Activitat pdi sobre la gallina.
Objectiua: conèixer les caracterÃstiques principals de la gallina.
Àrea: coneixement del medi natural
Edat: 6/7 anys
The students in the class studied fish as their class project. They researched fish, created an index of what they wanted to learn, organized the information on a classroom mural, and experimented. They learned about how fish breathe, move, are born, eat and digest food, float, and more. They decorated their classroom door and set up an aquarium as part of their project.
The document appears to be a list containing a few words and names but provides little context or meaning. It includes the words "adult", "knife", "spoon", and "pumpkin" as well as seven women's names. The intended purpose or significance of the information in the document cannot be determined from the content provided.