Anthony Abidemi Olalere has extensive experience in higher education, including earning a Ph.D. in Education Leadership from Clemson University. He has taught at several universities and held administrative roles. His research focuses on creativity, complexity leadership, and faculty dynamics in higher education. He currently works as an Office Manager for Cornerstone Financial LLC in North Charleston, South Carolina.
This CV summarizes Roshan Chitrakar's educational and professional experience. He has a PhD in educational policy from the University of Alberta and over 20 years of experience working on educational projects around the world, including for UNESCO, UNICEF, and other international organizations. His areas of expertise include educational research, project management, monitoring and evaluation, and non-formal and community education programs.
Jerald L. Henderson has over 30 years of experience in higher education, including teaching, assessment, program development, and student retention. He received his Ph.D. in Curriculum, Instruction, & Evaluation from the University of Illinois at Chicago in 1991. Currently, Henderson works as an independent consultant, providing workshops and consultations to various universities on topics such as assessment, strategic planning, and student retention. He also serves on the editorial board of IGI Global and as a peer mentor for the Higher Learning Commission's Persistence and Completion Academy.
Kyle Flowers is a graduate student at Oregon State University pursuing a Master's degree in College Student Services Administration. He has over 4 years of experience in student affairs, including roles advising students, supervising orientation leaders, and coordinating campus events. His resume highlights his strong leadership skills, academic achievements, and involvement in professional associations like NODA.
This document provides an overview of Larry D. Weas' participation in the Conference Critique & Research from February 24-28, 2010 in Knoxville, Tennessee. It includes a biography of Larry, his education and certifications in Adult & Higher Education and details his research presentations and proposals on topics related to adult learning, technology, and human resource development. The document contains summaries of sessions he attended on linking humanistic values to strategic HRD, social media and HRD, and online learning and education. It also outlines his conference proposal and presentation on exploring the needs of adult learners in today's technological workforce and use of social media.
The document provides biographical information about Dr. Cassandra Allen Holifield, including her contact information, objective, and extensive experience in special education leadership positions. It highlights that she currently serves as the Director of North Metro GNETS, where she oversees budget and personnel and ensures students receive appropriate services. It also lists her previous roles at Walden University as a contributing faculty member, Metro RESA as a School Improvement Specialist, and Western Governors University as a Special Education and English Language Learning Product Manager. Accompanying quotes from colleagues praise her knowledge, dedication, and ability to improve outcomes for special needs students.
This resume summarizes Taylor Baumgartner's education and qualifications for a career in school psychology. She is currently pursuing an Education Specialist degree in School Psychology from the University of Northern Iowa, which she expects to complete in May 2018. She has held multiple internships and practicum positions providing behavioral interventions and assessments in school settings. Her experience includes data collection, consultation with teachers, and observing IEP meetings. She is currently interning at an Area Education Agency, where she assists with assessment development and data analysis.
Dr. Volora Hanzlicek is an experienced educational leader seeking an administrative position. She has over 30 years of experience in education, including as Assistant Superintendent for two Kansas school districts. She has a doctorate in Educational Leadership and masters degrees in Educational Administration. Dr. Hanzlicek has designed curriculum, led professional development, and managed multi-million dollar budgets. She is currently an adjunct professor and educational consultant.
One of the essential topics for the course Institutional Planning and Development leading the degree Master of Arts in Education- Educational Management
Presented at Bulacan Agricultural State College (2nd Semester of s.y. 2018-2019)
Los espa単oles suelen hacer tres comidas al d鱈a y comer principalmente en casa. Les gustan alimentos como la pasta, la carne y el pescado, pero comen pocas verduras y legumbres. Su dieta tiene un alto contenido de l鱈pidos y prote鱈nas pero bajo en carbohidratos y fibra, lo que no cumple con las recomendaciones nutricionales. La dieta mediterr叩nea y atl叩ntica son similares pero la atl叩ntica tiene m叩s consumo de l叩cteos y carnes rojas.
This study investigated how estrogens and progestins impact spatial learning in rats using the object placement task. The key findings were:
1) Intact rats performed better on the task during proestrus/estrus when estrogen levels are high compared to diestrus.
2) Pregnant and post-partum rats outperformed rats in early pregnancy, suggesting estrogen and/or progestin enhance spatial learning.
3) Ovariectomized rats given estrogen, progesterone, or an estrogen receptor alpha agonist immediately after training performed better than controls, indicating these hormones positively impact object memory consolidation.
4) The results suggest that both endogenous fluctuations and exogenous administration of estrogen and
Total Race Romania v-a pregatit o oferta speciala de buy-back : pentru orice chinga de ridicare pe care nu o mai folositi indiferent de producator, capacitate de ridicare, lungime si o predati la sediul nostru din Bucuresti primiti garantat 20 % discount din pretul de lista pentru o noua chinga de ridicare achizitionata.
Total Race Bucuresti este primul centru de reciclare pentru chingi de ridicare acreditat pentru Romania si Europa de Est de catre UTX Group.Pentru mai multe detalii accesati :
Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi Malaysia menawarkan pelbagai kursus pendek selama Januari hingga Jun 2012 dalam bidang komputer, memasak, kraf tangan, bahasa dan lain-lain; kursus ini diadakan pada hujung minggu dan yuran berpatutan. Maklumat lanjut dan pendaftaran boleh dibuat dengan menghubungi penyelaras kursus.
Pega Customer Service provides a unified customer service desktop, case management, and guidance to customer service representatives (CSRs) to improve customer interactions. A study of 17 organizations found that the composite organization experienced:
- Improved CSR productivity through reduced average handle time of 12% and fewer CSRs needed, saving over $9 million over 3 years.
- Reduced CSR training time by 10 days, lowering training costs.
- Increased conversion rates by 15% and average order values by 11%, along with reduced churn of 24%, generating over $29 million in benefits over 3 years.
The organization realized a 473% return on investment and $24 million in net benefits from improved operations and customer satisfaction
This document discusses hepatitis C virus (HCV) transmission and drug use. It provides information about common drugs used in Kenya, including street names and methods of use. Significant risks of HCV transmission from drug use include sharing needles, syringes, water, and other equipment. New injectors and young users are especially vulnerable due to lack of experience and money. Prevention challenges include the illegality of drug use, lack of safe injection sites, and inconsistent needle exchange program supplies. The document aims to help participants understand risks, develop harm reduction messages, and advise people who use drugs on protecting themselves from HCV.
9. tackling the hepatitis c epidemic global landscape finalantoine piaton
This document discusses global policies and challenges regarding access to hepatitis C prevention, diagnosis and treatment. The World Health Organization has adopted strategies calling on countries to develop national viral hepatitis plans. However, availability of affordable diagnostics and medications remains a major challenge in low- and middle-income countries. Limited funding also poses a barrier to expanding hepatitis C services and achieving universal health coverage for viral hepatitis. Increased public funding and support from international donors will be needed to improve global access.
Este documento presenta informaci坦n sobre dos arquitectos modernos importantes, Aldo Rossi y Mies van der Rohe. Resume brevemente sus biograf鱈as, incluyendo sus logros y obras representativas. Tambi辿n menciona conceptos clave como la geometr鱈a y la memoria que fueron importantes en el trabajo de Rossi.
Big Data processing: un sistema scalabile per la Sentiment AnalysisFrancesco Cardinale
Con un approccio basato sulla combinazione di un dizionario dei termini e di un classificatore automatico, si 竪 realizzato un sistema, intrinsecamente scalabile, affidabile e automatizzato, grazie allutilizzo degli strumenti messi a disposizione da Hadoop, per la determinazione del sentiment degli italiani, sulla base delle loro opinioni espresse su Twitter durante tutto larco temporale che ha visto protagonista, nel bene e nel male, la Nazionale Italiana nel Mondiale di calcio brasiliano del 2014.
I risultati finali, riportati graficamente tramite Pentaho, consentono di ottenere una visione degli umori e delle emozioni degli italiani sia sulla base di un intervallo temporale variabile, la cui unit minima di tempo 竪 definita su una singola ora, che sulla base di una mappa geografica dellItalia per ottenere un grafico geolocalizzato.
Enabling ECF for SMEs and Entrepreneurs 29 October 2016Sam Ng
The document discusses the potential of equity crowdfunding (ECF) to help small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and entrepreneurs in Asia and the Pacific gain access to capital. It finds that internet and social media penetration has increased rapidly in the region, creating opportunities for ECF to grow. Countries with higher internet usage and social media adoption tend to see more ECF activity. The document also examines how freer capital flows and developing regulatory frameworks that allow ECF are enabling its proliferation in emerging Asia-Pacific markets.
Metricas no processo de design de produtosWill Sert坦rio
O documento fornece orienta巽探es sobre como inserir m辿tricas no processo de design. Ele discute a import但ncia de entender o contexto do neg坦cio e as principais m辿tricas para produtos digitais, como aquisi巽達o, ativa巽達o, reten巽達o, refer棚ncia e receita. Tamb辿m apresenta um passo-a-passo para trabalhar com m辿tricas no dia-a-dia, definindo objetivos, hip坦teses, experimentos e aprendizados.
In October 2016, Theodora Landgren of A2Z Global gave a presentation to the STC-PMC about best practices and common issues regarding global translation, localization, and cultural consideration practices with corporate clients. It's not just about words, but images, colors, and other UX considerations as well! She detailed various processes and answered questions at the live presentation.
The document discusses 9 thinking modalities: visionary, strategic, systems, analytic/critical, creative, lateral, structured, conceptual, and visual/spatial. For each modality, it provides 2-4 pages describing components of effective thinking for that modality. Some examples of modalities and components discussed include visionary thinking involving being futuristic and building value, strategic thinking combining creative and analytical sides of the brain, systems thinking viewing problems holistically and understanding interrelationships, and visual/spatial thinking recognizing patterns and asking probing questions. The document aims to provide frameworks for applying different thinking approaches.
vortrag im rahmen der vorstellung des f旦rderprogrammes 損users in focus束 der wirtschaftsagentur []
The document outlines Arnel Valinton Bangis's work experience and educational background. He currently works as an Admissions and Marketing/Promotion Officer at Capitol University, and holds a Doctorate Degree in Management from the same university. His work experience also includes positions as a Part Time College Instructor, Secretary, and Call Center Agent, and he has received several awards for his achievements.
This curriculum vitae summarizes the qualifications and experience of Summer F. Odom. She is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Agricultural Leadership, Education, and Communications at Texas A&M University. She received her Ph.D. in Educational Human Resource Development from Texas A&M University in 2011. Her responsibilities as an assistant professor include teaching undergraduate and graduate courses, advising students, conducting research, and providing service. She has received several awards for her teaching, research, and advising work.
This document is a resume for Mira D. Hoffman that provides information about her education, research experience, teaching experience, skills, and interests. Some key points:
- Mira earned a B.S. in Psychology and Neuroscience from Indiana University in 2015 with a 3.67 GPA and 3.98 psychology GPA.
- Her research experience includes working as a research associate at Centerstone Research Institute on projects related to implementation of measurement-based care.
- She has experience teaching science lessons to elementary school students through programs at the WonderLab Museum of Science.
- Mira's skills include data management, conducting assessments, teaching, childcare, and knowledge of research software programs. Her interests include
Los espa単oles suelen hacer tres comidas al d鱈a y comer principalmente en casa. Les gustan alimentos como la pasta, la carne y el pescado, pero comen pocas verduras y legumbres. Su dieta tiene un alto contenido de l鱈pidos y prote鱈nas pero bajo en carbohidratos y fibra, lo que no cumple con las recomendaciones nutricionales. La dieta mediterr叩nea y atl叩ntica son similares pero la atl叩ntica tiene m叩s consumo de l叩cteos y carnes rojas.
This study investigated how estrogens and progestins impact spatial learning in rats using the object placement task. The key findings were:
1) Intact rats performed better on the task during proestrus/estrus when estrogen levels are high compared to diestrus.
2) Pregnant and post-partum rats outperformed rats in early pregnancy, suggesting estrogen and/or progestin enhance spatial learning.
3) Ovariectomized rats given estrogen, progesterone, or an estrogen receptor alpha agonist immediately after training performed better than controls, indicating these hormones positively impact object memory consolidation.
4) The results suggest that both endogenous fluctuations and exogenous administration of estrogen and
Total Race Romania v-a pregatit o oferta speciala de buy-back : pentru orice chinga de ridicare pe care nu o mai folositi indiferent de producator, capacitate de ridicare, lungime si o predati la sediul nostru din Bucuresti primiti garantat 20 % discount din pretul de lista pentru o noua chinga de ridicare achizitionata.
Total Race Bucuresti este primul centru de reciclare pentru chingi de ridicare acreditat pentru Romania si Europa de Est de catre UTX Group.Pentru mai multe detalii accesati :
Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi Malaysia menawarkan pelbagai kursus pendek selama Januari hingga Jun 2012 dalam bidang komputer, memasak, kraf tangan, bahasa dan lain-lain; kursus ini diadakan pada hujung minggu dan yuran berpatutan. Maklumat lanjut dan pendaftaran boleh dibuat dengan menghubungi penyelaras kursus.
Pega Customer Service provides a unified customer service desktop, case management, and guidance to customer service representatives (CSRs) to improve customer interactions. A study of 17 organizations found that the composite organization experienced:
- Improved CSR productivity through reduced average handle time of 12% and fewer CSRs needed, saving over $9 million over 3 years.
- Reduced CSR training time by 10 days, lowering training costs.
- Increased conversion rates by 15% and average order values by 11%, along with reduced churn of 24%, generating over $29 million in benefits over 3 years.
The organization realized a 473% return on investment and $24 million in net benefits from improved operations and customer satisfaction
This document discusses hepatitis C virus (HCV) transmission and drug use. It provides information about common drugs used in Kenya, including street names and methods of use. Significant risks of HCV transmission from drug use include sharing needles, syringes, water, and other equipment. New injectors and young users are especially vulnerable due to lack of experience and money. Prevention challenges include the illegality of drug use, lack of safe injection sites, and inconsistent needle exchange program supplies. The document aims to help participants understand risks, develop harm reduction messages, and advise people who use drugs on protecting themselves from HCV.
9. tackling the hepatitis c epidemic global landscape finalantoine piaton
This document discusses global policies and challenges regarding access to hepatitis C prevention, diagnosis and treatment. The World Health Organization has adopted strategies calling on countries to develop national viral hepatitis plans. However, availability of affordable diagnostics and medications remains a major challenge in low- and middle-income countries. Limited funding also poses a barrier to expanding hepatitis C services and achieving universal health coverage for viral hepatitis. Increased public funding and support from international donors will be needed to improve global access.
Este documento presenta informaci坦n sobre dos arquitectos modernos importantes, Aldo Rossi y Mies van der Rohe. Resume brevemente sus biograf鱈as, incluyendo sus logros y obras representativas. Tambi辿n menciona conceptos clave como la geometr鱈a y la memoria que fueron importantes en el trabajo de Rossi.
Big Data processing: un sistema scalabile per la Sentiment AnalysisFrancesco Cardinale
Con un approccio basato sulla combinazione di un dizionario dei termini e di un classificatore automatico, si 竪 realizzato un sistema, intrinsecamente scalabile, affidabile e automatizzato, grazie allutilizzo degli strumenti messi a disposizione da Hadoop, per la determinazione del sentiment degli italiani, sulla base delle loro opinioni espresse su Twitter durante tutto larco temporale che ha visto protagonista, nel bene e nel male, la Nazionale Italiana nel Mondiale di calcio brasiliano del 2014.
I risultati finali, riportati graficamente tramite Pentaho, consentono di ottenere una visione degli umori e delle emozioni degli italiani sia sulla base di un intervallo temporale variabile, la cui unit minima di tempo 竪 definita su una singola ora, che sulla base di una mappa geografica dellItalia per ottenere un grafico geolocalizzato.
Enabling ECF for SMEs and Entrepreneurs 29 October 2016Sam Ng
The document discusses the potential of equity crowdfunding (ECF) to help small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and entrepreneurs in Asia and the Pacific gain access to capital. It finds that internet and social media penetration has increased rapidly in the region, creating opportunities for ECF to grow. Countries with higher internet usage and social media adoption tend to see more ECF activity. The document also examines how freer capital flows and developing regulatory frameworks that allow ECF are enabling its proliferation in emerging Asia-Pacific markets.
Metricas no processo de design de produtosWill Sert坦rio
O documento fornece orienta巽探es sobre como inserir m辿tricas no processo de design. Ele discute a import但ncia de entender o contexto do neg坦cio e as principais m辿tricas para produtos digitais, como aquisi巽達o, ativa巽達o, reten巽達o, refer棚ncia e receita. Tamb辿m apresenta um passo-a-passo para trabalhar com m辿tricas no dia-a-dia, definindo objetivos, hip坦teses, experimentos e aprendizados.
In October 2016, Theodora Landgren of A2Z Global gave a presentation to the STC-PMC about best practices and common issues regarding global translation, localization, and cultural consideration practices with corporate clients. It's not just about words, but images, colors, and other UX considerations as well! She detailed various processes and answered questions at the live presentation.
The document discusses 9 thinking modalities: visionary, strategic, systems, analytic/critical, creative, lateral, structured, conceptual, and visual/spatial. For each modality, it provides 2-4 pages describing components of effective thinking for that modality. Some examples of modalities and components discussed include visionary thinking involving being futuristic and building value, strategic thinking combining creative and analytical sides of the brain, systems thinking viewing problems holistically and understanding interrelationships, and visual/spatial thinking recognizing patterns and asking probing questions. The document aims to provide frameworks for applying different thinking approaches.
vortrag im rahmen der vorstellung des f旦rderprogrammes 損users in focus束 der wirtschaftsagentur []
The document outlines Arnel Valinton Bangis's work experience and educational background. He currently works as an Admissions and Marketing/Promotion Officer at Capitol University, and holds a Doctorate Degree in Management from the same university. His work experience also includes positions as a Part Time College Instructor, Secretary, and Call Center Agent, and he has received several awards for his achievements.
This curriculum vitae summarizes the qualifications and experience of Summer F. Odom. She is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Agricultural Leadership, Education, and Communications at Texas A&M University. She received her Ph.D. in Educational Human Resource Development from Texas A&M University in 2011. Her responsibilities as an assistant professor include teaching undergraduate and graduate courses, advising students, conducting research, and providing service. She has received several awards for her teaching, research, and advising work.
This document is a resume for Mira D. Hoffman that provides information about her education, research experience, teaching experience, skills, and interests. Some key points:
- Mira earned a B.S. in Psychology and Neuroscience from Indiana University in 2015 with a 3.67 GPA and 3.98 psychology GPA.
- Her research experience includes working as a research associate at Centerstone Research Institute on projects related to implementation of measurement-based care.
- She has experience teaching science lessons to elementary school students through programs at the WonderLab Museum of Science.
- Mira's skills include data management, conducting assessments, teaching, childcare, and knowledge of research software programs. Her interests include
Harrison House has over 30 years of experience in education, nonprofit management, and public policy. He holds a PhD in Public Policy and Administration and has taught courses in various subjects at the university level. His career includes positions as a nonprofit management consultant, director of major gifts for a nonprofit, and business agent for a regional carpenters council. He has a teaching philosophy that emphasizes practical and diverse approaches to help students learn.
Consuella Lewis has over 30 years of experience in higher education administration, student affairs, faculty roles, and policy work. She has held leadership positions at various institutions and organizations and has taught courses on topics such as leadership, student development, and policy. Lewis has conducted research on issues of access and diversity in higher education. She holds a Ph.D. in Education from Claremont Graduate University and has received several honors and fellowships for her work.
The document provides a summary of Michela A. Buccini's education and professional experience in student affairs and academic advising. It details her roles as an academic advisor, residence coordinator, and intern supervisor at various universities. It also lists her committee involvement, professional memberships, and volunteer experience working with education non-profits in Chicago and Jamaica.
Theodore Atkins Jr. is an experienced educator seeking a position at Florida State College of Jacksonville. He has over 10 years of experience as a social studies instructor and administrator in Duval County Public Schools. Atkins holds advanced degrees in education and psychology. He has a proven track record of improving student performance and implementing data-driven decisions. Atkins' qualifications include strong leadership, analytical, and problem-solving skills.
Louise Hurwitz has over 25 years of experience in academic support administration and student services. She is currently the Director of Academic Support and Transition Programs at Berkshire Community College, where she oversees various programs to support students including developmental education courses, advising, and summer bridge programs. Previously, she was the Program Manager and Counselor for the TRIO Student Support Services program at Holyoke Community College, where she provided advising, advocacy, and program administration. She holds a Master's degree in Counseling Psychology and a Certificate in Advanced Studies in Counseling Psychology from Springfield College.
Lee Pamuspisan Malapad has over 20 years of experience in education, training, and business management. He currently works as the Training and Consultancy Manager for RIMANSI Organization for Asia and the Pacific, where he designs and implements training programs for partner organizations. He has a Bachelor's degree in Marine Biology from UP Los Ba単os and is trained in areas such as corporate governance, sales, and scuba diving. Prior work experience includes operating his own deli business, managing a coffee shop, teaching science and entrepreneurship, and representing a pharmaceutical company.
The document is the April 2012 issue of the Success Express newsletter. It provides information on upcoming events in April for various student success programs on campus, including McNair Scholars, Student Support Services, ELITE, GO Centers, SOAR, CASA tutoring, and spotlights successful students and staff. The main events highlighted are the McNair Scholars' research poster presentation on April 16th and the ELITE Graduate Student Scholarly Works Symposium on April 13th. It also announces that Student Support Services is accepting applications for its program.
Jerald L. Henderson has over 30 years of experience in higher education, including teaching, assessment, program development, and student retention. He received his Ph.D. in Curriculum, Instruction, & Evaluation from the University of Illinois at Chicago in 1991. Currently, Henderson works as an independent consultant, providing workshops and consultations to various universities on topics such as assessment, strategic planning, and student retention. He also serves on the editorial board of IGI Global and as a peer mentor for the Higher Learning Commission's Persistence and Completion Academy.
Stephanie Salas is seeking a position in student services and currently works as an Academic Success Coordinator for TRIO Student Support Services at New Mexico State University. She has over 5 years of experience in student support roles, including as a peer mentor, data specialist, and teller. Salas received her Bachelor's degree in Accountancy from NMSU in 2013 and is involved in several professional associations related to student services, accounting, and engaging Latino communities.
The document provides a summary of Adrea Papadopoulos' qualifications, education, work experience and skills. She has over 8 years of experience advising international students and has held roles advising students at Texas A&M University and Brandeis University. She holds a Master's degree in Student Affairs and Higher Education from Texas A&M University and a Bachelor's degree from Heidelberg University.
Julie D. Hodges is a highly accomplished Director of Professional Development with over 30 years of experience in education. She has revived training centers, created numerous certificate programs, published articles, and presented at many conferences. Her expertise includes people management, instructional design, public speaking, and project management. Currently she is the Director and Associate Professor at Coastal Carolina University, where she guides faculty development and assessment processes.
This document is a curriculum vitae for Dr. Laban Peter Ayiro, who currently serves as the Acting Vice Chancellor of Moi University in Eldoret, Kenya. He has over 30 years of experience in education leadership roles, including positions at the Ministry of Education in Kenya and as a school principal. His professional interests include research methods, educational leadership, and the integration of technology in education. Dr. Ayiro holds a PhD in Business Administration and several other advanced degrees. He has extensive research experience and has led several funded projects.
Julian Potter is seeking a position in higher education administration. He has a Master's degree in Higher Education Administration from Kent State University and a Bachelor's degree in Management from Case Western Reserve University. His professional experience includes serving as a Resident Director and Graduate Assistant at the University of Mount Union, where he oversees residence life operations and student staff. Previously, he worked as a Student Orientation Coordinator at Case Western Reserve University, developing orientation programs. Potter has held several leadership roles in student government and his fraternity, where he implemented strategic planning and conducted meetings.
Belita Franklin is an educator with experience teaching various populations including at-risk youth. She has a background in public administration, communication, and business administration. Franklin has taught at various levels and institutions, and has experience developing curriculum and assessments. She has conducted academic research focused on underserved populations and the US education system. Franklin is committed to community service and outreach through tutoring, research, and charitable organizations.
Belita Franklin is an educator with experience teaching various populations including unwed teens, homeless individuals, and students with neurological disabilities. She has a background in public administration, communication, and business administration. Franklin has taught at various levels and institutions, and currently works as an independent researcher and community volunteer focused on education and social issues.
Dereje Bezabeh has over 15 years of experience in monitoring and evaluation, partnership development, social development, and teaching. He holds an MA in Educational Psychology and a BA in Foreign Language and Literature. His most recent role was as a Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist at World Vision Ethiopia from 2011 to 2015, where he coordinated capacity building and developed M&E tools. He has extensive training and experience in areas such as result-based management, partnership, community engagement, and evaluation.
Durell Thompson is an educator and founder of the Distinguished Gentlemen Leadership Group. He has a Master's degree in Curriculum and Instruction from Sam Houston University and teaches 10th grade English in Shepherd, Texas. He mentors male students through various programs and created an "Impact to Success Model" as the founder of the Distinguished Gentlemen Leadership Group. Thompson has served on several committees for Shepherd ISD and received the Intern of the Year award from Sam Houston State University.
1. 1
Anthony Abidemi Olalere
7700 Brookdale Boulevard
North Charleston, South Carolina 29418
(843) 532- 8430
Clemson University, Clemson, SC
Ph.D. in Education Leadership, December 2013
Concentration: Higher Education
Dissertation: The Mediating Effects of Contextual Characteristics on Collectivist Dynamics and Entity
Based Creativity Among Faculty Creativity in Higher Education
Clemson University, Strom Thurmond Institute of Government and Public Affairs, Clemson, SC
Graduate Certificate in Policy Studies, May 2013
Strayer University, Charleston, SC
M.BA. in Public Administration, May 2010
University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria
M.SC in Political Science, May 1998
Specialization: Public Administration
Nigerian College of Administration, Lagos, Nigeria
PGD in Administration, May 1994
Lagos State University, Lagos, Nigeria
B.SC. in Political Science, May, 1991
RESEARCH SPECIALIZATION: Creative and Complexity Leadership, Dynamic Network Analysis
Doctoral Dissertation Topic: The Mediating effects of contextual characteristics on collectivist
dynamics and entity based creativity among faculty creativity in higher education
University Council of Education and Administrators (UCEA) Barbara L. Jackson Scholar, 2011 - 2013
American Education Research Association (AERA) - Emerging Scholar, 2012
Eugene T. Moore School of Education Outstanding Doctoral Scholar, Clemson University, 2012
International Leadership Association Emerging Scholar, 2012
Awards for Professional Travels and Presentations:
College of Health Education and Human Development Graduate StudentGrant
2. 2
Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA), Proposal
for Collaborations with Africans 2015 (Not Funded)
Omicron Delta Kappa Grant for the Sustainability of the After-School Program for At
Risk Elementary School Students/Travel Grant, 2013 (Funded)
Eugene T. Moore School of Education Travel Support Grant, 2012 & 2013 (Funded)
Graduate Student Government Professional Enrichment Grant, 2012 & 2013(Funded)
College of Health Education and Human Development Travel Grant, 2012(Funded)
Clemson University, Clemson, SC
Substitute Teacher for After School Program, Aug. 2010 - July 2013
Taught elementary students and provided educational resources and support toat-risk first year
Exposed students to tools and resources needed for success.
Utilized teaching aids for teaching students about diversity ofcultures
Maintained active involvement with programresearch
Coordinated the goal-setting activity for seven elementaryschools
Teaching Assistant (Research in Education), Jan - May 2012
Coordinated research meetings of Masters studentstests
Communicated important deadlines and course information with Masters candidates
Provided support for faculty and maintained course material
Lagos State University, Jibowu, Lagos Nigeria
Lecturer and Program Officer, Mar. 2003 - June 2008
Experienced teaching Public Administration at the undergraduate and postgraduate diploma level
Assisted students in gaining skills needed to successfully navigate in their academic studies
Taught Political Science at the undergraduatelevel
Program Officer for Post Graduate Diploma, PublicAdministration
Participated in student projects and Thesis Supervision
Courses taught:
BUS 101: Introduction to Business Administration, PAD 201: Introduction to Political Science
DPA 202: Introduction Public Administration, DPA 081: Public Administration
PAD 440: Public Budgeting
PAD 707: Admin Theory and Practice (Graduate Certificate) PAD 810: Current Issues in
Public Administration (Masters) Introduction to Management (Professional)
3. 3
Ogun State University (Ketu Campus), Lagos, Nigeria
Adjunct Lecturer, 2006
Courses taught:
POS 106: Introduction to Political Science PAD 206 Public Administrations in Nigeria POS
204: Introduction to Political Science
PAD 104: Introduction to Public Administration PAD 104
Professional Examination Examiner
Chartered Institute of Personnel Management (CIPM), Nigeria, January 2005 - April 2007
Prepare and draft the national examination questions for Public Administration
Assess and mark the papers of the examinations
Review and make recommendations on the performance of theexaminations
Periodical review of the study materials for theexaminations.
Program Facilitator
Chartered Institute of Secretaries and Administrators of Nigeria (ICSAN), June - August 2006
Taught the preparatory class for the Management Professionalexamination
Prepared study materials for the Management class
Facilitator and Examiner
The Institute of Public Administration of Nigeria (IPAN), March and September 2006
Prepared the study materials for the course
Assessed and Mark the papers for Public administration
Assisted with the teaching and preparing of the students for theexaminations
Supervised projects and thesis for students
Office Manager
Cornerstone Financial LLC, December 2013 - Present
Recruit and train new staff
Attend to client and customer relations needs
Engage in correspondence with all stake holders on behalf of theorganization
Prepare budgeting and accounting records for the company
Scheduling of Assist in the create strategic marketing and managementplan
Eugene T. Moore Doctoral Research Assistant
Clemson University, August 2010 - July 2013
Goal Post II Federal grant in collaboration with Clemson University / Century Community Learning
Centers (CCLC) Clemson, SC
Collated, analyzed and evaluated pre-and post-data for programevaluation
4. 4
Prepared research schematics and reports
Organized Community Partnership Initiative to solicit funds for theprogram
Engaged interdisciplinary collaboration and partnership between departments andschool
Coordinated the scheduling of Clemson students in their pre-service teaching assignment
Trained and make presentations at the staff development meetings. Theseinclude
presentations using
Researched multi-media tools, implement goal-setting and familynights
Program Coordinator: Admin/Human Resources
Maranatha Educational Services, March - July 2008
Managed day-to-day operations of the Admin/Human Resourcesdepartment
Oversaw movement schedule of staff and vehicles
Prepared, planned, and coordinated educational field trips
Coordinated the activities between participating the schools and ourstaff
Assisted with planning of special events
Coordinated other departmental activities and events
Collaborated with other departments on clients request
Oversaw and prepared reports and evaluations for every event
Administrator/Human Resource Manager
Bidola Enterprises, Lagos Nigeria, September 1998 - June 2003
Managed daily operations in the Admin/Human Resourcedepartment
Conducted recruitment and Performance Appraisals
Purchased materials and machines
Ensured maintenance and repair of facilities
Maintained records and replied tocorrespondence
Supported Management in Planning and implementation of goals andplans
Conducted orientations and trainings for new employees
Administrator/ Marketing Officer
Rotix Nigeria Limited, Nigeria, January 2004 - October 2005
Recruited new office staff
Handled bookkeeping and other accounting transactions
Purchased and maintained inventory of supplies and equipment
Process and follow-up on clients
Olalere, A. A., De Iulio, E., Aldarbag, A. M., & Erdener, M. A. (2014). The dissertation topic
selection of doctoral students using dynamic network analysis, International Journal of Doctoral
5. 5
Studies, 9, 85-107
Olalere, A.A. (2014). The mediating effects of contextual characteristics on collectivist
dynamics and entity based creativity among faculty in higher education. All dissertations. Paper
Olalere, A. A. (2015). The intersection between complexity dynamics and faculty creativity in
higher education. International Journal of Innovation, Creativity, and Change. Volume 2, Issue
1, May 2015.
Olalere, A. A. (2015) "Complexity and leadership crisis in Africa", International Journal of
Public Leadership, Vol. 11 Iss:3/4, pp.180 191, DOI,
Olalere, A.A. (2016). The Influence of Creativity Inhibitors on Collectivist Dynamics and
Faculty Creativity in Higher Education. Journal of Research Initiative, Volume 2, Issue 2,
Article 8.
Olalere, A. A. (2015). The Influence of Collectivist Dynamics on Faculty Creativity in Higher
Education, Creativity Research Journal (Under Review)
National and International
Olalere, A.A. (2017). How Legacy Admission Policy Deems the Promise of Equal Educational
Opportunity. Being a paper accepted for presentation for the 2017 AERA Annual Meeting, in San
Antonio, Texas.
Olalere, A.A. (2016). Constructing Meanings of Graduate International Students Social and
Academic Perceptions In The United States. Presented at the World Educational Research
Association, April 2016 Focal Meeting In Washington DC
Olalere, A.A. (2016). Leadership Conundrum in Africa and the Emergence of Complexity
Leadership. Accepted as a roundtable presentation at the 39th Annual Conference of the Eastern
Educational Research Association, Hilton Head Island on February, 2016.
Olalere, A. A. (2015). Exploring the connection between complexity and faculty creativity in
higher education. Being a paper presented at the Eastern Education Research Association (EERA)
in Sarasota, Florida, February 2015.
Fuqua, D. N & Olalere, A. A. (2015) Influence of school leadership styles on students academic
achievements. Being a paper presented at the Eastern Education Research Association (EERA) in
Sarasota, Florida, February 2015.
Olalere, A.A. (2014). The Influence of Creativity Inhibitors on Collectivist Dynamics and Faculty
Creativity in Higher Education. Being a paper presented at the Annual Conference of the
International Leadership Association in San Diego California, October 2014.
Olalere, A.A. (2014). The influence of collectivist dynamics on faculty creativity in higher
education. Being a paper presented at the Eastern Academy of Management Conference in Rhode
Island 2014.
Olalere, A.A. (2014). The contextual characteristics of faculty creativity in higher education.
Being a paper presented at the Eastern Education Research Association (EERA) Conference in
Jacksonville, Florida, February 2014.
6. 6
Olalere, A. A. (2013). Complexity and leadership crisis in Africa: The role of the enabling
leadership. Presentation at the International Leadership Association Annual conference 2013,
Montreal Canada.
Olalere, A. A. (2013). Corruption and Education in Africa: An Ethical Challenge. Paper
presented at the Democratic Ethical Educational Leadership Annual Conference 2013,
Philadelphia, PA.
Olalere, A. A. & Mohamed, A. E. (2013). Examining the social and academic perceptions of
graduate international student. Presented at the Eastern Educational Research Association
Annual conference 2013, Sarasota, Florida.
Mehmet, A. E., Olalere, A. A., Lulio, E., & Mohamed, A. E. (2013). The Influences of
Dynamic Networks in Determining Educational Leadership Dissertation Topics. Presented at the
Eastern Educational Research Association Annual Conference 2013, Sarasota, Florida
Olalere, A. A. (2012). Fostering Creativity Through Knowledge Assets and Network Analysis
in Higher Education. Presented at the South Carolina College Personnel Association Annual
conference 2012, Charleston, SC.
Barcelona, R., Fleming, D., Olalere, A. A., & Sangho, P. (2012). Building a Culture of
Evaluation. Presented at the 21st Century Communities Learning Center National Conference
2012, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Quinn, Fleming, Cross, Coffey, Olalere & Durham, (2011). Building family support in an
after-school program: GoalPOST family night. Presented at the 21st Century Communities
Learning Center National Conference 2011, Washington DC.
Microsoft Office: WORD, Excel, Powerpoint
Organization Risk Analyzer (ORA)
SMARTPLS for Structural Equation Model Partial Least Square