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Blue Vector Engineering, P.C.
5735 Clinton River Drive  Waterford MI 48327
248 891-1996  AndeChar@UMich.edu
Registered Professional Engineer in the State of Michigan
Fields of Competence
Utility energy logistics, power plant startup and operations;
resource recovery technologies; construction inspection and cost
evaluations; acceptance and performance testing; landfill and
composting operations; facility site assessments and cleanup;
ambient air monitoring; financial and environmental feasibility
studies; stack emissions analysis; spill prevention control; and
storm water runoff evaluation.
B.S., Mechanical Engineering, University of Michigan (1988)
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, University of
Michigan Chapter
Certified Construction Site Storm Water Operator, Michigan
Department of Environmental Quality
Employment History
1988-2011 Weston Solutions Principal Engineer
2011-Present Blue Vector Engineering President/Founder
Key Projects
Utility Energy Efficiency Logistics, Detroit, MI, SEEL, LLC,
Program Manager. Predominantly responsible for the
performance of all aspects of the Home Energy Consultation
(HEC) Program, contracted to SEEL by DTE Energy.
Responsibilities include complete supervision of the outreach
marketing team, the call center team, the inventory management
team, and more than 25 field crews of energy educators and
direct installers (plus four field coordinators and central dispatch)
in Detroit and Grand Rapids. Responsible for successful
satisfaction of contract guarantees regarding residential electric
and natural gas savings throughout the State, with defined and
detailed limitations on program financial spending.
Qualifications Summary
 More than 25 years of
experience as a cognizant
engineer at major resource
recovery facilities.
 Involvement in acceptance
testing of four large power
generation facilities.
 Participation in site
assessment of a large
automotive stamping plant
as well as several other
small-scale facilities.
 Experience as a field
technician in ambient air
monitoring programs.
 Preparation of feasibility
analyses for the remediation
of leaking underground
storage tanks (USTs).
 Involvement in facility air
emissions testing activities.
 Participation in removal of
underground storage tanks
(USTs) and contaminated
 Involvement in preparation
of feasibility studies for
major resource recovery and
waste reduction facilities.
 Technical evaluation of solid
waste processing and power
plant operations.
 Experience in preparation of
solid waste composition
 Involvement in preparation
and certification of Spill
Prevention Control and
Countermeasure Plans.
 Experience as a certified
storm water operator.
Blue Vector Engineering, P.C.
Key Projects (Continued)
Monitoring of Refuse-Derived Fuel (RDF) Preparation Resource Recovery Facility,
Detroit, MI, Greater Detroit Resource Recovery Authority, Project Manager. Responsible
for oversight of the performance of a 3,000 ton-per-day (tpd), RDF preparation, and steam and
electrical power cogeneration resource recovery facility. Responsibilities included monitoring
and technical evaluation of construction, startup, acceptance testing, and operation of the facility.
Involved in the disposal of the incinerator ash into an exclusive ash monocell located 35 miles
southwest of the facility. Responsible for certification of contractor invoices; provided technical
support at two ambient air monitoring stations; prepared weekly and monthly reports covering
construction, maintenance, and operational progress; involved in household hazardous waste
collection and odor control programs; developed budget projections for upcoming fiscal years;
assessed compliance of contractual performance guarantees and air permit conditions; developed
short-term and long-term strategic alternatives for citywide refuse disposal; assessed effective
facility life expansion possibilities; supervised the development and implementation of a data
management/communications system between various remote scalehouses and the central
database; participated in the citywide energy task force to evaluate procurement practices and
value enhancement opportunities; developed and implemented public involvement programs for
interaction with interested parties and agencies; and initiated the performance of solid waste
engineering and construction management for the comprehensive retrofit of the Southfield
Transfer Station.
Monitoring and Oversight of RDF Preparation Resource Recovery Facility, Rochester,
MA, SEMASS Partnership, Test Engineer. Provided oversight for facility acceptance testing
at a 1,800-tpd, RDF preparation, electrical power generation resource recovery facility in
Rochester, MA. Responsibilities included data review and facility performance calculations.
Tests that were monitored included the Shredder Capacity Test, Flue Gas Cleanup System Test,
Incineration Capability Test, and Power Generation Test.
Solid Waste Composition Study, Detroit, MI, City Disposal Systems, Field Engineer.
Monitored daily collection of municipal solid waste at a large transfer station. Carefully
observed the characteristics of each waste load to determine the detailed composition of the
complete wastestream. This study was used in the design of a new transfer station.
Construction Oversight/Monitoring of Coal-Fired Cogeneration Facilities, Bakersfield, CA,
Major International Banking Firm, Test Engineer. Responsible for oversight of the
performance of two 32-megawatt (MW), coal-fired, fluidized-bed, and steam and electrical
power cogeneration facilities. Responsibilities included the supervision of the Facility
Completion Tests, as well as oversight of construction and operation activities. In addition,
collected fuel and ash samples, and monitored the deliverance of process steam to adjacent oil
Site Assessment, Detroit, MI, Confidential Client, Field Engineer. Conducted site
assessment of a 250-million-ft2
abandoned automotive stamping plant potentially contaminated
with polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and asbestos-containing materials (ACMs). Scope of
work included field investigation, site investigation, and sample collection. In addition, involved
in the generation of preliminary cost estimates for the removal of contaminated materials.
Blue Vector Engineering, P.C.
Key Projects (Continued)
Environmental Assessments (EAs), Various Locations, Multiple Clients, Field Engineer.
Conducted EAs of an office plaza in Bloomfield Hills, MI, and an automotive supplier in Ann
Arbor, MI. Investigated potential PCB and asbestos contamination, and prepared reports
detailing environmental liabilities. In addition, involved in EAs of automotive suppliers in
Brighton and Howell, MI.
Environmental Cleanup, Detroit, MI, Confidential Clients, Field Engineer. Provided
oversight during the removal of a 2,000-gallon UST at a steel supplier, and 600 cubic yards of
contaminated soil at an automotive assembly plant in southeast Michigan. Sampled and
coordinated removal of potentially contaminated soil at the site.
Engineering/Financial Feasibility Report for Solid Waste Resource Recovery Facility,
Detroit, MI, Goldman Sachs & Company, Technical Writer. Participated in the preparation
of an engineering and financial feasibility report for a 3,000-tpd resource recovery facility.
Prepared sections detailing the city's solid waste generation rates, as well as waste composition
and seasonal impacts. In addition, provided an overview of the city's current solid waste
collection system.
Financial Feasibility Study for Waste Reduction Plant, Clinton Township,
Grosse Pointes, MI, Clinton Refuse Disposal Authority, Technical Engineer. Prepared
financial projections and technical text defining the current and future financial status of a 600-
tpd waste reduction facility. Analyzed the possibility of retrofitting the air pollution control
equipment and installing an energy generation system. Also, assessed the plant's operational
costs in various scenarios and determined the competitiveness with current landfill prices.
Engineering Feasibility Analysis for Fuel Oil Facility, Ionia, MI, Walters Dimmick
Petroleum, Inc., Project Engineer. Prepared engineering evaluation identifying a preferred
alternative for remediation of site soils and associated groundwater affected by a leaking UST.
Developed remedial action objectives and data gaps, identified available remedial technologies,
presented possible corrective action alternatives, presented cost estimates for each alternative,
evaluated effectiveness and feasibility of each alternative, estimated timeframe necessary for
each alternative, and identified preferred alternative and presented a schedule for its completion.
Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plan for Various Railroad Yards,
Detroit, MI, Norfolk Southern Corporation, Professional Engineer. Examined seven
separate railroad yards, participated in the preparation of an SPCC plan for the storage and
transfer of oil and fuel products in a safe and responsible manner, and certified the Engineers
Approval of the Plan.
Soil Erosion Inspections for Construction Sites, Flint, MI, General Motors Corporation,
Certified Storm Water Operator. Evaluated construction sites where landfills were being
converted to recreational soccer playing fields. Responsibilities included observation of storm
water runoff and provision of corrective actions required to control soil erosion and

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Anderton 0615

  • 1. Blue Vector Engineering, P.C. PROFESSIONAL PROFILE C:/SHARED/BIOS/ANDERTON.doc 0615 1 CHARLES H. ANDERTON, JR, P.E. 5735 Clinton River Drive Waterford MI 48327 248 891-1996 AndeChar@UMich.edu Registration Registered Professional Engineer in the State of Michigan Fields of Competence Utility energy logistics, power plant startup and operations; resource recovery technologies; construction inspection and cost evaluations; acceptance and performance testing; landfill and composting operations; facility site assessments and cleanup; ambient air monitoring; financial and environmental feasibility studies; stack emissions analysis; spill prevention control; and storm water runoff evaluation. Credentials B.S., Mechanical Engineering, University of Michigan (1988) American Society of Mechanical Engineers, University of Michigan Chapter Certified Construction Site Storm Water Operator, Michigan Department of Environmental Quality Employment History 1988-2011 Weston Solutions Principal Engineer 2011-Present Blue Vector Engineering President/Founder Key Projects Utility Energy Efficiency Logistics, Detroit, MI, SEEL, LLC, Program Manager. Predominantly responsible for the performance of all aspects of the Home Energy Consultation (HEC) Program, contracted to SEEL by DTE Energy. Responsibilities include complete supervision of the outreach marketing team, the call center team, the inventory management team, and more than 25 field crews of energy educators and direct installers (plus four field coordinators and central dispatch) in Detroit and Grand Rapids. Responsible for successful satisfaction of contract guarantees regarding residential electric and natural gas savings throughout the State, with defined and detailed limitations on program financial spending. Qualifications Summary More than 25 years of experience as a cognizant engineer at major resource recovery facilities. Involvement in acceptance testing of four large power generation facilities. Participation in site assessment of a large automotive stamping plant as well as several other small-scale facilities. Experience as a field technician in ambient air monitoring programs. Preparation of feasibility analyses for the remediation of leaking underground storage tanks (USTs). Involvement in facility air emissions testing activities. Participation in removal of underground storage tanks (USTs) and contaminated soils. Involvement in preparation of feasibility studies for major resource recovery and waste reduction facilities. Technical evaluation of solid waste processing and power plant operations. Experience in preparation of solid waste composition studies. Involvement in preparation and certification of Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure Plans. Experience as a certified storm water operator.
  • 2. Blue Vector Engineering, P.C. CHARLES H. ANDERTON, JR, P.E. Key Projects (Continued) C:/SHARED/BIOS/ANDERTON.doc 0615 2 Monitoring of Refuse-Derived Fuel (RDF) Preparation Resource Recovery Facility, Detroit, MI, Greater Detroit Resource Recovery Authority, Project Manager. Responsible for oversight of the performance of a 3,000 ton-per-day (tpd), RDF preparation, and steam and electrical power cogeneration resource recovery facility. Responsibilities included monitoring and technical evaluation of construction, startup, acceptance testing, and operation of the facility. Involved in the disposal of the incinerator ash into an exclusive ash monocell located 35 miles southwest of the facility. Responsible for certification of contractor invoices; provided technical support at two ambient air monitoring stations; prepared weekly and monthly reports covering construction, maintenance, and operational progress; involved in household hazardous waste collection and odor control programs; developed budget projections for upcoming fiscal years; assessed compliance of contractual performance guarantees and air permit conditions; developed short-term and long-term strategic alternatives for citywide refuse disposal; assessed effective facility life expansion possibilities; supervised the development and implementation of a data management/communications system between various remote scalehouses and the central database; participated in the citywide energy task force to evaluate procurement practices and value enhancement opportunities; developed and implemented public involvement programs for interaction with interested parties and agencies; and initiated the performance of solid waste engineering and construction management for the comprehensive retrofit of the Southfield Transfer Station. Monitoring and Oversight of RDF Preparation Resource Recovery Facility, Rochester, MA, SEMASS Partnership, Test Engineer. Provided oversight for facility acceptance testing at a 1,800-tpd, RDF preparation, electrical power generation resource recovery facility in Rochester, MA. Responsibilities included data review and facility performance calculations. Tests that were monitored included the Shredder Capacity Test, Flue Gas Cleanup System Test, Incineration Capability Test, and Power Generation Test. Solid Waste Composition Study, Detroit, MI, City Disposal Systems, Field Engineer. Monitored daily collection of municipal solid waste at a large transfer station. Carefully observed the characteristics of each waste load to determine the detailed composition of the complete wastestream. This study was used in the design of a new transfer station. Construction Oversight/Monitoring of Coal-Fired Cogeneration Facilities, Bakersfield, CA, Major International Banking Firm, Test Engineer. Responsible for oversight of the performance of two 32-megawatt (MW), coal-fired, fluidized-bed, and steam and electrical power cogeneration facilities. Responsibilities included the supervision of the Facility Completion Tests, as well as oversight of construction and operation activities. In addition, collected fuel and ash samples, and monitored the deliverance of process steam to adjacent oil fields. Site Assessment, Detroit, MI, Confidential Client, Field Engineer. Conducted site assessment of a 250-million-ft2 abandoned automotive stamping plant potentially contaminated with polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and asbestos-containing materials (ACMs). Scope of work included field investigation, site investigation, and sample collection. In addition, involved in the generation of preliminary cost estimates for the removal of contaminated materials.
  • 3. Blue Vector Engineering, P.C. CHARLES H. ANDERTON, JR, P.E. Key Projects (Continued) C:/SHARED/BIOS/ANDERTON.doc 0615 3 Environmental Assessments (EAs), Various Locations, Multiple Clients, Field Engineer. Conducted EAs of an office plaza in Bloomfield Hills, MI, and an automotive supplier in Ann Arbor, MI. Investigated potential PCB and asbestos contamination, and prepared reports detailing environmental liabilities. In addition, involved in EAs of automotive suppliers in Brighton and Howell, MI. Environmental Cleanup, Detroit, MI, Confidential Clients, Field Engineer. Provided oversight during the removal of a 2,000-gallon UST at a steel supplier, and 600 cubic yards of contaminated soil at an automotive assembly plant in southeast Michigan. Sampled and coordinated removal of potentially contaminated soil at the site. Engineering/Financial Feasibility Report for Solid Waste Resource Recovery Facility, Detroit, MI, Goldman Sachs & Company, Technical Writer. Participated in the preparation of an engineering and financial feasibility report for a 3,000-tpd resource recovery facility. Prepared sections detailing the city's solid waste generation rates, as well as waste composition and seasonal impacts. In addition, provided an overview of the city's current solid waste collection system. Financial Feasibility Study for Waste Reduction Plant, Clinton Township, Grosse Pointes, MI, Clinton Refuse Disposal Authority, Technical Engineer. Prepared financial projections and technical text defining the current and future financial status of a 600- tpd waste reduction facility. Analyzed the possibility of retrofitting the air pollution control equipment and installing an energy generation system. Also, assessed the plant's operational costs in various scenarios and determined the competitiveness with current landfill prices. Engineering Feasibility Analysis for Fuel Oil Facility, Ionia, MI, Walters Dimmick Petroleum, Inc., Project Engineer. Prepared engineering evaluation identifying a preferred alternative for remediation of site soils and associated groundwater affected by a leaking UST. Developed remedial action objectives and data gaps, identified available remedial technologies, presented possible corrective action alternatives, presented cost estimates for each alternative, evaluated effectiveness and feasibility of each alternative, estimated timeframe necessary for each alternative, and identified preferred alternative and presented a schedule for its completion. Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plan for Various Railroad Yards, Detroit, MI, Norfolk Southern Corporation, Professional Engineer. Examined seven separate railroad yards, participated in the preparation of an SPCC plan for the storage and transfer of oil and fuel products in a safe and responsible manner, and certified the Engineers Approval of the Plan. Soil Erosion Inspections for Construction Sites, Flint, MI, General Motors Corporation, Certified Storm Water Operator. Evaluated construction sites where landfills were being converted to recreational soccer playing fields. Responsibilities included observation of storm water runoff and provision of corrective actions required to control soil erosion and sedimentation.