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1425 Windwood Crossing,MyrtleBeach, SC 29575 Home: 843-685-5863 Cell:843-685-5863 dodi.hodges@gmail.com
 Revived the Center for Teaching and Learning Center (CeTEAL), now averages 2-3 times the national average for
similar centers
 Created over 150 research-based trainingsessions
 Created 5 certificateprograms and guided the development of 2 additional certificateprograms
 Guided a college through the assessment process for accreditation
 Published articles in peer reviewed journals and co-edited a peer-reviewed book
 Successfully presented at more than 40 international,national and regional conferences
Highly organized Director of professional development, successful at managing people and time. Skilled in delivering
key points of information to a diversegroup of people. Outgoing and dynamically positiveinstructorwith 20+ years of
experience. Offers prompt feedback on trainingassessments,participantbehavior and theoverall effectiveness of each
trainingsession.Expert at raisingemployee and trainingproductivity.
 Intuitivepeople management skills
 30+ years as an instructor ofassessment,teaching
strategies and methods
 Proficient in creatingand maintainingschedules
 Skilled in workingwith people with disabilities
 Instructional technologies knowledge
 Charismatic public speaker
 Creating instruction styles and techniques
 Project management
 Presentations expert
Travel, reading, research,bicycling
Work History
Director, Associate Professor, 08/2007 toPresent
Coastal Carolina University  Conway, SC
 Faculty development: teachingeffectiveness, assessment,online learning, integratingtechnology, research,
developed and hosted annual New Faculty Orientation/Seminars.
 Work collaboratively with 50+ offices/programs from across campus
 Assessed trainingneeds through surveys,interviews with employees,and consultation with managers
 Developed and implemented sessions to engage the learners through activelearning, using strength-based
language, emphasizestrategies and to improvemotivation and learning
 Created an online trainingprogram toassist instructors on how to teach online and assess student learning
 Selected and assigned instructors toconduct trainingseminars
 Extensively trained new and existing employees
 Used a variety of assessment tools and strategies toimprove instruction methods
 Assumed ownership of all trainingprogram initiatives
 Increased average participation to2-3 times thenational average for similar centers
Assessment Coordinator, 08/2010 to 1/2012
Coastal Carolina University  Conway, SC
 Organized and edited assessment reports for the Spadoni College of Education (SCOE) for accreditation
 Instructed faculty on how to writeassessment reports
 Facilitated the revision of the SCOE Assessment Handbook for the Institutional Report,12-person committee
Dodi Julie D. Hodges dodi.hodges@gmail.com 843-685-5863
Page 2 of3
Special Education Program Coordinator, 08/2008 to 08/2010
Coastal Carolina University  Conway, SC
 Selected and assigned instructors toundergraduateand graduate courses
 Doubled the number of students enrolled in the program through marketingcampaign
 Conducted one-on-one tutoringsessions for new employees
 Administered performance reviews toevaluate progress for student learning
 Monitored program effectiveness
 Authored the assessment reports for the program to attain accreditation (new program)
 Directed Project Create, stategrant
Assistant Professor, 08/2002 to07/2007
Bowling Green State University  Bowling Green, Ohio
 Used role playing, simulations,team exercises, group discussions, videos and lectures to instruct participants in a
variety of ways
 Organized trainingfor undergraduateand graduatestudents
 Selected and assigned adjunct instructors toconduct courses on assessment
 Facilitated the develop and implementation of assessment tools to make grading assignments consistent and
 Coordinated special education teacher candidates and graduate assistants schedules with themaster schedule
 Gave one-on-one attention tostudents,while maintainingoverall focus on the entiregroup
Research Associate & Post-doctoral, 09/1997 to 07/2002
Indiana Institute on Disability and Community, Center for Education and Lifelong Learning  Bloomington, Indiana
 Developed and initiated graduatecourses, provided consultations for schools to become more inclusive, Project
Teaming for Inclusive Education (TIE) grant
 Offered research,attention todetail, and organizational problem solvingskills
 Initiated and monitored trainingdocumentation
 Reviewed all documentation for accuracy,quality and compliance
 Assisted in the evaluation of new techniques and procedures for the purpose of product development
 Taught introductory,upper level courses (assessment), and graduatecourses in special education
Research Assistant/Graduate Assistant, 08/1995 to07/1997
Western Michigan University  Kalamazoo, Michigan
 Provided research support in the field of education
 Developed and wroteresearch reports
 Efficiently worked with all associated technology and softwareapplications
 Planned and implemented the first annual conference of integrated technology in the classroom at WMU
 Taught introductory and upper level courses in special education
 Wrotecourse materials such as syllabi,homeworkassignments and handouts
 Served on the Doctoral Program Revision Committee
Consultant, RAP (Michigan Head Start Association), 08/1994 to 08/1995
State of Michigan
 Provided Disabilities Services Coordinators with one-to-onetrainingtoimproveservice provision
 Provided services throughout the stateof Michigan
Disabilities Services/Mental Health Coordinator, 04/1991 to 11/1994
Kalamazoo County Head Start/PrePrimary  Kalamazoo,Michigan
 Assessed trainingneeds through surveys, interviews with employees,focus groups and consultation with
 Extensively trained new and existing employees
 Supervised and coordinated activities for certified teachers and teachers aides during annual trainingseminars
 Managed programs for children with disabilities,attainingand providingservices
 Made strategic decisions regarding future target enrollment,serviceprovision, and diagnostic assessments
Dodi Julie D. Hodges dodi.hodges@gmail.com 843-685-5863
Page 3 of3
 Met with stakeholders and maintained productiverelationships,including administrators and parents in 9 school
 Supervised psychologist(s)and speech therapist(s) to provide special services to be provided for children with
President of the Board, 06/1991 to06/1992
Comstock Cooperative Nursery School  Kalamazoo, Michigan
 Cooperated with parents tosupport student learningand healthy development in school and at home
 Extensively revised the school policy and handbook collaboratively with theSchool Board
 Doubled the enrollment in one year
Group Facilitator, 02/1989 to01/1992
NutriSystem Corporation, Robinson Towne Center  Pittsburgh,Pennsylvania,Howell, Michigan, & Belleville, Illinois
 Employee of the Month Award
Special Education Teacher, Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disabilities, 09/1981 to03/1984
ABCS, Private Residential School  Phoenix, Arizona
 10-18 year-old students
USD 383 Manhattan Public Schools  Manhattan, Kansas
 Kindergarten through Grade Three students,self-contained
 StateAudit results  Requested that my classroom be used as a model classroom for the western part of the state
Ph.D.: Special Education, 2001
Indiana University  Bloomington, Indiana
 Coursework in Special Education with a focus on organizational changethrough curriculum & instruction,
collaboration,and leadership
 Minor in Educational Leadership/Research
 Extensively trained in communication theory and research methods
 Courses in education and organizational psychology
 Leadership management coursework
Master of Science: Educational Leadership-Special Education, 1999
Indiana University  Bloomington, Indiana
 Coursework in educational leadership, collaboration,curriculum &instruction
 Research in teaming, collaboration,special education, school policy, and school law
Bachelor of Science: Special Education  Emotionally Impaired, 1980
Western Michigan University  Kalamazoo, Michigan
 Elementary Education Kindergarten through 8th grade
 Math Education Kindergarten through 9th grade
 Emphasis in Education  Curriculum and Instruction
 Trained in Child Abuse Prevention and Crisis Management
 ACT Semi-Finalist Scholarship Recipient
Affiliationsand Community Involvement
Association for Talent Development (ATD) www.td.org
American Educational Research Association (AERA) www.aera.net
Professional and Organizational Development Network(PODnet) http://podnetwork.org
Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) www.cec.sped.org
Zonta International  FundraisingCommittee, Membership Committee www.zonta.org

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Dodi (Julie D) Hodges Resume

  • 1. DODI JULIE D. HODGES 1425 Windwood Crossing,MyrtleBeach, SC 29575 Home: 843-685-5863 Cell:843-685-5863 dodi.hodges@gmail.com Accomplishments Revived the Center for Teaching and Learning Center (CeTEAL), now averages 2-3 times the national average for similar centers Created over 150 research-based trainingsessions Created 5 certificateprograms and guided the development of 2 additional certificateprograms Guided a college through the assessment process for accreditation Published articles in peer reviewed journals and co-edited a peer-reviewed book Successfully presented at more than 40 international,national and regional conferences ProfessionalSummary Highly organized Director of professional development, successful at managing people and time. Skilled in delivering key points of information to a diversegroup of people. Outgoing and dynamically positiveinstructorwith 20+ years of experience. Offers prompt feedback on trainingassessments,participantbehavior and theoverall effectiveness of each trainingsession.Expert at raisingemployee and trainingproductivity. Skills Intuitivepeople management skills 30+ years as an instructor ofassessment,teaching strategies and methods Proficient in creatingand maintainingschedules Skilled in workingwith people with disabilities Instructional technologies knowledge Charismatic public speaker Creating instruction styles and techniques Project management Presentations expert Interests Travel, reading, research,bicycling Work History Director, Associate Professor, 08/2007 toPresent Coastal Carolina University Conway, SC Faculty development: teachingeffectiveness, assessment,online learning, integratingtechnology, research, developed and hosted annual New Faculty Orientation/Seminars. Work collaboratively with 50+ offices/programs from across campus Assessed trainingneeds through surveys,interviews with employees,and consultation with managers Developed and implemented sessions to engage the learners through activelearning, using strength-based language, emphasizestrategies and to improvemotivation and learning Created an online trainingprogram toassist instructors on how to teach online and assess student learning Selected and assigned instructors toconduct trainingseminars Extensively trained new and existing employees Used a variety of assessment tools and strategies toimprove instruction methods Assumed ownership of all trainingprogram initiatives Increased average participation to2-3 times thenational average for similar centers Assessment Coordinator, 08/2010 to 1/2012 Coastal Carolina University Conway, SC Organized and edited assessment reports for the Spadoni College of Education (SCOE) for accreditation Instructed faculty on how to writeassessment reports Facilitated the revision of the SCOE Assessment Handbook for the Institutional Report,12-person committee
  • 2. Dodi Julie D. Hodges dodi.hodges@gmail.com 843-685-5863 Page 2 of3 Special Education Program Coordinator, 08/2008 to 08/2010 Coastal Carolina University Conway, SC Selected and assigned instructors toundergraduateand graduate courses Doubled the number of students enrolled in the program through marketingcampaign Conducted one-on-one tutoringsessions for new employees Administered performance reviews toevaluate progress for student learning Monitored program effectiveness Authored the assessment reports for the program to attain accreditation (new program) Directed Project Create, stategrant Assistant Professor, 08/2002 to07/2007 Bowling Green State University Bowling Green, Ohio Used role playing, simulations,team exercises, group discussions, videos and lectures to instruct participants in a variety of ways Organized trainingfor undergraduateand graduatestudents Selected and assigned adjunct instructors toconduct courses on assessment Facilitated the develop and implementation of assessment tools to make grading assignments consistent and efficient Coordinated special education teacher candidates and graduate assistants schedules with themaster schedule Gave one-on-one attention tostudents,while maintainingoverall focus on the entiregroup Research Associate & Post-doctoral, 09/1997 to 07/2002 Indiana Institute on Disability and Community, Center for Education and Lifelong Learning Bloomington, Indiana Developed and initiated graduatecourses, provided consultations for schools to become more inclusive, Project Teaming for Inclusive Education (TIE) grant Offered research,attention todetail, and organizational problem solvingskills Initiated and monitored trainingdocumentation Reviewed all documentation for accuracy,quality and compliance Assisted in the evaluation of new techniques and procedures for the purpose of product development Taught introductory,upper level courses (assessment), and graduatecourses in special education Research Assistant/Graduate Assistant, 08/1995 to07/1997 Western Michigan University Kalamazoo, Michigan Provided research support in the field of education Developed and wroteresearch reports Efficiently worked with all associated technology and softwareapplications Planned and implemented the first annual conference of integrated technology in the classroom at WMU Taught introductory and upper level courses in special education Wrotecourse materials such as syllabi,homeworkassignments and handouts Served on the Doctoral Program Revision Committee Consultant, RAP (Michigan Head Start Association), 08/1994 to 08/1995 State of Michigan Provided Disabilities Services Coordinators with one-to-onetrainingtoimproveservice provision Provided services throughout the stateof Michigan Disabilities Services/Mental Health Coordinator, 04/1991 to 11/1994 Kalamazoo County Head Start/PrePrimary Kalamazoo,Michigan Assessed trainingneeds through surveys, interviews with employees,focus groups and consultation with managers Extensively trained new and existing employees Supervised and coordinated activities for certified teachers and teachers aides during annual trainingseminars Managed programs for children with disabilities,attainingand providingservices Made strategic decisions regarding future target enrollment,serviceprovision, and diagnostic assessments
  • 3. Dodi Julie D. Hodges dodi.hodges@gmail.com 843-685-5863 Page 3 of3 Met with stakeholders and maintained productiverelationships,including administrators and parents in 9 school districts Supervised psychologist(s)and speech therapist(s) to provide special services to be provided for children with disabilities President of the Board, 06/1991 to06/1992 Comstock Cooperative Nursery School Kalamazoo, Michigan Cooperated with parents tosupport student learningand healthy development in school and at home Extensively revised the school policy and handbook collaboratively with theSchool Board Doubled the enrollment in one year Group Facilitator, 02/1989 to01/1992 NutriSystem Corporation, Robinson Towne Center Pittsburgh,Pennsylvania,Howell, Michigan, & Belleville, Illinois Corporatetrainer Employee of the Month Award Special Education Teacher, Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disabilities, 09/1981 to03/1984 ABCS, Private Residential School Phoenix, Arizona 10-18 year-old students USD 383 Manhattan Public Schools Manhattan, Kansas Kindergarten through Grade Three students,self-contained StateAudit results Requested that my classroom be used as a model classroom for the western part of the state Education Ph.D.: Special Education, 2001 Indiana University Bloomington, Indiana Coursework in Special Education with a focus on organizational changethrough curriculum & instruction, collaboration,and leadership Minor in Educational Leadership/Research Extensively trained in communication theory and research methods Courses in education and organizational psychology Leadership management coursework Master of Science: Educational Leadership-Special Education, 1999 Indiana University Bloomington, Indiana Coursework in educational leadership, collaboration,curriculum &instruction Research in teaming, collaboration,special education, school policy, and school law Bachelor of Science: Special Education Emotionally Impaired, 1980 Western Michigan University Kalamazoo, Michigan Minors: Elementary Education Kindergarten through 8th grade Math Education Kindergarten through 9th grade Emphasis in Education Curriculum and Instruction Trained in Child Abuse Prevention and Crisis Management ACT Semi-Finalist Scholarship Recipient Affiliationsand Community Involvement Association for Talent Development (ATD) www.td.org American Educational Research Association (AERA) www.aera.net Professional and Organizational Development Network(PODnet) http://podnetwork.org Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) www.cec.sped.org Zonta International FundraisingCommittee, Membership Committee www.zonta.org