Rhian will write a synopsis, present it creatively, finalize questionnaire results, and explain the age restrictions and chosen age in detail. Ryan will add detail to 3 opening research pieces and write a script.
Este documento proporciona instrucciones para crear un trÃptico sobre la violencia utilizando Corel Draw. Primero, se debe abrir Corel Draw y configurar la hoja en tamaño A4 horizontal. Luego, se activan las lÃneas guÃa preestablecidas para tres columnas. Finalmente, se proporcionan detalles sobre los tipos de violencia que se pueden incluir en el trÃptico, como la violencia fÃsica, emocional y por negligencia.
This document summarizes the rights of non-Qatari citizens in Qatar based on interviews with over 200 migrant workers. It finds that many migrant workers face abuse, exploitation, and deprivation of basic rights throughout the employment process. Workers are often deceived by recruitment agencies in their home countries and burdened with large debts to pay recruitment fees. Once in Qatar, many experience delayed or unpaid wages, passport confiscation preventing them from leaving poor work conditions, and a lack of rights protections that contributes to a "poverty trap" making it difficult for them to improve their situations and return home. The document calls for Qatar to strengthen laws upholding workers' rights in accordance with international standards to improve conditions for its large migrant workforce.
This document summarizes an extra-large camera housing called the HGV. [1] It is ideal for outdoor installations and can fit the largest motorized zoom lenses on the market up to 55x. [2] The housing has an aluminum and ABS construction, integrated wiper, removable top body, and weatherproof rating of IP66. [3] It is suitable for applications like fire monitoring, harbors, and border surveillance.
La gestión de la calidad es una estructura operacional bien documentada para lograr la calidad de productos y servicios. Es necesaria para cualquier proyecto y está definida en el estándar ISO 9001:2008. Implementa elementos como liderazgo centrado en el cliente, participación de empleados, enfoque en procesos y mejora continua, lo que trae ventajas como satisfacción del cliente, reducción de costos y cumplimiento legal. Su propósito es garantizar mecanismos para mejorar la producción de bienes y servicios de acuerdo a regulaciones estable
The document contains a table with 50 rows listing Peruvian Sol amounts from 1 to 25 along with interest rates ranging from 300% to 5000%. It also includes two columns labeled SUM 1 and SUM 2 with numerical values, and shows increasing times from 12:00:00 am to 12:00:00 am. The table seems to be calculating interest accrued on deposits of sol amounts over time.
Dokumen tersebut membahas perbedaan antara tindakan yang dilakukan untuk memenuhi nafsu seseorang dengan tindakan yang dilakukan dengan melibatkan akal. Dokumen tersebut menanyakan perbedaan antara keduanya dan menekankan perlunya melibatkan akal dalam mengambil keputusan.
La media de edad para emanciparse se estabiliza en torno a los 29 añosJose A. Crespo Molina
En el último decenio,
la media de edad a la que se
emancipan los jóvenes españoles
se ha estabilizado en torno a
los 29 años, según un estudio
del catedrático de SociologÃa de
la Universidad Nacional de Educación
a Distancia (UNED), Miguel
Requena. Ésta es la principal conclusión
que se desprende del artÃculo
Familia, convivencia y dependencia
entre los jóvenes españoles,
publicado en la revista
Panorama Social, de la Fundación
de las Cajas de Ahorro
(Funcas), que se presentó ayer
en Madrid y en el que se analizan
los procesos de dependencia
y emancipación juvenil.
Este documento presenta los objetivos de aprendizaje para un curso sobre la docencia, las buenas prácticas y la calidad educativa. El primer objetivo es analizar crÃticamente el desempeño docente utilizando indicadores de calidad. El segundo objetivo es conocer y aplicar metodologÃas básicas de investigación y evaluación educativas. El tercer objetivo es ser capaz de diseñar y desarrollar proyectos de investigación, innovación y evaluación.
Another Mans Treasure Sextape Vol. 1 by Big Bad Baragon (2013) Mixtape Review...Jason Quinn
These are my review notes for my mixtape review of Another Mans Treasure Sextape Vol. 1 by Big Bad Baragon, which was released on April 17th of 2013.
You can watch my full video review here:
Este documento lista 5 referencias utilizadas para crear una página web: Wikipedia, una página sobre memorias, un sitio sobre reflexiones espirituales, una herramienta para imágenes y un sitio educativo.
What Uses and Gratifications (according to Blumler and Katz) will an audience...rhianswan
This document discusses uses and gratifications theory, which focuses on what audiences get out of consuming media rather than how media affects people. It identifies four main categories of uses and gratifications: identity, education, entertainment, and social interaction. The document then analyzes how an audience would use and be gratified by a music video product. Specifically, it says the video would entertain through its storyline and catchy song. It would also allow identification with the featured artist. Additionally, the video aims to educate viewers about vulnerability to harm at all ages.
How effective is the combination of your main?rhianswan
The document discusses how the author created ancillary tasks of a digipak and poster to accompany their music video coursework. They used a consistent dark and gloomy theme across all products to effectively market the song and present a cohesive brand for the artist. By keeping the theme, artist portrayal, and title consistent, the digipak, poster, and music video work together to promote each other and create a recognizable image for the artist whenever one of the products is seen.
What have you learned from your audience feedback?rhianswan
From audience feedback on a music video, the creator learned that their target market enjoyed the lip syncing but felt there was too much of it, preferring more of a storyline. Feedback also helped identify small improvements, such as zooming in on the video to fill blank space. Some comments boosted the creator's confidence by saying shots looked professional. Feedback on a digipak helped the creator learn that their target market preferred a serious over smiling face, leading them to keep this theme for the poster. Mixed feedback on using the same front design multiple times led the creator to try alternative designs and pick one most audiences liked. Feedback affirmed that the poster, video, and digipak felt connected as intended and looked professional.
The survey results showed that more females than males responded. Most respondents were between the ages of 16-24, which was the target demographic. When asked about themes associated with Imagine Dragons, dark or artistic themes were most common. The majority preferred conventional album covers. The most popular background expectations were forests and streets. Most would pay under £5 for an indie album, but many said £5-10, so the poster decided to price the album at £5.99.
The document discusses several key concepts in filmmaking including:
1) Leaving unanswered questions engages audiences and makes them want to continue watching to find the answers.
2) Diegetic sounds come from visible or implied sources within the film's world, while non-diegetic sounds do not have a visible on-screen source.
3) Editing involves removing unwanted footage, choosing the best footage to create a cohesive narrative flow, and adding elements like music.
This document outlines a 5 week plan for a project that includes posting initial thoughts and task briefs online in the first two weeks, expanding on ideas and starting to consider what is needed for production in week three, turning considerations into questions for a questionnaire in week four, and researching the chosen genre in week five.
La gestión de la calidad es una estructura operacional bien documentada para lograr la calidad de productos y servicios. Es necesaria para cualquier proyecto y está definida en el estándar ISO 9001:2008. Implementa elementos como liderazgo centrado en el cliente, participación de empleados, enfoque en procesos y mejora continua, lo que trae ventajas como satisfacción del cliente, reducción de costos y cumplimiento legal. Su propósito es garantizar mecanismos para mejorar la producción de bienes y servicios de acuerdo a regulaciones estable
The document contains a table with 50 rows listing Peruvian Sol amounts from 1 to 25 along with interest rates ranging from 300% to 5000%. It also includes two columns labeled SUM 1 and SUM 2 with numerical values, and shows increasing times from 12:00:00 am to 12:00:00 am. The table seems to be calculating interest accrued on deposits of sol amounts over time.
Dokumen tersebut membahas perbedaan antara tindakan yang dilakukan untuk memenuhi nafsu seseorang dengan tindakan yang dilakukan dengan melibatkan akal. Dokumen tersebut menanyakan perbedaan antara keduanya dan menekankan perlunya melibatkan akal dalam mengambil keputusan.
La media de edad para emanciparse se estabiliza en torno a los 29 añosJose A. Crespo Molina
En el último decenio,
la media de edad a la que se
emancipan los jóvenes españoles
se ha estabilizado en torno a
los 29 años, según un estudio
del catedrático de SociologÃa de
la Universidad Nacional de Educación
a Distancia (UNED), Miguel
Requena. Ésta es la principal conclusión
que se desprende del artÃculo
Familia, convivencia y dependencia
entre los jóvenes españoles,
publicado en la revista
Panorama Social, de la Fundación
de las Cajas de Ahorro
(Funcas), que se presentó ayer
en Madrid y en el que se analizan
los procesos de dependencia
y emancipación juvenil.
Este documento presenta los objetivos de aprendizaje para un curso sobre la docencia, las buenas prácticas y la calidad educativa. El primer objetivo es analizar crÃticamente el desempeño docente utilizando indicadores de calidad. El segundo objetivo es conocer y aplicar metodologÃas básicas de investigación y evaluación educativas. El tercer objetivo es ser capaz de diseñar y desarrollar proyectos de investigación, innovación y evaluación.
Another Mans Treasure Sextape Vol. 1 by Big Bad Baragon (2013) Mixtape Review...Jason Quinn
These are my review notes for my mixtape review of Another Mans Treasure Sextape Vol. 1 by Big Bad Baragon, which was released on April 17th of 2013.
You can watch my full video review here:
Este documento lista 5 referencias utilizadas para crear una página web: Wikipedia, una página sobre memorias, un sitio sobre reflexiones espirituales, una herramienta para imágenes y un sitio educativo.
What Uses and Gratifications (according to Blumler and Katz) will an audience...rhianswan
This document discusses uses and gratifications theory, which focuses on what audiences get out of consuming media rather than how media affects people. It identifies four main categories of uses and gratifications: identity, education, entertainment, and social interaction. The document then analyzes how an audience would use and be gratified by a music video product. Specifically, it says the video would entertain through its storyline and catchy song. It would also allow identification with the featured artist. Additionally, the video aims to educate viewers about vulnerability to harm at all ages.
How effective is the combination of your main?rhianswan
The document discusses how the author created ancillary tasks of a digipak and poster to accompany their music video coursework. They used a consistent dark and gloomy theme across all products to effectively market the song and present a cohesive brand for the artist. By keeping the theme, artist portrayal, and title consistent, the digipak, poster, and music video work together to promote each other and create a recognizable image for the artist whenever one of the products is seen.
What have you learned from your audience feedback?rhianswan
From audience feedback on a music video, the creator learned that their target market enjoyed the lip syncing but felt there was too much of it, preferring more of a storyline. Feedback also helped identify small improvements, such as zooming in on the video to fill blank space. Some comments boosted the creator's confidence by saying shots looked professional. Feedback on a digipak helped the creator learn that their target market preferred a serious over smiling face, leading them to keep this theme for the poster. Mixed feedback on using the same front design multiple times led the creator to try alternative designs and pick one most audiences liked. Feedback affirmed that the poster, video, and digipak felt connected as intended and looked professional.
The survey results showed that more females than males responded. Most respondents were between the ages of 16-24, which was the target demographic. When asked about themes associated with Imagine Dragons, dark or artistic themes were most common. The majority preferred conventional album covers. The most popular background expectations were forests and streets. Most would pay under £5 for an indie album, but many said £5-10, so the poster decided to price the album at £5.99.
The document discusses several key concepts in filmmaking including:
1) Leaving unanswered questions engages audiences and makes them want to continue watching to find the answers.
2) Diegetic sounds come from visible or implied sources within the film's world, while non-diegetic sounds do not have a visible on-screen source.
3) Editing involves removing unwanted footage, choosing the best footage to create a cohesive narrative flow, and adding elements like music.
This document outlines a 5 week plan for a project that includes posting initial thoughts and task briefs online in the first two weeks, expanding on ideas and starting to consider what is needed for production in week three, turning considerations into questions for a questionnaire in week four, and researching the chosen genre in week five.
1. Action Plan – Week Seven
– Write up synopsis and present it creatively.
– Finalise Questionnaire results.
– Explain age restrictions and in detail explain the
age we have chosen.
– Draw storyboard and put on blog.
– Add detail to all 3 of the Opening research.
– Write up script.