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Algalicious presentations
Introduction: Problem
Recognition of Problem
 This year, for the first time since before the Ice
Age, CO2
will not fall below the 400 ppm mark.
-NOAA (2016)
Algae could be used to sequester carbon
 Unless made into a product with a long useful
lifespan it will decay and re-release the CO2
Definition of Problem for South Carolina
 Pithophora is a native algae to South Carolina
that is most commonly controlled through the use
of herbicides. - DNR (2015)
Introduction: Goals
- Design and model the process of making paper pulp from algae that can be
substituted for wood in traditional paper presses
- Improve bleaching processes through chlorophyll-related options
- Create a paper product that stands up to the TAPPI standards of store bought
wood pulp paper
- Develop a more sophisticated way to clean the filamentous algae.
- Determine a simplified paper making process utilizing the benefits of
algae-based pulp
- Decrease pulping and drying times
Introduction: Constraints
Skills - Lack of paper making knowledge
Budgetary - Algal paper production must be comparable in price to similar wood
pulp based papers
Space - Can only keep a limited amount of algae for testing at a given time
Logistics - Lab scale tests and procedures are very different from industrial
Time - Algae growth rate and seasonal weather limits algal biomass available for
Introduction: Considerations
Ethical - North Charlestons Kapstone plant uses
chemical pulping which must be heavily treated
before being released into the Cooper River.
Safety - Bioaccumulation of toxins could occur in
marine life living in or near the effluent flows of
paper mills if not treated properly.
Ecological - Grass Carp and Mozambique Tilapia
have been used in the past to try to control
blooms of filamentous algae, but have been found
to prefer other aquatic grasses.
Introduction: Questions of User
Person using the finished paper.
 Will traditional pens and pencils write legibly on Algal paper?
 Is the algal paper as durable as comparable traditional papers?
 Will the paper last as long as traditional papers?
Introduction: Questions of Client
Paper press
- What is required to store algal pulp for processes?
- What kind of retrofitting would need to be done for the substitution to take
- Can wood and algae pulp be mixed?
Introduction: Questions of Designer
Yours Truly
- What quantity of pulp will be required to maintain an operation?
- What will be the required strength of the pressed paper?
- What type of algae will be used?
Governing Equations
Blending Scale-Up
 Reynolds Number
 Power in an unbaffled tank
 Limiting Vortexing Pbaffled
=  Punbaffled
 Power in a baffled tank P = kN3
Identifying the Algae
Scientific Name: Pithophora oedogonia
Common Name: Cotton-ball Algae/Horsehair Algae
Design: Small Scale
Preliminary data: Drying
 Preliminary Trial:
 Oven dried at 68 over 4 days
 Algae was successfully dried with a
brown border
 Trial 1:
 Oven was set to 103
 Algae was weighed every
30 minutes for 5.5 hours
 Drying occurred at 0.85
Preliminary data: Pulping
 Proctor Silex 59735 immersion
 Tested dried and undried
 Fiber lengths of pulped paper
averaged 6.45 mm.
Preliminary data: Pulping dried and undried
 Blends very quickly and easily
 Cells do not rupture or shorten
 Color stays very green
 Must rehydrate for easy pulping
 Cells rupture and shorten
 Color fades over time
Preliminary data: Pulping Dried and Undried
Undried Dried
Forming Handsheets for qualitative analysis of Pulp
 Based on TAPPI standards T 218 sp-11
 Utilized rehydrated dried algae from
preliminary drying test
 Proctor Silex 59735 immersion blender was
used for pulping
Forming Handsheets for Qualitative Analysis of Pulp
 100 mm diameter B端chner
funnel was used to strain pulp
 Pressed between granite slabs
 Allowed to air dry overnight
 Achieved finished test weight of
60 g/m2
Bleaching Alternative: Ultraviolet Light
Day 1 Day 3 Day 4
Bleaching: Other Alternatives
 Ultra Violet light seems to be the best and least intrusive option
 Requires significant time investment and does not completely whiten paper
 Repetitive drying and re-soaking of algae to wash out chlorophyll
 Will be energy intensive
 Chemical Bleaching is another option to explore as it will most likely be the
most successful at completely removing all color
 Effluent wastewater will have to be treated
 Can be used to help sequester
 Make use of problematic algal
 Chemical pulping techniques
are not required for algae as in
traditional paper pulping
 Bleaching can be
accomplished through drying
and UV light
Algalicious presentations
Thank You!
Dr. Caye Drapcho
Dr. Terry Walker
Mr. Tom Jones
Cassidy Laird
Clemson University
Ayhan Demirbas, M. F. (2011). Importance of algae oil as a source of biodiesel. Energy Conversion and Management, Vol. 52,
163-170. <http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0196890410002761>
Teschke, K. (n.d.). Chapter 72 - Pulp and Paper Industry. Encyclopedia of Occupational Health and Safety, Chapt. 72.
Global Greenhouse Gas Reference Network (2016). Trends in Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide: Full Mauna Loa CO2 record. Earth
System Research Laboratory.<http://www.esrl.noaa.gov/gmd/ccgg/trends/full.html>
Ben Xu, P. L. (2013). Study of the Flow Mixing in a novel ARID raceway for algae production. Renewable Energy Vol. 62, 249-257.
Environmental Protection Agency (1990). Chemical Wood Pulping. Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors, Ch 10 S02
South Carolina Department of Natural Resources (2015). Fish Pond Management Information. Common Aquatic Plant Management
Georgia Tech School of Economics (2003-16). Pulp Mills, Pulp & Paper Mills, Paper Mills in South Carolina. Center for Paper Business
and Industry Studies.<http://www.cpbis.gatech.edu/data/mills-online-new?state=South+Carolina>
Stein, T. (2016). Carbon dioxide levels race past troubling milestone. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
Kapstone. (2016). About Kapstone. Kapstone Paper and Packaging Corporation. <http://www.kapstonepaper.com/about-kapstone/>
Pokhrel, D., Viraraghavan, T. (2004). Treatment of pulp and paper mill wastewater--a review. Science of the Total Environment. Vol.
333, Issues 1-3. <http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0048969704004279>.
Kocamemi, B. A., (n.d.). Environmental Engineering Unit Operations, Chapter 6 Mixing. Marmara University Department of
Environmental Engineering. <http://mimoza.marmara.edu.tr/~bilge.alpaslan/enve301/Lectures/Chp_6.pdf>.
Les questions?
Handsheet notes and thickness calculations Blending notes and handsheet pressure calculations

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Algalicious presentations

  • 2. Introduction: Problem Recognition of Problem This year, for the first time since before the Ice Age, CO2 will not fall below the 400 ppm mark. -NOAA (2016) Algae could be used to sequester carbon Unless made into a product with a long useful lifespan it will decay and re-release the CO2 Definition of Problem for South Carolina Pithophora is a native algae to South Carolina that is most commonly controlled through the use of herbicides. - DNR (2015) http://www.esrl.noaa.gov/gmd/ccgg/trends/full.html
  • 3. Introduction: Goals Biological - Design and model the process of making paper pulp from algae that can be substituted for wood in traditional paper presses - Improve bleaching processes through chlorophyll-related options Structural - Create a paper product that stands up to the TAPPI standards of store bought wood pulp paper Mechanical - Develop a more sophisticated way to clean the filamentous algae. - Determine a simplified paper making process utilizing the benefits of algae-based pulp - Decrease pulping and drying times
  • 4. Introduction: Constraints Skills - Lack of paper making knowledge Budgetary - Algal paper production must be comparable in price to similar wood pulp based papers Space - Can only keep a limited amount of algae for testing at a given time Logistics - Lab scale tests and procedures are very different from industrial application Time - Algae growth rate and seasonal weather limits algal biomass available for testing
  • 5. Introduction: Considerations Ethical - North Charlestons Kapstone plant uses chemical pulping which must be heavily treated before being released into the Cooper River. Safety - Bioaccumulation of toxins could occur in marine life living in or near the effluent flows of paper mills if not treated properly. Ecological - Grass Carp and Mozambique Tilapia have been used in the past to try to control blooms of filamentous algae, but have been found to prefer other aquatic grasses. http://www.kapstonepaper.com/location/charlesto n-sc/
  • 6. Introduction: Questions of User Person using the finished paper. Will traditional pens and pencils write legibly on Algal paper? Is the algal paper as durable as comparable traditional papers? Will the paper last as long as traditional papers?
  • 7. Introduction: Questions of Client Paper press - What is required to store algal pulp for processes? - What kind of retrofitting would need to be done for the substitution to take place? - Can wood and algae pulp be mixed?
  • 8. Introduction: Questions of Designer Yours Truly - What quantity of pulp will be required to maintain an operation? - What will be the required strength of the pressed paper? - What type of algae will be used?
  • 9. Governing Equations Blending Scale-Up Reynolds Number Power in an unbaffled tank Limiting Vortexing Pbaffled = Punbaffled Power in a baffled tank P = kN3 D5 http://mimoza.marmara .edu.tr/~bilge.alpaslan/ enve301/Lectures/Chp _6.pdf
  • 10. Identifying the Algae Scientific Name: Pithophora oedogonia Common Name: Cotton-ball Algae/Horsehair Algae
  • 11. Design: Small Scale Harvesting Cleaning Drying Rehydration Pulping Straining Pressing Redrying
  • 12. Preliminary data: Drying Preliminary Trial: Oven dried at 68 over 4 days Algae was successfully dried with a brown border Trial 1: Oven was set to 103 Algae was weighed every 30 minutes for 5.5 hours Drying occurred at 0.85 g/min
  • 13. Preliminary data: Pulping Proctor Silex 59735 immersion blender Tested dried and undried samples Fiber lengths of pulped paper averaged 6.45 mm. http://www.paperonweb.com/pulppro.htm
  • 14. Preliminary data: Pulping dried and undried Undried Blends very quickly and easily Cells do not rupture or shorten Color stays very green Dried Must rehydrate for easy pulping Cells rupture and shorten Color fades over time
  • 15. Preliminary data: Pulping Dried and Undried Undried Dried
  • 16. Forming Handsheets for qualitative analysis of Pulp Based on TAPPI standards T 218 sp-11 Utilized rehydrated dried algae from preliminary drying test Proctor Silex 59735 immersion blender was used for pulping
  • 17. Forming Handsheets for Qualitative Analysis of Pulp 100 mm diameter B端chner funnel was used to strain pulp Pressed between granite slabs Allowed to air dry overnight Achieved finished test weight of 60 g/m2
  • 18. Bleaching Alternative: Ultraviolet Light Day 1 Day 3 Day 4
  • 19. Bleaching: Other Alternatives Ultra Violet light seems to be the best and least intrusive option Requires significant time investment and does not completely whiten paper Repetitive drying and re-soaking of algae to wash out chlorophyll Will be energy intensive Chemical Bleaching is another option to explore as it will most likely be the most successful at completely removing all color Effluent wastewater will have to be treated
  • 20. Sustainability Can be used to help sequester carbon Make use of problematic algal blooms Chemical pulping techniques are not required for algae as in traditional paper pulping Bleaching can be accomplished through drying and UV light http://www.clemson.edu/extension/natural_resources/water/stormwa ter_ponds/problem_solving/aquatic_weeds/algae_filamentous/
  • 22. Thank You! Dr. Caye Drapcho Dr. Terry Walker Mr. Tom Jones Cassidy Laird Clemson University
  • 23. References Ayhan Demirbas, M. F. (2011). Importance of algae oil as a source of biodiesel. Energy Conversion and Management, Vol. 52, 163-170. <http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0196890410002761> Teschke, K. (n.d.). Chapter 72 - Pulp and Paper Industry. Encyclopedia of Occupational Health and Safety, Chapt. 72. <http://www.ilocis.org/documents/chpt72e.htm> Global Greenhouse Gas Reference Network (2016). Trends in Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide: Full Mauna Loa CO2 record. Earth System Research Laboratory.<http://www.esrl.noaa.gov/gmd/ccgg/trends/full.html> Ben Xu, P. L. (2013). Study of the Flow Mixing in a novel ARID raceway for algae production. Renewable Energy Vol. 62, 249-257. <http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S096014811300342X> Environmental Protection Agency (1990). Chemical Wood Pulping. Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors, Ch 10 S02 <https://www3.epa.gov/ttnchie1/ap42/ch10/final/c10s02.pdf> South Carolina Department of Natural Resources (2015). Fish Pond Management Information. Common Aquatic Plant Management Problems.<http://www.dnr.sc.gov/water/aquaff/pithalgae.html> Georgia Tech School of Economics (2003-16). Pulp Mills, Pulp & Paper Mills, Paper Mills in South Carolina. Center for Paper Business and Industry Studies.<http://www.cpbis.gatech.edu/data/mills-online-new?state=South+Carolina>
  • 24. References Stein, T. (2016). Carbon dioxide levels race past troubling milestone. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. <http://www.noaa.gov/stories/carbon-dioxide-levels-race-past-troubling-milestone> Kapstone. (2016). About Kapstone. Kapstone Paper and Packaging Corporation. <http://www.kapstonepaper.com/about-kapstone/> Pokhrel, D., Viraraghavan, T. (2004). Treatment of pulp and paper mill wastewater--a review. Science of the Total Environment. Vol. 333, Issues 1-3. <http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0048969704004279>. Kocamemi, B. A., (n.d.). Environmental Engineering Unit Operations, Chapter 6 Mixing. Marmara University Department of Environmental Engineering. <http://mimoza.marmara.edu.tr/~bilge.alpaslan/enve301/Lectures/Chp_6.pdf>.
  • 26. Appendices Handsheet notes and thickness calculations Blending notes and handsheet pressure calculations