El documento habla sobre la importancia de aprender a mirar y componer fotograf鱈as de forma atractiva y equilibrada. Explica algunas reglas b叩sicas de composici坦n como la ley del horizonte, la ley de la mirada y la regla de los tercios. Tambi辿n describe un trabajo pr叩ctico que consiste en realizar un reportaje fotogr叩fico sobre un tema elegido trabajando en grupos de dos personas.
Photography 101 - a introduction to photography and the basics of exposure. Learn techniques for shutter speed, aperture and ISO and how they relate to one another.
Resumo de planos e 但ngulos de c但mera (TPA - ETECJRM)#J達o Pablo
Resumo de planos e 但ngulos de c但mera - disciplina de TPA do curso t辿cnico de 叩udio e v鱈deo da ETEC Jornalista Roberto Marinho
O documento discute as qualidades e tipos de luz que afetam a fotografia. A luz vem de v叩rias fontes e possui caracter鱈sticas como intensidade, contraste, dire巽達o e especularidade que influenciam o resultado final da foto. O documento tamb辿m explica os diferentes tipos de luz natural, existente, artificial, cont鱈nua e de flash, al辿m de t辿cnicas de ilumina巽達o em est炭dio.
This document provides information about lighting techniques in photography. It defines different types of lighting such as side lighting, back lighting, rim lighting, ambient light, soft light, hard light, and spotlight. It also discusses natural light sources like window light and artificial light sources. Additionally, it covers color temperature, flash photography basics, and different flash sync techniques like front curtain sync, rear curtain sync, and slow sync.
The document provides an overview of key photography concepts including exposure, aperture, shutter speed, ISO, depth of field, focal length, and lens types. Exposure is determined by the amount of light reaching the image sensor, and can be controlled through aperture size and shutter speed settings. Aperture refers to the diameter of the lens opening while shutter speed is the duration that the camera's shutter is open. These settings, along with ISO, must be balanced to achieve proper exposure. Depth of field relates to the distance over which objects appear acceptably sharp, and lenses can be either prime lenses with a fixed focal length or zoom lenses with a variable focal length.
El documento habla sobre diferentes t辿cnicas de encuadre, 叩ngulo, composici坦n y planos en fotograf鱈a. Explica 叩ngulos como el normal, picado, contrapicado, cenital y nadir y c坦mo afectan la percepci坦n de la imagen. Tambi辿n discute el encuadre, la composici坦n mediante elementos como la claridad y regla de los tercios, y el uso de la perspectiva, superposici坦n, profundidad de campo y efectos atmosf辿ricos.
A aula trata de montagem e edi巽達o de v鱈deo, abordando t辿cnicas lineares e n達o-lineares, equipamentos como Moviola e ilhas de edi巽達o, e conceitos como raccord, elipse e diferentes tipos de montagem como anal鱈tica, paralela e dial辿tica.
O documento discute os conceitos de cena, sequ棚ncia e tomada no cinema, definindo-os como:
1) Cena 辿 uma unidade de tempo e espa巽o onde se desenrola parte do filme de forma cont鱈nua;
2) Sequ棚ncia 辿 um conjunto de cenas e planos formando uma unidade dram叩tica, compar叩vel a um cap鱈tulo;
3) Tomada 辿 cada grava巽達o feita para selecionar a melhor parte a ser usada no filme final.
El documento describe diferentes tipos de planos de c叩mara, incluyendo planos generales que muestran ambientes y personajes a peque単a escala, planos medios que enfocan a personajes de la cintura para arriba, y primeros planos que enfocan rostros y expresiones faciales de cerca para imponer emociones y di叩logo. Cada plano tiene un prop坦sito narrativo o expresivo diferente para transmitir informaci坦n y situar la acci坦n y personajes en el contexto.
This document provides tips for taking better portrait photographs. It discusses using a large aperture to blur the background and focusing on the subject. While most portraits are taken at eye level, changing the angle can provide a creative perspective. Playing with eye contact, such as having the subject look off-camera or at something in the frame, can make portraits more candid and interesting. The document also covers lighting portraits using soft, diffused front lighting and experimenting with lighting directions and multiple light sources. It describes lighting patterns such as split lighting, loop lighting, Rembrandt lighting, and butterfly lighting.
Este documento describe diferentes tipos de planos y 叩ngulos utilizados en fotograf鱈a y cine para capturar im叩genes. Explica planos como el plano general, plano medio, primer plano y primer鱈simo primer plano. Tambi辿n describe 叩ngulos como el normal, picado, contrapicado, cenital y nadir. Por 炭ltimo, introduce conceptos como la regla de los tercios, la regla del horizonte y la regla de la mirada.
O documento discute os elementos b叩sicos da fotografia, incluindo luz, enquadramento, foco, balan巽o de branco e sensibilidade do filme. Ele tamb辿m explica os diferentes tipos de ilumina巽達o como luz natural, luz artificial e suas propriedades, al辿m de dicas importantes sobre como melhorar a composi巽達o e qualidade das fotos.
La iluminaci坦n es un aspecto clave en el cine porque permite crear diferentes efectos y afecta la percepci坦n del espectador. La iluminaci坦n debe adecuarse a la intensidad, el contraste y el tipo para resaltar u ocultar elementos y crear la atm坦sfera adecuada. Existen diferentes t辿cnicas como la iluminaci坦n estructural, ambiental o influyente que se utilizan para diferentes prop坦sitos narrativos.
Este documento describe los diferentes tipos de iluminaci坦n utilizados en fotograf鱈a, incluyendo luz dura, suave, frontal, lateral, cenital, contraluz, baja, de relleno y de rebote. Cada tipo de iluminaci坦n crea sombras y efectos de volumen diferentes que son adecuados para diferentes prop坦sitos fotogr叩ficos.
Portrait photography can take many forms from candid to posed portraits. The document discusses various types of portraits including candid, posed, formal, couple, environmental, sporting, children, and group portraits. It also provides tips for taking better portraits such as choosing the right background, focusing on the eyes, using lighting effectively, changing the format or perspective, experimenting with expressions, and using techniques like movement or reflection.
O documento discute conceitos fundamentais de planos e composi巽達o fotogr叩fica, incluindo a regra dos ter巽os, diferentes tipos de planos (geral, m辿dio, close-up, detalhe), 但ngulos de c但mera (alta, baixa, normal) e zoom. A regra dos ter巽os 辿 apresentada como uma t辿cnica para obter melhores resultados ao dividir a imagem em nove se巽探es e posicionar os elementos nos pontos de interse巽達o. Diferentes tipos de planos fornecem graus variados de enquadramento e focaliza巽達o dos elementos na
This document provides instructions for making Viking knit jewelry. It discusses the origins of Viking knit, which involved decorating clothing with woven silver chains. The instructions then outline the materials and tools needed, and provide step-by-step directions for creating a basic Viking knit bracelet or necklace. Readers are guided through winding wire around a dowel to form a flower shape, and then single knitting additional wire through the flower petals in a looping stitch pattern moving around the dowel. Maintaining an even tension and fixing any kinks or inconsistencies in the stitching is emphasized.
The document proposes budgeting training sessions for traditional and non-traditional freshmen at a community college. The goal is to teach students how to design personal budgets and live within their means. Three 90-minute sessions would be added to an existing freshmen seminar course. Students would examine spending habits, set financial goals, and create budgets. Learning would be promoted through a flipped classroom approach, group problem-solving activities, and a fictional exercise to furnish an apartment for under $1000. The proposal aims to help students better manage finances and debt.
O documento discute as qualidades e tipos de luz que afetam a fotografia. A luz vem de v叩rias fontes e possui caracter鱈sticas como intensidade, contraste, dire巽達o e especularidade que influenciam o resultado final da foto. O documento tamb辿m explica os diferentes tipos de luz natural, existente, artificial, cont鱈nua e de flash, al辿m de t辿cnicas de ilumina巽達o em est炭dio.
This document provides information about lighting techniques in photography. It defines different types of lighting such as side lighting, back lighting, rim lighting, ambient light, soft light, hard light, and spotlight. It also discusses natural light sources like window light and artificial light sources. Additionally, it covers color temperature, flash photography basics, and different flash sync techniques like front curtain sync, rear curtain sync, and slow sync.
The document provides an overview of key photography concepts including exposure, aperture, shutter speed, ISO, depth of field, focal length, and lens types. Exposure is determined by the amount of light reaching the image sensor, and can be controlled through aperture size and shutter speed settings. Aperture refers to the diameter of the lens opening while shutter speed is the duration that the camera's shutter is open. These settings, along with ISO, must be balanced to achieve proper exposure. Depth of field relates to the distance over which objects appear acceptably sharp, and lenses can be either prime lenses with a fixed focal length or zoom lenses with a variable focal length.
El documento habla sobre diferentes t辿cnicas de encuadre, 叩ngulo, composici坦n y planos en fotograf鱈a. Explica 叩ngulos como el normal, picado, contrapicado, cenital y nadir y c坦mo afectan la percepci坦n de la imagen. Tambi辿n discute el encuadre, la composici坦n mediante elementos como la claridad y regla de los tercios, y el uso de la perspectiva, superposici坦n, profundidad de campo y efectos atmosf辿ricos.
A aula trata de montagem e edi巽達o de v鱈deo, abordando t辿cnicas lineares e n達o-lineares, equipamentos como Moviola e ilhas de edi巽達o, e conceitos como raccord, elipse e diferentes tipos de montagem como anal鱈tica, paralela e dial辿tica.
O documento discute os conceitos de cena, sequ棚ncia e tomada no cinema, definindo-os como:
1) Cena 辿 uma unidade de tempo e espa巽o onde se desenrola parte do filme de forma cont鱈nua;
2) Sequ棚ncia 辿 um conjunto de cenas e planos formando uma unidade dram叩tica, compar叩vel a um cap鱈tulo;
3) Tomada 辿 cada grava巽達o feita para selecionar a melhor parte a ser usada no filme final.
El documento describe diferentes tipos de planos de c叩mara, incluyendo planos generales que muestran ambientes y personajes a peque単a escala, planos medios que enfocan a personajes de la cintura para arriba, y primeros planos que enfocan rostros y expresiones faciales de cerca para imponer emociones y di叩logo. Cada plano tiene un prop坦sito narrativo o expresivo diferente para transmitir informaci坦n y situar la acci坦n y personajes en el contexto.
This document provides tips for taking better portrait photographs. It discusses using a large aperture to blur the background and focusing on the subject. While most portraits are taken at eye level, changing the angle can provide a creative perspective. Playing with eye contact, such as having the subject look off-camera or at something in the frame, can make portraits more candid and interesting. The document also covers lighting portraits using soft, diffused front lighting and experimenting with lighting directions and multiple light sources. It describes lighting patterns such as split lighting, loop lighting, Rembrandt lighting, and butterfly lighting.
Este documento describe diferentes tipos de planos y 叩ngulos utilizados en fotograf鱈a y cine para capturar im叩genes. Explica planos como el plano general, plano medio, primer plano y primer鱈simo primer plano. Tambi辿n describe 叩ngulos como el normal, picado, contrapicado, cenital y nadir. Por 炭ltimo, introduce conceptos como la regla de los tercios, la regla del horizonte y la regla de la mirada.
O documento discute os elementos b叩sicos da fotografia, incluindo luz, enquadramento, foco, balan巽o de branco e sensibilidade do filme. Ele tamb辿m explica os diferentes tipos de ilumina巽達o como luz natural, luz artificial e suas propriedades, al辿m de dicas importantes sobre como melhorar a composi巽達o e qualidade das fotos.
La iluminaci坦n es un aspecto clave en el cine porque permite crear diferentes efectos y afecta la percepci坦n del espectador. La iluminaci坦n debe adecuarse a la intensidad, el contraste y el tipo para resaltar u ocultar elementos y crear la atm坦sfera adecuada. Existen diferentes t辿cnicas como la iluminaci坦n estructural, ambiental o influyente que se utilizan para diferentes prop坦sitos narrativos.
Este documento describe los diferentes tipos de iluminaci坦n utilizados en fotograf鱈a, incluyendo luz dura, suave, frontal, lateral, cenital, contraluz, baja, de relleno y de rebote. Cada tipo de iluminaci坦n crea sombras y efectos de volumen diferentes que son adecuados para diferentes prop坦sitos fotogr叩ficos.
Portrait photography can take many forms from candid to posed portraits. The document discusses various types of portraits including candid, posed, formal, couple, environmental, sporting, children, and group portraits. It also provides tips for taking better portraits such as choosing the right background, focusing on the eyes, using lighting effectively, changing the format or perspective, experimenting with expressions, and using techniques like movement or reflection.
O documento discute conceitos fundamentais de planos e composi巽達o fotogr叩fica, incluindo a regra dos ter巽os, diferentes tipos de planos (geral, m辿dio, close-up, detalhe), 但ngulos de c但mera (alta, baixa, normal) e zoom. A regra dos ter巽os 辿 apresentada como uma t辿cnica para obter melhores resultados ao dividir a imagem em nove se巽探es e posicionar os elementos nos pontos de interse巽達o. Diferentes tipos de planos fornecem graus variados de enquadramento e focaliza巽達o dos elementos na
This document provides instructions for making Viking knit jewelry. It discusses the origins of Viking knit, which involved decorating clothing with woven silver chains. The instructions then outline the materials and tools needed, and provide step-by-step directions for creating a basic Viking knit bracelet or necklace. Readers are guided through winding wire around a dowel to form a flower shape, and then single knitting additional wire through the flower petals in a looping stitch pattern moving around the dowel. Maintaining an even tension and fixing any kinks or inconsistencies in the stitching is emphasized.
The document proposes budgeting training sessions for traditional and non-traditional freshmen at a community college. The goal is to teach students how to design personal budgets and live within their means. Three 90-minute sessions would be added to an existing freshmen seminar course. Students would examine spending habits, set financial goals, and create budgets. Learning would be promoted through a flipped classroom approach, group problem-solving activities, and a fictional exercise to furnish an apartment for under $1000. The proposal aims to help students better manage finances and debt.
This company was founded in 1986 and specializes in steel structure engineering, thermal plant structures, and civil engineering projects. It has 500 permanent employees and works on various projects sites with 5,000 locally employed staff. The company has received ISO certification and is approved by RDSO for fabrication and supply of steel bridge girders. It is currently ranked 38th among India's fast growing mid-size companies. The document then provides details about a specific project to fabricate and erect steel plate girders for a road over bridge, including the scope of work and specifications of the company's workshop where fabrication will occur.
This document lists industries served including chemical/petrochemical, pharmaceuticals, gas processing, consumer products, petroleum refining, food/beverage, energy, industrial, and renewable. It also lists office locations in North America, South America, Mexico, Venezuela, Ecuador, Spain, France, India, Egypt, China, Philippines, UK, South Korea, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, Romania, Canada, and Chile. Finally it discusses the company's culture including appreciation activities, entrepreneurial environment, commitment to client success, and career advancement opportunities.
P&R Infrastructures is an engineering company founded in 1986 that specializes in steel structures, thermal plant structures, hydro power projects, and civil engineering projects. It has 500 permanent employees and 5000 locally employed staff. The company is ISO 9001 certified and has experience delivering various infrastructure projects, including bridges, flyovers, stadiums, hydroelectric dams, and thermal power plants. It aims to be a leading EPC solutions provider through entrepreneurship, technology, and execution excellence.
The document provides details about the fabrication of an open web girder for a railway bridge project. It discusses the salient features of the girder such as its dimensions and loading specifications. It also includes flow charts of the fabrication process and details various inspection methods used during welding and assembly to ensure quality. Trial assembly was conducted at the workshop by first selecting an assembly site and erecting necessary facilities before assembling the girder components using drifts and bolts and measuring its camber.
The document summarizes the closing ceremony of a Safety Month celebration held in November 2012 for the Munger Rail Cum Road Bridge Project. It describes various events that took place during the ceremony such as flag hoisting, safety pledges, speeches, quiz competitions, demonstrations of fire drills and first aid, health checkups, inspections of work areas, and a safety drama. Prizes were distributed and certificates of appreciation were given to contractors for their cooperation in developing safety culture at the project site.
The document discusses the construction of a steel superstructure for a rail-cum-road bridge across the River Ganga in Bihar, India. Key details include a bridge length of 3.690 km using welded steel truss construction. Gammon Infrastructure Projects Ltd has been contracted to fabricate and erect 12 spans of 125m each. The work involves fabricating over 24,000 tons of structural steel at site workshops and erecting the spans by cantilever erection using customized cranes. Challenges include avoiding distortion during fabrication and controlling cantilever erection stresses.
2. Posizione m.d.p. asse verticale
Angolazione dal basso
Funzione descrittiva:
riproduce lo sguardo di
un personaggio posto in
una certa posizione
rispetto al soggetto
inquadrato (in strada, in
cortile ecc)
Funzione connotativa:
conferisce un carattere
di potenza, superiorit,
3. Posizione m.d.p. asse verticale
Angolazione normale
La macchina 竪 allaltezza dei
personaggi. E la posizione
pi湛 comune e corrisponde
ad un modo neutro,
oggettivo di rappresentare
le cose.
4. Posizione m.d.p. asse verticale
Angolazione dallalto
Funzione descrittiva:
riproduce lo sguardo di un
personaggio posto in una
certa posizione rispetto al
soggetto inquadrato (in una
terrazza, da una finestra
ecc. )
Funzione connotativa:
poich辿 essa pu嘆 produrre
un effetto di schiacciamento
dei personaggi, viene
talvolta usata per alludere
alla situazione di
subordinazione di un
personaggio rispetto ad un
altro o rispetto ad una
situazione che lo opprime.
5. Posizione m.d.p. asse verticale
Angolazione raccordo alto e basso
Per riprodurre lo sguardo di un
personaggio posto in alto la macchina
da presa si deve posizionata in basso
Nella scena successiva per mostrare
cosa ha visto quella persona deve
essere posizionata in alto.
6. Posizione m.d.p. asse verticale
Angolazione a piombo
L'angolazione a piombo
guarda il soggetto
completamente dall'alto.
7. Posizione m.d.p. asse orizzontale
Angolazione frontale
la macchina da presa viene
posizionata davanti
all'attore, perpendicolare al
suo corpo.
l'inquadratura che meglio
si presta ad una visione
totale e completa dei
lineamenti del volto e della
gestualit ed inoltre 竪
quella che si avvicina di pi湛
al modo con cui noi, nella
vita vera, interagiamo con le
Proprio per questo il
coinvolgimento emotivo del
pubblico al personaggio 竪
8. Posizione m.d.p. asse orizzontale
Angolazione di 他
Il volto del
personaggio non 竪
inquadrato, ma 14 di
esso 竪 coperto.
Questo tipo di
angolazione viene
spesso utilizzata nei
dialoghi a due.
9. Posizione m.d.p. asse orizzontale
Angolazione laterale
Solo met del volto 竪
La riduzione dei
lineamenti visibili del
volto, non permette di
cogliere le sfumature
espressive dell'attore e
quindi porta lo
spettatore ad avere
meno legame emotivo.
10. Posizione m.d.p. asse orizzontale
Angolazione 他 di spalle
Inquesta angolazione il
volto 竪 quasi del tutto
11. Posizione m.d.p. asse orizzontale
Angolazione di spalle
(o di quinta)
Il soggetto viene visto da