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AdMore Introduction
quality + customer focus + integrity + partnership + passion +
                                                        passion +
long term relationships + brand ambassadors + we listen + we
                                                   we listen + we                                             1

are flexible + emotional intelligence + quality +customer focus
                                                  customer focus
+ integrity + partnership + passion + long term relationships +
                                       long term relationships +
brand ambassadors + we listen + we are flexible + emotional
intelligence quality + customer focus + integrity + partnership
+ passion + long term relationships + brand ambassadors +
                                          brand ambassadors +
we listen + we are flexible + emotional intelligence quality
                                   emotional intelligence quality
+ customer focus + integrity + partnership + passion + long + long        Executive retail, hospitality,
                                                                          Since our inception, our clients
term relationships + brand ambassadors + we listen + we are we are    leisure and consumer recruitment to
                                                                       have driven AdMore recruitment
flexible + emotional intelligence quality + customer focus +
                                               customer focus +       the forefront of the retail executive
integrity + partnership + passion + long term relationships +
                                      long term relationships +               recruitment market.
brand ambassadors + we listen + we are flexible + emotional
intelligence quality + customer focus + integrity + partnership
+ passion + long term relationships + brand ambassadors +
                                          brand ambassadors +
we listen + we are flexible + emotional intelligence quality +
                                 emotional intelligence quality +
customer focus + integrity + partnership + passion + long term
                                                        long term
relationships + brand ambassadors + we listen +we are ?exible
                                                   we are flexible
+ emotional intelligence quality + customer focus + integrity
Why Us

                                                                   We go the

Our expertise, our network, our long term focus in all
                                                                      extra mile...
commercial activities, our fundamental belief that relationships
matter underpinned by our effective process management.
This is what we do:                                                                                            5

                                   We provide a range of services across
                                       Selection, Executive Search and Talent Management
We go to great lengths to          ?40k - ?150k salary range across
                                       Manager, Director, Commercial and Support Functions
   understand your culture.
                         e.   We specialise in:
                              ?   Operations                          ?   Buying + Merchandising              ? Marketing
                              ?   Franchise                           ?   Supply Chain + Procurement          ? E Commerce
                              ?   Human Resources                     ?   Sales + Business Development        ? Technology
                              ?   Property                            ?   Finance

                              Our Sectors
                              ? DIY, Furniture + Home                 ? Food Retail + Convenience             ? Pubs
                              ? Electrical + Telecoms                 ? General Merchandise Retail            ? Food Service + Restaurants
                              ? Optical, Pharmacy + Healthcare        ? Fashion + Department Stores           ? Coffee / Go
                              ? Retail Banking + Financial Services   ? Railway, Airport + Shopping Centres   ? Leisure
                              ? Welfare 2 Work and Skills             ? Consultancy                           ? Consumer Services

    Are you 100% happy with        because...
                    your existing supplier?
Do they do the following?... Everytime?

 Candidate Generation                        Candidate Registration                   Candidate Interview                      The Opportunity Sell
 ? Headhunting                               ? Culture Assessment                     ? Personality Screen / Assessment        ? Tailored Research Prior to CV Submission
 ? Mapping / Social Media                    ? Full Pre Screen                        ? Motivation / Career Aspirations        ? Realistic Expectations / Culture Sell
 ? Networking / Referrals                    ? Line Manager Reference                 ? Culture Pre Screen ¨C Tailored          ? Full Brief: Company Role Person Process

 Notice Period / Induction                   Offer / Reject Management                Feedback                                 Interview
 ? Full On Boarding Support and Monitoring   ? Precise Expectation Management         ? Pre, Post, Pending Salary Management   ? Research and Store Visits
 ? Constant Communication and Updates        ? Client Brand Protected                 ? Tailored Management Information        ? Real Time Candidate Tracking
 ? 7 / 28 / 45 / 90 Day ¡®Happiness¡¯ Survey   ? Complete Offer Managed and Delivered   ? Weekly Progress Tracker                ? Critical Constant Communication

    Don¡¯t know us yet
                                                                                                                       ¡°Dedicated, passionate, driven,   ¡°I have known AdMore for a number of years, and we use them as our
                                                                                                                       tenacious and very good at        exclusive agency for retail operations roles. They never fail to deliver, are
                                                                                                                       understanding the brief. They     open and honest, have a great understanding of the market, and create a
                                                                                                                       question where necessary and      great impression of our brand to all candidates, including those that are
                                                                                                                       challenge our perceptions.        not successful. We are proud to have them partner us and be our brand
                                                                                                                       I can¡¯t recommend AdMore          ambassador in the market.¡±
                                                                                                                       enough, and they are always       JM 1006 ¨C Furniture
                                                                                                                       the ?rst ones I call¡±
These people didn¡¯t know us either at first. These are their thoughts now...                                           MW 10476 - Supermarkets           ¡°You can always tell an AdMore candidate. They are the better briefed,
                                                                                                                                                         better prepped, better quality candidate that already has a very good
                                                                                                                       ¡°No recruitment jargon, no        understanding of our business, culture and the role. Head and shoulders
                                                                                                                       messing about and no let          above the competition.¡±
  ¡°They have delivered on a number     ¡°I have known the AdMore team for a number of years. They have recently         downs. They do what they say,     TD 11266 ¨C DIY
  of briefs for us over the past 2     handled one of the toughest con?dential briefs I have ever given with total     and more...¡±
  years, and every time the quality    control and conviction; delivering our ideal candidate through a very well      AJ 10212 - Telecommunications
  of the candidates has exceeded       run process. I have nothing but admiration for how they deliver the solution
  our expectations and surpassed       in an ef?cient, timely, and passionate manner. I consider them to be a true
  the quality of our internals. They   partner and great ambassadors for our brand.¡±
  really took the time and made the    SP 10216 ¨C Hospitality
  effort to immerse themselves in
  our culture, and in doing so they    ¡°They keep things simple. There is no pretence, none of the normal
  have delivered superb candidates.    recruitment nonsense of over promising and under delivering. Quality
  Highly recommended.¡±                 over quantity every time with these guys, and they go the extra mile in

                                                                                                                      We do what
  IF 10013                             terms of managing the process and the candidates¡±
  Retail Services                      KM 10687 ¨C Furniture

                                                                                                                      we say...

We keep things simple.
                         Here is why so many retail, hospitality, leisure and
                         consumer companies trust AdMore with
                         their recruitment...
                         ? We are experts in senior level resourcing having recruited in the retail, hospitality, leisure and consumer sectors for
                           a combined 45 years. .
                           We are ?exible and highly responsive to your needs and timescales.
                         ? Our tenure in retail, hospitality and leisure recruitment has allowed us to develop extensive networks at all levels.

                         Long Term Focus:
                         ? We are open, honest, ethical and reliable; distancing us from the short term mentality that so often devalues
                           the industry we are so passionate about.

                         Relationships Matter:
                         ? Trusted relationships are crucial in allowing our consultants to add more value. Understanding the real culture
                           of your business allows us to identify and attract the right individuals.

                         Process Management:
                         ? We are managing people through processes that are life changing for them, having a huge impact on them
                           emotionally. For our clients, delivering above and beyond their expectations, has a signi?cant impact on their
                           business by getting critical appointments matched and ?lled effectively.
quality + customer focus + integrity + partnership + passion +
                                                                                                             long term relationships + brand ambassadors + we listen + we
                                                                                                             long term relationships
                                                                                                             are ?exible + emotional intelligence + quality + customer focus
                                                                                                             are flexible
How effective are we?                                                                                        + integrity + partnership + passion + long term relationships +
Contact us and find out...                                                                                   brand ambassadors + we listen + we are flexible + emotional
                                                                                                             brand ambassadors
                                                                                                             intelligence quality + customer focus + integrity + partnership
                                                                                                             intelligence quality
                           Russell Adams                                        Giles Gallimore
                                                                                Giles Gallimore
                                                                                Founder                      + passion + long term relationships + brand ambassadors +
                           15 years direct                                      9 years recruiting for
                                                                                8 years recruiting for       we listen + we are flexible + emotional intelligence quality
                                                                                                             we listen
                           retail recruitment
                           experience. Executive
                                                                                hospitality and retail
                                                                                hospitality and retail
                                                                                clients. Prior, 10 years
                                                                                clients. Prior, 10 years     + customer focus + integrity + partnership + passion + long
                                                                                                                customer focus
                           headhunt, senior level
                           search and campaign
                                                                                client side in hospitality
                                                                                client side in hospitality
                                                                                and retail operations
                                                                                and retail operations
                                                                                                             term relationships + brand ambassadors + we listen + we are
                                                                                                             term relationships
                           management.                                          management.
                                                                                management.                  ?exible + emotional intelligence quality + customer focus +
                                                                                                             integrity + partnership + passion + long term relationships +
                                                                                                             brand ambassadors + we listen + we are flexible + emotional
                                                                                                             brand ambassadors
Mobile: 07900 04 06 06
Email: russell.adams@admore-recruitment.co.uk
                                                    Mobile: 07900 04 06 07
                                                    Mobile: 07900040607
                                                    Email: giles.gallimore@admore-recruitment.co.uk
                                                    Email: giles.gallimore@admore-recruitment.co.uk
                                                                                                             intelligence quality + customer focus + integrity + partnership
                                                                                                             intelligence quality
LinkedIn: http://uk/linkedin.com/in/russelladams1   LinkedIn: http://uk.linkedin.com/in/gilesgallimore
                                                    LinkedIn: http://uk.linkedin.com/in/gilesgallimore       + passion + long term relationships + brand ambassadors +
                                                                                                             we listen + we are flexible + emotional intelligence quality +
                                                                                                             we listen
Telephone: +44 (0) 845 683 8687 Email: info@admore-recruitment.co.uk www.admore-recruitment.co.uk
                                                                                                             customer focus + integrity + partnership + passion + long term
Telephone: +44 (0) 8456 838687 Email: info@admore-recruitment.co.uk www.admore-recruitment.co.uk
                                                                                                             customer focus
                                                                                                             relationships + brand ambassadors + we listen + we are flexible
                                                                                                             + emotional intelligence quality + customer focus + integrity
                                                                                                                emotional intelligence quality
Corporate Social Responsibility
   Integrity underpins AdMore recruitment¡¯s key values, and we fully appreciate that our relationship with the
 external community extends above and beyond our client base. We believe that acting with integrity involves a
responsibility not only to our employees and clients, but also to the wider communities and environments within
which we operate. This is a genuine belief in how we can positively impact on the wider environment. This is not
     just about doing the right thing, but about taking a more proactive stance to our role in the wider world.

In striving to meet our responsibilities, our Corporate Social Responsibility activities are directed into two
                             key areas; the environment and our community.

  Should you ?nd that you no longer need this book, please recycle it.

                       Telephone: +44 (0) 845 683 8687 Email: info@admore-recruitment.co.uk
  AdMore Recruitment   +   3000 Hillswood Drive       + Hillswood Business Park             +    Chertsey + Surrey + KT16 0RS

                              AdMore Recruitment Limited. Registered in England and Wales (No 7063746)

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AdMore Introduction

  • 2. quality + customer focus + integrity + partnership + passion + passion + long term relationships + brand ambassadors + we listen + we we listen + we 1 are flexible + emotional intelligence + quality +customer focus customer focus + integrity + partnership + passion + long term relationships + long term relationships + brand ambassadors + we listen + we are flexible + emotional emotional intelligence quality + customer focus + integrity + partnership partnership + passion + long term relationships + brand ambassadors + brand ambassadors + we listen + we are flexible + emotional intelligence quality emotional intelligence quality + customer focus + integrity + partnership + passion + long + long Executive retail, hospitality, Since our inception, our clients term relationships + brand ambassadors + we listen + we are we are leisure and consumer recruitment to have driven AdMore recruitment flexible + emotional intelligence quality + customer focus + customer focus + the forefront of the retail executive integrity + partnership + passion + long term relationships + long term relationships + recruitment market. brand ambassadors + we listen + we are flexible + emotional emotional intelligence quality + customer focus + integrity + partnership partnership + passion + long term relationships + brand ambassadors + brand ambassadors + we listen + we are flexible + emotional intelligence quality + emotional intelligence quality + customer focus + integrity + partnership + passion + long term long term relationships + brand ambassadors + we listen +we are ?exible we are flexible + emotional intelligence quality + customer focus + integrity integrity
  • 3. Why Us 3 We go the Our expertise, our network, our long term focus in all extra mile... commercial activities, our fundamental belief that relationships matter underpinned by our effective process management.
  • 4. This is what we do: 5 We provide a range of services across Selection, Executive Search and Talent Management We go to great lengths to ?40k - ?150k salary range across Manager, Director, Commercial and Support Functions understand your culture. e. We specialise in: ? Operations ? Buying + Merchandising ? Marketing ? Franchise ? Supply Chain + Procurement ? E Commerce ? Human Resources ? Sales + Business Development ? Technology ? Property ? Finance Our Sectors ? DIY, Furniture + Home ? Food Retail + Convenience ? Pubs ? Electrical + Telecoms ? General Merchandise Retail ? Food Service + Restaurants ? Optical, Pharmacy + Healthcare ? Fashion + Department Stores ? Coffee / Go ? Retail Banking + Financial Services ? Railway, Airport + Shopping Centres ? Leisure r ? Welfare 2 Work and Skills ? Consultancy ? Consumer Services
  • 5. 7 Are you 100% happy with because... your existing supplier? Do they do the following?... Everytime? Candidate Generation Candidate Registration Candidate Interview The Opportunity Sell ? Headhunting ? Culture Assessment ? Personality Screen / Assessment ? Tailored Research Prior to CV Submission ? Mapping / Social Media ? Full Pre Screen ? Motivation / Career Aspirations ? Realistic Expectations / Culture Sell ? Networking / Referrals ? Line Manager Reference ? Culture Pre Screen ¨C Tailored ? Full Brief: Company Role Person Process Notice Period / Induction Offer / Reject Management Feedback Interview ? Full On Boarding Support and Monitoring ? Precise Expectation Management ? Pre, Post, Pending Salary Management ? Research and Store Visits ? Constant Communication and Updates ? Client Brand Protected ? Tailored Management Information ? Real Time Candidate Tracking ? 7 / 28 / 45 / 90 Day ¡®Happiness¡¯ Survey ? Complete Offer Managed and Delivered ? Weekly Progress Tracker ? Critical Constant Communication
  • 6. 9 Don¡¯t know us yet ¡°Dedicated, passionate, driven, ¡°I have known AdMore for a number of years, and we use them as our tenacious and very good at exclusive agency for retail operations roles. They never fail to deliver, are understanding the brief. They open and honest, have a great understanding of the market, and create a question where necessary and great impression of our brand to all candidates, including those that are challenge our perceptions. not successful. We are proud to have them partner us and be our brand I can¡¯t recommend AdMore ambassador in the market.¡± enough, and they are always JM 1006 ¨C Furniture the ?rst ones I call¡± These people didn¡¯t know us either at first. These are their thoughts now... MW 10476 - Supermarkets ¡°You can always tell an AdMore candidate. They are the better briefed, better prepped, better quality candidate that already has a very good ¡°No recruitment jargon, no understanding of our business, culture and the role. Head and shoulders messing about and no let above the competition.¡± ¡°They have delivered on a number ¡°I have known the AdMore team for a number of years. They have recently downs. They do what they say, TD 11266 ¨C DIY of briefs for us over the past 2 handled one of the toughest con?dential briefs I have ever given with total and more...¡± years, and every time the quality control and conviction; delivering our ideal candidate through a very well AJ 10212 - Telecommunications of the candidates has exceeded run process. I have nothing but admiration for how they deliver the solution our expectations and surpassed in an ef?cient, timely, and passionate manner. I consider them to be a true the quality of our internals. They partner and great ambassadors for our brand.¡± really took the time and made the SP 10216 ¨C Hospitality effort to immerse themselves in our culture, and in doing so they ¡°They keep things simple. There is no pretence, none of the normal have delivered superb candidates. recruitment nonsense of over promising and under delivering. Quality Highly recommended.¡± over quantity every time with these guys, and they go the extra mile in We do what IF 10013 terms of managing the process and the candidates¡± Retail Services KM 10687 ¨C Furniture we say...
  • 7. 11 We keep things simple. Here is why so many retail, hospitality, leisure and consumer companies trust AdMore with their recruitment... Expertise: ? We are experts in senior level resourcing having recruited in the retail, hospitality, leisure and consumer sectors for a combined 45 years. . We are ?exible and highly responsive to your needs and timescales. Networks: ? Our tenure in retail, hospitality and leisure recruitment has allowed us to develop extensive networks at all levels. Long Term Focus: ? We are open, honest, ethical and reliable; distancing us from the short term mentality that so often devalues the industry we are so passionate about. Relationships Matter: ? Trusted relationships are crucial in allowing our consultants to add more value. Understanding the real culture of your business allows us to identify and attract the right individuals. Process Management: ? We are managing people through processes that are life changing for them, having a huge impact on them emotionally. For our clients, delivering above and beyond their expectations, has a signi?cant impact on their business by getting critical appointments matched and ?lled effectively.
  • 8. quality + customer focus + integrity + partnership + passion + quality long term relationships + brand ambassadors + we listen + we long term relationships are ?exible + emotional intelligence + quality + customer focus are flexible How effective are we? + integrity + partnership + passion + long term relationships + integrity Contact us and find out... brand ambassadors + we listen + we are flexible + emotional brand ambassadors intelligence quality + customer focus + integrity + partnership intelligence quality Russell Adams Giles Gallimore Founder Giles Gallimore Founder Founder + passion + long term relationships + brand ambassadors + passion 15 years direct 9 years recruiting for 8 years recruiting for we listen + we are flexible + emotional intelligence quality we listen retail recruitment experience. Executive hospitality and retail hospitality and retail clients. Prior, 10 years clients. Prior, 10 years + customer focus + integrity + partnership + passion + long customer focus headhunt, senior level search and campaign client side in hospitality client side in hospitality and retail operations and retail operations term relationships + brand ambassadors + we listen + we are term relationships management. management. management. ?exible + emotional intelligence quality + customer focus + flexible integrity + partnership + passion + long term relationships + integrity brand ambassadors + we listen + we are flexible + emotional brand ambassadors Mobile: 07900 04 06 06 Email: russell.adams@admore-recruitment.co.uk Mobile: 07900 04 06 07 Mobile: 07900040607 Email: giles.gallimore@admore-recruitment.co.uk Email: giles.gallimore@admore-recruitment.co.uk intelligence quality + customer focus + integrity + partnership intelligence quality LinkedIn: http://uk/linkedin.com/in/russelladams1 LinkedIn: http://uk.linkedin.com/in/gilesgallimore LinkedIn: http://uk.linkedin.com/in/gilesgallimore + passion + long term relationships + brand ambassadors + passion we listen + we are flexible + emotional intelligence quality + we listen Telephone: +44 (0) 845 683 8687 Email: info@admore-recruitment.co.uk www.admore-recruitment.co.uk customer focus + integrity + partnership + passion + long term Telephone: +44 (0) 8456 838687 Email: info@admore-recruitment.co.uk www.admore-recruitment.co.uk customer focus relationships + brand ambassadors + we listen + we are flexible relationships + emotional intelligence quality + customer focus + integrity emotional intelligence quality
  • 9. Corporate Social Responsibility Integrity underpins AdMore recruitment¡¯s key values, and we fully appreciate that our relationship with the external community extends above and beyond our client base. We believe that acting with integrity involves a responsibility not only to our employees and clients, but also to the wider communities and environments within which we operate. This is a genuine belief in how we can positively impact on the wider environment. This is not just about doing the right thing, but about taking a more proactive stance to our role in the wider world. In striving to meet our responsibilities, our Corporate Social Responsibility activities are directed into two key areas; the environment and our community. Should you ?nd that you no longer need this book, please recycle it. Telephone: +44 (0) 845 683 8687 Email: info@admore-recruitment.co.uk www.admore-recruitment.co.uk AdMore Recruitment + 3000 Hillswood Drive + Hillswood Business Park + Chertsey + Surrey + KT16 0RS AdMore Recruitment Limited. Registered in England and Wales (No 7063746)