Presented at the 1st annual Appreciative Education Conference in Myrtle Beach SC 2015.
This presentation is designed to encourage the use of ecology and design principals to create more student friendly areas and to increase the connection between student and advisers.
**NOTE!** This presentation is not designed as a stand alone. It is meant to have narration and commentary along with the slides. I travel and present this workshop at universities and companies, and am available to come give it on your campus or workplace, just email me!
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3. In this session
Why design matters
Way-finding and its importance
Space effects on employees
Office design effect on advisees
Tips & Tricks
4. Why Design Matters?
Way finding
How does this make me feel?
Nonverbal Ques
Spatial relationships
7. The average worker will
spendmore waking hours in
their officethan their living
and bedroom
8. If it looks like
your employee
could get up
and walk out
one day and
never come
There is a
chance that
is a
9. What is the space used for?
Work alone
Meet clients
Computer use
Layout &
Processes that take place in the space
10. What does it mean....
Which way are the pictures facing?
What is behind the office owner?
What are you looking at?
Heights of the seating?
40. References
Aslam, M. (2013, March). I love what youve done with the space: The physical space of academic
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Bloom, J.L., Hutson, B.L., & He, Y. (2008). The appreciative advising revolution. United States of America:
Stripes Publishing L.L.C.
Eckerty, J. (2011). 'Approachable Intimidating Unprofessional Credible': What do our offices say
about us? Retrieved from the NACADA Clearinghouse of Academic Advising Resources Web site:
Miwa, Y. & Hanyu, K. (2006). The effects of interior design on communication and impression of a
counselor in the counseling room. In, Environment and Behavior, 38(1): 484 - 501.
Nasar, J.L. & Devlin, A.S. (2011). Impressions of psychotherapists offices. Journal of Counseling
Psychology, 58(3): 310-320.
Pressly, P, K. & Heesacker, M. (2001). The physical environment of counseling: A review of theory and
research. Journal of Counseling and Development, 79(2): 148-160.
Strain, L.A. (2009). What message is your office space conveying to students? The
Mentor, Retrieved on March 12 from: