This document discusses exploring options to make motorbike exhaust ports safer through the use of guards. It introduces the Bioworks team who are examining solutions and emphasizes working together to increase safety both today and in the future.
Muffler a tool using mutation to facilitate fault localization 2.0Tao He
The document describes an approach called Muffler that uses mutation testing to facilitate fault localization. Muffler's key hypothesis is that mutating a faulty statement is less likely to change the outcome of passed test cases compared to mutating a correct statement. The approach involves mutating statements according to coverage from failed test cases, running the mutants on passed test cases, and ranking statements based on how often mutants toggle test outcomes. The document outlines Muffler's model and steps in detail and discusses how it aims to be robust against issues like coincidental correctness, multi-fault scenarios, and equivalent coverage.
Le soluzioni lean di om still global logistics summit bologna 25-03-2015Concordia Srl
Per le aziende manifatturiere moderne la lean production 竪 ormai una realt, una necessit di implementazione che non pu嘆 pi湛 essere rinviata. Per assecondare le aziende e supportarle nel cambiamento, OM STILL ha studiato mezzi specifici per passare dalla vecchia concezione di movimentazione materiali con carrelli elevatori tradizionali alla lean production con trattori e trasportatori pi湛 agili, flessibili e sicuri
Ma per la lean production 竪 sufficiente sostituire i classici muletti a forche con i trattori e i rimorchi ?
Assolutamente no. La lean production 竪 una trasformazione completa del concetto di asservimento delle linee, che passano da una logica push a una logica pull con azzeramento delle scorte intermedie, riduzione delle unit di carico e aumento della frequenza di alimentazione. Il passaggio dai classici muletti a forca ai trattori con rimorchi 竪 solo una componente di un sistema di asservimento delle linee completamente rinnovato. Il passaggio da una concezione tradizionale a una lean dunque 竪 fatta di numerosi componenti che vanno ad interagire, di cui la scelta dei mezzi di movimentazione ne 竪 solo una parte.
In questo intervento dunque si evidenzieranno le esperienze fatte da OM STILL nellimplementazione delle lean produttive presso i propri clienti, approfondendo punti vincenti ed errori comuni ricorrenti in questi progetti e focalizzandosi infine su alcuni case history di successo di clienti importanti.
The document discusses muffler systems and their functions. It describes how mufflers decrease noise from internal combustion engines by using passages and chambers lined with fiberglass or resonating chambers to cause destructive interference of sound waves. It then discusses three main types of mufflers: chamber mufflers, which have multiple chambers to slow and absorb sound; straight-through mufflers, which allow straight exhaust flow to quickly remove noise; and turbo mufflers, which use a turbine to quickly decrease noise pressure from high engine exhaust pressures. Diagrams of exhaust flow versus sound and muffler material are also included.
Helen Paterson
Department of Womens and Children's Health, Dunedin School of Medicine, University of Otago
(Thursday, 2.00, General 1)
Maternity Plus is the Maternity Information System used in the Southern District Health Board (SDHB). It is used by Lead Maternity Carers (LMC) in the primary sector and Kew and Dunedin Hospitals in the secondary and tertiary sectors. At present all maternity bookings are completed by LMCs on paper and sent to the SDHB, that data is subsequently entered manually into the SDHB Maternity Plus system. Our goal is to integrate the electronic systems used to optimise efficiency and accuracy of data entry and use.
Case Study Analysis - Muffler Magic Human Resource Management. Basically It is an automobile company and they have done expansion and after doing expansion their profit is decreasing rather than increasing . So we have to give recommendation to HR department to do increment in profit. We have submitted the critical analysis summary and presentation . It is an group report
The document discusses two motorcycle products - the successful Bajaj motorcycles and the failed LML motorcycles. It analyzes the market share and primary users of each product. Bajaj has been successful due to targeting different user segments with a wide range of affordable models, while LML lacked new models, marketing, and distribution channels. The document also examines the companies' research and development efforts, and concludes Bajaj's continuous innovation has contributed to its success, while LML struggled with financial issues.
The document discusses muffler systems and their functions. It describes how mufflers decrease noise from internal combustion engines by using passages and chambers lined with fiberglass or resonating chambers to cause destructive interference of sound waves. It then discusses three main types of mufflers: chamber mufflers, which have multiple chambers to slow and absorb sound; straight-through mufflers, which allow straight exhaust flow to quickly remove noise; and turbo mufflers, which use a turbine to quickly decrease noise pressure from high engine exhaust pressures. Diagrams of exhaust flow versus sound and muffler material are also included.
This is a business plan for the newly developed electric motorcycle prototype. The PPT gives details about the idea, the motorcycle, the making, specs, advantages etc.
This presentation summarizes BP's major safety disasters and the initiatives taken to improve safety culture. It describes three major disasters - in Texas in 2005, Alaska in 2006, and the Gulf of Mexico in 2010 - that resulted from a lack of safety practices and negligence prioritizing profit over safety. BP faced billions in fines and penalties and long-term damage to its reputation. New programs like Operating Management System and Site Alignment aim to standardize operations and improve two-way communication between levels to prevent future incidents.
Corso carrellisti 12h (estratto slide). Accordo Stato / Regioni del 22-02-2012Studio Stefani
Estratto delle presentazione utilizzata nel corso di formazione per addetti all'uso dei carrelli elevatori. Corso da 12 ore, secondo Accordo Stato / Regioni del 22-02-2012.
The document discusses the exhaust system of vehicles. It describes the main parts of an exhaust system which include the exhaust manifold, catalytic converter, oxygen sensor, exhaust pipe, and muffler. It explains how mufflers work to reduce noise by using baffles, wave cancellation, resonators, and absorbing materials. Mufflers come in different types like baffle, wave cancellation, resonance, absorber, and combined resonance types. The document also discusses how mufflers and exhaust pipes work to reduce noise produced from engine exhaust gases.
Noise control is important for many products like computer hard drives and appliances. Sound is defined as vibrations stimulating the ear, and can propagate as longitudinal or transverse waves. Sound level is measured in decibels on a logarithmic scale, where a small increase represents a large increase in sound energy. Sources of noise include industrial sources like transportation and non-industrial sources like traffic. Methods to reduce noise include improving engineering to lower noise levels, establishing regulations for manufacturers, and reducing vibration at sources.
The document summarizes the key components of an internal combustion engine exhaust system. It discusses how exhaust gas is emitted from fuel combustion and transported from the engine through the exhaust manifold. It then describes the three main functions of the exhaust system: to channel waste gases out of the engine; reduce engine noise; and clean emissions. It lists the main pollutants from exhaust and the key components of an exhaust system, which include the exhaust manifold, catalytic converter, muffler, and tail pipe. The exhaust manifold collects hot exhaust gases from the engine and burns any remaining fuel. The catalytic converter uses a catalyst to convert harmful compounds into harmless ones. The muffler then cancels engine noise before the exhaust is expelled through the tail pipe.
Nolan - X-Lite - Grex Catalog Helmets 2015 -
The document is the 2015 collection catalog for The Italian Helmet Company. It features over 30 helmet models across their Nolan, X-lite, and Grex brands. The company focuses on designing, engineering, and producing their helmets entirely in Italy. All helmets are guaranteed for 5 years. The company also has certifications for quality standards and product safety. Racing is an important part of their research and development, and they sponsor top motorcycle racers in MotoGP, Superbike, Enduro and more.
This document is a catalog for Falco motorcycle boots that provides information on various boot models. It describes the technologies and features used in the boots, such as integrated ankle support systems, breathable membranes, impact absorption, and CE safety certifications. The catalog also lists international professional motorcycle riders who use Falco boots and provides specifications and sizing information for different boot models.
This document appears to be a catalogue for boots and accessories from Gaerne, an Italian boot manufacturer. It includes over 30 pages showing various boot models for men and women, with images and specifications. The boots are categorized by style and use, and many feature waterproof GORE-TEX or AQUATECH membranes. Brief descriptions provide information on materials, intended uses, and sizing for each boot model. Accessories like bags, banners, and stickers are also listed. Contact information is provided at the end.
Gaerne is an Italian manufacturer of motorcycle boots that was founded in 1962. They create performance boots for motocross, supermoto and other off-road applications. The document highlights several of Gaerne's boot models including the SG-12, SG-11, SG-10, Fastback and G-React. It provides details on the features, materials, and sizing for each boot model.
El documento presenta la l鱈nea de productos para motocross y ciclismo de la marca AXO para 2015. Incluye cascos, guantes, botas, ropa y accesorios dise単ados para mantener al conductor seguro y c坦modo en condiciones extremas, desarrollados con tecnolog鱈a puntera y altos est叩ndares de calidad. La marca ha equipado a campeones mundiales durante m叩s de 35 a単os para probar y mejorar sus productos.
Case Study Analysis - Muffler Magic Human Resource Management. Basically It is an automobile company and they have done expansion and after doing expansion their profit is decreasing rather than increasing . So we have to give recommendation to HR department to do increment in profit. We have submitted the critical analysis summary and presentation . It is an group report
The document discusses two motorcycle products - the successful Bajaj motorcycles and the failed LML motorcycles. It analyzes the market share and primary users of each product. Bajaj has been successful due to targeting different user segments with a wide range of affordable models, while LML lacked new models, marketing, and distribution channels. The document also examines the companies' research and development efforts, and concludes Bajaj's continuous innovation has contributed to its success, while LML struggled with financial issues.
The document discusses muffler systems and their functions. It describes how mufflers decrease noise from internal combustion engines by using passages and chambers lined with fiberglass or resonating chambers to cause destructive interference of sound waves. It then discusses three main types of mufflers: chamber mufflers, which have multiple chambers to slow and absorb sound; straight-through mufflers, which allow straight exhaust flow to quickly remove noise; and turbo mufflers, which use a turbine to quickly decrease noise pressure from high engine exhaust pressures. Diagrams of exhaust flow versus sound and muffler material are also included.
This is a business plan for the newly developed electric motorcycle prototype. The PPT gives details about the idea, the motorcycle, the making, specs, advantages etc.
This presentation summarizes BP's major safety disasters and the initiatives taken to improve safety culture. It describes three major disasters - in Texas in 2005, Alaska in 2006, and the Gulf of Mexico in 2010 - that resulted from a lack of safety practices and negligence prioritizing profit over safety. BP faced billions in fines and penalties and long-term damage to its reputation. New programs like Operating Management System and Site Alignment aim to standardize operations and improve two-way communication between levels to prevent future incidents.
Corso carrellisti 12h (estratto slide). Accordo Stato / Regioni del 22-02-2012Studio Stefani
Estratto delle presentazione utilizzata nel corso di formazione per addetti all'uso dei carrelli elevatori. Corso da 12 ore, secondo Accordo Stato / Regioni del 22-02-2012.
The document discusses the exhaust system of vehicles. It describes the main parts of an exhaust system which include the exhaust manifold, catalytic converter, oxygen sensor, exhaust pipe, and muffler. It explains how mufflers work to reduce noise by using baffles, wave cancellation, resonators, and absorbing materials. Mufflers come in different types like baffle, wave cancellation, resonance, absorber, and combined resonance types. The document also discusses how mufflers and exhaust pipes work to reduce noise produced from engine exhaust gases.
Noise control is important for many products like computer hard drives and appliances. Sound is defined as vibrations stimulating the ear, and can propagate as longitudinal or transverse waves. Sound level is measured in decibels on a logarithmic scale, where a small increase represents a large increase in sound energy. Sources of noise include industrial sources like transportation and non-industrial sources like traffic. Methods to reduce noise include improving engineering to lower noise levels, establishing regulations for manufacturers, and reducing vibration at sources.
The document summarizes the key components of an internal combustion engine exhaust system. It discusses how exhaust gas is emitted from fuel combustion and transported from the engine through the exhaust manifold. It then describes the three main functions of the exhaust system: to channel waste gases out of the engine; reduce engine noise; and clean emissions. It lists the main pollutants from exhaust and the key components of an exhaust system, which include the exhaust manifold, catalytic converter, muffler, and tail pipe. The exhaust manifold collects hot exhaust gases from the engine and burns any remaining fuel. The catalytic converter uses a catalyst to convert harmful compounds into harmless ones. The muffler then cancels engine noise before the exhaust is expelled through the tail pipe.
Nolan - X-Lite - Grex Catalog Helmets 2015 -
The document is the 2015 collection catalog for The Italian Helmet Company. It features over 30 helmet models across their Nolan, X-lite, and Grex brands. The company focuses on designing, engineering, and producing their helmets entirely in Italy. All helmets are guaranteed for 5 years. The company also has certifications for quality standards and product safety. Racing is an important part of their research and development, and they sponsor top motorcycle racers in MotoGP, Superbike, Enduro and more.
This document is a catalog for Falco motorcycle boots that provides information on various boot models. It describes the technologies and features used in the boots, such as integrated ankle support systems, breathable membranes, impact absorption, and CE safety certifications. The catalog also lists international professional motorcycle riders who use Falco boots and provides specifications and sizing information for different boot models.
This document appears to be a catalogue for boots and accessories from Gaerne, an Italian boot manufacturer. It includes over 30 pages showing various boot models for men and women, with images and specifications. The boots are categorized by style and use, and many feature waterproof GORE-TEX or AQUATECH membranes. Brief descriptions provide information on materials, intended uses, and sizing for each boot model. Accessories like bags, banners, and stickers are also listed. Contact information is provided at the end.
Gaerne is an Italian manufacturer of motorcycle boots that was founded in 1962. They create performance boots for motocross, supermoto and other off-road applications. The document highlights several of Gaerne's boot models including the SG-12, SG-11, SG-10, Fastback and G-React. It provides details on the features, materials, and sizing for each boot model.
El documento presenta la l鱈nea de productos para motocross y ciclismo de la marca AXO para 2015. Incluye cascos, guantes, botas, ropa y accesorios dise単ados para mantener al conductor seguro y c坦modo en condiciones extremas, desarrollados con tecnolog鱈a puntera y altos est叩ndares de calidad. La marca ha equipado a campeones mundiales durante m叩s de 35 a単os para probar y mejorar sus productos.
Axo Motorcycle and MotoCross Clothing Catalog 2014 - Axo Off-Road Gear - Helmets, Boots, Jackets, Suits, Gloves, Protections. You can find all and buy online with discount on
35. Questo prodotto 竪 stata realizzato adottando rifiniture speciali e trattamenti artigianali.
Proprio per questo 竪 unico ed originale e qualunque imperfezione esso presenti non 竪 da considerarsi tale ma una conferma che esso 竪 stato realizzato con procedimenti manuali
The shell of this helmet was made by adopting special finishing treatments and crafts.
For this reason its unique and original and any "inaccuracy it is not considered as such but a confirmation that it has been produced with manual processes. "
Every Helmet is different from the others
51. Questo prodotto 竪 stata realizzato adottando rifiniture speciali e trattamenti artigianali.
Proprio per questo 竪 unico ed originale e qualunque imperfezione esso presenti non 竪 da considerarsi tale ma una conferma che esso 竪 stato realizzato con procedimenti manuali
The shell of this helmet was made by adopting special finishing treatments and crafts.
For this reason its unique and original and any "inaccuracy it is not considered as such but a confirmation that it has been produced with manual processes. "
Every Helmet is different from the others
73. Questo prodotto 竪 stata realizzato adottando rifiniture speciali e trattamenti artigianali.
Proprio per questo 竪 unico ed originale e qualunque imperfezione esso presenti non 竪 da considerarsi tale ma una conferma che esso 竪 stato realizzato con procedimenti manuali
The shell of this helmet was made by adopting special finishing treatments and crafts.
For this reason its unique and original and any "inaccuracy it is not considered as such but a confirmation that it has been produced with manual processes. "
Every Helmet is different from the others