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Aditya Bansal
Phone: +917738204745
E-mail: adityabansal01@rediffmail.com
I intend to establish myself as a network engineer in a corporate environment. I believe that my strong analytical
& technical capabilities; communication skills and dedication will contribute to the company's growth and in-turn will
ensure my personal growth.
Academic Qualification:
 B.E from L.N.C.T Indore, RGPV University, with 71.50%.
 HSC from Marthoma Higher Secondary School Indore (M.P Board) with 79.30%.
 SSC from Marthoma Higher Secondary School Indore (M.P Board) with 69.20%.
Professional Skill-set:
 CCNA certified- CSCO12877269
 Internet Explorer
 MS Office
Work Experience:
Currently Working: Reliance Jio Infocomm Limited (RJIL)
Job Type : Full Time.
Description and Role: Working as an Assistant Manager IN NOC (WIFI)
Tenure : August 2014 till present
More Description about my job profile:
1. To manage all the NOC operations regarding WIFI.
2. Escalating cases to Cisco TAC for WLC regarding issues.
3. To supervise the team, prepare shift roaster for them.
4. Handled Successful Event such as VIBRANT GUJARAT & IPL 2015(Working)
5. To handle technical problems of Enterprise Customers.
6. Planning Wi-Fi Deployment in Cities.
7. Configuration of AP
8. Working on Cisco & Ruckus AP
9. L1 troubleshooting of Access Point , 2960 & 3750 Switches.
10. Handling SCG & WLC controllers
11. To handle connectivity issues of Customers.
12. Co-ordinate with planning team for Wi-Fi deployment in Cities.
[Type here]
Aditya Bansal, Phone: +917738204745, Email: adityabansal01@rediffmail.com
Plot no 56 , sector 5 koperkhairane Navi Mumbai.
Job Type : Full Time.
Description and Role: Worked as an RF er.(O&M).
Tenure : August 2010 till July 2014.
More Description about my job profile:
1. To choose a backhaul node from where we can enhance the Wi-Fi-network to get retail &
enterprise clients.
2. At this node we install a CISCO switch, after configuring & bandwidth testing of the node.
3. From this node we make multiple sites through P2P connectivity from RF devices (nano
station-5, power station-5, power bridge-5) keeping LOS & RSSI in mind.
4. Then we install Access point at sites for transmission of Wi-Fi Signals.
5. At customer end a device is installed which is a receiver, this devices latches onto the
access point & can use internet.
6. According to customer density we further enhance our network.
7. Testing Handover to provide better services to customers.
8. Optimizing the network from time to time.
9. Currently handling maximum number of nodes in M.P & C.G.
10. Maintaining relations with enterprise customers is also a part of my job profile.
11. Maintaining availability of the network to 99.7.
12. Handling NOC Activities at Data Centre.
Job Type : Full Time.
Description & Role : Worked as an Electronics Engineer.
Tenure : March, 2010  August, 2010.
More Description about my job profile:
1. To supervise the team.
2. Rotating Shifts on Weekly basis.
3. Handling Planned Events of machinery on Daily basis.
4. Planned events at Sub-station.
5. Provide a daily data base of work done to management.
Personal Profile:
Strength : Leadership, Team working, Adaptability and Positive thinking.
Hobbies and Interests : Listening Music.
Date of Birth : 1st
Aug, 1988.
Languages Known : English and Hindi.
[Type here]
Aditya Bansal, Phone: +917738204745, Email: adityabansal01@rediffmail.com
Plot no 56, sector 5 koperkhairane Navi Mumbai
Marritial Status : Unmarried
Nationality : Indian
Current Address : Plot no 56 sector 5 koperkhairane,
Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra
Permanent Address : 32 C/A Tulsi Nagar, Mahalaxmi Nagar
Indore, Madhya Pradesh. INDIA
I hereby declare that the information given above is correct and true to the best of my knowledge
and belief.
Date: 03/02/2015
Place: Mumbai Aditya Bansal
Aditya Bansal, Phone: +917738204745, Email: adityabansal01@rediffmail.com
Plot no 56 , sector 5 koperkhairane Navi Mumbai.

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  • 1. [Type here] Aditya Bansal Phone: +917738204745 E-mail: adityabansal01@rediffmail.com Objective: I intend to establish myself as a network engineer in a corporate environment. I believe that my strong analytical & technical capabilities; communication skills and dedication will contribute to the company's growth and in-turn will ensure my personal growth. Academic Qualification: B.E from L.N.C.T Indore, RGPV University, with 71.50%. HSC from Marthoma Higher Secondary School Indore (M.P Board) with 79.30%. SSC from Marthoma Higher Secondary School Indore (M.P Board) with 69.20%. Professional Skill-set: CCNA certified- CSCO12877269 Internet Explorer MS Office Work Experience: Currently Working: Reliance Jio Infocomm Limited (RJIL) Job Type : Full Time. Description and Role: Working as an Assistant Manager IN NOC (WIFI) Tenure : August 2014 till present More Description about my job profile: 1. To manage all the NOC operations regarding WIFI. 2. Escalating cases to Cisco TAC for WLC regarding issues. 3. To supervise the team, prepare shift roaster for them. 4. Handled Successful Event such as VIBRANT GUJARAT & IPL 2015(Working) 5. To handle technical problems of Enterprise Customers. 6. Planning Wi-Fi Deployment in Cities. 7. Configuration of AP 8. Working on Cisco & Ruckus AP 9. L1 troubleshooting of Access Point , 2960 & 3750 Switches. 10. Handling SCG & WLC controllers 11. To handle connectivity issues of Customers. 12. Co-ordinate with planning team for Wi-Fi deployment in Cities.
  • 2. [Type here] Aditya Bansal, Phone: +917738204745, Email: adityabansal01@rediffmail.com Plot no 56 , sector 5 koperkhairane Navi Mumbai. Past Companies: TIKONA DIGITAL NETWORKS Job Type : Full Time. Description and Role: Worked as an RF er.(O&M). Tenure : August 2010 till July 2014. More Description about my job profile: 1. To choose a backhaul node from where we can enhance the Wi-Fi-network to get retail & enterprise clients. 2. At this node we install a CISCO switch, after configuring & bandwidth testing of the node. 3. From this node we make multiple sites through P2P connectivity from RF devices (nano station-5, power station-5, power bridge-5) keeping LOS & RSSI in mind. 4. Then we install Access point at sites for transmission of Wi-Fi Signals. 5. At customer end a device is installed which is a receiver, this devices latches onto the access point & can use internet. 6. According to customer density we further enhance our network. 7. Testing Handover to provide better services to customers. 8. Optimizing the network from time to time. 9. Currently handling maximum number of nodes in M.P & C.G. 10. Maintaining relations with enterprise customers is also a part of my job profile. 11. Maintaining availability of the network to 99.7. 12. Handling NOC Activities at Data Centre. STI SANOH INDIA LTD Dewas Job Type : Full Time. Description & Role : Worked as an Electronics Engineer. Tenure : March, 2010 August, 2010. More Description about my job profile: 1. To supervise the team. 2. Rotating Shifts on Weekly basis. 3. Handling Planned Events of machinery on Daily basis. 4. Planned events at Sub-station. 5. Provide a daily data base of work done to management. Personal Profile: Strength : Leadership, Team working, Adaptability and Positive thinking. Hobbies and Interests : Listening Music. Date of Birth : 1st Aug, 1988. Languages Known : English and Hindi.
  • 3. [Type here] Aditya Bansal, Phone: +917738204745, Email: adityabansal01@rediffmail.com Plot no 56, sector 5 koperkhairane Navi Mumbai Marritial Status : Unmarried Nationality : Indian Current Address : Plot no 56 sector 5 koperkhairane, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra Permanent Address : 32 C/A Tulsi Nagar, Mahalaxmi Nagar Indore, Madhya Pradesh. INDIA I hereby declare that the information given above is correct and true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Date: 03/02/2015 Place: Mumbai Aditya Bansal Aditya Bansal, Phone: +917738204745, Email: adityabansal01@rediffmail.com Plot no 56 , sector 5 koperkhairane Navi Mumbai.