Intervento al terzo convegno annuale di Roars. Come dovrebbe essere e come probabilmente sarà la prossima VQR (valutazione della qualità della ricerca).
Intervento al terzo convegno annuale di Roars. Come dovrebbe essere e come probabilmente sarà la prossima VQR (valutazione della qualità della ricerca).
Couchbase Live Tokyo 2015 発表資料
近年、企業におけるモバイル端末の業務利用が増加しつつあります。しかし、実際はメールや社内Webシステム利用に留まり、端末を活用出来ていないケースが多々あります。端末側にデーターベースを持ち、オフラインを前提にした活用方法があります。Couchbase Mobileを利用した弊社のモバイルソリューションを例にご紹介します。
The document discusses the Agile Manifesto, which was created in 2005 by a group of software developers. It outlines four values that underpin agile software development: individuals and interactions over processes and tools, working software over comprehensive documentation, customer collaboration over contract negotiation, and responding to change over following a plan. The manifesto emphasizes that while there is value in the items on the right, the items on the left are of greater value. It also lists 12 principles for agile software development.
This document discusses using Post-It Plus, an app for iOS devices, to take notes digitally instead of using physical Post-It notes. It recommends the app for easily organizing, searching, and sharing notes across devices.
This document is a portfolio for Tomoharu Nagasawa who is a senior evangelist. It contains his Twitter handle and a link to his blog where readers can find requests. The portfolio is intended to provide information on Nagasawa's background and qualifications for potential clients or employers.
This document summarizes a presentation given by Tomoharu Nagasawa, a senior evangelist at Atlassian. It discusses Atlassian's products like JIRA, Confluence, and Bitbucket. It provides an overview of Atlassian as a company, describing how it has grown and become a $5 billion company without a sales team. The presentation demonstrates how these tools can be used together to help teams with development, operations, and business functions collaborate effectively.
This document discusses different levels or stages and provides a hyperlink to a website with information about those levels. It also lists several references to the same case study from 2013 about implementing Kanban in an enterprise setting, written by Mattias Skarin. The document focuses on stages or levels and cites the same case study multiple times.
Business value pipeline with atlassian products智治 長沢
You should establish such as flow of value as pipeline. You can find one of toolchain with Atlassian solution.
This slide is an evangelist eye, this is not Atlassian's official contents.
Going Right! Software Delivery with Atlassian Solution智治 長沢
The document discusses using Atlassian solutions to improve software delivery. It promotes adopting practices like continuous delivery, improving transparency and collaboration through shared artifacts on a collaborative platform, and simplifying development flows. Examples of Atlassian tools are shown like Jira for planning and tracking work. The goal is to help teams deliver value more effectively through practices like reducing waste and providing actionable feedback. A demonstration is provided of how Atlassian solutions can help support ideation, planning, development, building, deploying and improving the flow of value.
2. Business × IT fixed point observation
? 2011 Microsoft Corporation, Tomoharu Nagasawa. All rights reserved.
3. Business × IT fixed point observation
? 2011 Microsoft Corporation, Tomoharu Nagasawa. All rights reserved.
4. Business × IT fixed point observation
? 2011 Microsoft Corporation, Tomoharu Nagasawa. All rights reserved.
5. Business × IT fixed point observation
? 2011 Microsoft Corporation, Tomoharu Nagasawa. All rights reserved.
6. Business × IT fixed point observation
‘00 IT
? 2011 Microsoft Corporation, Tomoharu Nagasawa. All rights reserved.
7. Business × IT fixed point observation
‘00 IT
? 2011 Microsoft Corporation, Tomoharu Nagasawa. All rights reserved.
8. Business × IT fixed point observation
‘00 IT
? 2011 Microsoft Corporation, Tomoharu Nagasawa. All rights reserved.
9. Business × IT fixed point observation
‘00 IT
? 2011 Microsoft Corporation, Tomoharu Nagasawa. All rights reserved.
10. Business × IT fixed point observation
? 2011 Microsoft Corporation, Tomoharu Nagasawa. All rights reserved.
11. Business × IT fixed point observation
? 2011 Microsoft Corporation, Tomoharu Nagasawa. All rights reserved.
12. Business × IT fixed point observation
? 2011 Microsoft Corporation, Tomoharu Nagasawa. All rights reserved.
13. IT × ‘00s ‘10s
IT は【便利】 IT は【有効】 IT は【不可欠】
? 2011 Microsoft Corporation, Tomoharu Nagasawa. All rights reserved.
14. ‘90蝉
IT × Dev
‘00s ‘10s
IT は【便利】 IT は【有効】 IT は【不可欠】
? 2011 Microsoft Corporation, Tomoharu Nagasawa. All rights reserved.
15. ‘90蝉
IT × Dev
‘00s ‘10s
IT は【便利】 IT は【有効】 IT は【不可欠】
? 2011 Microsoft Corporation, Tomoharu Nagasawa. All rights reserved.
16. ‘90蝉
IT × Dev
‘00s ‘10s
IT は【便利】 IT は【有効】 IT は【不可欠】
? 2011 Microsoft Corporation, Tomoharu Nagasawa. All rights reserved.
17. ‘90蝉
IT × Dev
‘00s ‘10s
IT は【便利】 IT は【有効】 IT は【不可欠】
粗図 粗図
開発期間 開発期間
? 2011 Microsoft Corporation, Tomoharu Nagasawa. All rights reserved.
18. ‘90蝉
IT × Dev
‘00s ‘10s
IT は【便利】 IT は【有効】 IT は【不可欠】
開発者 中心 チーム 中心 チームと顧客 中心
ワークダウン イテレーション バリューアップ
単能工/分業 単能工/分業 多能チーム/コラボ
ウォーターフォール 統一プロセス Microsoft Corporation, Tomoharu Nagasawa. All rights reserved.
? 2011
19. ‘90蝉
IT × Dev
‘00s ‘10s
IT は【便利】 IT は【有効】 IT は【不可欠】
個別の作業の遂行にフォーカス チームの成果と価値の提供にフォーカス
残 計画
作 タスク 1 値
業 タスク 2
タスク 3
? 2011 Microsoft Corporation, Tomoharu Nagasawa. All rights reserved.
20. ‘90蝉
IT × DevEnv
‘00s ‘10s
IT は【便利】 IT は【有効】 IT は【不可欠】
開発者の生産性 チームの生産性 チームの生産性
バージョン管理 変更?構成管理 開発プラットフォーム
局所最適 個別最適 全体最適
開発者同士の連携 ロール間の連携 Microsoft Corporation, Tomoharu Nagasawa. All rights reserved.
? 2011 価値の流れ
21. ALM 1.0 vs. 2.0
? 開発プロセスに影響 ? 開発プロセスに非依存なフレームワーク
? 成果物指向 ? フロー指向
? 要求、ソース、バグ、… ? 開発、テスト、デプロイ、…
? 専用リポジトリとツールが分散 ? 単一リポジトリと使い慣れたツール
Requirement Dev Test
? 2011 Microsoft Corporation, Tomoharu Nagasawa. All rights reserved.
22. ‘90蝉
IT × Dev
‘00s ‘10s
IT は【便利】 IT は【有効】 IT は【不可欠】
? 2011 Microsoft Corporation, Tomoharu Nagasawa. All rights reserved.
23. IT × ALM
? 2011 Microsoft Corporation, Tomoharu Nagasawa. All rights reserved.
24. IT × DevOps
? 2011 Microsoft Corporation, Tomoharu Nagasawa. All rights reserved.
25. DevOps | ALM
? 関係者全体の最適なコラボレーション
? 実行可能なフィードバックによる労力の最適化
? ワークスタイルの尊重とナチュラルなツール活用
? アジャイル プラクティス適用と透明性の確保
? 2011 Microsoft Corporation, Tomoharu Nagasawa. All rights reserved.