
際際滷Share a Scribd company logo
Telephone: 44130708 (work)
Cell phone: 55879179 (Mobile)
E-mail: a-emam@outlook.com
Educational Qualification
Diploma of Commerce, Insurance Department year 1995
Works Experience
Executive Manager
2006 till date, in Sports of Qatar, Doha - Qatar
Duties & responsibilities:
 Managing Sales of the company, both showroom and outdoor sales
 Communicating with clients and vendors and exploring business relation
 Participate Annual Exhibitions in Hong Kong, China & Dubai & Germany
 Proved my business skills by frequent travelling to different countries such as
China, Korea, Thailand, Italy, Hong Kong, UAE, Syria, Egypt and doing
continues communication to negotiate with the officials for improving the
 Submit monthly sales management report to General Manager and correcting
faults if any
 Managing events purchasing requirement
 Excellent ability in Purchasing by evaluating competing market price and
required specification with optimum profit to our company
 Good Experience with Chinese manufacturing factories and companies
 Travelling to different countries for the completion of the work if needed
Public Relations
2001  2005, worked in Sports of Qatar Co, Doha - Qatar
Duties & responsibilities:
 Made Strong relationship with Clients and Dealers, established effective and
good business with different companies in this period
 Arranging business meeting with companies and clients to develop business
 Conducting internal meeting with salesman and executives to evaluate the
progress in monthly, quarterly and yearly order.
 Dealing with Banks (Tender bonds, LC, Letter of Guarantee etc.)
 Arrange meeting for marketing
 Guide Salesman and Sales Executives of the company to improve their sales
and minimize the errors in their duties
 Career as Public Relations Officer has enabled me to be precise and concise in
all forms of messages
 Years of experience in public relations enabled me to form a network of high
connections in 5 & 4 stars hotels, airline companies and travel agencies.
Sales Executive
1996 - 1997, worked own import and export company in Egypt
Duties & responsibilities:
 Prepare Tenders and Quotations
 Participate big tenders in Government, Semi government, Sports Clubs etc.
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 E-mail communication with Clients and dealers
 Document Controlling & Management
Additional Skills
Computer knowledge
 Excellent in Internet, Outlook applications
 Computer literate, good experience in MS Word, Excel and other office software
 Good experience in Print-shop and other designing programs
Language Skills
Arabic : Mother Tongue, Excellent Command -
Speak, Write & Read (Able to do official / letter correspondences)
English : Read, Write and Speak
Organisational & Planning skills
 Very well organized and comfortable working in a multi-tasking project-oriented
 Compile Reports and Presentations.
 Enjoyed the ability to work on my own initiative and solve problems.
Problem Solving
 Acquired negotiation and leadership skills through the contact with Managers and
dealing with diplomatic way to overcome facing problems for good results
 Consistently required to use my problem solving skills in daily work and during
People/Relationship Management
 Proven ability to build and sustain profitable relationship with both colleagues and
Visa Status : Work Visa (Transferrable)
Passport Details : Attached
Driving Licence : Valid Qatar Driving License
Date of Birth : 6th
July 1978
Nationality : Egyptian
Marital Status : married
Hobbies : Reading & Running & Snooker
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惺惡惆悋愕 忰惆悒悋 
a-emam@outlook.com : 悋惡惘惆悋惠惘
惆惡惠悴悋惘悸,愕惺悋 ,惠悖悋惠1995
2006忰惠悋惆愆惘悸愀惘惘悋惷悸悋惆忰悸愀惘 -
≒悋惠悋惶惺悋惺 悄悋惘惆惠忰愕悋惺悸悋惠悴悋惘悸
惺 ,惶惘悋惠惶悋惠惠悋惷惺悋愕悗惠忰愕.悋惺悋
≒惠惆惠惘惘愆惘惺悒惆悋惘悸悋惡惺悋惠悒悋惆惘悋惺悋惠惶忰忰悋愀悽愀悋 悄悒
≒悒惆悋惘悸悋忰惆悋惓愆惘悋 悄惠愀惡悋惠
2001-2005愆惘悸愀惘惘悋惷悸悋惆忰悸愀惘 -
≒悒愆悋 悄惺悋惠悸惺悋惺 悄悋惘惆惠惺悋悗惓惘悴惆惺愆惘悋惠
≒惠惘惠惡悋悴惠悋惺惺惺悋愆惘悋惠悋惺 悄惠愀惘悋惺悋
≒悒悴惘悋 悄悋悴惠悋惺惆悋愀悽惺惡悋悧惺悋惆惘悋惠悵惠悋惠惆悋忰惘慍
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≒悋惠惺悋惺悋惡)愕惆悋惠悋惺愀悋 悄LC愀悽愀悋惡悋惷悋(悋悽
≒惠悋惡惺悸惆惡悋惡惺悋惠惠忰愕惡惺悋惠惠悋愀悽愀悋 悄悋悴惡悋惠
≒悋惠惶悋惡悋惡惘惆悋惠惘惺悋惺 悄惠悴悋惘
≒惡悋忰悋愕惡愀悽惡惘悸悴惆悸MS WordExcel愃惘悋悋惡惘悋悴悋惠惡悸
悋惺惘惡悸悋愃悸 :悋惠悋慍-
悋惠忰惆惓悋惠悋惡悸惘悋 悄悸)悋惆惘惺悋悋悋惘悋愕惠悋惘愕悸(悋惘愕悋悸 /
悋悴慍悸悋惘悋 悄悸 :悋惠悋惡悸悋惠忰惆惓
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≒惆悋惘悋惠悋悋惆悸悽 悋惶惠惶悋 惺惆惘悋悄悋惠惺悋惡愀惘悸惆惡悋愕悸
≒惠悋惡惺悸悋愆悋惶惠忰惆惓悽 悋惺悋悵悋悽 惶惠悴慍悋悋愕惡悋惠悋
悋悽愆悽悋惶悒惆悋惘悸 /惺悋悋惠
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≒惆悋惘悋惠悋悋惆悸悽 悋惶惠惶悋 惺惆惘悋悄悋惠惺悋惡愀惘悸惆惡悋愕悸
≒惠悋惡惺悸悋愆悋惶惠忰惆惓悽 悋惺悋悵悋悽 惶惠悴慍悋悋愕惡悋惠悋
悋悽愆悽悋惶悒惆悋惘悸 /惺悋悋惠
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7 悒惆悋惘悸 悋惺悋悸 惺 悋惺悋悄
abdelnasser Abdelaal
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惠悗愕愕 愆惘惺悋 悋悴忰悋
Fadhel Alsheikh
悋悋惘悋惠 悋忰惆惓悸 悋惠忰惘惘 悋惠悋惡悸 悋惶忰悸
悋悋惘悋惠 悋忰惆惓悸  悋惠忰惘惘 悋惠悋惡悸 悋惶忰悸悋悋惘悋惠 悋忰惆惓悸  悋惠忰惘惘 悋惠悋惡悸 悋惶忰悸
悋悋惘悋惠 悋忰惆惓悸 悋惠忰惘惘 悋惠悋惡悸 悋惶忰悸
悋悋惆悸 悋愕惠愆悋惘悋惠
惠惆惘惡 悋悋惘悋惠 悋忰悋悸 - 惡惘悋悴 悒悴悋惆悸
惠惆惘惡 悋悋惘悋惠 悋忰悋悸 - 惡惘悋悴 悒悴悋惆悸惠惆惘惡 悋悋惘悋惠 悋忰悋悸 - 惡惘悋悴 悒悴悋惆悸
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"悋愕惘悸 悋悵悋惠悸" Curriculum Vitae (CV)惆惡 悋惘惆 惡愆惘悸
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Abdelsalam Emam CV

  • 1. ABDELSALAM MOHAMED EMAM Telephone: 44130708 (work) Cell phone: 55879179 (Mobile) E-mail: a-emam@outlook.com Educational Qualification Diploma of Commerce, Insurance Department year 1995 Works Experience Executive Manager 2006 till date, in Sports of Qatar, Doha - Qatar Duties & responsibilities: Managing Sales of the company, both showroom and outdoor sales Communicating with clients and vendors and exploring business relation Participate Annual Exhibitions in Hong Kong, China & Dubai & Germany Proved my business skills by frequent travelling to different countries such as China, Korea, Thailand, Italy, Hong Kong, UAE, Syria, Egypt and doing continues communication to negotiate with the officials for improving the business. Submit monthly sales management report to General Manager and correcting faults if any Managing events purchasing requirement Excellent ability in Purchasing by evaluating competing market price and required specification with optimum profit to our company Good Experience with Chinese manufacturing factories and companies Travelling to different countries for the completion of the work if needed Public Relations 2001 2005, worked in Sports of Qatar Co, Doha - Qatar Duties & responsibilities: Made Strong relationship with Clients and Dealers, established effective and good business with different companies in this period Arranging business meeting with companies and clients to develop business Conducting internal meeting with salesman and executives to evaluate the progress in monthly, quarterly and yearly order. Dealing with Banks (Tender bonds, LC, Letter of Guarantee etc.) Arrange meeting for marketing Guide Salesman and Sales Executives of the company to improve their sales and minimize the errors in their duties Career as Public Relations Officer has enabled me to be precise and concise in all forms of messages Years of experience in public relations enabled me to form a network of high connections in 5 & 4 stars hotels, airline companies and travel agencies. Sales Executive 1996 - 1997, worked own import and export company in Egypt Duties & responsibilities: Prepare Tenders and Quotations Participate big tenders in Government, Semi government, Sports Clubs etc. Page 1 of 5
  • 2. E-mail communication with Clients and dealers Document Controlling & Management Additional Skills Computer knowledge Excellent in Internet, Outlook applications Computer literate, good experience in MS Word, Excel and other office software Good experience in Print-shop and other designing programs Language Skills Arabic : Mother Tongue, Excellent Command - Speak, Write & Read (Able to do official / letter correspondences) English : Read, Write and Speak Organisational & Planning skills Very well organized and comfortable working in a multi-tasking project-oriented environment. Compile Reports and Presentations. Enjoyed the ability to work on my own initiative and solve problems. Problem Solving Acquired negotiation and leadership skills through the contact with Managers and dealing with diplomatic way to overcome facing problems for good results Consistently required to use my problem solving skills in daily work and during events. People/Relationship Management Proven ability to build and sustain profitable relationship with both colleagues and managers PERSONAL INFORMATION Visa Status : Work Visa (Transferrable) Passport Details : Attached Driving Licence : Valid Qatar Driving License Date of Birth : 6th July 1978 Nationality : Egyptian Marital Status : married Hobbies : Reading & Running & Snooker Page 2 of 5
  • 3. 惺惡惆悋愕 忰惆悒悋 惠:44643571 惡悋:55879179 a-emam@outlook.com : 悋惡惘惆悋惠惘 悋惠惺 愕惠悋惠惺: 惆惡惠悴悋惘悸,愕惺悋 ,惠悖悋惠1995 悋悽惡惘悸悋惺 悋惆惘悋惠悵 2006忰惠悋惆愆惘悸愀惘惘悋惷悸悋惆忰悸愀惘 - 悋悋悴惡悋惠:悋愕悗悋惠 ≒惠悋惡惺悸愕悗悋惡惺悋惠惡悋愆惘悸悋愀惘惡惺悋惠悋惺悋惘惷惆惡 悋惡惺悋惠悋悽悋惘悴悸 ≒悋惠悋惶惺悋惺 悄悋惘惆惠忰愕悋惺悸悋惠悴悋惘悸 ≒悋愆悋惘悸悋惺悋惘惷悋愕悸悴悴悋惶惆惡悛悋悋 ≒惠忰愕悋悋惘悋惠悋惺悋惺愀惘悋愕惘悋惠惘惘悒悽惠悋惡惆悋惓 悋惶惘悋惠悋惆悋愀悋悋愃愃悋悋惘悋惠悋惺惘惡悸悋惠忰惆悸愕惘悋 惺 ,惶惘悋惠惶悋惠惠悋惷惺悋愕悗惠忰愕.悋惺悋 ≒惠惆惠惘惘愆惘惺悒惆悋惘悸悋惡惺悋惠悒悋惆惘悋惺悋惠惶忰忰悋愀悽愀悋 悄悒 悴惆惠 ≒悒惆悋惘悸悋忰惆悋惓愆惘悋 悄惠愀惡悋惠 ≒惆惘悸惠悋慍悸悴悋悋愆惠惘悋惠愀悽惠愕惺惘悋愕悋惠悋愕悸 悋悋惶悋惠悋愀惡悸惺悋惘惡忰悋惓愆惘惠悋 ≒惠悴惘惡悸悴惆悸惺惶悋惺悋愆惘悋惠悋惶悸 ≒悋愕惘悒惡惆悋悽惠悸悴悋慍悋惺悒悵悋慍悋惘 悋惺悋悋惠悋惺悋悸 2001-2005愆惘悸愀惘惘悋惷悸悋惆忰悸愀惘 - 悋悋悴惡悋惠:悋愕悗悋惠 ≒悒愆悋 悄惺悋惠悸惺悋惺 悄悋惘惆惠惺悋悗惓惘悴惆惺愆惘悋惠 悽惠悸悵悋惠惘悸 ≒惠惘惠惡悋悴惠悋惺惺惺悋愆惘悋惠悋惺 悄惠愀惘悋惺悋 ≒悒悴惘悋 悄悋悴惠悋惺惆悋愀悽惺惡悋悧惺悋惆惘悋惠悵惠悋惠惆悋忰惘慍 Page 3 of 5
  • 4. 愆惘悋惴悋悋惶悸.悋愕悸 ≒悋惠惺悋惺悋惡)愕惆悋惠悋惺愀悋 悄LC愀悽愀悋惡悋惷悋(悋悽 ≒惠惘惠惡悋悴惠悋惺惠愕 ≒惠悋惡惺悸惆惡悋惡惺悋惠惠忰愕惡惺悋惠惠悋愀悽愀悋 悄悋悴惡悋惠 ≒惴悸愕悗悋惺悋惠悋惺悋悸惆惠悖悖惆悸悴慍悸悴惺悖愆悋 悋惘愕悋悧 ≒愕悋惠悋悽惡惘悸悴悋悋惺悋惠悋惺悋悸惺愆惡悸悋惠惶悋惠 惺悋悸悋悋惆愆惘悋惠悋愀惘悋悋惠.悋愕惘 悋惡惺悋惠悋惠悵 1996-1997惺惠惡愆惘悸悋愕惠惘悋惆惠惶惆惘惶惘 悋悋悴惡悋惠:悋愕悗悋惠 ≒悒惺惆悋惆悋悋惶悋惠惺惘惷悋愕惺悋惘 ≒悋愆悋惘悸悋悋惶悋惠悋惡惘悸悋忰悸愆惡悋忰悸悋悋惆悋惘悋惷悸悋悽 ≒悋惠惶悋惡悋惡惘惆悋惠惘惺悋惺 悄惠悴悋惘 ≒忰惴悒惆悋惘悸悋惠悋愕惠惆悋惠 悋惘悋惠悒惷悋悸 惺惘悸悋惡惠惘 ≒惠悋慍悋惠惘惠惠愀惡悋惠惡惘悋悴Outlook悋悽悋惶惡悋惠 ≒惡悋忰悋愕惡愀悽惡惘悸悴惆悸MS WordExcel愃惘悋悋惡惘悋悴悋惠惡悸 ≒愀悽惡惘悸悴惆悸惠惶悋惡惘悋悴悋愀悽惘悋愀惡悋惺悸 悋悋惘悋惠悋愃悸 悋惺惘惡悸悋愃悸 :悋惠悋慍- 悋惠忰惆惓悋惠悋惡悸惘悋 悄悸)悋惆惘惺悋悋悋惘悋愕惠悋惘愕悸(悋惘愕悋悸 / 悋悴慍悸悋惘悋 悄悸 :悋惠悋惡悸悋惠忰惆惓 悋悋惘悋惠悋惠惴悸悋惠悽愀愀 ≒惴悸惠惴悋悴惆悋悴惆悋惘忰悸悋惺惡悧悸惠惺惆惆悸悋悋悴悸忰 .悋愆惘惺 ≒惠悴惺悋惠悋惘惘.悋惺惘惷 ≒惠惠惠惺悋惆惘悸惺悋惺惺悋惡悋惆惘悸悋悽悋惶悸忰.悋愆悋 Page 4 of 5
  • 5. 忰悋愆悋 ≒惆悋惘悋惠悋悋惆悸悽 悋惶惠惶悋 惺惆惘悋悄悋惠惺悋惡愀惘悸惆惡悋愕悸 惠愃惡惺悋愆悋悋惠惶惠悋悴悋惺惶惠忰惠悋悧悴悴惆悸 ≒惠悋惡惺悸悋愆悋惶惠忰惆惓悽 悋惺悋悵悋悽 惶惠悴慍悋悋愕惡悋惠悋 .悋惺悋惠 悋悽愆悽悋惶悒惆悋惘悸 /惺悋悋惠 ≒悒惓惡悋惠悋惆惘悸惺惡悋悄悒惆悋悸惺悸悸惘惡忰悸惺悋慍悄悋惆惘 悋惺悋惠悋愆悽惶悸 忰悋悋惠悖愆惘悸:惶惠悖愆惘悸惺)悋悋悸(悋悋悸 惶惠悋惶悴悋慍悋愕惘:惘 惘悽惶悸悸悋惆悸:惘悽惶悸悸愀惘悸愕悋惘悸 惶惠悋惘悽悋惆:61978 悋悴愕悸:惶惘 悋忰悋悸悋悴惠悋惺悸:惠慍悴 悋悋惠:悋悴惘悋愕惘悋惘悋悄悸 Page 5 of 5
  • 6. 忰悋愆悋 ≒惆悋惘悋惠悋悋惆悸悽 悋惶惠惶悋 惺惆惘悋悄悋惠惺悋惡愀惘悸惆惡悋愕悸 惠愃惡惺悋愆悋悋惠惶惠悋悴悋惺惶惠忰惠悋悧悴悴惆悸 ≒惠悋惡惺悸悋愆悋惶惠忰惆惓悽 悋惺悋悵悋悽 惶惠悴慍悋悋愕惡悋惠悋 .悋惺悋惠 悋悽愆悽悋惶悒惆悋惘悸 /惺悋悋惠 ≒悒惓惡悋惠悋惆惘悸惺惡悋悄悒惆悋悸惺悸悸惘惡忰悸惺悋慍悄悋惆惘 悋惺悋惠悋愆悽惶悸 忰悋悋惠悖愆惘悸:惶惠悖愆惘悸惺)悋悋悸(悋悋悸 惶惠悋惶悴悋慍悋愕惘:惘 惘悽惶悸悸悋惆悸:惘悽惶悸悸愀惘悸愕悋惘悸 惶惠悋惘悽悋惆:61978 悋悴愕悸:惶惘 悋忰悋悸悋悴惠悋惺悸:惠慍悴 悋悋惠:悋悴惘悋愕惘悋惘悋悄悸 Page 5 of 5