IBM Connect Japan 2012 TC-4/OB-5 ついにその実体を現す IBM Project Vulcan! その中核となる IBM S...Hiroaki Komine
次世代のコラボレーション環境の構想であった Project Vulcan がついに現実のものとなります。Project Vulcan を具体化し、ソーシャルビジネスを実現する Lotus Notes/Domino や IBM Connections の新しいバージョンがこれから出てきます。これらの製品はすべて IBM Social Business Framework と呼ばれるフレームワークに準拠しています。このフレームワークはオープンな技術を採用しているので、IBM のさまざまな製品はもちろん、サードパーティの製品やソリューションを組み合わせることが可能となり、より付加価値地を高めたソーシャルビジネス環境を提供することができます。本セッションでは、これから登場する IBM Lotus 製品に取り入れられる IBM Social Business Framework とそのアプリケーション開発環境である IBM Social Business Toolkit をデモを交えて解説します。
Using Open Source technologies to create Enterprise Level Cloud SystemOpenFest team
Using Open Source technologies to create Enterprise Level Cloud System, optimize your costs and offset your carbon footprint on the environment - Венелин Горнишки, Илиян Стоянов
This document from the Alberti Center for Bullying Abuse Prevention provides an overview of bullying, including its causes, consequences, and roles. It defines bullying and notes it can be based on actual or perceived characteristics. Bullying can cause emotional distress and long-term negative impacts. To address bullying, a whole community approach is needed, including modeling respect, establishing clear rules, teaching skills, and responding appropriately to incidents.
"Research and Practice Highlights: Preventing Bullying Abuse and School Violence"
Presented by Amanda Nickerson, Ph.D., Director of the Alberti Center for Bullying Abuse Prevention. February 15, 2012.
The document contains a presentation by Radoslav Stankov at OpenFest on November 5, 2011 about Backbone.js. It introduces key concepts of Backbone.js including Models, Views, and how they work together. It provides code examples of creating Models with attributes and events, creating Views with DOM elements, and binding View methods to DOM events.
Veel beleidsadviezen naar aanleiding van demografische krimp tenderen naar het uitruilen van kwantiteit (van woningbouw) naar kwaliteit. Maar wat is woonkwaliteit nu eigenlijk en hoe kun je dat vorm geven als er weinig middelen voorhanden zijn? Zie ook mijn blogs over dit onderwerp.
The document discusses modular architecture and its advantages over Victorian and modern styles. It notes that modular designs allow flexibility, expansion, and adaptation over time through the rearrangement and addition of standardized components. Specific examples are given of how modular schools and offices have been reconfigured to meet changing needs through repetitive modular units.
Using Open Source technologies to create Enterprise Level Cloud SystemOpenFest team
Using Open Source technologies to create Enterprise Level Cloud System, optimize your costs and offset your carbon footprint on the environment - Венелин Горнишки, Илиян Стоянов
This document from the Alberti Center for Bullying Abuse Prevention provides an overview of bullying, including its causes, consequences, and roles. It defines bullying and notes it can be based on actual or perceived characteristics. Bullying can cause emotional distress and long-term negative impacts. To address bullying, a whole community approach is needed, including modeling respect, establishing clear rules, teaching skills, and responding appropriately to incidents.
"Research and Practice Highlights: Preventing Bullying Abuse and School Violence"
Presented by Amanda Nickerson, Ph.D., Director of the Alberti Center for Bullying Abuse Prevention. February 15, 2012.
The document contains a presentation by Radoslav Stankov at OpenFest on November 5, 2011 about Backbone.js. It introduces key concepts of Backbone.js including Models, Views, and how they work together. It provides code examples of creating Models with attributes and events, creating Views with DOM elements, and binding View methods to DOM events.
Veel beleidsadviezen naar aanleiding van demografische krimp tenderen naar het uitruilen van kwantiteit (van woningbouw) naar kwaliteit. Maar wat is woonkwaliteit nu eigenlijk en hoe kun je dat vorm geven als er weinig middelen voorhanden zijn? Zie ook mijn blogs over dit onderwerp.
The document discusses modular architecture and its advantages over Victorian and modern styles. It notes that modular designs allow flexibility, expansion, and adaptation over time through the rearrangement and addition of standardized components. Specific examples are given of how modular schools and offices have been reconfigured to meet changing needs through repetitive modular units.
Heidy Nicole describes her daily routine, which includes waking up at 8:00, getting ready and having breakfast, then going to school until 2:00. After school she has lunch, walks the dog, does homework, watches TV, plays on the computer, paints a drawing, plays in the park, goes biking, puts on pajamas, has dinner, and goes to bed at 10:30.
Cantinando Wine & Art è una manifestazione che da 9 anni coinvolge l'area del Vulture, in Basilicata. Attraverso un ricco programma artistico e di promozione enogastronomica intende valorizzare le eccellenze locali collegandole con il panorama nazionale ed internazionale in una piena prospettiva glocal. Arte, musica, cultura, enogastronomia di qualità compongono il quadro delle attività che si svolgono nella suggestiva location del Parco Urbano dlele Cantine di Barile. L'edizione 2014 di Cantinando avrà una ulteriore valenza. Quest'anno infatti ricorrono i 50 anni della pellicola pasoliniana "Il Vangelo secondo Matteo", film girato in parte anche tra le cantine del paese. Una ricorrenza che verrà adeguatamente celebrata e che porrà la manifestazione al centro della scena. Ogni anno 30.000 visitatori affollano le stradine del Parco portando con se' il messaggio ormai tradizionale dell'evento: Più vino meno petrolio
This document discusses using data and metrics to measure performance and drive decisions. It provides tips on choosing the right metrics, using statistical analysis tools like correlation, A/B testing to optimize performance, and frameworks for organizing metrics like the ABCD and AARRR frameworks. Key metrics mentioned include retention, referral rates, and revenue/customer lifetime value. Cohort analysis is also introduced as a technique to break users into related groups for analysis over time.
This document discusses CSS best practices and tips. It covers topics such as CSS selectors, properties, units, responsive design, animations, and creating shapes with CSS. Code examples are provided to demonstrate CSS techniques like creating fluid layouts, using media queries, properly formatting CSS rules, and perfectly centering elements.
The document describes a typical day for someone, including waking up at 8am, having breakfast at 8:15am, cleaning their teeth at 8:25am, getting dressed at 8:30am, going to school at 8:35am, finishing school at 2pm, having lunch at 2:30pm, doing homework at 4pm, going out with friends at 6pm, walking the dog at 8:30pm, having a shower at 9pm, eating dinner at 9:30pm, and going to sleep at 10:30pm.
Kimia Terapan - Cassace (Cassava Rice/Nasi Singkong)21 Memento
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang Cassava Rice (Cassace) yang merupakan inovasi baru dengan bahan baku singkong. Cassace memiliki beberapa keunggulan seperti harganya yang lebih terjangkau dan proses pengolahannya yang lebih singkat dibandingkan nasi putih. Dokumen tersebut juga menjelaskan proses pembuatan Cassace serta manfaat singkong sebagai bahan baku.
This presentation provides information to parents on bullying prevention. It defines bullying and different types. It outlines signs that a child may be bullying others or being bullied. The presentation teaches parents how to "bullyproof" their child by being positive role models, getting involved in their child's life, and teaching good social skills. It provides guidance on what to do if a parent suspects their child is bullying others or being bullied, including working with the school and seeking outside help. Resources for help with bullying situations are also listed.
Measuring the Impact of Injury to Enhance Recovery, Pam Garton, Managing Dire...ArthritisNT
The document discusses measuring the impact of injury to enhance recovery. It introduces the biopsychosocial model for understanding patient illness and recovery. It then describes Abilita's biopsychosocial assessment tool called the Abilita Rehabilitation Index (ARI) which measures factors like pain, function, emotions, coping, confidence, and work perceptions through a self-report questionnaire. Case studies are presented showing how the ARI helped patients understand their condition and progress in recovery through individualized domain reports and coaching. Work outcome data also shows reductions in ARI scores correlate with increased return to work hours.
This document provides 3 photos and captions that summarize Direct Relief's work focusing on maternal and child health in developing countries. The photos show: 1) An HIV counselor testing a couple for HIV in Kenya. 2) Facilities at Partners in Health's hospital in Haiti that Direct Relief has helped equip. 3) The facility and programs at Visitation Hospital in Haiti that serves 80-90 patients daily. The work aims to expand access to healthcare, ensure safe deliveries, address complications, restore health, and prevent mother-to-child transmission of HIV.
27. Exploring
? Scientific Method
? 失敗から学ぶ
“Only mathematicians and
physicists prefer to learn by
concept. All others prefer
to learn by example.”
Bill Lister
56. これからの時代に向けて
Thank you
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