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An overview of Test
Methodology & Practicum in
Oral Assessment
Jarrod Anderson
 Why is testing important?
 Teachers are able to evaluate their students
 A student is able to see how effective they have
been in learning and applying course content.
 Teachers can perhaps see how successful they
have been in teaching and the course content.
Why do you think we need tests?
 For students to be given a grade.
 To make meaningful comparisons between students
 To determine a students level of learned knowledge in
reference to course content/objectives.
 To evaluate language proficiency i.e. to get into university
 For students who need a certain level of proficiency for
their career.
 For teacher assessment.
Test Methodology Overview
Main Points
Is the extent to which a test accurately
measures what it intends to measure.
For a test to be valid, the test should be
developed and prepared in a way so that
the results are an indication of a students
actual ability.
Content Face Response
Content Validity
Content Validity
Main Points
 To achieve content validity the test needs
to be made up of content and tasks that
are included in classroom lessons.
 Use Direct Testing
Make the student perform the skill
which needs to be assessed.
In testing speaking ability in this
Direct testing?
Content Validity
Main points
 You need a representative enough
sample to ensure validity is achieved.
 The sample needs to be practical. The
teacher needs to decide what should be
included and what can be omitted in
order to get a comprehensive enough
Face Validity
Face Validity
Main points
 The test should be seen by both teacher
and student as fair and relevant.
 It looks like is measuring what it intends
to measure.
Face Validity
Main points
 Will be high if the test is
 Well constructed, expected format with familiar tasks
 Clearly doable within the time frame
 Items are clear and uncomplicated
 Directions are crystal clear
 Tasks relate to the course work (content Validity)
 The difficulty is reasonable
It could be said that Face Validity is also
concerned with optimizing student
Response Validity
Response Validity
Main Points
 Describes the extent to which examinees
respond in a manner expected by the
test developer
 Closely related to Face Validity
 If a test format is unfamiliar, instructions
are unclear then students responses may
not reflect their true ability
An overview of Test Methodology & Practicum in.pptx
For each situation below state whether it would be a threat to validity.
 A questionnaire that takes more than an hour to complete
 The test has some questions to trick the into giving a wrong
 The test does not include everything that has been taught
 The candidate is unable to understand the examination
 A speaking test which consists of multiple choice grammatical
 The test format is unfamiliar and contains content not covered
in the syllabus
 Reliability is concerned with making sure
a test is consistent in obtaining a
students score.
 If the student were to take the test or a
similar test on 2 different occasions,
there score should be more or less
similar, regardless of when they took it.
A students performance (or lack of it) may
not only be due to their knowledge of the
subject matter, but rather other factors
may be involved that influence their score.
Threats to Reliability
 Temporary or Psychological changes.
Intra-rater and Inter rater reliability
 Test Administration
Threats to Reliability
Temporary or Psychological changes.
 This is the most common form of
unreliability. Can be caused by tired,
sickness, emotional disturbances
(nervousness) and can all effect how a
student may perform.
An overview of Test Methodology & Practicum in.pptx
Threats to Reliability
Scoring: Intra-rater reliability
 A teacher or scorer is likely to become less
accurate as he/she gets tired.
 Scorers can also be influenced by
appearance and personality traits.
 Consistency here is most important
Threats to Reliability
Scoring: Inter -rater reliability
There may be great differences between
scorers and how they allocate marks to
their students.
In tests that are high stakes tests,
marking should be standardized.
Threats to Reliability
Test administration
 Problems can occur when the time is
 How is cheating dealt with?
 Inconsistencies in the test environment.
How can we reduce these threats
to Reliability?
 What are some solutions to ensure
greater reliability in Scoring and Test
Backwash Defined
 Backwash is the effect that tests have
on learning and teaching.
 These effects can be both positive and
 How can these effects be negative?
Can be true when a teacher teaches to the test
and rather than focusing on learning a subject
matter, focuses on how to pass the test.
Achieving Positive Backwash
 Use Direct Testing
If a test requires a student to speak, then
it is most likely that the teacher will use
activities and tasks that correlate with
what the test requires the students to
Students will realize the need to practice
these activities because it will help prepare them
for the test.
Achieving Positive Backwash
 Criterion referenced testing
Are tests where specific objectives have
been stated and levels of achievement
have been determined prior to the test
being taken.
For example..
Achieving Positive Backwash
 Criterion referenced testing
Students should know what they are
going to be tested on and how they are
going to be assessed.
Students should also understand that
regardless of how other students perform,
they will get a grade according to their level
of performance in the test.
Achieving Positive Backwash
 Negative Backwash
Norm referenced testing.
Where student achievement is based
upon how other students do. Can result
in students passing or failing regardless
how well or badly they do. In such cases,
motivation and classroom participation could
be low.
Achieving Positive Backwash
It is important when giving a student
their score to remember how affected
by it they could be
Difference between this...
or this.
Achieving Positive Backwash
The way the information is presented
can make a difference between a learning
experience and one where the student
becomes unmotivated and starts to
not care.
Achieving Positive Backwash
Comment on test performance, dont just
give your student a score
Student should have access to their
teacher and feel comfortable in coming to
see them.
Achieving Positive Backwash
To achieve positive Backwash for the
teacher the test should be easy to
administer, score and interpret.
We dont like complicated scoring
procedures that are going to take a lot of
Achieving Positive Backwash
1. Are the administrative details clearly
2. established before the test
3. Can the test be administered smoothly
4. Are all the materials and equipment ready
5. Is scoring/evaluation time friendly
How does direct testing achieve
positive backwash?
How does criterion referenced testing
motivate students?
Can giving feedback to a student result in
negative backwash? How?
The KET Speaking Test
KET Speaking Test
 Is a Cambridge speaking test
 Is the easiest test for beginner students
 The speaking part goes for 8-10mins.
 2 parts to the test
KET Speaking Test
An overview of Test Methodology & Practicum in.pptx
An overview of Test Methodology & Practicum in.pptx
An overview of Test Methodology & Practicum in.pptx
An overview of Test Methodology & Practicum in.pptx

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An overview of Test Methodology & Practicum in.pptx

  • 1. An overview of Test Methodology & Practicum in Oral Assessment Jarrod Anderson
  • 2. Introduction Why is testing important? Teachers are able to evaluate their students A student is able to see how effective they have been in learning and applying course content. Teachers can perhaps see how successful they have been in teaching and the course content.
  • 3. Why do you think we need tests? For students to be given a grade. To make meaningful comparisons between students To determine a students level of learned knowledge in reference to course content/objectives. To evaluate language proficiency i.e. to get into university courses. For students who need a certain level of proficiency for their career. For teacher assessment.
  • 5. Main Points Validity Reliability Backwash
  • 6. Validity Defined: Is the extent to which a test accurately measures what it intends to measure. For a test to be valid, the test should be developed and prepared in a way so that the results are an indication of a students actual ability.
  • 9. Content Validity Main Points To achieve content validity the test needs to be made up of content and tasks that are included in classroom lessons. Use Direct Testing Make the student perform the skill which needs to be assessed.
  • 10. In testing speaking ability in this Direct testing?
  • 11. Content Validity Main points You need a representative enough sample to ensure validity is achieved. The sample needs to be practical. The teacher needs to decide what should be included and what can be omitted in order to get a comprehensive enough sample.
  • 13. Face Validity Main points The test should be seen by both teacher and student as fair and relevant. It looks like is measuring what it intends to measure.
  • 14. Face Validity Main points Will be high if the test is Well constructed, expected format with familiar tasks Clearly doable within the time frame Items are clear and uncomplicated Directions are crystal clear Tasks relate to the course work (content Validity) The difficulty is reasonable
  • 15. It could be said that Face Validity is also concerned with optimizing student performance.
  • 17. Response Validity Main Points Describes the extent to which examinees respond in a manner expected by the test developer Closely related to Face Validity If a test format is unfamiliar, instructions are unclear then students responses may not reflect their true ability
  • 19. Activity For each situation below state whether it would be a threat to validity. A questionnaire that takes more than an hour to complete The test has some questions to trick the into giving a wrong answer The test does not include everything that has been taught The candidate is unable to understand the examination directions A speaking test which consists of multiple choice grammatical items The test format is unfamiliar and contains content not covered in the syllabus
  • 20. Reliability Reliability is concerned with making sure a test is consistent in obtaining a students score. If the student were to take the test or a similar test on 2 different occasions, there score should be more or less similar, regardless of when they took it.
  • 21. Reliability A students performance (or lack of it) may not only be due to their knowledge of the subject matter, but rather other factors may be involved that influence their score.
  • 22. Threats to Reliability Temporary or Psychological changes. Scoring: Intra-rater and Inter rater reliability Test Administration
  • 23. Threats to Reliability Temporary or Psychological changes. This is the most common form of unreliability. Can be caused by tired, sickness, emotional disturbances (nervousness) and can all effect how a student may perform.
  • 25. Threats to Reliability Scoring: Intra-rater reliability A teacher or scorer is likely to become less accurate as he/she gets tired. Scorers can also be influenced by appearance and personality traits. Consistency here is most important
  • 26. Threats to Reliability Scoring: Inter -rater reliability There may be great differences between scorers and how they allocate marks to their students. In tests that are high stakes tests, marking should be standardized.
  • 27. Threats to Reliability Test administration Problems can occur when the time is inconsistent. How is cheating dealt with? Inconsistencies in the test environment.
  • 28. How can we reduce these threats to Reliability? What are some solutions to ensure greater reliability in Scoring and Test Administration?
  • 30. Backwash Defined Backwash is the effect that tests have on learning and teaching. These effects can be both positive and negative. How can these effects be negative? Can be true when a teacher teaches to the test and rather than focusing on learning a subject matter, focuses on how to pass the test.
  • 31. Achieving Positive Backwash Use Direct Testing If a test requires a student to speak, then it is most likely that the teacher will use activities and tasks that correlate with what the test requires the students to do. Students will realize the need to practice these activities because it will help prepare them for the test.
  • 32. Achieving Positive Backwash Criterion referenced testing Are tests where specific objectives have been stated and levels of achievement have been determined prior to the test being taken. For example..
  • 33. Achieving Positive Backwash Criterion referenced testing Students should know what they are going to be tested on and how they are going to be assessed. Students should also understand that regardless of how other students perform, they will get a grade according to their level of performance in the test.
  • 34. Achieving Positive Backwash Negative Backwash Norm referenced testing. Where student achievement is based upon how other students do. Can result in students passing or failing regardless how well or badly they do. In such cases, motivation and classroom participation could be low.
  • 35. Achieving Positive Backwash Feedback It is important when giving a student their score to remember how affected by it they could be
  • 38. Achieving Positive Backwash Feedback The way the information is presented can make a difference between a learning experience and one where the student becomes unmotivated and starts to not care.
  • 39. Achieving Positive Backwash Feedback Comment on test performance, dont just give your student a score Student should have access to their teacher and feel comfortable in coming to see them.
  • 40. Achieving Positive Backwash Practicality To achieve positive Backwash for the teacher the test should be easy to administer, score and interpret. We dont like complicated scoring procedures that are going to take a lot of time
  • 41. Achieving Positive Backwash Practicality Checklist 1. Are the administrative details clearly 2. established before the test 3. Can the test be administered smoothly 4. Are all the materials and equipment ready 5. Is scoring/evaluation time friendly
  • 42. Activity How does direct testing achieve positive backwash? How does criterion referenced testing motivate students? Can giving feedback to a student result in negative backwash? How?
  • 44. KET Speaking Test Is a Cambridge speaking test Is the easiest test for beginner students in EFL/ESL. The speaking part goes for 8-10mins. 2 parts to the test