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Through the combined efforts of business, civil rights leaders, and government leaders, a movement was started
50 years ago that continues to move forward today. This reception will pay tribute to the 50th commemoration
of the 1963 Civil Rights Movement  The Movement That Changed the World. Your sponsorship will
help to celebrate and highlight this rich history of commitment, leadership, and service. Will you join us?
Please join us as we host a special
reception during the
Congressional Black Caucus
Foundation's (CBCF) 43rd Annual
Legislative Conference (ALC).
With heightened energy around
the 150th year of the signing of
the Emancipation Proclamation,
the 50th year celebrating the
March on Washington, and the
50th Anniversary of events that
made Birmingham the epicenter
of the Civil Rights movement,
Alabama Power will bring their
Power of Leadership campaign
to Washington, DC celebrating a
new generation of leaders in
government, community and
industry. The yearlong campaign
commemorates the 50th
anniversary of the pivotal events
that took place in Birmingham in
1963, which helped lead to passage
of the Civil Rights Act.
The reception will be held on
Thursday September 19, 2013 from
8:00pm  12:00 am in the heart of
downtown DC and within walking
distance of the U.S. Capitol.
For more information, please contact
Tara Jones at 301-509-2114 or
Platinum Sponsor ($25,000)
 Opportunity to give remarks
 Company name and logo on event invitation
 Inclusion in event press release
 Priority branding on event signage
 Verbal recognition (thank you) at event by
Alabama Power Representative
 (30) Guest Invitations
Silver Sponsors ($10,000)
 Company name on event invitation
 Branding on event signage
 Verbal recognition (thank you) at event by
Alabama Power Representative
 (10) Guest Invitations
 Optional- Company branded item in event gift
bag (provided by sponsor)
Gold Sponsor (15,000)
 Company name and logo on event invitation
 Inclusion in event press release
 Priority branding on event signage
 Verbal recognition (thank you) at event by
Alabama Power Representative
 (20) Guest Invitations
Bronze Sponsor ($5,000)
 Company name on event invitation
 Branding on event signage
 Verbal recognition (thank you) at event by
Alabama Power Representative
 (5) Guest Invitations
Alabama Power, a subsidiary of Atlanta-based Southern
Company (NYSE: SO), provides reliable, affordable
electricity to more than 1.4 million customers across the
state. To learn more about the company and its
community service efforts at www.alabamapower.com

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  • 1. Through the combined efforts of business, civil rights leaders, and government leaders, a movement was started 50 years ago that continues to move forward today. This reception will pay tribute to the 50th commemoration of the 1963 Civil Rights Movement The Movement That Changed the World. Your sponsorship will help to celebrate and highlight this rich history of commitment, leadership, and service. Will you join us? Please join us as we host a special reception during the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation's (CBCF) 43rd Annual Legislative Conference (ALC). With heightened energy around the 150th year of the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation, the 50th year celebrating the March on Washington, and the 50th Anniversary of events that made Birmingham the epicenter of the Civil Rights movement, Alabama Power will bring their Power of Leadership campaign to Washington, DC celebrating a new generation of leaders in government, community and industry. The yearlong campaign commemorates the 50th anniversary of the pivotal events that took place in Birmingham in 1963, which helped lead to passage of the Civil Rights Act. EVENT DETAILS The reception will be held on Thursday September 19, 2013 from 8:00pm 12:00 am in the heart of downtown DC and within walking distance of the U.S. Capitol. CONTACT For more information, please contact Tara Jones at 301-509-2114 or tara@tarajonesgroup.com PARTNERSHIP OPPORTUNITY THE POWER OF LEADERSHIP
  • 2. Platinum Sponsor ($25,000) Opportunity to give remarks Company name and logo on event invitation Inclusion in event press release Priority branding on event signage Verbal recognition (thank you) at event by Alabama Power Representative (30) Guest Invitations Silver Sponsors ($10,000) Company name on event invitation Branding on event signage Verbal recognition (thank you) at event by Alabama Power Representative (10) Guest Invitations Optional- Company branded item in event gift bag (provided by sponsor) Gold Sponsor (15,000) Company name and logo on event invitation Inclusion in event press release Priority branding on event signage Verbal recognition (thank you) at event by Alabama Power Representative (20) Guest Invitations Bronze Sponsor ($5,000) Company name on event invitation Branding on event signage Verbal recognition (thank you) at event by Alabama Power Representative (5) Guest Invitations ABOUT ALABAMA POWER Alabama Power, a subsidiary of Atlanta-based Southern Company (NYSE: SO), provides reliable, affordable electricity to more than 1.4 million customers across the state. To learn more about the company and its community service efforts at www.alabamapower.com SPONSORSHIP LEVELS