This lesson plan introduces high school concert band students to performing their first song together using music technology. Students will use the SmartMusic software to learn, practice, and record their instrumental parts. The teacher will demonstrate SmartMusic and choose a beginner song from the Sound Innovations book for the full band's first performance. Students will practice independently with SmartMusic and record their parts for teacher feedback to improve their skills. The goal is for the band to develop their performance ability and have their first successful performance as a group.
Concert Band First Performance Song: A Music Technology Integration Lesson PlanDJ Buddy Holly
This lesson plan introduces high school concert band students to their first performance song using music technology integration. Students will use the SmartMusic web software to access sheet music, practice exercises, and receive feedback on individual recordings from the instructor. The goal is for the class to perform their first song together after practicing parts independently with SmartMusic. Adaptations are provided for students with disabilities, including using SmartMusic's backing tracks and messaging features. The plan connects music performance to technology skills and other subjects like mathematics.
The students will work on vocal technique, sight reading, and rehearsing pieces for an upcoming performance through various warmups, sight reading exercises, and run throughs of pieces with an accompanist. The teacher will provide feedback and work on improving specific musical elements, while also having students self-critique and suggest adjustments. Formative assessments include oral questioning, discussion, and observation during activities, with the summative assessment being the upcoming choral festival performance.
The lesson plan focuses on warming up the choir, sight reading to improve musical skills, and self-evaluating a recorded performance to identify areas for improvement before an upcoming performance assessment. Various exercises and activities are outlined to engage students through visual, auditory, and kinesthetic methods. The goal is for the choir to refine their performance of selected pieces in order to meet criteria on the choral festival rubric.
1) The document outlines a 45-minute music lesson plan for a 5th/6th grade class focusing on how music can communicate meaning and tell stories.
2) Students will watch an Aboriginal Dreamtime story called "The Rainbow Serpent" and work in groups to create soundscapes using instruments and sounds to accompany different parts of the story.
3) The lesson will conclude with student groups performing their soundscapes and providing feedback on how different sounds created different moods in the story.
The document outlines a lesson plan for teaching English vocabulary related to music to intermediate students. The lesson will introduce common musical instruments, genres of music, and related terms. Students will listen to different types of music and identify instruments. They will practice sentences about playing instruments through mimicry and games. For evaluation, students will listen to sentences and match them to pictures, then draw and describe their favorite instrument. The goal is to motivate students' learning through an enjoyable topic that incorporates auditory, visual, and kinesthetic activities.
The document provides a lesson plan to teach preschool students about the phoneme /t/. It includes the following:
1) An introduction where the teacher greets the students and a song is sung to engage them.
2) Several steps are outlined to teach the students about the /t/ sound through actions, picture cards, letter recognition, and games.
3) Consolidation activities are suggested like singing the song again and students leading it.
4) Assessments include worksheets for students to practice writing the letter 't' and drawing pictures. The goal is for students to correctly produce and recognize the /t/ phoneme.
This document outlines a lesson plan for teaching 8th grade students to play guitar. It will teach them three chords (D chord) using classroom guitars, hands-on instruction, and chord websites. Students will practice chords using websites and blogs. They will learn finger placement and the strum-pluck-strum method. By the end of the week, students will create their own three chord song and perform it for the teacher. The teacher will evaluate students' blog entries to revise future lessons based on their feedback.
The document outlines the Comenius Program from 2012 to 2014 at Peyo Yavorov Secondary School in Varna, Bulgaria. It lists the headmistress Darinka Bozhinova and other leaders of the program including the deputy head teacher Mariana Minova, coordinator Daniela Lazarova, primary teacher Penka Nikova, manager of computer labs Mariana Georgieva, and English language teacher Neli Angelova.
This lesson plan aims to develop English skills through art-oriented activities with a focus on numbers. The lesson will have students listen to music carefully to represent different rhythms through drawings. The music teacher will play a piece of music and students will draw the rhythms they hear on sheets of paper. Then, the visual art teacher and students will analyze the drawings together to look for patterns and interpretations. Finally, teachers and students will discuss connections between the sounds, rhythms, and graphic representations to better understand how numbers are conceptualized and applied in different contexts.
This document outlines two music lessons for a Grade 3/4 class. The first lesson focuses on creating a performance combining music with other art forms. Students will be split into groups to create either an original song incorporating wildlife sounds, a dance to an existing song, or a storyboard for a song. The second lesson focuses on listening and responding to music. Students will discuss songs from a school choir performance and reflect on lyrics through a worksheet activity. Both lessons aim to meet learning outcomes around music making, responding to music, and combining music with other art forms.
The document contains a lesson plan for a 1M and 1J class on Monday focusing on listening and speaking skills about sounds around us. The plan includes activities like guessing environmental sounds from a cassette player, identifying animal sounds from picture cards, referring to a textbook to learn animal sounds, going on a sound-finding walk around the school, and singing a song together. The teacher will assess students by having them make sounds for picture cards and provide remedial help or enrichment as needed.
The document is a daily lesson log for a Grade 1 MAPEH (Music, Arts, Physical Education, and Health) class. Over the course of a week, the lessons focus on different concepts including sound and rhythm, shapes and textures in drawing, healthy eating habits, and body awareness. A variety of teaching methods are used including games, group activities, drawing exercises, and movement imitation. Student understanding is assessed through participation, drawings, and rhythmic demonstrations. The teacher finds that methods like games, group collaboration, and differentiated instruction are most effective.
Estebo tpd- lesson plan n尊 3 secondary practicumCynthiaestebo
This document provides details about an English lesson for 6th grade students in Argentina. The lesson focuses on developing speaking, listening and writing skills related to reported speech. Students will watch a video clip from the movie "School of Rock" that demonstrates reported speech. They will practice reporting phrases from the video. Students will then complete grammar exercises changing direct to reported speech. Finally, students will write and perform a dialogue interviewing the teacher from the video using reported speech.
1) The document outlines an ASSURE method lesson plan for teaching first grade special education students the months of the year. The students range from 6-8 years old and include those with ADHD.
2) The objectives are for students to recite the months in order using songs/poems, identify the number of days in each month using manipulatives, and write and spell the months correctly.
3) The teacher will use large group instruction, a SmartBoard, songs/poems, and games. Students will recite months together, practice ordering their birthdays, and play spelling games to reinforce learning.
1. The document discusses musical texture and tempo in a learner's material for MAPEH (Music, Arts, Physical Education, and Health) grade 3.
2. It provides lessons on identifying slow, moderate, and fast tempos and variations in tempo through songs and activities.
3. The lessons also cover concepts like unison singing, two-part rounds, partner songs, and how they contribute to thin and thick textures in music.
This document contains the lesson plan for two subjects - Listening & Speaking from 8:10-9:40am and Reading from 10:30-11:30am on Tuesday. For Listening & Speaking, the lesson will focus on sounds around us, with objectives of responding to sounds and singing songs with guidance. Activities include identifying sounds from a cassette player and pictures, saying animal sounds from a textbook, and making sounds outside. For Reading, the focus is letters of the alphabet, with the objective of identifying letters. Activities include identifying letters from word cards, writing letters in air and fingers, and exercises in a workbook. Assessments involve identifying sounds/letters from cards.
The lesson plan summarizes a music lesson for 1st grade students focused on pitch, the music staff, and note identification. Key objectives include identifying pitch direction (up, down, same), recognizing line and space notes on the staff, and differentiating between pitches. The lesson uses games, interactive activities, and a board game to reinforce these concepts. Formative assessments evaluate students' understanding of pitch direction and note identification. The lesson aims to build students' foundational music knowledge outlined in state curriculum standards.
1) The document outlines an ASSURE method lesson plan for teaching first grade special education students the months of the year. It involves large group instruction, interactive games, and individual activities using a SmartBoard, songs/poems, and manipulatives.
2) The objectives are for students to recite the months in order, identify the number of days in each month, and spell each month correctly.
3) Assessment includes observations during activities and oral recitations to evaluate student achievement. The instruction, media, and methods will also be evaluated and revised after completion.
The document provides details of two English lessons for pupils. The first lesson focuses on identifying letters in the alphabet. Students will draw letters in the air, write them using their fingers, and do exercises to practice. The teacher will correct any mistakes. For assessment, students will write letters shown by the teacher. The second lesson focuses on singing songs with correct pronunciation, rhythm, and intonation. Students will listen to a song on cassette, sing it with the teacher, and have their singing recorded. The teacher will assess students' pronunciation.
The document provides details for an English lesson plan focused on identifying letters of the alphabet. The objectives are for students to identify letters in the alphabet. Activities include displaying word cards, having students draw and write letters in air/with fingers, and exercises in a workbook. Assessment involves having students write letters and pointing at letter cards. Remedial activities include showing letter cards and writing additional letters.
This document provides a teaching guide for a Grade 1 music class focusing on dynamics and tempo. It includes lesson plans, activities, and assessments for two 40-minute classes on dynamics and two 30-minute classes on tempo. The lessons introduce key concepts like loudness vs softness and fast vs slow through songs, games, movement, and discussion. Students demonstrate their understanding by performing songs at different volumes and speeds, creating poems using loud and soft words, and identifying dynamics and tempos in various sounds and activities. The goal is for students to understand how to apply these musical elements appropriately based on the mood or style of different pieces.
This document contains the schedule and lesson plans for a class on Tuesday. The morning session from 8:10-9:40 focuses on listening and speaking, with the theme of self, family and friends. The lesson objective is for students to introduce themselves. Activities include singing songs, stating their names, and saying hello. From 10:30-11:30 is a reading class on the same theme, with the objective of distinguishing letter shapes and sounds. Activities involve naming pictures, saying word cards, and an exercise book. Assessment and remedial/enrichment activities are also outlined.
This document provides an overview of a music lesson on pulse and rhythm. It includes 4 activities:
1) Singing a song and moving to the pulse, discussing pulse and beat.
2) Performing and notating rhythmic patterns using body movements.
3) Dividing into groups to perform rhythmic patterns while singing.
4) Evaluating skills like differentiating sounds, performing patterns, and participating in groups.
The lesson teaches that pulse is the regular underlying beat in music and can be expressed through movement. Rhythmic patterns involve long and short sounds and silence.
This document contains details of 4 English lessons for Year 5 students on the topic of "The Man and the Mountain". Each lesson focuses on a different skill: listening and speaking, reading, writing, and listening and speaking through creative works. The lessons include objectives, teaching aids, activities, and reflections. The activities involve matching words and pictures, reading a poem individually and in groups, writing adjectives and sentences, and decorating a picture of a ship from a literary text.
The lesson plan aims to teach 6th grade students about family members and possessive adjectives. It includes a warm-up activity identifying characters from The Simpsons, presentation of new vocabulary through pictures and a poster, practice activities matching family members with possessive adjectives and completing sentences, and a closing song to review the lesson. The plan integrates reading, writing, listening and speaking skills and uses visual and auditory methods to engage different learning styles. Feedback suggests including more oral communication practice through a guessing game to encourage meaningful use of the target language.
1. The document discusses musical concepts like melody, pitch, and form. It provides lesson plans and activities to teach these concepts to grade 3 students.
2. The lessons include singing songs, identifying high and low pitches, exploring melodic contour through body movements, and analyzing musical form through same/similar/different phrases.
3. Repetition in music is discussed, with an activity having students sing songs following repeat signs. Overall the document aims to develop students' understanding of fundamental musical elements through engaging hands-on activities.
This document provides a resume for Alora Perry that outlines her education, awards, work experience, volunteer work, clubs, athletics, and other activities. She graduated from Alma High School where she was on the honor roll and received several awards. Her work experience includes being a cashier, hostess, and waitress at Merle's Steakhouse. She has extensive volunteer experience through DECA and other organizations. She was involved in many clubs at her high school including DECA, FCCLA, and Partners Club. She participated in various athletic activities like cheer, track, cross country, and softball.
The document is a letter from Marty Tiezzi to the Drug Enforcement Administration requesting guidance and assistance for a research project on legalizing and commercializing cocaine. Tiezzi argues that naturally occurring substances like marijuana and cocaine should be legalized to improve society by eliminating the undesirable culture caused by prohibition. He outlines plans to build a greenhouse to grow coca plants, research additional benefits of cocaine, and develop an appropriate distribution method for public consumption. Tiezzi requests funding, licensing, and networking assistance from the DEA to accomplish his objective of legalizing and commercializing cocaine.
The document outlines the Comenius Program from 2012 to 2014 at Peyo Yavorov Secondary School in Varna, Bulgaria. It lists the headmistress Darinka Bozhinova and other leaders of the program including the deputy head teacher Mariana Minova, coordinator Daniela Lazarova, primary teacher Penka Nikova, manager of computer labs Mariana Georgieva, and English language teacher Neli Angelova.
This lesson plan aims to develop English skills through art-oriented activities with a focus on numbers. The lesson will have students listen to music carefully to represent different rhythms through drawings. The music teacher will play a piece of music and students will draw the rhythms they hear on sheets of paper. Then, the visual art teacher and students will analyze the drawings together to look for patterns and interpretations. Finally, teachers and students will discuss connections between the sounds, rhythms, and graphic representations to better understand how numbers are conceptualized and applied in different contexts.
This document outlines two music lessons for a Grade 3/4 class. The first lesson focuses on creating a performance combining music with other art forms. Students will be split into groups to create either an original song incorporating wildlife sounds, a dance to an existing song, or a storyboard for a song. The second lesson focuses on listening and responding to music. Students will discuss songs from a school choir performance and reflect on lyrics through a worksheet activity. Both lessons aim to meet learning outcomes around music making, responding to music, and combining music with other art forms.
The document contains a lesson plan for a 1M and 1J class on Monday focusing on listening and speaking skills about sounds around us. The plan includes activities like guessing environmental sounds from a cassette player, identifying animal sounds from picture cards, referring to a textbook to learn animal sounds, going on a sound-finding walk around the school, and singing a song together. The teacher will assess students by having them make sounds for picture cards and provide remedial help or enrichment as needed.
The document is a daily lesson log for a Grade 1 MAPEH (Music, Arts, Physical Education, and Health) class. Over the course of a week, the lessons focus on different concepts including sound and rhythm, shapes and textures in drawing, healthy eating habits, and body awareness. A variety of teaching methods are used including games, group activities, drawing exercises, and movement imitation. Student understanding is assessed through participation, drawings, and rhythmic demonstrations. The teacher finds that methods like games, group collaboration, and differentiated instruction are most effective.
Estebo tpd- lesson plan n尊 3 secondary practicumCynthiaestebo
This document provides details about an English lesson for 6th grade students in Argentina. The lesson focuses on developing speaking, listening and writing skills related to reported speech. Students will watch a video clip from the movie "School of Rock" that demonstrates reported speech. They will practice reporting phrases from the video. Students will then complete grammar exercises changing direct to reported speech. Finally, students will write and perform a dialogue interviewing the teacher from the video using reported speech.
1) The document outlines an ASSURE method lesson plan for teaching first grade special education students the months of the year. The students range from 6-8 years old and include those with ADHD.
2) The objectives are for students to recite the months in order using songs/poems, identify the number of days in each month using manipulatives, and write and spell the months correctly.
3) The teacher will use large group instruction, a SmartBoard, songs/poems, and games. Students will recite months together, practice ordering their birthdays, and play spelling games to reinforce learning.
1. The document discusses musical texture and tempo in a learner's material for MAPEH (Music, Arts, Physical Education, and Health) grade 3.
2. It provides lessons on identifying slow, moderate, and fast tempos and variations in tempo through songs and activities.
3. The lessons also cover concepts like unison singing, two-part rounds, partner songs, and how they contribute to thin and thick textures in music.
This document contains the lesson plan for two subjects - Listening & Speaking from 8:10-9:40am and Reading from 10:30-11:30am on Tuesday. For Listening & Speaking, the lesson will focus on sounds around us, with objectives of responding to sounds and singing songs with guidance. Activities include identifying sounds from a cassette player and pictures, saying animal sounds from a textbook, and making sounds outside. For Reading, the focus is letters of the alphabet, with the objective of identifying letters. Activities include identifying letters from word cards, writing letters in air and fingers, and exercises in a workbook. Assessments involve identifying sounds/letters from cards.
The lesson plan summarizes a music lesson for 1st grade students focused on pitch, the music staff, and note identification. Key objectives include identifying pitch direction (up, down, same), recognizing line and space notes on the staff, and differentiating between pitches. The lesson uses games, interactive activities, and a board game to reinforce these concepts. Formative assessments evaluate students' understanding of pitch direction and note identification. The lesson aims to build students' foundational music knowledge outlined in state curriculum standards.
1) The document outlines an ASSURE method lesson plan for teaching first grade special education students the months of the year. It involves large group instruction, interactive games, and individual activities using a SmartBoard, songs/poems, and manipulatives.
2) The objectives are for students to recite the months in order, identify the number of days in each month, and spell each month correctly.
3) Assessment includes observations during activities and oral recitations to evaluate student achievement. The instruction, media, and methods will also be evaluated and revised after completion.
The document provides details of two English lessons for pupils. The first lesson focuses on identifying letters in the alphabet. Students will draw letters in the air, write them using their fingers, and do exercises to practice. The teacher will correct any mistakes. For assessment, students will write letters shown by the teacher. The second lesson focuses on singing songs with correct pronunciation, rhythm, and intonation. Students will listen to a song on cassette, sing it with the teacher, and have their singing recorded. The teacher will assess students' pronunciation.
The document provides details for an English lesson plan focused on identifying letters of the alphabet. The objectives are for students to identify letters in the alphabet. Activities include displaying word cards, having students draw and write letters in air/with fingers, and exercises in a workbook. Assessment involves having students write letters and pointing at letter cards. Remedial activities include showing letter cards and writing additional letters.
This document provides a teaching guide for a Grade 1 music class focusing on dynamics and tempo. It includes lesson plans, activities, and assessments for two 40-minute classes on dynamics and two 30-minute classes on tempo. The lessons introduce key concepts like loudness vs softness and fast vs slow through songs, games, movement, and discussion. Students demonstrate their understanding by performing songs at different volumes and speeds, creating poems using loud and soft words, and identifying dynamics and tempos in various sounds and activities. The goal is for students to understand how to apply these musical elements appropriately based on the mood or style of different pieces.
This document contains the schedule and lesson plans for a class on Tuesday. The morning session from 8:10-9:40 focuses on listening and speaking, with the theme of self, family and friends. The lesson objective is for students to introduce themselves. Activities include singing songs, stating their names, and saying hello. From 10:30-11:30 is a reading class on the same theme, with the objective of distinguishing letter shapes and sounds. Activities involve naming pictures, saying word cards, and an exercise book. Assessment and remedial/enrichment activities are also outlined.
This document provides an overview of a music lesson on pulse and rhythm. It includes 4 activities:
1) Singing a song and moving to the pulse, discussing pulse and beat.
2) Performing and notating rhythmic patterns using body movements.
3) Dividing into groups to perform rhythmic patterns while singing.
4) Evaluating skills like differentiating sounds, performing patterns, and participating in groups.
The lesson teaches that pulse is the regular underlying beat in music and can be expressed through movement. Rhythmic patterns involve long and short sounds and silence.
This document contains details of 4 English lessons for Year 5 students on the topic of "The Man and the Mountain". Each lesson focuses on a different skill: listening and speaking, reading, writing, and listening and speaking through creative works. The lessons include objectives, teaching aids, activities, and reflections. The activities involve matching words and pictures, reading a poem individually and in groups, writing adjectives and sentences, and decorating a picture of a ship from a literary text.
The lesson plan aims to teach 6th grade students about family members and possessive adjectives. It includes a warm-up activity identifying characters from The Simpsons, presentation of new vocabulary through pictures and a poster, practice activities matching family members with possessive adjectives and completing sentences, and a closing song to review the lesson. The plan integrates reading, writing, listening and speaking skills and uses visual and auditory methods to engage different learning styles. Feedback suggests including more oral communication practice through a guessing game to encourage meaningful use of the target language.
1. The document discusses musical concepts like melody, pitch, and form. It provides lesson plans and activities to teach these concepts to grade 3 students.
2. The lessons include singing songs, identifying high and low pitches, exploring melodic contour through body movements, and analyzing musical form through same/similar/different phrases.
3. Repetition in music is discussed, with an activity having students sing songs following repeat signs. Overall the document aims to develop students' understanding of fundamental musical elements through engaging hands-on activities.
This document provides a resume for Alora Perry that outlines her education, awards, work experience, volunteer work, clubs, athletics, and other activities. She graduated from Alma High School where she was on the honor roll and received several awards. Her work experience includes being a cashier, hostess, and waitress at Merle's Steakhouse. She has extensive volunteer experience through DECA and other organizations. She was involved in many clubs at her high school including DECA, FCCLA, and Partners Club. She participated in various athletic activities like cheer, track, cross country, and softball.
The document is a letter from Marty Tiezzi to the Drug Enforcement Administration requesting guidance and assistance for a research project on legalizing and commercializing cocaine. Tiezzi argues that naturally occurring substances like marijuana and cocaine should be legalized to improve society by eliminating the undesirable culture caused by prohibition. He outlines plans to build a greenhouse to grow coca plants, research additional benefits of cocaine, and develop an appropriate distribution method for public consumption. Tiezzi requests funding, licensing, and networking assistance from the DEA to accomplish his objective of legalizing and commercializing cocaine.
II Project Management nella committenza degli investimenti industrialiAlberto Villa
Este documento presenta los resultados de una encuesta realizada a 800 empresarios espa単oles sobre sus opiniones del mercado laboral actual y sus planes para 2013. La mayor鱈a de las empresas lidiaron con dificultad con la situaci坦n econ坦mica, efectuando despidos y congelando salarios. No obstante, el 51.3% planea contratar nuevos empleados en 2013, especialmente en ventas, ingenier鱈a e inform叩tica. Los empresarios valoran la experiencia, proactividad y capacidad de adaptaci坦n en los candidatos por encima de otros factores. Consideran que la arrogancia
El documento habla sobre el Internet. Define Internet como una red interconectada de dispositivos electr坦nicos que permite la comunicaci坦n y el acceso a informaci坦n de forma global. Explica que el Internet de las cosas se refiere a la conexi坦n digital de objetos cotidianos a Internet. Tambi辿n describe algunas ventajas como la comunicaci坦n simple y b炭squeda r叩pida de informaci坦n, y desventajas como la exposici坦n de datos e informaci坦n de mala calidad. Finalmente, se単ala que el Internet es importante en la educaci坦n pues permite al usuario participar de forma activa y
RWGreenwood Consulting helps businesses develop strategies for sustainable growth and profitability. They do this by analyzing external factors and competitive landscapes. Their experience delivering initiatives in pricing, supply chain, mergers and acquisitions has generated millions in value for clients worldwide. They take a tailored approach rather than relying on standardized frameworks. Their focus areas include strategy, revenue growth, cost savings, and forecasting. They have experience advising mining, utilities and industrial companies.
Standard Engineers is an engineering company that specializes in reaction engineering, mixing solutions, mass transfer, and heat transfer. They provide services related to the design and implementation of mixing systems. Contact information is provided for Ankit Vyas in the marketing department if potential clients need additional information.
- Michael Brown, an 18-year-old African American male, was shot and killed by a white police officer named Darren Wilson in Ferguson, Missouri on August 9, 2014. This sparked large protests against police violence and racial inequality.
- The Ferguson uprising is considered a social movement as it exhibits the key elements of social movements - it involves challengers protesting authorities, collective action through varied forms of protest, and aims to influence public opinion and policy through continued activity over months.
- The movement frames its grievances around citizens challenging police authority and the legal system due to the disproportionate use of police violence against African Americans and the lack of accountability or justice for victims. Protests continue in an effort
This lesson plan aims to teach 6th grade students about fractions and music. Students will learn about fractions less than one and recognize different note values. They will be evaluated through clicker questions during class and participation in games. The lesson uses a SMART board for an interactive math lecture on fractions and note recognition. Students will then split into groups to play math and music games on the board and Wii. The plan incorporates diversity by allowing different musical tastes and addressing multiple intelligences. Technology like the SMART board and Wii engages students in an interactive lesson.
Lesson two the history of music in advertisingbecclehead
This document provides an overview of a Year 8 music lesson on the history of music in advertising. The objectives are for students to examine how music has been used in advertising over time, identify compositional techniques used in jingles, and listen attentively to musical examples. The lesson involves an introduction to jingles and their components, a student activity to recognize slogans and their purpose, and a short quiz to review key terminology. Student progress will be assessed through teacher observations, work samples, and performances of their own jingle compositions.
1) The lesson plan summarizes a music class that will introduce students to the percussion instrument family.
2) Students will review instrument families previously learned, watch videos and examine pictures of percussion instruments, and take notes to distinguish between pitched and non-pitched percussion.
3) Assessment will include questions about the instrument families as well as analysis of videos and pictures of percussion instruments to identify and classify them.
This document describes a World Music program that uses an audiovisual and game-like "MusiCoach Method" to teach students ages 6 and up how to play guitar and other instruments in a fun, non-aversive way. Students progress through preparatory, intermediate, and advanced levels, learning music theory, technique, and playing in ensembles. They are motivated to continue learning and perform in at least one annual recital to demonstrate their achievements. The method aims to capture students' attention and interest through interactive exercises that connect playing skills with music theory in a competitive yet enjoyable way.
This document outlines a music lesson plan for teaching 8th grade students how to play guitar. It will take place over the course of a week. On the first day, the teacher will introduce the parts of the guitar and proper holding technique using videos and hands-on instruction. Students will each have their own guitar to practice with. Throughout the week, students will learn three chords and the strum-pluck-strum method. They will create and perform their own original three chord song by the end of the lesson, documenting their experience in blog posts along the way. The teacher will evaluate the blog posts to revise and improve future lessons.
This document provides information to help rising 8th grade students and parents choose elective courses. It outlines the various elective options like dance, chorus, theater, band, visual arts, foreign language, and digital arts. For each subject area, it describes the different course levels and prerequisites. The document also includes the registration timeline and contacts for questions.
This SMART Board lesson teaches pre-K and kindergarten students English letter sounds through Jolly songs. The teacher uses the SMART Board to display cartoon images to engage students, show letters for them to read along with, and play Jolly songs for students to listen to and sing. The SMART Board helps keep students focused and interested through its interactive features and ability to play audio and display enlarged text clearly.
Norman Brodeur Awesome Songwriting Music ArtistNorman Brodeur
This document provides guidance for teaching students songwriting in a non-formal setting. It suggests starting with coming up with a song topic or musical ideas, then developing lyrics or a melody. Students can work on lyrics first by brainstorming ideas, coming up with rhyming words, and developing verses. Or they can start with music by improvising a chord progression and adding a melody. The guide stresses that there is no single correct way to write a song and encourages an iterative process of reviewing and refining lyrics and music. It aims to help students express themselves creatively through songwriting.
Norman Brodeur is a Spanish Impasto Acrylic oil painter and film producer. Norman brodeur is a leading artist whose artwork is a model for the realist and impressionist painters. Norman j Brodeur reminds us that every time period, civilization and society have a different way of expressing themselves. From the beginning of humankind to the contemporary era, the artists created a unique set of characteristics that influence the new unique artistic ideas that are surfacing and still will. He was also one of the Executive Producers of the movie The Lookalike shown in 2014 . Norman Brodeur has had an illustrious career famous for his Spanish Royal family paintings on display in Spain. His birthplace is Barcelona Spain April 9th 1952.
Norman Brodeur Spanish painter
Norman Brodeur is a well-known individualistic artist of this age who painted a number of the portrayal of Spanish royal families, other notable European figures, and commoners. Norman J Brodeur many styles are a testament to the natural ability of paintings coming to life with expression.
This document provides information for rising 8th grade students and parents about course registration for electives. It outlines the various elective courses available in areas like dance, chorus, theater, band, visual arts, foreign language, and more. It provides descriptions of the levels and prerequisites for each course. The document also includes the registration timeline and information about the registration process.
Miss Morales will be using various standards and curriculums to guide the band class's music education, including exploring different music technology programs. Students will learn composition and arranging using Finale 2010, and will create musical works using interactive programs on and games like Guitar Hero. They will also learn recording skills using devices like EdiRol and Garage Band to record themselves and produce audio files and CDs. Activities will include students composing music, arranging it for different instruments using Finale, recording performances to create a class CD. The goal is for students to creatively make music and connect it to today's technological world through these programs.
The document outlines 5 key facets of effective music teaching: 1) musical knowledge and theory, 2) performance and technique, 3) aural skills, 4) creativity and composition, and 5) historical and cultural context. It discusses the importance of each facet and provides examples of how teachers can develop them in their students. The conclusion states that a well-rounded music education approach incorporates all five facets to foster musical competence and appreciation.
This document describes a music lesson plan that uses a website to teach secondary students about Western music and a cappella singing. The lesson plan aims to develop students' sense of hearing, singing, and performing skills through group activities. Students will be grouped into threes and each sing a part to collaboratively perform pieces from the website without instrumentation. The website features audio examples of musical excerpts and individual parts that students can listen to in order to learn how to sing the pieces on their own and together in their groups.
1) The document outlines a lesson plan for teaching 8th grade students how to play guitar over the course of a week. It will involve learning guitar parts, chords, and arranging a simple three chord song.
2) Materials include classroom guitars, online resources, videos, posters, and blogs for student reflection. Students will learn guitar parts and the strumming technique, and compose a short original song using three chords.
3) The plan involves hands-on guitar practice, online activities, and performing songs individually for evaluation. Student blogs will provide feedback to help the teacher improve future lessons.
This document provides an overview of a music class for the upcoming school year. It discusses creating a welcoming environment for students to learn and share their love of music. The class will focus on learning and innovation skills like creativity, problem solving, and collaboration through music composition and analysis. Students will use music notation software and keyboards to create their own musical pieces and arrange other works. The goal is for students to express themselves through music while gaining important skills.
This lesson plan involves students selecting a poem and creating a Google 際際滷s presentation to demonstrate their understanding of the poem's themes. Over four class periods, students will analyze poems, design their presentations incorporating images and sounds, and finally present their poem and slideshow to the class. The lesson is intended for an honors 9th grade English class and aims to develop students' skills in literary analysis, multimedia presentation design, and oral communication through a poetry slam activity.
This document outlines a music lesson plan for teaching 8th grade students how to play guitar. The objectives are for students to arrange their own three chord song using classroom guitars, hands on instruction, and an online chord website. Students will learn guitar parts, strumming techniques, and three chords over the course of a week. Activities include practicing chords as a class, creating an original 20-30 second song using the three chords, and performing the song for the teacher while peers practice. Students will also maintain a blog to document their feelings and progress. The teacher will evaluate student performance and blog entries to revise future lessons based on student feedback.
The document discusses several ways that technology can be incorporated into music curriculum and classrooms. It describes using songs to introduce new topics, having students record their own performances, and composing music using online websites. It provides an example of having students research and create African music after learning about the slave trade. Resources now allow students to learn about musical scales and notes by creating their own pieces, which also teaches fractions. While technology provides creative ways for students to learn, educators must continually develop new uses of technology in the curriculum.
This document outlines a music lesson plan for teaching 8th grade students how to play guitar. The students have varying levels of musical experience but most have never played guitar before. The lesson plan aims to keep students engaged by incorporating hands-on guitar playing, websites, podcasts, blogging, and having students create their own three chord song by the end of the week. Students will learn guitar parts, chord strumming techniques, and three chords. They will participate daily through playing, blogging, and creating their song. The teacher will evaluate the lesson by reading student blogs and revising future lessons based on their feedback.
1. Concert Band First Performance Song:
A Music Technology Integration Lesson Plan
Name: David Kramer
Date: 4-29-16
Lesson Title: Concert Band First Performance Song
Grade Level: 9-12
Technology Standards (NETS-
Communication and collaboration: Students use digital media and
environments to communicate and work collaboratively, including
learning at a distance, to support individual learning and contribute to
the learning of others.
Technology operations and concepts: Students demonstrate a
sound understanding of technology concepts, systems, and operations
(ISTE Standards for Students, n.d.).
Subject Area/Content Standard:
Music: High School Beginner to Intermediate Concert Band
Standards-Based Curriculum for Music:
Artistic perception
Creative expression
Historical and cultural context
Aesthetic value
Connections, Relationships, Applications (All Curriculum Frameworks,
Technology tool/software: Mac or PC Computer / SmartMusic web software
Students must have experience playing at least one concert instrument at a beginner to intermediate
level. Prior student experience in their musical instrument consists of participation in middle school band,
private lessons, or group lessons. Student must have the ability to read music at a beginner level on a
concert band instrument. Various categories of band instruments include woodwinds, keyboards, brass,
strings, and percussion.
This lesson comes into play once the students in class have been assigned their instrument for the
semester. The students at this point in the unit would have experience in using the web software called
SmartMusic and would have an individual account. A SmartMusic account and use of its web tools allow
music teachers to assign students songs, assist students in reading notes, assist with learning songs by
ear, and allows digital instructor feedback of student recordings. The program gives students visual and
audio examples that help students improve their performance of the instrument.
2. Vocabulary:
The students will enhance their music vocabulary in reading traditional sheet music, enhance their
vocabulary pertaining to their musical instrument, and be introduced to vocabulary concerning music
The students must rent or borrow their concert instrument for the class performances. The school
provides brass, woodwinds, strings, keyboards, and percussion instruments. Optional instruments for this
lesson would include keyboard or guitar although these are not used in all concert bands. Students
ideally would access their SmartMusic account at home and if not, they will be required to print out any
sheet music materials gathered online. SmartMusic works with music literature called Sound Innovations
by Alfred Music. The repertoire in Sound Innovations is the music book that students would use when not
working with the technological software. A specific room for band is required with a layout large enough
for a concert band. There should be practice rooms available for student use. Each student would need
a music stand for class performances.
Objectives and Learner Outcomes
General Goal(s):
The goal of this assignment is to have a beginner/intermediate concert band perform their first song
together as a class. Students will develop beginner skills in accessing sheet music and practice exercises
through the education software SmartMusic in order to improve the bands first performance.
Specific Performance-Based Objectives:
Students are expected to be able to perform their first concert band song as a full class in order to
complete the lesson. Students are expected to be able to read and perform music on their assigned
instrument. Students are expected to learn their instrumental part of the composition assigned in class.
Anticipatory Set
Anticipatory Set:
The students will be able to discuss what song they would like to perform as their first composition of the
semester. The students will pick the song after the teacher presents the SmartMusic software and Sound
Innovations songbook literature. An example will be shown on a projection screen or smart board
showing students how to access SmartMusic using their student account. The students will be shown
how the software helps students with performance practice of their instrument. The teacher will pick an
instrument to perform with while interacting with SmartMusic during this class activity.
3. Step-By-Step Procedures
1. The students will take their class seat with their musical instrument and sheet music from Sound
Innovations and SmartMusic.
2. The students will all tune their instruments.
3. The teacher takes position on the podium and tells the students that the class will start the piece.
4. The students perform the song while the instructor acts as conductor of the class.
5. The teacher provides brief verbal feedback on how the class performed the tune and gives feedback
on what can improve in the performance.
6. The students perform the song again based on the instructors verbal feedback.
7. The class reviews the SmartMusic software as a class and a demonstration is given on how the
instructor can provide feedback to individual musicians through the software.
8. The students are shown how to record their musical part into SmartMusic for instructor feedback.
Instruction should be given on how to record with the program using a computers built-in microphone.
9. The class is given a chance to ask the instructor any questions pertaining to the SmartMusic
application and Sound Innovations music literature.
10. Students are assigned to record their part into SmartMusic. For students who do not have access to
a computer at home, a computer should be provided for use before or after school.
Guided Practice:
The students engage with the SmartMusic computer software to aid them in practicing their song
repertoire and musical scales. Students should be given a practice area to rehearse outside of class.
Students will be asked if they are having particular difficulties in playing their instrument and the teacher
will guide them on the necessary actions to improve their performance.
Lesson Extension (gifted students):
Students who are gifted will be assigned a higher-level performance part that may be accessed through
SmartMusic and Sound Innovations. Gifted students will also be assigned optional scales and music
exercises to practice as homework.
Adaptations (For Students With Learning Disabilities):
By using SmartMusic, students with visual impairments and students with reading disabilities can learn
their music parts by ear. In normal band situations, students usually can only hear how the song sounds
as a whole once the band is rehearsing in class. With SmartMusic, students can practice along with the
backing tracks provided in the program. This engages students that may have a short attention span and
gives students extra practice time when needed. If a parent or caregiver is helping a student with a
disability, SmartMusics digital messaging provides a great way of communication with the teacher.
Connections (to other subjects)
This assignment connects music performance to the academic subject of web-based technology. In this
assignment, the students additionally develop beginner to intermediate use of music technology and
computer music. Practicing musical scales and reading music has links to mathematics through counting,
rhythm, scales, time signatures, and aspects of music theory. The song chosen by the class as their first
performance piece can also be discussed in a historical context.
4. Independent Practice
Independent Practice:
The student ideally practices his or her instrument for 30 minutes to an hour per day outside of class. The
students work independently at performance improvement in conjunction with the use of the tools
provided in SmartMusic.
Reflection on Anticipatory Set:
By having the students choose their first song and perform the song successfully, the students will have
interest sparked in their appreciation of music. The students will have experience playing an instrumental
piece together in class and will have motivation to improve and add more songs to their repertoire. The
students can transfer the use of musical instruments and music technology from this lesson plan into
learning future songs, scales, and music exercises assigned by the instructor. The purpose of the lesson
is to provide concert band students with their first song and gives them the necessary tools to learn new
songs at a faster pace. Once students are proficient in performing songs as a group, they can participate
in school events such as an assembly game rally.
6. References
All Curriculum Frameworks. (n.d.). Retrieved May 01, 2016, from
ISTE Standards for Students. (n.d.). Retrieved May 01, 2016, from
7. References
All Curriculum Frameworks. (n.d.). Retrieved May 01, 2016, from
ISTE Standards for Students. (n.d.). Retrieved May 01, 2016, from