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Overcoming the harms caused by
        alcohol, drugs and gambling

Families First conference workshop:

    The impact of
 alcohol on family
     member s
Overcoming the harms caused by
       alcohol, drugs and gambling

      Richard McVey

Service Manager (Family Services)
Aquarius Family
        Ser vices
 Dudley   / Wolverhampton/ Solihull
Aquarius Support for Family
Home visits/Outreach
Relatives Groups
Activity days/promo events
Care Planned support

                             Special pampering
                             thanks carer s w ho
                               with af fects of
                              (Article in Sutton Coldfield Observer)
Involving Family Members Across Organisations
       IFMO Research Project
   3 year family work development plan:
 Training for all teams
 Follow up consultancy and support
 Evidence based methods:

  5 Step and SBNT
 Organisational changes to support family
 Research element
IFMO Research r esults
   Staff attitudes towards family focussed practice:
   Significant increase in staff scores on AAFPQ
    questionnaire (Attitudes to Addiction Related
    Family Problems Questionnaire) from baseline
    to post intervention

   Overall proportion of family focussed practice:
 Baseline = 19%
 Post intervention = 34%
Impact on Family Members 1
 Substance user unpleasant to live with
 Worry over substance users health
 Financial Problems
 Substance user disappears or comes &
 Other members of community become
Impact on Family Members 2
 Effect on Roles / Routines / Rituals
 Social Isolation
 Incidents / Crises
 Relationship Difficulties
 Arguments / Conflict
 Violence / Abuse
Impact on Family Members 3

 Are there any differences in the
impacts and experiences of family
   members of alcohol users?
5 Step Method
1.   Listen, reassure, explore concerns
2.   Provide relevant information
3.   Explore coping
4.   Explore social support
5.   Referring on for additional help
Step 3- Ways of coping
   Engaged- Standing up to it
   Trying to control my relatives behaviour
   Being emotional
   Being assertive
   Being supportive
   Tolerant- Putting up with it
   Not doing anything
   Putting my relatives needs before my own
   Withdrawal  Withdrawing from it
   Avoiding my relative
   Being independant
Step 3- Ways of coping

DVD presentation
Step 3- Ways of coping

           Feedback discussion:
What is most important about Step 3?
How could you see this being useful in
supporting family members
Step 4- Support
 Drawing the social network diagram
 Who or what can be supportive and in
  what way
 Can include personal and professional
 Improving positive support
 Decreasing negative support
 Being an active agent of change in using
  the network
Step 4- Support

DVD presentation
Step 4- Support

           Feedback discussion:
What is most important about Step 4?
How could you see this being useful in
supporting family members
Step 3- Ways of coping

     Exercise in small groups:

What are the pros and cons
   of each coping style
            Head Office
              2nd Floor
          16 Kent Street
              B5 6RD
        Tel: 0121 622 8181
Email: headoffice@aquarius.org.uk
Overcoming the harms caused by
 alcohol, drugs and gambling

Thank You

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  • 1. Overcoming the harms caused by alcohol, drugs and gambling Families First conference workshop: The impact of alcohol on family member s
  • 2. Overcoming the harms caused by alcohol, drugs and gambling Richard McVey Service Manager (Family Services)
  • 3. Aquarius Family Ser vices Birmingham Derby Coventry Sandwell Dudley / Wolverhampton/ Solihull
  • 4. Aquarius Support for Family Members Home visits/Outreach Relatives Groups Activity days/promo events Care Planned support Special pampering day thanks carer s w ho live with af fects of addiction (Article in Sutton Coldfield Observer)
  • 5. Involving Family Members Across Organisations IFMO Research Project 3 year family work development plan: Training for all teams Follow up consultancy and support Evidence based methods: 5 Step and SBNT Organisational changes to support family work Research element
  • 6. IFMO Research r esults Staff attitudes towards family focussed practice: Significant increase in staff scores on AAFPQ questionnaire (Attitudes to Addiction Related Family Problems Questionnaire) from baseline to post intervention Overall proportion of family focussed practice: Baseline = 19% Post intervention = 34%
  • 7. Impact on Family Members 1 Substance user unpleasant to live with Worry over substance users health Financial Problems Substance user disappears or comes & goes Other members of community become involved
  • 8. Impact on Family Members 2 Effect on Roles / Routines / Rituals Social Isolation Incidents / Crises Relationship Difficulties Arguments / Conflict Violence / Abuse
  • 9. Impact on Family Members 3 Are there any differences in the impacts and experiences of family members of alcohol users?
  • 10. 5 Step Method 1. Listen, reassure, explore concerns 2. Provide relevant information 3. Explore coping 4. Explore social support 5. Referring on for additional help
  • 11. Step 3- Ways of coping Engaged- Standing up to it Trying to control my relatives behaviour Being emotional Being assertive Being supportive Tolerant- Putting up with it Not doing anything Putting my relatives needs before my own Withdrawal Withdrawing from it Avoiding my relative Being independant
  • 12. Step 3- Ways of coping DVD presentation
  • 13. Step 3- Ways of coping Feedback discussion: What is most important about Step 3? How could you see this being useful in supporting family members
  • 14. Step 4- Support Drawing the social network diagram Who or what can be supportive and in what way Can include personal and professional Improving positive support Decreasing negative support Being an active agent of change in using the network
  • 15. Step 4- Support DVD presentation
  • 16. Step 4- Support Feedback discussion: What is most important about Step 4? How could you see this being useful in supporting family members
  • 17. Step 3- Ways of coping Exercise in small groups: What are the pros and cons of each coping style
  • 18. Contact Aquarius Head Office 2nd Floor 16 Kent Street Birmingham B5 6RD Tel: 0121 622 8181 Email: headoffice@aquarius.org.uk
  • 19. Overcoming the harms caused by alcohol, drugs and gambling Thank You