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Alane J. Knapp
M.S.W., L.C.S.W., Florida. SW3750 (inactive) L.C.S.W., North Carolina. #C004587 (inactive)
M.S.W., L.C.S.W., Pennsylvania #CW015746 (active)
544 Trout Avenue Home (724) 995-8035
Ligonier, PA 15658 Cell (724) 961-8384
Email: ajk1053@aol.com
To adhere to the highest standards ofethics and values related to the profession of clinical social work in providing services
to clients, and to represent the organization for whom I am employed with the highest degree of professionalism. It is also
my objective to consistently maintain awareness and sensitivity with respect to cultural diversity in every area of clients
lives. My experience as a therapist and as a clinical supervisor has covered the entire spectrumof mental health disorders and
other life issues at all ages. I am proficient in Cognitive/Behavioral Therapy, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, Family
Systems, and a variety of other treatment models. In addition, I am adept at utilizing therapeutic interventions that are
individualized to each persons needs and abilities. My ongoing objective and goal is to assist each client or family systemin
making necessary life changes while maintaining the highest possible quality of life.
 Program Development
 Treatment Planning/Discharge Planning
 Clinical Documentation
 Biopsychosocial assessments and diagnoses
 Psychiatric and medication referrals/issues
 Versatile and creative in utilization of treatment modalities/interventions based on client needs/abilities
 Individual, couples,family, and group therapy for a variety of mental health disorders and other life issues
 Innovative in creating novel therapeutic interventions that meet individual client needs/abilities
 Depression and other Mood Disorders/Anxiety Disorders
 Personality Disorders
 Survivors of Sexual Abuse/Incest
 Clients with anger issues
 Crisis Intervention
 Grief, Loss, and Bereavement Issues
 Work well independently and with other staff in a multi-disciplinary setting
 Team Player
 Excellent time management skills
 Excellent at problem solving and conflict resolution
 Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
Conemaugh Counseling Associates Sept. 2010-March 2016
Memorial Medical Center
Johnstown, PA
Position: Outpatient Therapist
Providing outpatient therapy to individuals, couples,and groups with a variety of mental health disorders. Position was
eliminated as a result of all psychiatrists resigning after which there were very few clients remaining for therapy.
ACRP, Johnstown, PA June 1, 2010-Sept. 2010
Position: Outpatient Therapist
Providing outpatient therapy to individuals with a variety of mental health disorders.
Adelphoi Village Multisystemic Services
Position: Family Therapist May 2008-Feb 2010
Provided in-home therapy to families/children addressing mental health/substance abuse issues; attended and testified at court
hearings; worked closely with juvenile probation officers and children youth services.
Odyssey Healthcare, nine county area in Pennsylvania July 2007-Feb 2008
Position: Medical Social Worker
Provided grief therapy to individuals and families dealing with end of life issues.
Lee Mental Health, Fort Myers, Florida Aug 2006-July 2007
Position: Therapist Specialized Therapeutic Foster Care
Comprehensive PsychosocialAssessments. Provided therapy to children and adolescents in therapeutic fostercare homes.
Provided support and education to therapeutic foster care parents. Reunification when applicable.
New Beginnings Counseling Center, Waynesville, NC Mar 2002-Apr 2005
Position: Psychotherapist
Provided individual, couples, and group counseling to clients with mental health/substance abuse issues utilizing a variety of
therapeutic interventions/treatment modalities. Assessments,treatment/discharge planning.
SW Florida Addiction Adolescent Inpatient Unit, Fort Myers, FL Dec 2000-Feb 2002
Position: Clinical Coordinator / Supervisor (position eliminated due to budget cuts)
Developed behavioral management program for dually-diagnosed adolescents and an educational program for families of
clients in residential treatment. Provided clinical training and supervision to staff. Responsible for all medical records for
purpose of assisting facility in meeting CARF state certification requirements.
Private Practice Jan 1995-Jan 2000
Position: Psychotherapist (self-employed)
Provided therapy to mental health/substance abuse clients utilizing a variety of treatment modalities and therapeutic
interventions.Provided individual, couples,family, and group therapy.
The Willoughs, Naples, Florida Mar 1994-Jan 1995
Position: Mental Health Therapist (temporary position)
Provided individual and group therapy to mental health clients, and clients diagnosed with mental health issues, eating and
substance abuse disorders.Provided couples and family therapy.Assessments,treatment/discharge planning.
Charter Glade Hospital, Ft. Myers, FL Sep 1992-Mar 1994
Position: Therapist Partial Hospitalization Program
Provided individual, family, and group treatment modalities to clients released from inpatient unit who required further therapy
and stabilization. Also provided therapy on inpatient unit.
Internship for Grad School at Hope Hospice in Bereavement Dept. Jun 1991-Aug 1991
Position: Therapist
Provided grief, loss and bereavement counseling to individuals, families, and groups. Provided assistance to social workers in
complicated bereavement situations. Assisted in development of the first youth bereavement program in Southwest Florida.
David Lawrence Mental Health Center, Naples, Florida Jan 1986-Sep 1992
Position: Therapist
Assessments,treatment/discharge planning. Provided therapy to adults, children, families, couples,and groups utilizing a
variety of therapeutic interventions/treatment modalities. Completed crisis unit assessments/referrals,and follow-up therapy in
outpatient.Many awards for clinical expertise/excellence in documentation of medical records. Medical Records Committee 3
遜 years. Assisted agency in preparation of JCAHO Accreditation requirements.
 B. S. in Psychology,University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
 M.S.W. Barry University, Miami, Florida
 Certified Associates Addiction Professionalin Florida from 1986-2002 when relocated to North Carolina
 1983 - National Honor Student in Psychology by University of Pittsburgh in Pennsylvania
 1992 - Clinician of the Year  David Lawrence Center, Naples Florida

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  • 1. RESUME Alane J. Knapp M.S.W., L.C.S.W., Florida. SW3750 (inactive) L.C.S.W., North Carolina. #C004587 (inactive) M.S.W., L.C.S.W., Pennsylvania #CW015746 (active) 544 Trout Avenue Home (724) 995-8035 Ligonier, PA 15658 Cell (724) 961-8384 Email: ajk1053@aol.com OBJECTIVE: To adhere to the highest standards ofethics and values related to the profession of clinical social work in providing services to clients, and to represent the organization for whom I am employed with the highest degree of professionalism. It is also my objective to consistently maintain awareness and sensitivity with respect to cultural diversity in every area of clients lives. My experience as a therapist and as a clinical supervisor has covered the entire spectrumof mental health disorders and other life issues at all ages. I am proficient in Cognitive/Behavioral Therapy, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, Family Systems, and a variety of other treatment models. In addition, I am adept at utilizing therapeutic interventions that are individualized to each persons needs and abilities. My ongoing objective and goal is to assist each client or family systemin making necessary life changes while maintaining the highest possible quality of life. SUMMARY OF EMPLOYMENT QUALIFICATIONS: COMPETENCIES: Program Development Treatment Planning/Discharge Planning Clinical Documentation Biopsychosocial assessments and diagnoses Psychiatric and medication referrals/issues Versatile and creative in utilization of treatment modalities/interventions based on client needs/abilities Individual, couples,family, and group therapy for a variety of mental health disorders and other life issues Innovative in creating novel therapeutic interventions that meet individual client needs/abilities THERAPEUTIC CLINICAL SPECIALTIES AND EXPERTISE: Depression and other Mood Disorders/Anxiety Disorders Personality Disorders Survivors of Sexual Abuse/Incest Clients with anger issues Crisis Intervention Grief, Loss, and Bereavement Issues EXAMPLES OF PERSONAL QUALIFICATIONS: Work well independently and with other staff in a multi-disciplinary setting Team Player Excellent time management skills Excellent at problem solving and conflict resolution Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
  • 2. EXPERIENCE: Conemaugh Counseling Associates Sept. 2010-March 2016 Memorial Medical Center Johnstown, PA Position: Outpatient Therapist Providing outpatient therapy to individuals, couples,and groups with a variety of mental health disorders. Position was eliminated as a result of all psychiatrists resigning after which there were very few clients remaining for therapy. ACRP, Johnstown, PA June 1, 2010-Sept. 2010 Position: Outpatient Therapist Providing outpatient therapy to individuals with a variety of mental health disorders. Adelphoi Village Multisystemic Services Position: Family Therapist May 2008-Feb 2010 Provided in-home therapy to families/children addressing mental health/substance abuse issues; attended and testified at court hearings; worked closely with juvenile probation officers and children youth services. Odyssey Healthcare, nine county area in Pennsylvania July 2007-Feb 2008 Position: Medical Social Worker Provided grief therapy to individuals and families dealing with end of life issues. Lee Mental Health, Fort Myers, Florida Aug 2006-July 2007 Position: Therapist Specialized Therapeutic Foster Care Comprehensive PsychosocialAssessments. Provided therapy to children and adolescents in therapeutic fostercare homes. Provided support and education to therapeutic foster care parents. Reunification when applicable. New Beginnings Counseling Center, Waynesville, NC Mar 2002-Apr 2005 Position: Psychotherapist Provided individual, couples, and group counseling to clients with mental health/substance abuse issues utilizing a variety of therapeutic interventions/treatment modalities. Assessments,treatment/discharge planning. SW Florida Addiction Adolescent Inpatient Unit, Fort Myers, FL Dec 2000-Feb 2002 Position: Clinical Coordinator / Supervisor (position eliminated due to budget cuts) Developed behavioral management program for dually-diagnosed adolescents and an educational program for families of clients in residential treatment. Provided clinical training and supervision to staff. Responsible for all medical records for purpose of assisting facility in meeting CARF state certification requirements. Private Practice Jan 1995-Jan 2000 Position: Psychotherapist (self-employed) Provided therapy to mental health/substance abuse clients utilizing a variety of treatment modalities and therapeutic interventions.Provided individual, couples,family, and group therapy. The Willoughs, Naples, Florida Mar 1994-Jan 1995 Position: Mental Health Therapist (temporary position) Provided individual and group therapy to mental health clients, and clients diagnosed with mental health issues, eating and substance abuse disorders.Provided couples and family therapy.Assessments,treatment/discharge planning. Charter Glade Hospital, Ft. Myers, FL Sep 1992-Mar 1994 Position: Therapist Partial Hospitalization Program Provided individual, family, and group treatment modalities to clients released from inpatient unit who required further therapy and stabilization. Also provided therapy on inpatient unit. Internship for Grad School at Hope Hospice in Bereavement Dept. Jun 1991-Aug 1991 Position: Therapist Provided grief, loss and bereavement counseling to individuals, families, and groups. Provided assistance to social workers in complicated bereavement situations. Assisted in development of the first youth bereavement program in Southwest Florida.
  • 3. David Lawrence Mental Health Center, Naples, Florida Jan 1986-Sep 1992 Position: Therapist Assessments,treatment/discharge planning. Provided therapy to adults, children, families, couples,and groups utilizing a variety of therapeutic interventions/treatment modalities. Completed crisis unit assessments/referrals,and follow-up therapy in outpatient.Many awards for clinical expertise/excellence in documentation of medical records. Medical Records Committee 3 遜 years. Assisted agency in preparation of JCAHO Accreditation requirements. EDUCATION: B. S. in Psychology,University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania M.S.W. Barry University, Miami, Florida Certified Associates Addiction Professionalin Florida from 1986-2002 when relocated to North Carolina AWARDS: 1983 - National Honor Student in Psychology by University of Pittsburgh in Pennsylvania 1992 - Clinician of the Year David Lawrence Center, Naples Florida