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Alex MacIver
1241 E 34th
St, Oakland, CA 94610  Phone: (573) 639-9442  Email: alexander.maciver@gmail.com
Vice-Principal of Operations  City Arts and Technology High School August 2013  June 2016
San Francisco, CA
Systems Creation and Management
 Diagnosed problem areas within school operations/systems and engineered solutions geared toward reducing
teacher stress and workload; examples include implementing a transparent teacher coverage system, streamlining
grade reporting, and increasing technology access.
 Directed systems and operations including emergency safety planning, attendance reporting, transfer intakes and
referrals, district work orders and Free and Reduced Lunch applications.
 Improved school attendance from 91% to 94% through various attendance initiatives including bi-weekly
attendance updates, a first period initiative and network-wide attendance review board hearings.
Budget and Operations
 Reviewed and ensured accuracy of daily, weekly and monthly attendance records for district and state reporting
eliminating the need to submit revised monthly reports.
 Strengthened relationships with external organizations to ensure optimal partnership performance.
 Anticipated spending to create yearly budget and monitored school expense accounts, working with the CFO and
budget support team monthly to assess the financial health of the school.
 Formalized school-site payroll reporting process and communication with central office.
Staffing and Teacher Development
 Mentored four staff members through bi-weekly observation and coaching meetings based on yearlong goal
setting and weekly observations.
 Provided intensive support to mid-year Algebra I hire including observations, coaching, co-planning and co-
teaching classes.
 Conducted performance reviews for new staff based on observations and progress toward goals.
 Supported and coached subject area leads during instructional improvement inquiry cycles happening at weekly
professional development.
 Participated in hiring team by identifying competency needs, observing teacher demo lessons, interviews and
making hiring decisions.
 Provided ongoing support regarding state testing changes and implementation of Smarter Balanced Assessments.
Vice Principal of Student Support  Metro Arts and Technology High School August 2011 - June 2013
San Francisco, CA
 Created and managed discipline systems including behavior monitoring, implementing behavior support plans,
and enacting a suspension/expulsion process.
 Provided on-going behavioral supports for students with behavior challenges.
 Led a six-person team to create a Metro Staff Archetype for reference during the yearly hiring process.
 Led staff development meetings around positive behavior supports, discipline structures, and the development of
a school wide discipline philosophy.
 Facilitated gender identity workshops for 9th
and 10th
grade boys.
 Guided the planning and support of student and staff transitions during permanent closure of the school.
Dean of Students  Bronx Lab High School September 2010 - June 2011
Bronx, New York
 Managed five-person guidance team. Planned and facilitated meetings for the Guidance Department to discuss
student specific issues and solutions, ultimately developing school-wide guidance systems including a bullying
response protocol, positive rewards systems, and detention.
 Created an online data collection system analyzing student removals; used data to inform staffing decisions.
 Served as a member of the Leadership Cabinet that assessed the strengths and weaknesses of the school and
made proposals to address those issues. Proposals included the creation of teacher and student inquiry groups
around student apathy and school spirit and an evaluation process to assess the effectiveness of and alignment
with the schools mission.
 Facilitated problem-solving conferences with teachers, students, and families to address problem behaviors and
develop strategies for changing those behaviors.
 Co-developed strategies with teachers for improving student behavior including subtle signaling, physical
classroom arrangements, lesson structure and differentiation.
 Developed and led culture initiates such as the BLS 5, 100% Respect campaign and staff culture workshops.
Math and Science Department Chair  Bronx Lab High School January 2010  June 2010
Bronx, New York
 Facilitated bi-monthly meetings with ten members of the math and science department.
 Supervised the development of course catalogs for six math and science classes.
 Assisted in organization and analysis of New York State Regents data to identify areas for instructional
development and improvement.
 Initiated a process to create vertical alignment within the four-year sequence of math and science courses.
Grade Teaching Team Lead  Bronx Lab High School September 2007 - June 2010
Bronx, New York
 Led bi-monthly meetings with nine staff members in the 9th
grade teaching team.
 Established systems, structures, and protocols to monitor student performance, identify at-risk students,
implement student specific interventions such promotion in doubt lists, holiday risk plans, and rubric-guided
lessons to look at student work.
 Developed a process to identify the strengths and challenges of struggling students; process was adapted by the
school leadership team and implemented school-wide the following year.
 Created and implemented professional development module to train teachers to read transcripts and assess
student progress toward graduation.
 Coordinated two additional 9th
grade only parent-teacher conferences (other grades held only 2 per year).
 Organized and oversaw all planning and logistics for annual 9th
grade camping trip.
Grade Integrated Math and Science Teacher  Bronx Lab High School September 2005 - June 2010
Bronx, New York
 Maintained an 85%+ passing rate for major gateway projects and tests.
 Developed the scope and sequence of a yearlong Physics and Algebra curriculum.
 Differentiated daily lessons, projects, and tests to three different skill levels.
 Participated in a CTT partnership with a Special Education instructor.
Masters in Math Education August 2009
City College, CUNY: New York New York
Bachelor of Arts in English Literature, June 2004 June 2004
University of Hawaii  Hilo: Hilo, Hawaii
Preliminary Administrative Services Credential 11/1/2019
Clear Single Subject Teaching Credential  Math 11/1/2019

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Alex MacIver Resume

  • 1. Alex MacIver 1241 E 34th St, Oakland, CA 94610 Phone: (573) 639-9442 Email: alexander.maciver@gmail.com PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Vice-Principal of Operations City Arts and Technology High School August 2013 June 2016 San Francisco, CA Systems Creation and Management Diagnosed problem areas within school operations/systems and engineered solutions geared toward reducing teacher stress and workload; examples include implementing a transparent teacher coverage system, streamlining grade reporting, and increasing technology access. Directed systems and operations including emergency safety planning, attendance reporting, transfer intakes and referrals, district work orders and Free and Reduced Lunch applications. Improved school attendance from 91% to 94% through various attendance initiatives including bi-weekly attendance updates, a first period initiative and network-wide attendance review board hearings. Budget and Operations Reviewed and ensured accuracy of daily, weekly and monthly attendance records for district and state reporting eliminating the need to submit revised monthly reports. Strengthened relationships with external organizations to ensure optimal partnership performance. Anticipated spending to create yearly budget and monitored school expense accounts, working with the CFO and budget support team monthly to assess the financial health of the school. Formalized school-site payroll reporting process and communication with central office. Staffing and Teacher Development Mentored four staff members through bi-weekly observation and coaching meetings based on yearlong goal setting and weekly observations. Provided intensive support to mid-year Algebra I hire including observations, coaching, co-planning and co- teaching classes. Conducted performance reviews for new staff based on observations and progress toward goals. Supported and coached subject area leads during instructional improvement inquiry cycles happening at weekly professional development. Participated in hiring team by identifying competency needs, observing teacher demo lessons, interviews and making hiring decisions. Provided ongoing support regarding state testing changes and implementation of Smarter Balanced Assessments. Vice Principal of Student Support Metro Arts and Technology High School August 2011 - June 2013 San Francisco, CA Created and managed discipline systems including behavior monitoring, implementing behavior support plans, and enacting a suspension/expulsion process. Provided on-going behavioral supports for students with behavior challenges. Led a six-person team to create a Metro Staff Archetype for reference during the yearly hiring process. Led staff development meetings around positive behavior supports, discipline structures, and the development of a school wide discipline philosophy. Facilitated gender identity workshops for 9th and 10th grade boys. Guided the planning and support of student and staff transitions during permanent closure of the school. Dean of Students Bronx Lab High School September 2010 - June 2011 Bronx, New York Managed five-person guidance team. Planned and facilitated meetings for the Guidance Department to discuss student specific issues and solutions, ultimately developing school-wide guidance systems including a bullying response protocol, positive rewards systems, and detention. Created an online data collection system analyzing student removals; used data to inform staffing decisions. Served as a member of the Leadership Cabinet that assessed the strengths and weaknesses of the school and made proposals to address those issues. Proposals included the creation of teacher and student inquiry groups around student apathy and school spirit and an evaluation process to assess the effectiveness of and alignment with the schools mission. Facilitated problem-solving conferences with teachers, students, and families to address problem behaviors and develop strategies for changing those behaviors. Co-developed strategies with teachers for improving student behavior including subtle signaling, physical classroom arrangements, lesson structure and differentiation. Developed and led culture initiates such as the BLS 5, 100% Respect campaign and staff culture workshops.
  • 2. Math and Science Department Chair Bronx Lab High School January 2010 June 2010 Bronx, New York Facilitated bi-monthly meetings with ten members of the math and science department. Supervised the development of course catalogs for six math and science classes. Assisted in organization and analysis of New York State Regents data to identify areas for instructional development and improvement. Initiated a process to create vertical alignment within the four-year sequence of math and science courses. 9th Grade Teaching Team Lead Bronx Lab High School September 2007 - June 2010 Bronx, New York Led bi-monthly meetings with nine staff members in the 9th grade teaching team. Established systems, structures, and protocols to monitor student performance, identify at-risk students, implement student specific interventions such promotion in doubt lists, holiday risk plans, and rubric-guided lessons to look at student work. Developed a process to identify the strengths and challenges of struggling students; process was adapted by the school leadership team and implemented school-wide the following year. Created and implemented professional development module to train teachers to read transcripts and assess student progress toward graduation. Coordinated two additional 9th grade only parent-teacher conferences (other grades held only 2 per year). Organized and oversaw all planning and logistics for annual 9th grade camping trip. 9th Grade Integrated Math and Science Teacher Bronx Lab High School September 2005 - June 2010 Bronx, New York Maintained an 85%+ passing rate for major gateway projects and tests. Developed the scope and sequence of a yearlong Physics and Algebra curriculum. Differentiated daily lessons, projects, and tests to three different skill levels. Participated in a CTT partnership with a Special Education instructor. EDUCATION Masters in Math Education August 2009 City College, CUNY: New York New York Bachelor of Arts in English Literature, June 2004 June 2004 University of Hawaii Hilo: Hilo, Hawaii CERTIFICATIONS Preliminary Administrative Services Credential 11/1/2019 Clear Single Subject Teaching Credential Math 11/1/2019