Memahami Peristiwa Isra & Miraj Berdasarkan Konsep Fisika Mengenai Ruang-Wa...Muhammad Sirod
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang peristiwa Isra' dan Mi'raj dari perspektif konsep fisika ruang-waktu. Ia menjelaskan struktur ruang-waktu menurut teori relativitas umum Einstein dan spekulasi mengenai kemungkinan perjalanan melalui wormhole. Dokumen ini juga mencoba menjelaskan peristiwa tersebut dari sudut pandang ilmu pengetahuan tanpa meninggalkan prinsip-prinsip agama.
A business plan outlines key elements that are important for a business to look ahead, allocate resources, focus on important points, and prepare for potential problems and opportunities. While plans can vary in complexity and format, standard elements generally include descriptions of the company, products/services, market, management team, and financial projections. Of these, cash flow analysis and specific implementation details are often among the most important, as profits alone do not guarantee cash and strategies must be put into action through assigned responsibilities, budgets, and tracking of results.
This document discusses using RSS feeds to better communicate with employees and customers. It provides an overview of RSS and examples of how organizations can syndicate content through RSS feeds on blogs, social networks and other channels. This allows the organization to share updates in one place that then gets distributed to all feed subscribers, automating the distribution of information to a multitude of sites without having to manually update each one. It also promotes openness and transparency by making the content available wherever the users are accessing information.
The document outlines the many roles and responsibilities of the President of the United States, which include serving as head of state, chief executive, chief administrator, chief diplomat, commander-in-chief, chief legislator, chief of party, and chief citizen. In these roles, the President oversees the executive branch of government, manages foreign policy, acts as military commander, influences the legislative agenda, leads their political party, and represents the interests of the American people. The President must balance these varied duties simultaneously while navigating the system of checks and balances.
Este documento describe una ruta tur鱈stica que va de Benimamet a Burjassot. Comienza en Benimamet y pasa por varios lugares de inter辿s como iglesias, parques y museos hasta llegar a Burjassot.
The document discusses ways that technology can be used to support in-depth learning through construction of knowledge, higher order thinking, and value beyond school. It provides examples of how technology allows students to authentically apply skills to real-world tasks like creating public service announcements or collaborating with students in other areas. Resources for project-based and personalized learning are shared, including opportunities for students to share their work with outside audiences through blogging, videoconferencing, and collaboration tools. Contact information is provided for further assistance.
El documento habla sobre presentaciones de Pepe L鱈nea en Benimaclet, incluyendo una reserva natural de agua de lluvia, casetas prefabricadas nunca usadas, un atractivo barrizal con reflejos arquitect坦nicos, y ladrillos desechados sin usar. Tambi辿n menciona que el cielo es de un azul incomparable, que las obras del soterramiento del metro son una realidad, y que el parque principal se va a remodelar, mientras que el metro circular叩 bajo tierra. Pide soportar las molestias con paciencia
This document proposes a mobile car wash business that provides car washing services to vehicles parked in various locations like parking lots, without moving the vehicles. The business uses compact, autonomous washing carts that require no additional infrastructure. Each cart can wash 20 cars per day and is self-sufficient with onboard water tanks and batteries. The business aims to fill the current lack of mobile car washing services. It plans to operate in parking areas of malls, offices, airports and more. Pricing for basic, deluxe and super washes is provided along with financial projections and management details.
Usaha pencucian mobil dan motor dinilai memiliki prospek usaha yang baik. Manajemen usahanya relatif sederhana dan hanya memerlukan modal kecil. Targetnya 20 mobil dan 20 motor per hari untuk menghasilkan laba sebesar Rp94 juta per tahun. Untuk melestarikan usaha, laba akan diinvestasikan dan cabang baru akan dibuka jika tahun pertama berjalan lancar.
This business plan outlines a company seeking funding. It includes sections on management, industry analysis, market research, marketing strategy, operations, and financial projections. The executive summary would highlight the following key points in 3 sentences or less:
The company operates in the [industry] industry and offers an innovative [product/service] that addresses current weaknesses in the market. It plans to capture [x]% of the growing [$x million] market within 3 years. The management team has the experience needed to execute the strategy, and $x million in funding is being sought to support research, operations, and market expansion.
Speed 'n' Shine Car Wash aims to provide top-quality car washing and detailing services. It will use high-tech machines to wash up to 50 cars per hour both internally and externally. The business plans to differentiate itself by offering convenient services like pick up/drop off and online appointments, as well as discounts, offers, and 24 hour operation to attract busy car owners.
The document provides a business plan presentation for Syahmi's Carwash Center. The business offers car washing, maintenance, and cafe services. It has four owners with engineering, business, and accounting backgrounds. The business plan outlines the company background, location, organization structure, job roles, operations, marketing plan, and financial projections. The company aims to increase customer awareness and profits by 30% through quality service and targeting corporate and luxury car customers.
Ensuring HIgh Quality Online Professional DevelopmentPaty.Savage
This is my presentation from BB World 09 in Washington, D.C. I presented on my lessons learned in transitioning our f2f professional development to the online environment.
Kepada kamu -wahai pemuda-, saya kemukakan beberapa pesanan Rasulullah s.a.w
mengenai persediaan ini agar kamu mengetahui bagaimana cara pembinaan yang
The term "Hindu" derives from the name of the Indus River, called Sindhu. Originally it referred to the people living near the Indus River, but during Muslim rule it came to refer to non-Muslims in the region. By the 18th century, it specifically referred to the religion. Hinduism is not only a religion but also a culture and way of life encompassing spiritual paths, liberation from cycles of rebirth, and practices like planting trees, sculpture, singing, architecture, dancing, archery, medicine, and astrology. The Upanishads, composed around 600 BCE, compiled the religious stories of Hindu faith and were originally written in the Tamil language, speaking of the supreme being Brahman
Sue had many dolls of different sizes that she enjoyed playing with. Some of her dolls were big while others were small. She would take her big dolls out and then play with them, finding much fun and entertainment playing with her doll collection.
La sesi坦n se suspender叩 si no viene m叩s gente, los asistentes fueron avisados. La sesi坦n se suspendi坦 debido a falta de asistencia. Otra vez ser叩, ya que la sesi坦n era gratis.
Salvador Dali was a famous surrealist artist known for his bizarre and thought-provoking works. His paintings often featured strange imagery and distortions of reality that challenged people's perceptions. This document appears to be about an art exhibit showcasing some of Dali's body-inspired surreal works of art.
1) The document introduces mashups and provides examples of existing mashups.
2) It asks questions about what a mashup is, examples of existing mashups, and where to find data to use in mashups.
3) The document provides suggestions for sources of open data like government data, social media APIs, and location-based services that can be used to create new mashups.
This document appears to be a report or article about two people, Yous and La Juana. It includes photographs and was edited by someone named Pepe R.R. The document provides little other contextual information to summarize in just 3 sentences.
The document discusses Web 3.0 and semantic markup technologies. It covers topics like SaaS/mashups, the semantic web, RDF, microformats, XML, and how proper markup allows information to be reused, integrated and queried across the web in a machine-readable way. The goal is to build a web where all content is structured and can be processed and understood by computers to deliver more intelligent search results.
This document discusses how government agencies can use microblogging and lifestreaming tools like Twitter and FriendFeed to engage with citizens, communicate announcements, and solve problems. It provides best practices for implementation including searching for relevant conversations, finding influential local users, using helper applications, marketing the accounts, and managing information overload. Metrics for evaluating the effectiveness on different platforms and resources for further information are also included.
Este poema celebra o amor e a gratid達o pelo sacrif鱈cio e dedica巽達o de uma m達e. O autor descreve a m達e como um presente de Deus, a mais bela presen巽a em sua vida, e a fonte de ternura, ensinamentos valiosos, cuidado e conforto. Ele expressa seu amor eterno e gratid達o para com sua querida m達e.
Tutorial ini menjelaskan langkah-langkah membuat blog menggunakan Blogger, termasuk membuka akaun Google, memberi nama blog, memilih templat, menulis pos pertama, dan mempublikasikannya.
El documento habla sobre presentaciones de Pepe L鱈nea en Benimaclet, incluyendo una reserva natural de agua de lluvia, casetas prefabricadas nunca usadas, un atractivo barrizal con reflejos arquitect坦nicos, y ladrillos desechados sin usar. Tambi辿n menciona que el cielo es de un azul incomparable, que las obras del soterramiento del metro son una realidad, y que el parque principal se va a remodelar, mientras que el metro circular叩 bajo tierra. Pide soportar las molestias con paciencia
This document proposes a mobile car wash business that provides car washing services to vehicles parked in various locations like parking lots, without moving the vehicles. The business uses compact, autonomous washing carts that require no additional infrastructure. Each cart can wash 20 cars per day and is self-sufficient with onboard water tanks and batteries. The business aims to fill the current lack of mobile car washing services. It plans to operate in parking areas of malls, offices, airports and more. Pricing for basic, deluxe and super washes is provided along with financial projections and management details.
Usaha pencucian mobil dan motor dinilai memiliki prospek usaha yang baik. Manajemen usahanya relatif sederhana dan hanya memerlukan modal kecil. Targetnya 20 mobil dan 20 motor per hari untuk menghasilkan laba sebesar Rp94 juta per tahun. Untuk melestarikan usaha, laba akan diinvestasikan dan cabang baru akan dibuka jika tahun pertama berjalan lancar.
This business plan outlines a company seeking funding. It includes sections on management, industry analysis, market research, marketing strategy, operations, and financial projections. The executive summary would highlight the following key points in 3 sentences or less:
The company operates in the [industry] industry and offers an innovative [product/service] that addresses current weaknesses in the market. It plans to capture [x]% of the growing [$x million] market within 3 years. The management team has the experience needed to execute the strategy, and $x million in funding is being sought to support research, operations, and market expansion.
Speed 'n' Shine Car Wash aims to provide top-quality car washing and detailing services. It will use high-tech machines to wash up to 50 cars per hour both internally and externally. The business plans to differentiate itself by offering convenient services like pick up/drop off and online appointments, as well as discounts, offers, and 24 hour operation to attract busy car owners.
The document provides a business plan presentation for Syahmi's Carwash Center. The business offers car washing, maintenance, and cafe services. It has four owners with engineering, business, and accounting backgrounds. The business plan outlines the company background, location, organization structure, job roles, operations, marketing plan, and financial projections. The company aims to increase customer awareness and profits by 30% through quality service and targeting corporate and luxury car customers.
Ensuring HIgh Quality Online Professional DevelopmentPaty.Savage
This is my presentation from BB World 09 in Washington, D.C. I presented on my lessons learned in transitioning our f2f professional development to the online environment.
Kepada kamu -wahai pemuda-, saya kemukakan beberapa pesanan Rasulullah s.a.w
mengenai persediaan ini agar kamu mengetahui bagaimana cara pembinaan yang
The term "Hindu" derives from the name of the Indus River, called Sindhu. Originally it referred to the people living near the Indus River, but during Muslim rule it came to refer to non-Muslims in the region. By the 18th century, it specifically referred to the religion. Hinduism is not only a religion but also a culture and way of life encompassing spiritual paths, liberation from cycles of rebirth, and practices like planting trees, sculpture, singing, architecture, dancing, archery, medicine, and astrology. The Upanishads, composed around 600 BCE, compiled the religious stories of Hindu faith and were originally written in the Tamil language, speaking of the supreme being Brahman
Sue had many dolls of different sizes that she enjoyed playing with. Some of her dolls were big while others were small. She would take her big dolls out and then play with them, finding much fun and entertainment playing with her doll collection.
La sesi坦n se suspender叩 si no viene m叩s gente, los asistentes fueron avisados. La sesi坦n se suspendi坦 debido a falta de asistencia. Otra vez ser叩, ya que la sesi坦n era gratis.
Salvador Dali was a famous surrealist artist known for his bizarre and thought-provoking works. His paintings often featured strange imagery and distortions of reality that challenged people's perceptions. This document appears to be about an art exhibit showcasing some of Dali's body-inspired surreal works of art.
1) The document introduces mashups and provides examples of existing mashups.
2) It asks questions about what a mashup is, examples of existing mashups, and where to find data to use in mashups.
3) The document provides suggestions for sources of open data like government data, social media APIs, and location-based services that can be used to create new mashups.
This document appears to be a report or article about two people, Yous and La Juana. It includes photographs and was edited by someone named Pepe R.R. The document provides little other contextual information to summarize in just 3 sentences.
The document discusses Web 3.0 and semantic markup technologies. It covers topics like SaaS/mashups, the semantic web, RDF, microformats, XML, and how proper markup allows information to be reused, integrated and queried across the web in a machine-readable way. The goal is to build a web where all content is structured and can be processed and understood by computers to deliver more intelligent search results.
This document discusses how government agencies can use microblogging and lifestreaming tools like Twitter and FriendFeed to engage with citizens, communicate announcements, and solve problems. It provides best practices for implementation including searching for relevant conversations, finding influential local users, using helper applications, marketing the accounts, and managing information overload. Metrics for evaluating the effectiveness on different platforms and resources for further information are also included.
Este poema celebra o amor e a gratid達o pelo sacrif鱈cio e dedica巽達o de uma m達e. O autor descreve a m達e como um presente de Deus, a mais bela presen巽a em sua vida, e a fonte de ternura, ensinamentos valiosos, cuidado e conforto. Ele expressa seu amor eterno e gratid達o para com sua querida m達e.
Tutorial ini menjelaskan langkah-langkah membuat blog menggunakan Blogger, termasuk membuka akaun Google, memberi nama blog, memilih templat, menulis pos pertama, dan mempublikasikannya.
Wave Accounting was founded in July 2009 by Kirk Simpson and officially launched in November 2010. It has received awards such as the Deloitte Companies-to-Watch Awards, and the Peoples Choice at CIX. The document discusses reasons for using Wave Accounting such as saving money, easy and real accounting through auto-categorization of transactions, the freedom of online accounting, combining personal finance and business in a single app, and an overview of its features and team.
Tan Cheng Ying presents an introduction to the Openbravo ERP system. Openbravo is an open source, web-based ERP solution that can be fully adapted to a company's needs within a few weeks. It uses a revolutionary architecture combining MVC and MDD frameworks, resulting in scalable, flexible and easily maintained applications. Openbravo contains the core ERP functions and additional CRM and BI capabilities needed by small to medium businesses.
This document summarizes an accounting software system. It provides business functions for companies with a fast and large database. It supports over 1000 report combinations in formats like Excel and PDF. The software has a low cost and is easy to integrate with existing systems. It allows communication between systems and has storage over 100GB while maintaining fast response times. The interface is user friendly and flexible, allowing creation of invoices and reports with a few clicks. The software can create and manage accounting records by project or department with unlimited customizable accounts. It tracks customers, suppliers, sales, purchases, stock and performs reconciliation.
The document discusses reasons why someone may want to become an entrepreneur. It outlines that the basic reason is to earn money, but a more noble reason is the desire for freedom and flexibility to manage one's own time and resources. Another motivation is filling a need by providing something valuable that people require. Becoming an entrepreneur also allows one to create something of value for others and build a platform to voice ideas and inspire others. However, the document notes risks like uncertainties in business direction, market response, and resource planning. It advises that being a successful entrepreneur requires qualities like high ambition, determination, decision-making skills, creative thinking, and realistic expectations.
This document provides advice and considerations for starting a business, including determining your value proposition, choosing an appropriate business entity, securing capital, developing a marketing strategy, and managing operations over time. It emphasizes having a clear vision and structure, establishing discipline, commitment to continuous improvement, and being prepared to adapt to challenges along the way.
The document discusses strategic planning and the importance of mission, vision and values statements. It notes that 500 years ago Europeans extensively explored and mapped the world during the Age of Discovery. Strategic planning deals with questions about what an organization does, who it does it for, and how it excels. Vision statements define the desired future state, while mission statements define the fundamental purpose and critical processes of an organization. Creating clear mission and vision statements provides value and direction for employees, managers and customers.
The document discusses principles of personal leadership and vision from Islamic teachings and the life of the Prophet Muhammad. It emphasizes beginning with the end in mind by reflecting on lessons from stories where the Prophet advised companions about envisioning future outcomes. Positive habits like vision and mission statements can help realize goals by addressing basic human needs and leaving a legacy through good deeds.
Warren Buffet, the second richest man in the world who has donated $31 billion to charity, emphasizes living simply and investing for the long term. He still lives in the same house he purchased over 50 years ago, drives his own car, and does not have an entourage. His meeting with Bill Gates was supposed to last 30 minutes but ended up being 10 hours, with Gates becoming a devoted follower of Buffet's philosophy. Buffet advises focusing on bettering yourself through education and saving, avoiding unnecessary purchases and debt, and spending on others who are truly in need.
The document discusses time management and provides tips for managing one's activities and priorities. It emphasizes the importance of setting goals for family, career, and society. Key tips include enjoying your work, being systematic, taking notes, setting priorities, committing to goals, and reviewing progress. The overall message is about achieving efficiency and effectiveness through proper time management to seek Allah's pleasure in all aspects of life.
12. Al Quran menerangkan fenomena sistem [33] Dan dalil yang terang untuk mereka (memahami kekuasaan dan kemurahan kami), ialah bumi yang mati; kami hidupkan dia serta kami keluarkan daripadanya biji-bijian, maka daripada biji-bijian itu mereka makan. [34] Dan kami jadikan di bumi itu kebun-kebun kurma dan anggur, dan kami pancarkan padanya beberapa matair, [35] Supaya mereka makan dari buah-buahannya dan dari apa yang dikerjakan oleh tangan mereka; maka patutkah mereka tidak bersyukur? [36] Maha Suci Tuhan yang telah menciptakan makhluk-makhluk semuanya berpasangan; sama ada dari yang ditumbuhkan oleh bumi, atau dari diri mereka, ataupun dari apa yang mereka tidak mengetahuinya. [37] Dan lagi dalil yang terang untuk mereka (berfikir) ialah malam; Kami hilangkan siang daripadanya, maka dengan serta-merta mereka berada dalam gelap-gelita; [38] Dan (sebahagian dari dalil yang tersebut ialah) matahari; ia kelihatan beredar ke tempat yang ditetapkan baginya; itu adalah takdir Tuhan yang Maha Kuasa, lagi Maha Mengetahui; [39] Dan bulan pula Kami takdirkan dia beredar melalui beberapa peringkat, sehingga di akhir peredarannya kelihatan kembalinya pula ke peringkat awalnya - (berbentuk melengkung) seperti tandan yang kering. [40] (Dengan ketentuan yang demikian), matahari tidak mudah baginya mengejar bulan, dan malam pula tidak dapat mendahului siang; kerana tiap-tiap satunya beredar terapung-apung di tempat edarannya masing-masing. (SURAH YAASIN)
13. Sistem itu terus berjalan hingga tiba ketentuanNYA. adakah kita terfikir tentang TUJUAN di sebalik semua ini?
14. Soalan terakhir Jika semua kejadian yang bersistem ini ada peranannya yang tersendiri Maka APA PULA PERANAN MANUSIA?