tasks of numerous internal divisions and external agencies to ensure accu-
rate delivery of equipment, materials, and resources. Provides solutions and answers to logistic situations involving storage,
manipulation, movement, and control. Record of accomplishment in identifying redundancies and maximizing resources to
streamline operational objectives. Understands the principle of performance evaluation and prediction to improve product/
systems safety, reliability, and maintainability. Ensures accuracy and completeness in compiling and managing logistical data,
documentation and reports vital to senior management. Expertly formulates and meets logistical goals directly related to mis-
sion success through proper calculation and tasking of equipment and personnel.
 Logistics Coordinator (PBUSE Certi鍖cate/10-14 May 2010)
 Forklift/Heavy Equipment Operator
 Inventory Control
 Administrative Assistant
 Human Resources Lead
 A/DACG Operations
 Report Generation and Documenting
 Supply Manager / Shipping and Receiving
 Warehouse Operations Lead
P r o f e s s i o n a l P r o f i l e
 Adept in following logistical plans, policies, and procedures necessary to provide support in the logistics
areas of supply, inventory management, storage management, cataloging and property utilization.
 Demonstrated ability to perform multiple concurrent responsibilities in fast-paced settings; strong attention
to detail and emphasis on accuracy; superior time management and organizational abilities.
 Skills include ability to lead by example, and to delegate tasks when necessary to implement, facilitate, and
maintain organizational structure and cohesiveness in support of mission requirements.
 Highly experienced in administrative duties such as travel arrangements, expense reports, creating and
maintaining a pristine 鍖ling system, and composing presentations for meetings.
 Experienced in handling and organizing all materials to minimize damage, operating forklift equipment and
performing routine maintenance.
 Stellar resiliency to constant change, and the ability to adapt to challenging situations and tackle urgent,
unannounced tasks within a high operational tempo environment.
 Adept at networking and establishing working relations with functional areas of concern to enhance opera-
tions essential to success of the mission.
 Mission 鍖rst determination and stellar resiliency to constant change with the ability to adapt to challenging
situations and tackle urgent, unannounced tasks.
 Strong organizational skills with the ability to prioritize determine resource requirements and coordinate
with other organizations to accomplish goals, monitor progress and evaluate outcomes.
 Pro鍖cient in air鍖eld/runway driving procedures and air traf鍖c control tower radio protocol.
 Key Strengths Include:
 Strategic Planningcontributes to the overall success of projects by seeing the bigger picture and kno-
wing how to break deliverables down into manageable tasks.
 Project Managementskilled in setting priorities, establishing timelines, and 鍖nding solutions to issues
before becoming problematic.
 Strong Communication Skillscombines an approachable style and in-depth knowledge of methodolo-
gies that instills con鍖dence in others to get the job done on schedule and on budget.
 Effective Team Leadershipemploys patience and perseverance, adapting to cultural differences and
maximizing team contributions.
P r o f e s s i o n a l E x p e r i e n c e
Worldwide Language Resources, Inc.  Kabul International Airport (HKAIA), Afghanistan Oct 2014  Aug 2016
- Camp Leatherneck, Helmand Province, Afghanistan Mar 2010 - Oct 2014
Site Lead/Heavy Equipment Operator/Accountable Clerk
 Adhere to Standard Operating Procedures in Mail Call, and Inspection, Supply, Finance, and Ac-
countable mail.
 Supervise all areas of operation as Site Lead, including QC inspections.
 Manage and upload / download base and region-specific reports using SmartSheet.com.
 Administer Accountable parcels to company-specific unit mail clerks.
 Utilize SkyTrak MMV Rough Terrain Variable Reach Lift to transport containers; utilize Air Force 10K all-terrain
forklift and Hyster forklifts to transport various equipment and pallets on the airfield.
 Perform PMCS on forklifts; palletize Air Force 463-L pallets arriving/departing the airfield.
 Prepare cargo (weigh, mark, measure, load, secure, manifest, compute, and mark center of balance).
 Apply RFID tag or a Military Shipping Label (MSL) with a bar coded Transportation Control Number (TCN) to
unit equipment and cargo.
 Secure mail into intermodal containers.
 Complete daily and weekly reports using the Automated Military Postal System (AMPS).
 Communicate with regional associates and global customers using Non-secure Internet Protocol Router Network
Textron Inc.  際際滷ll, LA April 2008  Mar 2010
Administrative Assistant
 Assisted with departmental projects such as responding to notices from governmental agencies, quarterly
tax estimate processing, and annual report preparation.
 Arranged travel Schedule and reservations for management as needed and prepared expense reports.
 Screened calls and of鍖ce visitors, responded to inquiries and messages.
 Managed record retention for all department documents, including storage, retrieval and destruction of records.
 Provided administrative support, phone coverage, to other executive/senior management as needed.
Rouses Enterprises  際際滷ll, LA Feb 2006  April 2008
Human Resources Assistant / Warehouse Manager / Forklift Operator / Warehouse Receiving Manager
 Processed, verified, and maintained documentation relating to personnel activities such as staffing, re-
cruitment, training, grievances, performance evaluations, and classifications.
 Recorded data for each employee, including addresses, weekly earnings, absences, amount of sales or production,
supervisory reports on performance, and dates of and reasons for terminations.
 Recorded inventory and quantity of truck deliveries with Microsoft Of鍖ce.
 Operated forklift for warehouse organization and shipping/receiving shipments.
 Consolidated stock in warehouse to pallets using forklift.
 Accurately inventoried items for order with the use of RF scanners.
Habitat for Humanity  New Orleans, LA Aug 2005  Jul 2006
 Performed interior demolition and reconstruction (sheetrock/painting) of residential housing units.
 Removed and Disposed of Hazardous Materials from residential properties.
 Adhered to homeowners requests that salvageable items be secured and brought to personal storage for safekeeping.
 Restored the interior of residential properties by removing and installing sheetrock, 鍖oorboards, kitchen/bathroom
appliances, and windows.
 Recorded and photographed removal and restoration of properties until completion for homeowners.

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  • 1. A a r o n D a m o n e G o o d i n g aarong1413@gmail.com ***Security Clearance: SECRET (OPM) *** OCONUS professional with outstanding experience in the 鍖eld of Human Resources, Logistics, Supply, Inventory, Shipping, Receiving and Warehousing. Excels at coordinating tasks of numerous internal divisions and external agencies to ensure accu- rate delivery of equipment, materials, and resources. Provides solutions and answers to logistic situations involving storage, manipulation, movement, and control. Record of accomplishment in identifying redundancies and maximizing resources to streamline operational objectives. Understands the principle of performance evaluation and prediction to improve product/ systems safety, reliability, and maintainability. Ensures accuracy and completeness in compiling and managing logistical data, documentation and reports vital to senior management. Expertly formulates and meets logistical goals directly related to mis- sion success through proper calculation and tasking of equipment and personnel. Logistics Coordinator (PBUSE Certi鍖cate/10-14 May 2010) Forklift/Heavy Equipment Operator Inventory Control Administrative Assistant Human Resources Lead A/DACG Operations Report Generation and Documenting Supply Manager / Shipping and Receiving Warehouse Operations Lead P r o f e s s i o n a l P r o f i l e Adept in following logistical plans, policies, and procedures necessary to provide support in the logistics areas of supply, inventory management, storage management, cataloging and property utilization. Demonstrated ability to perform multiple concurrent responsibilities in fast-paced settings; strong attention to detail and emphasis on accuracy; superior time management and organizational abilities. Skills include ability to lead by example, and to delegate tasks when necessary to implement, facilitate, and maintain organizational structure and cohesiveness in support of mission requirements. Highly experienced in administrative duties such as travel arrangements, expense reports, creating and maintaining a pristine 鍖ling system, and composing presentations for meetings. Experienced in handling and organizing all materials to minimize damage, operating forklift equipment and performing routine maintenance. Stellar resiliency to constant change, and the ability to adapt to challenging situations and tackle urgent, unannounced tasks within a high operational tempo environment.
  • 2. Adept at networking and establishing working relations with functional areas of concern to enhance opera- tions essential to success of the mission. Mission 鍖rst determination and stellar resiliency to constant change with the ability to adapt to challenging situations and tackle urgent, unannounced tasks. Strong organizational skills with the ability to prioritize determine resource requirements and coordinate with other organizations to accomplish goals, monitor progress and evaluate outcomes. Pro鍖cient in air鍖eld/runway driving procedures and air traf鍖c control tower radio protocol. Key Strengths Include: Strategic Planningcontributes to the overall success of projects by seeing the bigger picture and kno- wing how to break deliverables down into manageable tasks. Project Managementskilled in setting priorities, establishing timelines, and 鍖nding solutions to issues before becoming problematic. Strong Communication Skillscombines an approachable style and in-depth knowledge of methodolo- gies that instills con鍖dence in others to get the job done on schedule and on budget. Effective Team Leadershipemploys patience and perseverance, adapting to cultural differences and maximizing team contributions. P r o f e s s i o n a l E x p e r i e n c e Worldwide Language Resources, Inc. Kabul International Airport (HKAIA), Afghanistan Oct 2014 Aug 2016 - Camp Leatherneck, Helmand Province, Afghanistan Mar 2010 - Oct 2014 Site Lead/Heavy Equipment Operator/Accountable Clerk Adhere to Standard Operating Procedures in Mail Call, and Inspection, Supply, Finance, and Ac- countable mail. Supervise all areas of operation as Site Lead, including QC inspections. Manage and upload / download base and region-specific reports using SmartSheet.com. Administer Accountable parcels to company-specific unit mail clerks. Utilize SkyTrak MMV Rough Terrain Variable Reach Lift to transport containers; utilize Air Force 10K all-terrain forklift and Hyster forklifts to transport various equipment and pallets on the airfield. Perform PMCS on forklifts; palletize Air Force 463-L pallets arriving/departing the airfield. Prepare cargo (weigh, mark, measure, load, secure, manifest, compute, and mark center of balance). Apply RFID tag or a Military Shipping Label (MSL) with a bar coded Transportation Control Number (TCN) to unit equipment and cargo. Secure mail into intermodal containers. Complete daily and weekly reports using the Automated Military Postal System (AMPS).
  • 3. Communicate with regional associates and global customers using Non-secure Internet Protocol Router Network (NIPR). Textron Inc. 際際滷ll, LA April 2008 Mar 2010 Administrative Assistant Assisted with departmental projects such as responding to notices from governmental agencies, quarterly tax estimate processing, and annual report preparation. Arranged travel Schedule and reservations for management as needed and prepared expense reports. Screened calls and of鍖ce visitors, responded to inquiries and messages. Managed record retention for all department documents, including storage, retrieval and destruction of records. Provided administrative support, phone coverage, to other executive/senior management as needed. Rouses Enterprises 際際滷ll, LA Feb 2006 April 2008 Human Resources Assistant / Warehouse Manager / Forklift Operator / Warehouse Receiving Manager Processed, verified, and maintained documentation relating to personnel activities such as staffing, re- cruitment, training, grievances, performance evaluations, and classifications. Recorded data for each employee, including addresses, weekly earnings, absences, amount of sales or production, supervisory reports on performance, and dates of and reasons for terminations. Recorded inventory and quantity of truck deliveries with Microsoft Of鍖ce. Operated forklift for warehouse organization and shipping/receiving shipments. Consolidated stock in warehouse to pallets using forklift. Accurately inventoried items for order with the use of RF scanners. Habitat for Humanity New Orleans, LA Aug 2005 Jul 2006 Construction/Demolition Performed interior demolition and reconstruction (sheetrock/painting) of residential housing units. Removed and Disposed of Hazardous Materials from residential properties.
  • 4. Adhered to homeowners requests that salvageable items be secured and brought to personal storage for safekeeping. Restored the interior of residential properties by removing and installing sheetrock, 鍖oorboards, kitchen/bathroom appliances, and windows. Recorded and photographed removal and restoration of properties until completion for homeowners.