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An Age-Old Problem:
Examining the Discourses of
Ageing in HCI and Strtegies
for Future Research
+ ACM TOCHI 2015
-John Vines, Gary Pritchard,
Peter Wright, Patrick Olivier,
Katie Brittain
x 2015 Spring
Dr John Vines
Lecturer, New castle University Culture Lab
interaction design, product design, philosophy of mind, cognitive science.
Project: New Approaches to Banking for the Older Old
Doctoral research: gerontology, social science, cognitive science
1. How acceptable is it to existing and future older citizens to rely on
digital technology for their care and health needs over professional
and human contact?
2. Is it feasible that businesses entering this domain make propositions
that are valued by people and, indeed, they are willing to pay for in
the long-term?
An Age-Old Problem: Examining the Discourses of Ageing in HCI
and Strategies for Future Research
ACM SIGCHI 30 ageing 郁規  覃 覿
644螳 朱 企覿 -> ageing: 蠍一襦 蟯襴   覓語襦 覦朱
覓語: 蟇芽蟯 覓語,  螻襴, 豌伎  ル 
 觜 語躯 煙  企 螻蟯 蠍一ヾ 語躯 殊 .
覩碁 HCI ageing 蟯 郁規
誤 襷れ 襷 覓碁  譴 譯殊螳 
Ageing multifaceted 企, 覓瑚骸  豌伎 蟇語 豌伎朱 覺 
4 RQ 1. HCI ageing 朱 襷 殊 螳?
2. 企至 ageing  る螻 螳?
3. 企 螳 語矩れ  蠍一 覦 螳?
4. 覩碁 ageing  蠍一 企至  伎 螳?
Older users =
1. 蟇芽  蟇煙
2. 豌, 苦 蠍磯 
3. 蠍一 牛 る 蟇碁
4.  螻襴曙 蟆渚
Reconfigure the user
螻手碓  覓誤 螳 ageing 覓語襦 覦朱
(HCI 蠏殊 覈視螻 襴 蟆 )
1. 語躯 
2. 30 HCI  ageing
3. 644螳 朱
4. Ageing  4螳讌 企
5. Ageing  Future research agenda
HCI User 貉れ
-  needs  苦語危
-  蠍一 ル
- 譟一螻 蠍磯 れ   ル
1. Brief history of gerontology and its critiques
- 1900 gerontology (Greek, study of old man)
- 1946 The Journal of Gerontology
- 1950 蟲 碁 蟆一 (4襷 豐)
 碁 蠍一ヾ 碁  觜 (覲襴 覓語襦 覦朱蓋)
1. ageing 覓語襦 覦朱慨襦   蟲譟
2. 螳 語苦    覦覯
Ageing  覿  螳 郁規 る磯
碁 郁規
1 螻轟 讀螳 磯ジ 蟆曙 覓語 ()
2 誤 蟯 襴 螻谿 (襴)
3 誤 襴 覦 覲襴 覓語 ()
4 覓手 覦 誤 (覓狩)
2. The prevalence of ageing as a research concern across
ACM digital library 覃覿
16 れ (ageing, aging, older people, older adults, seniors,
elderly, later life, age-related, retiree, retired, elders, geriatric,
life course, grandparent, grandmother, grandfather.
1017 -> 644螳 朱 蟆
3螳 豺危螻襴襦 覿襯
1. Primary paper: 覈 れ 豐襦  (162)
2. Secondary paper: 覲碁語  (354)
3. Reference paper: 谿瑚覓誤襷  (128)
That Relate to Ageing at SIGCHI Publication 2007 ~ 2012
644 papers   discourse analysis (危覿)
 (貊)襦 譯殊  (螳 覩碁ゼ 螳讌 一 覓語)
 螳 貊襯 螳 一危 貊襦 
苦危 れ 蟲譟, , 覩, 轟, 糾骸 煙  豌願 郁規
危 蟲譟磯 牛 穴, 讌, , 苦, 覲伎, 煙 覿
3. Method
1. Discourse of health economics
- 襭, 蟇芽蟯襴  讌豢 譴企 蠍一
e.g)  豬 覈,  , 蠍一給慨譟
: 蠍一 牛  譴願鍵
2. Discourse of socialisation
- 蠍一 伎 るジ 螻殊 , 朱 螻襴暑
e.g) 躯磯 蠍一 伎  語, 譯殊 牛
: 企 蠍一れ 語苦 user螳  / り骸 譯殊 豐
3. Discourse of homogeneity
- 企る 覺 (伎 覦 讌)
e.g) 伎 磯ジ 蠍一伎, 蠏殊 (るジ 覲  覓伎)
: 譬  碁伎 蠏 伎 
4. Discourse of deficits
- 蠍磯レ 伎 語矩れ  所 襷
e.g) る慨 レ, 蟆 觜蟲
: 語苦 襴螻 覿伎 蠍一  企れ
4. Discourse of ageing across sigchi
1. Avoiding the Biomedicalisation of older people in HCI
-> Ageing 郁規 蠍一 伎 觜 蟆蠍
2. Embracing Diversity across the life course, lived experience of old age
-> れ 語碁れ 玖骸 襷ル曙 螻ろ蠍
3. Revisiting the Deficits and Successes of older people in HCI
-> 苦 語語 谿語 (語苦  譟一蠍)
5. An ageing research agenda for HCI
襦 蠍一  語矩る朱Μ 
語苦 谿語 workshop
- Ageing  SIGCHI 644  危覿 -> 4螳讌 Discourse 覦蟆
- Deficit-driven approach -> Active agent approach

1. Phase -> process in entire life
2. るジ HCI Topic 螳 (レ, 螳覦蟲)
6. Conclusion
Human Factor
System System
Human actor

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Ageing hci

  • 1. An Age-Old Problem: Examining the Discourses of Ageing in HCI and Strtegies for Future Research + ACM TOCHI 2015 -John Vines, Gary Pritchard, Peter Wright, Patrick Olivier, Katie Brittain /蟾讌 x 2015 Spring
  • 2. Dr John Vines Lecturer, New castle University Culture Lab Background: interaction design, product design, philosophy of mind, cognitive science. Project: New Approaches to Banking for the Older Old Doctoral research: gerontology, social science, cognitive science
  • 3. 1. How acceptable is it to existing and future older citizens to rely on digital technology for their care and health needs over professional and human contact? 2. Is it feasible that businesses entering this domain make propositions that are valued by people and, indeed, they are willing to pay for in the long-term?
  • 4. An Age-Old Problem: Examining the Discourses of Ageing in HCI and Strategies for Future Research Abstract ACM SIGCHI 30 ageing 郁規 覃 覿 644螳 朱 企覿 -> ageing: 蠍一襦 蟯襴 覓語襦 覦朱 覓語: 蟇芽蟯 覓語, 螻襴, 豌伎 ル 觜 語躯 煙 企 螻蟯 蠍一ヾ 語躯 殊 . 覩碁 HCI ageing 蟯 郁規
  • 5. 誤 襷れ 襷 覓碁 譴 譯殊螳 Ageing multifaceted 企, 覓瑚骸 豌伎 蟇語 豌伎朱 覺 4 RQ 1. HCI ageing 朱 襷 殊 螳? 2. 企至 ageing る螻 螳? 3. 企 螳 語矩れ 蠍一 覦 螳? 4. 覩碁 ageing 蠍一 企至 伎 螳? Introduction
  • 6. Older users = 1. 蟇芽 蟇煙 2. 豌, 苦 蠍磯 3. 蠍一 牛 る 蟇碁 4. 螻襴曙 蟆渚 Reconfigure the user 螻手碓 覓誤 螳 ageing 覓語襦 覦朱 (HCI 蠏殊 覈視螻 襴 蟆 ) INDEX 1. 語躯 2. 30 HCI ageing 3. 644螳 朱 4. Ageing 4螳讌 企 5. Ageing Future research agenda HCI User 貉れ - needs 苦語危 - 蠍一 ル - 譟一螻 蠍磯 れ ル
  • 7. 1. Brief history of gerontology and its critiques - 1900 gerontology (Greek, study of old man) - 1946 The Journal of Gerontology - 1950 蟲 碁 蟆一 (4襷 豐) 碁 蠍一ヾ 碁 觜 (覲襴 覓語襦 覦朱蓋) 1. ageing 覓語襦 覦朱慨襦 蟲譟 2. 螳 語苦 覦覯 Ageing 覿 螳 郁規 る磯 碁 郁規 1 螻轟 讀螳 磯ジ 蟆曙 覓語 () 2 誤 蟯 襴 螻谿 (襴) 3 誤 襴 覦 覲襴 覓語 () 4 覓手 覦 誤 (覓狩)
  • 8. 2. The prevalence of ageing as a research concern across sigchi ACM digital library 覃覿 16 れ (ageing, aging, older people, older adults, seniors, elderly, later life, age-related, retiree, retired, elders, geriatric, life course, grandparent, grandmother, grandfather. 1017 -> 644螳 朱 蟆 3螳 豺危螻襴襦 覿襯 1. Primary paper: 覈 れ 豐襦 (162) 2. Secondary paper: 覲碁語 (354) 3. Reference paper: 谿瑚覓誤襷 (128)
  • 9. That Relate to Ageing at SIGCHI Publication 2007 ~ 2012
  • 10. 644 papers discourse analysis (危覿) (貊)襦 譯殊 (螳 覩碁ゼ 螳讌 一 覓語) 螳 貊襯 螳 一危 貊襦 危覿: 苦危 れ 蟲譟, , 覩, 轟, 糾骸 煙 豌願 郁規 危 蟲譟磯 牛 穴, 讌, , 苦, 覲伎, 煙 覿 3. Method
  • 11. 1. Discourse of health economics - 襭, 蟇芽蟯襴 讌豢 譴企 蠍一 e.g) 豬 覈, , 蠍一給慨譟 : 蠍一 牛 譴願鍵 2. Discourse of socialisation - 蠍一 伎 るジ 螻殊 , 朱 螻襴暑 e.g) 躯磯 蠍一 伎 語, 譯殊 牛 : 企 蠍一れ 語苦 user螳 / り骸 譯殊 豐 3. Discourse of homogeneity - 企る 覺 (伎 覦 讌) e.g) 伎 磯ジ 蠍一伎, 蠏殊 (るジ 覲 覓伎) : 譬 碁伎 蠏 伎 4. Discourse of deficits - 蠍磯レ 伎 語矩れ 所 襷 e.g) る慨 レ, 蟆 觜蟲 : 語苦 襴螻 覿伎 蠍一 企れ 4. Discourse of ageing across sigchi
  • 12. 1. Avoiding the Biomedicalisation of older people in HCI -> Ageing 郁規 蠍一 伎 觜 蟆蠍 2. Embracing Diversity across the life course, lived experience of old age -> れ 語碁れ 玖骸 襷ル曙 螻ろ蠍 3. Revisiting the Deficits and Successes of older people in HCI -> 苦 語語 谿語 (語苦 譟一蠍) 5. An ageing research agenda for HCI 襦 蠍一 語矩る朱Μ 語苦 谿語 workshop
  • 13. - Ageing SIGCHI 644 危覿 -> 4螳讌 Discourse 覦蟆 - Deficit-driven approach -> Active agent approach 1. Phase -> process in entire life 2. るジ HCI Topic 螳 (レ, 螳覦蟲) 6. Conclusion Human Factor System System Human actor