This document discusses various forms of animal cruelty such as factory farming, puppy mills, abandonment of pets, hunting, animal fighting, fur farming, and circuses/aquariums. Factory farming is identified as the largest cause of animal cruelty, involving billions of animals being crammed into small spaces. Animal abandonment and fighting are also described as cruel practices that cause harm. The document advocates for more humane treatment of animals and suggests solutions like reducing meat consumption, educating others, and not wearing fur.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang sistem kardiovaskular dan komposisi darah. Darah terdiri atas plasma dan elemen sel darah seperti eritrosit. Eritrosit berperan mengangkut oksigen dan memiliki siklus hidup selama 120 hari di sumsum tulang. Gangguan pada produksi darah dapat menyebabkan anemia.
8 Ways To Improve Your Skin This SummerP1Solutions
See 8 helpful, simple tips for boosting the quality and effectiveness of your skin care routine. Protect yourself from damaging effects of the summer sun in Northern Colorado!
Jma presentation animal abuse cruelty powerpoint chavezJennifer Ma
This document discusses different types of animal cruelty including definitions, causes, locations, and effects on society. It defines animal abuse as inflicting unnecessary pain or death. Common reasons for abuse are entertainment, ignorance, and neglect. Abuse occurs through overbreeding, animal testing, and neglect. There is a correlation between animal abuse and other violent crimes, as many offenders have histories of cruelty. Addressing animal abuse could help address broader social problems.
This document discusses various forms of animal cruelty such as animal testing, dog fighting, and circus animal abuse. It notes that many common products are tested on animals without consideration for their suffering. Dog fighting involves premeditated cruelty where dogs are injured and killed for entertainment. Circus animals are often abused and live in unnatural environments far from their natural habitats. The document advocates for treating all animals, as we would want to be treated, and calls for an end to animal cruelty.
The document discusses various forms of cruelty against animals, including their killing for food and entertainment purposes. It notes that over 10 billion animals are slaughtered each year for human consumption, often in inhumane conditions, and that animals continue to be used in cruel entertainment like bullfighting and circuses. The document also addresses the use of animals for clothing, experimentation, and other issues. It provides suggestions for how people can help, such as donating to organizations like PETA that work against animal cruelty.
This document discusses various types of animal cruelty. It begins by defining animal cruelty as neglect, abuse, combat, and hoarding that endangers animals. Common types of animal cruelty include neglect, hoarding, beating, torture, and animal fighting. Dogs, horses, livestock, alligators and seals are often victims of abuse. Reasons for cruelty include seeking power, control or shock value. The document outlines specific abuses such as neglect of chickens on factory farms, dog fighting, horse starvation, seal clubbing, and alligator wrestling. It concludes by suggesting ways to help such as reporting abuse and donating to animal welfare organizations.
Animal abuse can occur intentionally or unintentionally and includes neglecting an animal's needs, hurting animals for fun or anger, or deriving pleasure from causing harm. Unintentional abuse is often due to lack of awareness, while intentional abuse ranges from youths harming animals to severely disturbed individuals. Various industries also cause animal suffering, such as circuses training animals through intimidation and abuse, animal testing in labs, and factory farming practices that compromise animal welfare. Overall, the document discusses different types and contexts of animal abuse and their negative impacts.
Unintentional and intentional cruelty towards animals is discussed. Unintentional cruelty can occur through neglect, like keeping pets chained too short. Intentional cruelty includes purposefully harming animals for fun or anger. The worst cruelty comes from those who enjoy hurting others or want to assert power. Various industries are highlighted where animal abuse is prevalent, such as circuses, experiments, farming, hunting and racing. Overall, the document outlines different types and contexts of animal abuse and their harmful impacts.
This document discusses various animal welfare issues and provides tips for stopping animal abuse. It notes that millions of pets are in need of homes each year in the US and advocates adopting rather than buying animals. The document also highlights how animals are used in research, testing, and industries like fur farming, and the cruelty involved in these practices. It encourages people to help animals by volunteering at shelters, treating pets with kindness, donating to animal welfare charities, and speaking out against cruelty. The overall message is that small actions can make a difference to help the millions of animals in need.
The document provides information on multiple ways to help save animals, including going vegan to save over 100 animals per year, checking a list of easy missions to help animals and earn rewards, and refusing to support animal entertainment or testing by only buying cruelty-free products and avoiding zoos and circuses. It then discusses endangered animals, providing examples like giant pandas and black rhinos, explains why over 1,000 species are endangered worldwide, and asks the reader to choose an animal to save and make a presentation promoting its preservation.
This document provides information about various animal ethics and environmental issues. It discusses ecotourism, the value of life for humans and animals, threats faced by whales and dolphins like whaling, bycatch, climate change and more. Other topics covered include fur farming, methods used to kill animals for fur, bullfighting, dog fighting, traditional Chinese medicine's use of endangered species, slaughterhouses, the ivory trade, canned hunting, trophy hunting and the documentary Earthlings. The document ends by suggesting ways people can help through volunteering or donating to non-profit organizations like Defenders of Wildlife, The Nature Conservancy and Greenpeace.
This document discusses different types of animals including pets, wild animals, endangered animals, and animals in zoos. It defines what a pet, wild animal, and endangered animal are. It explains that zoos are places where wild animals live in captivity for viewing. The document also discusses animal cruelty, ways to stop it, and provides an example of The Reptile Village zoo which allows visitors to see and hold different reptile species. It concludes with questions about the importance of animals and various opinions on animals in circuses and abandonment.
Animal Welfare & Environment Science for schoolsDuke University
The document discusses the importance of protecting animals, nature, and the environment. It highlights how various animals and trees provide essential services like pollination, pest control, oxygen production, and more. It encourages citizens to fulfill their constitutional duty to protect wildlife and nature. It provides tips on how to help animals, such as not keeping birds as pets, avoiding the use of insecticides, and contacting animal welfare organizations for injured animals.
An ecosystem refers to all the plants and animals that live together in an environment and interact. Different ecosystems can exist close together and some animals belong to multiple ecosystems. All living things are adapted to their environment and habitats in ways that help them survive, such as how seals are adapted to aquatic life. Food chains show what organisms eat other organisms or plants, and start with producers like plants. When one part of a food chain is disrupted, it can negatively impact other parts of the ecosystem. Human activities like habitat destruction and pollution are common reasons why some animal populations become endangered or extinct.
Cheetahs are the fastest land animal but their population has declined drastically. There are now only about 12,400 cheetahs left in the world due to loss of habitat, conflict with farmers, and poaching. Conservation efforts include breeding programs, wildlife reserves, educating farmers, and anti-poaching laws. Individuals can help by donating, volunteering, raising awareness through school projects, and supporting charities and zoos involved in cheetah conservation.
The document discusses the main threats facing endangered animals: habitat destruction, pollution, and hunting. Habitat is destroyed when forests are cut down for furniture and development, polluting the environment makes it difficult for aquatic animals to breathe, and overhunting reduces populations. Examples are given of species that are endangered or extinct due to these threats. The document argues that if animal populations continue to decline, it will disrupt food chains and ecosystems. It urges protecting animals to maintain biodiversity, for ecological reasons, and because humans benefit from animals through food, medicine, and companionship. A proposed solution is setting up breeding centers to increase endangered populations before reintroducing them to nature, along with stricter enforcement against illegal hunting.
The document discusses the main causes of endangered animals, which are destruction of habitat, pollution, and hunting/fishing. Habitat is destroyed when forests are cut down for furniture and development. Pollution harms underwater animals who ingest plastic or have trouble breathing. Hunters decrease populations by killing animals for food, crafts, and money. Some species that are endangered or nearing extinction are listed. If animal populations continue to decline, it could severely disrupt food chains and ecosystems. Protecting animals is important both for environmental balance and because many people enjoy wildlife through pets and food. A proposed solution is setting up breeding centers to increase endangered populations before releasing them back into nature, while also stopping illegal hunting.
This document discusses various forms of animal cruelty such as neglect, hoarding, shooting, fighting, and beating. It provides statistics on the numbers of animals affected by different types of abuse each year. Dog fighting and the mistreatment of animals in circuses, laboratories, and factory farms is described in detail. The document advocates for ways to help such as becoming vegetarian, boycotting animal testing products and circuses, joining animal rights organizations, and protesting at slaughterhouses.
This Ppt gives a detailed account of all what it mean are Violations or Abuses of animals' welfare, or abusive use of farm, working, Companion, pack, wild, experimental and entertainment animals with Pictures
1) According to a survey, 60% of cruelty cases involved dogs, 17% involved cats, and 23% involved other animals. A total of 2,019 animals were involved across all cases.
2) Dog fighting involves two dogs trained to fight being released in a pit to fight for spectators' entertainment and gambling. Fights can last minutes or hours and often result in injuries like puncture wounds and broken bones.
3) Puppy mills are large-scale commercial dog breeding operations that prioritize profits over animal welfare. Puppies from puppy mills often have health issues from poor breeding practices like heart disease, epilepsy, and parasites.
This document discusses ecosystems, habitats, food chains and webs. It explains how different animals are adapted to their environments and how they fulfill different roles as producers, consumers, herbivores, carnivores, omnivores, predators and prey. The document also addresses how the loss of any part of a food chain or habitat can negatively impact other organisms and discusses the importance of caring for the environment.
Animal cruelty amanda fender alex moore period 7Mary Noble
This document discusses animal welfare issues. It notes that over 10 billion land animals are slaughtered for food in the US each year, totaling over 55 billion globally. It states that 316 animals are killed every second for food. It also notes that around 250 million domestic dogs suffer abuse each year. The document lists many endangered species and encourages readers to help raise awareness and funds to support animal welfare causes.
This document outlines Presencia Animal's (PA) plan to address the problem of homeless dogs in Mexico. It discusses how PA rescues dogs from the streets, provides medical care and shelter, and promotes adoption. It notes there are over 8 million homeless dogs in Mexico and outlines the abuse many face. PA's goals are to rescue dogs, operate a shelter, promote adoption and spay/neuter programs. It introduces a "Plan 100" fundraising campaign seeking 100 donors to contribute $100 each per year to support PA's mission of rescuing dogs one by one.
The document outlines Presencia Animal's (PA) plan to address the problem of homeless dogs in Mexico. It discusses how over 8 million dogs are homeless in Mexico and killed inhumanely. PA rescues dogs from abuse and neglect, provides medical care, and finds them adoptive homes. It has rescued over 2,000 dogs and cats. PA also promotes spay/neuter programs to reduce overpopulation and helps rural communities care for dogs. However, its resources are limited and it spends about $700 per dog rescued.
The document discusses several topics related to animal welfare:
1) Relocating wild animals is often advertised as humane but can actually be detrimental to the animal, not a long term solution, and usually illegal.
2) Pets provide benefits like increased exercise, decreased stress, and companionship for many households in the US.
3) Indian housing societies cannot ban residents from keeping pets according to bye-laws, and doing so would be considered invalid and discriminatory.
4) Hitting dogs can hurt them, induce fear biting, cause behavior changes, hurt the bond, and is often misunderstood.
This document discusses ecosystems, habitats, and food chains. It explains that an ecosystem includes all the living and non-living things in an area and how they interact. It then describes different habitats and how animals are adapted to their environments. The document also explains producers, consumers, herbivores, carnivores, omnivores, predators, and prey. It introduces food chains and food webs, and discusses what can happen if part of a food chain is disrupted. The document concludes by noting threats like habitat loss and pollution that can cause species to become endangered or extinct.
Unintentional and intentional cruelty towards animals is discussed. Unintentional cruelty can occur through neglect, like keeping pets chained too short. Intentional cruelty includes purposefully harming animals for fun or anger. The worst cruelty comes from those who enjoy hurting others or want to assert power. Various industries are highlighted where animal abuse is prevalent, such as circuses, experiments, farming, hunting and racing. Overall, the document outlines different types and contexts of animal abuse and their harmful impacts.
This document discusses various animal welfare issues and provides tips for stopping animal abuse. It notes that millions of pets are in need of homes each year in the US and advocates adopting rather than buying animals. The document also highlights how animals are used in research, testing, and industries like fur farming, and the cruelty involved in these practices. It encourages people to help animals by volunteering at shelters, treating pets with kindness, donating to animal welfare charities, and speaking out against cruelty. The overall message is that small actions can make a difference to help the millions of animals in need.
The document provides information on multiple ways to help save animals, including going vegan to save over 100 animals per year, checking a list of easy missions to help animals and earn rewards, and refusing to support animal entertainment or testing by only buying cruelty-free products and avoiding zoos and circuses. It then discusses endangered animals, providing examples like giant pandas and black rhinos, explains why over 1,000 species are endangered worldwide, and asks the reader to choose an animal to save and make a presentation promoting its preservation.
This document provides information about various animal ethics and environmental issues. It discusses ecotourism, the value of life for humans and animals, threats faced by whales and dolphins like whaling, bycatch, climate change and more. Other topics covered include fur farming, methods used to kill animals for fur, bullfighting, dog fighting, traditional Chinese medicine's use of endangered species, slaughterhouses, the ivory trade, canned hunting, trophy hunting and the documentary Earthlings. The document ends by suggesting ways people can help through volunteering or donating to non-profit organizations like Defenders of Wildlife, The Nature Conservancy and Greenpeace.
This document discusses different types of animals including pets, wild animals, endangered animals, and animals in zoos. It defines what a pet, wild animal, and endangered animal are. It explains that zoos are places where wild animals live in captivity for viewing. The document also discusses animal cruelty, ways to stop it, and provides an example of The Reptile Village zoo which allows visitors to see and hold different reptile species. It concludes with questions about the importance of animals and various opinions on animals in circuses and abandonment.
Animal Welfare & Environment Science for schoolsDuke University
The document discusses the importance of protecting animals, nature, and the environment. It highlights how various animals and trees provide essential services like pollination, pest control, oxygen production, and more. It encourages citizens to fulfill their constitutional duty to protect wildlife and nature. It provides tips on how to help animals, such as not keeping birds as pets, avoiding the use of insecticides, and contacting animal welfare organizations for injured animals.
An ecosystem refers to all the plants and animals that live together in an environment and interact. Different ecosystems can exist close together and some animals belong to multiple ecosystems. All living things are adapted to their environment and habitats in ways that help them survive, such as how seals are adapted to aquatic life. Food chains show what organisms eat other organisms or plants, and start with producers like plants. When one part of a food chain is disrupted, it can negatively impact other parts of the ecosystem. Human activities like habitat destruction and pollution are common reasons why some animal populations become endangered or extinct.
Cheetahs are the fastest land animal but their population has declined drastically. There are now only about 12,400 cheetahs left in the world due to loss of habitat, conflict with farmers, and poaching. Conservation efforts include breeding programs, wildlife reserves, educating farmers, and anti-poaching laws. Individuals can help by donating, volunteering, raising awareness through school projects, and supporting charities and zoos involved in cheetah conservation.
The document discusses the main threats facing endangered animals: habitat destruction, pollution, and hunting. Habitat is destroyed when forests are cut down for furniture and development, polluting the environment makes it difficult for aquatic animals to breathe, and overhunting reduces populations. Examples are given of species that are endangered or extinct due to these threats. The document argues that if animal populations continue to decline, it will disrupt food chains and ecosystems. It urges protecting animals to maintain biodiversity, for ecological reasons, and because humans benefit from animals through food, medicine, and companionship. A proposed solution is setting up breeding centers to increase endangered populations before reintroducing them to nature, along with stricter enforcement against illegal hunting.
The document discusses the main causes of endangered animals, which are destruction of habitat, pollution, and hunting/fishing. Habitat is destroyed when forests are cut down for furniture and development. Pollution harms underwater animals who ingest plastic or have trouble breathing. Hunters decrease populations by killing animals for food, crafts, and money. Some species that are endangered or nearing extinction are listed. If animal populations continue to decline, it could severely disrupt food chains and ecosystems. Protecting animals is important both for environmental balance and because many people enjoy wildlife through pets and food. A proposed solution is setting up breeding centers to increase endangered populations before releasing them back into nature, while also stopping illegal hunting.
This document discusses various forms of animal cruelty such as neglect, hoarding, shooting, fighting, and beating. It provides statistics on the numbers of animals affected by different types of abuse each year. Dog fighting and the mistreatment of animals in circuses, laboratories, and factory farms is described in detail. The document advocates for ways to help such as becoming vegetarian, boycotting animal testing products and circuses, joining animal rights organizations, and protesting at slaughterhouses.
This Ppt gives a detailed account of all what it mean are Violations or Abuses of animals' welfare, or abusive use of farm, working, Companion, pack, wild, experimental and entertainment animals with Pictures
1) According to a survey, 60% of cruelty cases involved dogs, 17% involved cats, and 23% involved other animals. A total of 2,019 animals were involved across all cases.
2) Dog fighting involves two dogs trained to fight being released in a pit to fight for spectators' entertainment and gambling. Fights can last minutes or hours and often result in injuries like puncture wounds and broken bones.
3) Puppy mills are large-scale commercial dog breeding operations that prioritize profits over animal welfare. Puppies from puppy mills often have health issues from poor breeding practices like heart disease, epilepsy, and parasites.
This document discusses ecosystems, habitats, food chains and webs. It explains how different animals are adapted to their environments and how they fulfill different roles as producers, consumers, herbivores, carnivores, omnivores, predators and prey. The document also addresses how the loss of any part of a food chain or habitat can negatively impact other organisms and discusses the importance of caring for the environment.
Animal cruelty amanda fender alex moore period 7Mary Noble
This document discusses animal welfare issues. It notes that over 10 billion land animals are slaughtered for food in the US each year, totaling over 55 billion globally. It states that 316 animals are killed every second for food. It also notes that around 250 million domestic dogs suffer abuse each year. The document lists many endangered species and encourages readers to help raise awareness and funds to support animal welfare causes.
This document outlines Presencia Animal's (PA) plan to address the problem of homeless dogs in Mexico. It discusses how PA rescues dogs from the streets, provides medical care and shelter, and promotes adoption. It notes there are over 8 million homeless dogs in Mexico and outlines the abuse many face. PA's goals are to rescue dogs, operate a shelter, promote adoption and spay/neuter programs. It introduces a "Plan 100" fundraising campaign seeking 100 donors to contribute $100 each per year to support PA's mission of rescuing dogs one by one.
The document outlines Presencia Animal's (PA) plan to address the problem of homeless dogs in Mexico. It discusses how over 8 million dogs are homeless in Mexico and killed inhumanely. PA rescues dogs from abuse and neglect, provides medical care, and finds them adoptive homes. It has rescued over 2,000 dogs and cats. PA also promotes spay/neuter programs to reduce overpopulation and helps rural communities care for dogs. However, its resources are limited and it spends about $700 per dog rescued.
The document discusses several topics related to animal welfare:
1) Relocating wild animals is often advertised as humane but can actually be detrimental to the animal, not a long term solution, and usually illegal.
2) Pets provide benefits like increased exercise, decreased stress, and companionship for many households in the US.
3) Indian housing societies cannot ban residents from keeping pets according to bye-laws, and doing so would be considered invalid and discriminatory.
4) Hitting dogs can hurt them, induce fear biting, cause behavior changes, hurt the bond, and is often misunderstood.
This document discusses ecosystems, habitats, and food chains. It explains that an ecosystem includes all the living and non-living things in an area and how they interact. It then describes different habitats and how animals are adapted to their environments. The document also explains producers, consumers, herbivores, carnivores, omnivores, predators, and prey. It introduces food chains and food webs, and discusses what can happen if part of a food chain is disrupted. The document concludes by noting threats like habitat loss and pollution that can cause species to become endangered or extinct.
7. Why should we care?
1. Outbreak of diseases
2. Global warming
3. Antibiotic resistance
4. Water pollutions
5. Depletion of WATER RESOURCES
6. 60-80% of world grains feed livestocks
7. Biodiversity loss
8. It is IMMORAL
26. Every year Japanese fishermen harvest
about 20,000 dolphins and small
whales as part of what they say is a
centuries-old tradition.
27. When dawn breaks over Taiji, the
banger boats head out for the hunt.
They are called banger boats because
the fishermen bang poles against their
hulls to create an underwater wall of
sound, which drives panicked dolphins
towards the cove, and to slaughter.
40. Animal Fighting
Animal fighting is a contest in which people
urge two or more animals to fight for the
purpose of human entertainment.
In some instances, one of the animals may
be a bait animal used for the ostensible
purpose of sport or training.
For entertainment : gambling
41. Types of animal fighting
two dogs are put into a ring or pit to fight until one cannot continue or dies.
Hog-dog fighting (Also known as hog-dog trials or hog-dog rodeos)
dogs (usually pit bulls) are put in a pen and timed for how quickly they can attack and pin a feral hog
whose tusks have been cut off.
Handlers may use a breaking stick to pry apart the jaws of the biting dogs. The attack on the hog may
be fatal. In a hog-baying event, dogs are timed for how quickly they can corner a hog. Injuries can
result from dogs biting hogs or defensive hogs throwing dogs in the air. Attendees consider the events
to be family entertainment.t continue or dies.
42. Cockfighting
Handlers attach a razor or gaff to each roosters leg (typically the left leg) and
put them into a ring to fight to the death. Attendees often consider the events
to be family entertainment.
44. Why & What?
Why do people abandon pets?
What did they do to you?
Why do you like to see them suffer?
Why do you abuse them?
What benefits are there?
45. Have you ever wondered?
Have you ever thought about what you are
Have you ever tried and feel?
Have you bothered?
46. Why do people even do this?
Some people feel the fun of hurting hurting
animal and then abandoning them.
Some people feel that animals do not have
Some people dont care about pets.
Some people just wanted a pet for fun and then
lost interest.
47. What happens?
Abandoned pets die from illnesses
Abandoned pets becomes aggressive
Abandoned pets die due to starvation
Abandoned pets gets captured and killed
Abandoned pets are not wanted by other people
Abandoned pets reproduce
48. Solutions.
Do not have pets if you are not dedicated.
Do not simply breed pets and then abandon them.
If you are a pet lover, adopt pets from shelters.
If you are only keen with one pet, do not allow it to
Get more education about raring pets before getting
49. Outcome
Less stray dogs.
Less pets in the shelter
Less dogs being put to death
Less dogs attacking people
50. Hmm??
Need I say more?
Act now and do the right thing.
53. References
JACK , S. H. (2010, April 1). Animals have rights too. The Star [Malaysia].
What is cruel with fur and leather? (n.d.). Welcome to CATCA.
Retrieved October 22, 2012, from
Yoga, S. S. (2010, November 29). Stars take the side of animals. The
Stars [Malaysia].
Miller, D. A. (2010). Factory farming. Detroit, Farmington Hills: Greenhaven
Michael, M. (2009, October 6). Say No to Factory Farms: A Triple-Win Solution
| Down to Earth. Down to Earth | ALL VEGETARIAN Organic and Natural.
Retrieved October 23, 2012, from