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        Mohd Sholehuddin b. Mohd Ariff
Definition of Adjectivable Phrase

   First, a phrase is any multiword group without a conjugated verb.
   Second, an adjectival phrase is a phrase that modifies or describes
    a noun or pronoun.
   Usually, an adjectival phrase consists of an adjective and a
    prepositional phrase, such as free from bias or pertinent to our
   We prefer to limit the expression adjectival phrase to those
    multiword groupings that begin with true adjectives.

 Used for things or object that can be calculated.
a. Do you have many books? (books - can be
b. Siti has many friends in Teluk Anson. (friends 
   can be calculated)
c. There are many buffaloes in the paddy field.
   (buffaloes - can be calculated)

 Used for things or object that cannot be
 Used with sentence means not  much.
a. I have not got much money with me. (money 
   cannot calculated. Only calculated with RM
   and $)
b. How much sugar do you have? (sugar 
   cannot calculated)
c. There is not much sand in this river. (sand 
   cannot calculated)
A lot of

 Used for things or object that can be calculated
  and cannot be calculated.
a. I have a lot of money.
b. There is a lot of sand in this river.
c. There is a lot of air in this house.
d. I have a lot of friends.
e. Pak Cik has a lot of cows.
A little
 Used for things or object that only cannot be
a. I have a little money with me.
b. There is a little sand in this river.
       I have                 coffee.
       You                    water.
       have He
       has She     a little   time.
       has                    help.
       They                   honey.
A few

 Same as a little but a few used with objects or
  things that can be calculated.
a. There are a few buffaloes in the paddy field.
b. They have a few friends in Ulu Tiram.
c. A few boys eat with their hands.

 Used in question sentences. The question
  sentence that its answer no.
a. Have you got any food to eat?
   No, I do not have any.
a. Have you got any books to read?
   No, I do not have any.

 Can used for things or object that can be
  calculated or cannot be calculated.
a. I have some friends in Bukit Batu.
b. My mother brought some oranges yesterday.
c. Puan Mas have saved some money in the
d. I would vlike to visit some places.
e. There was some rain yesterday.
Comparison of Adjectives-The Positive
 As tall as, as lever as, as fast as and same as
  used for make comparison each other. As
  .. as means same
 as fast as a train
 As slow as tortoise
a. I am as tall as San Min.
b. I am as hardworking as Suhaimi.
Comparison of Adjectives-The
Comparative Degree
 Taller than, bigger than, and etc. used for
  comparison between two peoples or objects.
a. Ahmad is taller than Ali.
b. Chai Lian is cleverer than Lan Siew.
c. It is faster to travel by planethan by train.
d. An elephant is larger than mouse.
Comparison of Adjectives-The
Superlative Degree
The most
Comparison of Irregular Adjectives
For each question below, choose the best answer marked
A, B, C, D.

1. How .. Money have you?
   A. many                 B. much
   C. any                 D. some

2. He had a pain in the stomach. He ate too .. food
  A. many                       B. a few
 C. much                       D. a lot of

3. Dont go near the dog. It is . .
  A. dangerous                    B. more dangerous
 C. most dangerous                D. dangerouser

4. The weather today isnt as  as it was
  A. hot                       B. hotter
5. Swee Boon is  but he is .. than his
 A. young, strong      B. young, stronger
C. youngest, strongest  D. young, strongest

6. Your bicycle is .. than mine. When did you buy it?
 A. new                    B. newer
C. newest                  D. the newest

7. Toh Ming is . . He wants something to eat.
 A. hungry              B. hungrier
C. hungriest            D. more hungry

8. The sky is  . It is going to rain.
 A. cloudy             B. cloudier
C. cloudiest            D. more cloudy
Adjectivable phrase

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Adjectivable phrase

  • 1. ADJECTIVABLE PHRASE Mohd Sholehuddin b. Mohd Ariff
  • 2. Definition of Adjectivable Phrase First, a phrase is any multiword group without a conjugated verb. Second, an adjectival phrase is a phrase that modifies or describes a noun or pronoun. Usually, an adjectival phrase consists of an adjective and a prepositional phrase, such as free from bias or pertinent to our discussion. We prefer to limit the expression adjectival phrase to those multiword groupings that begin with true adjectives.
  • 4. Many Used for things or object that can be calculated. Examples:- a. Do you have many books? (books - can be calculated) b. Siti has many friends in Teluk Anson. (friends can be calculated) c. There are many buffaloes in the paddy field. (buffaloes - can be calculated)
  • 5. Much Used for things or object that cannot be calculated. Used with sentence means not much. Examples:- a. I have not got much money with me. (money cannot calculated. Only calculated with RM and $) b. How much sugar do you have? (sugar cannot calculated) c. There is not much sand in this river. (sand cannot calculated)
  • 6. A lot of Used for things or object that can be calculated and cannot be calculated. Examples:- a. I have a lot of money. b. There is a lot of sand in this river. c. There is a lot of air in this house. d. I have a lot of friends. e. Pak Cik has a lot of cows.
  • 7. A little Used for things or object that only cannot be calculated. Examples:- a. I have a little money with me. b. There is a little sand in this river. I have coffee. You water. have He has She a little time. has help. They honey. have hope.
  • 8. A few Same as a little but a few used with objects or things that can be calculated. Examples:- a. There are a few buffaloes in the paddy field. b. They have a few friends in Ulu Tiram. c. A few boys eat with their hands.
  • 9. Any Used in question sentences. The question sentence that its answer no. Examples:- a. Have you got any food to eat? No, I do not have any. a. Have you got any books to read? No, I do not have any.
  • 10. Some Can used for things or object that can be calculated or cannot be calculated. Example:- a. I have some friends in Bukit Batu. b. My mother brought some oranges yesterday. c. Puan Mas have saved some money in the bank. d. I would vlike to visit some places. e. There was some rain yesterday.
  • 11. Comparison of Adjectives-The Positive Degree As tall as, as lever as, as fast as and same as used for make comparison each other. As .. as means same Examples:- as fast as a train As slow as tortoise a. I am as tall as San Min. b. I am as hardworking as Suhaimi.
  • 12. Comparison of Adjectives-The Comparative Degree Taller than, bigger than, and etc. used for comparison between two peoples or objects. Exzamples:- a. Ahmad is taller than Ali. b. Chai Lian is cleverer than Lan Siew. c. It is faster to travel by planethan by train. d. An elephant is larger than mouse.
  • 18. For each question below, choose the best answer marked A, B, C, D. 1. How .. Money have you? A. many B. much C. any D. some 2. He had a pain in the stomach. He ate too .. food yesterday. A. many B. a few C. much D. a lot of 3. Dont go near the dog. It is . . A. dangerous B. more dangerous C. most dangerous D. dangerouser 4. The weather today isnt as as it was yesterday. A. hot B. hotter
  • 19. 5. Swee Boon is but he is .. than his father. A. young, strong B. young, stronger C. youngest, strongest D. young, strongest 6. Your bicycle is .. than mine. When did you buy it? A. new B. newer C. newest D. the newest 7. Toh Ming is . . He wants something to eat. A. hungry B. hungrier C. hungriest D. more hungry 8. The sky is . It is going to rain. A. cloudy B. cloudier C. cloudiest D. more cloudy