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Unit 7: Making Decisions
and Repeating Yourself
 Iteration (looping) statements
 index loop: looping over arrays
 Conditional statements
 if / else
 comparison operators: > >= < <= == != instanceof
 logical operators: || && !
What is a Loop" Statement?
 A loop ("iteration") statement re-executes specified
code until a condition is met
 ActionScript supports four different loop statements
Using Index Loops and their Values
for (Index") Loop
 Counts from one number to another
 Most commonly used
Bucle while
var aNames:Array = ["Fred", "Ginger", "Sam"];
while(aNames.length > 0)
trace("Names in array: " + aNames.length);
El bucle while se ejecuta mientras su condici坦n sea verdadera.
Si nunca cambia nada en el c坦digo del bucle como para que la
condici坦n pase a ser falsa, se estar叩 creando un bucle sin fin.
Bucle do  while
var aNames:Array = [];
trace("Names in array: " + aNames.length);
} while(aNames.length > 0)
El bucle do-while siempre se ejecuta por lo menos una vez.
Despu辿s, contin炭a ejecut叩ndose mientras su condici坦n siga siendo verdadera.
En el c坦digo, ver鱈a Names in array: 0,
aun cuando la condici坦n es falsa,
porque la longitud de aNames no supera 0 y
la condici坦n no se ha comprobado hasta despu辿s
de que el c坦digo del bucle se ha ejecutado.
 AttachingMultipleMovieClipsfrom anArray ofData
 Loop over the length of an array
 Trace index variables
 Use index variables to create unique instance names
 Use index variables to assign unique positions
 Assign arrayvalues for display in a dynamically generated MovieClip instance
Using Conditional Statements
What's a Conditional Statement"?
 A conditional statement tests whether one or more
comparison expressions are true
 If the entire condition is true, specified code executes,
else other tests or default code may execute
 ActionScript supports three types of conditional
 if / else
 switch / case (not covered)
 Conditional operator (not covered)
What's a Comparison Expression"?
 ActionScript supports seven main comparison
 Is it true that
 x > y x is greater than y ?
 x >= y x is greater than or equivalent to y ?
 x < y x is less than y ?
 x <= y x is less than or equivalent to y ?
 x == y x is equivalent (not "equals") to y ?
 x != y x is not equivalent to y ?
 x instanceof y x is an instance of a class named y
How Does it Look in Code?
 If the expression is true, the code block executes
var password:String = "fly";
if (txtPassword.text == password) {
// runs if User typed "fly" in the password field
if (aPlayers instanceof Array) {
// runs if aPlayers is an instance of the Array class
How Do I Ask if Something is False?
 ActionScript supports a "not" logical operator
 Is it true that 
 !(this is true)
 is this expression not true (is it false)?
var password:String = "fly";
if (!(txtPassword.text == password)) {
// runs if User typed anything but "fly" in txtPassword
if (!(aPlayers instanceof Array)) {
// runs if aPlayers is anything but an Array
How Do I Ask More Than One Question at a Time?
 ActionScript supports "and" and "or" logical operators
 Is it true that
 This is true && ("and") this is true
 Are both expressions true?
 This is true || ("or") this is true
 Is either expression true?
How Does It Look in Code?
 If the entire compound expression is true, the code will
if (expression1 && expression2) {
// runs if expressions 1 and 2 are both true
if (expression3 || !(expression4)) {
// runs if expression 3 is true or 4 is not true
How Does It Look in Code?
 If the entire compound expression is true, the code will
if (txtPassword.text == "fly" && player.admin == true) {
if (player.highScore < 200 || !(player.status == "expert"))
Can I Ask Alternative Questions?
 An else if clause is tested only if the prior if is not true
 Otherwise each if is separately tested
if (txtPassword.text == "fly") {
else if (player.highScore < 200) {
Can I Have a Default?
 An else clause executes if none of the above are true
if (txtPassword.text == "fly") {
else if (player.highScore < 200) {
Can I Nest My Conditions?
 Conditions may be nested, if a second condition only
makes sense if a prior condition is true
if (this._rotation <= 0) {
this._xscale = this._xscale  10;
if(this._xscale <= 0) {
 VisuallyTogglinga MovieClipusingConditionalCode
 Test the value of visual properties
 Conditionally change MovieClip properties between states
 RespondingtoRandom RotationandDynamicallyGeneratingMultiple
 Randomly calculate the change rate of a property
 Test to ensure a calculation is only made once
 Test for and respond to changes in property values
 Call a function a specified number of times
 Observing that each instance of MovieClip symbol is unique
Unit 8: Animating with ActionScript
 Implementing drag and drop functionality for a MovieClip
 Hit ("collision") testing between MovieClip instances
 Using an initialization object in the attachMovie method
 Using the onEnterFrame event handler
 Working with animation velocity and conditionally testing Stage
Dragging, Dropping, and
Hit Testing MovieClip Objects
startDrag() and stopDrag() are MovieClip methods
ball1.onPress = function():Void {
How Do I Let the User Pick up a MovieClip Instance
and Move It?
Every symbol instance has a bounding box
What's the Difference Between a Bounding Box and
hitTest() is a MovieClip method which returns true or false if
its bounding box or shape is touching either a target MovieClip
How Do I Know if Two Objects are Touching?
 Dragging,Dropping,andHit TestingMovieClipObjects
 Use onPress and onRelease event handler methods
 Use the startDrag and stopDrag methods
 Respond to collisions when dropping an object
Initializing MovieClip Objects
with an onEnterFrame Event Handler
Timeline animation occurs when the playhead enters a
keyframe with different content than before
When Does Flash Animation" Occur?
ActionScript 9-10
MovieClip instances broadcast the onEnterFrame event ("signal") each
time the playhead enters a frame
What's the onEnterFrame Event?
Initialization objects are generic objects passed as an optional
argument to the attachMovie() method
How Do I Initialize" an Attached MovieClip?
Velocity or the change rate of an animated MovieClip may
need to be calculated or change at run time
Why Make Velocity" a Variable?
 InitializingAttachedMovieClipswithan onEnterFrameHandler
 Use an initialization object when attaching MovieClip objects
 Use the onEnterFrame event handler
 Randomly calculate velocity (change rate) for two dimensions
 Test for Stage boundaries during animation
 Hit test during animation

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ActionScript 9-10

  • 1. Unit 7: Making Decisions and Repeating Yourself
  • 2. Topics Iteration (looping) statements index loop: looping over arrays Conditional statements if / else comparison operators: > >= < <= == != instanceof logical operators: || && !
  • 3. What is a Loop" Statement? A loop ("iteration") statement re-executes specified code until a condition is met ActionScript supports four different loop statements for for-in while do-while
  • 4. Using Index Loops and their Values
  • 5. for (Index") Loop Counts from one number to another Most commonly used
  • 6. Bucle while var aNames:Array = ["Fred", "Ginger", "Sam"]; while(aNames.length > 0) { trace("Names in array: " + aNames.length); trace(aNames.pop()); } El bucle while se ejecuta mientras su condici坦n sea verdadera. Si nunca cambia nada en el c坦digo del bucle como para que la condici坦n pase a ser falsa, se estar叩 creando un bucle sin fin.
  • 7. Bucle do while var aNames:Array = []; do { trace("Names in array: " + aNames.length); trace(aNames.pop()); } while(aNames.length > 0) El bucle do-while siempre se ejecuta por lo menos una vez. Despu辿s, contin炭a ejecut叩ndose mientras su condici坦n siga siendo verdadera. En el c坦digo, ver鱈a Names in array: 0, aun cuando la condici坦n es falsa, porque la longitud de aNames no supera 0 y la condici坦n no se ha comprobado hasta despu辿s de que el c坦digo del bucle se ha ejecutado.
  • 8. AttachingMultipleMovieClipsfrom anArray ofData Loop over the length of an array Trace index variables Use index variables to create unique instance names Use index variables to assign unique positions Assign arrayvalues for display in a dynamically generated MovieClip instance Walkthrough7-1
  • 10. What's a Conditional Statement"? A conditional statement tests whether one or more comparison expressions are true If the entire condition is true, specified code executes, else other tests or default code may execute ActionScript supports three types of conditional statements if / else switch / case (not covered) Conditional operator (not covered)
  • 11. What's a Comparison Expression"? ActionScript supports seven main comparison expressions Is it true that x > y x is greater than y ? x >= y x is greater than or equivalent to y ? x < y x is less than y ? x <= y x is less than or equivalent to y ? x == y x is equivalent (not "equals") to y ? x != y x is not equivalent to y ? x instanceof y x is an instance of a class named y
  • 12. How Does it Look in Code? If the expression is true, the code block executes var password:String = "fly"; if (txtPassword.text == password) { // runs if User typed "fly" in the password field } if (aPlayers instanceof Array) { // runs if aPlayers is an instance of the Array class }
  • 13. How Do I Ask if Something is False? ActionScript supports a "not" logical operator Is it true that !(this is true) is this expression not true (is it false)? var password:String = "fly"; if (!(txtPassword.text == password)) { // runs if User typed anything but "fly" in txtPassword } if (!(aPlayers instanceof Array)) { // runs if aPlayers is anything but an Array }
  • 14. How Do I Ask More Than One Question at a Time? ActionScript supports "and" and "or" logical operators Is it true that This is true && ("and") this is true Are both expressions true? This is true || ("or") this is true Is either expression true?
  • 15. How Does It Look in Code? If the entire compound expression is true, the code will execute if (expression1 && expression2) { // runs if expressions 1 and 2 are both true } if (expression3 || !(expression4)) { // runs if expression 3 is true or 4 is not true }
  • 16. How Does It Look in Code? If the entire compound expression is true, the code will execute if (txtPassword.text == "fly" && player.admin == true) { adminMode(true); } if (player.highScore < 200 || !(player.status == "expert")) { easyMode(true); }
  • 17. Can I Ask Alternative Questions? An else if clause is tested only if the prior if is not true Otherwise each if is separately tested if (txtPassword.text == "fly") { adminMode(true); } else if (player.highScore < 200) { easyMode(true); }
  • 18. Can I Have a Default? An else clause executes if none of the above are true if (txtPassword.text == "fly") { adminMode(true); } else if (player.highScore < 200) { easyMode(true); } else { regularMode(true); }
  • 19. Can I Nest My Conditions? Conditions may be nested, if a second condition only makes sense if a prior condition is true if (this._rotation <= 0) { this._xscale = this._xscale 10; if(this._xscale <= 0) { this.unloadMovie(); } }
  • 20. VisuallyTogglinga MovieClipusingConditionalCode Test the value of visual properties Conditionally change MovieClip properties between states Walkthrough7-2
  • 21. RespondingtoRandom RotationandDynamicallyGeneratingMultiple MovieClips Randomly calculate the change rate of a property Test to ensure a calculation is only made once Test for and respond to changes in property values Call a function a specified number of times Observing that each instance of MovieClip symbol is unique Lab7
  • 22. Unit 8: Animating with ActionScript
  • 23. Topics Implementing drag and drop functionality for a MovieClip Hit ("collision") testing between MovieClip instances Using an initialization object in the attachMovie method Using the onEnterFrame event handler Working with animation velocity and conditionally testing Stage bounds
  • 24. Dragging, Dropping, and Hit Testing MovieClip Objects
  • 25. startDrag() and stopDrag() are MovieClip methods ball1.onPress = function():Void { How Do I Let the User Pick up a MovieClip Instance and Move It?
  • 26. Every symbol instance has a bounding box What's the Difference Between a Bounding Box and Shape?
  • 27. hitTest() is a MovieClip method which returns true or false if its bounding box or shape is touching either a target MovieClip How Do I Know if Two Objects are Touching?
  • 28. Dragging,Dropping,andHit TestingMovieClipObjects Use onPress and onRelease event handler methods Use the startDrag and stopDrag methods Respond to collisions when dropping an object Walkthrough8-1
  • 29. Initializing MovieClip Objects with an onEnterFrame Event Handler
  • 30. Timeline animation occurs when the playhead enters a keyframe with different content than before When Does Flash Animation" Occur?
  • 32. MovieClip instances broadcast the onEnterFrame event ("signal") each time the playhead enters a frame What's the onEnterFrame Event?
  • 33. Initialization objects are generic objects passed as an optional argument to the attachMovie() method How Do I Initialize" an Attached MovieClip?
  • 34. Velocity or the change rate of an animated MovieClip may need to be calculated or change at run time Why Make Velocity" a Variable?
  • 35. InitializingAttachedMovieClipswithan onEnterFrameHandler Use an initialization object when attaching MovieClip objects Use the onEnterFrame event handler Randomly calculate velocity (change rate) for two dimensions Test for Stage boundaries during animation Hit test during animation Walkthrough8-2