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Actionable Dreams 
Gaurav Munjal
That one dream.
First step is the most difficult 
 Thought of the dream being too big 
 Failure to act 
 Criticism from the loved ones 
 What ifMaybeits too early/late
My teenage dreams 
 Meet SRK and JKR in person 
 Start a blog that makes money 
 Work as a Programmer with Google 
 Change the way education is being imparted 
 Write a novel 
 Start a company
Yes, I have failed 
 Resonance. Failed. 
 Flat.to in college. Failed. 
 Unacademy for the first two years. Failed. 
 Dozens of blogs since 10th standard. Failed. 
 Couple of YouTube Channels currently. Mostly Failed. 
 My first novella in school. Failed.
Failure is the only way you will succeed.
Given its coupled with Persistence.
My teenage dreams 
 Meet SRK and JKR in person! 
 Start a blog that makes money 
 Work as a Programmer with Google 
 Change the way education is being imparted 
 Write a novel 
 Start a company
It wasn't easy.
7th October 11
My teenage dreams 
 Meet SRK and JKR in person 
 Start a blog that makes money! 
 Work as a Programmer with Google 
 Change the way education is being imparted 
 Write a novel 
 Start a company
Subscriber base of more than 1.1 Million people
My teenage dreams 
 Meet SRK and JKR in person 
 Start a blog that makes money 
 Work as a Programmer with Google! 
 Change the way education is being imparted 
 Write a novel 
 Start a company
My teenage dreams 
 Meet SRK and JKR in person 
 Start a blog that makes money 
 Work as a Programmer with Google Directi 
 Change the way education is being imparted 
 Write a novel 
 Start a company
What it takes? 
 Letting go of Turbo C++ to begin with ;) 
 More than ~350 days of programming, 2-3 hours 
 Giving up on a lot of distractions 
 Programming contests: ACM ICPC, TopCoder, 
 Lots of rounds of interviews
My teenage dreams 
 Meet SRK and JKR in person 
 Start a blog that makes money 
 Work as a Programmer with Google Directi 
 Change the way education is being imparted! 
 Write a novel 
 Start a company
 Started as a college project 
 Recently crossed 17k+ subscribers,1.2 million+ 
views and 10k+ daily views 
 More than 276 videos on the channel 
 Lots of small failures 
 One of Indias fastest growing educational 
channel, long way to go
My teenage dreams 
 Meet SRK and JKR in person 
 Start a blog that makes money 
 Work as a Programmer with Google Directi 
 Change the way education is being imparted 
 Write a novel! 
 Start a company
My teenage dreams 
 Meet SRK and JKR in person 
 Start a blog that makes money 
 Work as a Programmer with Google Directi 
 Change the way education is being imparted 
 Write a novel novella! 
 Start a company
My teenage dreams 
 Meet SRK and JKR in person 
 Start a blog that makes money 
 Work as a Programmer with Google Directi 
 Change the way education is being imparted 
 Write a novel novella 
 Start a company
My teenage dreams 
 Meet SRK and JKR in person 
 Start a blog that makes money 
 Work as a Programmer with Google Directi 
 Change the way education is being imparted 
 Write a novel novella 
 Start a company: Flat.to
 Failed first time in college
 Failed first time in college 
 Took another year to rebuild and launch again
 Failed first time in college 
 Took another year to rebuild and launch again 
 Everyday you encounter plethora of issues
 Failed first time in college 
 Took another year to rebuild and launch again 
 Everyday you encounter plethora of issues 
 But its worth it
Actionable Dreams
Actionable Dreams
Actionable Dreams
Actionable Dreams
April 14 
Flat.to gets acquired by Indias largest real estate portal
Actionable Dreams
First step is the most difficult 
 Thought of the dream being too big 
 Failure to act 
 Criticism from the loved ones 
 What ifMaybeits too early/late 
 But taking the first step or not, makes all the 
Out of Comfort Zone 
 Starting something new 
 Asking that girl for coffee 
 Standing your ground not going with the crowd 
 Give your brain two minutes :-)
More than anything else we become so 
confident about our excuses.
If you dont ask, the answer is 
always no.
Whats the worst thing that can happen?
That one dream.
That one dream. 
Whats the smallest thing you can do today to 
become a step closer towards your dream?
That one dream. 
Whats the smallest actionable item that will 
help you achieve your dream?
That one dream. 
How can I convert my dreams into actions?
That one dream. 
How can I make my dream into an actionable 
Because the ones who are crazy enough to 
think they can change the world, are the ones 
who do. 
Steve Jobs
Reach out 
 Tweet @gauravmunjal 
 Message facebook.com/gauravmunjal 
 Dont come up with excuses, reach out
Thank You

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Actionable Dreams

  • 3. First step is the most difficult Thought of the dream being too big Failure to act Criticism from the loved ones What ifMaybeits too early/late
  • 4. My teenage dreams Meet SRK and JKR in person Start a blog that makes money Work as a Programmer with Google Change the way education is being imparted Write a novel Start a company
  • 5. Yes, I have failed Resonance. Failed. Flat.to in college. Failed. Unacademy for the first two years. Failed. Dozens of blogs since 10th standard. Failed. Couple of YouTube Channels currently. Mostly Failed. My first novella in school. Failed.
  • 6. Failure is the only way you will succeed.
  • 7. Given its coupled with Persistence.
  • 8. My teenage dreams Meet SRK and JKR in person! Start a blog that makes money Work as a Programmer with Google Change the way education is being imparted Write a novel Start a company
  • 11. My teenage dreams Meet SRK and JKR in person Start a blog that makes money! Work as a Programmer with Google Change the way education is being imparted Write a novel Start a company
  • 12. Fashionama Subscriber base of more than 1.1 Million people
  • 13. My teenage dreams Meet SRK and JKR in person Start a blog that makes money Work as a Programmer with Google! Change the way education is being imparted Write a novel Start a company
  • 14. My teenage dreams Meet SRK and JKR in person Start a blog that makes money Work as a Programmer with Google Directi Change the way education is being imparted Write a novel Start a company
  • 15. What it takes? Letting go of Turbo C++ to begin with ;) More than ~350 days of programming, 2-3 hours everyday Giving up on a lot of distractions Programming contests: ACM ICPC, TopCoder, CodeChef Lots of rounds of interviews
  • 16. My teenage dreams Meet SRK and JKR in person Start a blog that makes money Work as a Programmer with Google Directi Change the way education is being imparted! Write a novel Start a company
  • 17. Unacademy Started as a college project Recently crossed 17k+ subscribers,1.2 million+ views and 10k+ daily views More than 276 videos on the channel Lots of small failures One of Indias fastest growing educational channel, long way to go
  • 18. My teenage dreams Meet SRK and JKR in person Start a blog that makes money Work as a Programmer with Google Directi Change the way education is being imparted Write a novel! Start a company
  • 19. My teenage dreams Meet SRK and JKR in person Start a blog that makes money Work as a Programmer with Google Directi Change the way education is being imparted Write a novel novella! Start a company
  • 20. My teenage dreams Meet SRK and JKR in person Start a blog that makes money Work as a Programmer with Google Directi Change the way education is being imparted Write a novel novella Start a company
  • 21. My teenage dreams Meet SRK and JKR in person Start a blog that makes money Work as a Programmer with Google Directi Change the way education is being imparted Write a novel novella Start a company: Flat.to
  • 23. Flat.to Failed first time in college
  • 24. Flat.to Failed first time in college Took another year to rebuild and launch again
  • 25. Flat.to Failed first time in college Took another year to rebuild and launch again Everyday you encounter plethora of issues
  • 26. Flat.to Failed first time in college Took another year to rebuild and launch again Everyday you encounter plethora of issues But its worth it
  • 31. April 14 Flat.to gets acquired by Indias largest real estate portal
  • 33. First step is the most difficult Thought of the dream being too big Failure to act Criticism from the loved ones What ifMaybeits too early/late But taking the first step or not, makes all the difference
  • 34. Out of Comfort Zone Starting something new Asking that girl for coffee Standing your ground not going with the crowd Give your brain two minutes :-)
  • 36. More than anything else we become so confident about our excuses.
  • 38. If you dont ask, the answer is always no.
  • 39. Whats the worst thing that can happen?
  • 41. That one dream. Whats the smallest thing you can do today to become a step closer towards your dream?
  • 42. That one dream. Whats the smallest actionable item that will help you achieve your dream?
  • 43. That one dream. How can I convert my dreams into actions?
  • 44. That one dream. How can I make my dream into an actionable dream?
  • 45. Because the ones who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do. Steve Jobs
  • 46. Reach out Tweet @gauravmunjal Message facebook.com/gauravmunjal calendar.gauravmunjal.com Dont come up with excuses, reach out