This document contrasts a series of opposite adjectives in two columns: strong vs weak, tall vs short, slow vs fast, heavy vs light, ugly vs beautiful, boring vs funny, and big vs small. The adjectives are paired to show their antonyms or opposites.
Adjectives1esraerenayThis one-paragraph document contrasts a series of adjective pairs: strong vs weak, tall vs short, slow vs fast, heavy vs light, beautiful vs ugly, boring vs funny, and big vs small. It provides opposing descriptions to compare attributes on either side of each pair.
Adjectives1Joan Ramon Pla i NovellThis one-paragraph document contrasts opposite adjectives in pairs, with the first word of each pair conveying a more positive trait and the second a less positive trait. It juxtaposes strong vs. weak, tall vs. short, slow vs. fast, heavy vs. light, beautiful vs. ugly, boring vs. funny, and big vs. small.
Adjectives1violet3773This document lists 12 pairs of adjectives that are opposites: strong/weak, tall/short, slow/fast, heavy/light, beautiful/ugly, boring/funny, and big/small. Each pair contrasts two adjectives where one adjective describes one end of a spectrum and the other adjective describes the opposite end.
Adjectives1silviaprofe56This document lists 12 pairs of adjectives that are opposites: strong/weak, tall/short, slow/fast, heavy/light, beautiful/ugly, boring/funny, and big/small. Each pair contrasts two adjectives where one adjective describes one end of a spectrum and the other adjective describes the opposite end.
Adjectives1Hasan EgeThis one-paragraph document contrasts a series of adjective pairs: strong vs weak, tall vs short, slow vs fast, heavy vs light, beautiful vs ugly, boring vs funny, and big vs small. It provides opposing descriptions to compare attributes on either side of each pair.
Adjectives1anglessuperiorThis one paragraph document contrasts a series of adjective pairs: strong vs weak, tall vs short, slow vs fast, heavy vs light, beautiful vs ugly, boring vs funny, and big vs small. It provides opposing descriptions that could be used to characterize people, objects, or other concepts.
Adjectives1RebecaThis one-paragraph document contrasts opposite adjectives in pairs, with the first word of each pair conveying a more positive trait and the second a less positive trait. It juxtaposes strong vs. weak, tall vs. short, slow vs. fast, heavy vs. light, beautiful vs. ugly, boring vs. funny, and big vs. small.
Adjectives1ssorrozaThis one-paragraph document contrasts a series of adjectives in pairs, with the first word of each pair conveying the more positive or preferred trait and the second the less positive or preferred trait. It juxtaposes strong vs weak, tall vs short, slow vs fast, heavy vs light, beautiful vs ugly, boring vs funny, and big vs small.
Adjectives1[1] Flashcards Power PointHasan EgeThis one-paragraph document contrasts a series of adjective pairs: strong vs weak, tall vs short, slow vs fast, heavy vs light, beautiful vs ugly, boring vs funny, and big vs small. It provides opposing descriptions to compare attributes on either side of each pair.
Adjectives1jazz40This one-paragraph document contrasts a series of adjectives in pairs, with the first word of each pair conveying the more positive or preferred trait and the second the less positive or preferred trait. It juxtaposes strong vs weak, tall vs short, slow vs fast, heavy vs light, beautiful vs ugly, boring vs funny, and big vs small.
Adjectives1Valentina SalinasThis document lists 12 pairs of adjectives that are opposites: strong/weak, tall/short, slow/fast, heavy/light, beautiful/ugly, boring/funny, and big/small. Each pair contrasts two adjectives where one adjective describes one end of a spectrum and the other adjective describes the opposite end.
Adjectives1Valentina SalinasThis document lists 12 pairs of adjectives that are opposites: strong/weak, tall/short, slow/fast, heavy/light, beautiful/ugly, boring/funny, and big/small. Each pair contrasts two adjectives where one adjective describes one end of a spectrum and the other adjective describes the opposite end.
Adjectives1Osmar Leandro Muñoz MarinThis one-paragraph document contrasts a series of adjectives in pairs, with the first word of each pair conveying the more positive or preferred trait and the second the less positive or preferred trait. It juxtaposes strong vs weak, tall vs short, slow vs fast, heavy vs light, beautiful vs ugly, boring vs funny, and big vs small.
Adjectives1brayan gomez anayaThis document lists 12 pairs of adjectives that are opposites: strong/weak, tall/short, slow/fast, heavy/light, beautiful/ugly, boring/funny, and big/small. Each pair contrasts two adjectives where one adjective describes one end of a spectrum and the other adjective describes the opposite end.
Adjectivesanamarin83This one-paragraph document contrasts a series of adjective pairs: strong vs weak, tall vs short, slow vs fast, heavy vs light, beautiful vs ugly, boring vs funny, and big vs small. It provides opposing descriptions to compare attributes on either side of each pair.
Adjectives1yilmazmanThis one paragraph document contrasts a series of adjective pairs including: strong and weak, tall and short, slow and fast, heavy and light, beautiful and ugly, boring and funny, and big and small. It provides opposing descriptions that could be used to characterize people, objects, or other concepts.
C:\Fakepath\Adjectives1zeediThis one-paragraph document contrasts a series of adjective pairs: strong vs weak, tall vs short, slow vs fast, heavy vs light, beautiful vs ugly, boring vs funny, and big vs small. It provides opposing descriptions to compare attributes on either side of each pair.
Adjectives1marcionunesThis document lists 12 pairs of adjectives that are opposites: strong/weak, tall/short, slow/fast, heavy/light, beautiful/ugly, boring/funny, and big/small. Each pair contrasts two adjectives where one adjective describes one end of a spectrum and the other adjective describes the opposite end.
AdjectivesclaribelsanThis one-paragraph document contrasts 12 pairs of adjectives: tall/short, beautiful/ugly, boring/funny, big/small, empty/full, high/low, close/far, long/short, old/new, easy/hard, dark/light, and clean/dirty. It lists these contrasting adjective pairs in two columns without any other text or context.
AdjectivesValeska FloresThis document provides examples of different types of adjectives that can describe nouns, including color, size, how something feels or looks, how something sounds, and quantity. It lists common nouns like apple, dog, ice cream, and truck and poses questions about each noun to demonstrate different adjective types such as what color is the apple, how big is the dog, what does the ice cream feel like.
Comparative and Superlative AdjectivesClaudio FernándezThe document describes rules for using comparative and superlative adjectives in English. It provides examples of how to form comparatives using "-er" and "more" and superlatives using "-est" and "most". It also demonstrates their use in comparisons between two objects using "than" and in groups using "in". Sample sentences compare the size and intelligence of characters and describe the most expensive phone.
AdjectivesEveraldo SantiagoThe document provides examples of adjectives used to describe opposites, including: beautiful vs ugly, handsome vs ugly, expensive vs cheap, intelligent vs silly, nervous vs calm, hot vs cold, good vs bad, fast vs slow, hard vs soft, happy vs sad, old vs new, old vs young, rich vs poor, fat vs thin, big vs small, tall vs short, and strong vs weak. Examples are given such as Shakira being beautiful while Gretchen is ugly, the teacher being handsome while The Mask is ugly, an iPhone being expensive while lollipops are cheap, and Einstein being intelligent while Patrick is silly.
comparative and superlative adjectiveameera akhtarThis document discusses comparatives and superlatives in English. It provides five rules for forming comparatives and superlatives from adjectives: (1) add -er or -est for single-syllable adjectives, (2) double the last consonant and add -er or -est for stressed single-syllable adjectives ending in a consonant-vowel-consonant, (3) remove the y and add -ier or -iest for adjectives ending in y, (4) add more or most for adjectives of two or more syllables, and (5) there are a few exceptions like good, bad, and far. Examples are given like "the
AdjppSue MunroeThis document discusses the rules for using comparative and superlative adjectives in English. It explains that the comparative form is used to compare two things and the superlative is used to compare three or more things. It then outlines three rules for forming the comparative and superlative of adjectives: 1) one-syllable adjectives typically add -er and -est, 2) two-syllable adjectives ending in y change the y to i and add -er and -est, and 3) adjectives of two syllables or more not ending in y add more and most in front of the positive form. There are also some irregular adjectives that do not follow these rules.
ComparativeNancy BarclayEste documento proporciona información sobre los comparativos en español. Explica cómo usar los comparativos más, menos, tan...como, e incluye formas irregulares como mejor y peor. Además, presenta varios ejemplos de oraciones comparativas y preguntas para practicar los comparativos.
Comparatives Short AdjectivesprofegloriThis document discusses how to form the comparative degree for short adjectives (one or two syllables) and adjectives ending in -y when comparing two things. It states that for short adjectives, we add -er to form the comparative, and use "than" to indicate what is being compared. For adjectives ending in -y, we change the y to i before adding -er. An example is provided comparing two people's happiness.
SUPERLATIVE AND COMPARATIVE ADJECTIVESCarmen MazaThis document discusses how to form superlative adjectives in English. It explains that one-syllable adjectives form the superlative by adding -est. Two-syllable adjectives usually take the most. Some irregular adjectives have completely different superlative forms, such as good becoming best and bad becoming worst. The superlative is used to compare three or more nouns, while the comparative compares two.
Order of adjectivesleonardo_ganiThe document discusses the order of adjectives in English. There are nine types of adjectives that usually follow this order from left to right: determiner, opinion, size, age, shape, color, origin, material, purpose. Some examples are provided to show the correct order of adjectives when describing nouns like an expensive yellow Italian car, a horrible short purple minion, and two new round wooden tables. The document tests the reader with examples and provides the right answers.
Order of adjectives Prince Royce 'Live Life Smiling'This document discusses the definition and positioning of adjectives in English sentences. It defines adjectives as words that describe or clarify nouns by providing information about attributes like size, shape, color, etc. It then discusses the typical order of multiple adjectives in English, with descriptors generally occurring before the noun in the order of: quantity, quality, size, age, shape, color, origin, purpose. The document provides examples of adjective ordering and notes exceptions like placing some adjectives after the noun for emphasis. It also discusses punctuation between adjectives, like using commas between items in a list and "and" between the last two items of the same type.
Food Hidden Picture GamesRavikant SetsaenmokThis document lists various types of common foods including hamburgers, sandwiches, pizza, hot dogs, vegetables, fruits, chips, meat, fish, and pasta without providing additional context or details about each food item.
Adjectives1[1] Flashcards Power PointHasan EgeThis one-paragraph document contrasts a series of adjective pairs: strong vs weak, tall vs short, slow vs fast, heavy vs light, beautiful vs ugly, boring vs funny, and big vs small. It provides opposing descriptions to compare attributes on either side of each pair.
Adjectives1jazz40This one-paragraph document contrasts a series of adjectives in pairs, with the first word of each pair conveying the more positive or preferred trait and the second the less positive or preferred trait. It juxtaposes strong vs weak, tall vs short, slow vs fast, heavy vs light, beautiful vs ugly, boring vs funny, and big vs small.
Adjectives1Valentina SalinasThis document lists 12 pairs of adjectives that are opposites: strong/weak, tall/short, slow/fast, heavy/light, beautiful/ugly, boring/funny, and big/small. Each pair contrasts two adjectives where one adjective describes one end of a spectrum and the other adjective describes the opposite end.
Adjectives1Valentina SalinasThis document lists 12 pairs of adjectives that are opposites: strong/weak, tall/short, slow/fast, heavy/light, beautiful/ugly, boring/funny, and big/small. Each pair contrasts two adjectives where one adjective describes one end of a spectrum and the other adjective describes the opposite end.
Adjectives1Osmar Leandro Muñoz MarinThis one-paragraph document contrasts a series of adjectives in pairs, with the first word of each pair conveying the more positive or preferred trait and the second the less positive or preferred trait. It juxtaposes strong vs weak, tall vs short, slow vs fast, heavy vs light, beautiful vs ugly, boring vs funny, and big vs small.
Adjectives1brayan gomez anayaThis document lists 12 pairs of adjectives that are opposites: strong/weak, tall/short, slow/fast, heavy/light, beautiful/ugly, boring/funny, and big/small. Each pair contrasts two adjectives where one adjective describes one end of a spectrum and the other adjective describes the opposite end.
Adjectivesanamarin83This one-paragraph document contrasts a series of adjective pairs: strong vs weak, tall vs short, slow vs fast, heavy vs light, beautiful vs ugly, boring vs funny, and big vs small. It provides opposing descriptions to compare attributes on either side of each pair.
Adjectives1yilmazmanThis one paragraph document contrasts a series of adjective pairs including: strong and weak, tall and short, slow and fast, heavy and light, beautiful and ugly, boring and funny, and big and small. It provides opposing descriptions that could be used to characterize people, objects, or other concepts.
C:\Fakepath\Adjectives1zeediThis one-paragraph document contrasts a series of adjective pairs: strong vs weak, tall vs short, slow vs fast, heavy vs light, beautiful vs ugly, boring vs funny, and big vs small. It provides opposing descriptions to compare attributes on either side of each pair.
Adjectives1marcionunesThis document lists 12 pairs of adjectives that are opposites: strong/weak, tall/short, slow/fast, heavy/light, beautiful/ugly, boring/funny, and big/small. Each pair contrasts two adjectives where one adjective describes one end of a spectrum and the other adjective describes the opposite end.
AdjectivesclaribelsanThis one-paragraph document contrasts 12 pairs of adjectives: tall/short, beautiful/ugly, boring/funny, big/small, empty/full, high/low, close/far, long/short, old/new, easy/hard, dark/light, and clean/dirty. It lists these contrasting adjective pairs in two columns without any other text or context.
AdjectivesValeska FloresThis document provides examples of different types of adjectives that can describe nouns, including color, size, how something feels or looks, how something sounds, and quantity. It lists common nouns like apple, dog, ice cream, and truck and poses questions about each noun to demonstrate different adjective types such as what color is the apple, how big is the dog, what does the ice cream feel like.
Comparative and Superlative AdjectivesClaudio FernándezThe document describes rules for using comparative and superlative adjectives in English. It provides examples of how to form comparatives using "-er" and "more" and superlatives using "-est" and "most". It also demonstrates their use in comparisons between two objects using "than" and in groups using "in". Sample sentences compare the size and intelligence of characters and describe the most expensive phone.
AdjectivesEveraldo SantiagoThe document provides examples of adjectives used to describe opposites, including: beautiful vs ugly, handsome vs ugly, expensive vs cheap, intelligent vs silly, nervous vs calm, hot vs cold, good vs bad, fast vs slow, hard vs soft, happy vs sad, old vs new, old vs young, rich vs poor, fat vs thin, big vs small, tall vs short, and strong vs weak. Examples are given such as Shakira being beautiful while Gretchen is ugly, the teacher being handsome while The Mask is ugly, an iPhone being expensive while lollipops are cheap, and Einstein being intelligent while Patrick is silly.
comparative and superlative adjectiveameera akhtarThis document discusses comparatives and superlatives in English. It provides five rules for forming comparatives and superlatives from adjectives: (1) add -er or -est for single-syllable adjectives, (2) double the last consonant and add -er or -est for stressed single-syllable adjectives ending in a consonant-vowel-consonant, (3) remove the y and add -ier or -iest for adjectives ending in y, (4) add more or most for adjectives of two or more syllables, and (5) there are a few exceptions like good, bad, and far. Examples are given like "the
AdjppSue MunroeThis document discusses the rules for using comparative and superlative adjectives in English. It explains that the comparative form is used to compare two things and the superlative is used to compare three or more things. It then outlines three rules for forming the comparative and superlative of adjectives: 1) one-syllable adjectives typically add -er and -est, 2) two-syllable adjectives ending in y change the y to i and add -er and -est, and 3) adjectives of two syllables or more not ending in y add more and most in front of the positive form. There are also some irregular adjectives that do not follow these rules.
ComparativeNancy BarclayEste documento proporciona información sobre los comparativos en español. Explica cómo usar los comparativos más, menos, tan...como, e incluye formas irregulares como mejor y peor. Además, presenta varios ejemplos de oraciones comparativas y preguntas para practicar los comparativos.
Comparatives Short AdjectivesprofegloriThis document discusses how to form the comparative degree for short adjectives (one or two syllables) and adjectives ending in -y when comparing two things. It states that for short adjectives, we add -er to form the comparative, and use "than" to indicate what is being compared. For adjectives ending in -y, we change the y to i before adding -er. An example is provided comparing two people's happiness.
SUPERLATIVE AND COMPARATIVE ADJECTIVESCarmen MazaThis document discusses how to form superlative adjectives in English. It explains that one-syllable adjectives form the superlative by adding -est. Two-syllable adjectives usually take the most. Some irregular adjectives have completely different superlative forms, such as good becoming best and bad becoming worst. The superlative is used to compare three or more nouns, while the comparative compares two.
Order of adjectivesleonardo_ganiThe document discusses the order of adjectives in English. There are nine types of adjectives that usually follow this order from left to right: determiner, opinion, size, age, shape, color, origin, material, purpose. Some examples are provided to show the correct order of adjectives when describing nouns like an expensive yellow Italian car, a horrible short purple minion, and two new round wooden tables. The document tests the reader with examples and provides the right answers.
Order of adjectives Prince Royce 'Live Life Smiling'This document discusses the definition and positioning of adjectives in English sentences. It defines adjectives as words that describe or clarify nouns by providing information about attributes like size, shape, color, etc. It then discusses the typical order of multiple adjectives in English, with descriptors generally occurring before the noun in the order of: quantity, quality, size, age, shape, color, origin, purpose. The document provides examples of adjective ordering and notes exceptions like placing some adjectives after the noun for emphasis. It also discusses punctuation between adjectives, like using commas between items in a list and "and" between the last two items of the same type.
Food Hidden Picture GamesRavikant SetsaenmokThis document lists various types of common foods including hamburgers, sandwiches, pizza, hot dogs, vegetables, fruits, chips, meat, fish, and pasta without providing additional context or details about each food item.
AdjectivesasiabillThe document contains a list of adjectives organized into categories such as size, taste, temperature, age groups, emotions, difficulty, morality, states of being, proximity, speed, strength, wealth, appearance, sameness vs difference, truthfulness, and public vs private. It provides examples of how some adjectives could be used to describe things like people, smells, attractions, and public transportation. The document serves as a reference for common adjectives in the English language.
Adjectives i've got aMissSthephanieThis document discusses adjectives that describe size and age, comparing big to small objects and old to new items. It provides examples of having a big ball but a small car, as well as a new doll but an old bike.
Comparative and superlativeCynthia GarcíaHe is wearing a sport t-shirt, shorts, socks and running shoes. The document provides information about what clothing items the person is wearing through both words and pictures.
Order of adjectivesArgee AbadinesThis document provides guidelines for ordering adjectives in a series, stating that adjectives should follow the order of general description, size, age, shape, color, origin, and then noun. It also lists some example phrases that follow this ordering convention.
The Order of Adjectives: How to Construct a Sentence with Multiple Descriptiv...Inklyo.comAdorable, pudgy, fuzzy puppies will help you learn the correct order of adjectives to employ when describing a noun with multiple descriptors.
Comparative & SuperlativeKez HickmanThis document discusses comparative and superlative forms of adjectives in English. [1] Most adjectives form their comparative using "-er" and superlative using "-est", such as "fat-fatter-fattest". [2] Some adjectives use "more" and "most" instead, like "uncomfortable-more uncomfortable-most uncomfortable". [3] There are exceptions like words ending in "-y" that add "-ier" and "-iest" instead, and a few words that completely change form between comparative and superlative like "good-better-best".
AdjectivesraltafullaThis document provides an order of adjectives to describe nouns. It lists 8 categories of adjectives: 1) Opinion, 2) Size, 3) Age, 4) Shape, 5) Colour, 6) Origin, 7) Material, 8) Purpose. Within each category are examples of adjectives that modify nouns. It also provides a memory trick "O S A Sh . C O M :P P" to remember the order of adjectives and cautions using no more than three adjectives at a time to modify a noun.
Comparative and Superlative Adjectives Noelia ContrerasThis document provides information on comparatives and superlatives in English. It defines adjectives and discusses their forms and order when used together. It then explains the three types of comparatives - superiority, equality, and inferiority - and gives rules for forming regular and irregular comparative adjectives. The document also covers superlative adjectives, comparative and superlative adverbs, and includes examples to practice comparing people, objects, places and activities using comparatives and superlatives.
HISTÓRIA DE BOM JARDIM POR IMAGENS (SINOPSE).pdfAdilson P Motta MottaO livro “Radiografia de uma cidade brasileira” é fruto de uma ampla pesquisa acerca do
Município de Bom Jardim, no Estado do Maranhão. Sua abordagem vai desde o aspecto
sócio-político, econômico e cultural do município em estudo. É uma obra social, sendo uma
contribuição para a cultura e a informação do povo bonjardinense e outros que dela
precisarem; tendo como objetivo informar os órgãos educacionais, Poder Público, professores,
alunos e sociedade em geral, a história do município abordando: sua origem, demografia,
superfície (geografia), cultura, indicadores sociais, incluindo os símbolos municipais,
bandeira, brasão, hino, aspectos físico e socioeconômico, a história da educação de Bom
Jardim, situação educacional da população escolarizável atendida pelos órgãos competentes
no município, contemplando através do Plano Decenal de Educação de Bom Jardim, os
indicadores educacionais (número de matrículas, aprovação, reprovação, evasão e distorção
idade-série). Sendo de suma importância para a elaboração de projetos em âmbito municipal pelo
Poder Público e como subsídio na elaboração de Projetos Pedagógicos na área educacional.
LIVRO HISTÓRIA DE BOM JARDIM - MA AMAZON.pdfAdilson P Motta MottaO livro “Radiografia de uma cidade brasileira” é fruto de uma ampla pesquisa acerca do
Município de Bom Jardim, no Estado do Maranhão. Sua abordagem vai desde o aspecto
sócio-político, econômico e cultural do município em estudo. É uma obra social, sendo uma
contribuição para a cultura e a informação do povo bonjardinense e outros que dela
precisarem; tendo como objetivo informar os órgãos educacionais, Poder Público, professores,
alunos e sociedade em geral, a história do município abordando: sua origem, demografia,
superfície (geografia), cultura, indicadores sociais, incluindo os símbolos municipais,
bandeira, brasão, hino, aspectos físico e socioeconômico, a história da educação de Bom
Jardim, situação educacional da população escolarizável atendida pelos órgãos competentes
no município, contemplando através do Plano Decenal de Educação de Bom Jardim, os
indicadores educacionais (número de matrículas, aprovação, reprovação, evasão e distorção
CRITÉRIOS DE AVALIAÇÃO - PROJETO POEMAAdilson P Motta MottaEste documento fornece critérios para avaliar um poema em três áreas principais: 1) adequação ao gênero poético, referindo-se a aspectos contextuais e providenciando elementos para identificar sensações e ideias; 2) adequação linguística, utilizando recursos poéticos como versos, rimas e figuras de linguagem; 3) expressão de um olhar pessoal capaz de sensibilizar ou fazer pensar diferentes leitores.
A LEITURA E O PROCESSO DE AQUISIÇÃO DE VOCABULÁRIO DE LÍNGUA INGLESA POR MEIO...Adilson P Motta MottaEste documento discute o uso da música no ensino de vocabulário em inglês. Ele apresenta pesquisas teóricas sobre estratégias de aquisição de vocabulário e a importância de desenvolver aulas interativas. Também aborda como a música pode tornar as aulas mais interessantes e envolver os alunos no aprendizado.
As várias faces do ópio do Povo.pdfAdilson P Motta MottaO documento discute a visão de Marx de que a religião é o "ópio do povo", servindo como um analgésico que torna a exploração e o sofrimento dos trabalhadores mais toleráveis. Também apresenta outras variáveis que alienam o povo, como política populista, analfabetismo e falta de consciência da realidade social. Por fim, reconhece que diferentes perspectivas filosóficas podem ver a religião de formas contrastantes.
pdf MONTANDO UMA REDACAO - PASSO A PASSO.pdfAdilson P Motta MottaMontando uma Redação Dissertativo-Argumentativa. Estratégias excelentes para quem vai fazer redação do ENEM.
Projeto Escolar - História de Bom Jardim-MA.pdfAdilson P Motta MottaEste projeto interdisciplinar tem como objetivo estudar a história e cultura da cidade de Bom Jardim, MA por meio de pesquisas e apresentações de alunos sobre temas como a fundação da cidade, costumes locais, personalidades políticas e aspectos geográficos. As atividades serão desenvolvidas em diversas disciplinas e apresentadas na comemoração do aniversário da cidade.
LEI ORGÂNICA DE BOM JARDIM-MA 2020.pdfAdilson P Motta Motta1) O documento apresenta o anteprojeto da Lei Orgânica Municipal de Bom Jardim, Maranhão, contendo informações sobre a criação do município, seus limites territoriais e hino.
2) Inclui uma mensagem do presidente da Câmara Municipal sobre a importância de atualizar a Lei Orgânica vigente para adequá-la às novas leis e realidade do município.
3) Apresenta o sumário dos títulos e capítulos que comporão a nova Lei Orgânica Municipal de Bom J
DESAFIOS DAS ESCOLA MULTISSERIADAS EM BOM JARDIM-MA..pdfAdilson P Motta MottaEste documento aborda sobre as escolas multisseriadas a nível de Brasil, nordeste, Bom Jardim-MA e Brasil.
INTERPRETAÇÃO TEXTUAL INGLÊS SÓ ENEMAdilson P Motta MottaO texto discute a importância da organização Khan Academy em fornecer educação gratuita e de qualidade para qualquer pessoa em qualquer lugar através de recursos on-line. O segundo texto critica a visão de que a Khan Academy estaria "revolucionando a educação", argumentando que educadores progressistas querem fazer coisas melhores, não apenas fazer as coisas melhores.
LEI ORGANICA DE BOM JARDIM-MA. 2022 - ATUALIZADA.pdfAdilson P Motta Motta1. O documento apresenta a Lei Orgânica do Município de Bom Jardim no estado do Maranhão, com informações sobre sua criação, limites territoriais, hino municipal e composição dos poderes municipais.
2. Inclui a mensagem do presidente da Câmara Municipal justificando a necessidade de atualização da Lei Orgânica e o preâmbulo estabelecendo os princípios que nortearão a nova lei.
3. Apresenta sumário dos títulos e capítulos que compõem a Lei Orgân
VALE -PRIVATIZAÇÃO A SAÍDA OU O FUNDO DO POÇO.pptxAdilson P Motta MottaEste livro aborda a história da Companhia Vale do Rio Doce, desde sua criação como empresa estatal até sua privatização em 1997, analisando os impactos econômicos e sociais destas mudanças. Discute o potencial das riquezas minerais brasileiras e como a privatização levou a um esvaziamento do patrimônio nacional. Questiona se a privatização foi realmente benéfica para o Brasil ou representou um "crime de lesa-pátria".
01- LINGUAGEM INDÍGENA 5 PRIMEIRAS PÁGINAS.pdfAdilson P Motta MottaDe acordo com a história contada pelos índios Aruá de Rondônia, no início havia dois irmãos, Paricot e Andarob. Paricot criou o mundo e as primeiras pessoas, ensinando a língua Aruá. Andarob começou a ensinar outras línguas, originando a diversidade linguística entre os povos indígenas.
DICIONÁRIO TUPI - PORTUGUES.pdfAdilson P Motta MottaO documento fornece uma lista de palavras da língua Tupi com seus significados correspondentes. As palavras descrevem conceitos como nomes de pessoas, animais, plantas, objetos, lugares, ações e qualidades. Muitas palavras ainda são usadas na língua portuguesa do Brasil.
A gramática do texto.pptAdilson P Motta MottaO documento discute a integração entre gramática e texto no ensino de língua portuguesa. Defende-se uma gramática construída a partir da interação com os textos, em substituição ao método tradicional de teoria-exemplo-exercício. Propõe-se que os alunos produzam e interpretem gêneros textuais para ampliar sua competência linguístico-discursiva de forma significativa.
A importância de falar inglês.pptAdilson P Motta Motta 1. O texto trata sobre o vício em chocolate e se a pessoa pode ser considerada uma "chocólatra".
2. Minha hipótese de que o chocolate pode fazer mal à saúde se consumido em excesso foi confirmada.
3. As drogas presentes no chocolate são a cafeína, um estimulante leve e outra substância que causa o cérebro a produzir hormônios que fazem a pessoa sentir-se feliz.
4. Eu não me considero uma "chocólatra", mas gosto de chocolate ocasionalmente.
5. O texto alerta que o consumo
Breve Resumo - Novo Ensino MédioAdilson P Motta MottaNeste texto, construído na forma de mapa mental, resumidamente é delineado sobre o Novo Ensino Médio, suas mudanças e perspectivas. Um novo olhar à educação brasileira.
APM People Interest Network Conference - Tim Lyons - The neurological levels ...Association for Project Management APM People Interest Network Conference 2025
-Autonomy, Teams and Tension: Projects under stress
-Tim Lyons
-The neurological levels of
team-working: Harmony and tensions
With a background in projects spanning more than 40 years, Tim Lyons specialised in the delivery of large, complex, multi-disciplinary programmes for clients including Crossrail, Network Rail, ExxonMobil, Siemens and in patent development. His first career was in broadcasting, where he designed and built commercial radio station studios in Manchester, Cardiff and Bristol, also working as a presenter and programme producer. Tim now writes and presents extensively on matters relating to the human and neurological aspects of projects, including communication, ethics and coaching. He holds a Master’s degree in NLP, is an NLP Master Practitioner and International Coach. He is the Deputy Lead for APM’s People Interest Network.
Session | The Neurological Levels of Team-working: Harmony and Tensions
Understanding how teams really work at conscious and unconscious levels is critical to a harmonious workplace. This session uncovers what those levels are, how to use them to detect and avoid tensions and how to smooth the management of change by checking you have considered all of them.
Digital Tools with AI for e-Content Development.pptxDr. Sarita AnandThis ppt is useful for not only for B.Ed., M.Ed., M.A. (Education) or any other PG level students or Ph.D. scholars but also for the school, college and university teachers who are interested to prepare an e-content with AI for their students and others.
QuickBooks Desktop to QuickBooks Online How to Make the MoveTechSoup If you use QuickBooks Desktop and are stressing about moving to QuickBooks Online, in this webinar, get your questions answered and learn tips and tricks to make the process easier for you.
Key Questions:
* When is the best time to make the shift to QuickBooks Online?
* Will my current version of QuickBooks Desktop stop working?
* I have a really old version of QuickBooks. What should I do?
* I run my payroll in QuickBooks Desktop now. How is that affected?
*Does it bring over all my historical data? Are there things that don't come over?
* What are the main differences between QuickBooks Desktop and QuickBooks Online?
* And more
Kaun TALHA quiz Prelims - El Dorado 2025Conquiztadors- the Quiz Society of Sri Venkateswara CollegePrelims of Kaun TALHA : a Travel, Architecture, Lifestyle, Heritage and Activism quiz, organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
Information Technology for class X CBSE skill SubjectVEENAKSHI PATHAKThese questions are based on cbse booklet for 10th class information technology subject code 402. these questions are sufficient for exam for first lesion. This subject give benefit to students and good marks. if any student weak in one main subject it can replace with these marks.
The Constitution, Government and Law making bodies .saanidhyapatel09This PowerPoint presentation provides an insightful overview of the Constitution, covering its key principles, features, and significance. It explains the fundamental rights, duties, structure of government, and the importance of constitutional law in governance. Ideal for students, educators, and anyone interested in understanding the foundation of a nation’s legal framework.
How to Setup WhatsApp in Odoo 17 - Odoo ݺߣsCeline GeorgeIntegrate WhatsApp into Odoo using the WhatsApp Business API or third-party modules to enhance communication. This integration enables automated messaging and customer interaction management within Odoo 17.
How to attach file using upload button Odoo 18Celine GeorgeIn this slide, we’ll discuss on how to attach file using upload button Odoo 18. Odoo features a dedicated model, 'ir.attachments,' designed for storing attachments submitted by end users. We can see the process of utilizing the 'ir.attachments' model to enable file uploads through web forms in this slide.
POWERPOINT-PRESENTATION_DM-NO.017-S.2025.pptxMarilenQuintoSimbulaRubric level Summary for Teacher 1 to 3, Proficient Teacher. Guide in assessing MOV presented.
Mate, a short story by Kate Grenvile.pptxLiny JeniferA powerpoint presentation on the short story Mate by Kate Greenville. This presentation provides information on Kate Greenville, a character list, plot summary and critical analysis of the short story.
Blind spots in AI and Formulation Science, IFPAC 2025.pdfAjaz HussainThe intersection of AI and pharmaceutical formulation science highlights significant blind spots—systemic gaps in pharmaceutical development, regulatory oversight, quality assurance, and the ethical use of AI—that could jeopardize patient safety and undermine public trust. To move forward effectively, we must address these normalized blind spots, which may arise from outdated assumptions, errors, gaps in previous knowledge, and biases in language or regulatory inertia. This is essential to ensure that AI and formulation science are developed as tools for patient-centered and ethical healthcare.