This document provides information about extracurricular activities offered at a school for the 2012-2013 school year. It describes the registration process which involves submitting an application by a certain date, then a lottery for oversubscribed activities. Activities will take place from 4:30-5:30pm and include options like cooking, dance, sports, music, art and more. Payment will be made in two installments via direct debit. Policies around attendance and cancellations are also outlined.
L’Associació de Mares i Pares d’alumnes de l’Escola Puigberenguer es va constituir l’any 1994.
Un dels objectius del curs 2010-2011 va ser actualitzar els Estatuts i adaptar-los a la normativa actual-
A l’Assemblea General del dia 06-10-2011 es va aprovar el nou text que el 15-02-12 va quedar inscrit a la Direcció General de Dret i Entitats JurÃdiques, del Departament de JustÃcia de la Generalitat de Catalunya.
Aquest són, doncs els Estatuts vigents de la nostra AMPA.
The students are divided into groups to paint animals that will form their totem pole, including an eagle, goat, rabbit, and bison. They add details like the eagle's feathers and the features of other animals. Finally, they assemble their totem pole by mounting the painted animals they created. To celebrate, the students dance around their completed totem pole.
Between all working together, the group was able to construct tipis for camping even though no one person had all the necessary pieces. They built the frame of one tipi and decorated the skins with drawings, though their campsite was still being finished. The document expresses the group's happiness with their completed tipis and their teamwork in building them.
L’Associació de Mares i Pares d’alumnes de l’Escola Puigberenguer es va constituir l’any 1994.
Un dels objectius del curs 2010-2011 va ser actualitzar els Estatuts i adaptar-los a la normativa actual-
A l’Assemblea General del dia 06-10-2011 es va aprovar el nou text que el 15-02-12 va quedar inscrit a la Direcció General de Dret i Entitats JurÃdiques, del Departament de JustÃcia de la Generalitat de Catalunya.
Aquest són, doncs els Estatuts vigents de la nostra AMPA.
The students are divided into groups to paint animals that will form their totem pole, including an eagle, goat, rabbit, and bison. They add details like the eagle's feathers and the features of other animals. Finally, they assemble their totem pole by mounting the painted animals they created. To celebrate, the students dance around their completed totem pole.
Between all working together, the group was able to construct tipis for camping even though no one person had all the necessary pieces. They built the frame of one tipi and decorated the skins with drawings, though their campsite was still being finished. The document expresses the group's happiness with their completed tipis and their teamwork in building them.
3. Registra’t !!!
Participar es fà cil
168 membres AMPA Correu electrònic:
4. Informació
permanent Finestra Oberta
Espai AMPA Espai
Curs actual
cicles i cursos Resum
escola, cicles,
5. Podem
les notÃcies
Activitats cicles i cursos d’un sol curs
d’un sol cÃcle
o tots els
6. Informacions
generals AMPA.
Calendari !!!
Resum comisions.
Activitats previstes
o realitzades
Totes les notÃcies de Agenda activitats
Que fem, que hem fet, que
Resum de les activitats
7. Important per
seguir les activitats
de l’AMPA.
Et pots subscriure
al calendari i aixÃ
està al corrent de
les activitats de
l’AMPA i l’escola al
teu calendari
digital, móbil...
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#11: Els subscrits alÌýFòrum de l’AMPA reben Ìýles notes de la Finestra oberta a l'email i podenÌýparticipar Recordar que el FòrumÌý no es respon als mestres Ìýtot i que aixà ho pot semblar