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Unit no. 6
Advance Management
Mr. Kiran R. Patil
Assistant Professor,
Department of Civil Engineering,
D. Y. Patil College of Engineering & Technology, Kolhapur
 Site Layout:
 A site layout is a scaled drawing of the propose construction site showing all relevant
features such as,
 Entry point
 Exit point
 Storage are of materials-bricks-cement-sand-aggregate
 Temporary services-washing and toilet
 Contractor site office
 Area of keeping equipment such as mixer
 Bar bending area o Labor housing
 A site layout is prepared to promise that work proceeds smoothly without any obstruction.
 The various construction resources such as material, men, machinery etc. should be
arranged in such way to achieve optimal utilization of space. The larger and more complex
the project, greater will be the need for planned job layout and detailing at site.
 Job layout can be defined as a site drawing of the proposed construction showing the
location of entry, exit, temporary services, material stores and stocks, plant or equipment
and site offices.
 The larger and more complex the project, greater will be the need for planned job layout
and detailing at site.
 Purpose of preparing site layout
 To save time in delivering construction material at the side of construction
 To safeguard construction material from damage and deterioration
 To keep the lead of cartage minimum, so that cartage expenses may be minimum
 To adopt the best mode of working
 To complete the work with the minimum use of equipment and machinery
 To take maximum output from labor and machinery
 To provide safety to workers and passer-by etc.
 To avoid damage due to construction activities to the nearby properties
 To common use materials as fine and coarse aggregate should be stored to near to each
 To store construction materials as near the place of the utilization as possible
 Advantage of a good site layout
 Smooth and economical working of the project.
 Reduces the completion time of the project.
 Provide more safety in the working of the project.
 Material wastage and deterioration are reduced.
 Material transactions becomes easy, speedy and economical.
 Increase the output of labour and machinery.
 Factor affection Site layout:
 Nature of the project:
This will play a great roll in the preparation of the job layout. If it is a multi-storied building
Project, then it will require a centrally located lay out scheme. On the other hand, if for
Example, it is a highway construction project, then it will require a number of construction
Centrist suitable locations.
 Construction method:
The construction can be either cast-in situ or by precast elements. if it is to be of precast
Elements, the provision for a casting yard suit be included in the job layout.
 Availability of resources:
In executing a project, various types of resources such as neighbor, plant and equipment,
materials, etc. are required.
If the labor is from the outside the area, then layout will have to take in to account the food,
temporary housing, washing and either facility required by them.
They should be well protected from damage due to atmospheric and whether effects Pilferage
of material should not occur.
 Medical facility:
If it is a big and complex type of project, then it is desirable that a field medical facility is
 Contractors/site engineers offices:
There should be located preferably in a noise free are for batter co-ordination
 Provision for temporary roads:
These are necessary to transport the necessary plant, machinery and material required for the
project and also to provide the access to the construction site form the existing nearby roads
 Other facilitys:
Necessary provision of service such as supply of power, telephone connection and also
repaired and maintenance yards should be made.
 Principal used for preparation of job layout
1. Administrative block-
The administration block should be located near the main Entrance of the project site, so that
the visitor do not require to move long in construction area. In the reduction chance of
accidents to the visitors
2. Material storage-
Store should be preferably located near the administration block so that incoming material
can be easily stored and outgoing material can be watch properly
3. Entry and exits
For easy flow of traffic entry and exit should be at different locations
4. Location of workshop-
workshop for welding, fitting electrication carpenter and mechanical etc. Should be located
near the site of work and easy Roads
5. Service-
Services like temporary telephone line ,water supply line should be properly planned in site
layout .
6. Temporary roads-
Temporary Roads should be planned in site layout for easy handling of materials and
7. Labor accommodation-
In the site layout labor quarters should be located away from the actual work site at silent
place all the labor should be located at one place so that service can be made available easily.
Site Layout for Building
Site Layout for Building
Site Layout for Bridge
 Importance of Safety
 Construction accounts for most of the injuries. The rate of disabling accidents in
construction industry is roughly twice the rate of other industries and the death rate is
roughly three times that of other industries. The construction industry is employing the
largest labour force in the country. About 73 % of the total workforce is unskilled and
uneducated. They have to work under tough outdoor climatic conditions.
 Human life is precious and it should be the duty of all stakeholders to make the
construction site a safe place to work.
 The reasons for considering safety are,
 Human aspect
 When the accident happens, the resulting suffering of the injured workers and their
families is difficult to quantify in economic terms.
 Economic aspect
 The direct costs of accidents are medical care expenses for injured, workmens
compensation costs, increased insurance premiums, replacement cost of damaged
equipment, fees of lawyers, etc.
 The indirect costs of accidents are slowdown in operation, productivity time lost by
injured worker and fellow workers, extra administrative work, etc.
 Legal aspect
 As per different acts and laws, the employer should look after the safety of the employee.
Violation of these laws will be subject to punishment.
 Organizational Image aspect
 A good safety record produces higher morale and productivity and stronger employee
loyalty. It also improves the companys public image.
 Causes of Accidents
 An accident is an unplanned, undesired, unexpected and uncontrolled event resulting in
the loss of production, injury to the person, and damage equipment, in the course of
 The causes of accidents are,
 Lack of planning and organization
 Defects in technical planning
 Fixing unsuitable time-limits and targets too difficult to achieve
 Assignment of work to incompetent contractors or persons.
 Lack of coordination between different departments.
 Inadequate preparation for work
 Inadequate instructions regarding the work
 Employment of unskilled or untrained workers
 Inadequate supervision of work
 Use of improper building material.
 Unsafe material handling and storage.
 Fall from heights.
 Electric shocks
 Struck by falling objects
 Caving in of sides of excavated deep trenches.
 Unsafe scaffolding and ladders.
 Absence of railing projections at upper floors.
 Unsuitable equipment.
 Defects in equipment.
 Lack of safety devices and measures.
 Improper operations of lifts and cranes.
 Unskilled or untrained operators.
 Lack of effective communication.
 Lack of security at the work site.
 Lack of safety training.
 Workers carelessness
 Unauthorized irresponsible acts by workers.
 Consumption of drugs or alcohol, Not using protective wears., Improper clothing
,Inadequate ventilation and illumination, Unshored trenches
 Various Safety Equipment used on site
1. Eye and Face Protection
 Safety glasses or face shields are worn any time work operations can cause foreign objects
to get in the eye. For example, during welding, cutting, grinding, nailing (or when working
with concrete and/or harmful chemicals or when exposed to flying particles). Wear when
exposed to any electrical hazards, including working on energized electrical systems.
 Eye and face protectors  select based on anticipated hazards.
2. Foot Protection
 Construction workers should wear work shoes or boots with slip-resistant and puncture-
resistant soles.
 Safety-toed footwear is worn to prevent crushed toes when working around heavy
equipment or falling objects.
3. Hand Protection
 Gloves should fit tightly.
 Workers should wear the right gloves for the job (examples: heavy-duty rubber gloves for
concrete work; welding gloves for welding; insulated gloves and sleeves when exposed to
electrical hazards).
4. Head Protection
 Wear hard hats where there is a potential for objects falling from above, bumps to the head
from fixed objects, or of accidental head contact with electrical hazards.
 Hard hats  routinely inspect them for dents, cracks or deterioration; replace after a heavy
blow or electrical shock; maintain in good condition.
5. Hearing Protection
 Use earplugs/earmuffs in high noise work areas where chainsaws or heavy equipment are
used; clean or replace earplugs regularly.
 Work Study:
 It is important management tool to achieve higher productivity. It is primarily related to
human work, method of doing work & standard of performance.
 The survival of any organisation is depends on use of latest technology & efficient method
of production. The efficiency of production should be improve to produce better quality
product at reduced cost. It requires efficient use of resources.
 Work study or work analysis is the discipline of industrial engineering that uses various
techniques to quantitatively measure or estimate work to increase the amount produced
from a given quantity of resources by improving the use of existing resources.
 Work study is defined as that body of knowledge concerned with the analysis of the work
methods and the equipment used in performing a job, the design of an optimum work
method and the standardization of proposed work methods.
 Work study is also understood as a systematic objective and critical examination of the
factors affecting productivity for the purpose of improvement. It make use of techniques
of method study and work measurement to ensure the best possible use of human and
material resources in carrying out specific activity.
 Objectives of Work Study
 To analyze the present method of doing a job , systematically in order to develop a new
and better method
 To measure the work content of a job by measuring the time required to do the job for a
qualified worker and hence to establish standard time.
 To increase the productivity by ensuring the best possible use of human, machine and
material resources and to achieve best quality product/service at minimum possible cost.
 To improve operational efficiency.
 Basic work study Procedure:
 Select the job or the process or the operation to be studied
 Record all relevant facts about the job or process or operation using suitable charting
techniques such as operation process charts, flow process charts etc..
 Examine critically all the recorded facts ,questioning the purpose place, sequence, person
and the means of doing the job/process/operation.
 Develop the new method for the job/process/operation
 Measure the work content and establish the standard time using an appropriate work
measurement technique
 Define the new method for the job/process/operation
 Install the new method as standard practice.
 Maintain the new method for the job/process/operation
 Benefits of Work Study
 Increased productivity and operational efficiency.
 Reduced material cost.
 Improved work place layout.
 Better manpower planning and capacity planning.
 Fair wages to employees.
 Better working conditions to employees.
 Improved workflow
 Method study
 Work methods analysis or methods study is a scientific technique of observing, recording
and critically examining the present method of performing a task or job operation with the
aim of improving the present method and developing a new and cheaper method.
 Objectives of methods study
 To study the existing / proposed method of doing any job or activity.
 To develop an improved method to improve productivity and to reduce operating cost.
 To reduce excessive material handling movement and thereby reduce fatigue of workmen.
 To improve utilization of workers.
 To eliminate wasteful and inefficient motions.
 To standardize work methods or processes, working conditions, machinery, equipment and
 Advantages of Method study
 Work simplification
 Improved working methods
 Better product quality
 Improved workplace layout
 Improved equipment design
 Better working conditions
 Better material handling and lesser material handling cost
 Improved work flow
 Less fatigue to operator
 Optimum utilization of all resources
 Higher safety to work men
 Shorter production cycle time
 Higher job satisfaction of workmen
 Reduce material consumption and wastage
 Reduced manufacturing cost and higher productivity
 Factors facilitating Methods Study
 High operating cost
 High wastage and scarp
 Excessive movement of material and workmen
 Excessive production bottlenecks
 Complaints about quality
 Complaints about poor working conditions
 Increasing number of accidents
 Excessive use of overtime
 ISO 9000:
 The ISO-9000 family of standards listed below has been developed to assist organizations,
of all types and sizes, to implement and operate effective quality management systems.
 ISO 9000 describes fundamentals of quality management systems and specifies the
terminology for quality management systems.
 ISO 9001 specifies requirements for a quality management system where an organization
needs to demonstrate its ability to provide products that fulfil customer and applicable
regulatory requirements and aims to enhance customer satisfaction.
 ISO 9004 provides guidelines that consider both the effectiveness and efficiency of the
quality management system. The aim of this standard is improvement of the performance
of the organization and satisfaction of customers and other interested parties.
 ISO 19011 provides guidance on auditing quality and environmental management
 Together they form a coherent set of quality management system standards facilitating
mutual understanding in national and international trade.
 Quality management principles
 To lead and operate an organization successfully, it is necessary to direct and control it in a
systematic and transparent manner. Success can result from implementing and maintaining
a management system that is designed to continually improve performance while
addressing the needs of all interested parties. Managing an organization encompasses
quality management amongst other management disciplines.
 Eight quality management principles have been identified that can be used by top
management in order to lead the organization towards improved performance.
a) Customer focus
 Organizations depend on their customers and therefore should understand current and
future customer needs, should meet customer requirements and strive to exceed customer
b) Leadership
 Leaders establish unity of purpose and direction of the organization. They should create
and maintain the internal environment in which people can become fully involved in
achieving the organization's objectives.
c) Involvement of people
 People at all levels are the essence of an organization and their full involvement enables
their abilities to be used for the organization's benefit.
d) Process approach
 A desired result is achieved more efficiently when activities and related resources are
managed as a process.
e) System approach to management
 Identifying, understanding and managing interrelated processes as a system contributes to
the organization's effectiveness and efficiency in achieving its objectives.
f) Continual improvement
 Continual improvement of the organization's overall performance should be a permanent
objective of the organization.
g) Factual approach to decision making
 Effective decisions are based on the analysis of data and information.
h) Mutually beneficial supplier relationships
 An organization and its suppliers are interdependent and a mutually beneficial relationship
enhances the ability of both to create value.
 These eight quality management principles form the basis for the quality management
system standards within the ISO 9000 family.
 This International Standard describes fundamentals of quality management systems,
which form the subject of the ISO 9000 family, and defines related terms.
 This International Standard is applicable to the following:
a) organizations seeking advantage through the implementation of a quality management
b) organizations seeking confidence from their suppliers that their product requirements will
be satisfied;
c) users of the products;
d) those concerned with a mutual understanding of the terminology used in quality
management (e.g. suppliers, customers, regulators);
e) those internal or external to the organization who assess the quality management system or
audit it for conformity with the requirements of ISO 9001 (e.g. auditors, regulators,
certification/registration bodies);
f) those internal or external to the organization who give advice or training on the quality
management system appropriate to that organization;
g) developers of related standards.

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Advance Management for Civil Engineering

  • 1. Unit no. 6 Advance Management Mr. Kiran R. Patil Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, D. Y. Patil College of Engineering & Technology, Kolhapur
  • 2. Site Layout: A site layout is a scaled drawing of the propose construction site showing all relevant features such as, Entry point Exit point Storage are of materials-bricks-cement-sand-aggregate Temporary services-washing and toilet Contractor site office Area of keeping equipment such as mixer Bar bending area o Labor housing A site layout is prepared to promise that work proceeds smoothly without any obstruction. The various construction resources such as material, men, machinery etc. should be arranged in such way to achieve optimal utilization of space. The larger and more complex the project, greater will be the need for planned job layout and detailing at site. Job layout can be defined as a site drawing of the proposed construction showing the location of entry, exit, temporary services, material stores and stocks, plant or equipment and site offices. The larger and more complex the project, greater will be the need for planned job layout and detailing at site.
  • 3. Purpose of preparing site layout To save time in delivering construction material at the side of construction To safeguard construction material from damage and deterioration To keep the lead of cartage minimum, so that cartage expenses may be minimum To adopt the best mode of working To complete the work with the minimum use of equipment and machinery To take maximum output from labor and machinery To provide safety to workers and passer-by etc. To avoid damage due to construction activities to the nearby properties To common use materials as fine and coarse aggregate should be stored to near to each other To store construction materials as near the place of the utilization as possible Advantage of a good site layout Smooth and economical working of the project. Reduces the completion time of the project. Provide more safety in the working of the project. Material wastage and deterioration are reduced. Material transactions becomes easy, speedy and economical. Increase the output of labour and machinery.
  • 4. Factor affection Site layout: Nature of the project: This will play a great roll in the preparation of the job layout. If it is a multi-storied building Project, then it will require a centrally located lay out scheme. On the other hand, if for Example, it is a highway construction project, then it will require a number of construction Centrist suitable locations. Construction method: The construction can be either cast-in situ or by precast elements. if it is to be of precast Elements, the provision for a casting yard suit be included in the job layout. Availability of resources: In executing a project, various types of resources such as neighbor, plant and equipment, materials, etc. are required. If the labor is from the outside the area, then layout will have to take in to account the food, temporary housing, washing and either facility required by them. They should be well protected from damage due to atmospheric and whether effects Pilferage of material should not occur. Medical facility: If it is a big and complex type of project, then it is desirable that a field medical facility is provided.
  • 5. Contractors/site engineers offices: There should be located preferably in a noise free are for batter co-ordination Provision for temporary roads: These are necessary to transport the necessary plant, machinery and material required for the project and also to provide the access to the construction site form the existing nearby roads Other facilitys: Necessary provision of service such as supply of power, telephone connection and also repaired and maintenance yards should be made. Principal used for preparation of job layout 1. Administrative block- The administration block should be located near the main Entrance of the project site, so that the visitor do not require to move long in construction area. In the reduction chance of accidents to the visitors 2. Material storage- Store should be preferably located near the administration block so that incoming material can be easily stored and outgoing material can be watch properly 3. Entry and exits For easy flow of traffic entry and exit should be at different locations 4. Location of workshop- workshop for welding, fitting electrication carpenter and mechanical etc. Should be located near the site of work and easy Roads
  • 6. 5. Service- Services like temporary telephone line ,water supply line should be properly planned in site layout . 6. Temporary roads- Temporary Roads should be planned in site layout for easy handling of materials and equipment. 7. Labor accommodation- In the site layout labor quarters should be located away from the actual work site at silent place all the labor should be located at one place so that service can be made available easily.
  • 7. Site Layout for Building
  • 8. Site Layout for Building
  • 10. Importance of Safety Construction accounts for most of the injuries. The rate of disabling accidents in construction industry is roughly twice the rate of other industries and the death rate is roughly three times that of other industries. The construction industry is employing the largest labour force in the country. About 73 % of the total workforce is unskilled and uneducated. They have to work under tough outdoor climatic conditions. Human life is precious and it should be the duty of all stakeholders to make the construction site a safe place to work. The reasons for considering safety are, Human aspect When the accident happens, the resulting suffering of the injured workers and their families is difficult to quantify in economic terms. Economic aspect The direct costs of accidents are medical care expenses for injured, workmens compensation costs, increased insurance premiums, replacement cost of damaged equipment, fees of lawyers, etc. The indirect costs of accidents are slowdown in operation, productivity time lost by injured worker and fellow workers, extra administrative work, etc.
  • 11. Legal aspect As per different acts and laws, the employer should look after the safety of the employee. Violation of these laws will be subject to punishment. Organizational Image aspect A good safety record produces higher morale and productivity and stronger employee loyalty. It also improves the companys public image. Causes of Accidents An accident is an unplanned, undesired, unexpected and uncontrolled event resulting in the loss of production, injury to the person, and damage equipment, in the course of employment. The causes of accidents are, Lack of planning and organization Defects in technical planning Fixing unsuitable time-limits and targets too difficult to achieve Assignment of work to incompetent contractors or persons. Lack of coordination between different departments. Inadequate preparation for work Inadequate instructions regarding the work Employment of unskilled or untrained workers Inadequate supervision of work
  • 12. Use of improper building material. Unsafe material handling and storage. Fall from heights. Electric shocks Struck by falling objects Caving in of sides of excavated deep trenches. Unsafe scaffolding and ladders. Absence of railing projections at upper floors. Unsuitable equipment. Defects in equipment. Lack of safety devices and measures. Improper operations of lifts and cranes. Unskilled or untrained operators. Lack of effective communication. Lack of security at the work site. Lack of safety training. Workers carelessness Unauthorized irresponsible acts by workers. Consumption of drugs or alcohol, Not using protective wears., Improper clothing ,Inadequate ventilation and illumination, Unshored trenches
  • 13. Various Safety Equipment used on site 1. Eye and Face Protection Safety glasses or face shields are worn any time work operations can cause foreign objects to get in the eye. For example, during welding, cutting, grinding, nailing (or when working with concrete and/or harmful chemicals or when exposed to flying particles). Wear when exposed to any electrical hazards, including working on energized electrical systems. Eye and face protectors select based on anticipated hazards. 2. Foot Protection Construction workers should wear work shoes or boots with slip-resistant and puncture- resistant soles. Safety-toed footwear is worn to prevent crushed toes when working around heavy equipment or falling objects. 3. Hand Protection Gloves should fit tightly. Workers should wear the right gloves for the job (examples: heavy-duty rubber gloves for concrete work; welding gloves for welding; insulated gloves and sleeves when exposed to electrical hazards). 4. Head Protection Wear hard hats where there is a potential for objects falling from above, bumps to the head from fixed objects, or of accidental head contact with electrical hazards. Hard hats routinely inspect them for dents, cracks or deterioration; replace after a heavy blow or electrical shock; maintain in good condition.
  • 14. 5. Hearing Protection Use earplugs/earmuffs in high noise work areas where chainsaws or heavy equipment are used; clean or replace earplugs regularly. Work Study: It is important management tool to achieve higher productivity. It is primarily related to human work, method of doing work & standard of performance. The survival of any organisation is depends on use of latest technology & efficient method of production. The efficiency of production should be improve to produce better quality product at reduced cost. It requires efficient use of resources. Work study or work analysis is the discipline of industrial engineering that uses various techniques to quantitatively measure or estimate work to increase the amount produced from a given quantity of resources by improving the use of existing resources. Definition Work study is defined as that body of knowledge concerned with the analysis of the work methods and the equipment used in performing a job, the design of an optimum work method and the standardization of proposed work methods. Work study is also understood as a systematic objective and critical examination of the factors affecting productivity for the purpose of improvement. It make use of techniques of method study and work measurement to ensure the best possible use of human and material resources in carrying out specific activity.
  • 15. Objectives of Work Study To analyze the present method of doing a job , systematically in order to develop a new and better method To measure the work content of a job by measuring the time required to do the job for a qualified worker and hence to establish standard time. To increase the productivity by ensuring the best possible use of human, machine and material resources and to achieve best quality product/service at minimum possible cost. To improve operational efficiency.
  • 16. Basic work study Procedure: Select the job or the process or the operation to be studied Record all relevant facts about the job or process or operation using suitable charting techniques such as operation process charts, flow process charts etc.. Examine critically all the recorded facts ,questioning the purpose place, sequence, person and the means of doing the job/process/operation. Develop the new method for the job/process/operation Measure the work content and establish the standard time using an appropriate work measurement technique Define the new method for the job/process/operation Install the new method as standard practice. Maintain the new method for the job/process/operation Benefits of Work Study Increased productivity and operational efficiency. Reduced material cost. Improved work place layout. Better manpower planning and capacity planning. Fair wages to employees. Better working conditions to employees. Improved workflow
  • 17. Method study Work methods analysis or methods study is a scientific technique of observing, recording and critically examining the present method of performing a task or job operation with the aim of improving the present method and developing a new and cheaper method. Objectives of methods study To study the existing / proposed method of doing any job or activity. To develop an improved method to improve productivity and to reduce operating cost. To reduce excessive material handling movement and thereby reduce fatigue of workmen. To improve utilization of workers. To eliminate wasteful and inefficient motions. To standardize work methods or processes, working conditions, machinery, equipment and tools. Advantages of Method study Work simplification Improved working methods Better product quality Improved workplace layout Improved equipment design Better working conditions Better material handling and lesser material handling cost
  • 18. Improved work flow Less fatigue to operator Optimum utilization of all resources Higher safety to work men Shorter production cycle time Higher job satisfaction of workmen Reduce material consumption and wastage Reduced manufacturing cost and higher productivity Factors facilitating Methods Study High operating cost High wastage and scarp Excessive movement of material and workmen Excessive production bottlenecks Complaints about quality Complaints about poor working conditions Increasing number of accidents Excessive use of overtime
  • 19. ISO 9000: The ISO-9000 family of standards listed below has been developed to assist organizations, of all types and sizes, to implement and operate effective quality management systems. ISO 9000 describes fundamentals of quality management systems and specifies the terminology for quality management systems. ISO 9001 specifies requirements for a quality management system where an organization needs to demonstrate its ability to provide products that fulfil customer and applicable regulatory requirements and aims to enhance customer satisfaction. ISO 9004 provides guidelines that consider both the effectiveness and efficiency of the quality management system. The aim of this standard is improvement of the performance of the organization and satisfaction of customers and other interested parties. ISO 19011 provides guidance on auditing quality and environmental management systems. Together they form a coherent set of quality management system standards facilitating mutual understanding in national and international trade. Quality management principles To lead and operate an organization successfully, it is necessary to direct and control it in a systematic and transparent manner. Success can result from implementing and maintaining a management system that is designed to continually improve performance while addressing the needs of all interested parties. Managing an organization encompasses quality management amongst other management disciplines.
  • 20. Eight quality management principles have been identified that can be used by top management in order to lead the organization towards improved performance. a) Customer focus Organizations depend on their customers and therefore should understand current and future customer needs, should meet customer requirements and strive to exceed customer expectations. b) Leadership Leaders establish unity of purpose and direction of the organization. They should create and maintain the internal environment in which people can become fully involved in achieving the organization's objectives. c) Involvement of people People at all levels are the essence of an organization and their full involvement enables their abilities to be used for the organization's benefit. d) Process approach A desired result is achieved more efficiently when activities and related resources are managed as a process. e) System approach to management Identifying, understanding and managing interrelated processes as a system contributes to the organization's effectiveness and efficiency in achieving its objectives. f) Continual improvement Continual improvement of the organization's overall performance should be a permanent objective of the organization.
  • 21. g) Factual approach to decision making Effective decisions are based on the analysis of data and information. h) Mutually beneficial supplier relationships An organization and its suppliers are interdependent and a mutually beneficial relationship enhances the ability of both to create value. These eight quality management principles form the basis for the quality management system standards within the ISO 9000 family. Scope This International Standard describes fundamentals of quality management systems, which form the subject of the ISO 9000 family, and defines related terms. This International Standard is applicable to the following: a) organizations seeking advantage through the implementation of a quality management system; b) organizations seeking confidence from their suppliers that their product requirements will be satisfied; c) users of the products; d) those concerned with a mutual understanding of the terminology used in quality management (e.g. suppliers, customers, regulators); e) those internal or external to the organization who assess the quality management system or audit it for conformity with the requirements of ISO 9001 (e.g. auditors, regulators, certification/registration bodies);
  • 22. f) those internal or external to the organization who give advice or training on the quality management system appropriate to that organization; g) developers of related standards.