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Questions asked during an interview.
1. Where does u expect to be in 5 years??
I want to see myself working in any multinational Company at managerial post.

2. What do you think it takes to be successful in this position?
According to me hard work is the most important thing that leads to a person successful. And I
am very hard working person.

3. Why should we hire you rather than someone else??
Because the qualities i have. Suitable for this job and fulfill your all requirements.

4. Give me rather three reasons why you are interested in our company?
Firstly it's my wish to work in that type of Multinational Company from my school life.
I think this is the perfect place where I can prove my managerial and professional skills.
I read out your company description and profile and this attracts me a lot.

5. Give me a list of your weaknesses and strength??
I am a very honest person.
I have a desire to accomplish much on my own.
I am risk taker type of person.
I have to do work in team as well as in individual work.
I cannot see anyone who is cheating during job.

6. Describe the kind of boss you prefer??
I will prefer that Boss who have well Communication skills with his employees.

7. Give me an example of a situation which upset you in either your school
or your place to work?
In the time of group selection done by teachers. And my friends are not in my group then I was
too much upset.

8. What personal characteristics are necessary for success in your field??
According to me Managerial and leadership skill is necessary for success in this field.

9. Which course did you like the best? Least and why?
I like Computer Subjects or business finance mostly love to work in front of computer there for I
choose Field of finance.

10. Tell me your work experience and what did you accomplish?
I did work in a high school as a teacher as a part time Job. They offer me a permanent job in their
school but I neglect due to insufficient time.

11. Do you prefer working alone or with others?
I am type of person who loves to work in groups. so I want to work with my other fellows

12. Which of your college years was most difficult?
My Intermediate (f.s.c pre-medical) was the most difficult year for me due to some family

13. What is your Major Weakness?
Lack of Confidence is my major weakness but I will recover it soon.

14. Define Corporation for me?
When Peoples corporate or help each other to achieve a particular goal. that is called corporation

15. Can you get Recommendation from previous employee?
Yes I will get recommendation from previous employee.

16. What do you know about our company?
Your company is going towards developing in every previous to next year.

17. How is the job search going?
My job search is going very well.
18. What was the last book you read?
I recently read my business communication book.

19. Give an example of analytical mind?
According to me analytical mind is when we face any situation very calmly and properly. and do
everything properly.

20. If you were starting your schooling over which course would you add to
you programme?
I want to add Mathematics in my programme.

21. How well do you work with teams and other people?
I have a past good working experience in a group. I was the leader of my business research
project and show the responsibilities and proof myself as a good student or good group leader.

22. What typical role did you play in your school?
I was the monitor of my class from two years. I was also the caption of cricket team.I have many
time participated in school function or competition.

23. What is the Disadvantage of your chosen field?
I don’t think there is any disadvantage of my chosen field.
 questions during the interview

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questions during the interview

  • 1. Questions asked during an interview. 1. Where does u expect to be in 5 years?? I want to see myself working in any multinational Company at managerial post. 2. What do you think it takes to be successful in this position? According to me hard work is the most important thing that leads to a person successful. And I am very hard working person. 3. Why should we hire you rather than someone else?? Because the qualities i have. Suitable for this job and fulfill your all requirements. 4. Give me rather three reasons why you are interested in our company? Firstly it's my wish to work in that type of Multinational Company from my school life. I think this is the perfect place where I can prove my managerial and professional skills. I read out your company description and profile and this attracts me a lot. 5. Give me a list of your weaknesses and strength?? I am a very honest person. I have a desire to accomplish much on my own. I am risk taker type of person. I have to do work in team as well as in individual work. I cannot see anyone who is cheating during job. 6. Describe the kind of boss you prefer?? I will prefer that Boss who have well Communication skills with his employees. 7. Give me an example of a situation which upset you in either your school or your place to work?
  • 2. In the time of group selection done by teachers. And my friends are not in my group then I was too much upset. 8. What personal characteristics are necessary for success in your field?? According to me Managerial and leadership skill is necessary for success in this field. 9. Which course did you like the best? Least and why? I like Computer Subjects or business finance mostly love to work in front of computer there for I choose Field of finance. 10. Tell me your work experience and what did you accomplish? I did work in a high school as a teacher as a part time Job. They offer me a permanent job in their school but I neglect due to insufficient time. 11. Do you prefer working alone or with others? I am type of person who loves to work in groups. so I want to work with my other fellows 12. Which of your college years was most difficult? My Intermediate (f.s.c pre-medical) was the most difficult year for me due to some family problems. 13. What is your Major Weakness? Lack of Confidence is my major weakness but I will recover it soon. 14. Define Corporation for me? When Peoples corporate or help each other to achieve a particular goal. that is called corporation 15. Can you get Recommendation from previous employee? Yes I will get recommendation from previous employee. 16. What do you know about our company? Your company is going towards developing in every previous to next year. 17. How is the job search going? My job search is going very well.
  • 3. 18. What was the last book you read? I recently read my business communication book. 19. Give an example of analytical mind? According to me analytical mind is when we face any situation very calmly and properly. and do everything properly. 20. If you were starting your schooling over which course would you add to you programme? I want to add Mathematics in my programme. 21. How well do you work with teams and other people? I have a past good working experience in a group. I was the leader of my business research project and show the responsibilities and proof myself as a good student or good group leader. 22. What typical role did you play in your school? I was the monitor of my class from two years. I was also the caption of cricket team.I have many time participated in school function or competition. 23. What is the Disadvantage of your chosen field? I don’t think there is any disadvantage of my chosen field.