Какая письменная практика подойдет мне сейчас?Daria KutuzovaЕсли вы ведете дневник и хотите сделать это занятие более эффективным, эта презентация поможет вам сориентироваться в многообразии письменных практик.
LinkedIn and ݺߣshareLinkedInLinkedIn has acquired ݺߣShare, the world's largest professional content sharing network. With over 161 million members and 107 million monthly unique visitors, LinkedIn will explore ways to integrate ݺߣShare's professional presentations and insights with LinkedIn's social network for professionals. The acquisition will connect people through sharing content and discovering professionals from across the expanding knowledge network on the professional web.
Презентация "Упаковка товара"Ольга ПанфиловаРезультат исследовательской работы учащейся 7-го класса. Данная презентация может быть использована в качестве мультимедиа-сопровождения при изучении темы "Упаковка товара."
Шаблон инвестиционной презентации ver. 1.3 (ФРИИ edition)Ilya KorolevДанный шаблон инвестиционной презентации был разработан на основе мировых практик, а также критериев и требований к материалам, которые мы применяем во ФРИИ.
Спасибо Максиму Штейгервальду и Инге Фокша за бесценные добавления и правки.
Все ссылки на источники вдохновения и благодарности внутри.
Примеры и совпадения случайны.
Если у вас есть вопросы и комментарии пишите на ikorolev (собака) iidf.ru
Keynote: http://bit.ly/1OwPiZi
PPT: http://bit.ly/1Kub5Ts
The Plateau Effect: Why People Get Stuck...and How to Break ThroughThePlateauEffectThe Plateau Effect is a powerful law of nature that affects everyone. Learn to identify plateaus and break through any stagnancy in your life— from diet and exercise, to work, to relationships.
The Plateau Effect shows how athletes, scientists, therapists, companies, and musicians around the world are learning to break through their plateaus—to turn off the forces that cause people to “get used to” things—and turn on human potential and happiness in ways that seemed impossible. The book identifies three key flattening forces that generate plateaus, two principles to guide readers in engineering a plateau’s destruction, and three actions to take to achieve peak behavior. It helps us to stop wasting time on things that are no longer of value and to focus on the things that leverage our time and energy in spectacular ways.
Anything you want to do better—play guitar, make friends, communicate with your children, run a business—you can accomplish faster by understanding the plateau effect.
50 Powerful Statistics About Tech Mega Trends Affecting Every BusinessVala AfsharMobile devices and social media are driving major changes in how people access the internet and interact with businesses. Billions of mobile devices are in use worldwide and people are spending more time on their phones each day for activities like social networking and shopping. The rise of big data and cloud computing is also transforming businesses, with more information and computing power available to analyze customer behavior and improve products. Apps have become a primary way people use mobile devices, and their popularity is driving significant revenue growth.
Profits before PeopleBruce KasanoffDo you know a company that abandons loyal employees while reporting record profits? Based on this LinkedIn article: http://tinyurl.com/kxk5jau I help clients be clear, credible and compelling. Please follow me on LinkedIn http://www.linkedin.com/influencer/36792 or visit http://www.kasanoff.com
Official ݺߣshare for What's the Future of Business by Brian Solis #WTFBrian SolisA visual experience with infographics, cartoons, and stats from Brian Solis' new book, What's the Future of Business: Changing the way businesses create experiences. It walks you through the 4 moments of truth and how to use technology and social science to win in each. #Change #WTF
Congratulations Graduate! Eleven Reasons Why I Will Never Hire You.Mark O'TooleOver the past 20 years, I’ve been in hiring roles and have received thousands of resumes from new college graduates. I’ve interviewed many for real jobs and done my share of informational interviews. Sometimes I’ve hired people into entry-level positions. More often though, I haven’t.
Those who did not get the job were sometimes just not the right fit. Other times, they were trumped by a more impressive candidate or victim to some other random event mostly out of their control.
Too many had the background to make the cut or at least garner a second interview. But disastrous interviewing skills brought you down.
Here are my top reasons why I will never hire you.
7 Tips to Beautiful PowerPoint by @itseugenecEugene ChengShort talk about presentations given at Startup Dynamo, a workshop held by Startup@Singapore NUS using the Learn Startup Methodology.
My segment was on Presentation Design to make an impact on VCs. Many thanks to @ryanlou for the invite. And not to forget Emiland De Cubber for his amazing slide deck inspirations and invaluable advice. Disclaimer: this is a reimagination off some of Emiland's presentations. I do not make any money of this.
Download for just a tweet: http://goo.gl/fbM4j
Want something similar done for your next pitch? Contact me at my site: http://itseugene.me/contact/
50 Customer Service Quotes You Need to Hang In Your OfficeDeskCustomer service is tough in any industry. However, companies and organizations that produce incredible service to every customer have a clear competitive advantage. To remind you of the amazing opportunities that powerful customer service holds, here is a compilation of insightful words of wisdom from the best in the business.
Curious about Desk.com? Download this free kit to get started: http://bit.ly/FreeCustomerServiceKit
Culture Code: Creating A Lovable CompanyHubSpotIMPORTANT: Latest version at http://CultureCode.com (what is here is a very old version of the deck).
10 Powerful Body Language Tips for your next PresentationSOAP PresentationsTo Learn more about Presentations go to:
Crap. The Content Marketing Deluge.Velocity PartnersAs every B2B brand turns to content marketing, we're about to be hit by a deluge of... crap.
Here's what you can do about it.
Рассказ о том, как я была Джеком ВоробьемOlga TitovaКонкурс профессиональных публикаций молодых библиотекарей Свердловской области
Конкурсная работа Речкаловой Юлии
LinkedIn and ݺߣshareLinkedInLinkedIn has acquired ݺߣShare, the world's largest professional content sharing network. With over 161 million members and 107 million monthly unique visitors, LinkedIn will explore ways to integrate ݺߣShare's professional presentations and insights with LinkedIn's social network for professionals. The acquisition will connect people through sharing content and discovering professionals from across the expanding knowledge network on the professional web.
Презентация "Упаковка товара"Ольга ПанфиловаРезультат исследовательской работы учащейся 7-го класса. Данная презентация может быть использована в качестве мультимедиа-сопровождения при изучении темы "Упаковка товара."
Шаблон инвестиционной презентации ver. 1.3 (ФРИИ edition)Ilya KorolevДанный шаблон инвестиционной презентации был разработан на основе мировых практик, а также критериев и требований к материалам, которые мы применяем во ФРИИ.
Спасибо Максиму Штейгервальду и Инге Фокша за бесценные добавления и правки.
Все ссылки на источники вдохновения и благодарности внутри.
Примеры и совпадения случайны.
Если у вас есть вопросы и комментарии пишите на ikorolev (собака) iidf.ru
Keynote: http://bit.ly/1OwPiZi
PPT: http://bit.ly/1Kub5Ts
The Plateau Effect: Why People Get Stuck...and How to Break ThroughThePlateauEffectThe Plateau Effect is a powerful law of nature that affects everyone. Learn to identify plateaus and break through any stagnancy in your life— from diet and exercise, to work, to relationships.
The Plateau Effect shows how athletes, scientists, therapists, companies, and musicians around the world are learning to break through their plateaus—to turn off the forces that cause people to “get used to” things—and turn on human potential and happiness in ways that seemed impossible. The book identifies three key flattening forces that generate plateaus, two principles to guide readers in engineering a plateau’s destruction, and three actions to take to achieve peak behavior. It helps us to stop wasting time on things that are no longer of value and to focus on the things that leverage our time and energy in spectacular ways.
Anything you want to do better—play guitar, make friends, communicate with your children, run a business—you can accomplish faster by understanding the plateau effect.
50 Powerful Statistics About Tech Mega Trends Affecting Every BusinessVala AfsharMobile devices and social media are driving major changes in how people access the internet and interact with businesses. Billions of mobile devices are in use worldwide and people are spending more time on their phones each day for activities like social networking and shopping. The rise of big data and cloud computing is also transforming businesses, with more information and computing power available to analyze customer behavior and improve products. Apps have become a primary way people use mobile devices, and their popularity is driving significant revenue growth.
Profits before PeopleBruce KasanoffDo you know a company that abandons loyal employees while reporting record profits? Based on this LinkedIn article: http://tinyurl.com/kxk5jau I help clients be clear, credible and compelling. Please follow me on LinkedIn http://www.linkedin.com/influencer/36792 or visit http://www.kasanoff.com
Official ݺߣshare for What's the Future of Business by Brian Solis #WTFBrian SolisA visual experience with infographics, cartoons, and stats from Brian Solis' new book, What's the Future of Business: Changing the way businesses create experiences. It walks you through the 4 moments of truth and how to use technology and social science to win in each. #Change #WTF
Congratulations Graduate! Eleven Reasons Why I Will Never Hire You.Mark O'TooleOver the past 20 years, I’ve been in hiring roles and have received thousands of resumes from new college graduates. I’ve interviewed many for real jobs and done my share of informational interviews. Sometimes I’ve hired people into entry-level positions. More often though, I haven’t.
Those who did not get the job were sometimes just not the right fit. Other times, they were trumped by a more impressive candidate or victim to some other random event mostly out of their control.
Too many had the background to make the cut or at least garner a second interview. But disastrous interviewing skills brought you down.
Here are my top reasons why I will never hire you.
7 Tips to Beautiful PowerPoint by @itseugenecEugene ChengShort talk about presentations given at Startup Dynamo, a workshop held by Startup@Singapore NUS using the Learn Startup Methodology.
My segment was on Presentation Design to make an impact on VCs. Many thanks to @ryanlou for the invite. And not to forget Emiland De Cubber for his amazing slide deck inspirations and invaluable advice. Disclaimer: this is a reimagination off some of Emiland's presentations. I do not make any money of this.
Download for just a tweet: http://goo.gl/fbM4j
Want something similar done for your next pitch? Contact me at my site: http://itseugene.me/contact/
50 Customer Service Quotes You Need to Hang In Your OfficeDeskCustomer service is tough in any industry. However, companies and organizations that produce incredible service to every customer have a clear competitive advantage. To remind you of the amazing opportunities that powerful customer service holds, here is a compilation of insightful words of wisdom from the best in the business.
Curious about Desk.com? Download this free kit to get started: http://bit.ly/FreeCustomerServiceKit
Culture Code: Creating A Lovable CompanyHubSpotIMPORTANT: Latest version at http://CultureCode.com (what is here is a very old version of the deck).
10 Powerful Body Language Tips for your next PresentationSOAP PresentationsTo Learn more about Presentations go to:
Crap. The Content Marketing Deluge.Velocity PartnersAs every B2B brand turns to content marketing, we're about to be hit by a deluge of... crap.
Here's what you can do about it.
Рассказ о том, как я была Джеком ВоробьемOlga TitovaКонкурс профессиональных публикаций молодых библиотекарей Свердловской области
Конкурсная работа Речкаловой Юлии
Областной конкурс молодых библиотекарейOlga TitovaОбластной конкурс молодых специалистов в библиотечном деле Свердловской области«Мультимедийные коммуникации и мультимедийная культура в библиотечном пространстве»
1. http://animoto.com/
Как из фотографий сделать моментальный
библиотечный фильм!
II Слёт молодых специалистов библиотек «БиблиоГолливуд 2013» г. Алапаевск
Презентация подготовила :
Титова Ольга Анатольевна – председатель Ассоциации молодых библиотекарей
Урала, гл. библиотекарь научно-методического отдела СОБДиЮ
olga.inf-bib@yandex.ru ; раб. тел. (343) 371-24-36.