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Establish functional literate communities in Africa to bridge the gap between poverty and prosperity 
Tracing your Root 
Africa's Road Map to Freedom 
Anthony Claret 
12/10/14 Codewit Global Network - Evolving Excellence 1
Tracing Your Root 
Africa's Road Map to Freedom 
A people without the knowledge of 
their past history, origin and culture 
is like a tree without roots. 
Marcus Garvey 
12/10/14 Codewit Global Network - Evolving Excellence 2
Table of Content 
1. Africa Overview 
2. Africa before Colonization 
3. Superior Race Propaganda 
4. African Slavery 
5. Africa after Colonization 
6. Grave Mistake of our forefathers 
7. Nation building  Our Task 
8. Reverse Engineering 
9. Civic Movement Youth Engagement) 
10. Conclusion 
12/10/14 Codewit Global Network - Evolving Excellence 3
Who Should Tell The Story of Africa? 
All people need to learn about their past and 
need to be able to participate in the creation of 
their own legacy. In the past, the story of Africa 
has been told and defined by others and these 
'others' have been considered authorities on the 
subject. The representation of African events and 
characters by non-Africans has led, in many 
instances, to the creation of a negative portrayal 
of Africa. 
12/10/14 Codewit Global Network - Evolving Excellence 4
Africa -Land of Contrast 
What does Africa mean to you? 
 The continent of Africa means many 
different things to people in Africa and 
around the world. 
 To some people it is the home they love. 
 To others it is a mysterious, far off land 
that they know little about. 
 To Europeans it is a poverty stricken, 
war torn, disease inflicted continent 
which happen to be blessed with a large, 
diverse land with beautiful landscape 
and Natural Resources meant to explore. 
12/10/14 Codewit Global Network - Evolving Excellence 5
Basic Facts About Africa 
 53 independent countries 
 732 million people 
 More than 800 ethnic groups 
 Hottest temperature ever recorded on Earth, was 136.4 
degrees F., in Libya in 1922 
 The Nile is the worlds longest river at a distance of 4,145 
miles long 
 Second largest of the Earths continents 
 Africa has an area of 11,668,598.7 square miles 
12/10/14 Codewit Global Network - Evolving Excellence 6
Africa before Colonization 
 Key Terms 
 Domesticate- to adapt wild plants and animals and breed 
them for human use 
 Civilization- a society that has cities, a central government, 
and social classes and usually has writing, art, and 
 Migrate- to move from one place to settle in another 
 Ethnic group- a group of people who share the same 
ancestors, culture, language, or religion. 
12/10/14 Codewit Global Network - Evolving Excellence 7
African Civilizations 
 Egyptians began farming along the Nile 
about 5000 B.C. 
 Ancient Egypt was ruled by Pharaohs and 
 Hieroglyphs- picture writing symbols 
12/10/14 Codewit Global Network - Evolving Excellence 8
What skills did Africans need 
to survive? 
 Survival Instinct 
 Hunting & Gathering 
 Africans were hunters, farmers 
and gathers 
 They would hunt for wild game 
 They would gather fruits and 
other eatable herbs & plants 
Farming in Africa probably began in North Africa 
Domesticating plants and animals allowed People to have better control in their 
food supply 
People to settle in one place 
 people to store surplus items 
12/10/14 Codewit Global Network - Evolving Excellence 9
 Until the 18th century the image of Africans was 
generally positive. 
 They were farmers and cattle-breeders; they had 
industries, arts and crafts, governments and commerce. 
 In addition, Africans had immunities to Old World 
diseases. They were better laborers and they had 
nowhere to escape to once transplanted to the New 
World. The colonists themselves came to believe that 
they could not survive without Africans. 
12/10/14 Codewit Global Network - Evolving Excellence 10
African encounter with the West (1) 
 Africa had traded with Europeans through 
merchants in North Africa for centuries. 
 The first traders to sail down the West African 
coast were the Portuguese in the 15th century. 
 Later the Dutch, British, French and 
Scandinavians followed. 
 They were mainly interested in precious items 
such as gold, ivory and spices, particularly 
12/10/14 Codewit Global Network - Evolving Excellence 11
African encounter with the West (2) 
 The Portuguese traders sailed south around the Cape of Good Hope and 
then north along the eastern coast of Africa 
 They liked what they saw and came back later with three ships to seize the 
 The Portuguese ruled for over 100 years 
 The English, French, & The Dutch all followed the Portuguese and set up 
12/10/14 Codewit Global Network - Evolving Excellence 12
The Atlantic Slave trade 
 Slavery was a common part of African society 
long before the Europeans came to their 
 The Europeans had established colonies in the 
Americas and in the Caribbean. 
 Slaves in Africa could usually win their freedom 
after working for a few years 
 Europeans rarely released their slaves 
12/10/14 Codewit Global Network - Evolving Excellence 13
Competition between Europeans 
 The race to colonize Africa led to the 1884 
conference in Berlin, Germany 
 They set rules for which countries could claim 
African land 
 They created African Map without African 
12/10/14 Codewit Global Network - Evolving Excellence 14
European Conquest of Africa 
 Key Terms 
 Cape of Good Hope- the point of land at the 
southern tip of Africa 
 Plantation- a large farm where cash crops are 
 Colonize- to settle an area and take control of its 
12/10/14 Codewit Global Network - Evolving Excellence 15
A New Social Identity (1) 
 Toward the end of the eighteenth century, the 
image of Africans began to change dramatically. 
 The major catalyst for this transformation 
 Antislavery movement that expanded and 
 The Kings and African chief refusal and resistance 
resources exploitation 
12/10/14 Codewit Global Network - Evolving Excellence 16
A New Social Identity (2) 
 As a consequence Colonist forces found it necessary 
to develop new arguments for defending the 
 Focusing on physical differences, they turned to the 
notion of the natural inferiority of Africans and thus 
their God-given suitability for slavery. 
 Such arguments became more frequent and strident 
from the end of the eighteenth century on, and the 
characterizations of Africans became more negative. 
In order to achieve their goal 
12/10/14 Codewit Global Network - Evolving Excellence 17
A New Social Identity (3) 
 By limiting perpetual servitude to Africans and their 
descendants, colonists were proclaiming that blacks 
would forever be at the bottom of the social hierarchy. 
 They began to teach Africans that their color, hairstyle 
and every thing that made them African is inferior 
12/10/14 Codewit Global Network - Evolving Excellence 18
Africa after Colonization 
Most African countries had been under 
European rule for a very long time, therefore 
they had no real understanding of how to run 
a government. 
 New leaders were not prepared to govern 
 Governments were very unstable 
 Some military leaders took control by force 
12/10/14 Codewit Global Network - Evolving Excellence 19
 Grave Mistake of our leaders 
 Fought for independence with a vision 
 Diverted attention to trivialities, power play, embezzlement, corruption 
 Thought they have reach their destination 
 Forgot that being independent is the beginning of the journey 
 Nation building  Our Task 
 Our Generation must find the road and connect back to our forefathers vision 
 Reverse Engineering  must re-orientate ourselves and our brothers 
 Mental emancipation 
 Through creating project, workshop, seminars, education 
 Civic Movement Youth Engagement) 
12/10/14 Codewit Global Network - Evolving Excellence 20
Change your opinions, keep to your 
principles; change your leaves, keep 
intact your roots. 
12/10/14 Codewit Global Network - Evolving Excellence 21

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Africans: Tracing your root by Anthony claret

  • 1. Establish functional literate communities in Africa to bridge the gap between poverty and prosperity Tracing your Root Africa's Road Map to Freedom Anthony Claret 12/10/14 Codewit Global Network - Evolving Excellence 1
  • 2. Tracing Your Root Africa's Road Map to Freedom A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots. Marcus Garvey 12/10/14 Codewit Global Network - Evolving Excellence 2
  • 3. Table of Content 1. Africa Overview 2. Africa before Colonization 3. Superior Race Propaganda 4. African Slavery 5. Africa after Colonization 6. Grave Mistake of our forefathers 7. Nation building Our Task 8. Reverse Engineering 9. Civic Movement Youth Engagement) 10. Conclusion 12/10/14 Codewit Global Network - Evolving Excellence 3
  • 4. Who Should Tell The Story of Africa? All people need to learn about their past and need to be able to participate in the creation of their own legacy. In the past, the story of Africa has been told and defined by others and these 'others' have been considered authorities on the subject. The representation of African events and characters by non-Africans has led, in many instances, to the creation of a negative portrayal of Africa. 12/10/14 Codewit Global Network - Evolving Excellence 4
  • 5. Africa -Land of Contrast What does Africa mean to you? The continent of Africa means many different things to people in Africa and around the world. To some people it is the home they love. To others it is a mysterious, far off land that they know little about. To Europeans it is a poverty stricken, war torn, disease inflicted continent which happen to be blessed with a large, diverse land with beautiful landscape and Natural Resources meant to explore. 12/10/14 Codewit Global Network - Evolving Excellence 5
  • 6. Basic Facts About Africa 53 independent countries 732 million people More than 800 ethnic groups Hottest temperature ever recorded on Earth, was 136.4 degrees F., in Libya in 1922 The Nile is the worlds longest river at a distance of 4,145 miles long Second largest of the Earths continents Africa has an area of 11,668,598.7 square miles 12/10/14 Codewit Global Network - Evolving Excellence 6
  • 7. Africa before Colonization Key Terms Domesticate- to adapt wild plants and animals and breed them for human use Civilization- a society that has cities, a central government, and social classes and usually has writing, art, and architecture Migrate- to move from one place to settle in another Ethnic group- a group of people who share the same ancestors, culture, language, or religion. 12/10/14 Codewit Global Network - Evolving Excellence 7
  • 8. African Civilizations Egyptians began farming along the Nile about 5000 B.C. Ancient Egypt was ruled by Pharaohs and Queens Hieroglyphs- picture writing symbols 12/10/14 Codewit Global Network - Evolving Excellence 8
  • 9. What skills did Africans need to survive? Survival Instinct Food Water Shelter Hunting & Gathering Africans were hunters, farmers and gathers They would hunt for wild game They would gather fruits and other eatable herbs & plants Farming in Africa probably began in North Africa Domesticating plants and animals allowed People to have better control in their food supply People to settle in one place people to store surplus items 12/10/14 Codewit Global Network - Evolving Excellence 9
  • 10. Until the 18th century the image of Africans was generally positive. They were farmers and cattle-breeders; they had industries, arts and crafts, governments and commerce. In addition, Africans had immunities to Old World diseases. They were better laborers and they had nowhere to escape to once transplanted to the New World. The colonists themselves came to believe that they could not survive without Africans. 12/10/14 Codewit Global Network - Evolving Excellence 10
  • 11. African encounter with the West (1) Africa had traded with Europeans through merchants in North Africa for centuries. The first traders to sail down the West African coast were the Portuguese in the 15th century. Later the Dutch, British, French and Scandinavians followed. They were mainly interested in precious items such as gold, ivory and spices, particularly pepper. 12/10/14 Codewit Global Network - Evolving Excellence 11
  • 12. African encounter with the West (2) The Portuguese traders sailed south around the Cape of Good Hope and then north along the eastern coast of Africa They liked what they saw and came back later with three ships to seize the riches The Portuguese ruled for over 100 years The English, French, & The Dutch all followed the Portuguese and set up settlements 12/10/14 Codewit Global Network - Evolving Excellence 12
  • 13. The Atlantic Slave trade Slavery was a common part of African society long before the Europeans came to their continent The Europeans had established colonies in the Americas and in the Caribbean. Slaves in Africa could usually win their freedom after working for a few years Europeans rarely released their slaves 12/10/14 Codewit Global Network - Evolving Excellence 13
  • 14. Competition between Europeans The race to colonize Africa led to the 1884 conference in Berlin, Germany They set rules for which countries could claim African land They created African Map without African participation 12/10/14 Codewit Global Network - Evolving Excellence 14
  • 15. European Conquest of Africa Key Terms Cape of Good Hope- the point of land at the southern tip of Africa Plantation- a large farm where cash crops are grown Colonize- to settle an area and take control of its government 12/10/14 Codewit Global Network - Evolving Excellence 15
  • 16. A New Social Identity (1) Toward the end of the eighteenth century, the image of Africans began to change dramatically. The major catalyst for this transformation Antislavery movement that expanded and strengthened The Kings and African chief refusal and resistance resources exploitation 12/10/14 Codewit Global Network - Evolving Excellence 16
  • 17. A New Social Identity (2) As a consequence Colonist forces found it necessary to develop new arguments for defending the institution. Focusing on physical differences, they turned to the notion of the natural inferiority of Africans and thus their God-given suitability for slavery. Such arguments became more frequent and strident from the end of the eighteenth century on, and the characterizations of Africans became more negative. In order to achieve their goal 12/10/14 Codewit Global Network - Evolving Excellence 17
  • 18. A New Social Identity (3) By limiting perpetual servitude to Africans and their descendants, colonists were proclaiming that blacks would forever be at the bottom of the social hierarchy. They began to teach Africans that their color, hairstyle and every thing that made them African is inferior 12/10/14 Codewit Global Network - Evolving Excellence 18
  • 19. Africa after Colonization Most African countries had been under European rule for a very long time, therefore they had no real understanding of how to run a government. New leaders were not prepared to govern Governments were very unstable Some military leaders took control by force 12/10/14 Codewit Global Network - Evolving Excellence 19
  • 20. Grave Mistake of our leaders Fought for independence with a vision Diverted attention to trivialities, power play, embezzlement, corruption Thought they have reach their destination Forgot that being independent is the beginning of the journey Nation building Our Task Our Generation must find the road and connect back to our forefathers vision Reverse Engineering must re-orientate ourselves and our brothers Mental emancipation Through creating project, workshop, seminars, education Civic Movement Youth Engagement) 12/10/14 Codewit Global Network - Evolving Excellence 20
  • 21. Change your opinions, keep to your principles; change your leaves, keep intact your roots. 12/10/14 Codewit Global Network - Evolving Excellence 21