My presentation from IBM's INDEX Conference in Feb 2018. Discusses Distributed Cognition in Kanban systems and also in the U.S. Navy's Combat Information Center (CIC) in 1942.
Kanban in Action: Thoughtfully Creating FlowMark Grove
This session puts the attendee in the drivers seat to create their own Kanban board configurations. We provide eight business scenario exercises and ask the attendees how they would go about configuring their Kanban board given the unique system constraints for each scenario. Each team/table in the room will then spend a few minutes discussing how they would go about configuring their board using provided flip charts, markers, and stickies. A debrief with the entire room would then follow as each team shares its concepts. The instructors will also share their own board configurations and ideas.
These exercises will increase your understanding of Kanban systems, give you practice interpreting and creating board configurations, present multiple implementable ideas for any given scenario, and provide you with approaches for meaningful engagement. They are great for aspiring coaches, managers, and leaders who want to have more valuable conversations with their teams and improve Kanban implementations.
I'm a BA Girl in an Agile World @AgileDC 20190923Mindy Bohannon
Presented at AgileDC conference on Sept 23, 2019. Described how a Business Analyst fits into Product Development when the team is using the Agile Methodology
Understanding the Whole System, Not Just a PartBrian Sjoberg
Are your solutions to recurring issues having only minor improvements? Are some of these solutions actually making things worse in the long run? When answering yes to these, typically, we are trying to solve the issues with too narrow a view. Oddly we think we are addressing it at sufficient level but usually not. In order to see the entire picture we need a common language that will enable us to understand an entire complex adaptive system (e.g. organizations, teams, individuals). Join us as we learn a language called System Modeling.
With this language we will be able to have rich dialogue to gain a full understanding of the entire complex adaptive system so that we can create solutions at the fundamental level and not the symptomatic level. Addressing system issues at the fundamental level will significantly improve the system. Symptomatic solutions may give the appearance of improvement in the short term but typically make things worse in the long run. Unfortunately we usually pick the symptomatic solutions because they seem obvious and we don't realize the long term impacts because of feedback delays that could take weeks, months or even years to realize.
Breakout session at MERL Tech 2018.
Agile - commonly used in the tech community - offers a number of sticky ideas and principles we can adapt in international development and MERL to improve how we work and support adaptive management.
In this breakout, we focus on three sticky ideas: creating and being guided by user stories, prioritization, and limiting WIP.
The document proposes a new concept for the R&D department of a media group to improve productivity, quality of work, and employee motivation. The old practices involved direct supervision that created frustration and low morale. The new concept removes direct supervision, divides work into categories, trains employees to complete tasks and link their work through an internal network. This empowers employees, makes work more interesting, and motivates competition among staff, expected to result in better quality and output.
The Inside Story of how Atlassian Makes SoftwareAtlassian
Join ten-year Atlassian veteran Chris Mountford as he takes you behind the scenes for an inside look at how we make software. You'll get a sneak peek into the culture, methods and techniques that Atlassian uses to develop software across three continents and more than a dozen products. Ask your toughest questions and get tips and tricks to take back to your team.
This document provides an overview of the basics of using Google Analytics to understand website traffic. It explains that Google Analytics allows you to monitor your website's performance by taking its pulse, understanding what content is popular or not working well, and making adjustments to improve performance. It also outlines key areas of audience acquisition, behavior, and universal analytics that will become the new standard for tracking customization and optimization.
Are you excited to organize for complexity but unsure how to do it? Learn new techniques by looking back. In the early 20th century, the U.S. Navy successfully used complexity to harness new technologies, encourage organizational learning, and develop a sustained pace of innovation. Find out how!
This two-part interactive workshop begins with a detailed look at how to interpret Kanban boards and ask thoughtful questions so that you can improve the work of your teams. We will provide an overview of the Kanban Method and then proceed through a series of eight short exercises that will give you an opportunity to review and interpret various Kanban board configurations with other attendees at your table. After a short break, part two of the session now puts the attendees in the drivers seat to create their own board configurations. We provide eight business scenario exercises and ask the attendees how they would go about configuring their Kanban board given the unique system constraints for each scenario.
The federal government loves modernizing software systems and it isn't wrong: stale, decaying software leads to major headaches and eventual catastrophe. Modernization efforts, however, have big risks and big failures.
There is an alternative: software renovation. That is improving, updating, and upgrading the software system one piece at a time while it continues to operate.
Dane has participated deeply in three US government modernization projects. Each project followed a pattern of pitfalls, scary "go-live" transitions, and unpleasant trade-offs.
Renovating legacy software is frequently a better option. The software system continues to gain functionality at the same time that its design and performance are improved.
One Source-of-Truth! From Spreadsheets-to-a-Data-EcoSystem with Salesforce fo...Global Tech & Resources
When an organization moves from having its staff organize their individual data in spreadsheets, to an organizational culture that gives data a more central role in its environment, there are cultural, process, budget, and staffing considerations. This webinar takes a high level look at those required organizational changes, when moving to having one center of data truth with shared and controlled access, owned by the organization, rather than by individuals, and where over-time the data silos are reduced, until the organization possesses a growing data eco-system.
Here are a few questions that were asked and addressed during this webinar:
Q: For a small nonprofit, who should take ownership of the data?
Q: Can you talk about the pros and cons of the two tools you mentioned, Apsona and DemandTools. Are there any low cost tools for our data related needs?
Q: How can we estimate the time and expense to build a good CRM system?
This webinar is a part of The Experts Talk, a free 26-week webinar series covering features of Salesforce CRM, an integration partner of Click & Pledge.
Complexity in Action: Organizational Learning in the U.S. Navy - Lean Agile K...Trent Hone
The document discusses how the U.S. Navy promoted organizational learning through its approach to complexity. The Navy used collaborative sense-making to explore opportunities and plan. It provided goals and objectives to subordinates and allowed them flexibility in determining how to meet them. This fostered safe-to-fail experimentation and creativity among teams. The Navy also created heuristics, or simple decision-making patterns, to help solve challenging problems and avoid rote solutions. This balanced exploration and exploitation, encouraged variability from experimentation, and created a regular feedback loop, thereby developing a learning system within the Navy.
This document discusses how to interpret data from Kanban retrospectives to identify opportunities for optimizing workflow. It provides examples of metrics like lead time, cycle time, and work in progress that can be analyzed to address issues like bottlenecks, piles of work in specific states, outliers in work completion times, frequent blockers, the impact of unplanned work, and ensuring team well-being and sustainability. The document advocates using a structured process of planning improvements, implementing changes, measuring their impact, and adjusting as needed.
Agile Toronto 2018 - Sharpen Your Agile Ax ... Story Splitting TimeBrian Sjoberg
These are the slides from my session at Agile Toronto 2018 titled, "Let's Sharpen Your Agile Ax ... It's Story Splitting Time."
Description of Talk:
Do you want to write great User Stories (a.k.a. small features that are part of a product) that provide the vehicle for conversation and confirmation that we build the right thing? Do you struggle with completing stories (of business value) that are potentially shippable within a fraction of an iteration/sprint? During this session we will do a quick refresher on User Story formatting to include Acceptance Criteria. The reason for the refresher is that over the last few years, despite people using User Stories, I have experienced their usage far from the intended purpose.
After the refresher, we will learn at least 3 techniques for splitting stories in this interactive workshop.
The document summarizes a presentation about improving a legacy Java system. It describes receiving a legacy system with no documentation and developers. Effective steps taken included setting up development environments, writing documentation, domain modeling, peer reviewing, testing existing functionality, refactoring using patterns, and extending features where possible. The results were successfully migrating the 11-year old system to use newer technologies and frameworks while maintaining functionality through an iterative process focused on testing, documentation, and continuous integration.
Ellucian Live 2014 Presentation on Reporting and BIKent Brooks
This document summarizes a presentation about seven Wyoming community colleges migrating to a single statewide reporting system. The key points are:
1) The colleges previously had challenges with consistency, timing and accuracy of aggregate reporting to state entities due to using separate systems, so they migrated to a single SQL platform and reporting system.
2) The multi-year project involved migrating all colleges to the SQL environment, implementing Business Objects for reporting, designing a standard data set, and setting up a system for the Commission Office to report on behalf of the colleges.
3) Lessons learned included starting data preparation early, redesigning processes, rigorous testing, and later implementing additional business intelligence tools for real-time ad hoc
One source of truth: From Spreadsheets to a Data Eco-SystemCharlie Havens
When an organization moves from having its staff organize their individual data in spreadsheets, to an organizational culture that gives data a more central role in its environment, there are cultural, process, budget, and staffing considerations. This webinar takes a high level look at those required organizational changes, when moving to having one center of data truth with shared and controlled access, owned by the organization, rather than by individuals, and where over-time the data silos are reduced, until the organization possesses a growing data eco-system.
Here are a few questions that were asked and addressed during this webinar:
Q: For a small nonprofit, who should take ownership of the data?
Q: Can you talk about the pros and cons of the two tools you mentioned, Apsona and DemandTools. Are there any low cost tools for our data related needs?
Q: How can we estimate the time and expense to build a good CRM system?
This webinar is a part of The Experts Talk, a free 26-week webinar series covering features of Salesforce CRM, an integration partner of Click & Pledge.
Video and slides available at
Have you ever thought to yourself...
How can we make Agile Scaling less of a goal itself and more of a method to get our organizational goals?
We know we need to scale but where do we go from here?
I'll share the three factors that emerged as common themes throughout my experience working on government Agile Scaling projects that ultimately impacted the trajectory of each agency's Scaling journey:
Communicate vision consistently
Focus on your people genuinely
Create your own path intentionally
Regardless of the agency acronym or the frameworks used, these concepts shaped their Scaling outcomes.
So, whether you are working in the government, commercial or the non-profit space, these concepts can help you take your organization to the peak of its Agile Scaling journey.
BASD 2019 - Measuring Flow: Metrics that MatterJulie Wyman
The document discusses various metrics that can be used to measure workflow and identify bottlenecks, including throughput, cycle time, lead time, and cumulative flow diagrams. It explains that prioritizing flow over utilization results in more rapid workflow and shorter response times. Various flow metrics are defined and examples are provided to illustrate how they can be collected and used to visualize trends, predict delivery times, and identify areas for improvement.
SP Fest Denver - O365 Governance: One Area Cloud May Not Be SimplerStacy Deere
Random things we all typically hear when it comes to Governance
Not on top of the list right now
Not in the budget
Well get to it later
Not really seeing the need
I have yet to hear 1 valid reason as to why Governance should not be completed, maintained, or approved in budgets. Governance really is not an option in any organization if you want your processes and procedures followed by employees. Each time I have been involved in a project where governance was put on the back burner there have been issues with not knowing what other departments processes were, building themselves into a corner, not meeting service level agreements, and the list goes on and on. If there is no one source of truth in how all the functions of the business run, how are you ever going to build a solid foundation and keep it running at the level it needs to run so that your organization can be successful? In this session we will review what governance is, how it can be useful, how you can get started, maintain it, and most importantly how to get it approved!
Agile Truths and Misconceptions ExposedRichard Cheng
The document discusses several truths and misconceptions about Agile. It begins by introducing Richard Cheng and his background in Agile training and coaching. It then addresses several common misconceptions, such as that Agile and Scrum are the same, that Scrum is just mini-waterfall, and that Scrum cannot work for fixed date/fixed scope projects. For each, it provides the correct perspective on the truth. The document aims to help readers understand Agile concepts and principles.
Agile Dev West 2018_Measuring Flow: Metrics that MatterJulie Wyman
The document discusses different metrics for measuring workflow, including lead time, cycle time, throughput, and cumulative flow diagrams (CFDs). It explains that lead time is the total time from start to finish of a work item, while cycle time does not include wait time. Throughput measures the number of work items completed within a time period. CFDs visualize the number of work items in different workflow stages over time to identify bottlenecks. The document provides examples of charts for these different metrics and discusses how teams can use metrics to understand their workflow and improve predictability.
STATIK is a systems thinking approach to implementing Kanban developed by Mike Burrows. It is a repeatable process with 6 steps: 1) understand sources of dissatisfaction, 2) analyze demand and capability, 3) model the knowledge discovery process, 4) discover classes of service, 5) design Kanban systems, and 6) roll out. The document discusses each step in STATIK and how it can be used both to initially implement Kanban and to reinvigorate existing Kanban implementations.
No doubt Visualization of Data is a key component of our industry. The path data travels since it is created till it takes shape in a chart is sometimes obscure and overlooked as it tends to live in the engineering side (when volume is relevant), an area where Data Scientist tend to visit but not the usual Web/Marketing Data Analyst. Nowadays the options to tame all that journey and make the best of it are many and they don't require extensive engineering knowledge. Small or Big Data, let's see what "Store, Extract, Transform, Load, Visualize" is all about.
The document discusses agile management, which is a modern management approach suitable for dynamic business environments. It focuses on being flexible, simple, informal, lean, customer-focused, and continuously improving. The agile philosophy values agility, simplicity, informality, leanness, excellence, continuous improvement, customer focus, collaboration, and sustainable growth. Key agile practices include adaptive planning, time-boxed execution, feedback, and retrospectives. Attributes of agile members include being self-motivated, focused, having T-shaped skills, being self-organizing, transparent communication, and working at a sustainable pace. While agile management requires changes, its benefits include better adaptation, increased productivity, and faster growth.
PuppetCamp Austin 2015 Talk - Getting started with puppetByron Miller
This document provides an overview of getting started with Puppet, including establishing goals, understanding key concepts and vocabulary, developing modules, and practicing an operations workflow. It emphasizes taking a systems thinking approach, focusing on simplicity, experimentation, and continuous improvement through testing, monitoring, and seeking feedback to refine processes over time.
Leadership Lessons from Admiral Nimitz - Lean Agile US 2020Trent Hone
Nimitz demonstrated effective leadership in complex situations through his use of slack time, commitment to learning and growth, and building of psychologically safe environments. He organized his staff and fleet into networks to promote collaboration and learning. Nimitz also made time for recreation to allow subordinates distance from problems and bond outside work, using slack time to access diverse experiences and identify lessons.
Exploring the Options: U.S. Navy Tactical Doctrine 1913-1923Trent Hone
The document discusses the development of U.S. Navy tactical doctrine between 1913-1923. It emerged from war games and exercises conducted by the Atlantic Fleet and was further developed through lessons from World War I and fleet maneuvers. The doctrine emphasized flexible battle plans that conveyed commander's intent and fostered initiative over rigid instructions. It balanced coordination with individual action. This approach guided U.S. Navy major operations through World War II.
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Similar to Accelerating Good Decisions: Kanban for Distributed Cognition - INDEX (20)
Are you excited to organize for complexity but unsure how to do it? Learn new techniques by looking back. In the early 20th century, the U.S. Navy successfully used complexity to harness new technologies, encourage organizational learning, and develop a sustained pace of innovation. Find out how!
This two-part interactive workshop begins with a detailed look at how to interpret Kanban boards and ask thoughtful questions so that you can improve the work of your teams. We will provide an overview of the Kanban Method and then proceed through a series of eight short exercises that will give you an opportunity to review and interpret various Kanban board configurations with other attendees at your table. After a short break, part two of the session now puts the attendees in the drivers seat to create their own board configurations. We provide eight business scenario exercises and ask the attendees how they would go about configuring their Kanban board given the unique system constraints for each scenario.
The federal government loves modernizing software systems and it isn't wrong: stale, decaying software leads to major headaches and eventual catastrophe. Modernization efforts, however, have big risks and big failures.
There is an alternative: software renovation. That is improving, updating, and upgrading the software system one piece at a time while it continues to operate.
Dane has participated deeply in three US government modernization projects. Each project followed a pattern of pitfalls, scary "go-live" transitions, and unpleasant trade-offs.
Renovating legacy software is frequently a better option. The software system continues to gain functionality at the same time that its design and performance are improved.
One Source-of-Truth! From Spreadsheets-to-a-Data-EcoSystem with Salesforce fo...Global Tech & Resources
When an organization moves from having its staff organize their individual data in spreadsheets, to an organizational culture that gives data a more central role in its environment, there are cultural, process, budget, and staffing considerations. This webinar takes a high level look at those required organizational changes, when moving to having one center of data truth with shared and controlled access, owned by the organization, rather than by individuals, and where over-time the data silos are reduced, until the organization possesses a growing data eco-system.
Here are a few questions that were asked and addressed during this webinar:
Q: For a small nonprofit, who should take ownership of the data?
Q: Can you talk about the pros and cons of the two tools you mentioned, Apsona and DemandTools. Are there any low cost tools for our data related needs?
Q: How can we estimate the time and expense to build a good CRM system?
This webinar is a part of The Experts Talk, a free 26-week webinar series covering features of Salesforce CRM, an integration partner of Click & Pledge.
Complexity in Action: Organizational Learning in the U.S. Navy - Lean Agile K...Trent Hone
The document discusses how the U.S. Navy promoted organizational learning through its approach to complexity. The Navy used collaborative sense-making to explore opportunities and plan. It provided goals and objectives to subordinates and allowed them flexibility in determining how to meet them. This fostered safe-to-fail experimentation and creativity among teams. The Navy also created heuristics, or simple decision-making patterns, to help solve challenging problems and avoid rote solutions. This balanced exploration and exploitation, encouraged variability from experimentation, and created a regular feedback loop, thereby developing a learning system within the Navy.
This document discusses how to interpret data from Kanban retrospectives to identify opportunities for optimizing workflow. It provides examples of metrics like lead time, cycle time, and work in progress that can be analyzed to address issues like bottlenecks, piles of work in specific states, outliers in work completion times, frequent blockers, the impact of unplanned work, and ensuring team well-being and sustainability. The document advocates using a structured process of planning improvements, implementing changes, measuring their impact, and adjusting as needed.
Agile Toronto 2018 - Sharpen Your Agile Ax ... Story Splitting TimeBrian Sjoberg
These are the slides from my session at Agile Toronto 2018 titled, "Let's Sharpen Your Agile Ax ... It's Story Splitting Time."
Description of Talk:
Do you want to write great User Stories (a.k.a. small features that are part of a product) that provide the vehicle for conversation and confirmation that we build the right thing? Do you struggle with completing stories (of business value) that are potentially shippable within a fraction of an iteration/sprint? During this session we will do a quick refresher on User Story formatting to include Acceptance Criteria. The reason for the refresher is that over the last few years, despite people using User Stories, I have experienced their usage far from the intended purpose.
After the refresher, we will learn at least 3 techniques for splitting stories in this interactive workshop.
The document summarizes a presentation about improving a legacy Java system. It describes receiving a legacy system with no documentation and developers. Effective steps taken included setting up development environments, writing documentation, domain modeling, peer reviewing, testing existing functionality, refactoring using patterns, and extending features where possible. The results were successfully migrating the 11-year old system to use newer technologies and frameworks while maintaining functionality through an iterative process focused on testing, documentation, and continuous integration.
Ellucian Live 2014 Presentation on Reporting and BIKent Brooks
This document summarizes a presentation about seven Wyoming community colleges migrating to a single statewide reporting system. The key points are:
1) The colleges previously had challenges with consistency, timing and accuracy of aggregate reporting to state entities due to using separate systems, so they migrated to a single SQL platform and reporting system.
2) The multi-year project involved migrating all colleges to the SQL environment, implementing Business Objects for reporting, designing a standard data set, and setting up a system for the Commission Office to report on behalf of the colleges.
3) Lessons learned included starting data preparation early, redesigning processes, rigorous testing, and later implementing additional business intelligence tools for real-time ad hoc
One source of truth: From Spreadsheets to a Data Eco-SystemCharlie Havens
When an organization moves from having its staff organize their individual data in spreadsheets, to an organizational culture that gives data a more central role in its environment, there are cultural, process, budget, and staffing considerations. This webinar takes a high level look at those required organizational changes, when moving to having one center of data truth with shared and controlled access, owned by the organization, rather than by individuals, and where over-time the data silos are reduced, until the organization possesses a growing data eco-system.
Here are a few questions that were asked and addressed during this webinar:
Q: For a small nonprofit, who should take ownership of the data?
Q: Can you talk about the pros and cons of the two tools you mentioned, Apsona and DemandTools. Are there any low cost tools for our data related needs?
Q: How can we estimate the time and expense to build a good CRM system?
This webinar is a part of The Experts Talk, a free 26-week webinar series covering features of Salesforce CRM, an integration partner of Click & Pledge.
Video and slides available at
Have you ever thought to yourself...
How can we make Agile Scaling less of a goal itself and more of a method to get our organizational goals?
We know we need to scale but where do we go from here?
I'll share the three factors that emerged as common themes throughout my experience working on government Agile Scaling projects that ultimately impacted the trajectory of each agency's Scaling journey:
Communicate vision consistently
Focus on your people genuinely
Create your own path intentionally
Regardless of the agency acronym or the frameworks used, these concepts shaped their Scaling outcomes.
So, whether you are working in the government, commercial or the non-profit space, these concepts can help you take your organization to the peak of its Agile Scaling journey.
BASD 2019 - Measuring Flow: Metrics that MatterJulie Wyman
The document discusses various metrics that can be used to measure workflow and identify bottlenecks, including throughput, cycle time, lead time, and cumulative flow diagrams. It explains that prioritizing flow over utilization results in more rapid workflow and shorter response times. Various flow metrics are defined and examples are provided to illustrate how they can be collected and used to visualize trends, predict delivery times, and identify areas for improvement.
SP Fest Denver - O365 Governance: One Area Cloud May Not Be SimplerStacy Deere
Random things we all typically hear when it comes to Governance
Not on top of the list right now
Not in the budget
Well get to it later
Not really seeing the need
I have yet to hear 1 valid reason as to why Governance should not be completed, maintained, or approved in budgets. Governance really is not an option in any organization if you want your processes and procedures followed by employees. Each time I have been involved in a project where governance was put on the back burner there have been issues with not knowing what other departments processes were, building themselves into a corner, not meeting service level agreements, and the list goes on and on. If there is no one source of truth in how all the functions of the business run, how are you ever going to build a solid foundation and keep it running at the level it needs to run so that your organization can be successful? In this session we will review what governance is, how it can be useful, how you can get started, maintain it, and most importantly how to get it approved!
Agile Truths and Misconceptions ExposedRichard Cheng
The document discusses several truths and misconceptions about Agile. It begins by introducing Richard Cheng and his background in Agile training and coaching. It then addresses several common misconceptions, such as that Agile and Scrum are the same, that Scrum is just mini-waterfall, and that Scrum cannot work for fixed date/fixed scope projects. For each, it provides the correct perspective on the truth. The document aims to help readers understand Agile concepts and principles.
Agile Dev West 2018_Measuring Flow: Metrics that MatterJulie Wyman
The document discusses different metrics for measuring workflow, including lead time, cycle time, throughput, and cumulative flow diagrams (CFDs). It explains that lead time is the total time from start to finish of a work item, while cycle time does not include wait time. Throughput measures the number of work items completed within a time period. CFDs visualize the number of work items in different workflow stages over time to identify bottlenecks. The document provides examples of charts for these different metrics and discusses how teams can use metrics to understand their workflow and improve predictability.
STATIK is a systems thinking approach to implementing Kanban developed by Mike Burrows. It is a repeatable process with 6 steps: 1) understand sources of dissatisfaction, 2) analyze demand and capability, 3) model the knowledge discovery process, 4) discover classes of service, 5) design Kanban systems, and 6) roll out. The document discusses each step in STATIK and how it can be used both to initially implement Kanban and to reinvigorate existing Kanban implementations.
No doubt Visualization of Data is a key component of our industry. The path data travels since it is created till it takes shape in a chart is sometimes obscure and overlooked as it tends to live in the engineering side (when volume is relevant), an area where Data Scientist tend to visit but not the usual Web/Marketing Data Analyst. Nowadays the options to tame all that journey and make the best of it are many and they don't require extensive engineering knowledge. Small or Big Data, let's see what "Store, Extract, Transform, Load, Visualize" is all about.
The document discusses agile management, which is a modern management approach suitable for dynamic business environments. It focuses on being flexible, simple, informal, lean, customer-focused, and continuously improving. The agile philosophy values agility, simplicity, informality, leanness, excellence, continuous improvement, customer focus, collaboration, and sustainable growth. Key agile practices include adaptive planning, time-boxed execution, feedback, and retrospectives. Attributes of agile members include being self-motivated, focused, having T-shaped skills, being self-organizing, transparent communication, and working at a sustainable pace. While agile management requires changes, its benefits include better adaptation, increased productivity, and faster growth.
PuppetCamp Austin 2015 Talk - Getting started with puppetByron Miller
This document provides an overview of getting started with Puppet, including establishing goals, understanding key concepts and vocabulary, developing modules, and practicing an operations workflow. It emphasizes taking a systems thinking approach, focusing on simplicity, experimentation, and continuous improvement through testing, monitoring, and seeking feedback to refine processes over time.
Leadership Lessons from Admiral Nimitz - Lean Agile US 2020Trent Hone
Nimitz demonstrated effective leadership in complex situations through his use of slack time, commitment to learning and growth, and building of psychologically safe environments. He organized his staff and fleet into networks to promote collaboration and learning. Nimitz also made time for recreation to allow subordinates distance from problems and bond outside work, using slack time to access diverse experiences and identify lessons.
Exploring the Options: U.S. Navy Tactical Doctrine 1913-1923Trent Hone
The document discusses the development of U.S. Navy tactical doctrine between 1913-1923. It emerged from war games and exercises conducted by the Atlantic Fleet and was further developed through lessons from World War I and fleet maneuvers. The doctrine emphasized flexible battle plans that conveyed commander's intent and fostered initiative over rigid instructions. It balanced coordination with individual action. This approach guided U.S. Navy major operations through World War II.
Strategic Agility through Learning DoctrineTrent Hone
The document discusses the synergistic relationship between strategy and doctrine. It provides examples from the U.S. Navy in World War 2 and a software company called TracerNET to illustrate how strategy can trigger learning and the emergence of better doctrines, while improved doctrines also enable more effective strategies. The U.S. Navy used experimentation and exercises prior to the war to develop flexible doctrines that could evolve rapidly based on lessons learned. For TracerNET, establishing a clear strategic goal of dominating the ready-mix concrete market focused their efforts and allowed their agile processes and doctrines to drive strategic success over time.
Learning to Win: The Evolution of U.S. Navy Tactical Doctrine During the Solo...Trent Hone
The document summarizes the evolution of U.S. Navy tactical doctrine during the Solomons campaign from 1942-1943. It describes how the Navy initially relied on linear formations and individual heroics after failures early in the campaign. Through experiments with distributed formations, the Navy learned that coordination was difficult without stable formations. The development of the Combat Information Center and shared tactical pictures enabled new approaches like surprise destroyer torpedo attacks followed by gunfire. By late 1943, the Navy's surface warfare doctrine had evolved significantly through two levels of learning and experimentation during the campaign.
The document discusses high velocity learning based on lessons from the Guadalcanal campaign. It summarizes that the Navy learned during this campaign that (1) being able to rapidly adapt plans to changing circumstances on the battlefield is crucial, (2) seizing opportunities that emerge despite uncertainties is important, and (3) agility means having the ability to learn quickly and refine tactics and doctrine continuously based on new experiences.
The document discusses how to evolve systems through safe experimentation using DevOps Darwinism principles. It advocates for evolving architectures through small, incremental changes via experiments with microservices, automation, and parallelism to learn faster. Key points are evolving systems like evolution favors, safely experimenting using infrastructure as code, testing, and designing for failure, and learning faster through parallel experiments and optionality.
Building Better Battleships @ Agile AshburnTrent Hone
The document summarizes a presentation about how the US Navy improved its battleship design process in the early 1900s. It describes problems with the original process: it took too long as technology changed rapidly; there was poor understanding of customer needs; and limited strategic vision. Reform efforts faced resistance to change. Key changes included establishing the General Board to provide strategic direction, and implementing preliminary design reviews to get rapid feedback. These changes allowed the Navy to adapt designs faster without a major process redesign. The presentation concludes with lessons about understanding customer needs, gaining rapid feedback, and that process change is often difficult but unnecessary.
ElasticSearch Course that goes from the basic and quickly dives deep in the most important topics to build efficient cluster: model data, search quicly, aggregate and process data, distribute and manage data as well as cluster management.
Rise of the Phoenix: Lesson Learned Build an AI-powered Test Gen Enginestevebrudz1
In this talk, I give an overview and demo of Phoenix, an AI-powered test generation engine for Ruby on Rails applications, and share lessons learned while building it. I presented this at the Artificial Ruby Meet Up in NYC on March 4, 2025.
Click this link to download NOW :
Wondershare Filmora Crack is a user-friendly video editing software designed for both beginners and intermediate users. It provides an intuitive interface and powerful features that make it easy to create and edit high-quality videos without needing extensive video editing experience. It is popular among content creators, YouTubers, and anyone looking to create professional-looking videos for personal or business use.
DevOpsDays LA - Platform Engineers are Product Managers.pdfJustin Reock
Platform engineering is the foundation of modern software development, equipping teams with the tools and workflows they need to move faster. However, to truly drive impact, platform engineers must think like product managersleveraging productivity metrics to guide decisions, prioritize investments, and measure success. By applying a data-driven approach, platform teams can optimize developer experience, streamline workflows, and demonstrate tangible ROI on platform initiatives.
In this 15-minute session, Justin Reock, Deputy CTO at DX (, will explore how platform engineers can use key developer productivity metricssuch as cycle time, deployment frequency, and developer satisfactionto manage their platform as an internal product. By treating the platform with the same rigor as an external product launch, teams can accelerate adoption, improve efficiency, and create a frictionless developer experience.
Join us to learn how adopting a metrics-driven, product management mindset can transform your platform engineering efforts into a strategic, high-impact function that unlocks engineering velocity and business success.
The financial technology landscape is evolving at an unprecedented pace, and 2025 promises to be a transformative year for the industry. From AI-driven banking to decentralized finance, the future of FinTech is brimming with innovation. In this carousel, we explore the five key trends that will shape the FinTech ecosystem in 2025. Stay ahead of the curve and discover how these advancements will redefine the way we manage, invest, and interact with money. Swipe through to dive into the future of finance! 叶
Projects Panama, Valhalla, and Babylon: Java is the New Python v0.9Yann-Ga谷l Gu辿h辿neuc
Java has had a tremendous success and, in the last few years, has evolved quite significantly. However, it was still difficult to interface with libraries written in other programming language because of some complexity with JNI and some syntactic and semantic barriers. New projects to improve Java could help alleviate, even nullify, these barriers. Projects Panama, Valhalla, and Babylon exist to make it easier to use different programming and memory models in Java and to interface with foreign programming languages. This presentation describes the problem with the Java isthmus and the three projects in details, with real code examples. It shows how, combined, these three projects could make of Java the new Python.
ChatGPT and DeepSeek: Which AI Tool Delivers Better User Experience?Ava Isley
This PPT on "ChatGPT and DeepSeek: Which AI Tool Delivers Better User Experience?" provides a comparative analysis of the two AI tools, focusing on usability, interface design, customization, and overall user satisfaction.
It evaluates their strengths and weaknesses to determine which offers a superior experience.
For businesses seeking custom software development services in USA, choosing the right AI tool is essential for enhancing automation, customer interaction, and workflow efficiency.
In 2025, AI-powered cyber threats are growing, but so are AI-driven security measures! Heres how were fighting back:
AI-Powered Fraud Detection Spot & stop attacks in real-time
Behavioral Biometrics AI learns user behavior & detects anomalies
Adaptive Security Models Auto-adjust security levels based on risk
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At iProgrammer, we build intelligent, AI-driven security solutions to keep your app one step ahead of cyber threats!
How secure is your app? Lets talk!
Metaverse Meetup: Explore Mulesoft MAC ProjectGiulioPicchi
Ever heard of AI? We have! Espacially Andrea Canale, an Integration Architect ready to shed light on The MAC Project: an open-source initiative for integrating AI with MuleSoft. He'll show its key features and learn how to leverage AI capabilities to drive automation and enhance decision-making.
Why Hire Python Developers? Key Benefits for Your BusinessMypcot Infotech
Python developers bring expertise in building scalable, secure, and high-performance applications. They enhance productivity with clean, efficient code, ensuring faster development and seamless integration. With strong community support and versatility across industries, they drive innovation and cost-effective solutions. Boost your business growthhire Python developers today!
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LDPlayer 9.1.20 Latest crack is a powerful and user-friendly Android emulator that offers great performance and features for both casual users and gamers. With high performance, multi-instance support, customizable controls, and strong compatibility with Android apps and games, It is an excellent choice for anyone looking to run Android software on a PC.
Build the future with Agentforce and MulesoftGiulioPicchi
Nothing is hotter that Agentforce! We got you covered with a presentation from Daniele De Simone, a Senior Integration Consultant, on how to import MuleSoft APIs into Salesforce and integrate them with Agentforce Agents.
Free Download Dassault Systems SolidWorks total premium for Windows provides the breadth of tools to tackle the most complex problems and the depth to finish critical detail work. New features help you improve your product development process to produce your innovative products faster.
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Enscape Latest 2025 Crack is a real-time 3D rendering and virtual reality (VR) software that integrates seamlessly with architectural design software like Autodesk Revit, SketchUp, Rhino, ArchiCAD, and Vectorworks. It is widely used by architects, designers, and visualization professionals to create photorealistic visualizations, immersive virtual walkthroughs, and high-quality renderings directly from their 3D models.
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2. | @Honer_CUT
Trent Hone
Agile Coach with Excella
20+ years development
Award-Winning Historian
Complexity Theorist
3. | @Honer_CUT
Kanban Systems
Create an Environment of
Distributed Cognition that Accelerates
Effective Decision-Making
Our Theme
4. | @Honer_CUT
A management method for:
1. Directly improving service delivery
2. Catalyzing Improvements
3. Evolving a business to be
fit for purpose
The Kanban Method
8. | @Honer_CUT
The Historical
The U.S. Navys Difficulty of
Making Sense of Complex and
Challenging Environments
9. | @Honer_CUT
History Informs the Present
Effective decision-
making in uncertain
Prussian General Staff
Stephen Bungay
Marine Corps Doctrine
Don Reinertsen
18. | @Honer_CUT
The Problem
Captains lose track of the situation
Task forces break down
Coordination proves impossible
But the information is there
26. | @Honer_CUT
Combat Information Center
Made the Invisible Visible
New Roles Distributed Cognitive Load
Allowed Rapid Sense-Making through
Visualization and Clear Symbols
27. | @Honer_CUT
System with cognitive capabilities
greater than the collection of
individuals that operate in the system
Distributed Cognition
29. | @Honer_CUT
Distributed Cognition
Human Systems are Cultural Systems
Rules are implicit until we make them
Rules and Symbols are the tools for
creating distributed cognition
30. | @Honer_CUT
Make sense of the current situation
Lower individual cognitive burden
Enable self-organization
Foster decentralized decision-making
31. | @Honer_CUT
A management method for:
1. Directly improving service delivery
2. Catalyzing Improvements
3. Evolving a business to be
fit for purpose
The Kanban Method
39. | @Honer_CUT
Classes of Service
Explicit policies around the
handling of work
Treating work differently based on:
Source of Request
41. | @Honer_CUT
Options Ready Define Implement Validate Done
3 5 34
Classes of Service
Doing Done Doing Done
= Standard
= Intangible
= Fixed Date
= Expedite
42. | @Honer_CUT
Capacity Allocation
Explicit policies governing the
handling of risk
Often tied to Classes of Service
Becomes a Decision
43. | @Honer_CUT
Options Ready Define Implement Validate Done
3 5 34
Classes of Service with Capacity Allocation
Doing Done Doing Done
= Standard
= Intangible
= Fixed Date
= Expedite