AMND20 Fairies in A Midsummer Night's Dream, by Irene Aguilar and Ana Carballido. IES Pedro Floriani, Redondela, Interdepartamental Project 2015-16. Department of Philosophy, Department of English
AMND11 Apollonian and Dyonisian in A Midsummer Night's Dream, by Sheyla Gonz叩lez, Alba Covelo and Carla Luis. IES Pedro Floriani, Redondela, Interdepartamental Project 2015-16. Department of Philosophy, Department of English.
AMND06 Dreams in A Midsummer Night's Dream, by Iv叩n lvarez and Mar鱈a Rodr鱈guez. IES Pedro Floriani, Redondela, Interdepartamental Project 2015-16. Department of Philosophy, Department of English
AMND15 Gender issues in A Midsummer Night's Dream, by Alba Campos and Jes炭s Fern叩ndez. IES Pedro Floriani, Redondela, Interdepartamental Project 2015-16. Department of Philosophy, Department of English
Encontro con Ana-Paula Oliveira e Renata Nederavellanacova
En contro con Ana-Paula Oliveira e Renata Neder no IES Pedro Floriani de Redondela: Asasinatos nas favelas de Brasil, 28-11-2015 - Comentarios dxs alumnxs de 4尊 ESO.
El documento proporciona informaci坦n sobre Luis XIII y Luis XIV de Francia. Luis XIII gobern坦 de 1610 a 1643 y tuvo como primer ministro al Cardenal Richelieu. Su hijo y sucesor fue Luis XIV, conocido como el Rey Sol, quien gobern坦 desde 1643 hasta 1715 y llev坦 a Francia a su m叩ximo esplendor durante su reinado absoluto centralizado en Versalles.
AMND07 Dreams in A Midsummer Night's Dream, by Iv叩n lvarez and Mar鱈a Rodr鱈guez. IES Pedro Floriani, Redondela, Interdepartamental Project 2015-16. Department of Philosophy, Department of English
AMND08 The supernatural world in A Midsummer Night's Dream, by Anxo T叩boas and Lois Lago. IES Pedro Floriani, Redondela, Interdepartamental Project 2015-16. Department of Philosophy, Department of English
The law of Athens in A Midsummer Night's Dream, by Mateo Orege and David Vilaboa. IES Pedro Floriani, Redondela, Interdepartamental Project 2015-16. Department of Philosophy, Department of English
AMND16 Roses in A Midsummer Night's Dream, by Gabriela Carvalho and Sa鱈nza Fern叩ndez. IES Pedro Floriani, Redondela, Interdepartamental Project 2015-16. Department of Philosophy, Department of English
Magic in A Midsummer Night's Dream, by Luis Prada and Sergio Prieto. IES Pedro Floriani, Redondela, Interdepartamental Project 2015-16. Department of Philosophy, Department of English
AMND2 1 Craftsmen in A Midsummer Night's Dream, by Laura Rodr鱈guez and Rosa Salvador. IES Pedro Floriani, Redondela, Interdepartamental Project 2015-16. Department of Philosophy, Department of English
O documento descreve casos de homic鱈dios decorrentes de interven巽達o policial na regi達o de Acari no Rio de Janeiro entre 2014-2015. Analisa 10 casos em 2014 onde h叩 ind鱈cios de execu巽探es extrajudiciais. Tamb辿m discute outros abusos policiais na regi達o como invas達o de domic鱈lios e agress探es, al辿m da impunidade e amea巽as sofridas por defensores de direitos humanos.
El documento habla sobre varios temas relacionados con la tecnolog鱈a e inform叩tica a trav辿s de los a単os, incluyendo los or鱈genes de las consolas de videojuegos, internet, computadoras, cargadores solares, fibra 坦ptica, diferentes tipos de luces como bombillas incandescentes, LEDs y faros de veh鱈culos. Finaliza diciendo "FIN".
AMND13 Light and darkness in A Midsummer Night's Dream, by Luciano Fern叩ndez and Andr辿s Pi単eiro. IES Pedro Floriani, Redondela, Interdepartamental Project 2015-16. Department of Philosophy, Department of English
The wood in A Midsummer Night's Dream, by Alberto N炭単ez and David Rodr鱈guez. IES Pedro Floriani, Redondela, Interdepartamental Project 2015-16. Department of Philosophy, Department of English
Magic in A Midsummer Night's Dream, by Carla Alonso and Ibtissam Moukhass. IES Pedro Floriani, Redondela, Interdepartamental Project 2015-16. Department of Philosophy, Department of English
AMND12 Apollonian and Dionysian in A Midsummer Night's Dream, by Iv叩n Blanco. IES Pedro Floriani, Redondela, Interdepartamental Project 2015-16. Department of Philosophy, Department of English
El documento resume la historia de los derechos humanos desde su origen en el antiguo Imperio Persa hasta la actualidad. Destaca hitos como la Declaraci坦n de los Derechos del Hombre y del Ciudadano de 1789, la Declaraci坦n Universal de Derechos Humanos de 1948 y las organizaciones que defienden los derechos humanos en todo el mundo.
A Luz 5.3 Condicionamento respondente en A laranxa mec叩nicaavellanacova
Condicionamento respondente en A laranxa mec叩nica, por Sa鱈nza Fern叩ndez e Yaiza Borrega. IES Pedro Floriani, Redondela, Charlas filos坦ficas A luz 2015-16. Departmento de Filosof鱈a
A Luz 5.5 - A m炭sica de A laranxa mec叩nicaavellanacova
A m炭sica de A laranxa mec叩nica, por Mateo Orge e David Vilaboa. IES Pedro Floriani, Redondela, Charlas filos坦ficas A luz 2015-16. Departmento de Filosof鱈a
A Luz 5.1 - Fotogramas de A laranxa mec叩nicaavellanacova
Fotogramas de A laranxa mec叩nica, por Carla Alonso e Ibtissam Moukhass. IES Pedro Floriani, Redondela, Charlas filos坦ficas A luz 2015-16. Departmento de Filosof鱈a
A Luz 5.4 Tratamento psicanal鱈tico en A laranxa mec叩nicaavellanacova
Tratamento psicanal鱈tico en A laranxa mec叩nica, por Alba Torres e Carla Luis. IES Pedro Floriani, Redondela, Charlas filos坦ficas A luz 2015-16. Departmento de Filosof鱈a
A Luz 5.2 Luces e sombras en A laranxa mec叩nicaavellanacova
Este documento resume el libro y la pel鱈cula "La Naranja Mec叩nica" analizando el uso de luces y sombras, la evoluci坦n del personaje principal y proporcionando una sinopsis. Tambi辿n incluye una secci坦n de bibliograf鱈a con las referencias del libro y la pel鱈cula, y datos sobre su creador.
The love potion in A Midsummer Night's Dream, by Mar鱈a Lago and Ana Misa. IES Pedro Floriani, Redondela, Interdepartamental Project 2015-16. Department of Philosophy, Department of English
AMND17 Loving couples in A Midsummer Night's Dream, by Tatiana Mu鱈単os and Paula Amil. IES Pedro Floriani, Redondela, Interdepartamental Project 2015-16. Department of Philosophy, Department of English
Encontro na Biblioteca do IES Pedro Floriani de Redondela do alumnado de psicolox鱈a de 2尊 de Bacharelato coa psic坦loga e psicomotricista Paz Xesteira. 15-03-2017
This story by William Shakespeare is set in Athens and involves the intertwining relationships between Hermia, Lysander, Demetrius, and Helena. Hermia loves Lysander but her father wants her to marry Demetrius, who used to love Hermia but now loves Helena. Meanwhile, Helena loves Demetrius. The lovers flee into the forest to escape their fates, but magic and mistakes caused by Puck lead to confusion and conflict between the pairs.
En contro con Ahmed Al鱈 no IES Pedro Floriani de Redondela: Torturas e represi坦n en Exipto, 10-11-2016 - Comentarios dxs alumnxs de Filosof鱈a de 1尊 Bach. e Psicolox鱈a de 2尊 Bac.
La neurona es la c辿lula b叩sica del sistema nervioso y est叩 formada por un cuerpo celular, dendritas y un ax坦n. Las neuronas se comunican entre s鱈 a trav辿s de sinapsis, donde se producen impulsos nerviosos que permiten la transmisi坦n de informaci坦n en la red neuronal. El impulso nervioso se genera por cambios en el potencial de membrana de la neurona y se transmite a lo largo del ax坦n gracias a la bomba sodio-potasio y la liberaci坦n de neurotransmisores en la sinapsis.
AMND16 Roses in A Midsummer Night's Dream, by Gabriela Carvalho and Sa鱈nza Fern叩ndez. IES Pedro Floriani, Redondela, Interdepartamental Project 2015-16. Department of Philosophy, Department of English
Magic in A Midsummer Night's Dream, by Luis Prada and Sergio Prieto. IES Pedro Floriani, Redondela, Interdepartamental Project 2015-16. Department of Philosophy, Department of English
AMND2 1 Craftsmen in A Midsummer Night's Dream, by Laura Rodr鱈guez and Rosa Salvador. IES Pedro Floriani, Redondela, Interdepartamental Project 2015-16. Department of Philosophy, Department of English
O documento descreve casos de homic鱈dios decorrentes de interven巽達o policial na regi達o de Acari no Rio de Janeiro entre 2014-2015. Analisa 10 casos em 2014 onde h叩 ind鱈cios de execu巽探es extrajudiciais. Tamb辿m discute outros abusos policiais na regi達o como invas達o de domic鱈lios e agress探es, al辿m da impunidade e amea巽as sofridas por defensores de direitos humanos.
El documento habla sobre varios temas relacionados con la tecnolog鱈a e inform叩tica a trav辿s de los a単os, incluyendo los or鱈genes de las consolas de videojuegos, internet, computadoras, cargadores solares, fibra 坦ptica, diferentes tipos de luces como bombillas incandescentes, LEDs y faros de veh鱈culos. Finaliza diciendo "FIN".
AMND13 Light and darkness in A Midsummer Night's Dream, by Luciano Fern叩ndez and Andr辿s Pi単eiro. IES Pedro Floriani, Redondela, Interdepartamental Project 2015-16. Department of Philosophy, Department of English
The wood in A Midsummer Night's Dream, by Alberto N炭単ez and David Rodr鱈guez. IES Pedro Floriani, Redondela, Interdepartamental Project 2015-16. Department of Philosophy, Department of English
Magic in A Midsummer Night's Dream, by Carla Alonso and Ibtissam Moukhass. IES Pedro Floriani, Redondela, Interdepartamental Project 2015-16. Department of Philosophy, Department of English
AMND12 Apollonian and Dionysian in A Midsummer Night's Dream, by Iv叩n Blanco. IES Pedro Floriani, Redondela, Interdepartamental Project 2015-16. Department of Philosophy, Department of English
El documento resume la historia de los derechos humanos desde su origen en el antiguo Imperio Persa hasta la actualidad. Destaca hitos como la Declaraci坦n de los Derechos del Hombre y del Ciudadano de 1789, la Declaraci坦n Universal de Derechos Humanos de 1948 y las organizaciones que defienden los derechos humanos en todo el mundo.
A Luz 5.3 Condicionamento respondente en A laranxa mec叩nicaavellanacova
Condicionamento respondente en A laranxa mec叩nica, por Sa鱈nza Fern叩ndez e Yaiza Borrega. IES Pedro Floriani, Redondela, Charlas filos坦ficas A luz 2015-16. Departmento de Filosof鱈a
A Luz 5.5 - A m炭sica de A laranxa mec叩nicaavellanacova
A m炭sica de A laranxa mec叩nica, por Mateo Orge e David Vilaboa. IES Pedro Floriani, Redondela, Charlas filos坦ficas A luz 2015-16. Departmento de Filosof鱈a
A Luz 5.1 - Fotogramas de A laranxa mec叩nicaavellanacova
Fotogramas de A laranxa mec叩nica, por Carla Alonso e Ibtissam Moukhass. IES Pedro Floriani, Redondela, Charlas filos坦ficas A luz 2015-16. Departmento de Filosof鱈a
A Luz 5.4 Tratamento psicanal鱈tico en A laranxa mec叩nicaavellanacova
Tratamento psicanal鱈tico en A laranxa mec叩nica, por Alba Torres e Carla Luis. IES Pedro Floriani, Redondela, Charlas filos坦ficas A luz 2015-16. Departmento de Filosof鱈a
A Luz 5.2 Luces e sombras en A laranxa mec叩nicaavellanacova
Este documento resume el libro y la pel鱈cula "La Naranja Mec叩nica" analizando el uso de luces y sombras, la evoluci坦n del personaje principal y proporcionando una sinopsis. Tambi辿n incluye una secci坦n de bibliograf鱈a con las referencias del libro y la pel鱈cula, y datos sobre su creador.
The love potion in A Midsummer Night's Dream, by Mar鱈a Lago and Ana Misa. IES Pedro Floriani, Redondela, Interdepartamental Project 2015-16. Department of Philosophy, Department of English
AMND17 Loving couples in A Midsummer Night's Dream, by Tatiana Mu鱈単os and Paula Amil. IES Pedro Floriani, Redondela, Interdepartamental Project 2015-16. Department of Philosophy, Department of English
Encontro na Biblioteca do IES Pedro Floriani de Redondela do alumnado de psicolox鱈a de 2尊 de Bacharelato coa psic坦loga e psicomotricista Paz Xesteira. 15-03-2017
This story by William Shakespeare is set in Athens and involves the intertwining relationships between Hermia, Lysander, Demetrius, and Helena. Hermia loves Lysander but her father wants her to marry Demetrius, who used to love Hermia but now loves Helena. Meanwhile, Helena loves Demetrius. The lovers flee into the forest to escape their fates, but magic and mistakes caused by Puck lead to confusion and conflict between the pairs.
En contro con Ahmed Al鱈 no IES Pedro Floriani de Redondela: Torturas e represi坦n en Exipto, 10-11-2016 - Comentarios dxs alumnxs de Filosof鱈a de 1尊 Bach. e Psicolox鱈a de 2尊 Bac.
La neurona es la c辿lula b叩sica del sistema nervioso y est叩 formada por un cuerpo celular, dendritas y un ax坦n. Las neuronas se comunican entre s鱈 a trav辿s de sinapsis, donde se producen impulsos nerviosos que permiten la transmisi坦n de informaci坦n en la red neuronal. El impulso nervioso se genera por cambios en el potencial de membrana de la neurona y se transmite a lo largo del ax坦n gracias a la bomba sodio-potasio y la liberaci坦n de neurotransmisores en la sinapsis.
Este documento describe el sistema nervioso central y perif辿rico. El sistema nervioso central incluye el enc辿falo (cerebro, cerebelo y bulbo raqu鱈deo) y la m辿dula espinal. El sistema nervioso perif辿rico incluye el som叩tico y el aut坦nomo. El som叩tico se divide en aferente, que recibe est鱈mulos de los sentidos, y eferente, que controla el movimiento voluntario. El aut坦nomo controla funciones involuntarias y consta del simp叩tico y parasimp叩tico.
Tecnolox鱈a e ser humano 6 Manifesto Comunistaavellanacova
Presentaci坦n para as Charlas na biblioteca 2020, Tecnolox鱈a e ser humano. IES Pedro Floriani, Redondela - Filosof鱈a, 1尊 Bacharelato. Autores: Pablo Mart鱈nez e Julen M鱈guez.
Tecnolox鱈a e ser humano 5 A laranxa mec叩nicaavellanacova
Presentaci坦n para as Charlas na biblioteca 2020, Tecnolox鱈a e ser humano. IES Pedro Floriani, Redondela - Filosof鱈a, 1尊 Bacharelato. Autoras: Lara Garc鱈a e Sheyla Gonz叩lez.
Tecnolox鱈a e ser humano 4 O club dos poetas mortosavellanacova
El documento discute la importancia de la tecnolog鱈a en la vida cotidiana y c坦mo ha evolucionado a trav辿s de los a単os, mejorando la comunicaci坦n, industria y educaci坦n. Tambi辿n contrasta maestros que ense単an como m叩quinas sin conexi坦n emocional con estudiantes, con maestros inspiradores como el Sr. Keating que fomentan la creatividad.
Tecnolox鱈a e ser humano 3 Unha mente marabillosa 1avellanacova
Presentaci坦n para as Charlas na biblioteca 2020, Tecnolox鱈a e ser humano. IES Pedro Floriani, Redondela - Filosof鱈a, 1尊 Bacharelato. Autoras: Carla Fern叩ndez, Alba Mera, Nayara Fragueiro e Carmen Fern叩ndez.
Tecnolox鱈a e ser humano 3 Unha mente marabillosa 2avellanacova
Presentaci坦n para as Charlas na biblioteca 2020, Tecnolox鱈a e ser humano. IES Pedro Floriani, Redondela - Filosof鱈a, 1尊 Bacharelato. Autoras/es: Ant鱈a Blanco, Noelia D鱈az-Vald辿s, Pablo Cerezo e Ainhoa Garc鱈a.
Tecnolox鱈a e ser humano 2 O labirinto do Fauno 2avellanacova
Presentaci坦n para as Charlas na biblioteca 2020, Tecnolox鱈a e ser humano. IES Pedro Floriani, Redondela - Filosof鱈a, 1尊 Bacharelato. Autoras/es: Ant鱈a Blanco, Noelia D鱈az-Vald辿s, Pablo Cerezo e Ainhoa Garc鱈a.
Tecnolox鱈a e ser humano 2 O labirinto do Fauno 1avellanacova
Presentaci坦n para as Charlas na biblioteca 2020, Tecnolox鱈a e ser humano. IES Pedro Floriani, Redondela - Filosof鱈a, 1尊 Bacharelato. Autoras/es: Luc鱈a Cou単ago, Luc鱈a Rodr鱈guez e Alondra Gonz叩lez.
Tecnolox鱈a e ser humano 1 Jurassic Worldavellanacova
Presentaci坦n para as Charlas na biblioteca 2020, Tecnolox鱈a e ser humano. IES Pedro Floriani, Redondela - Filosof鱈a, 1尊 Bacharelato. Autoras/es: Carmen Blanco, Arrieta de Miguel, Olalla Penabella e Marcos Pereira.
Microrrelatos e Haikus 19-20 IES Pedro Florianiavellanacova
Microrrelatos e Haikus para o concurso da Rede de Escolas de Amnist鱈a Internacional. IES Pedro Floriani, Redondela, Deparatamento de Filosof鱈a, materia de valores 辿ticos.
Microrrelatos 18-19 IES Pedro Florianiavellanacova
Microrrelatos para o concurso da Rede de Escolas de Amnist鱈a Internacional. IES Pedro Floriani, Redondela, Deparatamento de Filosof鱈a, materia de valores 辿ticos.
Presentaci坦n para a difusi坦n da experiencia no programa PIALE da Xunta de Galiza de Ram坦n Soler S叩ez, profesor de filosof鱈a do IES Pedro Floriani de Redondela.
Comics by 4th ESO Philosophy Bilingual Class 19-20. IES Pedro Floriani Redondela. Department of Philosophy. Project "My identity". Comics made on Pixton.
Encontro con Rosa Cameselle. IES Pedro Floriani, Redondela, 14-02-19. Departamento de Filosof鱈a, Departamento de Orientaci坦n. Comentarios do alumnado de Filosof鱈a, 1尊 de Bacharelato.
Encontro con Paz Gesteira. IES Pedro Floriani, Redondela, 03-05-19. Departamento de Filosof鱈a. Comentarios do alumnado de Filosof鱈a, 1尊 de Bacharelato.
Presentaci坦n para as Charlas na biblioteca 2019, Os contos. IES Pedro Floriani, Redondela - Filosof鱈a, 1尊 Bacharelato. Autorxs: Aroa Rodr鱈guez, ngel Monroy, Paulo Gael Groba, Marcos Eugenio, Alejandro Garc鱈a.
Subscription plan in odoo 17 - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
This slide will show the subscription plan in Odoo 17. A subscription plan can be used as a template for creating a new subscription for the customers. And using the subscription plan, we create a new subscription for the customers.
Abigail Sageev presents at the OECD webinar 'Improving skills outcomes throug...EduSkills OECD
Abigail Sageev, Policy Analyst at the OECD Centre for Skills, presents at the OECD webinar 'Improving skills outcomes through stronger coordination and stakeholder engagement' on 18 March 2025. The recording can be found on the webpage - where we were joined by speakers Ina Progonati, Sustainability &Social Impact Partnerships and Programs Worldwide Lead, HP, Liene Voronenko, Expert of Education, Employers Confederation of Latvia, Johan Enfeldt, Research Officer, Department for Social Policy Issues, Swedish Trade Union Confederation, Marius Busemeyer, Professor of Political Science, University of Konstanz, Andrew Bell, Deputy Head of the OECD Centre for Skills and Head of OECD Skills Strategy and Laura Reznikova, Policy Analyst, OECD Centre for Skills. You can check out the work of the Centre for Skills here - OECD Centre for Skills
How to use product categories in Odoo 17 to organize your InventoryCeline George
Product categories in Odoo are essential for organizing and managing your inventory efficiently. They help you group similar products together, making it easier to track stock levels, analyze sales data, and apply specific configurations such as tax rules, accounting entries, or routes for purchasing and manufacturing.
Chapter 4. Environmental Scanning and Industry Analysis.pdfRommel Regala
This course provides students with a comprehensive understanding of strategic management principles, frameworks, and applications in business. It explores strategic planning, environmental analysis, corporate governance, business ethics, and sustainability.
Q-Factor Mythology Quiz-1st March 2025, Quiz Club NITWQuiz Club NITW
The Mythology Quiz conducted by Quiz Club NITW on 1st of March 2025, as a part of the duology of quizzes for the college fest SpringSpree 2025. The set has both the Prelims and Finals which include various questions on topics related to Mythology ranging from Hindu mythology to Greek and Norse mythology!
PHARMACOGNOSY & Phytochemistry-I (BP405T)Unit-VPart-2Primary metabolites:(Carbohydrates: Acacia, Agar, Tragacanth, Honey)
Carbohydrate: Properties, classification Chemical test
Biological Source
Geographical Source Method of Collection & Preparation Description:
Chemical Constituent Chemical test uses
Adulterant and Substitutes
Biological Source
Geographical Source Method of Collection & Preparation Description:
Chemical Constituent Chemical test uses
Adulterant and Substitutes
Biological Source
Geographical Source Method of Collection & Preparation Description:
Chemical Constituent Chemical test uses
Adulterant and Substitutes
Biological Source
Geographical Source Method of Collection & Preparation Description:
Chemical Constituent Chemical test uses
Adulterant and Substitutes
PHARMACOGNOSY & Phytochemistry-I (BP405T)Unit-IVPart-1Pharmacognosy in various systems of medicine
Role of Pharmacognosy in allopathy and traditional systems of medicine
Ayurveda systems of medicine
Siddha systems of medicine
Homeopathy systems of medicine
Unani systems of medicine
Chinese systems of medicine
Sub Task Management with odoo Project ModuleCeline George
Sub Task Management in the Odoo Project Module allows users to break down large tasks into smaller, more manageable pieces called sub-tasks. This feature helps in organizing and tracking complex projects by dividing work into smaller steps, each with its own deadlines, assignees, and progress tracking.
Introduction of Secondary metabolities (Volatile oil, Resin).pptxMs. Pooja Bhandare
Volatile OIl: Occurrence & Distribution Properties of Volatile oil
Physical Properties
Chemical Properties
Classification Of volatile oil
Based on the functional group present Identification test
Resin: Distribution
Uses Properties of resin
Physical Properties
Chemical Properties
Classification of resins
On the basis of their formation:
Physiological Resin:
Pathological resin
Chemical classification of resins according to their functional groups given below:
Resin acids Glucoresins
Resin esters Resenes
Resin alcohols
Resin phenols
Resenes Identification test of resin
How to Render Dynamic Data using RPC call in Odoo 17 POSCeline George
In this slide we will discuss how to render dynamic data using RPC call in Odoo 17 POS. We can render dynamic data within the Point of Sale (POS) system using Remote Procedure Call (RPC) calls.