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Allie Joiner, EI
B.S., Civil Engineering, University of Alabama
B.S., Construction Engineering, University of Alabama
Professional Registrations
Engineering Intern: Alabama
Distinguishing Qualifications
ï‚· Specializes in public involvement and concept development and evaluation for PD&E
studies and final design projects
 Extensive involvement and familiarity with state and federal requirements regarding
public involvement, environmental justice, Title VI, and ADA compliance
 Proficient in MicroStation, GEOPAK, AutoCAD,and SketchUpprograms in support of
concept development and final design
Project Experience
Representative Projects
Project Engineer; Mobility35 FM 3406 Bridge Widening; Williamson County, Texas. Project
engineer responsible for designing the signalization and ITS aspects of the design. Worked in
ProjectWise to develop existing, temporary and proposed signalization plans and plan sheets.
The project proposes widening the bridge from 5 lanes to 8 lanes and to include two
turnaround bridges.
Team Member; I-75 (SR 93) at Florida’s Turnpike (SR 91) – Wildwood Interchange; FDOT
District Five; Sumter County, Florida. Assisted in typical section development and analysis,
lane closure analysis, pavement design, ITS and roadway plans, evaluating existing conditions
and in field reviews. This project proposes I-75 mainline widening from four lanes to six lanes
over a 3 mile segment north of the SR 44 interchange. It also includes reconfiguring the
Wildwood Interchange to improve traffic flow and eliminate weaving from the movement’s
origination to and from the SR 44 Interchange by using braided ramps. The objective of this
project is to assist the Department to prepare a set of Phase I (30%) plans and other
documentation to a level of effort to obtain construction permits, while improving capacity,
level-of-service, operation and safety along this segment.
Public Involvement Team Member; I-4/Poinciana Parkway PD&E Study; Osceola and Polk
Counties, Florida. Project engineer responsible for public involvement support, oversight of
preparation of public meeting materials and assembling the Project Work Plan. Managed
document control, corridor analysis, and roadway and typical section development and
analysis. The PD&E study is evaluating an enhanced connection from the northern terminus
Allie Joiner, EI
of the Poinciana Parkway at US17/92 and CR 54 to I-4. Assisted in project management tasks
which included monthly public involvement summaries, public and agency coordination,
progress reports, public meeting coordination and meeting summaries.
Ambassador and Station Manager;SunRail; FDOTDistrict Five; Seminole,Orange and
Osceola Counties, Florida. Station Manager responsible for public involvement, training new
workers and coordination with other station managers and agencies. SunRail is the first
commuter rail in Central Florida. CH2M Hill’s role was to position personnel at each station
for the first three months of SunRail operations to answer any rider questions or issues. Ms.
Joiner managed progress reports, station personnel and reported any technical issues. Assisted
at the stations with public involvement efforts.
Project Engineer; Collier Boulevard (CR 951);FDOT DistrictSeven; Hillsborough County,
Florida. Assisted in developing ITS plans and quantities, signalization plans and quantities,
signing and pavement marking plans and quantities, lighting plans and quantities and
QA/QC on technical documents. This projectproposes widening from four lanes to six lanes
on Collier Boulevard (CR 951). The objective of this project is to assist the Department to
prepare a set of Bid Plans to bid for construction.
Project Engineer; EastCass Street and East Tyler Street – Two-Way Conversion Project;
FDOT District Seven; Hillsborough County, Florida. Assisted in developing the lighting
designing, lighting plans and quantities, signalization plans and quantities and QA/QC on
technical documents. This project proposes converting the existing one-way streets of Cass
Street and Tyler Street to two-way streets. This is an intermediate project thatis part of a plan
to make the David A. Straz, Jr. Center for the Performing Arts and downtown Tampa more
accessible. Special considerations have to be made to connect the current project to any future
projects and to avoid the existing utilities. The objective of this project is to assist the
Department to prepare a set of 100% plans and other documentation to a level of effort to bid
the job for construction.
Public Involvement Team Member; Rehabilitate Existing Northwood Connection
Categorical Exclusion;FDOTDistrict Four; Palm Beach County, Florida. Assisted in
developing federal documents, performing QA/QC on technical documents, performing field
reviews for project conditions and assisting with public involvement. Responsible for
coordination of public meeting materials and notifications. This project is one of three
interrelated rail connection projects with independentutilities that are being studied
concurrently to provide a direct connection between the existing South Florida Rail Corridor
(SFRC) and Florida East Coast (FEC) Railway. The proposed action of the project involves the
rehabilitation of the existing single track Northwood Connection located in Palm Beach
County on the existing alignment within FDOT right-of-way.The project goals are to restore
former rail connectivity to intermodal freight facilities, to facilitate passenger rail service and
to enhance connection between the two major freight rail corridors. Currently this project is
being evaluated by the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA).
Public Involvement Team Member; IRIS Northeast (NE) Connection Categorical Exclusion;
FDOT District Four; Miami-Dade County, Florida. Ms. Joiner assisted in developing federal
documents, performing QA/QC on technical documents, performing field reviews for project
conditions and assisting with public involvement. This project is one of three interrelated rail
connection projects with independent utility that are being studied concurrently to provide a
direct connection between the existing SFRC and FEC Railway. The project proposes the
construction of a single track connection within the existing FDOT right-of-way connecting the
Allie Joiner, EI
FEC Railway to the SFRC. The existing IRIS junction is located in the City of Hialeah, Miami-
Dade County, and the projectgoals are to enhance connection between the two major freight
rail corridors, to enhance capacity on roadway network due to freight efficiency and to
provide both rails access to the FEC Hialeah Intermodal yard and the South Florida Logistics
Center. Currently this project is being evaluated by the Federal Railroad Administration
Public Involvement Team Member; New Northwood Connection Categorical Exclusion;
FDOT District Four; Palm Beach County, Florida. Assisted in developing federal documents,
performing QA/QC on technical documents, assisting with public involvement plans and
performing field reviews to assess the existing conditions in the project area. . Responsible for
coordination of public meeting materials and notifications. This project is one of three
interrelated rail connection projects being studied concurrently to provide a direct connection
between the existing SFRC and FEC Railway. The project involves a new alignment
connecting northbound FEC Railway to the southbound SFRC.The proposed alignment is
located within the existing Northwood Industrial District in Palm Beach County and is
anticipated to restore former rail connectivity to intermodal freight facilities, to facilitate
passenger rail service and to enhance connection between the two major freight rail corridors.
Currently this project is being evaluated by the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA).
Team Member; South Florida East Coast Corridor(SFECC) Study; Miami-Dade,Broward
and Palm Beach Counties,Florida. Assisted with data collection and data evaluation, station
location planning, rail alternatives, station location impacts, collected existing community and
study area characteristics and projectdocumentation. Ms. Joiner was involved in project
public involvement including materials preparation and agency coordination. The SFECC
Study proposes reintroducing passenger service along an 85-mile stretch of the FEC Railway
corridor between downtown Miami andJupiter.
Team Member; HEFT/SR 821 PD&E Study; FDOT District Six;Miami-Dade County,
Florida. Assisted in developing federal documents, performing QA/QC on technical
documents and noise analysis. The study evaluated alternatives for the widening of the
Homestead Extension of the Florida’s Turnpike (HEFT) from SR 821 from SW 312 Street
(Campbell Drive) to US-1 in Miami-Dade County.Evaluation of the ultimate improvements
needed prior to 2040 which included potential widening of this segment from four to eight
lanes, the need for interim improvements between SW 288th Street (Biscayne Drive) and SW
216th Street (Hainlin Mill Road), over a six mile segment, were also included in this study. The
purpose of this study was to identify the Florida’s Turnpike improvements required to serve
future traffic needs, improve safety and enhance overall mobility within the area.

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  • 1. Allie Joiner, EI Education B.S., Civil Engineering, University of Alabama B.S., Construction Engineering, University of Alabama Professional Registrations Engineering Intern: Alabama Distinguishing Qualifications ï‚· Specializes in public involvement and concept development and evaluation for PD&E studies and final design projects  Extensive involvement and familiarity with state and federal requirements regarding public involvement, environmental justice, Title VI, and ADA compliance  Proficient in MicroStation, GEOPAK, AutoCAD,and SketchUpprograms in support of concept development and final design Project Experience Representative Projects Project Engineer; Mobility35 FM 3406 Bridge Widening; Williamson County, Texas. Project engineer responsible for designing the signalization and ITS aspects of the design. Worked in ProjectWise to develop existing, temporary and proposed signalization plans and plan sheets. The project proposes widening the bridge from 5 lanes to 8 lanes and to include two turnaround bridges. Team Member; I-75 (SR 93) at Florida’s Turnpike (SR 91) – Wildwood Interchange; FDOT District Five; Sumter County, Florida. Assisted in typical section development and analysis, lane closure analysis, pavement design, ITS and roadway plans, evaluating existing conditions and in field reviews. This project proposes I-75 mainline widening from four lanes to six lanes over a 3 mile segment north of the SR 44 interchange. It also includes reconfiguring the Wildwood Interchange to improve traffic flow and eliminate weaving from the movement’s origination to and from the SR 44 Interchange by using braided ramps. The objective of this project is to assist the Department to prepare a set of Phase I (30%) plans and other documentation to a level of effort to obtain construction permits, while improving capacity, level-of-service, operation and safety along this segment. Public Involvement Team Member; I-4/Poinciana Parkway PD&E Study; Osceola and Polk Counties, Florida. Project engineer responsible for public involvement support, oversight of preparation of public meeting materials and assembling the Project Work Plan. Managed document control, corridor analysis, and roadway and typical section development and analysis. The PD&E study is evaluating an enhanced connection from the northern terminus
  • 2. Allie Joiner, EI of the Poinciana Parkway at US17/92 and CR 54 to I-4. Assisted in project management tasks which included monthly public involvement summaries, public and agency coordination, progress reports, public meeting coordination and meeting summaries. Ambassador and Station Manager;SunRail; FDOTDistrict Five; Seminole,Orange and Osceola Counties, Florida. Station Manager responsible for public involvement, training new workers and coordination with other station managers and agencies. SunRail is the first commuter rail in Central Florida. CH2M Hill’s role was to position personnel at each station for the first three months of SunRail operations to answer any rider questions or issues. Ms. Joiner managed progress reports, station personnel and reported any technical issues. Assisted at the stations with public involvement efforts. Project Engineer; Collier Boulevard (CR 951);FDOT DistrictSeven; Hillsborough County, Florida. Assisted in developing ITS plans and quantities, signalization plans and quantities, signing and pavement marking plans and quantities, lighting plans and quantities and QA/QC on technical documents. This projectproposes widening from four lanes to six lanes on Collier Boulevard (CR 951). The objective of this project is to assist the Department to prepare a set of Bid Plans to bid for construction. Project Engineer; EastCass Street and East Tyler Street – Two-Way Conversion Project; FDOT District Seven; Hillsborough County, Florida. Assisted in developing the lighting designing, lighting plans and quantities, signalization plans and quantities and QA/QC on technical documents. This project proposes converting the existing one-way streets of Cass Street and Tyler Street to two-way streets. This is an intermediate project thatis part of a plan to make the David A. Straz, Jr. Center for the Performing Arts and downtown Tampa more accessible. Special considerations have to be made to connect the current project to any future projects and to avoid the existing utilities. The objective of this project is to assist the Department to prepare a set of 100% plans and other documentation to a level of effort to bid the job for construction. Public Involvement Team Member; Rehabilitate Existing Northwood Connection Categorical Exclusion;FDOTDistrict Four; Palm Beach County, Florida. Assisted in developing federal documents, performing QA/QC on technical documents, performing field reviews for project conditions and assisting with public involvement. Responsible for coordination of public meeting materials and notifications. This project is one of three interrelated rail connection projects with independentutilities that are being studied concurrently to provide a direct connection between the existing South Florida Rail Corridor (SFRC) and Florida East Coast (FEC) Railway. The proposed action of the project involves the rehabilitation of the existing single track Northwood Connection located in Palm Beach County on the existing alignment within FDOT right-of-way.The project goals are to restore former rail connectivity to intermodal freight facilities, to facilitate passenger rail service and to enhance connection between the two major freight rail corridors. Currently this project is being evaluated by the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA). Public Involvement Team Member; IRIS Northeast (NE) Connection Categorical Exclusion; FDOT District Four; Miami-Dade County, Florida. Ms. Joiner assisted in developing federal documents, performing QA/QC on technical documents, performing field reviews for project conditions and assisting with public involvement. This project is one of three interrelated rail connection projects with independent utility that are being studied concurrently to provide a direct connection between the existing SFRC and FEC Railway. The project proposes the construction of a single track connection within the existing FDOT right-of-way connecting the
  • 3. Allie Joiner, EI FEC Railway to the SFRC. The existing IRIS junction is located in the City of Hialeah, Miami- Dade County, and the projectgoals are to enhance connection between the two major freight rail corridors, to enhance capacity on roadway network due to freight efficiency and to provide both rails access to the FEC Hialeah Intermodal yard and the South Florida Logistics Center. Currently this project is being evaluated by the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA). Public Involvement Team Member; New Northwood Connection Categorical Exclusion; FDOT District Four; Palm Beach County, Florida. Assisted in developing federal documents, performing QA/QC on technical documents, assisting with public involvement plans and performing field reviews to assess the existing conditions in the project area. . Responsible for coordination of public meeting materials and notifications. This project is one of three interrelated rail connection projects being studied concurrently to provide a direct connection between the existing SFRC and FEC Railway. The project involves a new alignment connecting northbound FEC Railway to the southbound SFRC.The proposed alignment is located within the existing Northwood Industrial District in Palm Beach County and is anticipated to restore former rail connectivity to intermodal freight facilities, to facilitate passenger rail service and to enhance connection between the two major freight rail corridors. Currently this project is being evaluated by the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA). Team Member; South Florida East Coast Corridor(SFECC) Study; Miami-Dade,Broward and Palm Beach Counties,Florida. Assisted with data collection and data evaluation, station location planning, rail alternatives, station location impacts, collected existing community and study area characteristics and projectdocumentation. Ms. Joiner was involved in project public involvement including materials preparation and agency coordination. The SFECC Study proposes reintroducing passenger service along an 85-mile stretch of the FEC Railway corridor between downtown Miami andJupiter. Team Member; HEFT/SR 821 PD&E Study; FDOT District Six;Miami-Dade County, Florida. Assisted in developing federal documents, performing QA/QC on technical documents and noise analysis. The study evaluated alternatives for the widening of the Homestead Extension of the Florida’s Turnpike (HEFT) from SR 821 from SW 312 Street (Campbell Drive) to US-1 in Miami-Dade County.Evaluation of the ultimate improvements needed prior to 2040 which included potential widening of this segment from four to eight lanes, the need for interim improvements between SW 288th Street (Biscayne Drive) and SW 216th Street (Hainlin Mill Road), over a six mile segment, were also included in this study. The purpose of this study was to identify the Florida’s Turnpike improvements required to serve future traffic needs, improve safety and enhance overall mobility within the area.