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Angela J. Gross
5713 35th Avenue Kenosha, WI 53144皈 (262)914.2004 皈 aj3ruesch@gmail.com
Register Nurse with experience in various settings. Possesses strong administrative and leadership skills, and the ability t o
work under pressure. Commended by employers for attention to detail. effective communication skills, ability to work
well with others, and strong analytical and critical thinking abilities.
Preventure Nurse Health Educator Coventry, RI October 2014-Present
 Provide on-site wellness programs to clients on a national basis.Programs are on a variety of topics as Stress
Management, Diabetes prevention, family nutrition, etc.
Affiliated Physicians Wellness Nurse, Health Coach,Program Manager, New York, NY October 2014- Present
 A nurse leader offering a range of services with on site wellness programs for corporate health care services to
Fortune 500 companies, employees of corporations,as well as government agencies.
 Training and educating nurses,medical assistants and supporting staffas well as overseeing staff of up to 12 at
wellness screening events.
Pathfinder Health Wellness Nurse, Health Coach, Lake Forest, IL August 2014- Present
 Experience working with large corporations, program and staff management, performing flu shots,health
screenings (Cardiochek/Cholestech/LDX) and health coaching.
 Excellent leadership, program management, clinical and customer service skills.
 Traveled through various states providing health and wellness coaching in corporate setting.
Pathfinder Health, Wellness Nurse Manager Check-Ups, Lake Forest & Gurnee, IL January 2014- August 2015
 Managed,Staffed and trained healthcare team for a preventive based kiosk doctor office.
 Obtained health history, vital signs,body metrics, and point of care testing.
 Wellness coaching,encouraging healthy lifestyles and supporting patients through lifestyle changes,making
referrals as needed.
 Provide 1:1 coaching with education and teaching for health, weight loss,tobacco cessation,stress management,
physical activity, establish health plans, set personalized goals, reduce health risks and improve quality of life.
 Assess readiness to change and implement actions to assist in reaching goals.
 Collaborate with integration team of MD, nutritionists,dieticians, personaltrainers and health educators.
 Participated in Corporate events with wellness screenings,presentations and meetings for wellness.
Aalto Enhancement Center and Wellness Spa Licensed Massage Therapist, Pleasant Prairie, WI April 2012- Present
 Perform evaluation, screening, and direct patient care through soft tissue mobilization.
 Conduct educationalin-service on the benefits of Massage Therapy.
 Specializing in ear candling, raindrop therapy,gua sha,hot stone & dry brushing.
 Reiki Master, performing energy healing.
Dr. Buencamino, MD  Internal Medicine Certified Medical Assistant, Kenosha, WI October, 2007  September, 2010
 Administered patient care, analyzed triage care, assigned patients to rooms and accurately obtained and
documented patient history and medication lists.
 Handled Flu vaccination and other injections
Northshore Allergy & Asthma Clinic Certified Medical Assistant, Waukegan, IL January, 2007  October, 2007
 Initiated allergy testing and immunotherapy.
 Measured pulmonary function testing.
 Triage, room patients,take vitals, and assist doctors.
 Soma Institute Health and Wellness Coaching,Chicago, IL April 20115
 Herzing University Bachelorof Science in Nursing, Kenosha,WI September 2010- April 2013
 Gateway Technical College Associates of Science, Racine, WI September 2002- May 2004
 Lakeside School of Natural Therapeutics Certified Massage Therapist, Milwaukee, WI February 1996
 Loving Touch Foundation Certified Infant Massage Instructor, Milwaukee, WI February 1996
Furnished upon request

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  • 1. Angela J. Gross 5713 35th Avenue Kenosha, WI 53144皈 (262)914.2004 皈 aj3ruesch@gmail.com QUALIFICATIONS SUMMARY Register Nurse with experience in various settings. Possesses strong administrative and leadership skills, and the ability t o work under pressure. Commended by employers for attention to detail. effective communication skills, ability to work well with others, and strong analytical and critical thinking abilities. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Preventure Nurse Health Educator Coventry, RI October 2014-Present Provide on-site wellness programs to clients on a national basis.Programs are on a variety of topics as Stress Management, Diabetes prevention, family nutrition, etc. Affiliated Physicians Wellness Nurse, Health Coach,Program Manager, New York, NY October 2014- Present A nurse leader offering a range of services with on site wellness programs for corporate health care services to Fortune 500 companies, employees of corporations,as well as government agencies. Training and educating nurses,medical assistants and supporting staffas well as overseeing staff of up to 12 at wellness screening events. Pathfinder Health Wellness Nurse, Health Coach, Lake Forest, IL August 2014- Present Experience working with large corporations, program and staff management, performing flu shots,health screenings (Cardiochek/Cholestech/LDX) and health coaching. Excellent leadership, program management, clinical and customer service skills. Traveled through various states providing health and wellness coaching in corporate setting. Pathfinder Health, Wellness Nurse Manager Check-Ups, Lake Forest & Gurnee, IL January 2014- August 2015 Managed,Staffed and trained healthcare team for a preventive based kiosk doctor office. Obtained health history, vital signs,body metrics, and point of care testing. Wellness coaching,encouraging healthy lifestyles and supporting patients through lifestyle changes,making referrals as needed. Provide 1:1 coaching with education and teaching for health, weight loss,tobacco cessation,stress management, physical activity, establish health plans, set personalized goals, reduce health risks and improve quality of life. Assess readiness to change and implement actions to assist in reaching goals. Collaborate with integration team of MD, nutritionists,dieticians, personaltrainers and health educators. Participated in Corporate events with wellness screenings,presentations and meetings for wellness. Aalto Enhancement Center and Wellness Spa Licensed Massage Therapist, Pleasant Prairie, WI April 2012- Present Perform evaluation, screening, and direct patient care through soft tissue mobilization. Conduct educationalin-service on the benefits of Massage Therapy. Specializing in ear candling, raindrop therapy,gua sha,hot stone & dry brushing. Reiki Master, performing energy healing. Dr. Buencamino, MD Internal Medicine Certified Medical Assistant, Kenosha, WI October, 2007 September, 2010 Administered patient care, analyzed triage care, assigned patients to rooms and accurately obtained and documented patient history and medication lists. Handled Flu vaccination and other injections Northshore Allergy & Asthma Clinic Certified Medical Assistant, Waukegan, IL January, 2007 October, 2007 Initiated allergy testing and immunotherapy. Measured pulmonary function testing. Triage, room patients,take vitals, and assist doctors. EDUCATION Soma Institute Health and Wellness Coaching,Chicago, IL April 20115 Herzing University Bachelorof Science in Nursing, Kenosha,WI September 2010- April 2013 Gateway Technical College Associates of Science, Racine, WI September 2002- May 2004 Lakeside School of Natural Therapeutics Certified Massage Therapist, Milwaukee, WI February 1996 Loving Touch Foundation Certified Infant Massage Instructor, Milwaukee, WI February 1996 REFERENCES Furnished upon request