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Component I: Classroom Teaching
Task A-2: Lesson Plan
Intern Name: Christen Profancik Date: April 3, 2015 Cycle:
# of Students: 24 Age/Grade Level: 8 Content Area: Music/Choir
Unit Title: DCMS Advanced Choir Rehearsal Lesson Title: Warm-ups, Sight-reading, and Rehearsal/Self-Asessment
Lesson Alignment to Unit
a) Identify essential questions and/or unit objective(s) addressed by this lesson.
The students will warm-up and rehearse using proper vocal technique.
The students will analyze and sight-read a short musical passage.
The students will identify and define standard music notation symbols found within a short musical passage.
The students will demonstrate their ability to perform an independent part within an ensemble.
The students will evaluate and respond to their own performance throughout rehearsal by becoming self-critics (suggesting musical adjustments) in order to
better their performance for WKU Choral Festival.
b) Connect the objectives to the state curriculum documents, i.e., Program of Studies, Kentucky Core Content, and/or Kentucky Core Academic Standards.
Students will use appropriate terminology to identify and analyze the use of elements in a variety of music (rhythm, tempo, melody, harmony, form, timbre,
Students will use the elements of music while performing, singing, playing instruments, moving, listening, reading music, writing music, and creating music
independently and with others.
Students will listen to and explore how changing different elements results in different musical effects.
c) Describe students prior knowledge or focus of the previous learning.
Prior to todays class period, the Mixed Choir has continuously been making improvements on the pieces they will be singing at the WKU Choral Festival on
April 21st
, as well as focusing on refining the pieces chosen for their Spring Concert on May 11th
. All the students in this choir have been developing their sigh-
reading skills with a daily sight-reading activity. Lastly, the choir members are equally familiar with all basic elements of music (rhythm, tempo, melody,
harmony, form, timbre, dynamics), as well as the fundamental characteristics of musicianship and music notation symbols.
d) Describe summative assessment(s) for this particular unit and how lessons in this unit contribute to the summative assessment.
Summative assessments for this choir will include the WKU Choral Festival (judges scores) and a Spring Concert participation grade where the students will
publically perform repertoire they have been working on for the majority of the school year.
e) Describe the characteristics of your students identified in Task A-1 who will require differentiated instruction to meet their diverse needs impacting
instructional planning in this lesson of the unit.
Differentiation for this lesson will include:
Consideration of Learning Preferences=> Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthetic learners will all be actively engaged during rehearsal. Movements will be added to
specific warm-up exercises (Kinesthetic), the sight-reading passage will be projected onto the SmartBoard screen (Visual), and multiple aspects of the
classroom rehearsal process compel the learners to listen to themselves and each other in order to achieve musical goals and successfully work together as an
ensemble (Auditory).
f) Pre-Assessment: Describe your analysis of pre-assessment data used in developing lesson objectives/learning targets (Describe how you will trigger prior
The students will be pushed to remember, identify, and execute musical changes that were made to pieces in previous rehearsals (ex: phrasing and dynamic
changes). The ensemble will sing through all pieces with accompaniment for the first time (after warm-ups and sight-reading). The choir is constantly
analyzed and assessed, as well as challenged to become better musicians, by means of a start and stop rehearsal procedure.
Lesson Objectives/
Learning Targets
Assessment Instructional Strategy/Activity
The students will warm-up and rehearse
using proper vocal technique.
The students will analyze and sight-read a
short musical passage.
The students will identify and define
standard music notation symbols found
within a short musical passage.
Assessment description:
Oral Questioning: The teacher will guide the
students through warm-ups, sight-reading, and
rehearsal while keeping students mentally engaged
with questions to aid in musical analysis and to
trigger prior knowledge (EX: What kind of note
values do we have in this passage? How many
Discussion Questions: During sight-reading, after
the first read through, the teacher will open the
floor for discussion; students will have the
opportunity to voice opinions regarding what
errors they can fix to improve the second read-
Observation/Teacher Feedback: The teacher will
guide the students through warm-ups, sight-
reading, and rehearsal while constantly observing
and providing feedback that will enhance the
learning and musicianship of the students (EX:
reminders about posture and vowels while
warming up).
Assessment Accommodations:
The teacher will warm up the choirs minds, bodies and
voices using various thinking, breathing, listening, and
vocal exercises.
The ensemble will sight-sing a 2 part musical passage
randomly chosen from Sight Reading Factory website
using solfege syllables and handsigns. Usually the students
have this opportunity to choose the time signature, key
signature and level of difficulty of the passage. However, as
this group prepares for festival, the teacher will decide upon
these aspects to ensure the students are challenged.
Activity Adaptations:
One overhead light will be switched off during sight-
reading to ensure a clearer visual of the projected musical
Piano, SmartBoard projector, Mac desktop computer, Sight
Reading Factory website
Students will be asked to raise their hand to
answer questions; this keeps chatter to a minimum
and sets the expectation to be respectful.
The students will demonstrate their ability
to perform an independent part within an
The students will evaluate and respond to
their own performance throughout
rehearsal by becoming self-critics
(suggesting musical adjustments) in order
to better their performance for WKU
Choral Festival.
Assessment description:
Peer Assessment: Students will listen and evaluate
their ensembles performance that will be recorded
during rehearsal.
Discussion Questions: After listening to the
recording, the teacher will engage the students in a
brief class discussion (regarding the recording)
using questions like:
After hearing yourselves, what do you think you
did well?
What do you feel you still need to work on?
How can we fix these types of things? (etc.)
Assessment Accommodations:
Students will be asked to raise their hand to
answer questions; this keeps chatter to a minimum
and sets the expectation to be respectful.
-The piece will be sung one time through to begin rehearsal.
This performance will be recorded.
-The STUDENTS will then listen to and critic this recorded
performance based on the judges choral festival rubric.
-They will be rehearsed on specific aspects/portions of the
piece in an effort to fix what they dont like (diction,
intonation, consonant attacks, dynamics, tone color, etc.)
Activity Adaptations:
No piano accompaniment will be played during the time of
the recording to ensure clearer audio of the choir.
Piano, piano accompanist,
 Quiet the students and provide them with a brief reminder of how rehearsal will go for The Power and The Glory.
 Stretching =>
 Breathing => Breathe in for 4 and out for 8 on sh; then exhale for 16 and 24 next two times.
 Brain=> Pulsing: Inhale, hold, pulse on ts (down beats) in various tempi; WATCH THE CONDUCTOR.
 Diction => Bum Biddly (5 4 3 2 1) descending and adding clap snap at the end
Dental Floss is Very Good for Teeth (1 1 5 5 5 4 3 2 1) ascending
 Vowels + Range => Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha (1 3 5 3 1) ascending (change to He and Ho randomly).
Ma Me Mi Mo Mu (5 5 5 5 5 4 3 2 1) descending
 Solfege = > Sing entire scale up and back down on solfege adding one syllable at a time (Do Do Re Do Do Re Mi Re Doetc). Then sing exercise in a
3 part round (altos, soprano, bass). (Next time through sing in unison and take out Mi and add a snap in its place).
 Teacher will project the Sight Reading Factory website onto the SmartBoard screen.
 The teacher will choose a sight-reading passage that is two-part (Soprano + Bass), 4/4 time, and in C major.
 The students will raise their hands to identify time signature, key, number of rests, and note values in the passage.
 The students will speak the rhythm on TA.
 The students will identify starting solfege syllables.
 The students will speak the rhythm on solfege syllables using hand signs.
 The teacher will play the tonic chord on piano.
 The students will sing DO and set up key by singing tonic triad DO-MI-SOL-MI-DO.
 Students will sing through passage using solfege and hand signs (first run-through).
 Students will identify trouble spots (difficult leaps, wrong rhythms, etc) and teacher will work these specific spots to help correct them (5 min).
 Students will sing starting pitch and set up key again.
 Students will sing passage one final time using solfege and hand signs.
 Students will be asked to stand as if they are going to perform on stage.
 The ensemble will sing The Power And The Glory once through while being recorded
 The ensemble will be asked to sit and listen to the recording while thinking about strengths and weaknesses of their performance.
 After the recording, the teacher will project the choral festival judges rubric onto the SmartBoard screen.
 Based on this rubric, the students will be asked to evaluate and grade their own performance.
 The teacher will call on students who raise their hands to share their opinions.
 The teacher will take note on what the students address.
 The ensemble will then be rehearsed on specific aspects/portions of the piece in an effort to fix what they did not like in the recording (diction,
intonation, dynamics, tone color, etc.).
 Reminder for ensemble: No matter how well you know a piece, it can always somehow be improved!
 Share quote that pertains to musicianship:
The difficult must become habitual.
The habitual must become natural.
The natural must become beautiful.
The beautiful will become magical.

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  • 1. Component I: Classroom Teaching Task A-2: Lesson Plan Intern Name: Christen Profancik Date: April 3, 2015 Cycle: # of Students: 24 Age/Grade Level: 8 Content Area: Music/Choir Unit Title: DCMS Advanced Choir Rehearsal Lesson Title: Warm-ups, Sight-reading, and Rehearsal/Self-Asessment Lesson Alignment to Unit a) Identify essential questions and/or unit objective(s) addressed by this lesson. The students will warm-up and rehearse using proper vocal technique. The students will analyze and sight-read a short musical passage. The students will identify and define standard music notation symbols found within a short musical passage. The students will demonstrate their ability to perform an independent part within an ensemble. The students will evaluate and respond to their own performance throughout rehearsal by becoming self-critics (suggesting musical adjustments) in order to better their performance for WKU Choral Festival. b) Connect the objectives to the state curriculum documents, i.e., Program of Studies, Kentucky Core Content, and/or Kentucky Core Academic Standards. AH-8-SA-S-Mu-1 Students will use appropriate terminology to identify and analyze the use of elements in a variety of music (rhythm, tempo, melody, harmony, form, timbre, dynamics). AH-8-SA-S-Mu2 Students will use the elements of music while performing, singing, playing instruments, moving, listening, reading music, writing music, and creating music independently and with others. AH-8-SA-S-Mu3 Students will listen to and explore how changing different elements results in different musical effects. c) Describe students prior knowledge or focus of the previous learning. Prior to todays class period, the Mixed Choir has continuously been making improvements on the pieces they will be singing at the WKU Choral Festival on April 21st , as well as focusing on refining the pieces chosen for their Spring Concert on May 11th . All the students in this choir have been developing their sigh- reading skills with a daily sight-reading activity. Lastly, the choir members are equally familiar with all basic elements of music (rhythm, tempo, melody, harmony, form, timbre, dynamics), as well as the fundamental characteristics of musicianship and music notation symbols. d) Describe summative assessment(s) for this particular unit and how lessons in this unit contribute to the summative assessment. Summative assessments for this choir will include the WKU Choral Festival (judges scores) and a Spring Concert participation grade where the students will publically perform repertoire they have been working on for the majority of the school year.
  • 2. e) Describe the characteristics of your students identified in Task A-1 who will require differentiated instruction to meet their diverse needs impacting instructional planning in this lesson of the unit. Differentiation for this lesson will include: Consideration of Learning Preferences=> Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthetic learners will all be actively engaged during rehearsal. Movements will be added to specific warm-up exercises (Kinesthetic), the sight-reading passage will be projected onto the SmartBoard screen (Visual), and multiple aspects of the classroom rehearsal process compel the learners to listen to themselves and each other in order to achieve musical goals and successfully work together as an ensemble (Auditory). f) Pre-Assessment: Describe your analysis of pre-assessment data used in developing lesson objectives/learning targets (Describe how you will trigger prior knowledge): The students will be pushed to remember, identify, and execute musical changes that were made to pieces in previous rehearsals (ex: phrasing and dynamic changes). The ensemble will sing through all pieces with accompaniment for the first time (after warm-ups and sight-reading). The choir is constantly analyzed and assessed, as well as challenged to become better musicians, by means of a start and stop rehearsal procedure. Lesson Objectives/ Learning Targets Assessment Instructional Strategy/Activity Objective/target: The students will warm-up and rehearse using proper vocal technique. The students will analyze and sight-read a short musical passage. The students will identify and define standard music notation symbols found within a short musical passage. Assessment description: Oral Questioning: The teacher will guide the students through warm-ups, sight-reading, and rehearsal while keeping students mentally engaged with questions to aid in musical analysis and to trigger prior knowledge (EX: What kind of note values do we have in this passage? How many rests?) Discussion Questions: During sight-reading, after the first read through, the teacher will open the floor for discussion; students will have the opportunity to voice opinions regarding what errors they can fix to improve the second read- through. Observation/Teacher Feedback: The teacher will guide the students through warm-ups, sight- reading, and rehearsal while constantly observing and providing feedback that will enhance the learning and musicianship of the students (EX: reminders about posture and vowels while warming up). Assessment Accommodations: Strategy/Activity: The teacher will warm up the choirs minds, bodies and voices using various thinking, breathing, listening, and vocal exercises. The ensemble will sight-sing a 2 part musical passage randomly chosen from Sight Reading Factory website using solfege syllables and handsigns. Usually the students have this opportunity to choose the time signature, key signature and level of difficulty of the passage. However, as this group prepares for festival, the teacher will decide upon these aspects to ensure the students are challenged. Activity Adaptations: One overhead light will be switched off during sight- reading to ensure a clearer visual of the projected musical passage. Media/technologies/resources: Piano, SmartBoard projector, Mac desktop computer, Sight Reading Factory website
  • 3. Students will be asked to raise their hand to answer questions; this keeps chatter to a minimum and sets the expectation to be respectful. Objective/target: The students will demonstrate their ability to perform an independent part within an ensemble. The students will evaluate and respond to their own performance throughout rehearsal by becoming self-critics (suggesting musical adjustments) in order to better their performance for WKU Choral Festival. Assessment description: Peer Assessment: Students will listen and evaluate their ensembles performance that will be recorded during rehearsal. Discussion Questions: After listening to the recording, the teacher will engage the students in a brief class discussion (regarding the recording) using questions like: After hearing yourselves, what do you think you did well? What do you feel you still need to work on? How can we fix these types of things? (etc.) Assessment Accommodations: Students will be asked to raise their hand to answer questions; this keeps chatter to a minimum and sets the expectation to be respectful. Strategy/Activity: -The piece will be sung one time through to begin rehearsal. This performance will be recorded. -The STUDENTS will then listen to and critic this recorded performance based on the judges choral festival rubric. -They will be rehearsed on specific aspects/portions of the piece in an effort to fix what they dont like (diction, intonation, consonant attacks, dynamics, tone color, etc.) Activity Adaptations: No piano accompaniment will be played during the time of the recording to ensure clearer audio of the choir. Media/technologies/resources: Piano, piano accompanist, PROCEDURE: Introductory/Engagement: Quiet the students and provide them with a brief reminder of how rehearsal will go for The Power and The Glory. Warm-ups: Stretching => Breathing => Breathe in for 4 and out for 8 on sh; then exhale for 16 and 24 next two times. Brain=> Pulsing: Inhale, hold, pulse on ts (down beats) in various tempi; WATCH THE CONDUCTOR. Diction => Bum Biddly (5 4 3 2 1) descending and adding clap snap at the end Dental Floss is Very Good for Teeth (1 1 5 5 5 4 3 2 1) ascending Vowels + Range => Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha (1 3 5 3 1) ascending (change to He and Ho randomly). Ma Me Mi Mo Mu (5 5 5 5 5 4 3 2 1) descending Solfege = > Sing entire scale up and back down on solfege adding one syllable at a time (Do Do Re Do Do Re Mi Re Doetc). Then sing exercise in a 3 part round (altos, soprano, bass). (Next time through sing in unison and take out Mi and add a snap in its place).
  • 4. Sight-reading: Teacher will project the Sight Reading Factory website onto the SmartBoard screen. The teacher will choose a sight-reading passage that is two-part (Soprano + Bass), 4/4 time, and in C major. The students will raise their hands to identify time signature, key, number of rests, and note values in the passage. The students will speak the rhythm on TA. The students will identify starting solfege syllables. The students will speak the rhythm on solfege syllables using hand signs. The teacher will play the tonic chord on piano. The students will sing DO and set up key by singing tonic triad DO-MI-SOL-MI-DO. Students will sing through passage using solfege and hand signs (first run-through). Students will identify trouble spots (difficult leaps, wrong rhythms, etc) and teacher will work these specific spots to help correct them (5 min). Students will sing starting pitch and set up key again. Students will sing passage one final time using solfege and hand signs. Rehearsal: Students will be asked to stand as if they are going to perform on stage. The ensemble will sing The Power And The Glory once through while being recorded The ensemble will be asked to sit and listen to the recording while thinking about strengths and weaknesses of their performance. After the recording, the teacher will project the choral festival judges rubric onto the SmartBoard screen. Based on this rubric, the students will be asked to evaluate and grade their own performance. The teacher will call on students who raise their hands to share their opinions. The teacher will take note on what the students address. The ensemble will then be rehearsed on specific aspects/portions of the piece in an effort to fix what they did not like in the recording (diction, intonation, dynamics, tone color, etc.). Closure: Reminder for ensemble: No matter how well you know a piece, it can always somehow be improved! Share quote that pertains to musicianship: The difficult must become habitual. The habitual must become natural. The natural must become beautiful. The beautiful will become magical.