Public version of the slideshow I used during my presentation about adaptive music in video games and other interactive media at #UXMonday event, organized by in Prague, March 2, 2015.
Adaptive Music in Kingdom Come: DeliveranceAdam Sporka
My talk at the Game Developers Session 2015, Prague. Video game music often reacts to events of the game by altering its atmosphere by performing transitions between parts of the soundtrack. This is usually referred to as "adaptive music" or "dynamic music". For example, the music goes from peaceful to agitated when the player is attacked by an enemy, or from neutral to dark when the player enters a cave. The challenge is to be able to respond in a timely fashion (within a second) to the evolving gameplay and yet make the transitions between parts of our soundtrack as seamless as possible. A number of systems and techniques exist, including synchronized cross-fading or reorchestration. These techniques typically cater to electronica and ambient sound design. They often rely on constant tempo of music, non-existent or simple harmonic progressions, and absence of clear melodies. In our project we focus on symphonic music in which maintaining the correct voicing and harmonic progressions is crucial to the listener's experience and the tempo changes depending on the musical content. In the talk I presented several of our original techniques, already implemented in the upcoming game Kingdom Come: Deliverance, scheduled for release in 2016 by the Warhorse Studios,
The slides for my seminar on adaptive music at the Charles University in Prague // Introduction to the topic of adaptive music // Music Design // Sequence Music Engine // On development of the Kingdom Come: Deliverance soundtrack.
This presentation explores the role of video game sound and music designers. It discusses how advances in technology have created opportunities for composers to experiment and create compelling audio. The presentation covers types of game sounds, platforms, notable early examples, software, education programs, and the presenter's own research on music from 8-bit Nintendo games. It aims to give students an understanding of the game audio industry and have them work in teams to create audio for a game.
Sous le feu des critiques: Trop moderne! Pas assez subversive aux yeux de certains! Pas cr谷ative! Un effet de mode passager pour les "djeunz"! Ou pire une musique de drogu谷s!! Permettez moi au cours de cette session de vous 谷clairer sur cette culture et 谷galement sur les coulisses de la cr谷ation des musiques assist谷es par ordinateur (MAO), et de voir ensemble les relations int谷ressantes que l'on peut tisser avec nos pratiques du d谷veloppement logiciel (Software Craftsmanship).
On a pu lire quelques analogies entre pratique des musiques jazz, somme toute une musique tr豕s classique, et la pratique du d谷veloppement logiciel tel que nous la concevons tous ici ("agile" diront certain). Pourtant il y a bien des fa?ons de faire de la musique et en tant que sp谷cialistes de la programmation j'ai 谷t谷 谷tonn谷 de constater que peu d'entre nous s*int谷ressent 角 la musique dite "谷lectronique". Pourtant, dans ces musiques aussi, nous nous servons d'outils logiciels au service de notre inspiration et notre cr谷ativit谷. On retrouve l'approche incr谷mentale, la technique impos谷e par les machines, des patterns 谷videmment, mais aussi de la pratique r谷p谷t谷e, de l'am谷lioration continue et la coop谷ration quand nous formons des groupes collaboratifs.
Au cours de cette session, apr豕s les g谷n谷ralit谷s d'usage, je vous montrerai un DAW (digital audio workstation) logiciel, tr豕s couramment employ谷, et pas que pour la musique 谷lectronique, j'ai nomm谷 "Live 9" d'Ableton avec sa surface de contr?le d谷di谷e: Push (une sorte de clavier multi-fonctions pour la musique). Live est 谷galement extensible gr?ce 角 Max MSP, une API de programmation qui permet de scripter/patcher ce logiciel sous bien des formes.
J'esp豕re vous montrer que cr谷ation et programmation ne sont pas si 谷loign谷s que cela... et vous ferai partager mon exp谷rience au sein de la Do It Yourself Music Academy
This is the slideshow that accompanied my paper at the 2015 North American Conference on Video Game Music held at Texas Christian University. It includes hyperlinks and audio examples to break down the compositional techniques discussed. Click on words and images on the slides to explore and deconstruct the chiptune style!
Immersion into Fantasy: Compositional Techniques of Video Game Music from the...Christopher Hopkins
This is the slideshow for the 2015 Spring Meeting of the American Musicological Society held at the Juilliard School of Music. It includes hyperlinks, audio, and video examples.
This presentation explores the extent to which video game music promotes fantasy-play through dynamic shifts in mood and tension caused by player actions.
The diversity of sonorities and musical patterns within the scope of primitive sound chips is a result of technical ingenuity through collaborations of composers and sound programmers.
This aids in the total immersion of the player in the game-generated world.
This document provides an overview of game audio essentials for developers in Turkey. It introduces Alpan Aytekin and his background and experience in game audio. It then lists other game audio professionals in Turkey and provides links to audio resources. The document discusses topics like the importance of game audio, differences between film and game scoring, interactive audio approaches, sound effects, sampling and formats, and includes a reference section.
This document is a resume for Michael Sean Supple, an audio/visual technician and sound engineer based in Los Angeles, CA. It outlines his education, including degrees from UCLA and UC Irvine, technical skills in audio recording and mixing, and extensive experience providing sound engineering and AV support for corporate, entertainment, and political events since 2003. It also lists some of the musical artists and projects he has worked with in a mixing/production role.
The document provides an overview of game audio, including its history, functions, and different types such as interactive, adaptive, and dynamic audio. It discusses challenges in game audio such as mixing, technological constraints, transitions between cues, and listener fatigue. It provides examples of solutions such as cross-fading, pitch shifting, variable tempo/pitch/volume, and dynamic composition.
20190625 Research at Taiwan AI Labs: Music and Speech AIYi-Hsuan Yang
A very brief introduction of what we have been working on at the AI Labs on "music AI" (specifically, automatic music composition/generation) and "speech AI" (specifically, Mandarin ASR).
Machine learning for creative AI applications in music (2018 nov)Yi-Hsuan Yang
An up-to-date overview of our recent research on music/audio and AI. It contains four parts:
* AI Listener: source separation (ICMLA'18a) and sound event detection (IJCAI'18)
* AI DJ: music thumbnailing (TISMIR'18) and music sequencing (AAAI'18a)
* AI Composer: melody generation (ISMIR'17), lead sheet generation (ICMLA'18b), multitrack pianoroll generation (AAAI'18b), and instrumentation generation (arxiv)
* AI Performer: CNN-based score-to-audio generation (AAAI'19)
Research on Automatic Music Composition at the Taiwan AI Labs, April 2020Yi-Hsuan Yang
端端舝s introducing our ongoing projects on automatic music composition at the Yating Music AI Team of the Taiwan AI Labs ( The following URLs link to some demo audio files we have put on SoundCloud: all of them were fully automatically generated without any manual post-processing or editing.
@ai_piano demo:
@ai_piano+drum demo:
@ai_guitar demo:
Research in artificial intelligence (AI) is known to have impacted medical diagnosis, stock trading, robot control, and several other fields. Perhaps less popular is the contribution of AI in the field of music. Nevertheless, Artificial intelligence and music (AIM) has, for a long time, been a common subject in several conferences and workshops, including the International Computer Music Conference, the Computing Society Conference and the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence.
slides presented at a three-hour local AI music course in Taiwan in Oct 2021; part 1: a brief introduction to music information retrieval (+analysis, +generation)
Chip Salerno is a composer, producer, sound designer, and engineer seeking new employment opportunities. He has a Bachelor's and Master's degree in Music Composition and Theory from Indiana University of Pennsylvania. Salerno has over 20 years of experience working in audio for Walt Disney World Parks and Resorts, including as an audio lead for several attractions. He also has experience as a music/sound director for the Arkansas Repertory Theatre, leading a band on tour and designing sound for over 50 shows. Examples of Salerno's work can be found on his online profiles.
Upping the Fun Factor through an Addictive Audio Treatment | Mike RaznickJessica Tams
This document provides information and examples about designing immersive audio for casino games. It discusses how music and sound effects can enhance player engagement and immersion by transporting the player to different emotional states. Specific techniques mentioned include using adaptive music to increase intensity over time, keeping music in consistent keys, layering melodic elements with spinning sounds, and using cutscenes and narrative elements. Examples are provided of existing casino games that effectively employ these audio design strategies.
a set of slides introducing the application of machine learning to music related applications; intended for audience not with computer science background;
Machine Learning for Creative AI Applications in Music (2018 May)Yi-Hsuan Yang
Machine Learning for Creative AI Applications in Music, slides presented at the Fifth Taiwanese Music and Audio Computing Workshop (
For a robotics project, students built a disco scene in a box painted black and white, with a cardboard DJ turntable, bottle cap turn tables, a dance floor made of lights under plastic, a servo-powered disco ball that spun as lights flashed, and printed people glued to the dance floor. If redoing the project, the student would add working sensors so lights turn on automatically, include a disco song playing during the light show, and possibly a dancing figure.
The document provides an overview of various music APIs and services. It discusses APIs for finding music events and venues, accessing music databases and biographies, retrieving lyrics, and obtaining social and statistical music data. Several specific APIs and services are showcased, including Bandsintown, Songkick, Eventful,,, MusicBrainz, Discogs, Echo Nest, Musixmatch, and Visualizations of data are also displayed.
Yi-Hsuan Yang is an Associate Research Fellow with Academia Sinica. He received his Ph.D. degree in Communication Engineering from National Taiwan University in 2010, and became an Assistant Research Fellow in Academia Sinica in 2011. He is also an Adjunct Associate Professor with the National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan. His research interests include music information retrieval, machine learning and affective computing. Dr. Yang was a recipient of the 2011 IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) Young Author Best Paper Award, the 2012 ACM Multimedia Grand Challenge First Prize, and the 2014 Ta-You Wu Memorial Research Award of the Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan. He is an author of the book Music Emotion Recognition (CRC Press 2011) and a tutorial speaker on music affect recognition in the International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2012). In 2014, he served as a Technical Program Co-chair of ISMIR, and a Guest Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing and the ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology.
Stan Bershadskiy presented on building a DJing app called Touch DJ using Sencha Touch and the Web Audio API. He demonstrated the app, which allows users to browse tracks, mix songs using decks and a mixer, and integrate MIDI control. He discussed the app's architecture including components for decks, mixing, and browsing tracks, and how audio was implemented using the Web Audio API graph. A Node.js backend served track metadata and audio files. Real-time effects like looping and crossfading were achieved. Performance on mobile was identified as a challenge.
Stan Bershadskiy presented on building a DJing app called Touch DJ using Sencha Touch and the Web Audio API. He demonstrated the app, which allows users to browse tracks, mix songs using decks and a mixer, and integrate MIDI control. He discussed developing the UI with components for decks, mixing, and browsing tracks. The app uses the Web Audio API to implement audio processing and a Node.js backend to serve tracks and metadata. Real-time audio analysis, looping, crossfading, and external MIDI control were implemented. Performance on mobile was identified as a challenge.
INSTRMNTS are new musical instruments developed for permanent or temporary exhibitions in museums, galleries, cultural centers, for educational purposes, live performances or composing. Created by Victor Gama, developed and engineered by PangeiArt.
Video game music has evolved from simple melodies produced by early synthesizers to complex scores comparable to film music. Early limitations inspired chiptune style music combining simple melodies with complex patterns. Advancing technology now allows fully-orchestrated soundtracks. Music can be originally composed or license existing music, with genres ranging from electronic chiptunes to popular artists' songs depending on the game's theme.
The document discusses various aspects of game audio including what game audio is, who creates it and cares about it, when audio teams get involved in the development process, how audio techniques have evolved over time to adapt to technological constraints, and challenges involved in areas like mixing, implementation of interactive and adaptive audio, and addressing constraints of mobile platforms. It provides examples and potential solutions to issues in each area.
This document is a resume for Michael Sean Supple, an audio/visual technician and sound engineer based in Los Angeles, CA. It outlines his education, including degrees from UCLA and UC Irvine, technical skills in audio recording and mixing, and extensive experience providing sound engineering and AV support for corporate, entertainment, and political events since 2003. It also lists some of the musical artists and projects he has worked with in a mixing/production role.
The document provides an overview of game audio, including its history, functions, and different types such as interactive, adaptive, and dynamic audio. It discusses challenges in game audio such as mixing, technological constraints, transitions between cues, and listener fatigue. It provides examples of solutions such as cross-fading, pitch shifting, variable tempo/pitch/volume, and dynamic composition.
20190625 Research at Taiwan AI Labs: Music and Speech AIYi-Hsuan Yang
A very brief introduction of what we have been working on at the AI Labs on "music AI" (specifically, automatic music composition/generation) and "speech AI" (specifically, Mandarin ASR).
Machine learning for creative AI applications in music (2018 nov)Yi-Hsuan Yang
An up-to-date overview of our recent research on music/audio and AI. It contains four parts:
* AI Listener: source separation (ICMLA'18a) and sound event detection (IJCAI'18)
* AI DJ: music thumbnailing (TISMIR'18) and music sequencing (AAAI'18a)
* AI Composer: melody generation (ISMIR'17), lead sheet generation (ICMLA'18b), multitrack pianoroll generation (AAAI'18b), and instrumentation generation (arxiv)
* AI Performer: CNN-based score-to-audio generation (AAAI'19)
Research on Automatic Music Composition at the Taiwan AI Labs, April 2020Yi-Hsuan Yang
端端舝s introducing our ongoing projects on automatic music composition at the Yating Music AI Team of the Taiwan AI Labs ( The following URLs link to some demo audio files we have put on SoundCloud: all of them were fully automatically generated without any manual post-processing or editing.
@ai_piano demo:
@ai_piano+drum demo:
@ai_guitar demo:
Research in artificial intelligence (AI) is known to have impacted medical diagnosis, stock trading, robot control, and several other fields. Perhaps less popular is the contribution of AI in the field of music. Nevertheless, Artificial intelligence and music (AIM) has, for a long time, been a common subject in several conferences and workshops, including the International Computer Music Conference, the Computing Society Conference and the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence.
slides presented at a three-hour local AI music course in Taiwan in Oct 2021; part 1: a brief introduction to music information retrieval (+analysis, +generation)
Chip Salerno is a composer, producer, sound designer, and engineer seeking new employment opportunities. He has a Bachelor's and Master's degree in Music Composition and Theory from Indiana University of Pennsylvania. Salerno has over 20 years of experience working in audio for Walt Disney World Parks and Resorts, including as an audio lead for several attractions. He also has experience as a music/sound director for the Arkansas Repertory Theatre, leading a band on tour and designing sound for over 50 shows. Examples of Salerno's work can be found on his online profiles.
Upping the Fun Factor through an Addictive Audio Treatment | Mike RaznickJessica Tams
This document provides information and examples about designing immersive audio for casino games. It discusses how music and sound effects can enhance player engagement and immersion by transporting the player to different emotional states. Specific techniques mentioned include using adaptive music to increase intensity over time, keeping music in consistent keys, layering melodic elements with spinning sounds, and using cutscenes and narrative elements. Examples are provided of existing casino games that effectively employ these audio design strategies.
a set of slides introducing the application of machine learning to music related applications; intended for audience not with computer science background;
Machine Learning for Creative AI Applications in Music (2018 May)Yi-Hsuan Yang
Machine Learning for Creative AI Applications in Music, slides presented at the Fifth Taiwanese Music and Audio Computing Workshop (
For a robotics project, students built a disco scene in a box painted black and white, with a cardboard DJ turntable, bottle cap turn tables, a dance floor made of lights under plastic, a servo-powered disco ball that spun as lights flashed, and printed people glued to the dance floor. If redoing the project, the student would add working sensors so lights turn on automatically, include a disco song playing during the light show, and possibly a dancing figure.
The document provides an overview of various music APIs and services. It discusses APIs for finding music events and venues, accessing music databases and biographies, retrieving lyrics, and obtaining social and statistical music data. Several specific APIs and services are showcased, including Bandsintown, Songkick, Eventful,,, MusicBrainz, Discogs, Echo Nest, Musixmatch, and Visualizations of data are also displayed.
Yi-Hsuan Yang is an Associate Research Fellow with Academia Sinica. He received his Ph.D. degree in Communication Engineering from National Taiwan University in 2010, and became an Assistant Research Fellow in Academia Sinica in 2011. He is also an Adjunct Associate Professor with the National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan. His research interests include music information retrieval, machine learning and affective computing. Dr. Yang was a recipient of the 2011 IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) Young Author Best Paper Award, the 2012 ACM Multimedia Grand Challenge First Prize, and the 2014 Ta-You Wu Memorial Research Award of the Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan. He is an author of the book Music Emotion Recognition (CRC Press 2011) and a tutorial speaker on music affect recognition in the International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2012). In 2014, he served as a Technical Program Co-chair of ISMIR, and a Guest Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing and the ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology.
Stan Bershadskiy presented on building a DJing app called Touch DJ using Sencha Touch and the Web Audio API. He demonstrated the app, which allows users to browse tracks, mix songs using decks and a mixer, and integrate MIDI control. He discussed the app's architecture including components for decks, mixing, and browsing tracks, and how audio was implemented using the Web Audio API graph. A Node.js backend served track metadata and audio files. Real-time effects like looping and crossfading were achieved. Performance on mobile was identified as a challenge.
Stan Bershadskiy presented on building a DJing app called Touch DJ using Sencha Touch and the Web Audio API. He demonstrated the app, which allows users to browse tracks, mix songs using decks and a mixer, and integrate MIDI control. He discussed developing the UI with components for decks, mixing, and browsing tracks. The app uses the Web Audio API to implement audio processing and a Node.js backend to serve tracks and metadata. Real-time audio analysis, looping, crossfading, and external MIDI control were implemented. Performance on mobile was identified as a challenge.
INSTRMNTS are new musical instruments developed for permanent or temporary exhibitions in museums, galleries, cultural centers, for educational purposes, live performances or composing. Created by Victor Gama, developed and engineered by PangeiArt.
Video game music has evolved from simple melodies produced by early synthesizers to complex scores comparable to film music. Early limitations inspired chiptune style music combining simple melodies with complex patterns. Advancing technology now allows fully-orchestrated soundtracks. Music can be originally composed or license existing music, with genres ranging from electronic chiptunes to popular artists' songs depending on the game's theme.
The document discusses various aspects of game audio including what game audio is, who creates it and cares about it, when audio teams get involved in the development process, how audio techniques have evolved over time to adapt to technological constraints, and challenges involved in areas like mixing, implementation of interactive and adaptive audio, and addressing constraints of mobile platforms. It provides examples and potential solutions to issues in each area.
This document discusses the history of chiptune music, which originated on 1970s/80s video game consoles with limited hardware. It describes the paradigms of early systems like the Atari 2600 with 2 channels and incomplete scales. The Commodore 64 allowed for subtractive synthesis with 3 channels and waveforms. Later PCs used basic soundchips or add-ons like SoundBlaster's FM synthesis. Chiptune used memory-efficient formats within hardware limitations like few channels and timbres. The document recommends tools like Bassoon Tracker, PICO-8, and VCV Rack for creating chiptune music.
The document provides a profile for Andrew T. Mezzi, an audio engineer with over 15 years of experience. He has received two platinum plaques and worked on a Grammy award-winning project. Mezzi has expertise in engineering, arranging, and production. He lists his education, skills, work history at major studios, record labels, and productions credits working with high-profile artists.
Rob Anderson has over 30 years of experience in the video game industry as a designer, artist, animator, software engineer, and project manager. He has worked on many popular franchises for platforms like Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo, PC and mobile. Some of the notable games include Iron Man 2, Golden Axe, SpongeBob SquarePants, Tiger Woods PGA Tour, and Knockout Kings. Currently, he is an independent contractor creating interactive experiences using the Unity game engine.
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3. @adam_sporka Adaptive Music in Games UX Monday 3
Purpose of Sound in UIs
? Interaction modality (input and output)
? Alerts
? Widget sounds
? Presentation of data
? Mood setters
? Sound branding
4. @adam_sporka Adaptive Music in Games UX Monday 4
Describing Sound and Music
/ Stroke
Volume Accord
Abstraction level
? science art ?
5. @adam_sporka Adaptive Music in Games UX Monday 5
Fuzzy Terminology
? What it does:
每 Adaptive music
每 Responsive music
每 Reactive music
每 Interactive music
? How it is done:
每 Procedural music
每 Algorithmic music
6. @adam_sporka Adaptive Music in Games UX Monday 6
Science: Data Sonification
? Synthesis of sound
controlled by
input data
? ICAD 2004 contest
8. @adam_sporka Adaptive Music in Games UX Monday 8
Sonification of Rowing sounds
? Audible comparison of trainee*s sound and
? Audible feedback while people is rowing
9. @adam_sporka Adaptive Music in Games UX Monday 9
? Purpose of music in games
? Static music soundtracks
每 Music design
? Dynamic music soundtracks
每 Design, production, #
? Music production technology
每 How the actual music is made
11. @adam_sporka Adaptive Music in Games UX Monday 11
Purpose of Music
? Tradition
每 Present in most of the released titles
每 Why not in yours?
? Affirmation of the genre
每 ※Yes, this is an 8bit retro.§
每 ※Indeed, cowboys in spaceships.§
每 ※Yay, manga.§
12. @adam_sporka Adaptive Music in Games UX Monday 12
Purpose of Music
? Presentation of emotion
每 Easygoing, happy-go-lucky, #
每 Depressing, sad, #
? Setting the expectations
每 Level difficulty
? Status monitoring
每 Changes of music over time indicate changes in
13. @adam_sporka Adaptive Music in Games UX Monday 13
Purpose of Music
? Essence of the gameplay
每 Dance Dance Revolution (1998)
每 Guitar Hero (2005)
每 Pugs Luv Beats (2011)
每 Not covered by this talk
14. @adam_sporka Adaptive Music in Games UX Monday 14
Game Music Components
? Theme Music
每 Often synchronized with visual events on the
每 Cinematic experience
? Underscore
每 In-game music
每 User interface background
15. @adam_sporka Adaptive Music in Games UX Monday 15
Game Music Components
? Stingers
每 Specific music triggered by an event
每 Transition music
每 Level Notification, ※Game Over§ Screen, ※Game Won§
每 Fallout New Vegas:
Pulling out / holstering Magnum
16. @adam_sporka Adaptive Music in Games UX Monday 16
? Diegetic sounds
每 Sounds in story space
每 On-screen or off-screen
每 Voices of characters, sounds of objects, music coming
from objects
? Non-diegetic sounds
每 Not implied to be present in the action
每 Narrator, sounds for dramatic effect, underscore
17. @adam_sporka Adaptive Music in Games UX Monday 17
Sound in Games
每 Voices, diegetic sound effects
每 Diegetic ambience
每 Non-diegetic ambience
? ※Sound design pads§
每 Underscore
18. @adam_sporka Adaptive Music in Games UX Monday 18
Game Music Characteristics
? Theme music is feature
每 Recognizable theme
每 Elaborate
每 Genre announcer
每 Everyone will hear this
? Underscore is background
每 Mood setter
每 Does not distract
每 Can be listened to throughout the gameplay
19. @adam_sporka Adaptive Music in Games UX Monday 19
Game Music Characteristics
? Silence
每 ※Dosage§ of music
? Used to emphasize music
每 Keep the ambient sounds present
每 Complete silence ? ※something wrong§
? ※Are my speakers on? Will I hear anything at all when
I*ll really have to?§
20. @adam_sporka Adaptive Music in Games UX Monday 20
Game Music Interactivity
? Static soundtrack
每 Predefined and unchanging
每 Loops
每 Assigned to specific screens / levels
? Dynamic (adaptive) soundtrack
每 More complex control of the music playback
每 Engine ※aware§ of the state of the game
22. @adam_sporka Adaptive Music in Games UX Monday 22
Music Design
? Genre?
? Situations in game?
? Mechanics of music?
28. @adam_sporka Adaptive Music in Games UX Monday 28
Music Design
? Multiple contexts 每
typical for open-world RPGs
每 Landscape exploration
每 Combat
每 Dialogs
每 #
? Considerations of importance of music
? Is ※combat§ always more important than ※location§?
31. @adam_sporka Adaptive Music in Games UX Monday 31
Static Soundtrack
? Early and simpler games
? Level-based games
? Pengon (1984, Atari 800XL)
每 One music loop
每 Game over stinger
32. @adam_sporka Adaptive Music in Games UX Monday 32
Static Soundtrack
? Supaplex (1991, Digital Integration, MS-DOS)
每 Played throughout the game
? Goonies (1985, Datasoft, Atari 800XL)
每 Two loops, one used for title, then alternating with each
? Jazz Jackrabbit (1994)
每 Separate tracks for levels
34. @adam_sporka Adaptive Music in Games UX Monday 34
Case Study: Nimble Quest
? 2013; NimbleBit; iOS, Android
? Arcade / RPG
? Early 2000s pixel art graphics
35. @adam_sporka Adaptive Music in Games UX Monday 35
Case Study: Nimble Quest
? Music by Whitaker Blackall
? Contents:
每 Title / menu
每 Loop per level
? Genre:
每 Contemporary chiptune
36. @adam_sporka Adaptive Music in Games UX Monday 36
Case Study: Nimble Quest
? Typical length of a loop: 2*
? Unobtrusive
? Reflects the increasing difficulty of the levels
每 L1
每 L2
每 L4
37. @adam_sporka Adaptive Music in Games UX Monday 37
Case Study: Nimble Quest
? Sounds good on small speakers
每 Chiptune sounds
每 Lot of square waves / triangles
? Better estimation of pitch by the human
low- as well as high-pitched tones
? General remark:
? PC gamers often don*t spend money on a high-quality
38. @adam_sporka Adaptive Music in Games UX Monday 38
Case Study: Quido (2013)
? Experimental arcade game
每 Developed at DCGI/CTU
? Showcasing non-standard haptic modalities
每 Presented on Designblok 2013
? Genre:
每 Contemporary chiptune
39. @adam_sporka Adaptive Music in Games UX Monday 39
Quido: Technology used
? Reaper
? VSTs
每 SuperWave (leads / chords / bass)
每 EXD-80 (beats)
每 Some reverb, some volume compressor
40. @adam_sporka Adaptive Music in Games UX Monday 40
Quido: Music
? Theme music
每 Exposition of the main theme
每 Happy, easygoing
每 Not used in the end
? Explicit request from the exhibition organizer: Silence
between the games
41. @adam_sporka Adaptive Music in Games UX Monday 41
Quido: Music
? Level 1: Theme Park
每 A player will be likely to be receiving instructions
from a fellow player
每 Expected playtime: 3〞4 minutes
每 Not ※dense§
每 Diverse in terms of the structure
每 Performance of the main theme
42. @adam_sporka Adaptive Music in Games UX Monday 42
Quido: Music
? Level 2: City
每 Variation of the theme.
每 Structure: [A B A Bbr Avoid]
每 Expected playtime: 2 minutes
每 Continuous music
43. @adam_sporka Adaptive Music in Games UX Monday 43
Quido: Music
? Level 3: Sky (Heaven)
每 Variation of the theme. Barroque.
每 Continuous music
每 Expected playtime: 2 minutes
44. @adam_sporka Adaptive Music in Games UX Monday 44
Quido: Music
? Level completed
每 Joyous jingle
? Advancing to the next level
每 Expectation
48. @adam_sporka Adaptive Music in Games UX Monday 48
Adaptive Music Styles
? Resequencing
每 Selecting what to play next
? Reorchestration
每 Selecting which instruments to play
? Modulation
每 Modifying the timbres of notes
每 Related to Data Sonification
49. @adam_sporka Adaptive Music in Games UX Monday 49
The Space Game
? Game loops:
每 Menu / Idle
每 The enemy is approaching
每 The enemy opens fire
? <demo>
50. @adam_sporka Adaptive Music in Games UX Monday 50
? Multiple tracks
每 Turned on/off
每 Faded in and out
? Synchronous
<Demo: honza_test_02.sqc>
52. @adam_sporka Adaptive Music in Games UX Monday 52
? Fallout: New Vegas
每 2010, Obsidian Entertainment, Bethesda
每 Multiple renderings of the same track
? ※low§, ※mid§, ※high§
每 <demo; NewCaliforniaRepublic>
54. @adam_sporka Adaptive Music in Games UX Monday 54
? Slices chosen according to game state
? Precise timing of transitions
? <Demo: chiptune.sqc>
55. @adam_sporka Adaptive Music in Games UX Monday 55
Resequencing and Reorchestration
? Example: Monkey Island 2
每 1991, LucasArts
每 iMUSE system
? Parallel tracks for different locations
? Transition patterns to return back
56. @adam_sporka Adaptive Music in Games UX Monday 56
? Analog variables in the game
每 Health
每 Completion
每 #
? Parameters of sound synthesis
每 Volume
每 Low-pass filter cut-off
每 #
57. @adam_sporka Adaptive Music in Games UX Monday 57
Modulation of Synthesis
? Mapping
game state ? sound synthesis
? <Demo: Angel choir gone wrong>
61. @adam_sporka Adaptive Music in Games UX Monday 61
Music Composition
? Movies
每 Music traditionally created aside from the entire
每 Story is defined
每 Timing is known
? ※Horizontal§ production
62. @adam_sporka Adaptive Music in Games UX Monday 62
Music Composition
? Computer Games
每 Games are not (very) predictable
每 ※Horizontal§ production
? Advantages
每 Music per se works well (classic composition techniques)
每 No limitations on instrumentations etc.
? Problems
每 Repetition
每 Abrupt changes
每 Failure to respond
63. @adam_sporka Adaptive Music in Games UX Monday 63
Music Composition
? Computer Games
每 ※Vertical§ production
? Advantages
每 Good support of the moment
? Problems
每 Difficult to express tensions, developments
每 Music forms get disrupted
每 Discontiuity
每 Can be too descriptive
64. @adam_sporka Adaptive Music in Games UX Monday 64
Music Production
? Input
每 Artistic intent
每 Gameplay description
? List of supported locations
? List of supported situations
每 Available technology
? Platform, available storage, #
每 Legal considerations
? Licensing of the game
65. @adam_sporka Adaptive Music in Games UX Monday 65
Music Production
? Orchestration
每 What instruments are used
? Structure
每 Duration, planning
? Production
每 Composing
? Mixdown / Mastering
每 ※Locking in§ the music
每 Optimizing the volumes, polishing
66. @adam_sporka Adaptive Music in Games UX Monday 66
Music Production
? Practical problems
每 Multiple stakeholders
每 Tons of files (as with any content development)
每 Hiring composers
每 Finding instrumentalists