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Resume:Aditya Bhargava Page 1 of 4
Aditya Bhargava
Software Professional with overall 8+ years of experience in IT
Organizations: Infosys Limited
Phone: (425) 2099637 Email:aditya.bhargava16@gmail.com
To obtain a successful and challengingcareer with theopportunity to growand expand whileapplyingmy professional
knowledge,skillsand experience
Work Authorization H1B Authorized to work for any employer inUS
Overall 8+years of industry experiencein software development inDOTNET.
Design,develop and testautomation of softwaresolutions using Microsoft Technologies and softwareAutomation
Domain experienceinBingSearch,Advertiser,Billing,MicrosoftDynamicCRM,Energy application of analyze&
developmentof Business& FunctionalSpecificationsanddetailed design of theapplication.
Six Sigma Green BeltCertified andadvocateon effectivetestingtechniquesand methodologies& resultsto uplift
productquality and standards.
StrongAnalytical and ProblemSolvingskills. Ability to quickly grasp technical requirements and articulated skillsto
transforminto BusinessSolutions.
Competencein AgileMethodologies;Skilled in AutomationToolssuch as Fitness,KAF,Coded UI,MVC.
MicrosoftCertified Technology Specialist.NETFramework 4 ServiceCommunication Application(WCF).
Worked on technical solutionfor Request for proposal (RFP)for biddingpurpose.
Summary of Technical Skills
OperatingSystems Windows(8/7/XP/2000/NT/),MAC
Programming Microsoft .NET 4.0, .NET 3.5, WCF, WPF,C#, Windows Power Shell
Visual Studio 2005/08/10/12/13
TestingTools HP Quality Center/,KAF,Fitness,ProductStudio ,WindowsAutomation API,
Coded UI,TFS,MTM, PerformanceTesting
SoftwareProducts& Tools SQL Server, Team foundation Server , NUnit,Nuget, UML-
Visio,K2 Work Flow,MicrosoftDynamic CRM,SQLite
Resume:Aditya Bhargava Page 2 of 4
Client :- Microsoft TechnologyAnalyst Jan 2011 to Date
DurationJuly 14 to Till Date
Domain BuildPlatform
Environment:Imagebuilder,Sourcedepot,VS 2012,C#
Bingis a web search enginefromMicrosoft.
Roles & Responsibility:Writingautomationfor globalization and localizationfor differentlanguageand country.
Coordinatewith offshoreteam.Work on internalMicrosofttoolsforbingproject.
ProjectTitleMicrosoftDynamic CRM
Duration Nov 13 to June 14
Domain BuildPlatform
Environment:Imagebuilder,Sourcedepot, VS 2012,C#
Customer Relationship Management(CRM) Projectfor our clientMicrosoftatMicrosoft Bellevue,WA.Theproject
involvesimplementingusing technology to organize,automate,and synchronizebusinessprocessesprincipallysales
activities,butalso thosefor marketing,customer service,and technical support.
Roles & Responsibility:Processimprovement,Develop toolsfor buildprocess,Coding,Fixinfrastructureissues,I had
implemented continuousIntegration i.e.Deploy-Test-Reportsystem.Weused PowerShell scriptingto implementthe
ProjectTitleMicrosoftDisplay Add Management
DurationJan 13 to Nov 13
Domain Advertiser Management
Environment: K2 Workflow,WCF C#,SQLServer 2008,
MicrosoftDisplay Add Managementprovides advertisersand digital marketingagenciesa web-based management
platformto managerevenueacquisition through onlineadvertisingcampaigns.Singleapplication throughwhich
customers can managepaid search,display,mobile,andsocial marketingcampaigns.
Roles & Responsibility:Requirementgathering,Design,Estimations,Coding,Assistingteammembers with their
assignments,Assignmentdelegation,Testautomationframework ,Status reporting,coordinatingwith offshoreteam
ProjectTitleMicrosoftDynamic CRM
DurationFeb 12 to Dec 12
Domain Customer Relationship Platform
Environment:ASP.NET,C#, SQL Server 2008,WCF.
Resume:Aditya Bhargava Page 3 of 4
Customer Relationship Management(CRM) Projectfor our clientMicrosoftatMicrosoftIndiadevelopmentcenter.
The projectinvolvesimplementingusingtechnology to organize,automate,and synchronizebusinessprocesses
principally salesactivities,butalso thosefor marketing,customerservice,and technical support.
Roles & Responsibility:Requirementgathering,Design,Estimations,Coding,TestAutomation,QA,Status reporting,
Domain BillingPlatform
Environment:ASP.NET,C#, SQL Server 2005,WCF,MVC.
MicrosofthavingOnlineplate-formfor purchasingthereproductwith BillingSystemincludescommercial aspectsof
trialsand subscription activation,ratingand billing,customer care.
Roles & Responsibility:Requirementgathering,Design,Estimations,Coding,Assistingteammembers with their
assignments,Assignmentdelegation,QA,Statusreporting,mentoring teammembers
Developed WCF services
Requirementgathering,Design,Estimations,Coding,Assistingteammembers with theirassignments,Assignment
delegation,Testautomation,Statusreporting,coordinatingwith offshoreteam
GeneralElectricEnergy Software Engineer Feb 2007 Dec2010
ProjectTitleWind 1.1ConditionBased Monitoring(CBM)
DurationNov 09 to Dec 10
Environment:Theapplication isdeveloped withC#.NET 3.5 technologiesmainly dealingWPF forthefrontend and
WCF for back end.Thedatabaseisa mixof SQLiteand SQLServer.Configuration managementand task management
is doneusingVSTS,QC,Rally.
Project involves development of user-friendly conditioningbased monitoring software for the 3701 Wind hardware
which is used to monitor any unwanted vibrations in the rotating machinery parts like Shaft, Rotors etc. in the Wind
Turbines or any other rotatingmachinery where the device is hooked and to alert the users using visual Warnings or
Alarms. It also allows users to configure the system as per his/her needs to monitor the system. The software also
shows theuser with theplots,graphsand spectrasof thebehaviorof therotatingmachinery.
Roles & Responsibilities:
Lineof work includes workinginan agileteamperformingtherequirementsgathering,design,codeandunit
testingthewritten codeusingNUnit.
ProjectTitleWind Condition Based Monitoring(CBM)
DurationApril 08to Nov 09
Environment:Theapplication isdeveloped withC#.NET 3.0 technologiesmainly dealingWPF forthefrontend.The
databaseisa mixof XMLand SQLiteand SQLServer.Configuration managementand task managementisdoneusing
VSTS, QC,Railly.
Roles & Responsibilities:
Requirementgathering,Design,Estimations,and Codingautomated all acceptancetests usingfitnesseand C#.
Duration: Feb 07 March 08
Resume:Aditya Bhargava Page 4 of 4
Environment:Theapplication isdeveloped withC#,SQLServer 2005
ProjectDescription:GEEnergy deals with Turbines and ithasvariousturbinesatdifferentcustomerlocationsacross
the globe.System1 is GEEnergys patented softwareplatformfor real-timeOptimization of equipmentandselected
processes,conditionmonitoring,and eventdiagnostics.
Roles & Responsibilities:
Understanding and analysis of Business requirements, given estimation, code, resolve the defects in the existing
productthrough debuggingand automated testingfor theentireproductusing fitness and C#.
Personal Details
Experience Over 7.8 years of Professional Experiencein thefieldsof IT.
Academic Summary Bachelorof Engineeringwith 70.4%Universityof RGPV,India.
Nationality Indian
Course InstituteName University Percentage
CDAC (Diploma) IETPune ACTS --
Bachelorof Engineering Madhav Instituteof
Technology andScience
R.G.P.V 70.4
H.S.S.C Balak Mandir M.P. Board 70
SSC Abhinav VidyaMandir M.P. Board 73.4

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Aditya Bhargava

  • 1. Resume:Aditya Bhargava Page 1 of 4 Aditya Bhargava Software Professional with overall 8+ years of experience in IT Organizations: Infosys Limited 4281,H205,148th AveNEBellevue,WA98007 Phone: (425) 2099637 Email:aditya.bhargava16@gmail.com Objective To obtain a successful and challengingcareer with theopportunity to growand expand whileapplyingmy professional knowledge,skillsand experience Work Authorization H1B Authorized to work for any employer inUS ExperienceSummary Overall 8+years of industry experiencein software development inDOTNET. Design,develop and testautomation of softwaresolutions using Microsoft Technologies and softwareAutomation applications Domain experienceinBingSearch,Advertiser,Billing,MicrosoftDynamicCRM,Energy application of analyze& developmentof Business& FunctionalSpecificationsanddetailed design of theapplication. Six Sigma Green BeltCertified andadvocateon effectivetestingtechniquesand methodologies& resultsto uplift productquality and standards. StrongAnalytical and ProblemSolvingskills. Ability to quickly grasp technical requirements and articulated skillsto transforminto BusinessSolutions. Competencein AgileMethodologies;Skilled in AutomationToolssuch as Fitness,KAF,Coded UI,MVC. MicrosoftCertified Technology Specialist.NETFramework 4 ServiceCommunication Application(WCF). Worked on technical solutionfor Request for proposal (RFP)for biddingpurpose. Summary of Technical Skills OperatingSystems Windows(8/7/XP/2000/NT/),MAC Programming Microsoft .NET 4.0, .NET 3.5, WCF, WPF,C#, Windows Power Shell Engineering Design Visual Studio 2005/08/10/12/13 TestingTools HP Quality Center/,KAF,Fitness,ProductStudio ,WindowsAutomation API, Coded UI,TFS,MTM, PerformanceTesting SoftwareProducts& Tools SQL Server, Team foundation Server , NUnit,Nuget, UML- Visio,K2 Work Flow,MicrosoftDynamic CRM,SQLite
  • 2. Resume:Aditya Bhargava Page 2 of 4 EmploymentSummary Client :- Microsoft TechnologyAnalyst Jan 2011 to Date ProjectTitleMicrosoftBingSearch DurationJuly 14 to Till Date ClientMicrosoft Domain BuildPlatform Environment:Imagebuilder,Sourcedepot,VS 2012,C# ProjectDescription: Bingis a web search enginefromMicrosoft. Roles & Responsibility:Writingautomationfor globalization and localizationfor differentlanguageand country. Coordinatewith offshoreteam.Work on internalMicrosofttoolsforbingproject. ProjectTitleMicrosoftDynamic CRM Duration Nov 13 to June 14 ClientMicrosoft Domain BuildPlatform Environment:Imagebuilder,Sourcedepot, VS 2012,C# ProjectDescription: Customer Relationship Management(CRM) Projectfor our clientMicrosoftatMicrosoft Bellevue,WA.Theproject involvesimplementingusing technology to organize,automate,and synchronizebusinessprocessesprincipallysales activities,butalso thosefor marketing,customer service,and technical support. Roles & Responsibility:Processimprovement,Develop toolsfor buildprocess,Coding,Fixinfrastructureissues,I had implemented continuousIntegration i.e.Deploy-Test-Reportsystem.Weused PowerShell scriptingto implementthe same. ProjectTitleMicrosoftDisplay Add Management DurationJan 13 to Nov 13 ClientMicrosoft Domain Advertiser Management Environment: K2 Workflow,WCF C#,SQLServer 2008, ProjectDescription: MicrosoftDisplay Add Managementprovides advertisersand digital marketingagenciesa web-based management platformto managerevenueacquisition through onlineadvertisingcampaigns.Singleapplication throughwhich customers can managepaid search,display,mobile,andsocial marketingcampaigns. Roles & Responsibility:Requirementgathering,Design,Estimations,Coding,Assistingteammembers with their assignments,Assignmentdelegation,Testautomationframework ,Status reporting,coordinatingwith offshoreteam ProjectTitleMicrosoftDynamic CRM DurationFeb 12 to Dec 12 ClientMicrosoft Domain Customer Relationship Platform Environment:ASP.NET,C#, SQL Server 2008,WCF. ProjectDescription:
  • 3. Resume:Aditya Bhargava Page 3 of 4 Customer Relationship Management(CRM) Projectfor our clientMicrosoftatMicrosoftIndiadevelopmentcenter. The projectinvolvesimplementingusingtechnology to organize,automate,and synchronizebusinessprocesses principally salesactivities,butalso thosefor marketing,customerservice,and technical support. Roles & Responsibility:Requirementgathering,Design,Estimations,Coding,TestAutomation,QA,Status reporting, mentoringteammembers ProjectTitleBOSG ClientMicrosoft Domain BillingPlatform Environment:ASP.NET,C#, SQL Server 2005,WCF,MVC. ProjectDescription: MicrosofthavingOnlineplate-formfor purchasingthereproductwith BillingSystemincludescommercial aspectsof trialsand subscription activation,ratingand billing,customer care. Roles & Responsibility:Requirementgathering,Design,Estimations,Coding,Assistingteammembers with their assignments,Assignmentdelegation,QA,Statusreporting,mentoring teammembers Developed WCF services Requirementgathering,Design,Estimations,Coding,Assistingteammembers with theirassignments,Assignment delegation,Testautomation,Statusreporting,coordinatingwith offshoreteam GeneralElectricEnergy Software Engineer Feb 2007 Dec2010 ProjectTitleWind 1.1ConditionBased Monitoring(CBM) DurationNov 09 to Dec 10 Environment:Theapplication isdeveloped withC#.NET 3.5 technologiesmainly dealingWPF forthefrontend and WCF for back end.Thedatabaseisa mixof SQLiteand SQLServer.Configuration managementand task management is doneusingVSTS,QC,Rally. ProjectDescription: Project involves development of user-friendly conditioningbased monitoring software for the 3701 Wind hardware which is used to monitor any unwanted vibrations in the rotating machinery parts like Shaft, Rotors etc. in the Wind Turbines or any other rotatingmachinery where the device is hooked and to alert the users using visual Warnings or Alarms. It also allows users to configure the system as per his/her needs to monitor the system. The software also shows theuser with theplots,graphsand spectrasof thebehaviorof therotatingmachinery. Roles & Responsibilities: Lineof work includes workinginan agileteamperformingtherequirementsgathering,design,codeandunit testingthewritten codeusingNUnit. ProjectTitleWind Condition Based Monitoring(CBM) DurationApril 08to Nov 09 Environment:Theapplication isdeveloped withC#.NET 3.0 technologiesmainly dealingWPF forthefrontend.The databaseisa mixof XMLand SQLiteand SQLServer.Configuration managementand task managementisdoneusing VSTS, QC,Railly. Roles & Responsibilities: Requirementgathering,Design,Estimations,and Codingautomated all acceptancetests usingfitnesseand C#. ProjectTitleSystem1 Duration: Feb 07 March 08
  • 4. Resume:Aditya Bhargava Page 4 of 4 Environment:Theapplication isdeveloped withC#,SQLServer 2005 ProjectDescription:GEEnergy deals with Turbines and ithasvariousturbinesatdifferentcustomerlocationsacross the globe.System1 is GEEnergys patented softwareplatformfor real-timeOptimization of equipmentandselected processes,conditionmonitoring,and eventdiagnostics. Roles & Responsibilities: Understanding and analysis of Business requirements, given estimation, code, resolve the defects in the existing productthrough debuggingand automated testingfor theentireproductusing fitness and C#. Personal Details Experience Over 7.8 years of Professional Experiencein thefieldsof IT. Academic Summary Bachelorof Engineeringwith 70.4%Universityof RGPV,India. Nationality Indian Education Course InstituteName University Percentage CDAC (Diploma) IETPune ACTS -- Bachelorof Engineering Madhav Instituteof Technology andScience R.G.P.V 70.4 H.S.S.C Balak Mandir M.P. Board 70 SSC Abhinav VidyaMandir M.P. Board 73.4