Tahmina Rahman Chowdhury from Dhaka, Bangladesh has completed several online courses on ALISON, spending over 84 hours studying. These include courses in Psychology, English, Health Studies, Sustainable Development, Social Work, Educational Psychology, and Global Health Issues. She is currently working on courses in German, Nursing, English Grammar, English Language and Literature, and Workplace Safety and Health. [/SUMMARY]
This document summarizes a psychiatry course offered at Amoud Medical School in Somaliland. The course is delivered over the 2019/2020 academic year for 5th year medical students. It introduces students to mental health through lectures, clinical attachments, debates and essays. Assessments include essays, exams, case presentations and participation in debates. The course is delivered by the local lecturer along with visits from a professor from King's College London between October and December 2019.
WJEC AS Level English language and LiteratureEmma Sinclair
This document outlines the structure and assessment objectives for English Language and Literature (LL1). It provides an overview of what students will study during the year to prepare for the LL1 exam. The exam consists of two sections - Section A focuses on poetry pre-1900 and an unseen text, while Section B examines prose texts. Students will be assessed on their ability to analyze language, structure, and contextual factors (Assessment Objectives 1-3). To prepare, students will learn terminology and analyze example poems and texts. As homework, students will work in groups to create presentations teaching their peers different terminology related to literary and linguistic analysis.
Michael Poteete is seeking a full-time position and has over 5 years of experience in various roles including as a deli clerk, snow plow driver, computer technician, pool technician assistant, lifeguard, and more. He has strong communication, computer, and customer service skills. He is detail-oriented, hard-working, and able to adapt to changing schedules. References are available upon request.
Michael Billy is an independent Indonesian photo-cinematographer based in Jakarta specializing in corporate photography and video. He is dedicated to providing personal attention to clients while adhering to high ethical standards. He believes every frame can bring ideas to life and is committed to excellence and integrity to serve clients. His clients include many leading Indonesian companies across various industries.
Greta Morris is a journalism major at Miami University with minors in interactive media studies and marketing. She has a 3.2 GPA and extensive experience in video production, reporting, and writing for radio, television, and newspaper outlets. This includes internships at ABC NewsOne and KETV Newswatch 7 where she assisted in producing and reporting news. She is currently a reporter for Miami Television News and the Miami Student Newspaper. Morris also has leadership experience as the chapter president of her sorority and as a tour guide for Miami University admissions.
Damaris Segura is seeking an information technology position where she can apply her computer skills, communication skills, and fluency in Spanish and conversational sign language. She graduated from Brown Mackie College with an Associate's of Science in Information Technology and has experience working in technical support, sales, and food service roles. Her resume highlights her ability to multi-task, troubleshoot computer issues, and quickly learn new skills.
Welcome To AS English Language & LiteratureBC ALevels
This document provides an overview of an English Language & Literature course. It explains that students will cover course content in their AS year, including an exam worth 60% of their grade focused on food and coursework worth 40% involving analytical and creative writing linked to analysis. Over the next two sessions, students will learn alternative vocabulary, new terminology to analyze texts, identify writing techniques, and analyze texts using the new concepts.
language through literature an introductionkadlawn36
This document provides an introduction to the book "Language through Literature" by Paul Simpson. The book uses examples from poetry, prose and drama to offer a lively guide to concepts and techniques in English language study. Each chapter develops a language topic through practical tasks, discussion points, and project work. Students analyze texts to widen their understanding of topics from single words to whole conversations. The book aims to make language study engaging for those new to the subject by taking a literary discourse perspective and incorporating classroom activities. It seeks to benefit both students and teachers by addressing a key aspect of language, illustrating it through literary analysis, and suggesting practical extensions for teaching.
This document provides information on a BTEC National course unit focused on managing business events. The unit aims to develop learner skills and knowledge in planning, running, and following up on business events. Key tasks for event organizers are outlined, including venue selection, budgeting, communication, and troubleshooting. Learners must plan and hold a business event to complete the learning outcomes of understanding the organizer's role, planning an event, running an event, and follow up activities.
Economics section 4.1 international trade & exchange ratesmattbentley34
This document outlines an economics curriculum on international economics topics to be covered over approximately 2 weeks. It includes sections on terms of trade, trading blocs and the World Trade Organization (WTO), restrictions on free trade, balance of payments, exchange rates, international competitiveness, and assessments. Specific subtopics to be covered include factors that influence a country's terms of trade; different types of trading blocs such as free trade areas and customs unions; reasons for and types of restrictions on trade such as tariffs and quotas; components and causes of balance of payments surpluses and deficits; exchange rate systems and how currency values can be affected; and measures of and factors influencing international competitiveness. Teachers are provided guidance on teaching resources and
How to approach essays on political ideologymattbentley34
This document provides guidance for students studying political ideologies for the Edexcel A2 exam. It advises students to start by understanding what each ideology believes about human nature, as this informs their other views. It also recommends learning the core themes of each ideology and being able to explain why adherents believe in each theme. Finally, the document stresses the importance of understanding the similarities and differences between branches and sub-branches of each ideology, as exam questions often require distinguishing between different strands of thought. Mastering these concepts is challenging but rewarding for comprehending political systems and theories.
1) The document provides guidance for teachers and students on the controlled assessment tasks for Unit 2 of GCSE qualifications in Business Studies, Business Communications, Business Studies and Economics, and Business Studies (Short Course).
2) Students must choose one task from a list of 5 options that involve investigating and evaluating aspects of small businesses such as sources of added value, developing competitive advantage through creativity, improving cash flow, delivering customer satisfaction, and the impact of business cycles.
3) The tasks are designed to encourage higher-order skills of analysis and evaluation and involve researching a small business, presenting findings, analyzing information, and making a supported judgement.
English Language Terminology: High Grade FeaturesCool
This presentation explains the key high grade features for exam success. Terms include: modification, narrative voice, register, verb types, figurative language, participles, sentence moods, listing, fronted conjunctions, subordination, syntax, fronted adverbials, fronted subordinate clauses, passive and active voice, rhetorical features and phrases in apposition.
The simple explanations will clarify any misunderstandings, with the help of clear bullet points, concise definitions, and examples.
The presentation is perfect for English Language A Level at both AS and A2.
The BBSDP is a South African government grant program that provides funding to help black-owned small businesses improve their competitiveness. It offers cost-sharing grants of up to R1 million per business for tools/machinery and business development services. To qualify, businesses must be 50%+ black-owned with an annual turnover between R250,000-R35 million and meet other criteria. The program aims to help supported businesses integrate into the mainstream economy through improving areas like management, marketing, and technology use.
The stigma surrounding mental health means students may be unwilling to disclose difficulties they are experiencing and access help. International students are particularly vulnerable as they are away from their usual support networks. Their limited English can also restrict their communication of any issues.
Australian ELICOS (English language teaching for international students sector) providers are aware that mental health issues can seriously impact a student as they progress through their studies. In a survey by English Australia, over 50 per cent of油ELICOS colleges believed the number of students with mental health issues has increased in the past two years which is placing an increased strain on the already limited resources of many ELICOS providers.
English Australia released 'The Guide to Best Practice in International Student Mental Health'. This guide provides tools and information that will help create an environment where students feel supported should they ever have any mental health concerns.
In this presentation, Sophie O'Keefe explores the guide and discusses the mental health issues that international and ELICOS students experience, and shares best practice for addressing these concerns.
A speech-language pathologist (SLP) assesses, diagnoses, treats, and prevents communication and swallowing disorders. The field began combining different areas of study and many early practitioners overcame personal communication issues. SLPs must earn a master's degree and be licensed by the state. The median salary for an SLP in 2012 was $69,870 and jobs in the field are expected to grow 19% by 2022.
Diploma in Parenting and Home Management | English Brochure - WIL HUBWIL HUB
Wil Hub, Way to Innovative Learning Hub is a pioneer in the field of education, combining modern technology and methodologies for imparting knowledge to people from all over the world. Wil Hub facilitates learning for people of all ages, overcoming constraints such as time and geography, in order to provide a sufficient amount of knowledge and leadership characteristics to the next generation.
We guarantee modern technology and systems, as well as a variety of individual and group activities. Rather than using conventional learning tools, we use simple and effective ways. Wil Hub is the perfect solution for individuals who are unable to study due to physical constraints such as time and place, and who also want to learn at their own convenience.
This 34 CEU/CME certificate program consists of self-paced podcast and module lessons as well as 7 live webinars running from September to December 2015. The program aims to build skills in current dementia care approaches and covers topics such as aging demographics, diagnostic assessment, family caregiving challenges, managing behavioral symptoms, promoting well-being, and action planning for policy change. Participants will learn best practices for providing culturally-competent and person-centered support to individuals and families coping with dementia.
Educational counselling provides guidance to students in schools and colleges. It aims to support students' academic, career and personal development. Counselling addresses common issues students face like stress, depression, relationships, anger, abuse, career choices, and adjustment challenges. Counsellors work with students individually and in groups. They provide classroom lessons and respond to students' specific needs. Educational counselling is needed because students experience pressures around achievement, family and social issues that counsellors can help them manage.
Dr. Eham AjlouniPHC 1311st term 20172018Week 3 Chapter 1 (P.docxkanepbyrne80830
Dr. Eham Ajlouni PHC 131 1st term 2017/2018
Week 3 : Chapter 1 (Practical Applications of Epidemiology)
Please choose the most appropriate answer: (7 points)
Q1. Gini index used for:
a. Education inequality
b. Income inequality
c. Heath access inequality
d. Social inequality
Q2. The study of the placement and optimum utilization of health services in a community, refers to:
a. Disease etiology
b. Policy evaluation
c. Program evaluation
d. Operations research
Q3. Epidemiologic research is the subject of criticism, like:
a. Conflicting studies
b. Individual risks
c. Search for causes
d. Specific clinical concerns
Q 4- Shift from high birth and death rates to lower birth and death rates, refers to:
a. Demographic Transition
b. Environment Transition
c. Epidemic transition
d. Fertility Transition
Q5- Modern Concepts of Causality, like:
a. Control diseases report
b. Henle-Koch postulates
c. Institute of medicine report
d. Surgeon Generals Report
Q6- Study of Risks to Individuals like:
a. Cohort study.
b. Qualitative study
c. Health services study
d. Virtual study.
Q7-Primordial Prevention concerns with:
a. Limiting disability from disease
b. Minimizing health hazards
c. Protection against disease
d. Reducing progress of disease
Short answers: (3 points)
Answer one question only
Q1. Write the three Criteria for Risk Factors
Q2. List factors affecting reliability of observed changes
Running head: ASSESSMENT 1
Self Assessment
Name: Carzetta Allen
Institution: Capella University
Self Assessment Self-Assessment Table
Learner Self-Assessment of Level of Proficiency
Narrative Explanation of Selection of Proficiency Level
I know how to create inclusive learning environments for all students.
I always acknowledge the fact that the provision of a hospitable experience for all learners is of the essence. While I have been able to differentiate the learning needs of various students, I am yet to master all the teaching strategies that are vital for catering to the needs of different learners.
My educational setting is an environment in which respect and value for diversity is demonstrated.
Todays classrooms are filled with students that are diverse in in terms of ethnicity, race, gender, religion, sexuality, and much more. As such, I have placed a great deal of emphasis on diversity matters to ensure that all learners are provided with a positive environment in which they can thrive academically.
I am aware of multicultural issues that impact students.
Teaching students from diverse cultural backgrounds comes with myriad challenges. More precisely, I am yet to gain an enhanced comprehension of all the multicultural issues that affect learners from diverse cultural backgrounds.
I am well-informed about how cultural issues impact curriculum, instruction, and assessment in educational settings.
As previously noted, cultural issues tend to be multifaceted. It is for this reason that I am .
Peer Review Assignment油Due Week 8 and worth 50 points油Peer rev.docxdanhaley45372
Peer Review Assignment油
Due Week 8 and worth 50 points油
Peer reviews should provide feedback to a peer on the criteria expected in the paper. The油Week 8 Feedback Form油can be downloaded from the Appendices section of the course guide by clicking the link油here. Follow these instructions:
For Online Students:
1. Choose a classmate's paper from the "Easy Drop off/Pick up Zone" discussion thread in the course shell.
2. Obtain the Peer Review Feedback Form from the course shell.油
3. Comment on all criteria, noting strengths and / or areas for improvement on the feedback form.油
4. Provide completed Peer Review Feedback Form by posting it to the same "Easy Drop off/Pick up Zone" discussion thread AND submitting it to the Peer Review Assignment link above.
For On-ground Students:
1. Receive a classmates paper from your professor.
2. Obtain the Peer Review Feedback Form from the course shell.油
3. Comment on all criteria, noting strengths and / or areas for improvement on the feedback form.
4. Provide completed Peer Review Feedback Form and classmates paper as directed by your professor.
Note:油On-ground students should submit the feedback form and paper to the professor during the class meeting in which the paper is reviewed; online students should submit the feedback form and paper to the professor via the "Easy Drop off/Pick up Zone" discussion thread and Peer Review Assignment link in the course shell.
As you read a classmates paper, address these criteria:
揃 Identify the course, assignment, and date.
揃 Provide positive feedback, where appropriate, on the criteria.
揃 Identify areas for improvement, where appropriate, and recommend improvements. 油
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
揃 Recognize the elements and correct use of a thesis statement.油
揃 Recognize transitional words, phrases, and sentences.
揃 Identify effective sentence variety and word choice.油
揃 Identify positive qualities and opportunities for improvement in writing samples.
揃 Analyze the rhetorical strategies of ethos, pathos, logos in writing samples and for incorporation into essays or presentations.油
揃 Correct grammatical and stylistic errors consistent with Standard Written English
揃 Recognize how to organize ideas with transitional words, phrases, and sentences.
Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality, logic/organization of the paper, and language and writing skills, using the following rubric.
Points: 50
Assignment: Peer Review
Below 60% F
Meets Minimum Expectations
60-69% D
70-79% C
80-89% B
90-100% A
1. Identify the course, assignment, and date.
Weight: 10%
Did not submit or incompletely identified the course, assignment, and date.
Insufficiently identified the course, assignment, and date.
油Partially identified the course, assignment, and date.
Satisfactorily identified the course, assignment, and date.
Thoroughly identified the course, assignment, and date.
2. Gi.
Helen Kerrell provides autism training and consulting services through her company Aspire Autism Services. She has over 30 years of experience working with individuals with autism spectrum disorders. Aspire offers various training packages on topics related to autism awareness, understanding behaviors, developing visual and social supports, and sensory issues. The training aims to provide practical strategies and tools to support individuals with autism and those who support them. Courses are interactive and focus on person-centered approaches.
The document discusses effective teaching skills for doctors. It notes that doctors spend most of their time teaching students, other healthcare providers, and patients. Research shows that traditional lectures are not very effective at promoting learning and thinking. More effective techniques include using problem-based learning, case studies, and incorporating elements from the ROPES teaching matrix, which includes reviewing material, generating student discussion, and having students apply and summarize what they learned. Studies found teachers who used techniques like empathy, caring about students, and humor tended to be more effective at promoting student engagement and learning.
The document introduces the Wellbeing Toolkit for Professionals, which provides 20 training sessions and resources to support the wellbeing of professionals working with children and young people. It notes the increasing stress faced by both students and teachers from factors like family problems, bullying, and school inspections. The Toolkit aims to give staff tools to enhance their own wellbeing so they can better support students and feel flourishing in their personal and professional lives. Each of the 20 topics in the Toolkit provides information, strategies, activities, and a presentation to build skills like stress management, resilience, communication, and self-care.
Welcome To AS English Language & LiteratureBC ALevels
This document provides an overview of an English Language & Literature course. It explains that students will cover course content in their AS year, including an exam worth 60% of their grade focused on food and coursework worth 40% involving analytical and creative writing linked to analysis. Over the next two sessions, students will learn alternative vocabulary, new terminology to analyze texts, identify writing techniques, and analyze texts using the new concepts.
language through literature an introductionkadlawn36
This document provides an introduction to the book "Language through Literature" by Paul Simpson. The book uses examples from poetry, prose and drama to offer a lively guide to concepts and techniques in English language study. Each chapter develops a language topic through practical tasks, discussion points, and project work. Students analyze texts to widen their understanding of topics from single words to whole conversations. The book aims to make language study engaging for those new to the subject by taking a literary discourse perspective and incorporating classroom activities. It seeks to benefit both students and teachers by addressing a key aspect of language, illustrating it through literary analysis, and suggesting practical extensions for teaching.
This document provides information on a BTEC National course unit focused on managing business events. The unit aims to develop learner skills and knowledge in planning, running, and following up on business events. Key tasks for event organizers are outlined, including venue selection, budgeting, communication, and troubleshooting. Learners must plan and hold a business event to complete the learning outcomes of understanding the organizer's role, planning an event, running an event, and follow up activities.
Economics section 4.1 international trade & exchange ratesmattbentley34
This document outlines an economics curriculum on international economics topics to be covered over approximately 2 weeks. It includes sections on terms of trade, trading blocs and the World Trade Organization (WTO), restrictions on free trade, balance of payments, exchange rates, international competitiveness, and assessments. Specific subtopics to be covered include factors that influence a country's terms of trade; different types of trading blocs such as free trade areas and customs unions; reasons for and types of restrictions on trade such as tariffs and quotas; components and causes of balance of payments surpluses and deficits; exchange rate systems and how currency values can be affected; and measures of and factors influencing international competitiveness. Teachers are provided guidance on teaching resources and
How to approach essays on political ideologymattbentley34
This document provides guidance for students studying political ideologies for the Edexcel A2 exam. It advises students to start by understanding what each ideology believes about human nature, as this informs their other views. It also recommends learning the core themes of each ideology and being able to explain why adherents believe in each theme. Finally, the document stresses the importance of understanding the similarities and differences between branches and sub-branches of each ideology, as exam questions often require distinguishing between different strands of thought. Mastering these concepts is challenging but rewarding for comprehending political systems and theories.
1) The document provides guidance for teachers and students on the controlled assessment tasks for Unit 2 of GCSE qualifications in Business Studies, Business Communications, Business Studies and Economics, and Business Studies (Short Course).
2) Students must choose one task from a list of 5 options that involve investigating and evaluating aspects of small businesses such as sources of added value, developing competitive advantage through creativity, improving cash flow, delivering customer satisfaction, and the impact of business cycles.
3) The tasks are designed to encourage higher-order skills of analysis and evaluation and involve researching a small business, presenting findings, analyzing information, and making a supported judgement.
English Language Terminology: High Grade FeaturesCool
This presentation explains the key high grade features for exam success. Terms include: modification, narrative voice, register, verb types, figurative language, participles, sentence moods, listing, fronted conjunctions, subordination, syntax, fronted adverbials, fronted subordinate clauses, passive and active voice, rhetorical features and phrases in apposition.
The simple explanations will clarify any misunderstandings, with the help of clear bullet points, concise definitions, and examples.
The presentation is perfect for English Language A Level at both AS and A2.
The BBSDP is a South African government grant program that provides funding to help black-owned small businesses improve their competitiveness. It offers cost-sharing grants of up to R1 million per business for tools/machinery and business development services. To qualify, businesses must be 50%+ black-owned with an annual turnover between R250,000-R35 million and meet other criteria. The program aims to help supported businesses integrate into the mainstream economy through improving areas like management, marketing, and technology use.
The stigma surrounding mental health means students may be unwilling to disclose difficulties they are experiencing and access help. International students are particularly vulnerable as they are away from their usual support networks. Their limited English can also restrict their communication of any issues.
Australian ELICOS (English language teaching for international students sector) providers are aware that mental health issues can seriously impact a student as they progress through their studies. In a survey by English Australia, over 50 per cent of油ELICOS colleges believed the number of students with mental health issues has increased in the past two years which is placing an increased strain on the already limited resources of many ELICOS providers.
English Australia released 'The Guide to Best Practice in International Student Mental Health'. This guide provides tools and information that will help create an environment where students feel supported should they ever have any mental health concerns.
In this presentation, Sophie O'Keefe explores the guide and discusses the mental health issues that international and ELICOS students experience, and shares best practice for addressing these concerns.
A speech-language pathologist (SLP) assesses, diagnoses, treats, and prevents communication and swallowing disorders. The field began combining different areas of study and many early practitioners overcame personal communication issues. SLPs must earn a master's degree and be licensed by the state. The median salary for an SLP in 2012 was $69,870 and jobs in the field are expected to grow 19% by 2022.
Diploma in Parenting and Home Management | English Brochure - WIL HUBWIL HUB
Wil Hub, Way to Innovative Learning Hub is a pioneer in the field of education, combining modern technology and methodologies for imparting knowledge to people from all over the world. Wil Hub facilitates learning for people of all ages, overcoming constraints such as time and geography, in order to provide a sufficient amount of knowledge and leadership characteristics to the next generation.
We guarantee modern technology and systems, as well as a variety of individual and group activities. Rather than using conventional learning tools, we use simple and effective ways. Wil Hub is the perfect solution for individuals who are unable to study due to physical constraints such as time and place, and who also want to learn at their own convenience.
This 34 CEU/CME certificate program consists of self-paced podcast and module lessons as well as 7 live webinars running from September to December 2015. The program aims to build skills in current dementia care approaches and covers topics such as aging demographics, diagnostic assessment, family caregiving challenges, managing behavioral symptoms, promoting well-being, and action planning for policy change. Participants will learn best practices for providing culturally-competent and person-centered support to individuals and families coping with dementia.
Educational counselling provides guidance to students in schools and colleges. It aims to support students' academic, career and personal development. Counselling addresses common issues students face like stress, depression, relationships, anger, abuse, career choices, and adjustment challenges. Counsellors work with students individually and in groups. They provide classroom lessons and respond to students' specific needs. Educational counselling is needed because students experience pressures around achievement, family and social issues that counsellors can help them manage.
Dr. Eham AjlouniPHC 1311st term 20172018Week 3 Chapter 1 (P.docxkanepbyrne80830
Dr. Eham Ajlouni PHC 131 1st term 2017/2018
Week 3 : Chapter 1 (Practical Applications of Epidemiology)
Please choose the most appropriate answer: (7 points)
Q1. Gini index used for:
a. Education inequality
b. Income inequality
c. Heath access inequality
d. Social inequality
Q2. The study of the placement and optimum utilization of health services in a community, refers to:
a. Disease etiology
b. Policy evaluation
c. Program evaluation
d. Operations research
Q3. Epidemiologic research is the subject of criticism, like:
a. Conflicting studies
b. Individual risks
c. Search for causes
d. Specific clinical concerns
Q 4- Shift from high birth and death rates to lower birth and death rates, refers to:
a. Demographic Transition
b. Environment Transition
c. Epidemic transition
d. Fertility Transition
Q5- Modern Concepts of Causality, like:
a. Control diseases report
b. Henle-Koch postulates
c. Institute of medicine report
d. Surgeon Generals Report
Q6- Study of Risks to Individuals like:
a. Cohort study.
b. Qualitative study
c. Health services study
d. Virtual study.
Q7-Primordial Prevention concerns with:
a. Limiting disability from disease
b. Minimizing health hazards
c. Protection against disease
d. Reducing progress of disease
Short answers: (3 points)
Answer one question only
Q1. Write the three Criteria for Risk Factors
Q2. List factors affecting reliability of observed changes
Running head: ASSESSMENT 1
Self Assessment
Name: Carzetta Allen
Institution: Capella University
Self Assessment Self-Assessment Table
Learner Self-Assessment of Level of Proficiency
Narrative Explanation of Selection of Proficiency Level
I know how to create inclusive learning environments for all students.
I always acknowledge the fact that the provision of a hospitable experience for all learners is of the essence. While I have been able to differentiate the learning needs of various students, I am yet to master all the teaching strategies that are vital for catering to the needs of different learners.
My educational setting is an environment in which respect and value for diversity is demonstrated.
Todays classrooms are filled with students that are diverse in in terms of ethnicity, race, gender, religion, sexuality, and much more. As such, I have placed a great deal of emphasis on diversity matters to ensure that all learners are provided with a positive environment in which they can thrive academically.
I am aware of multicultural issues that impact students.
Teaching students from diverse cultural backgrounds comes with myriad challenges. More precisely, I am yet to gain an enhanced comprehension of all the multicultural issues that affect learners from diverse cultural backgrounds.
I am well-informed about how cultural issues impact curriculum, instruction, and assessment in educational settings.
As previously noted, cultural issues tend to be multifaceted. It is for this reason that I am .
Peer Review Assignment油Due Week 8 and worth 50 points油Peer rev.docxdanhaley45372
Peer Review Assignment油
Due Week 8 and worth 50 points油
Peer reviews should provide feedback to a peer on the criteria expected in the paper. The油Week 8 Feedback Form油can be downloaded from the Appendices section of the course guide by clicking the link油here. Follow these instructions:
For Online Students:
1. Choose a classmate's paper from the "Easy Drop off/Pick up Zone" discussion thread in the course shell.
2. Obtain the Peer Review Feedback Form from the course shell.油
3. Comment on all criteria, noting strengths and / or areas for improvement on the feedback form.油
4. Provide completed Peer Review Feedback Form by posting it to the same "Easy Drop off/Pick up Zone" discussion thread AND submitting it to the Peer Review Assignment link above.
For On-ground Students:
1. Receive a classmates paper from your professor.
2. Obtain the Peer Review Feedback Form from the course shell.油
3. Comment on all criteria, noting strengths and / or areas for improvement on the feedback form.
4. Provide completed Peer Review Feedback Form and classmates paper as directed by your professor.
Note:油On-ground students should submit the feedback form and paper to the professor during the class meeting in which the paper is reviewed; online students should submit the feedback form and paper to the professor via the "Easy Drop off/Pick up Zone" discussion thread and Peer Review Assignment link in the course shell.
As you read a classmates paper, address these criteria:
揃 Identify the course, assignment, and date.
揃 Provide positive feedback, where appropriate, on the criteria.
揃 Identify areas for improvement, where appropriate, and recommend improvements. 油
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
揃 Recognize the elements and correct use of a thesis statement.油
揃 Recognize transitional words, phrases, and sentences.
揃 Identify effective sentence variety and word choice.油
揃 Identify positive qualities and opportunities for improvement in writing samples.
揃 Analyze the rhetorical strategies of ethos, pathos, logos in writing samples and for incorporation into essays or presentations.油
揃 Correct grammatical and stylistic errors consistent with Standard Written English
揃 Recognize how to organize ideas with transitional words, phrases, and sentences.
Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality, logic/organization of the paper, and language and writing skills, using the following rubric.
Points: 50
Assignment: Peer Review
Below 60% F
Meets Minimum Expectations
60-69% D
70-79% C
80-89% B
90-100% A
1. Identify the course, assignment, and date.
Weight: 10%
Did not submit or incompletely identified the course, assignment, and date.
Insufficiently identified the course, assignment, and date.
油Partially identified the course, assignment, and date.
Satisfactorily identified the course, assignment, and date.
Thoroughly identified the course, assignment, and date.
2. Gi.
Helen Kerrell provides autism training and consulting services through her company Aspire Autism Services. She has over 30 years of experience working with individuals with autism spectrum disorders. Aspire offers various training packages on topics related to autism awareness, understanding behaviors, developing visual and social supports, and sensory issues. The training aims to provide practical strategies and tools to support individuals with autism and those who support them. Courses are interactive and focus on person-centered approaches.
The document discusses effective teaching skills for doctors. It notes that doctors spend most of their time teaching students, other healthcare providers, and patients. Research shows that traditional lectures are not very effective at promoting learning and thinking. More effective techniques include using problem-based learning, case studies, and incorporating elements from the ROPES teaching matrix, which includes reviewing material, generating student discussion, and having students apply and summarize what they learned. Studies found teachers who used techniques like empathy, caring about students, and humor tended to be more effective at promoting student engagement and learning.
The document introduces the Wellbeing Toolkit for Professionals, which provides 20 training sessions and resources to support the wellbeing of professionals working with children and young people. It notes the increasing stress faced by both students and teachers from factors like family problems, bullying, and school inspections. The Toolkit aims to give staff tools to enhance their own wellbeing so they can better support students and feel flourishing in their personal and professional lives. Each of the 20 topics in the Toolkit provides information, strategies, activities, and a presentation to build skills like stress management, resilience, communication, and self-care.
This PowerPoint provides guidance for staff at the University of Strathclyde on supporting students with mental health issues. It outlines that mental health issues are common among university students due to factors like stress, lack of support networks, and life changes. The presentation aims to help staff recognize signs of student distress, understand appropriate ways to offer support and refer students to resources. It emphasizes listening without judgment, respecting boundaries, and ensuring student safety by involving experts if urgent issues arise.
Why do poor countries have a predominance of infectious diseases.docxwrite5
Poor countries have a predominance of infectious diseases while wealthy countries have more lifestyle-related diseases due to differences in social and economic conditions. Global health inequalities exist due to lack of access to clean water, sanitation, nutrition, and medical care in poorer nations. Reflective writing can help address this issue by raising awareness and considering ways to improve health for all.
Zeng Jiawen ZengChenxia Zhu English 3001-015292017Refl.docxransayo
The document is a reflective essay written by Jiawen Zeng about improving their writing skills during their English 3001 writing proficiency course over 10 weeks. The essay discusses the most serious problems Zeng previously faced with their writing, including issues with grammar, verb tenses, and content quality. It describes Zeng's initial strategy of only focusing on highlighted mistakes, but then realizing this was not enough and starting to read more books in English and write more diverse essays. The essay reflects on Zeng meeting the university's writing requirements being just the beginning, and the need to continue improving editing skills and focusing on content, evidence, and meeting further targets.
Lifelong learning means continuous learning throughout one's life through both formal and informal education from birth to death. The field of psychology fascinates the author because it involves learning about how human thoughts and behaviors can change from moment to moment. To thrive in the evolving field of psychology, one must understand the fundamental building blocks of theories, perspectives, communication skills, research methods, ethics, and diversity. The author's psychology program effectively taught these fundamentals and prepared students for real-world application through detailed explanations of influential theories and perspectives.
This document summarizes discussions from groups at the 2008 APA National Conference on various topics related to undergraduate psychology education. Key recommendations included defining psychological literacy as an outcome for psychology students, assessing teaching quality based on student work and reflective teaching practices, requiring core courses in research methods and specific content domains with ethics and diversity integrated, and being aware of student demographics and developmental needs in curriculum and climate.
Directions Write 1-2 written pages per objective listed below. I.docxkimberly691
Directions: Write 1-2 written pages per objective listed below. It is required that you illustrate your comprehension and synthesis of the content. The total length of your paper must be 15 pages of content.APA 6th edition format is required and Turn It In will be used. Use a title page and a reference page. You are able to use references, but much of the writing needs to demonstrate your synthesis of your coursework.
Please address the Counseling Learning Objectives in a professional and/or using your professional expertise from the information learned in your classes. Be sure to use key words of each objective in the headings, so that we may know which objective you are discussing.
Counseling Learning Objectives
Objective 1: Students will develop and demonstrate an understanding of the life-long need to pursue counseling knowledge and professional development. Students will articulate the value of engagement in professional organizations for the purposes of advocacy, certifications, and accreditations. (Introduction to Counseling Class)
Objective 2: Counseling students will develop an ethical awareness that results in behaviors that reflect an understanding of roles, responsibilities, supervision, and limitations as they collaborate and consult with other behavioral health professionals and systems. (Introduction to Counseling)
Objective 3: Counseling students will verbalize the importance of counseling history and its ongoing influences on current practices. (Introduction to Counseling)
Objective 4: Counseling students will examine biological, environmental, and systemic factors that affect human behavior, development, and functioning. Counseling students will develop strategies for promoting optimum development, resilience, and wellness across the lifespan. (Human Growth and Development)
Objective 5: Counseling students will utilize career theories that facilitate the client's pathway to satisfactory work and leisure, including counseling skills that foster values clarification, knowledge of the work world, and personal wellness. (Career Development)
Objective 6: Counseling students will utilize critical thinking skills to evaluate the effects of power and privilege for clients. Counseling students will demonstrate decision making strategies to understand the impact of attitudes, beliefs, heritage, understandings and acculturative experiences on views of others. (Social and Cultural)
Objective 7: Utilizing multicultural competencies and awareness, counseling students will adopt the counseling knowledge base and work-behavior areas to diverse client populations. This ability to make cultural adjustments will be shown specifically in the work-behavior areas of counselors including fundamental counseling issues, counseling processes, diagnostic and assessment services, professional practice, and professional development. (Social and Cultural Class)
Objective 8: Committing to grow deeper toward integrated practice, counseling stu.
Tahmina Rahman Chowdhury is a human medical science professional from Bangladesh currently living in New Zealand. She received her MBBS degree from Sir Salimullah Medical College in Bangladesh and has over 15 years of experience in women's health, gender equity, palliative care, and behavioral health. She is currently studying psychology and counseling at the Career Academy in New Zealand. Her aim is to serve aged people through her education and experience in human health and medical science.
Tahmina Rahman Chowdhury is a human medical science professional from Bangladesh currently living in New Zealand. She received her medical degree from Sir Salimullah Medical College in Bangladesh and has over 15 years of experience in women's health, gender issues, palliative care, and behavioral health. She is currently studying psychology and counseling at institutions in New Zealand and the UK. Her aim is to serve older people through her education and experience in medicine and behavioral science.
This certificate confirms that Tahmina Rahman Chowdhury completed the e-learning course "The Research Question" on January 15, 2015, scoring 92%. The course has been recognized for its quality by the Global Health Training Centre.
Tahmina Rahman Chowdhury completed an e-learning course called "The Research Question" with a score of 92% on January 15, 2015. The course was formally recognized for its quality and content by the Global Health Training Centre and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. Tahmina's certificate number is 38614.
The document contains certificates from Harvard Medical School certifying that Tahmina Rahman Chowdhury participated in and received continuing medical education credits for various online medical courses on topics such as breast cancer, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, exercise, and nutrition from January 2011 to February 2012. Harvard Medical School is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing education for physicians.
Tahmina Rahman Chowdhury graduated from Sir Salimullah Medical College, University of Dhaka with a Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) degree in 2002. She passed the 1st Professional MBBS exam in 1999 with a total of 627 marks out of 1000. She passed the 2nd Professional MBBS exam in 2001 with a total of 802 marks out of 1400. She passed the Final Professional MBBS exam in 2002 with a total of 803 marks out of 1500. The MBBS program had no grading system and results were reported as pass or fail.
Tahmina Rahman Chowdhury is a physician from Bangladesh seeking to integrate social behavior and physical health. She has a medical degree from Sir Salimullah Medical College and has taken numerous online courses in psychology, mental health, gender studies and more from ALISON, Harvard Medical School and others. Her research interests include the relationship between the human mind and health, and the impacts of gender equity. She has over 15 years of experience in women's health, behavioral health and research.
1. Learning Record
Name Tahmina Rahman Chowdhury
City/Country -Dhaka / Bangladesh
Date of Birth 1st January, 1979
E-mail teena.samir@gmail.com
Gender Female
Time spent studying on ALISON 84 hours 17 min
Psychology: Research Methods: 100% quiz score
This third and final Psychology course examines experimentation and report writing in a Psychology context. This free
learning course outlines protocols for experimentation in Psychology including how to structure and conduct experiments, how
to interpret results and how to report findings. This course is ideal for students looking to enhance their knowledge of research
methods or those who would like to acquaint themselves with psychological experimentation.
Diploma in Psychology: 100% quiz score
ALISON's free online Diploma in Psychology is an engaging course, and is packed with features to help students understand
and evaluate classic and contemporary psychology. It is ideal for those who want to gain comprehensive understanding of the
main elements of psychology, and will be of great benefit to students in their career progression.Topics covered include
classical conditioning, learning theory, the biological basis of behaviour, visual perceptions, memory, and cognition.The
Research Methodology section allows students to cast a critical eye on the research process, to explore the nature of
psychology as an evolving science, and understand some of the ethical issues faced by psychologists.
BC Online English Suite - Pre-Intermediate 1 (UNIT 1): 100% quiz score
This free online English language course is ideal for those wishing to enhance their basic language skills. This unit focuses on
various communication methods such as face to face, e-mail and letters. Introducing family members and describing holiday
destinations provide the setting for learning about pronouns and alphabet sounds.
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2. Learning Record
Diploma in Mental Health Studies: 90.6% quiz score
It is estimated that one in four adults experience some form of mental health problems at some point in their lives and so care
for mental health is becoming an increasingly important aspect of health provision in health systems around the world.
Anxiety, depression and severe mental problems affect not only the individuals concerned but also their families and friends.
Mental health problems result in reduced quality of life and possibly loss of life. It is therefore important to understand mental
distress and the ways it can be treated. This free Diploma course will help you understand mental health and mental illness,
mental health practise and care in the community. It will tackle the issues of stigma and discrimination in mental healt..
Diploma in Sustainable Development: 85.8% quiz score
Sustainable development is a type of economic growth pattern where the use of resources meets the needs of the human
population while conserving the environment at the same time. Sustainable development means resources are used in such a
way that both current and future human needs can be met. This free online Diploma in Sustainable Development reviews a
diverse range of topics including what exactly sustainability is and what systems of practice are most commonly used, and in
particular, examines the importance of sustainable development in counteracting global climate change. Two very important
issues in sustainable development are energy sources that meet current and future demands, and water conservation. The
course reviews both non-re..
Diploma in Social Work Studies: 95.8% quiz score
This free online course is ideal for professionals who are already in a health-related or care-giving occupation and who want to
learn more about social work, and for learners who are interested in social work as a career. Social workers are committed
professionals who work in partnership with individuals, families and groups experiencing marginalisation, disadvantage or
social difficulties. This course will give you a thorough knowledge and understanding of what social work is, the skills needed
to be a social worker, and what social workers do. There are also some video and audio based case studies which will help
you further enhance your understanding.
Diploma in Educational Psychology: 84.4% quiz score
Educational psychology is concerned with how students learn and develop. It emphasises trends in educational development
while also focusing on educational diversity. For teachers and trainers to fulfil their instructional role most effectively, their
teaching methods must be grounded in educational psychology. Educational psychology provides a framework for teachers
and trainers to plan, create and deliver effective lessons, and assess each student's learning. In this free online course, you
will explore the topic of educational psychology in detail. Key development theories related to the learning process are
examined and practical classroom examples are supplied to engage the learner throughout the course. Vital material about
student d..
Human Health - Global Health Issues: 90% quiz score
"Human Health 3" course examines the global health issues affecting the world today with a particular focus on
the developing world. The interactive course considers a variety of topics such as, Women's Health, HIV/AIDS, and health in
infancy, childhood and adolescence. It is ideal for those in health management, the medical professions, charity and
community work, HIV/AIDS awareness, and women's health.
Diploma in Health Studies: 93.3% quiz score
ALISON's free online Diploma in Health Studies course will give you a comprehensive understanding and knowledge of
important health-related subjects. This course covers diet and nutrition, health and human development, global health issues
such as womens health and family health, and HIV/AIDS awareness and prevention. This Diploma course will be of great
interest for anyone interested in a career in the health professions, and will further enhance your career progression.
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3. Learning Record
Work in Progress
Basic German Language Skills: 91.67%
German is spoken by nearly one hundred million people in central European countries such as Germany, Austria,
Switzerland, Luxembourg and Liechtenstein, and is the most widely-spoken first language in the European Union. Germany is
internationally recognised as the industrial and economic powerhouse of Europe, so a working knowledge of German is
essential for professionals in areas such as business, finance, economics and politics. In this free online German language
course you will be introduced to basic German vocabulary and grammar. You will learn about times of the day, colours,
numbers, the alphabet, and important verbs. This free online German language course will be of great interest to all
professionals who would like to begin lear..
Diploma in Nursing and Patient Care: 0.00%
The daily responsibility for the care of patients in a health care setting rests primarily with the nursing team. The modern
nurse is a highly trained professional and can work in a wide variety of areas from community nursing to surgery. This free
online Diploma course in nursing studies provides an overview of the skills and techniques required in areas such as
advanced patient hygiene procedures, environmental health and safety awareness for the practice nurse, the role of the nurse
in diet therapy and how to ensure patient safety and comfort in the adult care setting. Advanced principles of hygiene provides
the learner with an overview of the functions, methods and techniques applied in providing adult patient care with particular
Diploma in Basic English Grammar: 1.72%
Proper grammar is essential to communicating well in English. This free online diploma course introduces the fundamental
aspects of English grammar and explains how they should be applied in written and spoken English.The first section of this
course explains the role of grammar in English. Following this, the importance of punctuation is described. The course also
explains the different parts of speech and the role they play in English sentences. Finally, the course introduces all of the
tenses used in the English language. The tenses are explained in videos which include multiple sample sentences.This free
online course is ideal English language students who wish to complement their vocabulary and phrases with a greater
understanding of ..
Diploma in English Language and Literature: 1.20%
This Diploma gives you the opportunity to gain a comprehensive knowledge and understanding of important aspects of
English language and literature. It is ideal for people who have always wanted to study English language and literature in
greater detail, as well as learners who are studying English as a second language.The English language modules cover the
fundamentals of grammar, effective speaking, and writing skills.The English literature modules analyse literature with an
emphasis on renowned authors and poets, such as Samuel Coleridge, Arthur Miller and William Shakespeare.A qualification
in this free online Diploma course is the ideal way of demonstrating your proficiency in the English language.
English Writing Skills : 1.92%
English Writing Skills is a free online language course which is designed for anyone wanting to improve their writing, or
English students who wish to enhance their essay-writing abilities. Covering a number of different styles of writing, including
comedy, descriptive, spy, thriller, instructional text, opinion pieces, poetry, as well as punctuation, this course provides you
with enough guidelines to express yourself creatively in a variety of writing styles.
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4. Learning Record
British Council Online English Suite - Upper-Intermediate 1: 53.16%
This free online English course by the British Council is ideal for those proficient in English looking to improve their skills even
further. It uses native speakers to help you improve your understanding and fluency and builds on previous British Council OE
courses. The course shows learners how to discuss and write about distance learning, festivals, the media and a variety of
sports and sports injuries.
British Council Online English Suite - Pre-Intermediate 1: 2.50%
Improve your fluency and confidence in understanding and writing English with this interactive multimedia course. Part 1 of
the Pre-Intermediate English course introduces vocabulary related to talking about yourself, your job and your hobbies. This
course lets you practice giving advice and directions while helping to increase your understanding of the past and present
British Council Online English Suite - Intermediate 1: 1.72%
Practice and improve your understanding of English with this free online English language course brought to you on ALISON
by the British Council. This interactive learning experience uses native English speakers to improve your understanding and
fluency. On completion of this course you will understand how to greet people in English, change money in a bank, take a ride
in a taxi. After completing this interactive course you will develop a good understanding of English grammar.
BC Online English Suite - Intermediate 1 (UNIT 2): 12.00%
This free and interactive online English course brought to you by the British Council is ideal for those looking to improve their
language skills. This course uses everday situations such as shopping at department stores to deliver its lessons. Learn new
skills and improve your written and spoken English with this interactive online course.
British Council Online English Suite - FCE Exam Skills: 0.34%
Take this free online language course to prepare for the First Certificate Exam (FCE) in English. This course covers the exam
skills required to pass the FCE. The FCE is divided into five sections: Reading, Writing, Use of English, Listening, and
Speaking. In this course, each section is covered twice.
BC Online English Suite - Upper-Intermediate 1 (UNIT 1): 20.00%
An excellent free online course for students with a sound knowledge of English looking to enhance their skills and
understanding. This interactive online course discusses distance learning, writing formal letters and computing in an easy to
understand format, ideal for the online learner. Learn about new topics and use the revision section at the end of each lesson.
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5. Learning Record
British Council Online English Suite - Upper-Intermediate 2: 2.51%
This free English-language online course is brought to you on ALISON by the British Council. It helps improve your
understanding and fluency with the use of native speakers and interaction. This course is aimed at Upper-Intermediate
learners; it builds on previous British Council OE courses. The course teaches the learner how to apply for a job, describe a
holiday, find accommodation and speak about the theatre and ghosts!
BC Online English Suite - Upper-Intermediate 1 (UNIT 2): 9.09%
This course is the latest offering from our Upper-Intermediate range. This free interactive online English course takes a look
at Festivals around the world. As with all our courses there is a brief revision section at the end. Letter writing is also featured
in this lesson aimed at those wishing to advance their understanding and use of English.
Diploma in Basic English for Business and Tourism: 33.33%
This free online Diploma in Basic English for Business and Tourism course is ideal for business, tourism and hospitality
students who wish to advance to an intermediate level of English with a focus on the travel and hospitality industries. Business
English language skills are in great demand around the world as more and more businesses and organisations conduct their
international business operations through the medium of the English language. English is also essential for people working in
the tourism industry. In this free online Diploma in Basic English for Business and Tourism course you will be introduced to
conversational vocabulary and dialogues that will help you learn English language skills in the areas of business and travel.
Diploma in Human Resources: 1.54%
Human resources (HR) plays a key role in modern organisations and businesses, be they private sector, public sector or
voluntary. This free online course covers diverse topics in HR, from the role of the human resources manager and how to
recruit, select, train and assess employees, to employee motivation, employee-employer relations, and how to manage
change within an organisation. This course gives a thorough knowledge and understanding of the important role HR plays in
organisations, and will be of great interest to HR business professionals as well as those who are pursuing a career in this
Human Health - Health and Human Development: 9.52%
This free online course continues our exploration of health and issues of human development. This section covers human
development, global health, HIV and AIDS, and family and human resources. This free interactive course is ideal for students,
for those involved in community work, for health professionals and volunteers, and for anyone with an interest!
Diploma in Workplace Safety and Health: 2.38%
Workplace safety and health policies are key elements of any modern business or organisation. They can help ensure
employee wellbeing as well as foster a productive work environment. This Diploma in Workplace Safety and Health guides
learners through all the important aspects involved and is ideal for anyone wishing to attain certification or gain a greater
understanding of workplace safety and health. Topics covered in this free online course include behaviour-based safety for
supervisors and managers, workstation ergonomics, back safety, and the keys to maintaining a drug-free workplace. You will
gain a thorough understanding of key aspects such as risk analysis, hazard identification and control, safety
education/training, and best prac..
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