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           TIM TEEL
Director of Instrument Design
      C.F. MARTIN & CO.
Personal Background

? Interested in guitars at very young age
? Joined Martin Guitar in 1986
? Started in R&D group in 1997
? Worked on projects from X-series to
  Authentic Series
Martin Guitar History
? Late 1960’s switch from Brazilian to
  East Indian Rosewood
? Developed 3-piece back
? Used many domestic woods i.e. walnut,
  ash, maple, cherry, oak, red birch
? 1990’s developed smartwood guitars
? 1998 launched X-series
Alternative materials   tim teel
Alternative materials   tim teel
High-pressure Laminate
Natural Alternatives

? Acceptable tonal properties
? Different tonal voices
? Combinations and bracing important
? Usually lower cost compared to
  synthetic materials
Medullary Rays
Cambium      Quartersawn
Flatsawn     Heart Cracks
Alternative materials   tim teel
Synthetic Materials

? Tonally very different than natural
? Different bracing needed
? Usually more durable
? Can be more expensive
? Not always better for environment
Bracing- (Non-traditional)
Alternative materials   tim teel

? Acceptance
? Education
? Perception
? Price
? Timing

? Continual evolving mix of alternative
  materials are needed
? Education to end consumer is a must
? Managing natural resources is critical
? Developing great tonal synthetic
  materials will be a bonus

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Alternative materials tim teel

Editor's Notes