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Title: Civil Engineer Project Manager
I) Objectives
An enriching career that enables me to utilize my skills and abilities with an
organization that would provide me a professional growth in the organization as a part of the
winning team.
II) Personal Data
Name : Ahmad Moh'd Asa'ad
Carrear: B.Sc. Civil Engineering (Structural Analysis).
Place & Date of Birth : Kuwait on March 11 . 1979.
Nationality: Palestinian with Lebanese Refugee Passport no# 252260
Permenant Adress : Lebanon, Tripoli , Nahr El Bared (+961-3-696902)
Current Adress : UAE, Dubai  Discovery Gardens.
Contact No# : +971-52-8500010 / +971-50-840 2500 / +971-50-2100 130
Email Adress : Lordman79@hotmail.com / a.asaad@dhafirdc.com
III) Academic Qualification:
University Beirut Arab University.
Education B.Sc. Civil Engineering.
Graduation 2001.
School Arabia Secondary School
Education Secondary School
Graduation 1996.
IV) Work History & Experience:
A. Company Dhafir Development &. Contracting Co. (U.A.E)
Experience: Project Manager (PM) forResidential Buildings,One Residential Building
Commercial & Residential Buildings onAL Raffa plot no# 3160550 @ Dubai , the projectconsistsof
One basement+Ground floor+6 Typical floorswithmechanical floor&roof flooras well as
Gymnasium& Swimmingpools&publicShops ( CommonFacilitiesArea) onthe groundfloorlevel.
The projectoverall area is 12,000 Sq.m.
Project Value: Three Hundred& FourtyOne MillionDhs.
Management: Mohammad& ObaidALMulla
Consultant : Arif & Bin Toak
Owner : DhafirDevelopment&Contracting
Duration : July.2014  Up to Date.
B. Company Dhafir Development &. Contracting Co. (U.A.E)
Experience: Project Manager forResidential Buildings,Two Residential BuildingBeach
Terraces ( Yasmina Residence ) on ReemIsland @ AbuDhabi , the projectconsistsof Two
basements+ Lower Groundfloor,Groundfloor+ 10 Typical floorswithmechanical floor&roof floor
For Each Building aswell asGymnasium& Swimmingpools&publicShops( CommonFacilitiesArea)
on the ground floorlevel
Project Value: EightySevenMillionDhs.
Management: Oriental Street
Consultant : Firas EngineeringConsultant
Owner : DhafirDevelopment&Contracting
Duration : Mar. 2013 - July.2014.
C. Company Dhafir Development &. Contracting Co. (U.A.E)
Experience: Technical & Procurement Manager forMulti projects onAbuDhabi
 Studyingthe contract documents. Dwgs,specifications,BOQ&Particular
 Highlightingspecial specificationsonmajoritem
 Itemscouldbe consideredasmaterial procurementwillbe studied
 Subcontractalso will be dividedintotwocategories,1stcategory:
Subcontractfor FIX only, 2nd
category:Subcontract forSUPPLY & FIX.
 Aftercategorizingall itemsonthe contractual documents&the addendum,
vendorlist& listof approvedsuppliers&subcontractorsshall be analyzed
 Anyotherpossible equivalentsubcontractororsuppliercanbe addedif
 Sendingenquiresforeach itemseparately.
 Studyingquotationsitemsasperprice , technical specs&conditionsof the
 Making comparisonsheetsforeachitemsbetweensubcontractors&
supplierstatingprice deference andanyspecial conditionsforeachitem
 Nominatingthree subcontractorswhichcomplywiththe specification&
whichhave goodqualifications&bestprices.
 Assigna kickof meetingwiththe nominatedsupplierstodiscussthe
quotationswiththe particularconditions
 Finalizingthe draftLetterof Intentwiththe qualifiedsupplier/Subcontractor
 SigningLOIafterrevisingthe draft& agreementof bothparties
 SendingThe supplier/SubcontractorPrequalificationstothe consultant&
the clientsforapproval
 Finallysendingatechnical submittal forthe assignedwork,soitcould
launchso on the progressforthe itemapproval.
Duration : July.2013  Jan.2014
D. Company Dhafir Development &. Contracting Co. (U.A.E)
Experience: Construction Manager forResidential Towers,TwoResidenttial Towers
Beach Towers on ReemIsland @ AbuDhabi , the projectconsistsOne basements+3 Podiums
TransferSlab& 26 Typical floorswithmechanical floor&roof floorFor Each towers as well as
TowersHave Gymnasium& Swimmingpools&publicShops( CommonFacilitiesArea)
Project Value: Four HundredNinetyMillionDhs.
Management: Cyril Sweet
Consultant : Ghazi AwadArchitects& Engineers.
Owner : Al Badie Group forTrading & Investments
Duration : Dec.2009- March. 2013.
E. Company SEIDCO Gen. Contracting Co. (U.A.E)
Experience: Construction Manager (Acting As Project Manager ) for Commercial
Towers,Three OfficesTowers MixedUse Development E-11 Plot No# 88,115,87 @
AbuDhabi ,ElectraStreet,the projectconsists3 basements+3 officesToweseachis
25 typical floorswithmechanical floor&roof flooras well towersare providedwith
Project Value: Eight Hundred Millions Dhs.
Management: Link Investments & ADCP
Consultant : Architectural Consultant Group (ACG )
Owner : First Gulf Bank.
Duration June 2008.  Dec. 2009
F. Company : SEIDCO Gen. Contracting Co. (U.A.E)
Experience: Senior Project Engineer For A residential &Commercial Towers,
DevelopmentOfShk. MohdBin Zayed City plot C-1/ Z-9 @ Commercial Musaffah
the projectconsistof 16 residential TowerswithMall &4 commercial Towerson
additiontoa Mosque & publicAreas&Playgrounds.
Project Value: One Billion Dhs. (600 Million for SIEDCO, 400 Millions for AL Fara叩)
Management: Morganti Groups
Consultant : Bainona & AL Bayati Architects
Owner : First Gulf Bank.
Duration March 2007- May 2008.
G. Company AL FIRAS GEN. Cont. & Maint. EST. (U.A.E)
Experience: Project Engineer For many Sites
a. BuildingforHeirsof Mr. Moh'd RashidBelfarAl Mansouri E22/1 Project
Value 30 MillionDhs
b. VillaComplex onAl Bateen) ProjectValue 7.5MillionDhs.
c. Ministryof Justice IslamicAffair Residential Tower.ProjectValue 50
2. ProjectsEstimation(EstimationDepartment) ProjectsValuewonmore than1,500
MillionDhs. .
3. ProjectPlanningusingmanypowerfulprogramsasPrimavera,MS Project&
Excel charts & sheets.
4. ProjectsProcurements(Enquiries,Quotation&FinalizationContracts).Projects
ProcuredBy My Behalf more than 960 MillionDhs.
5. ProjectCo-ordination&SystemEstablishing.
6. ProgressCharts & Evaluations.
7. PaymentsControl.
Duration 2002- March 2007.
H. Company -Kayyali Engineering Consultant (LB)
Experience 1. Design for many no# of villas , towers & supervising on the site
2. Monitoring Thescope& running of works.
Duration 6 month 2002
I. Company -Khatib & Alami (K&A) (LB)
Experience A survey project for disasters lifted from the Storms .
This project had been With the aid of the engineering department of
the Lebanese Army & the Unifil & UN.
Excellent Experience on Failure Inspections (Causes, Results,
evaluations, suggestion, way of curing & solving)
Duration year from 2000till 2001
J. Company -Dar el Hadassah (Project & Map Provider) (LB)
- CDR (Council for Development & reconstruction (Project Provider &
Experience -VIP pavilion / Beirut Airport
-General Aviation (Execution of a civil works for the VIP lounge
building & related works
Duration 6 months (1999-2000) (During My Own Studies )
K. Company Own Work about Structural design
(Plastic hinges formation & Stabilization against Earthquake)
Experience Participated on the Engineering Day & wins the first prize against
engineering inventions
Duration 72 hours during fourth year engineering
L. Company Hilti Group (LB)
Experience having a part time trainingaboutSkillsinAnchorage System,participated
on the EngineeringDay.&havinga special prize &certificate.
Duration 36 hours during third year engineering
V) Attending Training Courses:
A. 18 hours course about Structural AnalysisandDesign UsingSap2000
B. 30 hours course aboutAnalysisandDesignof 2D and3D Frames, ShellsandPlates Using
Robot Millennium
C. 48 hours trainingcoursefor anchoragesystem between two shell elements. Methods,ways of
curingusingthe epoxy& the HILTI HIT HYV 1500.
D. 30 hours training course aboutProject Management& Planning PrimaveraProject Planner
9001:2000 (VINCOT Dubai)
F. 10 hours trainingcoursefor EngineeringLegal & contractual correspondences.(Industrial &
Commerce Chamberof Abu Dhabi Municipality)
G. 75 hourstrainingcourse for project managementprinciplesPMP
H. 3 Days Awareness TrainingOnQuality& HSE Management Systems
VI) Skills, Responsibilities&Objectives:
Ensure projectConstructionintime ,withinthe budgetprice &meetsall the qualificationsof
Quality & HSE requirments ,witha very safe environment,Control the subcontractoron
progress withcoordination&ensuringthatthe workexcutedisasper drawings,method
statements&specifications&QuantitiesaspermentionedonBOQ..Ensuringthe workis
excutedinaccordance withcompanyIntegratedManagementSystemRequirements,tothe
satisfactoryof the client& Consultant.
- A) Personal Key Skills:
Confidentandeffectiveindealingwithpublic,Clients,Consultant,Staff &Subcontractors
Presentinginformationclearlyandconciselyinverbal andwrittenforms
Excellentpublicrelationandstronginterpersonal skills
- B ) Further Skills:
Controllingthe projectprogress.
Making requireddesign&conductingurgentmeetingtosolve site problems.
Materials& Projectcoordinator.
Quality& CostControl.
Subcontractor& Supplierprequalification
Continuousmonitoring&updatingthe site progressaccordingtothe new constraints.
- C ) Responsibilities :
1) Relationship
 Develop and Maintain Sound Relationship with Clients ,Consultant,
Subcontractors & Suppliers as well managing a good relation with the
government & Authorities.
 Handle all project correspondences with all the relationships mentioned
above related to progress of work & contractual Issues.
 Ensure Smooth Relationship between the project Team Staff
 Contact & Handle Kick of Meetings & Progress Meetings with above all.
2) Mobilization & Project Start.
 Learn the Project , Study drawings ,specifications,& BOQ & Any other related
Documents to perform the start on fixed basis to plan carefully ahead of
commencement of work.
 Pick up the required team & resources necessary for successful completion of
the project in coordination with the superior staff of the company.
 Contacting PM ,Tender Department & Consultant to eliminate all the
discrepancies and to approach if some area require redesign or cost saving
 Participate in the Selection of Subcontractors & Suppliers as per approved
Vendor list.
 Monitor Mobalization Clearances & guiding Projects & Site Engineers
3) Planning & Procurements
 Coordinate the preparation of Shop Drawings with Site Team & Main Office
 Coordinate with planning department the preparation of work program and
Material Submittals with Manpower Distribution & Updated biweekly with
the planning engineer
 Monitoring daily & weekly progress report between the staff with planning
 Update Milestones & Target Dates
3) Progress on Site
 Monitor Government Permits & Inspections on Site
 Monitor Inspections & Work Inspection Requests from /to consultant
 Monitor & Follow Up Approvals for Materials , Shop Drawings & Subcon..
 Monitor Construction Activities & Guiding Staff & Engineers for Better
performance & assure that work is done according to Method Statements
 Identifying Solutions & Corrective Actions when Evaluations identify problems
 Monitor Stores & ensuring no shortage of materials would cause any day lost
on the program & Logistic Equipment on the site Daily
 Ensure the Quality of Materials & Installation of Work in accordance with the
accepted criteria identified for the project
 Monitor Subcontractors Closely to ensure quality as per specified &
Completion as per planned time.
 Report Daily to the Project Manager or Superiors on all aspects of Site works.
 Guide & Review the daily , biweekly & Monthly Site Progress Reports with the
Engineering Team.
 Follow up the productivity Rates with the engineering Team & Monitor the
Analysis of Cost Control with planning engineers
 Ensure all Company IMS procedures were applied & approached
 Ensure that all the documents issued for the site stuff is updated & the Latest
technical data is available on site ,Stamped ,Sealed & Approved.
 Review Monthly Progress with the Engineering Team ,, in order to raise the
monthly payment & issuing of Subcontractor Payments as well
 Conduct quality & QHSE meetings & ensure all issues are properly achieved
 Attend All Subcontractor progress Meetings & all Site Management Meeting
with client & Consultant
 Support all the team to approach QA/QC & HSE standards on Site
 Completion of work & Final Settlement of the project to be perfectly &
Professionally Handed over.
 Monitor & Communicate Government for Handling Over each to its related
department & Issuing of Final Handing Over Certificate from Municipality
after the Usual Inspection of the project
VII) Computer Skills:
- OperatingSystems: ( ExpertLevel )
1. MS DOS  Micro SoftDisc OperatingSystem
2. Windowsoperatingsystem(win3.11,win95, win98,winmillennium, win2000 & NT
server,winXP2002,win ServerStation2003)
- MicrosoftOffice:( ExpertLevel )
- ( MS word,MS Excel,Ms Access(General User),MsPowerPoint,Ms FrontPage)
- PhotoEditing:( Expert)
- (Corel Draw(All versions),Adobe Photoshop(All Versions), MGIPhotoSuite case,Photopaint
- MacromediaFlashanimationdesign.
- SoundEditing& Mixingengines:( Expert)
- Montage & playback editor( General User)
- ( Adobe premiere,Videoeditor,VCDcutter,OtherEditingprograms.)
- Languages: ( Fairto Expert)
( Turbo C++, Visual Studio( Fair),Java applets( Fair), Others.)
- Site & Graphicspublisher.
- VeryExcellentknowledgeonEngineeringDrawingPrograms( AutoCAD&otherprograms.)
- In additionfora goodexperience innetworkingessentials&serverinstallation.
- Veryhighlevel of experience onHardware knowledgement&technicianexperience.
-Excellent knowledgeonPrimavera&Microsoftproject
- MicrosoftVisio&Smart Draw for flowingcharts.
VIII) References
 Eng. Abd El HamidBarzaq (DhafirDev.& Cont.Co. ) 050-6618981
 Eng. AbdEl Raouf Sairafi (DhafirDev.&Cont. Co. ) 050-6124181
 Eng. Moh'd Ajjawi (Al RakhaContractingCo.) 050-6428215
 Eng. BahjatAl Ayyan (ProjectManager ) 050-3206951
 Eng. Jalal Taha ( ACG Consultant ) 050-4187179
 Eng. AmmarGhareeb (CofelyBesix Intl ) 050-450 3315
 Eng. AhmadSameer (ALFIRASCONT. ) 050-526 5368
 Eng. ZuhairAL Nasr (ALMureikhi ) 050-612 1994
 Furtherreferenceswill be providedonce requested
IX) Driving License
1. ValidLebanese DrivingLicense up to July 1st
2029 (LicenseNo# 1808276).
2. ValidU.A.E DrivingLicense up to April 9th
2015(License No# 491137/A)

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Ahmad CV PM 2014

  • 1. CURRICULUM VITAE Title: Civil Engineer Project Manager I) Objectives An enriching career that enables me to utilize my skills and abilities with an organization that would provide me a professional growth in the organization as a part of the winning team. II) Personal Data Name : Ahmad Moh'd Asa'ad Carrear: B.Sc. Civil Engineering (Structural Analysis). Place & Date of Birth : Kuwait on March 11 . 1979. Nationality: Palestinian with Lebanese Refugee Passport no# 252260 Permenant Adress : Lebanon, Tripoli , Nahr El Bared (+961-3-696902) Current Adress : UAE, Dubai Discovery Gardens. Contact No# : +971-52-8500010 / +971-50-840 2500 / +971-50-2100 130 Email Adress : Lordman79@hotmail.com / a.asaad@dhafirdc.com III) Academic Qualification: University Beirut Arab University. Education B.Sc. Civil Engineering. Graduation 2001. School Arabia Secondary School Education Secondary School Graduation 1996. IV) Work History & Experience: A. Company Dhafir Development &. Contracting Co. (U.A.E) Experience: Project Manager (PM) forResidential Buildings,One Residential Building Commercial & Residential Buildings onAL Raffa plot no# 3160550 @ Dubai , the projectconsistsof One basement+Ground floor+6 Typical floorswithmechanical floor&roof flooras well as Gymnasium& Swimmingpools&publicShops ( CommonFacilitiesArea) onthe groundfloorlevel. The projectoverall area is 12,000 Sq.m. Project Value: Three Hundred& FourtyOne MillionDhs. Management: Mohammad& ObaidALMulla Consultant : Arif & Bin Toak Owner : DhafirDevelopment&Contracting Duration : July.2014 Up to Date.
  • 2. B. Company Dhafir Development &. Contracting Co. (U.A.E) Experience: Project Manager forResidential Buildings,Two Residential BuildingBeach Terraces ( Yasmina Residence ) on ReemIsland @ AbuDhabi , the projectconsistsof Two basements+ Lower Groundfloor,Groundfloor+ 10 Typical floorswithmechanical floor&roof floor For Each Building aswell asGymnasium& Swimmingpools&publicShops( CommonFacilitiesArea) on the ground floorlevel Project Value: EightySevenMillionDhs. Management: Oriental Street Consultant : Firas EngineeringConsultant Owner : DhafirDevelopment&Contracting Duration : Mar. 2013 - July.2014. C. Company Dhafir Development &. Contracting Co. (U.A.E) Experience: Technical & Procurement Manager forMulti projects onAbuDhabi Responsibilities: Studyingthe contract documents. Dwgs,specifications,BOQ&Particular specs. Highlightingspecial specificationsonmajoritem Classifyingitemsasperlistedworks Itemscouldbe consideredasmaterial procurementwillbe studied separatelythanitemconsideredassubcontractclassified Subcontractalso will be dividedintotwocategories,1stcategory: Subcontractfor FIX only, 2nd category:Subcontract forSUPPLY & FIX. Aftercategorizingall itemsonthe contractual documents&the addendum, vendorlist& listof approvedsuppliers&subcontractorsshall be analyzed first. Anyotherpossible equivalentsubcontractororsuppliercanbe addedif possible Sendingenquiresforeach itemseparately. Collectingquotationsforeachitemsfromdifferentsuppliers Studyingquotationsitemsasperprice , technical specs&conditionsof the quotations Making comparisonsheetsforeachitemsbetweensubcontractors& supplierstatingprice deference andanyspecial conditionsforeachitem Nominatingthree subcontractorswhichcomplywiththe specification& whichhave goodqualifications&bestprices. Assigna kickof meetingwiththe nominatedsupplierstodiscussthe quotationswiththe particularconditions Finalizingthe draftLetterof Intentwiththe qualifiedsupplier/Subcontractor SigningLOIafterrevisingthe draft& agreementof bothparties SendingThe supplier/SubcontractorPrequalificationstothe consultant& the clientsforapproval Finallysendingatechnical submittal forthe assignedwork,soitcould launchso on the progressforthe itemapproval.
  • 3. Duration : July.2013 Jan.2014 D. Company Dhafir Development &. Contracting Co. (U.A.E) Experience: Construction Manager forResidential Towers,TwoResidenttial Towers Beach Towers on ReemIsland @ AbuDhabi , the projectconsistsOne basements+3 Podiums TransferSlab& 26 Typical floorswithmechanical floor&roof floorFor Each towers as well as TowersHave Gymnasium& Swimmingpools&publicShops( CommonFacilitiesArea) Project Value: Four HundredNinetyMillionDhs. Management: Cyril Sweet Consultant : Ghazi AwadArchitects& Engineers. Owner : Al Badie Group forTrading & Investments Duration : Dec.2009- March. 2013. E. Company SEIDCO Gen. Contracting Co. (U.A.E) Experience: Construction Manager (Acting As Project Manager ) for Commercial Towers,Three OfficesTowers MixedUse Development E-11 Plot No# 88,115,87 @ AbuDhabi ,ElectraStreet,the projectconsists3 basements+3 officesToweseachis 25 typical floorswithmechanical floor&roof flooras well towersare providedwith Helipad Project Value: Eight Hundred Millions Dhs. Management: Link Investments & ADCP Consultant : Architectural Consultant Group (ACG ) Owner : First Gulf Bank. Duration June 2008. Dec. 2009 F. Company : SEIDCO Gen. Contracting Co. (U.A.E) Experience: Senior Project Engineer For A residential &Commercial Towers, DevelopmentOfShk. MohdBin Zayed City plot C-1/ Z-9 @ Commercial Musaffah the projectconsistof 16 residential TowerswithMall &4 commercial Towerson additiontoa Mosque & publicAreas&Playgrounds. Project Value: One Billion Dhs. (600 Million for SIEDCO, 400 Millions for AL Fara叩) Management: Morganti Groups Consultant : Bainona & AL Bayati Architects Owner : First Gulf Bank. Duration March 2007- May 2008. G. Company AL FIRAS GEN. Cont. & Maint. EST. (U.A.E) Experience: Project Engineer For many Sites a. BuildingforHeirsof Mr. Moh'd RashidBelfarAl Mansouri E22/1 Project Value 30 MillionDhs b. VillaComplex onAl Bateen) ProjectValue 7.5MillionDhs.
  • 4. c. Ministryof Justice IslamicAffair Residential Tower.ProjectValue 50 MillionsDhs. 2. ProjectsEstimation(EstimationDepartment) ProjectsValuewonmore than1,500 MillionDhs. . 3. ProjectPlanningusingmanypowerfulprogramsasPrimavera,MS Project& Excel charts & sheets. 4. ProjectsProcurements(Enquiries,Quotation&FinalizationContracts).Projects ProcuredBy My Behalf more than 960 MillionDhs. 5. ProjectCo-ordination&SystemEstablishing. 6. ProgressCharts & Evaluations. 7. PaymentsControl. Duration 2002- March 2007. H. Company -Kayyali Engineering Consultant (LB) Experience 1. Design for many no# of villas , towers & supervising on the site 2. Monitoring Thescope& running of works. Duration 6 month 2002 I. Company -Khatib & Alami (K&A) (LB) Experience A survey project for disasters lifted from the Storms . This project had been With the aid of the engineering department of the Lebanese Army & the Unifil & UN. Excellent Experience on Failure Inspections (Causes, Results, evaluations, suggestion, way of curing & solving) Duration year from 2000till 2001 J. Company -Dar el Hadassah (Project & Map Provider) (LB) - CDR (Council for Development & reconstruction (Project Provider & Advisor) Experience -VIP pavilion / Beirut Airport -General Aviation (Execution of a civil works for the VIP lounge building & related works Duration 6 months (1999-2000) (During My Own Studies ) K. Company Own Work about Structural design (Plastic hinges formation & Stabilization against Earthquake)
  • 5. Experience Participated on the Engineering Day & wins the first prize against engineering inventions Duration 72 hours during fourth year engineering 2000-2001 L. Company Hilti Group (LB) Experience having a part time trainingaboutSkillsinAnchorage System,participated on the EngineeringDay.&havinga special prize &certificate. Duration 36 hours during third year engineering 1999-2000 V) Attending Training Courses: A. 18 hours course about Structural AnalysisandDesign UsingSap2000 B. 30 hours course aboutAnalysisandDesignof 2D and3D Frames, ShellsandPlates Using Robot Millennium C. 48 hours trainingcoursefor anchoragesystem between two shell elements. Methods,ways of curingusingthe epoxy& the HILTI HIT HYV 1500. D. 30 hours training course aboutProject Management& Planning PrimaveraProject Planner V3.0 E. 96 hours trainingcoursefor INTERNATIONAL STANDARIZATION FOR ORGANIZATIONISO 9001:2000 (VINCOT Dubai) F. 10 hours trainingcoursefor EngineeringLegal & contractual correspondences.(Industrial & Commerce Chamberof Abu Dhabi Municipality) G. 75 hourstrainingcourse for project managementprinciplesPMP H. 3 Days Awareness TrainingOnQuality& HSE Management Systems VI) Skills, Responsibilities&Objectives: Ensure projectConstructionintime ,withinthe budgetprice &meetsall the qualificationsof Quality & HSE requirments ,witha very safe environment,Control the subcontractoron progress withcoordination&ensuringthatthe workexcutedisasper drawings,method statements&specifications&QuantitiesaspermentionedonBOQ..Ensuringthe workis excutedinaccordance withcompanyIntegratedManagementSystemRequirements,tothe satisfactoryof the client& Consultant. - A) Personal Key Skills: Confidentandeffectiveindealingwithpublic,Clients,Consultant,Staff &Subcontractors Presentinginformationclearlyandconciselyinverbal andwrittenforms Achievinggoalssetandworkingwithfulldedicationandcommitmentonowninitiative Excellentpublicrelationandstronginterpersonal skills ComputerSkills - B ) Further Skills: Planning&Managing. Controllingthe projectprogress. Making requireddesign&conductingurgentmeetingtosolve site problems. Materials& Projectcoordinator. Quality& CostControl. Subcontractor& Supplierprequalification CoordinationbetweenConsultant,Client&Subcontractors(Lettersfrom&to)
  • 6. Continuousmonitoring&updatingthe site progressaccordingtothe new constraints. Monthlypayments&monthlyevaluations. - C ) Responsibilities : 1) Relationship Develop and Maintain Sound Relationship with Clients ,Consultant, Subcontractors & Suppliers as well managing a good relation with the government & Authorities. Handle all project correspondences with all the relationships mentioned above related to progress of work & contractual Issues. Ensure Smooth Relationship between the project Team Staff Contact & Handle Kick of Meetings & Progress Meetings with above all. 2) Mobilization & Project Start. Learn the Project , Study drawings ,specifications,& BOQ & Any other related Documents to perform the start on fixed basis to plan carefully ahead of commencement of work. Pick up the required team & resources necessary for successful completion of the project in coordination with the superior staff of the company. Contacting PM ,Tender Department & Consultant to eliminate all the discrepancies and to approach if some area require redesign or cost saving Participate in the Selection of Subcontractors & Suppliers as per approved Vendor list. Monitor Mobalization Clearances & guiding Projects & Site Engineers 3) Planning & Procurements Coordinate the preparation of Shop Drawings with Site Team & Main Office Coordinate with planning department the preparation of work program and Material Submittals with Manpower Distribution & Updated biweekly with the planning engineer Monitoring daily & weekly progress report between the staff with planning Update Milestones & Target Dates 3) Progress on Site Monitor Government Permits & Inspections on Site Monitor Inspections & Work Inspection Requests from /to consultant Monitor & Follow Up Approvals for Materials , Shop Drawings & Subcon.. Monitor Construction Activities & Guiding Staff & Engineers for Better performance & assure that work is done according to Method Statements Identifying Solutions & Corrective Actions when Evaluations identify problems Monitor Stores & ensuring no shortage of materials would cause any day lost on the program & Logistic Equipment on the site Daily Ensure the Quality of Materials & Installation of Work in accordance with the accepted criteria identified for the project Monitor Subcontractors Closely to ensure quality as per specified & Completion as per planned time. Report Daily to the Project Manager or Superiors on all aspects of Site works.
  • 7. Guide & Review the daily , biweekly & Monthly Site Progress Reports with the Engineering Team. Follow up the productivity Rates with the engineering Team & Monitor the Analysis of Cost Control with planning engineers Ensure all Company IMS procedures were applied & approached Ensure that all the documents issued for the site stuff is updated & the Latest technical data is available on site ,Stamped ,Sealed & Approved. Review Monthly Progress with the Engineering Team ,, in order to raise the monthly payment & issuing of Subcontractor Payments as well Conduct quality & QHSE meetings & ensure all issues are properly achieved Attend All Subcontractor progress Meetings & all Site Management Meeting with client & Consultant Support all the team to approach QA/QC & HSE standards on Site Completion of work & Final Settlement of the project to be perfectly & Professionally Handed over. Monitor & Communicate Government for Handling Over each to its related department & Issuing of Final Handing Over Certificate from Municipality after the Usual Inspection of the project VII) Computer Skills: - OperatingSystems: ( ExpertLevel ) 1. MS DOS Micro SoftDisc OperatingSystem 2. Windowsoperatingsystem(win3.11,win95, win98,winmillennium, win2000 & NT server,winXP2002,win ServerStation2003) - MicrosoftOffice:( ExpertLevel ) - ( MS word,MS Excel,Ms Access(General User),MsPowerPoint,Ms FrontPage) - PhotoEditing:( Expert) - (Corel Draw(All versions),Adobe Photoshop(All Versions), MGIPhotoSuite case,Photopaint shop,othereditingprograms.) - MacromediaFlashanimationdesign. - SoundEditing& Mixingengines:( Expert) - Montage & playback editor( General User) - ( Adobe premiere,Videoeditor,VCDcutter,OtherEditingprograms.) - Languages: ( Fairto Expert) ( Turbo C++, Visual Studio( Fair),Java applets( Fair), Others.) - Site & Graphicspublisher. - VeryExcellentknowledgeonEngineeringDrawingPrograms( AutoCAD&otherprograms.) - In additionfora goodexperience innetworkingessentials&serverinstallation. - Veryhighlevel of experience onHardware knowledgement&technicianexperience. -Excellent knowledgeonPrimavera&Microsoftproject - MicrosoftVisio&Smart Draw for flowingcharts.
  • 8. VIII) References Eng. Abd El HamidBarzaq (DhafirDev.& Cont.Co. ) 050-6618981 Eng. AbdEl Raouf Sairafi (DhafirDev.&Cont. Co. ) 050-6124181 Eng. Moh'd Ajjawi (Al RakhaContractingCo.) 050-6428215 Eng. BahjatAl Ayyan (ProjectManager ) 050-3206951 Eng. Jalal Taha ( ACG Consultant ) 050-4187179 Eng. AmmarGhareeb (CofelyBesix Intl ) 050-450 3315 Eng. AhmadSameer (ALFIRASCONT. ) 050-526 5368 Eng. ZuhairAL Nasr (ALMureikhi ) 050-612 1994 Furtherreferenceswill be providedonce requested IX) Driving License 1. ValidLebanese DrivingLicense up to July 1st 2029 (LicenseNo# 1808276). 2. ValidU.A.E DrivingLicense up to April 9th 2015(License No# 491137/A)