An Anaconda can kill an elephant, infact The word "anaconda" is derived from the Tamil word "anaikolra" meaning "elephant killer". Known to the early Spanish settlers as "matatoro" or "bull killer", the anaconda is the largest of the boas.
By far the largest snake in the world reaching to enormous lengths of 30 feet and 600 pounds. The biggest ever caught was 37.5 feet long Green Anaconda
This document provides information on various venomous snakes, weird water creatures, cool animals like the horned lizard, ugly animals such as the naked mole rat, wild cats including tigers and cheetahs, and the world's most poisonous animals like the box jellyfish. It includes facts about their physical features, hunting behaviors, venom potency, and other characteristics. The document ends with a bibliography citing sources of the information.
Antelopes communicate through various noises and their horns can grow up to 5 feet long. Llamas are intelligent and can be trained, and are known to spit when threatened. Hippopotamuses are more closely related to whales and dolphins than other land mammals, can bite boats in half, use their yawn to threaten, and have killed more people in Africa than any other wild animal. Cheetahs were hunted by humans as early as 3000 BC and can reach speeds over 60 mph. Camels store fat in their hump, have teeth adapted for dry climates, and can survive for days without food or water.
African elephants have large ears to help keep cool. Their trunks are used for smelling, breathing, drinking, and grabbing food. American alligators were saved from extinction through conservation efforts and now their populations are thriving. Anacondas are the largest snakes in the world based on weight, though reticulated pythons can reach greater lengths. Ants are common insects that live in large colonies, especially in tropical forests. Anteaters have no teeth but long tongues to eat many ants and termites each day.
This document provides brief summaries of 10 interesting animal species: the ring-tailed lemur, red panda, Bengal tiger, polar bear, lioness, giraffe, orca, brown bear, and baboon. It highlights some of their key physical attributes and behaviors, such as how lemurs use their hands and feet to move through trees, how red pandas use their bushy tails as blankets, and how baboons communicate with their troops using different vocalizations.
This document provides facts about various animals and birds. It discusses extinct dinosaurs like the tyrannosaurus that had 60 sharp teeth. It also describes the dimetrodon, a mammal-like reptile that had a sail on its back to cool its body. Additional facts provided include dolphins sleeping with one eye open, snails having up to 14,175 teeth, butterflies having 12,000 eyes, and cassowaries being able to kill with their claws. Polar bears' speed on ice, owls' ability to rotate their heads 270 degrees, and kiwis hunting by smell are also mentioned. The document closes with details on elephant tusks, blue whales' eating and fasting abilities, and swans
The document contains summaries of different animal species written by students. It includes summaries of ducks, flamingos, lynxes, kangaroos, elephants, panda bears, orcas, kiwis, marine leopards, cheetahs and giraffes. Each summary is 1-2 paragraphs describing key features of the animal such as where it lives, what it eats, physical characteristics and behaviors.
The document provides information on several endangered animal species:
The White Rhinoceros is nearly extinct in the wild and few have been brought into captivity successfully. The most breeding success has occurred at the San Diego Wild Animal Park.
The California Condor population declined to less than 40 birds despite conservation efforts. The first condor bred in captivity was named Molloko at the San Diego Wild Animal Park.
Leopards have faced declining populations due to loss of habitat and poaching for their valuable fur. Conservation efforts are helping protect leopards in some areas.
The document provides brief descriptions of several animals including the giraffe, eel, okapi, brown bear, and tree frog. It notes that giraffes live in Africa, have long necks and yellow/brown bodies, eat leaves, and sleep standing up. Tree frogs live in Central and South America, have large colorful bodies and eyes, eat insects and other frogs, and climb tall trees. Kodiak brown bears can weigh up to 440kg.
Tigers are large carnivores that live in forests and grasslands across parts of Asia. They have distinctive orange fur with black stripes and hunt alone, preying on deer, wild pigs, and other medium-sized animals. There are currently eight subspecies of tiger, three of which are extinct and one nearly extinct, as human activities have severely reduced their historical range.
The document summarizes 10 of the most poisonous animals in the world. It describes each animal's appearance, habitat, method of poisoning prey or humans, and potential symptoms or lethality of their venom. The animals discussed include scorpions, brown recluse spiders, black widow spiders, banana spiders, blue-ringed octopuses, poison arrow frogs, taipan snakes, stonefish, sea snakes, jellyfish. The document concludes with safety recommendations if encountering a poisonous animal.
This document discusses 10 beautiful but deadly animals. It describes each animal's appearance and why they can be dangerous despite their good looks. Some of the animals featured include wolverines, which have an aggressive nature; Australian box jellyfish, which have highly venomous tentacles; and cassowaries, which attack with large deadly claws. Overall, the document warns that while these animals may seem cute or beautiful, they can pose serious threats and risks to humans.
The 25 most dangerous animals on the planetFrank Hilsamer
This document lists and describes the 25 most dangerous animals in the world. It discusses highly venomous scorpions, aggressive "killer" bees, unpredictable rhinoceros, and poisonous cone snails. Other deadly animals mentioned include stonefish, great white sharks, black mambas, box jellyfish, polar bears, puffer fish, and mosquitoes. The top animal is the mosquito, which transmits diseases to hundreds of millions of people annually, causing millions of deaths every year, making it the deadliest animal in the world.
Visit to Museum of Zoology University of MalayaAmirah Basir
The student visited the Museum of Zoology at the University of Malaya where they learned about various animal species from Malaysia. They were guided by a PhD student and shown coral, insects like weevils, snakes like king cobras, primates like slow lorises, bats like flying foxes, endangered animals like Malayan tigers and green sea turtles, reptiles like tortoises, elephants, rhinoceros, mouse deer, and skulls of different primates. The visit helped increase the student's awareness of the importance of conservation efforts in Malaysia to protect diminishing animal populations from threats like habitat loss and poaching.
This document summarizes several endemic animal species found in Australia, India, Madagascar, and other regions. It describes kangaroos, koalas, echidnas, platypuses, and other iconic Australian animals. It also discusses endangered species in India like the Asiatic lion, sangai deer, and lion-tailed macaque. Several unique species found only in Madagascar are highlighted as well, such as the panther chameleon, satanic leaf-tailed gecko, tomato frogs, and Madagascar hissing cockroaches.
The document is a slideshow from a kindergarten and third grade class about different animals. It contains paragraphs written by students about the habitat, diet, and zoo care requirements for various animals including snakes, sharks, lions, elephants and more. Each student provides 1-3 sentences describing where the animal lives, what it eats, and what would be needed to care for it at a zoo, such as food, water, shelter and space.
Top 10 Endangered Animals around the world RaeVermeer
The top 10 most endangered species are:
1) Black rhino, whose population has declined 90% to less than 3,000 due to poaching for their horns.
2) Giant panda, with fewer than 1,000 remaining in the wild in China due mostly to habitat loss.
3) Tiger, with less than 6,000 remaining in the wild and threatened by use of their parts in traditional Asian medicines.
4) Beluga sturgeon, overfished in the Caspian Sea for their high-quality caviar.
5) Goldenseal herb, facing a 30% increase in demand that threatens populations in North American forests.
African elephants are the largest land mammals with large ears to keep cool. Their trunks are used for smelling, breathing, drinking, and grabbing food. American alligators were saved from extinction through protections and now number over one million. Anacondas are the largest snakes pound for pound due to their enormous girth. Ants are very common insects that are especially prevalent in tropical forests. Black bears are opportunistic eaters found in many habitats across North America. Blue whales are the largest animals ever and rule the oceans by gulping enormous amounts of water and feeding alone or in pairs.
Horses have had an ancient relationship with humans, being domesticated over 4,000 years ago. There is one species of domestic horse but around 400 breeds that specialize in tasks like pulling wagons or racing. Mustangs are descendants of horses brought to North America by Spanish explorers in the 16th century that later bred with other horse types.
Monkeys are commonly seen in jungles and zoos around the world, with over 264 known species. Groups of monkeys are called troops or missions. Spider monkeys get their name from their long limbs and tail.
Giant pandas are endangered bears native to China that are considered a national treasure. They are large at 4-5 feet tall and weighing up to 300
Snakes evolved from lizards, and lizards today make up 95% of living reptiles. There are over 4,300 species of lizards that regulate their body temperature through behaviors like lifting their belly from hot surfaces. Lizards use their tails and legs for defense and speed, and most are carnivorous while some are herbivorous, with only two venomous species.
The document contains summaries of different animal species written by students. It includes summaries of ducks, flamingos, lynxes, kangaroos, elephants, pandas, orcas, kiwis, sea leopards, cheetahs, and giraffes. Each summary is 1-2 paragraphs describing key features of the animal such as where it lives, what it eats, physical characteristics, behaviors, and conservation status.
The document provides information on several different mammal species, including lions, tigers, bears, elephants, deer, hippopotamuses, rhinoceroses, giraffes, foxes, wolves, and gray wolves. It describes key characteristics of each species such as physical features, habitat, diet, behaviors, population status, and taxonomy. The document also contains brief summaries of the taxonomic classifications and evolutionary histories of different mammal groups.
The document discusses various animal adaptations for survival. It describes how elephants' trunks are used for tasks like drinking, communication and feeding. It also notes that elephants' large ears help keep them cool in the hot African climate. Giraffes' adaptations like camouflage coats and long necks help them survive on the African savanna. Geckos have special feet that allow them to climb and sharp teeth to eat insects. Kangaroos can go without water and hop at fast speeds to escape predators in Australia. Sharks have keen smell and denticles instead of scales.
Reptiles include turtles, lizards, snakes, tuatara, and crocodilians. They are cold-blooded with scale-covered skin and breathe through lungs. There are 5 orders of reptiles: Rhynchocephalia containing the tuatara; Chelonia containing turtles; Squamata containing lizards and snakes; and Crocodilia containing crocodiles and alligators. Reptiles range in size from 3 inches to over 30 feet and live on every continent except Antarctica.
Important facts about Animal 1
Animals are an amazing creature with fantastic colour, life-habit and food habits. If you study animal behaviour, you will be amazed because of some interesting facts. Lets have a look at some interesting facts:
The document provides information on several endangered animal species:
The White Rhinoceros is nearly extinct in the wild and few have been brought into captivity successfully. The most breeding success has occurred at the San Diego Wild Animal Park.
The California Condor population declined to less than 40 birds despite conservation efforts. The first condor bred in captivity was named Molloko at the San Diego Wild Animal Park.
Leopards have faced declining populations due to loss of habitat and poaching for their valuable fur. Conservation efforts are helping protect leopards in some areas.
The document provides brief descriptions of several animals including the giraffe, eel, okapi, brown bear, and tree frog. It notes that giraffes live in Africa, have long necks and yellow/brown bodies, eat leaves, and sleep standing up. Tree frogs live in Central and South America, have large colorful bodies and eyes, eat insects and other frogs, and climb tall trees. Kodiak brown bears can weigh up to 440kg.
Tigers are large carnivores that live in forests and grasslands across parts of Asia. They have distinctive orange fur with black stripes and hunt alone, preying on deer, wild pigs, and other medium-sized animals. There are currently eight subspecies of tiger, three of which are extinct and one nearly extinct, as human activities have severely reduced their historical range.
The document summarizes 10 of the most poisonous animals in the world. It describes each animal's appearance, habitat, method of poisoning prey or humans, and potential symptoms or lethality of their venom. The animals discussed include scorpions, brown recluse spiders, black widow spiders, banana spiders, blue-ringed octopuses, poison arrow frogs, taipan snakes, stonefish, sea snakes, jellyfish. The document concludes with safety recommendations if encountering a poisonous animal.
This document discusses 10 beautiful but deadly animals. It describes each animal's appearance and why they can be dangerous despite their good looks. Some of the animals featured include wolverines, which have an aggressive nature; Australian box jellyfish, which have highly venomous tentacles; and cassowaries, which attack with large deadly claws. Overall, the document warns that while these animals may seem cute or beautiful, they can pose serious threats and risks to humans.
The 25 most dangerous animals on the planetFrank Hilsamer
This document lists and describes the 25 most dangerous animals in the world. It discusses highly venomous scorpions, aggressive "killer" bees, unpredictable rhinoceros, and poisonous cone snails. Other deadly animals mentioned include stonefish, great white sharks, black mambas, box jellyfish, polar bears, puffer fish, and mosquitoes. The top animal is the mosquito, which transmits diseases to hundreds of millions of people annually, causing millions of deaths every year, making it the deadliest animal in the world.
Visit to Museum of Zoology University of MalayaAmirah Basir
The student visited the Museum of Zoology at the University of Malaya where they learned about various animal species from Malaysia. They were guided by a PhD student and shown coral, insects like weevils, snakes like king cobras, primates like slow lorises, bats like flying foxes, endangered animals like Malayan tigers and green sea turtles, reptiles like tortoises, elephants, rhinoceros, mouse deer, and skulls of different primates. The visit helped increase the student's awareness of the importance of conservation efforts in Malaysia to protect diminishing animal populations from threats like habitat loss and poaching.
This document summarizes several endemic animal species found in Australia, India, Madagascar, and other regions. It describes kangaroos, koalas, echidnas, platypuses, and other iconic Australian animals. It also discusses endangered species in India like the Asiatic lion, sangai deer, and lion-tailed macaque. Several unique species found only in Madagascar are highlighted as well, such as the panther chameleon, satanic leaf-tailed gecko, tomato frogs, and Madagascar hissing cockroaches.
The document is a slideshow from a kindergarten and third grade class about different animals. It contains paragraphs written by students about the habitat, diet, and zoo care requirements for various animals including snakes, sharks, lions, elephants and more. Each student provides 1-3 sentences describing where the animal lives, what it eats, and what would be needed to care for it at a zoo, such as food, water, shelter and space.
Top 10 Endangered Animals around the world RaeVermeer
The top 10 most endangered species are:
1) Black rhino, whose population has declined 90% to less than 3,000 due to poaching for their horns.
2) Giant panda, with fewer than 1,000 remaining in the wild in China due mostly to habitat loss.
3) Tiger, with less than 6,000 remaining in the wild and threatened by use of their parts in traditional Asian medicines.
4) Beluga sturgeon, overfished in the Caspian Sea for their high-quality caviar.
5) Goldenseal herb, facing a 30% increase in demand that threatens populations in North American forests.
African elephants are the largest land mammals with large ears to keep cool. Their trunks are used for smelling, breathing, drinking, and grabbing food. American alligators were saved from extinction through protections and now number over one million. Anacondas are the largest snakes pound for pound due to their enormous girth. Ants are very common insects that are especially prevalent in tropical forests. Black bears are opportunistic eaters found in many habitats across North America. Blue whales are the largest animals ever and rule the oceans by gulping enormous amounts of water and feeding alone or in pairs.
Horses have had an ancient relationship with humans, being domesticated over 4,000 years ago. There is one species of domestic horse but around 400 breeds that specialize in tasks like pulling wagons or racing. Mustangs are descendants of horses brought to North America by Spanish explorers in the 16th century that later bred with other horse types.
Monkeys are commonly seen in jungles and zoos around the world, with over 264 known species. Groups of monkeys are called troops or missions. Spider monkeys get their name from their long limbs and tail.
Giant pandas are endangered bears native to China that are considered a national treasure. They are large at 4-5 feet tall and weighing up to 300
Snakes evolved from lizards, and lizards today make up 95% of living reptiles. There are over 4,300 species of lizards that regulate their body temperature through behaviors like lifting their belly from hot surfaces. Lizards use their tails and legs for defense and speed, and most are carnivorous while some are herbivorous, with only two venomous species.
The document contains summaries of different animal species written by students. It includes summaries of ducks, flamingos, lynxes, kangaroos, elephants, pandas, orcas, kiwis, sea leopards, cheetahs, and giraffes. Each summary is 1-2 paragraphs describing key features of the animal such as where it lives, what it eats, physical characteristics, behaviors, and conservation status.
The document provides information on several different mammal species, including lions, tigers, bears, elephants, deer, hippopotamuses, rhinoceroses, giraffes, foxes, wolves, and gray wolves. It describes key characteristics of each species such as physical features, habitat, diet, behaviors, population status, and taxonomy. The document also contains brief summaries of the taxonomic classifications and evolutionary histories of different mammal groups.
The document discusses various animal adaptations for survival. It describes how elephants' trunks are used for tasks like drinking, communication and feeding. It also notes that elephants' large ears help keep them cool in the hot African climate. Giraffes' adaptations like camouflage coats and long necks help them survive on the African savanna. Geckos have special feet that allow them to climb and sharp teeth to eat insects. Kangaroos can go without water and hop at fast speeds to escape predators in Australia. Sharks have keen smell and denticles instead of scales.
Reptiles include turtles, lizards, snakes, tuatara, and crocodilians. They are cold-blooded with scale-covered skin and breathe through lungs. There are 5 orders of reptiles: Rhynchocephalia containing the tuatara; Chelonia containing turtles; Squamata containing lizards and snakes; and Crocodilia containing crocodiles and alligators. Reptiles range in size from 3 inches to over 30 feet and live on every continent except Antarctica.
Important facts about Animal 1
Animals are an amazing creature with fantastic colour, life-habit and food habits. If you study animal behaviour, you will be amazed because of some interesting facts. Lets have a look at some interesting facts:
The document discusses various interesting facts about the fastest, largest, rarest, and other record-holding animals across different species. Some key facts include:
- The fastest animal on land is the cheetah, which can run up to 109 km/hr but only for short distances before exhaustion. The fastest over long distances is the pronghorn antelope.
- The fastest animal in air is the peregrine falcon, which can dive at speeds up to 200 km/hr. The fastest in water is the sailfish, which can reach 100 km/hr despite the greater resistance of water.
- The largest animal is the blue whale, which can grow to over 25 meters and weigh up to
Dogs are descended from wolves and were the first animal domesticated by humans approximately 33,000 years ago. They have been used for hunting, herding, pulling loads, protection, and as companions. Dogs show more behavioral and morphological variation than any other land mammal. They have special abilities like seeing in the dark and cooling themselves through panting and sweat glands in their paws. Their wet noses help them sample scents and they can predict seizures, detect storms, and dream while sleeping similarly to humans.
This document summarizes information about several endangered species, including the Siberian tiger, great white shark, golden eagle, African black rhino, komodo dragon, and African elephant. It provides details on their physical characteristics, population numbers, threats they face such as poaching and habitat loss, and calls the reader to help protect these species by visiting specified websites.
This document provides information about various Australian animals. It describes mammals as animals that feed their young with milk and lists cats as mammals. Marsupials are defined as animals that carry their young in pouches, with kangaroos given as an example. Details are then given about several iconic Australian animals, including kangaroos, which can hop at speeds up to 74 kph; snakes, with over 140 kinds in Australia and brown snakes being one of the most deadly; dingoes, the wild dogs of Australia; koalas that are only active for 2 hours per day; and platypuses that can swim and lay 2-4 eggs.
The document summarizes the main animals found on each of the seven continents. For Africa, it mentions African elephants, Nile crocodiles, warthogs, and mountain gorillas. For Antarctica, it discusses Weddell seals and emperor penguins. It then provides brief descriptions of prominent animals in Asia, Europe, North America, South America, and Oceania/Australia.
The document provides information on various rainforest animals in 3 sentences or less summaries. It describes the blue morpho butterfly's short lifespan and drinking straw-like proboscis. It notes that female sloths have one baby per year and algae can grow on their bodies. It also explains that green basilisks can run on water up to 8 miles per hour and dive underwater for 30 minutes.
The document discusses various animal adaptations for survival. It describes how elephants' trunks are used for tasks like drinking, communication and feeding. It also explains how elephants' large ears help cool their bodies. Giraffes' long necks allow them to reach tall trees, while their patterns help camouflage them. Echidnas use spines and burrowing to defend themselves. Geckos have feet that cling to surfaces and drop their tails to escape. Kangaroos can hop fast for defense and conserve energy. Sharks have keen smell and denticles instead of scales.
The document provides information about various animals found in Mrs. West's Zoo, including their physical characteristics, habitats, diets, and relatives. It covers lions, zebras, tigers, butterflies, rhinos, camels, kangaroos, pandas, iguanas, toucans, Venus flytraps, gorillas, anacondas, elephants, spider monkeys, and dinosaurs. The document seeks to educate readers about these different species.
Wildlife presentation for EFL learners teaching them about rare and endangered animals throughout the world. Also includes the different types of climates animals live in.
This document is a book that provides 3 sentences of information about various animals from A to Z. For each letter, it introduces an animal that begins with that letter (e.g. ant for A), provides 1-2 interesting facts about that animal, and includes an image related to that animal. The goal is to teach young people about different types of animals from around the world in a concise, easy to understand way.
This document is a book written by an 11-year-old author to teach young people about different animals from A to Z. Each letter of the alphabet is accompanied by an animal name starting with that letter along with 1-2 sentences of facts about that animal. Some animals covered include ants, bats, cats, dogs, elephants, fish, giraffes, horses, ibex, jerboas, and kelpies. The book provides basic information about each animal in a simple format intended for young readers to learn.
Fish presentation by 8th grade internet classschley55
The document provides information on several marine animals. It describes seahorses' unusual appearance and mating habits. It notes the largest seahorse species can grow up to 14 inches long. It also provides details on the Portuguese man o'war's long tentacles, painful sting, and drifting movement. Additionally, it outlines some key facts about green sea turtles, such as their longevity of over 100 years and status as endangered.
The document contains descriptions of various rainforest animals. It provides 3 facts about each animal in separate paragraphs. Some of the animals described include the spectacled caiman, Panamanian golden frog, coati, spider monkey, poison dart frog, rhino beetle, eyelash viper, pangolin, bearded pig, vine snake, aye aye, red eyed tree frog, pygmy hippo, chubby frog, galapagos tortoise, happy face spider, green basilisk, orb-weaving spider, jaguar, hornbill, toucan, bongo, sloth, black howler monkey, tarantula, ocelot, agouti, scar
This document provides information about various animals including tigers, lions, cheetahs, bears, gorillas, camels, snakes, penguins, and sharks. For each animal, it lists 2-3 key facts such as tigers being the largest of the big cats, cheetahs being the fastest land animal able to go from 0-60 mph in 3 seconds, and sharks having existed on Earth for around 400 million years. It also provides background about the author and resources for additional information.
APM People Interest Network Conference 2025
- Autonomy, Teams and Tension
- Oliver Randall & David Bovis
- Own Your Autonomy
Oliver Randall
Consultant, Tribe365
Oliver is a career project professional since 2011 and started volunteering with APM in 2016 and has since chaired the People Interest Network and the North East Regional Network. Oliver has been consulting in culture, leadership and behaviours since 2019 and co-developed HPTM速an off the shelf high performance framework for teams and organisations and is currently working with SAS (Stellenbosch Academy for Sport) developing the culture, leadership and behaviours framework for future elite sportspeople whilst also holding down work as a project manager in the NHS at North Tees and Hartlepool Foundation Trust.
David Bovis
Consultant, Duxinaroe
A Leadership and Culture Change expert, David is the originator of BTFA and The Dux Model.
With a Masters in Applied Neuroscience from the Institute of Organisational Neuroscience, he is widely regarded as the Go-To expert in the field, recognised as an inspiring keynote speaker and change strategist.
He has an industrial engineering background, majoring in TPS / Lean. David worked his way up from his apprenticeship to earn his seat at the C-suite table. His career spans several industries, including Automotive, Aerospace, Defence, Space, Heavy Industries and Elec-Mech / polymer contract manufacture.
Published in Londons Evening Standard quarterly business supplement, James Caans Your business Magazine, Quality World, the Lean Management Journal and Cambridge Universities PMA, he works as comfortably with leaders from FTSE and Fortune 100 companies as he does owner-managers in SMEs. He is passionate about helping leaders understand the neurological root cause of a high-performance culture and sustainable change, in business.
Session | Own Your Autonomy The Importance of Autonomy in Project Management
#OwnYourAutonomy is aiming to be a global APM initiative to position everyone to take a more conscious role in their decision making process leading to increased outcomes for everyone and contribute to a world in which all projects succeed.
We want everyone to join the journey.
#OwnYourAutonomy is the culmination of 3 years of collaborative exploration within the Leadership Focus Group which is part of the APM People Interest Network. The work has been pulled together using the 5 HPTM速 Systems and the BTFA neuroscience leadership programme.
Useful environment methods in Odoo 18 - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
In this slide well discuss on the useful environment methods in Odoo 18. In Odoo 18, environment methods play a crucial role in simplifying model interactions and enhancing data processing within the ORM framework.
Computer Application in Business (commerce)Sudar Sudar
The main objectives
1. To introduce the concept of computer and its various parts. 2. To explain the concept of data base management system and Management information system.
3. To provide insight about networking and basics of internet
Recall various terms of computer and its part
Understand the meaning of software, operating system, programming language and its features
Comparing Data Vs Information and its management system Understanding about various concepts of management information system
Explain about networking and elements based on internet
1. Recall the various concepts relating to computer and its various parts
2 Understand the meaning of softwares, operating system etc
3 Understanding the meaning and utility of database management system
4 Evaluate the various aspects of management information system
5 Generating more ideas regarding the use of internet for business purpose
How to use Init Hooks in Odoo 18 - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
In this slide, well discuss on how to use Init Hooks in Odoo 18. In Odoo, Init Hooks are essential functions specified as strings in the __init__ file of a module.
How to attach file using upload button Odoo 18Celine George
In this slide, well discuss on how to attach file using upload button Odoo 18. Odoo features a dedicated model, 'ir.attachments,' designed for storing attachments submitted by end users. We can see the process of utilizing the 'ir.attachments' model to enable file uploads through web forms in this slide.
Finals of Rass MELAI : a Music, Entertainment, Literature, Arts and Internet Culture Quiz organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
Prelims of Kaun TALHA : a Travel, Architecture, Lifestyle, Heritage and Activism quiz, organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
Mate, a short story by Kate Grenvile.pptxLiny Jenifer
A powerpoint presentation on the short story Mate by Kate Greenville. This presentation provides information on Kate Greenville, a character list, plot summary and critical analysis of the short story.
How to Setup WhatsApp in Odoo 17 - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
Integrate WhatsApp into Odoo using the WhatsApp Business API or third-party modules to enhance communication. This integration enables automated messaging and customer interaction management within Odoo 17.
QuickBooks Desktop to QuickBooks Online How to Make the MoveTechSoup
If you use QuickBooks Desktop and are stressing about moving to QuickBooks Online, in this webinar, get your questions answered and learn tips and tricks to make the process easier for you.
Key Questions:
* When is the best time to make the shift to QuickBooks Online?
* Will my current version of QuickBooks Desktop stop working?
* I have a really old version of QuickBooks. What should I do?
* I run my payroll in QuickBooks Desktop now. How is that affected?
*Does it bring over all my historical data? Are there things that don't come over?
* What are the main differences between QuickBooks Desktop and QuickBooks Online?
* And more
2. Alligators Alligators live only in freshwater, unlike their big brother, the crocodile Almost all parts of an alligator are eaten in America. . Alligators hibernate under water. Alligators can also be really big. The longest one measured 19 1/2 feet.
3. Anaconda By far the largest snake in the world reaching to enormous lengths of 30 feet and 600 pounds. The biggest ever caught was 37.5 feet long Green Anaconda An Anaconda can kill an elephant, infact The word "anaconda" is derived from the Tamil word "anaikolra" meaning "elephant killer". Known to the early Spanish settlers as "matatoro" or "bull killer", the anaconda is the largest of the boas. The Anacondas are also called as the Water Boas Anacondas can remain underwater for a maximum of 10 minutes The chances that you will survive an Anaconda ambush attack is 0.77 percent The Anaconda can open its mouth 180 degrees.
4. Bats Mexican free tailed bats can fly 10,000 feet high in air. Only female bats live in colonies. Flying Fox is a large herbivorous bat, found in Indonesia. A Chiroptorium , is an artificial cave made to house bats. You are most likely to encounter a female bat inside your homes. Male bats are very shy and meek. The Bumble Bee Bat weighs less than a penny! The famed Vampire Bats thrive on blood. All the three species are found only in South America.
5. Blue Whale A blue whale's tongue weighs more than an elephant. You might think it has no natural enemies.It does have though. The Killer Whale which is much smaller, which moves in groups of 3 or 4. A blue Whale can dive to a depth of 2500 feet in two minutes
6. Butterfly Did you know Sailor, Dead Leaf, Paper Kite, Blue Striped Crow, Julia and Great Egg Fly are all names of BUTTERFLIES The original name for the butterfly was FLUTTERBY'!
7. Camel Is the third most domesticated animal after the dog and the cat. It beats the horse. A camel can lose up to 30 percent of its body weight in perspiration and continue to cross the desert. A human would die of heat shock after sweating away only 12 percent of body weight. Camels milk does not form curd as does for cow, goat etc.
8. Cats A cat sees about six times better than a human at night because of the tapetum lucidum , a layer of extra reflecting cells which absorb light. Cats urine glows in darkness. A cat uses whiskers to determine if a space is too small to squeeze through. The whiskers act as antennae, helping the animal to judge the precise width of any passage. A cat will clean itself with paw and tongue after a dangerous experience or when it has fought with another cat. This is an attempt by the animal to soothe its nerves by doing something natural and instinctive Cats, like humans, are either right or left handed... or is that paws?!
9. Chameleon The chameleon has a tongue that is 1.5 times the length of its body. A Chameleon can change its body color every minute with 24 shades. They are found only on the remote locales of the island of Madagascar, with new species being discovered even today!!!
10. Cheetah A cheetah can run 125 kilometers per hour - that's really fast! The fastest human beings run only about 38 kilometers per hour Often confused with a leopard, it can be differentiated from it by its white belly. a cheetah does not roar like a lion - it purrs like a cat (meeeeeeooow). The Cheetah society is matriarchal. The female lives alone, the male in herds. A cheetah has no natural enemies, probably because of its speed Cheetah are known to relish watermelons They can be matched in speed by only the Greyhound species of Dogs
11. Chimpanzee A chimpanzee is the only animal that can recognize itself in the mirror. They are the only animals on earth that see just as much as humans do. The genes of humans and chimps are 98.4% identical!! The first Chimp in space, Ham, went into space in 1961, much before Yuri Gagarin An average Chimp is 4 times stronger than an average human.
12. Cockroach The Cockroach is the fastest creature on 6 legs. A cockroach can survive 9 days without its head before it starves to death A cockroach can thrive on anything under the sun!! They relish anything that contains starch. Cockroaches die below 15 degree Celsius but can survive in simmering heats of up to 84 degrees. Maximum life of a Cockroach is 2 years. Cockroaches never carry diseases !!!
13. Crocodile A crocodile really does produce tears, but they're not due to sadness. The tears are glandular secretions that work to expel excess salt from the eyes. Hence, "crocodile tears" are false tears. A Croc cant stretch its tongue out. You cant slit a Crocs skin with a kitchen knife. The first known contraceptive was crocodile dung, used by Egyptians in 2000 B.C. The Alligator river in Australia was misnamed coz it is full of Crocodiles and not alligators.
14. Dogs Known to understand as high as 3500 words in English. A Greyhound species believed to have lived in Egypt could run as fast as the average Cheetah!! Every year Americans spend more on Dog food than baby food. Chocolate effects a dogs heart and nervous system, a few ounces enough to kill a small sized dog. Dogs are the only other animals other than us that have prostrates. The smartest dog is the Scottish-border collie and Afghan Hound the dumbest.
15. Dolphins There are 26 species of Ocean Dolphins and 5 species of RIVER Dolphins..!!! River Dolphins are an endangered lot with only about 350 left in South America Every dolphin has its own signature whistle to distinguish it from other dolphins, much like a human fingerprint A buffalo is a distant relative of the Dolphin A Dolphin can understand upto 300 English Words !!! The largest Dolphin is the killer whale that is thrice as large as the Great White Shark. Dolphins can kills sharks by ramming them with their snout. Dolphins sleep with one eye open!
16. Elephants The tallest elephant was 21 feet tall. An elephant weighs as much as an average Double Decker bus. Elephants sleep standing up. But sometimes baby elephants lie down to sleep. They poop 80 pounds in one day. Overall Elephants have killed more humans than the Great White Shark !! An enraged elephant can reach running speeds of upto 45 km/hr. Carl Lewiss record was 37 km/hr.!!! Elephants always travel, miles together in a day, always in a file (how disciplined..!!!)
17. Frogs The largest frog in the world is called Goliath frog. Frogs start their lives as 'eggs' often laid in or near fresh water. They are the only vertebrates who are present in all the continents ( except Antarctica ) Frogs never drink. They absorb water from their surroundings by osmosis. Some frogs squirt blood from their eyes when they are angry
18. Gorillas Human birth control pills work on gorillas. Gorillas sleep as much as fourteen hours per day Gorillas are one of those few large vertebrates that dont know how to swim.
19. Great White Shark Is the largest and the most feared species of sharks. They attack humans mistaking them for seals. They can live in very shallow waters of 3-4 feet deep waters to great depths of 1500 mtrs., an indication of how tough they are. Most shark deaths have not happened in the US, but Australia. Most Great Whites get blind as they get old. The Great Whites are known to be one of the most conservative maters across all species. Females conceive an average of 2 pups in their lives A top freestyle swimmer achieves a speed of only 4 miles per hour. Great Whites in contrast, have been clocked at 48 mph. And theres good news for you all, they are not found in Indian Waters. Phew! Sharks and rays are the only animals known to man that don't get cancer.
20. Hippopotamus The hippopotamus gives birth under water and nurses its young in the river as well, though the young hippos do come up periodically for air.
21. Horse You can tell the sex of a horse by its teeth. Most males have 40, females have 36. Horses cannot vomit.
22. Iguana Whatever made yu feel that iguana eats insects and mice. Its herbivorous and quite harmless. Iguanas are an American specialty. The worlds fastest reptile (measured on land) is the spiny-tailed iguana of Costa Rica. It has been clocked at 21.7 mph.
23. Koala Bears Koalas aren't bears. They aren't even related to bears. The koala is related to the kangaroo and the wombat. The koala is a mammal. The Population of the Koala bears has dropped by 90% since 1990!! The Koala lives only on a particular type of Eucalyptus trees in Western Australia. Newly born Koalas are just about 2 cms long.
24. Lion Male Lions are the most sexually active among large vertebrates. They have multiple partners and can mate as high as 50 times in a day!! The female lion does more than 90% of the hunting while the male simply prefers to rest. !! Lions eat bones like Dogs, Tigers dont. An average lion roar is about 95 decibels loud! It can be heard from 5 miles away.
25. Mosquitoes Mosquitoes have killed more humans than any other living being. Mosquito repellants dont repel mosquitoes, instead they hide you by blocking their sensors. Mosquitoes have 47 teeth. (eeks!! Scary!!)
26. Orangutans Orangutans are obsessive liars! They are found only in the rainforests of Asia. They are more intelligent than the chimps considering their brain size.
27. Panda Pandas are an endangered species and are only found in 6 pockets in China. There are only 1100 Pandas in the wild. About a hundred odd are in captivity mostly in the zoos of USA and China. a female Panda can have a cub only once in two years. Pandas are pink in color when they are born. Pandas are majorly vegetarian, although they do eat a variety of things in captivity. A Pandas hide sells for $1,00,000. (Sick) Pandas never hibernate, one of the only bears (along with the Polar Bears of the Arctic) to do so. At birth, a panda is smaller than a mouse and weighs about four ounces.
28. Penguins Penguins only have sex once a year Penguins toss themselves as high as 5-6 feet up in the air before diving.
29. Rats/Rodents A rat can last longer without water than a camel can The world's largest rodent is the Capybara. An Amazon water hog that looks like a guinea pig, it can weigh more than 100 pounds. The largest order of mammals, with about 1,700 species, is rodents. Bats are second with about 950 species.
30. Zebra A zebra is white with black stripes. No two zebras have stripes that are exactly alike When two zebras stand side by side, they usually face in opposite directions. They say this is so they can keep an eye out for predators. Zebras cant see the color Orange