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TPM IMPLEMENTAION IN ROOTS INDUSTRIES LTD.<br />TABLE OF CONTENTS<br />CHAPTERTITLEPAGE NO.1ABSTRACT2COMPANY PROFILE3TPM IN ROOTS4ELECTRIC HORN MANUFACTURING PROCESS LAYOUT5TPM Model machine6TAG CLASSIFICATION7Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE)8Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) MODEL CACLULATION9CLRI IDENTIFICATION10SOME IMPROVEMENTS IN THE MACHINE`11KAIZENS IMPLENTED12ACCIDENT AND BREAKDOWN DATAS13QUALITY RATE CALCULATION14OEE ACHIVED BY IMPLEMENTATION OF TPM15OEE ACHIVED AND COST SAVED16TARGET ACHIEVED17SUGGESTIONS18CONCLUSIONABSTRACT<br />Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) can be considered as the medical science of machines and it is a maintenance program which involves a newly defined concept for maintaining plants and equipment. The goal of TPM program is to markedly increase production while, at the same time, increasing employee morale and job satisfaction. The concept of \"
I (Production operators) Operate, You (Maintenance department) fix\"
 is not followed. TPM Objectives are to achieve Zero Accidents, Zero Breakdown and Zero Defects in all functional areas of the organization, Involve people in all levels of organization, Form different teams to reduce defects and Self Maintenance, Increase productivity and OPE (Overall Plant Efficiency) by 1.5 or 2 times, Reduce the manufacturing Cost by 30% and Reduce accidents and Satisfy the customers¡¯ needs by 100 %.<br />Primarily 5s is the base and it was found that problems cannot be clearly seen when the work place is unorganized. Cleaning and organizing the workplace helps to uncover problems and making problems visible is the first step of improvement. They have involved in TPM in analyzing the machine, rectifying the sources of contamination, abnormalities in equipments, their counter measures, fixing Tentative Standard. Main goal of TPM is to increase the OEE which would increase productivity, Reduce maintenance cost, Improve reliability and maintainability, eliminating the defects at source through active employee participation. We suggested the method for further implementation of TPM in whole plant.<br /> <br />COMPANY PROFILEROOTS Industries INDIA LTD (RIL) is a leading manufacturer of horns in India and the 11th largest horn manufacturing company in the world, Head quartered in Coimbatore, India. ROOTS have been a dominant player in the manufacture of Horns, Casting products, Industrial cleaning machines, Precision products and other products like Electronic Horns, Brake Shoes, Brake Pads, Halogen Lamps, Relays, Melody Makers, Roots Parking Guide System, Piston & Rings, Flashes, etc., Roots Group of companies includes Roots Industries India limited (RIL), Roots Auto Products private limited (RAPL), Roots Multi Clean Limited (RMCL), Roots Cast Private limited (RCPL), Roots Precision Products Limited (RPPL) and  Roots Polycraft.<br />Since its establishment in 1970, ROOTS had a vision and commitment to produce and deliver quality products adhering to International standards. With a strong innovative base and commitment to quality, ROOTS has occupied a key position in both International and domestic market as suppliers to leading OEMS and aftermarket.       <br />Now RIL is the first Indian and first manufacturing company in the world to get ISO / TS 16949 Certification based on effective implementation of QS 9000 Certification and VDA 6.1 Certification. Other certifications like   E ¨C Certification from Europe, ISO 14001 Certification, and Q1 Certification add crowns to it. <br />Their competitors includes Bosch, Lucas-TVS,  Minda Industries, Harley & Co, Vibrant Auto components, National Electric company, etc.,<br />Its customers include the massive automobile giants like Mercedes, Ford, Mitsubishi, Mahindra & Mahindra, Toyota, Fiat, Tata Motors, Bajaj Tempo Ltd, Kinetic Honda, TVS, Leyland, etc., <br />TPM IN ROOTS:ROOTS have its strong desire in producing world quality products to compete in the global market. It has assigned a lot of R&D activities to deliver high quality and innovative products satisfying the needs of its customers. To make it true, ROOTS has been involved in various activities like 5S, KAIZEN, ISO, etc. And to add a few to its milestone TPM activity has been started in ROOTS since 2005. The divisions of ROOTS experimenting TPM are RPCL, RMCL, ROOTS Component Division and ROOTS Horn Division. This project involves in the implementation of TPM in Model machine ¨C PRESS MASTER PSPR20. <br /> <br />Fig-1. ROOTS TPM Pillars<br />The above figure shows the pillars of TPM formulated by ROOTS Quality team to implement in the Roots Group of companies.<br />ELECTRIC HORN MANUFACTURING PROCESS LAYOUTAssemblyMechanical componentsElectrical componentsElectric hornAccessoriesFront cover plates, Back cover plates, Diaphragm plates PressingStampingTestingPaintingQuality CheckingPackingTo MarketsCoilsCoil windingCoil TestingFasteners,Insulators, ConductorsTestingScraps<br /> <br />TPM Model machine  <br />The machine PSPR 20 is a pressing machine 30 ton capacity used upto 400 strokes per minute. This machine comprises of auxiliaries such as decoiler, straightner and scrap cutter. The machine is powered by an electric motor and operates with the assistance of pneumatic devices, centralized electrical control system. Machine is a self lubricating at an interval of one working hour. Decoiler uncoils the sheet metal strip wounded as a coil and the straightner straightens the sheet metal strip by the use of consecutive rollers. The decoiler and straightner are controlled by using cam limit switches. The feeder unit feeds the sheet metal at every stroke and actuated by pneumatics. Scrap cutter cuts the out coming strip from the press for easy handling. The various process involved are piercing and blanking. The machine consists of gauges and meters for monitoring. <br />This machine is used for making the Diaphragm plates, front cover plates and back cover plates by pressing. The sheet metal coil of required dimensions is fed through the interchangeable dies of this machine. This machine produces 1 to 5 plates according to the thickness required per stroke.<br />           <br />TAG CLASSIFICATION<br />76200186690<br />Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) <br />OEE = Availability x Performance Efficiency x Rate of Quality product <br />OEE is just a number for relative comparison of equipment performance. The real benefits come from using the factors of OEE, which lead to root cause analysis and eliminating the causes of poor performance. It¡¯s all about collecting, trending, <br />Performance Efficiency is given by <br />Performance efficiency =Rate efficiency x Speed efficiency. <br />Rate efficiency (RE): Actual average cycle time is slower than design cycle time because of jams, minor recorded stoppages, small problems and adjustment losses etc. Hence output is reduced due to this. <br />Speed (rate) efficiency (SE): Actual cycle time is slower than design cycle time because of high vibration etc. and hence output of the machine is reduced. <br />Rate of quality products (yield): It is the percentage of good parts out of total produced. <br />Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) MODEL CACLULATION OEE = A x PE x Q<br />PE=QUANTITY PRODUCED/ (SPM * PRODUCTION TIME)<br />A= (TOTAL AVAILABLE TIME - NON VALID TIME)/ TOTAL AVAILABLE TIME<br />Q=NO OF QUALITY PRODUCTS/QUANTITY PRODUCED<br />DayShiftC.NOPE  %PE/Shift   %02/0719060257676<br />For 2/7/09 OEE DATAS 1st shift<br />Availability (in %)= (455-155)/455 = 73.95%<br />Q=14000/14000 = 100%<br />Performance Efficiency =14000/(80*230)=76%<br />OEE =0.76*0.7395*1=50.41%<br />DayShiftPLANNED DOWN TIMETotal time (min)Tea time (min)Training time (min)Available Time (min)Down Time (min)Availability %Performance efficiency %Quality factor %OEE %02/07148025-45515573.957610050.1<br />For 2/7/09 OEE DATAS 2nd shift<br />Availability %=460-95/460=79.35%<br />Q=13680/13680=100%<br />Performance Efficiency =13680/(60*300)=76%<br />OEE =0.73*0.7935*1=62.68%<br />DayShiftPLANNED DOWN TIMETotal time (min)Tea time (min)Training time (min)Available Time (min)Down Time (min)Availability %Performance efficiency %Quality factor %OEE %02/07248020-4609579.357310062.68<br />For 2/9/09 OEE DATAS 1st shift<br />Availability %=455-80/455=82.41%<br />Q=20100/20100=100%<br />Performance Efficiency =20100/(65*375)=79%<br />OEE =0.82*0.79*1=65.36%<br />DayShiftPLANNED DOWN TIMETotal time (min)Tea time (min)Training time (min)Available Time (min)Down Time (min)Availability %Performance efficiency %Quality factor %OEE %02/09148025-4558082.417910065.36<br />TABLE ¨C 8<br />CLRI IDENTIFICATION:CUMMULATIVE TAG MATRIX FLOW<br />CLRI TIME REDUCTION<br />UNITAREACLEANING TIME IN MINUTESTIME SAVED IN MINUTESBEFORE AFTER DecoilerBottom leg & coil holder33Fan motor cover532Motor22Belt cover523Total15105StraightnerRemoving cover 40 bolts45342Fan motor cover505Motor202Bottom cleaning22Top side55Total591049PressFRL22Oil filter11Oil pump unit22Feeder unit413Left column77Control panel11Right column22Air circuit22Air reservoir25124Lubrication motor fan633Machine frond end22Ram side55Bolster plate312Fly wheel2402238Fly wheel cleaning66Total Time30838270Scrap cutter unitScrap cutter unit523Total Time38760327<br />CUMMULATIVE REDTAG MATRIX FLOW<br />CLRI TIME REDUCTION CHART<br /> <br />CLEANING TIME<br />FIG ¨C 15<br />SOME IMPROVEMENTS IN THE MACHINE
KAIZENS IMPLENTED:No. of  Kaizens implementedMonth<br />ACCIDENT AND BREAKDOWN DATAS:DatasBEFORE JHSTEP-0STEP-1STEP-2accidents0000<br />accident datas:<br />Break Down Datas:<br />Break DownBEFORE JHSTEP-0STEP-1STEP-2Hours17.210.813.17.66<br />BEFORE TPM                                                                   AFTER TPM<br />QUALITY RATE CALCULATION:Before JH activity (Jan-09):<br />Total number of components produced per month = 5,62,000<br />Total number of defective components in Dec month =230<br />Quality Factor = Q=NO OF QUALITY PRODUCTS/QUANTITY PRODUCED<br />Q =(5,62,000-230)/ 5,62,000 = 99.959%<br />NUMBER OF DEFECTIVE PRODUCTS<br />ActivitiesBEFORE JHSTEP-0STEP-1STEP-2No of defective products230194173124<br />QUALITY RATE:<br />QUALITYBEFORE JHSTEP-0STEP-1STEP-2QUALITY RATE99.95999.96599.96999.978<br />Quality rate is almost = 100%<br />OEE ACHIVED BY IMPLEMENTATION OF AUTONOMOUS MAINTENANCEIn the month of Before TPM OEE were found to be 50.85%<br />During STEP ¨C 0 ACTIVITY<br />Time saved by carrying out of JH activity =1155 minutes<br />Valid time per month = 33410 minutes<br />Valid time during STEP ¨C 0  =259050 minutes<br />Increase in valid time = 24905+1155 = 26060 minutes<br />Availability during STEP ¨C 0  = 26060/33410 = 78%<br />Performance efficiency during STEP ¨C 0  = 68%<br />OEE = 0.68*0.78*1.0 = 53.2%<br />Labour cost per hour= Rs 64 <br />Cost saved = 1155*64/60 = Rs 1232 <br />During STEP ¨C 1 ACTIVITY<br />Time saved by carrying out of JH activity =4218 minutes<br />Availability during STEP ¨C 1 =  83.480%<br />Performance efficiency during STEP ¨C 1 = 74%<br />OEE = 0.8348*0.74*1.0 = 61.78%<br />Cost saved =4218*64/60 = Rs 4500<br />During STEP ¨C 2 ACTIVITY<br />Time saved by carrying out of JH activity =1760 minutes<br />Availability during STEP ¨C 2 = 86.7 %<br />Performance efficiency during STEP ¨C 2  = 76%<br />OEE = 0.867*0.76*1.0 = 65.36%<br />Cost saved = 1760*64/60 = Rs 1880<br />OEE ACHIVED AND COST SAVED OEE CHART: <br />AFTER TPMBEFORE TPM<br />COST SAVED:<br />BEFORE TPM                                                      AFTER TPM<br />TARGET ACHIEVED:ACTIVITYACCIDENTSBREAK DOWNSCOST SAVED IN Rs/hrNO OF DEFECTIVE PRODUCTSOEE IN %Before TPM017.2-23050.85After TPM07.66750012465.36<br />SUGGESTIONS:From the above charts and tables, it is clear that the implementation of TPM will be an effective process for the company.  The implementation of TPM for the whole plant should be started now in parallel.<br />But before implementing TPM we recommend to change the shop floor layout for ease handling of materials. This is to facilitate the low material handling cost. The present shop floor plan is shown below.<br />PSPS1010x3PSST 204x3PSST 104x3PSCW 104x3PSCW 204x3PSPR 208x3PSPR 108x3QUALITYTESTING9x3PLANNING AND SUPER-VISIORS CABIN17x3ASSEMBLY            8x3SCRAP12x3INVENTORY19x3TOOL MAINTENACE AND RAW MATERIAL INVENTORY13x3DISPATCH TO WARE HOUSE<br />We proposed the process oriented layout for easier material handling inside the shop floor. This reduces the material movements and so the material handling cost.  Currently they are planning the production process with the lead time of three months. We recommend reducing the lead time to one month. The <br />The quality team planned to implement the TPM for the whole plant after successful execution of TPM in this Machine. We suggest that the non-shop floor TPM pillars such as Office TPM, Education and training and Safety, Health and Environment pillars can be implemented now itself. So that the improvement approach will be have a top-down approach. The last pillar Tool Maintenance can also implemented from now as it requires the co-ordination of all departments such as Planning, Manufacturing and quality departments. This can be done by setting targets in time, quality and cost savings.<br />For implementing TPM for the whole plant, recruit more TPM associates and supervisors for monitoring and execution. Form the cross functional teams. Train the employees from the Office, Safety department and maintenance. As it is suggested that non shop floor pillars has to be implemented first. After completion of the training Office TPM has to be implemented. Then the Safety and Health aspects have to be incorporated to achieve the TPM-pillar goals. <br />It is also suggested that the Tool maintenance has to be performed for the ease of TPM implementation. It is important to keep all the tools well maintained with higher accuracy to achieve 100% tool readiness so that the delays due to unavailability of tools can be avoided.  <br />Evaluate all the machines in the shop floor using Statistical Process Control Study for identifying the statistical performance. By calculating OEE, the severities of the machines can be determined. From this the machine with similar severities can be grouped and machines with more severities can be identified as bottle neck machines. The implementation of TPM can be prioritized based on the criticality which was determined earlier. Make sure that all machine operators are well aware of the TPM benefits before implementing in their machines.  <br />Identify the tags in the machines and classify them based on the severity. The past experience will help in this aspect. Adopt the Kaizens to improve the OEE of the machines. Collect the operator suggestions to improve the operating environment. Make operators expertise in their machines. Schedule the planned maintenance for each machine according to the resources available. Also preventive maintenance should be done properly by the operators with the help of shop floor helpers and not with the support of maintenance department. Standardize each and every process of maintenance. Break down maintenance should no longer exist in these machines so that the non-valid time will be reduced and the whole down time will tend to zero. <br />Whenever the machines become feasible another set of machines with more severities can be prepared and implementation can be carried out. <br />CONCLUSIONThe implementation of TPM will minimize the waste, reduces the down time, non-valid time, the process cost and increases the quality rate. Hence the overall plant performance (OPE) will increase and which in turn lead to improved productivity. Successful implementation of TPM will enhance the employee satisfaction level. Due to globalization, the competition has been increased which necessitates the implementation of modern techniques in the process of manufacturing, planning, management, quality and marketing. The other manufacturing tools like Lean-six sigma, Value stream Mapping, Statistical Process Control need to be implemented in short period of time to improve the plant performance. <br />REFERENCE
Ams total productive maintenance
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Ams total productive maintenance
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Ams total productive maintenance

  • 1. TPM IMPLEMENTAION IN ROOTS INDUSTRIES LTD.<br />TABLE OF CONTENTS<br />CHAPTERTITLEPAGE NO.1ABSTRACT2COMPANY PROFILE3TPM IN ROOTS4ELECTRIC HORN MANUFACTURING PROCESS LAYOUT5TPM Model machine6TAG CLASSIFICATION7Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE)8Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) MODEL CACLULATION9CLRI IDENTIFICATION10SOME IMPROVEMENTS IN THE MACHINE`11KAIZENS IMPLENTED12ACCIDENT AND BREAKDOWN DATAS13QUALITY RATE CALCULATION14OEE ACHIVED BY IMPLEMENTATION OF TPM15OEE ACHIVED AND COST SAVED16TARGET ACHIEVED17SUGGESTIONS18CONCLUSIONABSTRACT<br />Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) can be considered as the medical science of machines and it is a maintenance program which involves a newly defined concept for maintaining plants and equipment. The goal of TPM program is to markedly increase production while, at the same time, increasing employee morale and job satisfaction. The concept of \" I (Production operators) Operate, You (Maintenance department) fix\" is not followed. TPM Objectives are to achieve Zero Accidents, Zero Breakdown and Zero Defects in all functional areas of the organization, Involve people in all levels of organization, Form different teams to reduce defects and Self Maintenance, Increase productivity and OPE (Overall Plant Efficiency) by 1.5 or 2 times, Reduce the manufacturing Cost by 30% and Reduce accidents and Satisfy the customers¡¯ needs by 100 %.<br />Primarily 5s is the base and it was found that problems cannot be clearly seen when the work place is unorganized. Cleaning and organizing the workplace helps to uncover problems and making problems visible is the first step of improvement. They have involved in TPM in analyzing the machine, rectifying the sources of contamination, abnormalities in equipments, their counter measures, fixing Tentative Standard. Main goal of TPM is to increase the OEE which would increase productivity, Reduce maintenance cost, Improve reliability and maintainability, eliminating the defects at source through active employee participation. We suggested the method for further implementation of TPM in whole plant.<br /> <br />COMPANY PROFILEROOTS Industries INDIA LTD (RIL) is a leading manufacturer of horns in India and the 11th largest horn manufacturing company in the world, Head quartered in Coimbatore, India. ROOTS have been a dominant player in the manufacture of Horns, Casting products, Industrial cleaning machines, Precision products and other products like Electronic Horns, Brake Shoes, Brake Pads, Halogen Lamps, Relays, Melody Makers, Roots Parking Guide System, Piston & Rings, Flashes, etc., Roots Group of companies includes Roots Industries India limited (RIL), Roots Auto Products private limited (RAPL), Roots Multi Clean Limited (RMCL), Roots Cast Private limited (RCPL), Roots Precision Products Limited (RPPL) and Roots Polycraft.<br />Since its establishment in 1970, ROOTS had a vision and commitment to produce and deliver quality products adhering to International standards. With a strong innovative base and commitment to quality, ROOTS has occupied a key position in both International and domestic market as suppliers to leading OEMS and aftermarket. <br />Now RIL is the first Indian and first manufacturing company in the world to get ISO / TS 16949 Certification based on effective implementation of QS 9000 Certification and VDA 6.1 Certification. Other certifications like E ¨C Certification from Europe, ISO 14001 Certification, and Q1 Certification add crowns to it. <br />Their competitors includes Bosch, Lucas-TVS, Minda Industries, Harley & Co, Vibrant Auto components, National Electric company, etc.,<br />Its customers include the massive automobile giants like Mercedes, Ford, Mitsubishi, Mahindra & Mahindra, Toyota, Fiat, Tata Motors, Bajaj Tempo Ltd, Kinetic Honda, TVS, Leyland, etc., <br />TPM IN ROOTS:ROOTS have its strong desire in producing world quality products to compete in the global market. It has assigned a lot of R&D activities to deliver high quality and innovative products satisfying the needs of its customers. To make it true, ROOTS has been involved in various activities like 5S, KAIZEN, ISO, etc. And to add a few to its milestone TPM activity has been started in ROOTS since 2005. The divisions of ROOTS experimenting TPM are RPCL, RMCL, ROOTS Component Division and ROOTS Horn Division. This project involves in the implementation of TPM in Model machine ¨C PRESS MASTER PSPR20. <br /> <br />Fig-1. ROOTS TPM Pillars<br />The above figure shows the pillars of TPM formulated by ROOTS Quality team to implement in the Roots Group of companies.<br />ELECTRIC HORN MANUFACTURING PROCESS LAYOUTAssemblyMechanical componentsElectrical componentsElectric hornAccessoriesFront cover plates, Back cover plates, Diaphragm plates PressingStampingTestingPaintingQuality CheckingPackingTo MarketsCoilsCoil windingCoil TestingFasteners,Insulators, ConductorsTestingScraps<br /> <br />TPM Model machine <br />The machine PSPR 20 is a pressing machine 30 ton capacity used upto 400 strokes per minute. This machine comprises of auxiliaries such as decoiler, straightner and scrap cutter. The machine is powered by an electric motor and operates with the assistance of pneumatic devices, centralized electrical control system. Machine is a self lubricating at an interval of one working hour. Decoiler uncoils the sheet metal strip wounded as a coil and the straightner straightens the sheet metal strip by the use of consecutive rollers. The decoiler and straightner are controlled by using cam limit switches. The feeder unit feeds the sheet metal at every stroke and actuated by pneumatics. Scrap cutter cuts the out coming strip from the press for easy handling. The various process involved are piercing and blanking. The machine consists of gauges and meters for monitoring. <br />This machine is used for making the Diaphragm plates, front cover plates and back cover plates by pressing. The sheet metal coil of required dimensions is fed through the interchangeable dies of this machine. This machine produces 1 to 5 plates according to the thickness required per stroke.<br /> <br />TAG CLASSIFICATION<br />76200186690<br />Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) <br />OEE = Availability x Performance Efficiency x Rate of Quality product <br />OEE is just a number for relative comparison of equipment performance. The real benefits come from using the factors of OEE, which lead to root cause analysis and eliminating the causes of poor performance. It¡¯s all about collecting, trending, <br />Performance Efficiency is given by <br />Performance efficiency =Rate efficiency x Speed efficiency. <br />Rate efficiency (RE): Actual average cycle time is slower than design cycle time because of jams, minor recorded stoppages, small problems and adjustment losses etc. Hence output is reduced due to this. <br />Speed (rate) efficiency (SE): Actual cycle time is slower than design cycle time because of high vibration etc. and hence output of the machine is reduced. <br />Rate of quality products (yield): It is the percentage of good parts out of total produced. <br />Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) MODEL CACLULATION OEE = A x PE x Q<br />PE=QUANTITY PRODUCED/ (SPM * PRODUCTION TIME)<br />A= (TOTAL AVAILABLE TIME - NON VALID TIME)/ TOTAL AVAILABLE TIME<br />Q=NO OF QUALITY PRODUCTS/QUANTITY PRODUCED<br />DayShiftC.NOPE %PE/Shift %02/0719060257676<br />For 2/7/09 OEE DATAS 1st shift<br />Availability (in %)= (455-155)/455 = 73.95%<br />Q=14000/14000 = 100%<br />Performance Efficiency =14000/(80*230)=76%<br />OEE =0.76*0.7395*1=50.41%<br />DayShiftPLANNED DOWN TIMETotal time (min)Tea time (min)Training time (min)Available Time (min)Down Time (min)Availability %Performance efficiency %Quality factor %OEE %02/07148025-45515573.957610050.1<br />For 2/7/09 OEE DATAS 2nd shift<br />Availability %=460-95/460=79.35%<br />Q=13680/13680=100%<br />Performance Efficiency =13680/(60*300)=76%<br />OEE =0.73*0.7935*1=62.68%<br />DayShiftPLANNED DOWN TIMETotal time (min)Tea time (min)Training time (min)Available Time (min)Down Time (min)Availability %Performance efficiency %Quality factor %OEE %02/07248020-4609579.357310062.68<br />For 2/9/09 OEE DATAS 1st shift<br />Availability %=455-80/455=82.41%<br />Q=20100/20100=100%<br />Performance Efficiency =20100/(65*375)=79%<br />OEE =0.82*0.79*1=65.36%<br />DayShiftPLANNED DOWN TIMETotal time (min)Tea time (min)Training time (min)Available Time (min)Down Time (min)Availability %Performance efficiency %Quality factor %OEE %02/09148025-4558082.417910065.36<br />TABLE ¨C 8<br />CLRI IDENTIFICATION:CUMMULATIVE TAG MATRIX FLOW<br />CLRI TIME REDUCTION<br />UNITAREACLEANING TIME IN MINUTESTIME SAVED IN MINUTESBEFORE AFTER DecoilerBottom leg & coil holder33Fan motor cover532Motor22Belt cover523Total15105StraightnerRemoving cover 40 bolts45342Fan motor cover505Motor202Bottom cleaning22Top side55Total591049PressFRL22Oil filter11Oil pump unit22Feeder unit413Left column77Control panel11Right column22Air circuit22Air reservoir25124Lubrication motor fan633Machine frond end22Ram side55Bolster plate312Fly wheel2402238Fly wheel cleaning66Total Time30838270Scrap cutter unitScrap cutter unit523Total Time38760327<br />CUMMULATIVE REDTAG MATRIX FLOW<br />CLRI TIME REDUCTION CHART<br /> <br />CLEANING TIME<br />FIG ¨C 15<br />SOME IMPROVEMENTS IN THE MACHINE
  • 2. KAIZENS IMPLENTED:No. of Kaizens implementedMonth<br />ACCIDENT AND BREAKDOWN DATAS:DatasBEFORE JHSTEP-0STEP-1STEP-2accidents0000<br />accident datas:<br />Break Down Datas:<br />Break DownBEFORE JHSTEP-0STEP-1STEP-2Hours17.210.813.17.66<br />BEFORE TPM AFTER TPM<br />QUALITY RATE CALCULATION:Before JH activity (Jan-09):<br />Total number of components produced per month = 5,62,000<br />Total number of defective components in Dec month =230<br />Quality Factor = Q=NO OF QUALITY PRODUCTS/QUANTITY PRODUCED<br />Q =(5,62,000-230)/ 5,62,000 = 99.959%<br />NUMBER OF DEFECTIVE PRODUCTS<br />ActivitiesBEFORE JHSTEP-0STEP-1STEP-2No of defective products230194173124<br />QUALITY RATE:<br />QUALITYBEFORE JHSTEP-0STEP-1STEP-2QUALITY RATE99.95999.96599.96999.978<br />Quality rate is almost = 100%<br />OEE ACHIVED BY IMPLEMENTATION OF AUTONOMOUS MAINTENANCEIn the month of Before TPM OEE were found to be 50.85%<br />During STEP ¨C 0 ACTIVITY<br />Time saved by carrying out of JH activity =1155 minutes<br />Valid time per month = 33410 minutes<br />Valid time during STEP ¨C 0 =259050 minutes<br />Increase in valid time = 24905+1155 = 26060 minutes<br />Availability during STEP ¨C 0 = 26060/33410 = 78%<br />Performance efficiency during STEP ¨C 0 = 68%<br />OEE = 0.68*0.78*1.0 = 53.2%<br />Labour cost per hour= Rs 64 <br />Cost saved = 1155*64/60 = Rs 1232 <br />During STEP ¨C 1 ACTIVITY<br />Time saved by carrying out of JH activity =4218 minutes<br />Availability during STEP ¨C 1 = 83.480%<br />Performance efficiency during STEP ¨C 1 = 74%<br />OEE = 0.8348*0.74*1.0 = 61.78%<br />Cost saved =4218*64/60 = Rs 4500<br />During STEP ¨C 2 ACTIVITY<br />Time saved by carrying out of JH activity =1760 minutes<br />Availability during STEP ¨C 2 = 86.7 %<br />Performance efficiency during STEP ¨C 2 = 76%<br />OEE = 0.867*0.76*1.0 = 65.36%<br />Cost saved = 1760*64/60 = Rs 1880<br />OEE ACHIVED AND COST SAVED OEE CHART: <br />AFTER TPMBEFORE TPM<br />COST SAVED:<br />BEFORE TPM AFTER TPM<br />TARGET ACHIEVED:ACTIVITYACCIDENTSBREAK DOWNSCOST SAVED IN Rs/hrNO OF DEFECTIVE PRODUCTSOEE IN %Before TPM017.2-23050.85After TPM07.66750012465.36<br />SUGGESTIONS:From the above charts and tables, it is clear that the implementation of TPM will be an effective process for the company. The implementation of TPM for the whole plant should be started now in parallel.<br />But before implementing TPM we recommend to change the shop floor layout for ease handling of materials. This is to facilitate the low material handling cost. The present shop floor plan is shown below.<br />PSPS1010x3PSST 204x3PSST 104x3PSCW 104x3PSCW 204x3PSPR 208x3PSPR 108x3QUALITYTESTING9x3PLANNING AND SUPER-VISIORS CABIN17x3ASSEMBLY 8x3SCRAP12x3INVENTORY19x3TOOL MAINTENACE AND RAW MATERIAL INVENTORY13x3DISPATCH TO WARE HOUSE<br />We proposed the process oriented layout for easier material handling inside the shop floor. This reduces the material movements and so the material handling cost. Currently they are planning the production process with the lead time of three months. We recommend reducing the lead time to one month. The <br />The quality team planned to implement the TPM for the whole plant after successful execution of TPM in this Machine. We suggest that the non-shop floor TPM pillars such as Office TPM, Education and training and Safety, Health and Environment pillars can be implemented now itself. So that the improvement approach will be have a top-down approach. The last pillar Tool Maintenance can also implemented from now as it requires the co-ordination of all departments such as Planning, Manufacturing and quality departments. This can be done by setting targets in time, quality and cost savings.<br />For implementing TPM for the whole plant, recruit more TPM associates and supervisors for monitoring and execution. Form the cross functional teams. Train the employees from the Office, Safety department and maintenance. As it is suggested that non shop floor pillars has to be implemented first. After completion of the training Office TPM has to be implemented. Then the Safety and Health aspects have to be incorporated to achieve the TPM-pillar goals. <br />It is also suggested that the Tool maintenance has to be performed for the ease of TPM implementation. It is important to keep all the tools well maintained with higher accuracy to achieve 100% tool readiness so that the delays due to unavailability of tools can be avoided. <br />Evaluate all the machines in the shop floor using Statistical Process Control Study for identifying the statistical performance. By calculating OEE, the severities of the machines can be determined. From this the machine with similar severities can be grouped and machines with more severities can be identified as bottle neck machines. The implementation of TPM can be prioritized based on the criticality which was determined earlier. Make sure that all machine operators are well aware of the TPM benefits before implementing in their machines. <br />Identify the tags in the machines and classify them based on the severity. The past experience will help in this aspect. Adopt the Kaizens to improve the OEE of the machines. Collect the operator suggestions to improve the operating environment. Make operators expertise in their machines. Schedule the planned maintenance for each machine according to the resources available. Also preventive maintenance should be done properly by the operators with the help of shop floor helpers and not with the support of maintenance department. Standardize each and every process of maintenance. Break down maintenance should no longer exist in these machines so that the non-valid time will be reduced and the whole down time will tend to zero. <br />Whenever the machines become feasible another set of machines with more severities can be prepared and implementation can be carried out. <br />CONCLUSIONThe implementation of TPM will minimize the waste, reduces the down time, non-valid time, the process cost and increases the quality rate. Hence the overall plant performance (OPE) will increase and which in turn lead to improved productivity. Successful implementation of TPM will enhance the employee satisfaction level. Due to globalization, the competition has been increased which necessitates the implementation of modern techniques in the process of manufacturing, planning, management, quality and marketing. The other manufacturing tools like Lean-six sigma, Value stream Mapping, Statistical Process Control need to be implemented in short period of time to improve the plant performance. <br />REFERENCE