Dokumen tersebut membahas mengenai peningkatan kasus penyakit kronik dan kanker di Malaysia dan Singapura. Jumlah pasien kanker dan penyakit lain seperti diabetes dan penyakit jantung terus meningkat pada anak-anak. Transfer factor diklaim mampu meningkatkan aktivitas sel imun untuk mencegah dan mempercepat penyembuhan penyakit.
Testimoni obat herbal thyroid
Testimoni Thyroid
Hormonal Thyroid
Thyroid merupakan kelenjar yang terletak di leher. Dalam keadaan normal kelenjar ini hampir tak teraba, sebaliknya jika terjadi pembesaran maka akan dapat teraba dengan mudah. Kelainan pada kelenjar Thyroid dapat menyebabkan produksi hormone thyroid berlebihan (hyperthyroid) ataupun kurangnya produksi hormone (neoplastik) seperti tumor jinak maupun beberapa jenis kanker. Kandungan antineoplastik pada Spirulina acifica seperti phycocyanin dan allophycocyanin juga myxoxanthophyl dan betakarotene dapat menekan pertumbuhan sel thyroid yang tidak sehat. Selanjutnya konsumsi Jeli Gamat akan membantu meringankan keluhan, memperbaiki kerusakan sel dan secara bertahap mengembalikan kekuatan tubuh.
Dokumen tersebut berisi diskusi mengenai kasus seorang anak laki-laki berusia 5 tahun 3 bulan yang didiagnosis dengan malnutrisi energi dan protein akibat kecacingan, anoreksia, dan xeroftalmia berat. Dokumen tersebut juga membahas etiologi, diagnosis, komplikasi, penanganan, dan pencegahan malnutrisi serta perspektif Islam terkait kasus tersebut.
This document discusses challenges with IT service management and approaches for change. It suggests that while many frameworks like Scrum, Kanban, and Lean exist, combining elements from different approaches may be most effective. The document outlines similarities and differences between Scrum and Kanban, and how aspects of each like limiting work-in-progress, feedback loops, and visibility can enable change. It advocates for frequent merging and automation to continuously deliver value.
This newsletter provides an overview and updates on the Northwest Arctic Borough Subsistence Mapping Project. Key points include:
- The project is documenting traditional subsistence knowledge through interviews and youth activities to create maps showing subsistence areas, important ecological areas, and potential development areas.
- Youth subsistence education activities are being held to pass on traditional knowledge to younger generations.
- Draft maps of important ecological areas were reviewed at the recent mapping workshop to finalize the project results.
- The project has accomplished interviews in 7 communities, involved advisory groups, created databases and conducted outreach. It aims to be completed by May 2015 with final approved maps and a report.
This document summarizes Magnetic's targeted digital advertising platform. Magnetic gathers data from over 1 billion active devices and 450,000 websites to build profiles on 250 million shoppers with over 2 years of purchase history. It uses this data and predictive algorithms to deliver relevant ads, offers, and recommendations to people across devices in real-time. The platform can trigger personalized emails and on-site recommendations based on people's behaviors and interests to engage customers.
The document analyzes six film distribution companies - Orion Pictures, TriStar, Warner Bros, Buena Vista, Fox, and DreamWorks - and provides examples of films distributed by each. It finds that the companies vary in the genres and budgets of films they support. Orion Pictures and DreamWorks generally have lower budgets but still achieve success. TriStar, Warner Bros, Buena Vista and Fox tend to have larger mid-to-high budgets and box office returns, especially for sci-fi and animated films. The document examines trends in the types of films and budgets for each distributor.
Some people are locked into the belief that technology is destroying creativity, especially under marketing field. This probably goes back some way; However, the question is, does marketing Automation kill creativity? if not, what it does instead? Let's get in detail in this presentation.
Content Marketing | Data Mining | Predictive Analytics | Data Analytics | Digital Marketing
This short document promotes the creation of Haiku Deck presentations on 際際滷Share and encourages the reader to get started making their own presentation. It includes photo credits to three photographers and a call to action to create a Haiku Deck presentation on 際際滷Share.
This document summarizes interviews with experts on the marketing automation industry. It finds that while standalone marketing automation tools like Marketo still have value for some customers, integrated platforms are preferred by larger enterprises that need more sophisticated functionality. Experts noted Marketo and other vendors will face challenges moving "upstream" to larger clients and retaining customers against more specialized or comprehensive competitors. Overall the marketing automation market remains in flux as the boundary between sales and marketing functions evolves.
The document discusses typography and different categories of typefaces including serif, sans serif, ornamental, script, and symbol. It provides examples of typefaces in each category and discusses characteristics like whether they are easier to read for printed or digital text. It encourages thinking about the target audience and appropriate typography choices for things like a school newsletter based on the medium, colors, graphics, and overall design. Activities include identifying typeface categories and changing names in different fonts to understand font styles.
This short document promotes the creation of presentations using Haiku Deck on 際際滷Share. It contains 3 stock photos without captions or additional context. The document encourages the viewer to get started making their own Haiku Deck presentation by uploading it to 際際滷Share.
This document provides information about library hours and services at Merced College. The Merced campus library is open Monday through Thursday from 8am to 8:30pm and Friday from 8am to 2pm. The Los Banos campus library hours are Monday through Thursday from 7:30am to 8pm and Friday from 7:30am to 3pm. Library resources include databases that can provide background information on topics. Services include computer and iPad checkout, study rooms, photocopying, and textbook reserves. Students can get help by telephone, text, or visiting the information desk.
This document provides information about the Australian states of Queensland, Victoria, Tasmania, Western Australia, South Australia, and New South Wales. It describes the geography, population, history, industries/economies, and landmarks of each state. The states are economically and culturally diverse, with varying populations, industries, natural features, and histories of European exploration and settlement.
El documento propone estrategias para promover la industria peruana de software, como realizar campa単as de marketing para posicionar al Per炭 como competitivo internacionalmente en el desarrollo de software, y promover eventos y ferias para la exportaci坦n de contenidos, servicios y bienes TIC. Asimismo, busca generar redes de contactos de profesionales peruanos en el exterior para aprovechar oportunidades comerciales, y abrir oficinas de promoci坦n comercial en otros pa鱈ses. Finalmente, presenta a APESOFT, la asociaci坦n peruana
Chen Min Yan introduces herself as an artworker and graphic designer with over 5 years of experience in China and the UK, and provides her contact information and portfolio of work including magazine layouts, introductions, pamphlets, prints, leaflets, floor plans, greeting cards, packaging, retouching, photography and more.
This document provides information about the Australian states of Queensland, Victoria, Tasmania, Western Australia and South Australia. It details each state's geography, population, history, key industries/economies and landmarks. Queensland is home to the Great Barrier Reef and has a population of over 4.7 million people focused in industries like tourism, agriculture and mining. Victoria has a population of 5.7 million and is a hub for Australia's automotive industry. Tasmania's population is around 511,000 and it is known for convict sites like Port Arthur. Western Australia relies heavily on its mining industry and has popular landmarks like Margaret River and Rottnest Island. South Australia's wine industry is a large part of its economy and it attract
Program Kemitraan dan Bina Lingkungan (PKBL) PT Perkebunan Nusantara IX Kebun Merbuh berfungsi untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat Desa Merbuh secara sosial dan ekonomi melalui pinjaman modal usaha kecil, pinjaman lahan, dan bantuan sarana umum. PKBL mendapat respons positif dari masyarakat karena telah meningkatkan pendapatan dan sarana lingkungan mereka.
This short document promotes creating presentations using Haiku Deck, a tool for making slideshows. It encourages the reader to get started making their own Haiku Deck presentation and sharing it on 際際滷Share. In a single sentence, it pitches presentation creation software.
Charles Darwin (1809-1882) was an English naturalist who formulated the theory of evolution through natural selection. He developed his theory after observing variations in finch beaks during his five-year voyage around the world on the HMS Beagle from 1831-1836. Darwin's 1859 book On the Origin of Species introduced the scientific theory that populations evolve over successive generations through a process of natural selection. Evidence of evolution includes fossils found preserved in amber, ice, and sedimentary rocks showing transitions between species over time, as well as anatomical, molecular, and developmental similarities across species.
This document defines and provides examples of various figures of speech. It categorizes figures of speech based on likeness, other relations, and sentence structure. Some key figures of speech include simile, metaphor, personification, metonymy, synecdoche, hyperbole, irony, climax, and anticlimax. Examples are provided to illustrate how each figure of speech uses creative or non-literal language to convey meaning in a clear, forceful, or memorable way.
Media pembelajaran internet, email, dan mesin pencari Jakasisworo07
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang media pendidikan berbasis komputer yaitu e-mail, mesin pencari, dan blog. E-mail digunakan untuk berkomunikasi, mesin pencari untuk mencari informasi secara cepat, dan blog sebagai sarana berbagi informasi secara online. Ketiga alat ini memiliki kelebihan dan kekurangan masing-masing dalam pendayagunaannya.
4Life Transfer Factor merupakan Produk yang berperan sebagai Modulator Sistem Imun yang mampu Mengenali, Menyeimbangkan dan Meningkatkan Sistem Imun dalam Tubuh kita serta Mampu meningkatkan Aktifitas Natural Killer Sel hingga 283% - 437% (Natural Killer adalah Sel Pembunuh Alami yang bertugas membunuh Sel-Sel Kanker dan sel-sel yang Terinfeksi Penyakit) dan Membantu Tubuh membuang zat-zat Racun (Toksin)
Dokumen tersebut memberikan informasi mengenai profil dan produk-produk PT DDN yang bergerak di bidang kesehatan herbal. Produk-produk tersebut diantaranya propolis, colostrum, dan herbal tradisional yang dipasarkan untuk menjaga dan meningkatkan kesehatan. [/ringkuman]"
Dokumen tersebut memberikan informasi mengenai profil dan produk-produk PT DDN yang bergerak di bidang kesehatan herbal. Produk-produk tersebut diantaranya propolis, colostrum, dan herbal tradisional yang diklaim memiliki manfaat untuk berbagai penyakit."
The document analyzes six film distribution companies - Orion Pictures, TriStar, Warner Bros, Buena Vista, Fox, and DreamWorks - and provides examples of films distributed by each. It finds that the companies vary in the genres and budgets of films they support. Orion Pictures and DreamWorks generally have lower budgets but still achieve success. TriStar, Warner Bros, Buena Vista and Fox tend to have larger mid-to-high budgets and box office returns, especially for sci-fi and animated films. The document examines trends in the types of films and budgets for each distributor.
Some people are locked into the belief that technology is destroying creativity, especially under marketing field. This probably goes back some way; However, the question is, does marketing Automation kill creativity? if not, what it does instead? Let's get in detail in this presentation.
Content Marketing | Data Mining | Predictive Analytics | Data Analytics | Digital Marketing
This short document promotes the creation of Haiku Deck presentations on 際際滷Share and encourages the reader to get started making their own presentation. It includes photo credits to three photographers and a call to action to create a Haiku Deck presentation on 際際滷Share.
This document summarizes interviews with experts on the marketing automation industry. It finds that while standalone marketing automation tools like Marketo still have value for some customers, integrated platforms are preferred by larger enterprises that need more sophisticated functionality. Experts noted Marketo and other vendors will face challenges moving "upstream" to larger clients and retaining customers against more specialized or comprehensive competitors. Overall the marketing automation market remains in flux as the boundary between sales and marketing functions evolves.
The document discusses typography and different categories of typefaces including serif, sans serif, ornamental, script, and symbol. It provides examples of typefaces in each category and discusses characteristics like whether they are easier to read for printed or digital text. It encourages thinking about the target audience and appropriate typography choices for things like a school newsletter based on the medium, colors, graphics, and overall design. Activities include identifying typeface categories and changing names in different fonts to understand font styles.
This short document promotes the creation of presentations using Haiku Deck on 際際滷Share. It contains 3 stock photos without captions or additional context. The document encourages the viewer to get started making their own Haiku Deck presentation by uploading it to 際際滷Share.
This document provides information about library hours and services at Merced College. The Merced campus library is open Monday through Thursday from 8am to 8:30pm and Friday from 8am to 2pm. The Los Banos campus library hours are Monday through Thursday from 7:30am to 8pm and Friday from 7:30am to 3pm. Library resources include databases that can provide background information on topics. Services include computer and iPad checkout, study rooms, photocopying, and textbook reserves. Students can get help by telephone, text, or visiting the information desk.
This document provides information about the Australian states of Queensland, Victoria, Tasmania, Western Australia, South Australia, and New South Wales. It describes the geography, population, history, industries/economies, and landmarks of each state. The states are economically and culturally diverse, with varying populations, industries, natural features, and histories of European exploration and settlement.
El documento propone estrategias para promover la industria peruana de software, como realizar campa単as de marketing para posicionar al Per炭 como competitivo internacionalmente en el desarrollo de software, y promover eventos y ferias para la exportaci坦n de contenidos, servicios y bienes TIC. Asimismo, busca generar redes de contactos de profesionales peruanos en el exterior para aprovechar oportunidades comerciales, y abrir oficinas de promoci坦n comercial en otros pa鱈ses. Finalmente, presenta a APESOFT, la asociaci坦n peruana
Chen Min Yan introduces herself as an artworker and graphic designer with over 5 years of experience in China and the UK, and provides her contact information and portfolio of work including magazine layouts, introductions, pamphlets, prints, leaflets, floor plans, greeting cards, packaging, retouching, photography and more.
This document provides information about the Australian states of Queensland, Victoria, Tasmania, Western Australia and South Australia. It details each state's geography, population, history, key industries/economies and landmarks. Queensland is home to the Great Barrier Reef and has a population of over 4.7 million people focused in industries like tourism, agriculture and mining. Victoria has a population of 5.7 million and is a hub for Australia's automotive industry. Tasmania's population is around 511,000 and it is known for convict sites like Port Arthur. Western Australia relies heavily on its mining industry and has popular landmarks like Margaret River and Rottnest Island. South Australia's wine industry is a large part of its economy and it attract
Program Kemitraan dan Bina Lingkungan (PKBL) PT Perkebunan Nusantara IX Kebun Merbuh berfungsi untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat Desa Merbuh secara sosial dan ekonomi melalui pinjaman modal usaha kecil, pinjaman lahan, dan bantuan sarana umum. PKBL mendapat respons positif dari masyarakat karena telah meningkatkan pendapatan dan sarana lingkungan mereka.
This short document promotes creating presentations using Haiku Deck, a tool for making slideshows. It encourages the reader to get started making their own Haiku Deck presentation and sharing it on 際際滷Share. In a single sentence, it pitches presentation creation software.
Charles Darwin (1809-1882) was an English naturalist who formulated the theory of evolution through natural selection. He developed his theory after observing variations in finch beaks during his five-year voyage around the world on the HMS Beagle from 1831-1836. Darwin's 1859 book On the Origin of Species introduced the scientific theory that populations evolve over successive generations through a process of natural selection. Evidence of evolution includes fossils found preserved in amber, ice, and sedimentary rocks showing transitions between species over time, as well as anatomical, molecular, and developmental similarities across species.
This document defines and provides examples of various figures of speech. It categorizes figures of speech based on likeness, other relations, and sentence structure. Some key figures of speech include simile, metaphor, personification, metonymy, synecdoche, hyperbole, irony, climax, and anticlimax. Examples are provided to illustrate how each figure of speech uses creative or non-literal language to convey meaning in a clear, forceful, or memorable way.
Media pembelajaran internet, email, dan mesin pencari Jakasisworo07
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang media pendidikan berbasis komputer yaitu e-mail, mesin pencari, dan blog. E-mail digunakan untuk berkomunikasi, mesin pencari untuk mencari informasi secara cepat, dan blog sebagai sarana berbagi informasi secara online. Ketiga alat ini memiliki kelebihan dan kekurangan masing-masing dalam pendayagunaannya.
4Life Transfer Factor merupakan Produk yang berperan sebagai Modulator Sistem Imun yang mampu Mengenali, Menyeimbangkan dan Meningkatkan Sistem Imun dalam Tubuh kita serta Mampu meningkatkan Aktifitas Natural Killer Sel hingga 283% - 437% (Natural Killer adalah Sel Pembunuh Alami yang bertugas membunuh Sel-Sel Kanker dan sel-sel yang Terinfeksi Penyakit) dan Membantu Tubuh membuang zat-zat Racun (Toksin)
Dokumen tersebut memberikan informasi mengenai profil dan produk-produk PT DDN yang bergerak di bidang kesehatan herbal. Produk-produk tersebut diantaranya propolis, colostrum, dan herbal tradisional yang dipasarkan untuk menjaga dan meningkatkan kesehatan. [/ringkuman]"
Dokumen tersebut memberikan informasi mengenai profil dan produk-produk PT DDN yang bergerak di bidang kesehatan herbal. Produk-produk tersebut diantaranya propolis, colostrum, dan herbal tradisional yang diklaim memiliki manfaat untuk berbagai penyakit."
Transfer Factor adalah Produk Research dari Amerika, Transfer Factor Membantu Sistem Kerja Inum dalam Tubuh kita menghadapi Se Bakteri,Protozoa,Radikal Bebas serta Sel kanker.Target Penyakit : Kanker, Hepatitis, HIV, Jantung dan Autoimun.
Transfer Factor Advance merupakan suplemen kesehatan yang dirancang khusus untuk menyeimbangkan sistem kekebalan tubuh pada penderita penyakit autoimun dengan menenangkan respon imun yang berlebihan, serta mampu mengenali lebih dari 200.000 jenis patogen dan meningkatkan aktivitas sel-sel imun.
Ringkasan dokumen tersebut adalah kelompok mahasiswa menyusun laporan tentang alergi yang mencakup pengertian, patofisiologi, etiologi, gejala, terapi non-farmakologi, informasi obat seperti cholpheniramine maleate dan hydrocortisone krim serta mekanisme kerja kedua obat tersebut.
Tiga ilmuwan, Mario R. Capecchi, Sir Martin J. Evans, dan Oliver Smithies memenangkan Hadiah Nobel Kedokteran 2007 untuk penelitian sel punca embrionik. Kemudian pada 2012, John Gurdon dan Shinya Yamanaka memenangkan Hadiah Nobel untuk penelitian sel punca. Kedua penelitian ini membuka peluang besar untuk pengobatan penyakit menggunakan sel punca.
Dalam materi ini akan dibahas, apakah obat aman diberikan kepada ibu hamil dan menyusui sehingga apa kemungkinan dampak yang dihasilkan akibat pemberian obat bagi ibu hamil dan menyusui, dan prinsip-prinsip pemberian obat bagi ibu hamil dan menyusui.
Testimoni mengenai berbagai manfaat produk Green Field Organic (GFO) dalam mengatasi berbagai masalah kesehatan dan kecantikan. Beberapa kasus yang diuraikan antara lain mengatasi masalah kesehatan seperti diabetes, kolesterol tinggi, dan stroke; menurunkan berat badan; menghilangkan jerawat dan bekas luka; menyembuhkan luka bakar dan luka; serta meningkatkan kadar trombosit.
Dokumen tersebut membahas pentingnya kesehatan dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya seperti pola hidup, penuaan, dan bagaimana tubuh memiliki kemampuan untuk memperbaiki diri. Dokumen tersebut juga mempromosikan produk bernama Imun Oxy yang dapat meningkatkan sistem kekebalan tubuh, mengandung antioksidan tinggi, dan dapat mencegah penuaan dengan memperpanjang telomere.
Dokumen tersebut membahas pentingnya kesehatan dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya seperti pola hidup, penuaan, dan manfaat minuman Imun Oxy. Dokumen tersebut juga menjelaskan proses penuaan yang terjadi secara bertahap pada tiga fase dan bagaimana Imun Oxy dapat membantu meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh, mengurangi stres oksidatif, serta memperlambat proses penuaan dengan memperpanjang tel
1. R
Vitamin, Mineral,
Enzim , Herbal,
Kolostrum, Obat,
Steroid atau Hormon
Sains hanya
Transfer Factor adalah Molekul PENDIDIK Sistem Imun (Immune IQ)
Molekul TF diekstrak dari kolostrum (susu awal) sapi dan kuning
telur ayam
Molekul TF tidak mengandung antibodi hewan (IgG) seperti
yang terdapat di dalam kolostrum sapi
TF bersifat non-species specific (sama fungsinya untuk manusia
& hewan) sehingga tidak menimbulkan alergi pada manusia
TF tidak ada kadar toksik & efek samping
TF aman dikonsumsi oleh ibu hamil & semua usia termasuk lansia & bayi
sistem imun sehingga sistem imun dapat
mengenali rupa2 virus, bakteri, kuman,
parasit, serta sel2 rusak seperti tumor
& sel kanker
2. MERANGSANG sistem imun
untuk menyerang musuh2 serta
merekam informasinya agar tindakan
dapat diambil dengan lebih cepat pada
serangan berikutnya (immune stimulator)
3.MENENANGKAN sistem imun
untuk kembali kepada status siaga
apabila musuh2 telah dikalahkan (immune
sel-sel imun TF
sel-sel imun
5. TF: Produk Saintifik Luar Biasa
KLINIS telah diterbitkan oleh para ILMUAN
DARI 60 NEGARA tentang TF!
TF terdaftar di dalam PDR (buku
rujukan para dokter di USA Dunia )
Di juluki :
7. Penelitian Dr Darryl See pada 20 orang penderita
penyakit KANKER STADIUM-4 yang hanya mempunyai
Setelah 6 bulan, 16 dari 20 pasien dalam penelitian ini, ternyata
masih dapat bertahan, dan kini dalam remission yaitu kondisi
sudah berangsur pulih atau sudah dalam kondisi yang stabil.
8. Belum pernah di temukan sejenis herbal
produk suplemen kesehatan atau obat-
obatan yang mempunyai kekuatan dalam
merangsang & meningkatkan daya imun
seperti Transfer Factor!" - Dr Darryl See
Pandangan Pakar2 Sains & Kedokteran
Tentang Transfer Factor
Associate Clinical Professor W.H.O. ( World Health Organization)
Western Europe, Dr. See received his degree from the University of California,
Irvine. Academic appointments include: Assistant/Associate Clinical Professor of
Medicine: Investigator, California Collaborative Treatment Group: and Infectious
Disease Consultant, Liver Transplantation Service. He has received contracts,
grants, and research awards from Harvard Biotechnology, Pfizer Pharmaceuticals,
Upjohn Pharmaceuticals, Roche Molecular Systems,, National Institutes of Health,
Department of Defense, and more.
9. Mary Anne, 45 th, menderita kencing manis &
mengkonsumsi 500 mg Glucophage.
Ia mengkonsumsi 8 kapsul Transfer Factor sehari
dan menaburkan 2 kapsul ke atas luka kakinya
selama seminggu. Setelah itu, ia mengkonsumsi
6 kapsul Transfer Factor & menaburkan 2 kapsul
ke atas lukanya. Ia mendapatkan hasil yang
sangat menggembirakan dalam jangka waktu
kurang dari 4 minggu sejak menggunakan
Transfer Factor.
Ronald, 28 th, empat jarinya hancur akibat gerigi
roda motor. Akibat infeksi, dokter akan
mengamputasi jarinya . Atas saran dr. Eduard,
Ronald mengkonsumsi 6 kapsul Transfer Factor Plus
serta menaburkan 2 kapsul Transfer Factor Advance
pada lukanya. Tiga hari kemudian, karena tidak
menemukan tanda-tanda infeksi pada jarinya,
dokter membuat keputusan tidak perlu
mengamputasi jarinya. Dalam waktu 6 minggu,
keadaan jari-jari & kulitnya pulih sempurna.
10. 07 NOV 2007
06 Dec 2007
Rashidah umur 6 yahun sejak lahir mengidap masalah penyakit Ulcerative Colitis /
Corhn's Disease . Dokter nyatakan tidak ada penyembuhannya untuk masalah penyakit
tersebut .
Setelah 10 hari mengkonsumsi Transfer Factor dan Transfer Factor Riovida, kulitnya
mulai membaik dan halus . -Abdul Malik( ayah Rashidah), Singapore
11. Asma yang sangat berat selama 56 tahun .
setelah mengkonsumsi TF selama 3 hari,
konsumsi obat asma saya berkurang
hingga 50%, namun setelah
mengkonsumsi 3 botol TF, sekarang saya
hanya mengkonsumsi 1 kapsul asma
sehari dan 1 kapsul Advance sehari.
Lutfi Zakaria, Jakarta. Di vonis Autisme sejak umur 2 th. Bermacam pengobatan telah di coba orangtuanya dgn
biaya ratusan juta rupiah. Hingga umur 5 th, Lutfi belum dapat bicara dan hanya bermain sendirian. Maret
2006, mengkonsumsi TF Advance dan Chewable tiap hari 2x. Setelah 2 bulan, Lutfi menunjukkan kemajuan sg
baik, penuturan kata sudah mulai teratur, menjuarai sains di sekolahnya, sudah tidak perlu guru pembimbing
dan semakin normal keadaannya.
penyakit ginjal (kerusakan buah pinggang) &
menjalani dialisis 3 kali seminggu.
Sebelum memakan TF, saya selalu penat & lesu
dan berbaring sahaja. Sekarang, tenaga saya
sudah pulih dan saya dapat bekerja untuk
mencari nafkah keluarga. Sel darah merah saya
juga sudah bertambah, menurut doktor.Khalid,
sakit jantung
Selepas mengambil TF dua minggu Saya sihat &
bertenaga, tidak lesu seperti dulu. Medikal
report saya kini menyatakan saya tidak lagi
menghidap penyakit jantung!.
Salim Talib,
Siew Ngo
Saya memiliki peny tyroid & minum obat 3
tab camazole 2 x sehari.pembengkakan di
leher saya bertambah besar,saya mengalami
rasa sakit yang hebat,kesulitan bernafas
serta sulit menggerakkan leher saya.saya
sudah mencoba berbagai jenis suplemen dan
hampir putus asa sampai saya diperkenalkan
dengan transfer factor.dengan 2 cap, 3 x
sehari pembengkakan mulai berkurang,rasa
sakit menghilang,&gejala lain nya turut
menghilang.saat ini dokter sudah
mengurangi dosis obat saya menjadi 1 cap,
2 x sehari.terimakasih 4life.
Note: TF tidak boleh dikonsumsi oleh orang yang menerima TRANSPLANTASI ORGAN
12. Tanpa Sistem Imun Yang KUAT & PINTAR,
Kita Tidak Akan Dapat Bertahan
Allergi/ Alahan
Diabetes 1 & 2
Penyakit jantung
Darah tinggi
Penyakit族 kulit
Lupus/ SLE
Demam/ Flu
Gout/ asam urat
Tuberculosis (TB)
Resdung / Sinus
Pegal linu
Infeksi Virus
Bird Flu/ SARS/ HFMD
Multiple Sclerosis
Parasitic diseases
Autoimmune diseases
Mycobacterial diseases
Fungal diseases
Malignant diseases
Neurological diseases
Bacterial diseases
Obesity/ Gemuk
Infeksi mata / rabun
Infeksi usus
Infeksi paru-paru
Dalam Fungsi Peningkatan Daya Imun Untuk
Sumber: Jeunesse Inc. - Institute of Longevity Medicine, California, USA
untuk diri & seluruh
AWET MUDA luar & dalam!
Menambahkan TENAGA,
untuk ANAK-ANAK!
Sistem Imun Yang Bijak, Kuat dan
Seimbang Menjamin Kesehatan Optimal!