This document summarizes changes to ADA accessibility standards for medical offices effective in 2012. Key changes include more stringent requirements for parking spaces, entrances, patient rooms, and clear floor spaces. By March 15, 2012, all new construction and alterations must comply fully with the new 2010 ADA Standards, replacing previous 1991 Standards. Existing facilities must also make efforts to remove barriers when readily achievable.
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) establishes design guidelines for accessibility including minimum space requirements for wheelchairs. This includes a minimum clear width of 32 inches for single wheelchair passage and 36 inches continuously, and 60 inches for two wheelchairs to pass each other. A minimum turning space of 60 inches in diameter or a 60 inch by 60 inch T-shaped space is required for a wheelchair to perform a 180-degree turn. The minimum clear floor space to accommodate a single stationary wheelchair is 30 inches by 48 inches.
The document summarizes the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) as they apply to courts. It states that the ADA prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities in all programs and services of state and local courts. It defines disability and outlines requirements for accessibility of court facilities and programs. The document provides examples of ways to make court programs accessible and effective communication requirements, including the use of auxiliary aids like sign language interpreters, assistive listening devices, and alternative formats for documents.
The document summarizes an energy code workshop that covered:
1) An overview of energy efficiency strategies and case studies that meet the 2009 IECC.
2) Top marketing strategies for promoting energy efficiency.
3) Focus group findings that cost, practicality, and confusion are barriers to energy efficiency.
4) Data showing buildings use significant energy and electricity.
5) How energy codes create cost savings and economic opportunities through efficient technologies.
6) Case studies in Phoenix demonstrating large utility bill reductions and home value increases from following the 2009 IECC.
2016-09-28 Are You ADA Compliant? Ensuring Your Website is Accessible to Peop...Raffa Learning Community
This document provides information about ensuring website accessibility for people with disabilities. It discusses what accessibility and usability mean, important laws and standards, types of disabilities and assistive technologies, and an organization's accessibility assurance services. The agenda includes introductions, accessibility definitions, business drivers for compliance, relevant laws and regulations, disability types, and a question and answer session.
This document provides guidance on making haunted attractions accessible to people with disabilities in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). It discusses ADA regulations and compliance, defines accessibility, and outlines seven principles of universal design. Recommendations include having accessible parking, entrances, signage, bathrooms, and communication about accessibility options. The goal is to increase inclusion without compromising the haunt experience or incurring large costs.
The document discusses the Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG) which provide specifications for accessibility to places of public accommodation. It covers topics such as corridor and doorway dimensions, ramp specifications, accessible restroom requirements, and scoping provisions that dictate the number of required accessible fixtures. Designers must follow these guidelines to ensure compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act.
This document provides guidance on changes to the 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design. It addresses revisions to section 35.151 of the Title II regulations regarding alterations to facilities by state and local governments. The key changes include: adding an exception for structural impracticability; clarifying that path of travel requirements only apply to alterations not for program accessibility compliance; and establishing a safe harbor for elements complying with the 1991 Standards.
This document provides an introduction and instructions for using the ADA Checklist for Existing Facilities. It explains that both public accommodations and state/local governments must ensure accessibility for people with disabilities. The checklist is based on the 2010 ADA Standards and focuses on the four priority areas of accessible entrances, access to goods/services, toilet rooms, and other items. Proper use of the checklist involves obtaining plans, taking measurements, evaluating exterior and interior routes/spaces, and following priorities and safe harbor provisions for elements installed before March 2012.
Gcsv2011 the ada and section 504-ada-smallbusprimer2010Serve Indiana
This document was created by an individual or individuals who submitted a proposal so he / she / they may present at the Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives 2011 Conference on Service and Volunteerism (GCSV11). This proposal was approved by the Indiana Commission on Community Service and Volunteerism (ICCSV) and other community partners. Sharing this document is a courtesy extended by the OFBCI to conference attendees who may want to reference materials covered at the GCSV11, and the OFBCI in no way not responsible for specific content within.
The document discusses techniques for researching and incorporating evidence into appeal letters to overturn claim denials. It recommends following leads from denial letters to relevant regulations, guidelines and literature. Specific resources highlighted include CMS manuals, LCDs, CPT/ICD guidelines, peer-reviewed studies and position statements. Attendees will learn how to build an evidence-based argument and guide reviewers to an favorable decision.
-The Americans with Disabilities Act fact sheet 3-27-14William Seaton
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a 1990 civil rights law that prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities. It aims to ensure that people with disabilities have equal access and opportunities in all areas of public life. The ADA is divided into five titles that relate to different areas such as employment (Title I), public services provided by state and local governments (Title II), public accommodations and services provided by private businesses (Title III), telecommunications (Title IV), and miscellaneous provisions (Title V). Each title sets forth specific requirements regarding accessibility and prohibitions against discrimination.
CFPB Supervision and Examination ManualCliff Busse
The CFPB has updated its Supervision and Examination Manual to reflect changes made to consumer financial regulations and examination procedures. Specifically, the manual was updated to incorporate the renumbered consumer financial protection regulations for which the CFPB has assumed responsibility under the Dodd-Frank Act. It also includes updated interagency examination procedures for laws like TILA and FCRA to reflect recent statutory and regulatory changes. Finally, the manual incorporates new examination procedures released since the previous version as well as recent interagency guidance on mortgage servicing for military homeowners.
The document summarizes the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and its provisions. It discusses the five titles of the ADA which cover employment (Title I), public entities (Title II), public accommodations (Title III), telecommunications (Title IV), and miscellaneous (Title V). It provides details on requirements for public entities, employers, and places of public accommodation to provide accessibility and prohibit discrimination based on disability. Contact information is also included for resources on ADA compliance.
ADA Workplace Presentation: Dealing with the Americans With Disabilities ActArthur L. Finkle
The document discusses several key federal laws related to accessibility for people with disabilities, including the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The ADA is a major civil rights law that prohibits discrimination based on disability. It covers areas like employment (Title I), public services (Title II), and public accommodations (Title III). The ADA and other laws have impacted engineering disciplines and require reasonable accommodations and accessible design of buildings, information, and technologies. However, accessible design principles are not fully incorporated into most engineering education programs.
The 21st Century Cures Act a focus on Title III Subtitle F Medical Device I...David Loeser
The 21st Century Cures Act aims to improve and expedite medical device development and regulation. Specifically, Title III Subtitle F focuses on medical device innovations through 10 sections that rewrite rules around devices. This document analyzes 5 key sections: breakthrough devices designation and expedited review (則3051), recognition of standards training for FDA reviewers (則3053), reclassifying some devices (則3054), requiring validated cleaning instructions (則3059), and clarifying software regulation (則3060). The analysis argues these sections will reduce device approval times, improve FDA efficiency, and help safe, effective devices reach patients faster.
FMC's Annual Employment Law Client Seminar Now Dentons
This presentation was delivered by FMC's Catherine Coulter at FMC's Annual Employment Law Client Appreciation Seminar on Febraury 22, 2012. It addresses new and upcoming trends in Employment Law, restrictive covenants, contractual termination packages, the 24 month cap, Bill 160, Family Caregiver Leave, The Tort of Privacy, and the Accessability for Ontarians with Disabilities Act.
This document summarizes a regulatory review presentation on home health and hospice issues. Key points include:
- Medicare has four jurisdictions for home health and hospice administrative contractors.
- Providers need to stay up to date with contractor instructions by signing up for newsletters.
- New rules assign providers a screening level of limited, moderate or high risk for fraud based on their category.
- The hospice benefit policy manual and conditions of participation were updated. Hospices received new comparative billing reports to examine their practices.
The CFPB released an updated version of its Supervision and Examination Manual to reflect changes made to consumer financial regulations and examination procedures. The manual provides guidance for examiners in overseeing companies' compliance with consumer protection laws. Key changes included renumbering regulations to incorporate the CFPB's rulemaking responsibilities as well as updates to procedures for laws on mortgages, credit cards, credit reports, and other topics. The CFPB will use the manual to focus on risks to consumers, apply consistent standards across different types of financial institutions, and coordinate oversight with other regulators.
Test 1 Question 1 1. Temporary and Permanent variances of th.docxmattinsonjanel
Test 1
Question 1
Temporary and Permanent variances of the OSH Act can be issued under what section?
Section D (b), D (A), and 6 (d)
Section 6 (C), and 6 (f)
Section 7 (a), (d), and (f)
Section 6 (b), 6 (A), and 6 (d)
4 points 油
Question 2
A temporary variance from the OSHA standard may be obtained when the employer can show that all of the following exist except which one?
When the employer has developed a plan to come into compliance and will implement it as soon as possible.
When the employer is taking steps to safeguard employees.
When the employer is unable to comply with the deadlines of a standard.
When the employer is able to show that the cost-benefit analysis is not in alignment with the jurisdictional impact of the regulation.
4 points 油
Question 3
What was enacted to minimize the regulatory burden on small businesses by requiring agencies to consider the impact of any rulemaking on small entities that, based on their size, may not have the ability to absorb the costs of regulations in the same manner as larger companies that benefit from the economy of scale?
The Small Business Enforcement Fairness Act
The Small Business Administration Act
The Regulatory Flexibility Act
Executive Order 12866
4 points 油
Question 4
All of the following are exempt under the Act except which group?
Domestic household employment activities for private residences
Family members operating a farm
Self-employed persons
Religious groups employing workers for secular purposes
4 points 油
Question 5
Which of the following is a correct match between subpart and regulated material?
Subpart T PPE
Subpart O Welding
Subpart G Means of Egress
Subpart K Medical and First Aid
4 points 油
Question 6
Which of the following is a false statement regarding Standard Setting?
Consensus standards often involve "incorporation by reference."
Emergency temporary standards are usually initiated by a new scientific study showing danger to workers posed by certain substances.
Hundreds of NIOSH documents, labor union petitions, and other serious recommendations have resulted in only a few new health standards since 1970.
Most of the standards that were originally established were not on the basis of firm scientific evidence but from existing guidelines and limits of various industry, association and governmental groups.
4 points 油
Question 7
All of the following are distinct differences between OSHA and EPA except:
EPA is an independent regulatory agency, while OSHA is a division of the Department of Labor.
OSHA is essentially an enforcement organization.
OSHA does not come under the inspection of OMB, whereas EPA does.
OSHA has major responsibility over safety and health in the workplace.
4 points 油
Question 8
In which case did the Supreme Court rule that workers have the right to refuse to work in the face of serious injury or death?
Mabury v. Madison
Whirlpool Corp. v. Marsh ...
What are leadership The simple definizion is that leadership - islorileemcclatchie
What are leadership? The simple definizion is that leadership - is the art of motivating a group of people to act toward achieving a common油goal. In a business setting it can mean directing workers and colleagues with a strategy to meet the company's needs.
This leadership definition captures the essentials of being able and prepared to inspire others. Effective leadership is based upon ideas (whether original or borrowed), but won't happen unless those ideas can be communicated to others in a way that engages them enough to act as the leader wants them to act.
Put even more simply, the leader is the inspiration for and director of the action. They are a person in the group that possesses the combination of personality and leadership skills to make others want to follow their direction.
<To develop a new medical device for China market >
< PMGT 699 Applied Project Management >
Prepared By
< Soumitra G Shilotri >
1.Executive Summary 3
2.Project Overview 5
2.1 Project Description 5
2.2 Problem Statement 5
2.3 Goals 5
2.4 Project Background 7
2.5 Product Objectives 7
2.6 Assumptions, Constraints and Dependencies 7
2.7 Project Deliverables 8
2.8 Schedule and Budget Summary 9
2.9 Evolution of the Plan 10
2.10 Definitions and Acronyms 10
3.Stakeholder Register 12
4.Schedule Component 14
5.Resource Plan with RACI 18
5.1Overview/Purpose 18
5.2 Resourcing Strategy & Assumption 18
5.3 Resourcing Development 18
6.Risk Management Plan 21
6.1 Review of Risk Management Plan 21
6.2 Risk Identification 21
7.Communications Plan 24
8. Procurement 28
9. Cost..30
10. Integrated Change Control 341.Executive Summary
1.1 Introduction
Johnson and Johnson (J&J) is an American multinational company that develops medical devices, pharmaceutical drugs and consumer products. J&J is one of the largest medical device companies in the world. There are various subsidiaries of J&J, however the medical device business of J&J includes 3 global franchises; mainly Ethicon (surgical), Bio-sense Webster (Cardiovascular & Speciality solutions) and Depuy Synthes (Orthopaedics). J&J has a presence in over 100 countries worldwide and the medical device companies manufactures and does R&D on various different kinds of surgical devices, implants that are used by doctors in laparoscopic surgeries.
Current project that I will be working on is named as Project RoadRunner by the project team. The project is to develop a new medical device implant for China market. The implant is a sterile product that is used by surgeons during bariatric surgeries. This implant is used alongside a vascular stapler and will improve the staple line integrity, force to fire and staple performance during surgery. This will be a big boost in the existing line of stapling implants by improving performance reliability and decrease market complaints. So far for earlier legacy devices, we were using 2-D st ...
This document provides an overview of accessibility and outlines key points to consider when planning for accessibility. It defines accessibility, outlines relevant standards and legislation, and discusses the economic impact of inclusive design. The document also explains responsibilities under accessibility laws, potential exemptions, and dimensions of accessibility to consider when updating policies and plans. The goal is to help participants understand accessibility beyond physical barriers and begin applying accessibility principles to future plans and policies.
This chapter discusses the history and evolution of phlebotomy from bloodletting using leeches to modern standards set by regulatory agencies. It outlines the primary roles and responsibilities of phlebotomists as obtaining blood specimens, maintaining professionalism, and ensuring safety and confidentiality. Key locations where phlebotomists work include hospitals, nursing homes, clinics, and physician's offices.
4 CMS Final Rule Updates Making Technology Essential MediSked
The CMS Final Rule is set to change the way provider agencies structure and provide services for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. This report covers what changes to expect and how to prepare
Section 5 of the OSH Act requires employers to provide workplaces free of recognized hazards that could cause death or serious harm. It also requires employers to comply with OSHA standards. Under Section 5(a)(1), employers must protect workers from recognized hazards by implementing feasible methods to abate them. OSHA considers recognized hazards to be those recognized by the employer or industry standards, and feasible abatement methods must be technologically and economically possible.
Trade Adjustment Assistance for Workers Reversion Primer 2013Timothy Theberge
The 2011 amendments to the Trade Adjustment Assistance for Workers program expire on December 31, 2013. If there is no action taken by Congress, the program will revert to a modified version of the 2002 program. This presentation represents a summary of what that reverted program will look like. Congress may pass legislation prior to December 31, 2013, or may even pass legislation after that date with retroactive provisions (as they did in 2011). ETA will issue official guidance to the system based on either an expectation of reversion or Congressional action. This presentation is intended to provide an informal summary to the system and stakeholders. Questions should be directed to the appropriate Regional Office.
How to Configure Proforma Invoice in Odoo 18 SalesCeline George
In this slide, well discuss on how to configure proforma invoice in Odoo 18 Sales module. A proforma invoice is a preliminary invoice that serves as a commercial document issued by a seller to a buyer.
This course provides students with a comprehensive understanding of strategic management principles, frameworks, and applications in business. It explores strategic planning, environmental analysis, corporate governance, business ethics, and sustainability. The course integrates Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to enhance global and ethical perspectives in decision-making.
This document provides an introduction and instructions for using the ADA Checklist for Existing Facilities. It explains that both public accommodations and state/local governments must ensure accessibility for people with disabilities. The checklist is based on the 2010 ADA Standards and focuses on the four priority areas of accessible entrances, access to goods/services, toilet rooms, and other items. Proper use of the checklist involves obtaining plans, taking measurements, evaluating exterior and interior routes/spaces, and following priorities and safe harbor provisions for elements installed before March 2012.
Gcsv2011 the ada and section 504-ada-smallbusprimer2010Serve Indiana
This document was created by an individual or individuals who submitted a proposal so he / she / they may present at the Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives 2011 Conference on Service and Volunteerism (GCSV11). This proposal was approved by the Indiana Commission on Community Service and Volunteerism (ICCSV) and other community partners. Sharing this document is a courtesy extended by the OFBCI to conference attendees who may want to reference materials covered at the GCSV11, and the OFBCI in no way not responsible for specific content within.
The document discusses techniques for researching and incorporating evidence into appeal letters to overturn claim denials. It recommends following leads from denial letters to relevant regulations, guidelines and literature. Specific resources highlighted include CMS manuals, LCDs, CPT/ICD guidelines, peer-reviewed studies and position statements. Attendees will learn how to build an evidence-based argument and guide reviewers to an favorable decision.
-The Americans with Disabilities Act fact sheet 3-27-14William Seaton
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a 1990 civil rights law that prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities. It aims to ensure that people with disabilities have equal access and opportunities in all areas of public life. The ADA is divided into five titles that relate to different areas such as employment (Title I), public services provided by state and local governments (Title II), public accommodations and services provided by private businesses (Title III), telecommunications (Title IV), and miscellaneous provisions (Title V). Each title sets forth specific requirements regarding accessibility and prohibitions against discrimination.
CFPB Supervision and Examination ManualCliff Busse
The CFPB has updated its Supervision and Examination Manual to reflect changes made to consumer financial regulations and examination procedures. Specifically, the manual was updated to incorporate the renumbered consumer financial protection regulations for which the CFPB has assumed responsibility under the Dodd-Frank Act. It also includes updated interagency examination procedures for laws like TILA and FCRA to reflect recent statutory and regulatory changes. Finally, the manual incorporates new examination procedures released since the previous version as well as recent interagency guidance on mortgage servicing for military homeowners.
The document summarizes the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and its provisions. It discusses the five titles of the ADA which cover employment (Title I), public entities (Title II), public accommodations (Title III), telecommunications (Title IV), and miscellaneous (Title V). It provides details on requirements for public entities, employers, and places of public accommodation to provide accessibility and prohibit discrimination based on disability. Contact information is also included for resources on ADA compliance.
ADA Workplace Presentation: Dealing with the Americans With Disabilities ActArthur L. Finkle
The document discusses several key federal laws related to accessibility for people with disabilities, including the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The ADA is a major civil rights law that prohibits discrimination based on disability. It covers areas like employment (Title I), public services (Title II), and public accommodations (Title III). The ADA and other laws have impacted engineering disciplines and require reasonable accommodations and accessible design of buildings, information, and technologies. However, accessible design principles are not fully incorporated into most engineering education programs.
The 21st Century Cures Act a focus on Title III Subtitle F Medical Device I...David Loeser
The 21st Century Cures Act aims to improve and expedite medical device development and regulation. Specifically, Title III Subtitle F focuses on medical device innovations through 10 sections that rewrite rules around devices. This document analyzes 5 key sections: breakthrough devices designation and expedited review (則3051), recognition of standards training for FDA reviewers (則3053), reclassifying some devices (則3054), requiring validated cleaning instructions (則3059), and clarifying software regulation (則3060). The analysis argues these sections will reduce device approval times, improve FDA efficiency, and help safe, effective devices reach patients faster.
FMC's Annual Employment Law Client Seminar Now Dentons
This presentation was delivered by FMC's Catherine Coulter at FMC's Annual Employment Law Client Appreciation Seminar on Febraury 22, 2012. It addresses new and upcoming trends in Employment Law, restrictive covenants, contractual termination packages, the 24 month cap, Bill 160, Family Caregiver Leave, The Tort of Privacy, and the Accessability for Ontarians with Disabilities Act.
This document summarizes a regulatory review presentation on home health and hospice issues. Key points include:
- Medicare has four jurisdictions for home health and hospice administrative contractors.
- Providers need to stay up to date with contractor instructions by signing up for newsletters.
- New rules assign providers a screening level of limited, moderate or high risk for fraud based on their category.
- The hospice benefit policy manual and conditions of participation were updated. Hospices received new comparative billing reports to examine their practices.
The CFPB released an updated version of its Supervision and Examination Manual to reflect changes made to consumer financial regulations and examination procedures. The manual provides guidance for examiners in overseeing companies' compliance with consumer protection laws. Key changes included renumbering regulations to incorporate the CFPB's rulemaking responsibilities as well as updates to procedures for laws on mortgages, credit cards, credit reports, and other topics. The CFPB will use the manual to focus on risks to consumers, apply consistent standards across different types of financial institutions, and coordinate oversight with other regulators.
Test 1 Question 1 1. Temporary and Permanent variances of th.docxmattinsonjanel
Test 1
Question 1
Temporary and Permanent variances of the OSH Act can be issued under what section?
Section D (b), D (A), and 6 (d)
Section 6 (C), and 6 (f)
Section 7 (a), (d), and (f)
Section 6 (b), 6 (A), and 6 (d)
4 points 油
Question 2
A temporary variance from the OSHA standard may be obtained when the employer can show that all of the following exist except which one?
When the employer has developed a plan to come into compliance and will implement it as soon as possible.
When the employer is taking steps to safeguard employees.
When the employer is unable to comply with the deadlines of a standard.
When the employer is able to show that the cost-benefit analysis is not in alignment with the jurisdictional impact of the regulation.
4 points 油
Question 3
What was enacted to minimize the regulatory burden on small businesses by requiring agencies to consider the impact of any rulemaking on small entities that, based on their size, may not have the ability to absorb the costs of regulations in the same manner as larger companies that benefit from the economy of scale?
The Small Business Enforcement Fairness Act
The Small Business Administration Act
The Regulatory Flexibility Act
Executive Order 12866
4 points 油
Question 4
All of the following are exempt under the Act except which group?
Domestic household employment activities for private residences
Family members operating a farm
Self-employed persons
Religious groups employing workers for secular purposes
4 points 油
Question 5
Which of the following is a correct match between subpart and regulated material?
Subpart T PPE
Subpart O Welding
Subpart G Means of Egress
Subpart K Medical and First Aid
4 points 油
Question 6
Which of the following is a false statement regarding Standard Setting?
Consensus standards often involve "incorporation by reference."
Emergency temporary standards are usually initiated by a new scientific study showing danger to workers posed by certain substances.
Hundreds of NIOSH documents, labor union petitions, and other serious recommendations have resulted in only a few new health standards since 1970.
Most of the standards that were originally established were not on the basis of firm scientific evidence but from existing guidelines and limits of various industry, association and governmental groups.
4 points 油
Question 7
All of the following are distinct differences between OSHA and EPA except:
EPA is an independent regulatory agency, while OSHA is a division of the Department of Labor.
OSHA is essentially an enforcement organization.
OSHA does not come under the inspection of OMB, whereas EPA does.
OSHA has major responsibility over safety and health in the workplace.
4 points 油
Question 8
In which case did the Supreme Court rule that workers have the right to refuse to work in the face of serious injury or death?
Mabury v. Madison
Whirlpool Corp. v. Marsh ...
What are leadership The simple definizion is that leadership - islorileemcclatchie
What are leadership? The simple definizion is that leadership - is the art of motivating a group of people to act toward achieving a common油goal. In a business setting it can mean directing workers and colleagues with a strategy to meet the company's needs.
This leadership definition captures the essentials of being able and prepared to inspire others. Effective leadership is based upon ideas (whether original or borrowed), but won't happen unless those ideas can be communicated to others in a way that engages them enough to act as the leader wants them to act.
Put even more simply, the leader is the inspiration for and director of the action. They are a person in the group that possesses the combination of personality and leadership skills to make others want to follow their direction.
<To develop a new medical device for China market >
< PMGT 699 Applied Project Management >
Prepared By
< Soumitra G Shilotri >
1.Executive Summary 3
2.Project Overview 5
2.1 Project Description 5
2.2 Problem Statement 5
2.3 Goals 5
2.4 Project Background 7
2.5 Product Objectives 7
2.6 Assumptions, Constraints and Dependencies 7
2.7 Project Deliverables 8
2.8 Schedule and Budget Summary 9
2.9 Evolution of the Plan 10
2.10 Definitions and Acronyms 10
3.Stakeholder Register 12
4.Schedule Component 14
5.Resource Plan with RACI 18
5.1Overview/Purpose 18
5.2 Resourcing Strategy & Assumption 18
5.3 Resourcing Development 18
6.Risk Management Plan 21
6.1 Review of Risk Management Plan 21
6.2 Risk Identification 21
7.Communications Plan 24
8. Procurement 28
9. Cost..30
10. Integrated Change Control 341.Executive Summary
1.1 Introduction
Johnson and Johnson (J&J) is an American multinational company that develops medical devices, pharmaceutical drugs and consumer products. J&J is one of the largest medical device companies in the world. There are various subsidiaries of J&J, however the medical device business of J&J includes 3 global franchises; mainly Ethicon (surgical), Bio-sense Webster (Cardiovascular & Speciality solutions) and Depuy Synthes (Orthopaedics). J&J has a presence in over 100 countries worldwide and the medical device companies manufactures and does R&D on various different kinds of surgical devices, implants that are used by doctors in laparoscopic surgeries.
Current project that I will be working on is named as Project RoadRunner by the project team. The project is to develop a new medical device implant for China market. The implant is a sterile product that is used by surgeons during bariatric surgeries. This implant is used alongside a vascular stapler and will improve the staple line integrity, force to fire and staple performance during surgery. This will be a big boost in the existing line of stapling implants by improving performance reliability and decrease market complaints. So far for earlier legacy devices, we were using 2-D st ...
This document provides an overview of accessibility and outlines key points to consider when planning for accessibility. It defines accessibility, outlines relevant standards and legislation, and discusses the economic impact of inclusive design. The document also explains responsibilities under accessibility laws, potential exemptions, and dimensions of accessibility to consider when updating policies and plans. The goal is to help participants understand accessibility beyond physical barriers and begin applying accessibility principles to future plans and policies.
This chapter discusses the history and evolution of phlebotomy from bloodletting using leeches to modern standards set by regulatory agencies. It outlines the primary roles and responsibilities of phlebotomists as obtaining blood specimens, maintaining professionalism, and ensuring safety and confidentiality. Key locations where phlebotomists work include hospitals, nursing homes, clinics, and physician's offices.
4 CMS Final Rule Updates Making Technology Essential MediSked
The CMS Final Rule is set to change the way provider agencies structure and provide services for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. This report covers what changes to expect and how to prepare
Section 5 of the OSH Act requires employers to provide workplaces free of recognized hazards that could cause death or serious harm. It also requires employers to comply with OSHA standards. Under Section 5(a)(1), employers must protect workers from recognized hazards by implementing feasible methods to abate them. OSHA considers recognized hazards to be those recognized by the employer or industry standards, and feasible abatement methods must be technologically and economically possible.
Trade Adjustment Assistance for Workers Reversion Primer 2013Timothy Theberge
The 2011 amendments to the Trade Adjustment Assistance for Workers program expire on December 31, 2013. If there is no action taken by Congress, the program will revert to a modified version of the 2002 program. This presentation represents a summary of what that reverted program will look like. Congress may pass legislation prior to December 31, 2013, or may even pass legislation after that date with retroactive provisions (as they did in 2011). ETA will issue official guidance to the system based on either an expectation of reversion or Congressional action. This presentation is intended to provide an informal summary to the system and stakeholders. Questions should be directed to the appropriate Regional Office.
How to Configure Proforma Invoice in Odoo 18 SalesCeline George
In this slide, well discuss on how to configure proforma invoice in Odoo 18 Sales module. A proforma invoice is a preliminary invoice that serves as a commercial document issued by a seller to a buyer.
This course provides students with a comprehensive understanding of strategic management principles, frameworks, and applications in business. It explores strategic planning, environmental analysis, corporate governance, business ethics, and sustainability. The course integrates Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to enhance global and ethical perspectives in decision-making.
How to Setup WhatsApp in Odoo 17 - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
Integrate WhatsApp into Odoo using the WhatsApp Business API or third-party modules to enhance communication. This integration enables automated messaging and customer interaction management within Odoo 17.
Research & Research Methods: Basic Concepts and Types.pptxDr. Sarita Anand
This ppt has been made for the students pursuing PG in social science and humanities like M.Ed., M.A. (Education), Ph.D. Scholars. It will be also beneficial for the teachers and other faculty members interested in research and teaching research concepts.
1. ADA Accessibility - Is your office ready for 2012 Requirements? ---------- ---------- GUAM LEGAL SERVICES CORPORATION DISABILITY LAW CENTER The Protection and Advocacy System for Guam. September 2011
2. Outline ADA 1990 and 2010 Accessibility Standards Effective date and enforcement schedule Duties for private medical clinics Duties for public medical clinics A few standard changes
3. About the ADA Americans with Disabilities Act A federal civil rights law passed in 1990 that requires that public and private entities have accessible facilities and prohibits exclusion of persons with disabilities from public and private goods, services, and activities.
4. Sample Common Question Taken from : Access to Medical Care For Individuals With Mobility Disabilities Q: Can I decide not to treat a patient with a disability because it takes me longer to examine them, and insurance wont reimburse me for the additional time? A: No, you can not refuse to treat a patient who has a disability just because the exam might take more of you or your staffs time. You must treat the individual.
5. Title II and III of the ADA The ADA requires access to medical care services and facilities. Title II applies to public hospitals and public clinics as operated by state and local governments who must allow persons with disabilities to benefit equally from government services, programs, and activities. Title III applies to private hospitals and medical offices as places of public accommodation (private businesses that provide services or goods to the public, such as restaurants, movie theaters, hotels, fitness clubs).
6. ADA Standards for Accessible Design Standards were originally issued by the Department of Justice in 1991, published in Appendix A of Title III of the ADA Regulations Department of Justice published revised regulations for Titles II and III of the ADA in the Federal Register on September 15, 2010.油These regulations are called the 2010 Standards for Accessible Design.
7. ADA Accessibility Standard doorframe widths ramp slope dimensions Curb ramps and curb cuts handrail heights turning radiuses and many other elements of accessibility were standardized.
8. Why standards revised? Design standards have been harmonized with the federal standards implementing the Architectural Barriers Act and private sector model codes adopted by many states. New specific provisions and design requirements for medical care facilities, hospitals and rehabilitation facilities. Medical care facilities and licensed long-term care facilities is where the patients period of stay exceeds 24 hours.
9. 2010 Standards Enforcement Effective as of March 15, 2011 As of this date, policies and procedures and communication must be compliant with new requirements. As of March 15, 2012, the 2010 standards must be followed for new construction, alterations, program access, and barrier removal .
10. 2010 Standards Enforcement Until March 15, 2012, entities can choose to use: The 2010 standards The 1991 Standards Or the Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards (standard established for federal government contractors). As of March 15, 2012, the 2010 Standards replace the 1991 Standards and must be followed.
11. Safe Harbor If your facility was built of altered in the past 20 years in compliance with the 1991 standards, or you removed a specific barrier with those standards, you do not have to make further modifications to those elements. Example: If you lowered the mounting height for your light switches to 54 in compliance with the 1991 standards, you do not have to lower them again to 48 (new standard under 2010 standards).
12. What does this mean for medical offices? Private clinic: If your are constructing a new facility or altering a portion of your facility, If before March 15, 2012, you must do so in compliance with the 1991 or 2010 standards. If after March 15, 2012, it must be done in compliance with 2010 standards. In removing barriers, if done so after March 15, 2012, it must be in compliance with 2010 standards.
13. Readily Achievable Barrier Removal The ADA requires small businesses to remove architectural barriers in existing facilities when it is readily achievable to do so. 42 U.S.C. 則 12182(b)(2)(A)(iv) Readily achievable means easily accomplishable and able to be carried out without much difficulty or expense. 42 U.S.C. 則 12181(9) This obligation is continuing. Businesses should continually evaluate their facilities and develop priorities for removing barriers.
14. Readily Achievable factors Nature and cost of the action needed Overall financial resources of the facility, effect on expenses and resources Overall financial resources of the entity or overall size of the business with respect to number of employees, number type and location of its facilities Type of operation of the entity including composition, structure, functional geographic separateness.
15. Sample question: Q: If my clinic or part of my clinic is only reachable by a flight of stairs, do I have to add an elevator? A: It depends. Only if it is readily achievable for the facility to do so and the cost is not overly burdensome. If it is small business facility, it may not have to. However, the clinic may still have to provide services in another form unless to do so is an undue burden. Other example: widening the door to 30 rather than 32
16. What does this mean for medical offices? Public hospitals and clinics: If constructing a new facility, each facility or part of the facility must be in compliance with the ADA standards. Before March 15, 2012, using either 1991 Standards or 2010 Standards or the UFAS standards. After March 15, 2012, must use the 2010 standards. Governments do not have the barrier removal obligation, as it must provide access in all but the most unusual cases.
17. Fundamental Alteration State and local governments are not required to take any action that would result in a fundamental alteration in the nature of the service, program, or activity or in undue financial and administrative burdens. States must ensure that a service, program, or activity when viewed in its entirety is readily accessible and usable by individuals with disabilities. 28 C.F.R. 則35.150
18. Some Changes Parking Spaces: 2010 Standard: one of every six accessible spaces must be van accessible (1991 standard only required one of every eight). Hospital Outpatient facilities: 10% of spaces must be accessible (Rule 208.2.1) Rehabilitation and outpatient physical therapy facilities: 20% must be accessible (Rule 208.2.2) Other facilities: follow table in 208.2
19. Sample Parking Table Total Number of Parking Space Provided in Parking Facility Minimum Number of Required Accessible Parking Spaces 1 to 25 1 26 to 50 2 51 to 75 3 76 to 100 4 101 to 150 5
20. Entrances 60% of all new entrances must be accessible (Rule 206.4.1) (1991 required 50% of entrances to be accessible). This means 32 minimum width and if the level changes, a ramp or elevator must be provided. All accessible routes connecting site arrival points and accessible building entrances must coincide with the general public/general circulation paths. Section 206.
23. Patient Sleeping Rooms In hospitals, rehabilitation facilities, psychiatric facilities and detoxification facilities Facilities not specializing in treating conditions that affect mobility: at least 10%, but no fewer than 1, shall be ADA accessible Facilities specializing in mobility conditions: 100% of the rooms shall be ADA accessible Long-term care facilities: 50% but no fewer than 1 of each type of resident sleeping room shall be ADA accessible Rule 223.2 and Rule 223.3
24. Clear Floor Space Clear floor space is 30 min by 48 min (Rule 305.3)
26. More Information 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design ADA Update: A Primer for Small Business ADA Guide for Small Businesses Access To Medical Care For Individuals With Mobility Disabilities Readily Achievable Barrier Removal and Van Accessible Parking Spaces