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Backpack Trip
   By: Enrique Elias
Flight From Mexico City
            To Madrid
Departure- Aeropuerto Internacional Benito Ju叩rez T2 Monday/3/September 2012 - 6:45 PM

Arrival- Aeropuerto de Madrid-Barajas T4 Tuesday/4/September 2012 - 12:40 PM

Airline- AeroMexico

Flight Number- AM1

Flight Duration- 10 hours 55 minutes

Price- 1983.74 USD


To enter most of Europe you dont need visa, the countries you will visit dont require a visa.
It is a beautiful
city with lots of
cites to see!!
In Madrid
                  Where you will stay

You will stay at Puerta del Sol Rooms. They charge 15  per
night in a room of 6 people. You will have a private
bathroom, safety box, free Wi-Fi and air conditioning.
Address: Plaza Puerta del Sol 14  4, Madrid, Spain 28013
You will stay in Madrid for 6 weeks.
From Sept. 3 to Oct. 15, 2012
Total Price: 630
In Madrid
                              Where you will work
You will work at McDonalds, they pay about 5.40 per hour.* *(On average, payment may vary) You will
work for 6 hours from Monday to Friday. 32.40 per day, 162 per week.


You need a special permit to work since you are a foreigner.

You must be at least 16 years old.

Food is included

Address: Orense

C/ Orense, 15, Madrid, 28020.

You will work for 30 days.

Total Sallary: 972


Trip from Madrid to Paris
Train Ride From: Chamart鱈n, Calle de Agust鱈n de Fox叩, 28036
Madrid, Spain - Departs: Oct. 15 2012, 6:12 P.M

Destination- Gare d'Austerlitz, 55, quai d'Austerlitz (13th "arrt") 85
quai d'Austerlitz 75013 Paris, France  Arrival: Oct. 16 2012, 9:03

You will be in a sleeper car which has a bed and a complementary
water bottle, meals can be purchased.

Price  133

Train Ride Duration: 14h 51min
One of the most beautiful cities in the WORLD!!!!! With
lots of beautiful cites to see.
In Paris
                  Where you will stay
You will stay at Friends Hostel. They charge 20 per night. It
includes free Wi-Fi, clean sheets, towels, bar and satellite TV.
They also have a safety box for your personal items.
Address: 122 Blvd De La Chapelle - Paris, France
You will stay in Paris for 6 weeks
From Oct. 16 Nov. 20, 2012
Total price: 840
In Paris
                            Where you will work
You will work at McDonalds. They pay about 9.79 per hour. * *(On average, payment may
vary) You will work for 6 hours from Monday to Friday. 58.74 per day 293.70 per week.

You need a permit to work

Food is included

You will work for 30 days

Address: 184 Rue de Rivoli 75001 Paris, France

Total Salary: 1761


Trip From Paris To
Train Ride From: Gare du Nord, 112, rue de Maubeuge 75010
Paris, France  Departs Nov. 20 2012, 6:25 AM
Arrival: Amsterdam Centraal, Stationsplein 1012 Binnenstad,
The Netherlands - Arrival Nov. 2012, 9:44AM
You will be in economy class. Meals can be purchased, meals
and Wi-Fi available for purchase.
Price: 35
Trip Duration: 3h 19min
An amazing city with lots of things to do.
In Amsterdam
                    Where you will stay

You will stay at Youth Hostel Meetingpoint. They charge 12
per night and include: free Wi-Fi, bar and towels for hire.
Address: Warmoesstraat 14, 1012
JD, Amsterdam, Netherlands
You will stay in Amsterdam for 4 weeks
From Nov. 20  Dec 18, 2012
Total Price: 336
In Amsterdam
                                 Where you will work

You will work at Oreillys Irish Pub Amsterdam. They pay about 56.75 per day.* *(On average, payment
may vary) You will work for 6 hours from Monday to Friday. 283.75 per week

You need a special permit to work since you are a foreigner

Food is included

You will work for 20 days

Address: Paleisstraat 103 1012 ZL Amsterdam, Netherlands

Total salary: 1135



Trip From Amsterdam to
Train ride from: Amsterdam Centraal, Stationsplein 1012
Binnenstad, The Netherlands - Dec. 18, 2012 7:02 P.M.
Arrival- Copenhagen Central Baneg奪rdspladsen 7 1570
Copenhagen, Denmark  Dec. 19, 2012 10:02 A.M.
You will be in a first class sleeper car. Food and drinks are
included, extras can be purchased.
Train ride duration: 15h 1min
Price: 119
A fun city with lots of things to do!!!
In Copenhagen
                   Where you will stay

You will stay at the Copenhagen Danhostel Bellah淡j. Its 4 km from
Copenhagens main pedestrian street. They charge 18 a night. They
include: free Wi-Fi, swimming pools, cable TV and towels for hire.

Herbergvejen 8 2700 Br淡nsh淡j, Denmark

You will stay in Copenhagen for 4 weeks

From Dec. 19, 2012  Jan. 9, 2013

Total price: 504 = 3,758.40 DKK

In Copenhagen
                   Where you will work

You will work in Burger King. They pay about 103.15 DKK. * *(On
average, payment may vary) You will work for 6 hours from Monday
to Friday.
You will work for 20 days
Food is included
Address: Vesterbrogade 2 1550 Copenhagen, Denmark
Total Salary: 12360 DKK= 1658
You do need a special permit to work since you are a foreigner
From Copenhagen to
Departs: Copenhagen Central Baneg奪rdspladsen 7 1570
Copenhagen, Denmark  Jan. 9 2013, 6:20 P.M.
Arrival: St Pancras International,Pancras Road, London NW1
2QP, United Kingdom - Jan. 10 2013, 12:30 P.M.
You will be in a sleeper car and you will have a seat also.
Meals can be purchased.
Price: 343
Trip Duration: 19h 10min
A magical place with many thing to do!!!
In London
                      Where you will Stay

You will stay at St Christopher's Shepherds Bush. They charge
12.43 per night. They include free Wi-Fi, towels for hire, bar and a

Address: Belushis Bar 13-15 Shepherds Bush Green
London, England

You will stay 4 weeks

Jan. 9 2013  Feb. 6 2013

Total Price- 372.9

In London
                      Where you will Work

You will work in McDonalds. They pay about 4.98贈 per hour. * *(On
average, payment may vary) You will work from Monday to Friday for 6 hours.

Address: 2/3 Marble Arch Westminster, London W1H 7AP, United Kingdom

You will work for 20 days

Food is included

Total Salary: 597.6贈 = 743.38

You need a special permit since you are a foreigner.

Trip back to Mexico
You will fly back to Mexico.

Departure:Heathrow Airport Croydon Road Hillingdon, Greater London
TW6 1AP, United Kingdom - Feb. 6, 2013 9:30 A.M. UTC Virgin Atlantic

Layover in New York for 2 hours

Aeropuerto Internacional Benito Ju叩rez T2  Feb. 6, 2013 6:45 P.M.
UTC-6 Areomexico

Price of flight: 1142$ USD= 876.48


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Agency Trip

  • 1. Backpack Trip By: Enrique Elias
  • 2. Flight From Mexico City To Madrid Departure- Aeropuerto Internacional Benito Ju叩rez T2 Monday/3/September 2012 - 6:45 PM Arrival- Aeropuerto de Madrid-Barajas T4 Tuesday/4/September 2012 - 12:40 PM Airline- AeroMexico Flight Number- AM1 Flight Duration- 10 hours 55 minutes Price- 1983.74 USD http://www.expedia.com/Flights- Search?trip=oneway&leg1=from:Mexico%20City,%20Distrito%20Federal,%20Mexico%20(MEX- Mexico%20City%20Intl.),to:Madrid,%20Spain%20(MAD- Barajas),departure:12%2F24%2F2012TANYT&passengers=children:2[13;16],adults:4,seniors:0,infantinlap:N &options=cabinclass:coach,nopenalty:N,sortby:price&mode=search To enter most of Europe you dont need visa, the countries you will visit dont require a visa.
  • 3. Madrid It is a beautiful city with lots of wonderful cites to see!!
  • 4. In Madrid Where you will stay You will stay at Puerta del Sol Rooms. They charge 15 per night in a room of 6 people. You will have a private bathroom, safety box, free Wi-Fi and air conditioning. Address: Plaza Puerta del Sol 14 4, Madrid, Spain 28013 You will stay in Madrid for 6 weeks. From Sept. 3 to Oct. 15, 2012 Total Price: 630 http://www.hostelbookers.com/property/prp/72146/arr/2012- 09-03/ngt/31/ppl/1/
  • 5. In Madrid Where you will work You will work at McDonalds, they pay about 5.40 per hour.* *(On average, payment may vary) You will work for 6 hours from Monday to Friday. 32.40 per day, 162 per week. http://www.vandal.net/foro/mensaje/413669/necesito-informacion-cuanto-pagan-por-trabajar-en-pans- company-mcdonalds-burger/2 You need a special permit to work since you are a foreigner. You must be at least 16 years old. Food is included Address: Orense C/ Orense, 15, Madrid, 28020. You will work for 30 days. Total Sallary: 972 http://www.euroresidentes.com/inmigracion/permiso-trabajar-espana.htm http://www.rrhhmcdonalds.es/verOfertas.php#
  • 6. Trip from Madrid to Paris Train Ride From: Chamart鱈n, Calle de Agust鱈n de Fox叩, 28036 Madrid, Spain - Departs: Oct. 15 2012, 6:12 P.M Destination- Gare d'Austerlitz, 55, quai d'Austerlitz (13th "arrt") 85 quai d'Austerlitz 75013 Paris, France Arrival: Oct. 16 2012, 9:03 A.M You will be in a sleeper car which has a bed and a complementary water bottle, meals can be purchased. Price 133 Train Ride Duration: 14h 51min http://www.raileurope-world.com/spip.phppage=sales&re_domain=ptp&re_oper=results
  • 7. Paris One of the most beautiful cities in the WORLD!!!!! With lots of beautiful cites to see.
  • 8. In Paris Where you will stay You will stay at Friends Hostel. They charge 20 per night. It includes free Wi-Fi, clean sheets, towels, bar and satellite TV. They also have a safety box for your personal items. Address: 122 Blvd De La Chapelle - Paris, France You will stay in Paris for 6 weeks From Oct. 16 Nov. 20, 2012 Total price: 840 http://www.hostelsclub.com/hostel-es-4754.html
  • 9. In Paris Where you will work You will work at McDonalds. They pay about 9.79 per hour. * *(On average, payment may vary) You will work for 6 hours from Monday to Friday. 58.74 per day 293.70 per week. You need a permit to work Food is included You will work for 30 days Address: 184 Rue de Rivoli 75001 Paris, France Total Salary: 1761 http://gofrance.about.com/cs/relocating/a/visas_4.htm http://www.glassdoor.com/Hourly-Pay/McDonald-s-Cashier-France-Hourly-Pay- EJI_IE432.0,10_KO11,18_IL.19,25_IN86.htm
  • 10. Trip From Paris To Amsterdam Train Ride From: Gare du Nord, 112, rue de Maubeuge 75010 Paris, France Departs Nov. 20 2012, 6:25 AM Arrival: Amsterdam Centraal, Stationsplein 1012 Binnenstad, The Netherlands - Arrival Nov. 2012, 9:44AM You will be in economy class. Meals can be purchased, meals and Wi-Fi available for purchase. Price: 35 Trip Duration: 3h 19min http://www.raileurope-world.com/spip.php?page=sales
  • 11. Amsterdam An amazing city with lots of things to do.
  • 12. In Amsterdam Where you will stay You will stay at Youth Hostel Meetingpoint. They charge 12 per night and include: free Wi-Fi, bar and towels for hire. Address: Warmoesstraat 14, 1012 JD, Amsterdam, Netherlands You will stay in Amsterdam for 4 weeks From Nov. 20 Dec 18, 2012 Total Price: 336 http://www.hostelworld.com/hosteldetails.php/Youth- Hostel-Meetingpoint/Amsterdam/5052
  • 13. In Amsterdam Where you will work You will work at Oreillys Irish Pub Amsterdam. They pay about 56.75 per day.* *(On average, payment may vary) You will work for 6 hours from Monday to Friday. 283.75 per week You need a special permit to work since you are a foreigner Food is included You will work for 20 days Address: Paleisstraat 103 1012 ZL Amsterdam, Netherlands Total salary: 1135 http://oreillys.com/amsterdam/ http://www.workpermit.com/netherlands/employer.htm http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_minimum_wages_by_country
  • 14. Trip From Amsterdam to Copenhagen Train ride from: Amsterdam Centraal, Stationsplein 1012 Binnenstad, The Netherlands - Dec. 18, 2012 7:02 P.M. Arrival- Copenhagen Central Baneg奪rdspladsen 7 1570 Copenhagen, Denmark Dec. 19, 2012 10:02 A.M. You will be in a first class sleeper car. Food and drinks are included, extras can be purchased. Train ride duration: 15h 1min Price: 119 http://www.raileurope-world.com/spip.php?page=sales
  • 15. Copenhagen A fun city with lots of things to do!!!
  • 16. In Copenhagen Where you will stay You will stay at the Copenhagen Danhostel Bellah淡j. Its 4 km from Copenhagens main pedestrian street. They charge 18 a night. They include: free Wi-Fi, swimming pools, cable TV and towels for hire. Herbergvejen 8 2700 Br淡nsh淡j, Denmark You will stay in Copenhagen for 4 weeks From Dec. 19, 2012 Jan. 9, 2013 Total price: 504 = 3,758.40 DKK http://www.hostelworld.com/hosteldetails.php/Danhostel- Copenhagen-Bellahj/Copenhagen/43895
  • 17. In Copenhagen Where you will work You will work in Burger King. They pay about 103.15 DKK. * *(On average, payment may vary) You will work for 6 hours from Monday to Friday. You will work for 20 days Food is included Address: Vesterbrogade 2 1550 Copenhagen, Denmark Total Salary: 12360 DKK= 1658 You do need a special permit to work since you are a foreigner http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_minimum_wages_by_country
  • 18. From Copenhagen to London Departs: Copenhagen Central Baneg奪rdspladsen 7 1570 Copenhagen, Denmark Jan. 9 2013, 6:20 P.M. Arrival: St Pancras International,Pancras Road, London NW1 2QP, United Kingdom - Jan. 10 2013, 12:30 P.M. You will be in a sleeper car and you will have a seat also. Meals can be purchased. Price: 343 Trip Duration: 19h 10min http://www.raileurope-world.com/spip.php?page=sales
  • 19. London A magical place with many thing to do!!!
  • 20. In London Where you will Stay You will stay at St Christopher's Shepherds Bush. They charge 12.43 per night. They include free Wi-Fi, towels for hire, bar and a restaurant. Address: Belushis Bar 13-15 Shepherds Bush Green London, England You will stay 4 weeks Jan. 9 2013 Feb. 6 2013 Total Price- 372.9 http://www.hostelworld.com/hosteldetails.php/St-Christopher-s- Shepherds-Bush/London/506#availability
  • 21. In London Where you will Work You will work in McDonalds. They pay about 4.98贈 per hour. * *(On average, payment may vary) You will work from Monday to Friday for 6 hours. Address: 2/3 Marble Arch Westminster, London W1H 7AP, United Kingdom You will work for 20 days Food is included Total Salary: 597.6贈 = 743.38 You need a special permit since you are a foreigner. http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/Employment/Employees/TheNationalMinimumWage/ DG_10027201
  • 22. Trip back to Mexico You will fly back to Mexico. Departure:Heathrow Airport Croydon Road Hillingdon, Greater London TW6 1AP, United Kingdom - Feb. 6, 2013 9:30 A.M. UTC Virgin Atlantic Layover in New York for 2 hours Aeropuerto Internacional Benito Ju叩rez T2 Feb. 6, 2013 6:45 P.M. UTC-6 Areomexico Price of flight: 1142$ USD= 876.48 https://www.expedia.com/Details?c=96e05cc2-aac6-48f0-840f- 7b435681f899&rfrr=&action=UnifiedDetailsWidget%40showDetails&