@Powersupply(YeungnamUniv.) @NanheeKim @nh9k
讌覓語 朱 語讌 磯曙殊語!
Please, feel free to contact me, if you have any questions!
github: https://github.com/nh9k
email: kimnanhee97@gmail.com
This includes discussion of DSP applications such as two band digital crossover system,woofers, sqawkers, tweeters, interference cancellation in ECG, speech noise reduction, speech coding and compression, CD recording system
This document discusses the successive approximation analog-to-digital converter (ADC) circuit. It works by using a digital-to-analog converter (DAC) to make successive approximations of the input voltage over multiple trials. During each trial, one bit is determined by comparing the input to the DAC output. This process is repeated until all bits are determined, allowing the input voltage to be represented as a digital value. The document notes that successive approximation ADCs can provide high speed conversion at medium accuracy levels in a cost-effective design. However, higher resolution circuits will be slower.
1. Equalizers are used to reduce inter-symbol interference in wireless communication and help reduce bit errors at the receiver.
2. There are two main types of equalizers - linear equalizers and non-linear equalizers. Linear equalizers include zero forcing and MMSE equalizers, while non-linear equalizers include decision feedback equalizers.
3. Adaptive equalizers automatically adapt to changing channel properties over time using algorithms like LMS and RLS to update equalizer coefficients.
Unit 1 introduction to software defined radiosJAIGANESH SEKAR
The document discusses the introduction to software defined radios. It begins with defining software and radio individually, then explains how combining the two enables radios that are more flexible and cost-effective than traditional hardware radios. The ideal software defined radio architecture involves converting signals to the digital domain before performing all signal processing in software. This allows for easier upgrades and reconfiguration but poses technical challenges to implement. Potential benefits of software defined radios include greater flexibility, easier software reuse and testing, and lower costs for manufacturers, service providers and users.
This document provides an overview of digital signal processing (DSP). It begins by defining an analog signal and a digital signal. It then describes the basic components of a DSP system, which includes an analog-to-digital converter (ADC) to convert the analog input signal to digital, a digital signal processor to process the digital signal, and a digital-to-analog converter (DAC) to reconstruct the analog output signal. Finally, it discusses some advantages and limitations of DSP systems compared to analog systems and provides examples of DSP applications.
This document provides an overview of RFID (radio-frequency identification) technology. It discusses what RFID is, the history and components of RFID tags, the different types of tags (passive vs. active), how RFID works, applications of RFID such as supply chain management, healthcare, passports, and livestock tracking, initiatives in India, and conclusions about RFID's value. RFID allows wireless identification and tracking of objects using radio waves to transfer data.
This document provides an overview of embedded systems used in digital cameras, automobiles, and smart card readers. It discusses the key components of digital cameras including image sensors, processors, memory, and interfaces. It describes various embedded applications in automobiles like engine control, safety systems, and infotainment. It also outlines the components of a smart card reader system including a microcontroller, smart card reader IC, memory, and power supply. Case studies of these three embedded applications are presented in detail across multiple pages.
This document provides an overview of digital signal processors (DSPs). It defines a DSP as an integrated circuit designed for high-speed data manipulation used in applications such as audio, communications, and image processing. The document discusses how DSPs work by converting analog signals to digital signals and processing them. It explains that DSPs are needed because they can perform multiplication and division faster than general-purpose processors. The rest of the document details the architecture of DSPs, examples of DSP chip families like TMS320, and how instruction pipelining is implemented on the TMS320C54X DSP processor.
This includes Digital signal data transmission, Base band and band pass transmission. Also detailed with PAM, PPM, PWM, PCM, DPCM, DM, ADM, ASK, PSK, FSK.
The document summarizes key components and concepts in AM radio receivers. It discusses AM demodulators like envelope detectors and product detectors. It then covers different receiver types like tuned radio frequency (TRF) receivers and superheterodyne receivers. For superheterodyne receivers, it describes the RF stage, mixer, local oscillator, intermediate frequency (IF) amplifier, detector, and audio frequency (AF) stage. It also defines important receiver parameters like selectivity, sensitivity, bandwidth improvement factor, and dynamic range.
This document discusses system on chip (SoC) design. It defines an SoC as an integrated circuit that incorporates all components of an electronic system, including processors, memory and peripheral interfaces. The document outlines the evolution of SoC technology, challenges in designing complex SoCs, and strategies for conquering complexity through IP reuse and partitioning designs into hardware and software. It provides examples of SoC applications and architectures and describes the traditional waterfall design flow for ASICs versus the newer IP-based design methodology.
The Internet of Things (IoT) can be able to incorporate a large number of different end systems and it have the ability to transfer data over internet without human interaction. One of the main concerns with our environment has been solid waste management which in addition to disturbing the balance of the environment. it also has adverse effects on the health of the people in the society. The detection, monitoring and management of wastes is one of the primary problems. The traditional way of manually monitoring the wastes in garbage bins is the complex process and also it utilizes more human effort and time. This is an advanced method in waste management since it is automated. This IoT garbage monitoring system is a very innovative system which will help to prevent overflowing of wastes from the bin and keep cities clean. This system monitors the garbage bins and informs about the level of garbage collected in garbage bins. The data is transfer through internet to the control room.
Quantization is the process of mapping continuous range of values to a finite set of values. It involves rounding samples to the nearest quantization level, changing infinite precision values to finite precision. For a given input signal sampled at 8 samples per second ranging from -1 to 1, quantization with 2 bits would result in 4 quantization levels spaced 0.5 units apart. The quantized values and errors can be calculated, with the errors assumed to be uniformly distributed between -0.25 and 0.25.
DPSK(Differential Phase Shift Keying) transmitter and receiverSumukh Athrey
This document is a mini-project report on Differential Phase Shift Keying (DPSK) submitted by three students. It includes an introduction to DPSK, a description of DPSK transmitters and receivers including block diagrams and equations, the algorithm or flowchart for DPSK, a program to simulate DPSK transmission and reception, and results and discussion of the simulation. It also includes references at the end.
This document provides an introduction to digital signal processors (DSPs). It outlines the historical development of DSPs, from early transistor-based processors in the 1970s to modern 4th generation DSPs with specialized instruction sets and architectures. The document also discusses the large and growing DSP market, the internal architecture of DSPs including Harvard architecture and multiply-accumulate functions, and applications of DSPs such as automotive, communications, consumer electronics, and more. Examples of DSP applications in music processing are also provided.
The document discusses the Rake receiver, which is used to counter the effects of multipath fading in wireless communications. It works by using multiple "fingers" to collect different time-shifted versions of the original signal transmitted over multiple paths. Each finger correlates and extracts one of the multipath components. The outputs are then weighted and combined to provide a better estimate of the transmitted signal. This allows the Rake receiver to equalize the effects of multipath and improve the signal-to-noise ratio. While useful for CDMA, W-CDMA and other technologies, Rake receivers are also more complex and expensive than conventional receivers.
This document discusses using dual tone multi-frequency (DTMF) technology to control a robot autonomously. DTMF uses tone signals transmitted over phone lines to send commands. A DTMF decoder chip receives the tones and uses them to control a microcontroller and motors. Infrared sensors allow the robot to navigate obstacles under phone control without infrastructure. Potential applications include automated factory vehicles, security robots, and mine detection. While simple, this approach demonstrates using basic technologies like DTMF and sensors for autonomous navigation.
Wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) is a technology that multiplexes multiple optical carrier signals onto a single optical fiber by using different wavelengths of laser light. Modern WDM systems can handle up to 160 signals and expand a basic 10 Gbit/s fiber system to a theoretical total capacity of over 1.6 Tbit/s. There are two main types: coarse WDM (CWDM) uses channel spacings of 20 nm while dense WDM (DWDM) uses narrower spacings of 0.4 nm, allowing DWDM to carry more channels. WDM reduces fiber plant requirements by allowing multiple connections over one fiber.
Four way traffic light conrol using VerilogUtkarsh De
This presentation summarizes the history and development of traffic lights. It discusses how the first traffic light was installed in London in 1868 [1]. It then provides details on the typical light sequences of red, yellow, and green [2]. The presentation goes on to describe how a basic four-way traffic light system can be modeled using a state diagram and Verilog code [3]. It concludes by discussing how more advanced traffic light controllers can help improve urban traffic flow.
This document provides an overview of signal processing techniques used in wireless systems, including diversity and equalization. It discusses various diversity techniques like spatial, temporal, frequency, angular, and polarization diversity as well as macro and micro diversity. It also explains different types of combining diversity including selection, maximal ratio combining, and equal gain combining. The document concludes with sections on linear equalizers such as zero forcing and MMSE, as well as nonlinear equalizers using algorithms like LMS and RLS.
Digital: Operating by the use of discrete signals to represent data in the form of numbers.
Signal: A parameter (Electrical quantity or effect) that can be varied in such a way as to convey information.
Processing: A series operations performed according to programmed instructions.
DPCM and ADPCM are audio compression techniques that exploit the fact that differences between successive audio samples are typically smaller than the sample amplitudes. DPCM encodes differences between original and predicted samples while ADPCM varies the number of bits used based on difference size. Higher compression can be achieved through predictive coding and linear predictive coding, which analyze audio to determine perceptual features like pitch, period, and loudness for encoding. Perceptual coding considers how the human ear perceives sound by exploiting frequency and temporal masking effects.
This document contains questions and answers related to digital signal processing. It discusses key concepts such as signals, systems, analog and digital signals, discrete time signals, digital signal processing, advantages of DSP, applications of DSP, discrete time systems, obtaining discrete time signals from continuous time signals, impulse response and its significance, discrete convolution, importance of linear convolution in DSP, circular convolution, periodic convolution, importance of circular convolution in DSP, performing linear convolution using circular convolution, correlation, auto-correlation, differences between discrete time Fourier transform and discrete Fourier transform, advantages of using discrete Fourier transform in computers, periodic convolution, need for fast Fourier transform, definition of fast Fourier transform, differences between DIT and DIF fast Fourier
The document contains an Erlang B traffic table that shows the maximum offered load versus B and N, where B is the blocking probability in % and N is the number of circuits. The table provides load values for different combinations of B ranging from 0.01 to 40% and N ranging from 1 to 77 circuits. The load values indicate the maximum number of external calls that can be offered to the system without exceeding the blocking probability B for a given number of circuits N.
This document provides an overview of digital signal processors (DSPs). It defines a DSP as an integrated circuit designed for high-speed data manipulation used in applications such as audio, communications, and image processing. The document discusses how DSPs work by converting analog signals to digital signals and processing them. It explains that DSPs are needed because they can perform multiplication and division faster than general-purpose processors. The rest of the document details the architecture of DSPs, examples of DSP chip families like TMS320, and how instruction pipelining is implemented on the TMS320C54X DSP processor.
This includes Digital signal data transmission, Base band and band pass transmission. Also detailed with PAM, PPM, PWM, PCM, DPCM, DM, ADM, ASK, PSK, FSK.
The document summarizes key components and concepts in AM radio receivers. It discusses AM demodulators like envelope detectors and product detectors. It then covers different receiver types like tuned radio frequency (TRF) receivers and superheterodyne receivers. For superheterodyne receivers, it describes the RF stage, mixer, local oscillator, intermediate frequency (IF) amplifier, detector, and audio frequency (AF) stage. It also defines important receiver parameters like selectivity, sensitivity, bandwidth improvement factor, and dynamic range.
This document discusses system on chip (SoC) design. It defines an SoC as an integrated circuit that incorporates all components of an electronic system, including processors, memory and peripheral interfaces. The document outlines the evolution of SoC technology, challenges in designing complex SoCs, and strategies for conquering complexity through IP reuse and partitioning designs into hardware and software. It provides examples of SoC applications and architectures and describes the traditional waterfall design flow for ASICs versus the newer IP-based design methodology.
The Internet of Things (IoT) can be able to incorporate a large number of different end systems and it have the ability to transfer data over internet without human interaction. One of the main concerns with our environment has been solid waste management which in addition to disturbing the balance of the environment. it also has adverse effects on the health of the people in the society. The detection, monitoring and management of wastes is one of the primary problems. The traditional way of manually monitoring the wastes in garbage bins is the complex process and also it utilizes more human effort and time. This is an advanced method in waste management since it is automated. This IoT garbage monitoring system is a very innovative system which will help to prevent overflowing of wastes from the bin and keep cities clean. This system monitors the garbage bins and informs about the level of garbage collected in garbage bins. The data is transfer through internet to the control room.
Quantization is the process of mapping continuous range of values to a finite set of values. It involves rounding samples to the nearest quantization level, changing infinite precision values to finite precision. For a given input signal sampled at 8 samples per second ranging from -1 to 1, quantization with 2 bits would result in 4 quantization levels spaced 0.5 units apart. The quantized values and errors can be calculated, with the errors assumed to be uniformly distributed between -0.25 and 0.25.
DPSK(Differential Phase Shift Keying) transmitter and receiverSumukh Athrey
This document is a mini-project report on Differential Phase Shift Keying (DPSK) submitted by three students. It includes an introduction to DPSK, a description of DPSK transmitters and receivers including block diagrams and equations, the algorithm or flowchart for DPSK, a program to simulate DPSK transmission and reception, and results and discussion of the simulation. It also includes references at the end.
This document provides an introduction to digital signal processors (DSPs). It outlines the historical development of DSPs, from early transistor-based processors in the 1970s to modern 4th generation DSPs with specialized instruction sets and architectures. The document also discusses the large and growing DSP market, the internal architecture of DSPs including Harvard architecture and multiply-accumulate functions, and applications of DSPs such as automotive, communications, consumer electronics, and more. Examples of DSP applications in music processing are also provided.
The document discusses the Rake receiver, which is used to counter the effects of multipath fading in wireless communications. It works by using multiple "fingers" to collect different time-shifted versions of the original signal transmitted over multiple paths. Each finger correlates and extracts one of the multipath components. The outputs are then weighted and combined to provide a better estimate of the transmitted signal. This allows the Rake receiver to equalize the effects of multipath and improve the signal-to-noise ratio. While useful for CDMA, W-CDMA and other technologies, Rake receivers are also more complex and expensive than conventional receivers.
This document discusses using dual tone multi-frequency (DTMF) technology to control a robot autonomously. DTMF uses tone signals transmitted over phone lines to send commands. A DTMF decoder chip receives the tones and uses them to control a microcontroller and motors. Infrared sensors allow the robot to navigate obstacles under phone control without infrastructure. Potential applications include automated factory vehicles, security robots, and mine detection. While simple, this approach demonstrates using basic technologies like DTMF and sensors for autonomous navigation.
Wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) is a technology that multiplexes multiple optical carrier signals onto a single optical fiber by using different wavelengths of laser light. Modern WDM systems can handle up to 160 signals and expand a basic 10 Gbit/s fiber system to a theoretical total capacity of over 1.6 Tbit/s. There are two main types: coarse WDM (CWDM) uses channel spacings of 20 nm while dense WDM (DWDM) uses narrower spacings of 0.4 nm, allowing DWDM to carry more channels. WDM reduces fiber plant requirements by allowing multiple connections over one fiber.
Four way traffic light conrol using VerilogUtkarsh De
This presentation summarizes the history and development of traffic lights. It discusses how the first traffic light was installed in London in 1868 [1]. It then provides details on the typical light sequences of red, yellow, and green [2]. The presentation goes on to describe how a basic four-way traffic light system can be modeled using a state diagram and Verilog code [3]. It concludes by discussing how more advanced traffic light controllers can help improve urban traffic flow.
This document provides an overview of signal processing techniques used in wireless systems, including diversity and equalization. It discusses various diversity techniques like spatial, temporal, frequency, angular, and polarization diversity as well as macro and micro diversity. It also explains different types of combining diversity including selection, maximal ratio combining, and equal gain combining. The document concludes with sections on linear equalizers such as zero forcing and MMSE, as well as nonlinear equalizers using algorithms like LMS and RLS.
Digital: Operating by the use of discrete signals to represent data in the form of numbers.
Signal: A parameter (Electrical quantity or effect) that can be varied in such a way as to convey information.
Processing: A series operations performed according to programmed instructions.
DPCM and ADPCM are audio compression techniques that exploit the fact that differences between successive audio samples are typically smaller than the sample amplitudes. DPCM encodes differences between original and predicted samples while ADPCM varies the number of bits used based on difference size. Higher compression can be achieved through predictive coding and linear predictive coding, which analyze audio to determine perceptual features like pitch, period, and loudness for encoding. Perceptual coding considers how the human ear perceives sound by exploiting frequency and temporal masking effects.
This document contains questions and answers related to digital signal processing. It discusses key concepts such as signals, systems, analog and digital signals, discrete time signals, digital signal processing, advantages of DSP, applications of DSP, discrete time systems, obtaining discrete time signals from continuous time signals, impulse response and its significance, discrete convolution, importance of linear convolution in DSP, circular convolution, periodic convolution, importance of circular convolution in DSP, performing linear convolution using circular convolution, correlation, auto-correlation, differences between discrete time Fourier transform and discrete Fourier transform, advantages of using discrete Fourier transform in computers, periodic convolution, need for fast Fourier transform, definition of fast Fourier transform, differences between DIT and DIF fast Fourier
The document contains an Erlang B traffic table that shows the maximum offered load versus B and N, where B is the blocking probability in % and N is the number of circuits. The table provides load values for different combinations of B ranging from 0.01 to 40% and N ranging from 1 to 77 circuits. The load values indicate the maximum number of external calls that can be offered to the system without exceeding the blocking probability B for a given number of circuits N.
Custom TTS using multi-speaker-tacotron(nanheekim)Nanhee Kim
@NanheeKim @nh9k
讌覓語 朱 語讌 磯曙殊語!
Please, feel free to contact me, if you have any questions!
github: https://github.com/nh9k
email: kimnanhee97@gmail.com
@Powersupply(YeungnamUniv.) @NanheeKim @nh9k
讌覓語 朱 語讌 磯曙殊語!
Please, feel free to contact me, if you have any questions!
github: https://github.com/nh9k
email: kimnanhee97@gmail.com
Creating touch screen based loop station using rapsberry pi and qt(nanheekim)Nanhee Kim
@NanheeKim @nh9k
讌覓語 朱 語讌 磯曙殊語!
Please, feel free to contact me, if you have any questions!
github: https://github.com/nh9k
email: kimnanhee97@gmail.com
@Powersupply(YeungnamUniv.) @NanheeKim @nh9k
讌覓語 朱 語讌 磯曙殊語!
Please, feel free to contact me, if you have any questions!
github: https://github.com/nh9k
email: kimnanhee97@gmail.com
@Powersupply(YeungnamUniv.) @NanheeKim @nh9k
讌覓語 朱 語讌 磯曙殊語!
Please, feel free to contact me, if you have any questions!
github: https://github.com/nh9k
email: kimnanhee97@gmail.com
@NanheeKim @nh9k
讌覓語 朱 語讌 磯曙殊語!
Please, feel free to contact me, if you have any questions!
github: https://github.com/nh9k
email: kimnanhee97@gmail.com
@NanheeKim @nh9k
讌覓語 朱 語讌 磯曙殊語!
Please, feel free to contact me, if you have any questions!
github: https://github.com/nh9k
email: kimnanhee97@gmail.com
Control led using relay module and transistor(nanheekim)Nanhee Kim
@Powersupply(YeungnamUniv.) @NanheeKim @nh9k
讌覓語 朱 語讌 磯曙殊語!
Please, feel free to contact me, if you have any questions!
github: https://github.com/nh9k
email: kimnanhee97@gmail.com
Creating text to talk active image(nanheekim)Nanhee Kim
@NanheeKim @nh9k
讌覓語 朱 語讌 磯曙殊語!
Please, feel free to contact me, if you have any questions!
github: https://github.com/nh9k
email: kimnanhee97@gmail.com
@NanheeKim @nh9k
讌覓語 朱 語讌 磯曙殊語!
Please, feel free to contact me, if you have any questions!
github: https://github.com/nh9k
email: kimnanhee97@gmail.com
Transfer learning of model alexnet for image classification to matlab(nanheekim)Nanhee Kim
@NanheeKim @nh9k
讌覓語 朱 語讌 磯曙殊語!
Please, feel free to contact me, if you have any questions!
github: https://github.com/nh9k
email: kimnanhee97@gmail.com
@Powersupply(YeungnamUniv.) @NanheeKim @nh9k
讌覓語 朱 語讌 磯曙殊語!
Please, feel free to contact me, if you have any questions!
github: https://github.com/nh9k
email: kimnanhee97@gmail.com
@Powersupply(YeungnamUniv.) @NanheeKim @nh9k
讌覓語 朱 語讌 磯曙殊語!
Please, feel free to contact me, if you have any questions!
github: https://github.com/nh9k
email: kimnanhee97@gmail.com
@Powersupply(YeungnamUniv.) @NanheeKim @nh9k
讌覓語 朱 語讌 磯曙殊語!
Please, feel free to contact me, if you have any questions!
github: https://github.com/nh9k
email: kimnanhee97@gmail.com